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13 марта 2020

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black_end_sky 191 Москва

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Все карты на АНГЛИЙСКОМ языке


Spell Swindle
Boneyard Parley
Otepec Huntmaster
Ashes of the Abhorrent
Kumena's Speaker
Goring Ceratops
Vicious Conquistador
Lookout's Dispersal
Favorable Winds
Perilous Voyage
Bishop of the Bloodstained
Dire Fleet Captain
Dinosaur Stampede
Spreading Rot

Блок Битва за Зендикар

Ruinous Path
Deceiver of Form
Ruin in Their Wake
Wall of Resurgence
Meandering River
Prophet of Distortion
Tranquil Expanse
Bone Saw
Baloth Null
Embodiment of Insight
Corpse Churn
Cyclone Sire
Harvester Troll
Ancient Crab
Angelic Gift
Akoum Flameseeker
Loam Larva
Kor Castigator
Swarm Surge

Блок Амонхет

Sandwurm Convergence
Champion of Wits
God-Pharaoh's Gift
Claim // Fame
Hashep Oasis
Bounty of the Luxa
Hour of Glory
Mouth // Feed
Hour of Eternity
Bloodrage Brawler
Jace's Defeat
Renewed Faith
Unconventional Tactics
Trial of Solidarity

Блок Тени над Иннистрадом

Indulgent Aristocrat
Warped Landscape
Grapple with the Past
Cathar's Shield
Niblis of Frost
Wretched Gryff
Identity Thief
Succumb to Temptation
Alchemist's Greeting
Mad Prophet
Exultant Cultist
Swift Spinner
Crow of Dark Tidings
Backwoods Survivalists
Cultist's Staff
Fiend Binder
Make Mischief
Guardian of Pilgrims
Skirsdag Supplicant
Crossroads Consecrator
Spectral Reserves
Stern Constable

Блок Каладеш

Rishkar, Peema Renegade
Harnessed Lightning
Dark Intimations
Pia Nalaar
Lathnu Hellion
Solemn Recruit
Longtusk Cub
Wispweaver Angel
Nature's Way
Aetherborn Marauder
Ghirapur Guide
Ice Over
Mind Rot


Piranha Marsh Zendikar
Goblin Warchief Dominaria
Suncleanser Core Set 2019
Dryad Greenseeker Core Set 2019
Pelakka Wurm Core Set 2019
Wall of Air Tenth Edition
Sunbringer's Touch Dragons of Tarkir
Mogis's Marauder Theros
Goblin Barrage Dominaria
Bloodfell Caves Core Set 2020
Reave Soul Magic Origins
Swift Justice Return to Ravnica
Borderland Minotaur Theros
Fire Elemental Core Set 2020
Moment of Heroism Innistrad
Vastwood Gorger Magic 2013