Crash45 670
Большая часть NM. Лежали в альбоме
12 ноября 2019
2 ставки(ок)
IvanSereb 300 Санкт-Петербург
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56 FOIL карт из блоков Амонхет и Каладеш на английском без повторов
Список карт:
30 блок каладеш:
Foundry Inspector
Aether Hub
Marionette Master
Pia Nalaar
Release the Gremlins
Confiscation Coup
Peacewalker Colossus
Voltaic Brawler
Freejam Regent
Metalwork Colossus
Lathnu Hellion
Longtusk Cub
Architect of the Untamed
Midnight Entourage
Cultivator of Blades
Wildest Dreams
Maulfist Revolutionary
Territorial Gorger
Pacification Array
Servo Schematic
Brazen Scourge
Wispweaver Angel
Gearshift Ace
Scrapper Champion
Aetherborn Marauder
Ironclad Revolutionary
Ovalchase Daredevil
Weldfast Engineer
Lathnu Sailback
Reverse Engineer
26 блок амонхет:
Hour of Devastation
By Force
Pride Sovereign
Claim // Fame
Abandoned Sarcophagus
Shefet Dunes
Angel of Condemnation
Bounty of the Luxa
Ipnu Rivulet
Apocalypse Demon
Failure // Comply
Glyph Keeper
Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun
Gate to the Afterlife
Faith of the Devoted
Bloodrage Brawler
Trial of Ambition
Spring // Mind
Crook of Condemnation
Renewed Faith
Unconventional Tactics
Sixth Sense
Exemplar of Strength
Trial of Zeal
Desert's Hold
Trial of Solidarity