[Warning!] Альбом, полный разнообразного картония [x567 едениц] [все форматы]


Gihell 274




5 июня 2016

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sacrilegious 106 Москва

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В состав лота входит:

a) Большой альбом (63 листа 3х3 UltraPro)

b) x567 единиц разнообразного картония, пригодного в модерне, стандарте, EDH и легаси (там же обретается некое кол-во коллекционного добра, то как токены и эмблемы)

c) Удобная, влагостойкая сумка - чехол для переноски альбома

P.S. Для пущей сохранности каждая единица картония находиться в протекторе. Отдельные карточки дополнительно помещены в перфект сайз.


Все карты в списке считать RUS NM, если не указано обратного.

Список карт:


Lightning Bolt [m10] x2
Lightning Bolt [m11] x10
Pyretic Ritual (1sp+) [m11] x2
Pyroclasm [m10]
Pyroclasm [m11] x3
Exquisite Firecraft x2 [origins]
Akoum Firebird x5 (1sp) [bfz]
Vile Aggregate x12 (1sp+) [bfz]
Reforge the Soul (1sp+) [art]
Leyline of Punishment (1sp) [m11]
Inferno Titan [m12] (1sp)
Goblin Grenade (1sp) [m12]
Abbot of Keral Keep x2 [origins]
Falkenrath Gorger [soi]
Sin Prodder x3 [soi]
Geier Reach Bandit Vildin-Pack Alpha [soi]
Monastery Swiftspear [ktk]
Ashcloud Phoenix [ktk] eng
Radiant Flames x2 [bfz]
Volcanic Fallout (sp) [Conflux] eng
Goblin Dark-Dwellers x2 [ogw]
Avacyn's Judgment [soi]
Banefire [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Fury of the Horde [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Goblin Warchief [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Krenko, Mob Boss [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Goblin Piledriver [origins]


Angelic Arbiter [m11]
Spirit Mantle [m12] x11 (4sp)
Hallowed Moonlight x2 [origins]
Soulfire Grand Master [frf]
Starfield of Nyx (1sp+) [origins]
Mentor of the Meek (1sp+) [inistrad]
Serra Avatar (1sp) [m13]
Descend upon the Sinful [soi]
Hanweir Militia Captain Westvale Cult Leader x2 [soi]
Linvala, the Preserver [ogw]
Honor of the Pure x2 [m10]
Timely Reinforcements (1sp) [m12]
Lingering Souls (sp+) [Dark Ascension]
Lingering Souls (sp+) [Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt] eng
Lingering Souls x2 (2sp+) [Modern Event Deck] x2 eng
Soul's Attendant x2 (2sp) [Rise of the Eldrazi] x1 eng
Lantern Scout x2 [bfz]
Consul's Lieutenant x4 [origins]
Thalia's Lieutenant [soi]
Bygone Bishop x2 [soi]
Always Watching [soi]
Silence [m14]
Grand Abolisher x2 (2sp) [m12]
Stasis Snare x12 [bfz]
Stone Haven Outfitter [bfz]
Aegis of the Gods [jin]
Nyx-Fleece Ram [jin]
Lone Missionary [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
General Tazri [ogw]


Painful Truths x6 [bfz]
Zulaport Cutthroat x3 [bfz]
Underworld Dreams (sp+) [m10]
Leyline of the Void [m11]
Sanguine Bond [m10]
Hypnotic Specter (sp) [m10]
Captivating Vampire [m11] x2
Inverter of Truth [ogw]
Cemetery Reaper [m10] x2
Viscera Seer x3 (3sp) [m11]
Liliana's Caress x2 (1sp) [m11]
Brutal Hordechief (sp) [frf]
Ghastly Conscription x2 (1sp) [frf]
Risen Executioner [dtk]
Ruinous Path x3 [bfz]
Desecration Demon [rtr]
Wasteland Strangler x3 (1sp+) [bfz]
Bloodline Keeper Lord of Lineage (1sp) [inistrad]
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth x2 (2sp) [m12]
Vengeful Pharaoh x2 [m12] (1sp)
Diregraf Colossus x2 [soi]
Erebos's Titan [origins]
Bloodsoaked Champion x4 (4sp+) [ktk]
Tasigur, the Golden Fang x2 [frf]
Tainted Remedy (sp+) [origins]
To the Slaughter [soi]
Gatekeeper of Malakir [Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt] eng
Asylum Visitor x2 [soi]
Behold the Beyond [soi]
Syphon Sliver [m14]
Rise of the Dark Realms [m14]
Shadowborn Demon [m14]
Smallpox x3 (1sp+)(2sp) [m12]
Go for the Throat (1sp) (1sp+) [mbd]
Infinite Obliteration x2 [origins]
Transgress the Mind x2 (1sp+) [bfz]
Dark Petition [origins]


Retreat to Coralhelm x12 (4sp+) [bfz]
Part the Waterveil x2 (1sp) [bfz]
Traumatize [m11]
Time Reversal [m11]
Leyline of Anticipation [m11]
Time Warp x2 [m10]
Merfolk Sovereign [m10] x3
Merfolk Sovereign [m11]
Fatestitcher (sp+) [sra]
Fabricate (3sp+) [m10] x3
Preordain [m11] x5 (1sp)
Ponder [m12] x3 (3sp)
Torrent Elemental (sp+) [frf]
Whirler Rogue x6 (1sp+) [origins]
Frost Titan [m12] (1sp)
Equilibrium [7th] (1sp+)
Energy Field [us] (1sp+)
Ensoul Artifact (sp) [m15]
Sphinx of the Final Word [ogw]
Sphinx's Tutelage x2 [origins]
Startled Awake Persistent Nightmare [soi]
Day's Undoing [origins]
Delver of Secrets Insectile Aberration x4 (4sp) [inistrad] x1 eng
Temporal Trespass [frf]
Thopter Spy Network [origins]
Swan Song [theros]
Thing in the Ice Awoken Horror x2 [soi]
Galerider Sliver [m14]
Engulf the Shore x4 [soi]
Impulse [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Jace, Unraveler of Secrets [soi]
Jace's Phantasm [m13]


Woodland Bellower (1sp) [origins]
Greenwarden of Murasa x4 (2sp+) [bfz]
Protean Hydra [m11] x3
Elvish Piper [m10] x2
Fauna Shaman [m11] x3
Essence Warden x2 (1sp+) [pcs]
Dungrove Elder [m12]
Birds of Paradise [m10]
Rites of Flourishing (sp+) [m12]
Lurking Predators [m10] x5
Cultivate [m11] x8
Warden of the First Tree [frf]
Avatar of the Resolute x2 [dtk]
Managorger Hydra x2 (1sp) [origins]
The Great Aurora (1sp) [origins]
Hydra Omnivore (1sp+) [Conspiracy]
Hardened Scales (1sp) [ktk]
Whisperwood Elemental [frf]
World Breaker [ogw]
Oath of Nissa x2 [ogw]
Creeping Corrosion eng [mbs]
Primordial Hydra (1sp) [m12]
Manaweft Sliver x4 (4sp+) [m14]
Druid's Call (1sp+) [odyssey]
Seasons Past x2 [soi]
Deathcap Cultivator x4 [soi]
Silverfur Partisan x4 [soi]
Undergrowth Champion x2 [bfz]
Rattleclaw Mystic [ktk]
Polukranos, World Eater [theros]
Become Immense [ktk] eng
Den Protector [dtk]
Ulvenwald Hydra [soi]
Bramblewood Paragon (sp+) [Morningtide] eng
Duskwatch Recruiter Krallenhorde Howler [soi]
Terra Stomper (sp) [m15]
Cryptolith Rite [soi]
Nissa's Renewal [bfz]


Sword of the Animist x3 (2sp+) [origins]
Steel Overseer [m11]
Platinum Angel [m10]
Coat of Arms [m10]
Sword of Vengeance [m11] x2 (1sp)
Quietus Spike (sp) [sra]
Adaptive Automaton (sp) [m12]
Howling Mine (sp+) [m10]
Endless One (1sp+) [bfz]
Void Winnower x2 (2sp+) [bfz]
Ghostfire Blade (sp+) [ktk]
Conduit of Ruin x4 [bfz]
Warping Wail x3 [ogw]
Paradise Mantle (1sp+) [mdm13]
Stoneforge Masterwork (sp) [ogw]
Urza's Incubator [ud] x2 (2sp+)
Kozilek, the Great Distortion [ogw]
Brain in a Jar [soi]
Swiftfoot Boots x2 (2sp) [m12]
Tamiyo's Journal [ogw]
Reality Smasher [ogw]


Omnath, Locus of Rage x6 (1sp) [bfz]
Ashen Rider [theros]
Utter End x2 [ktk]
Stormchaser Mage x4 [ogw]
Brago, King Eternal [conspiracy] eng
Blood Baron of Vizkopa [Dragon's Maze]
Prophet of Kruphix [theros]
Zealous Persecution [Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt] eng
Glissa, the Traitor eng (1sp+) [mbs]
Breaking // Entering (1sp+) [Dragon's Maze]
Rakdos's Return (1sp) [rtr]
Batwing Brume (1sp) [Eventide]
Detention Sphere (1sp+) [rtr]
Glory of Warfare (1sp) [arb]
Bloodbraid Elf (1sp+) [arb]
Anguished Unmaking x2 [soi]
Sire of Stagnation [bfz]
Reflector Mage [ogw]
Thopter Foundry (1sp) [arb]
Slippery Bogle x4 (4sp) [eventide] x3 eng
Underworld Cerberus [theros]
Burning-Tree Emissary (1sp) [Gatecrash]
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim [ogw]
The Gitrog Monster [soi]
Olivia, Mobilized for War [soi]
Sigarda, Heron's Grace [soi]
Fevered Visions x2 [soi]
Prized Amalgam [bfz]
Spectral Procession x2 (2sp) [Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt] eng
Spectral Procession x2 (2sp) [Shadowmoor] 1rus 1eng
Unmake x4 (4sp) [Eventide] eng
Violent Outburst (sp) [arb]
Lightning Helix [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Terminate (sp) [Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt] eng
Ardent Plea x4 (4sp) [arb]


Shrine of the Forsaken Gods x9 [bfz] (1sp+)
Ally Encampment x6 [bfz]
Sanctum of Ugin x7 [bfz]
Mirrorpool x3 [ogw]
Glacial Fortress [m10] x2
Glacial Fortress [m11] x2
Glacial Fortress (sp) [m12]
Glacial Fortress x3 (3sp) [m13]
Drowned Catacomb (sp) [m10]
Dragonskull Summit [m10]
Dragonskull Summit [m11]
Rootbound Crag (sp+) [m10]
Rootbound Crag [m12] x3 (2sp)
Sea Gate Wreckage x3 [ogw]
Wandering Fumarole x2 [ogw]
Canopy Vista x2 [ogw]
Smoldering Marsh (sp) [bfz]
Temple of Abandon [theros]
Prairie Stream [bfz]
Lumbering Falls [bfz]
Choked Estuary x3 [soi]
Drownyard Temple x3 (1sp+) [soi]
Fortified Village x3 [soi]
Foreboding Ruins [soi]
Game Trail x3 [soi]
Corrupted Crossroads [ogw]
Caves of Koilos x4 [origins]
Caves of Koilos [m15] eng
Battlefield Forge (sp+) [m15]
Mystic Monastery x2 [ktk]
Sandsteppe Citadel x6 (2sp+) [ktk] x1 eng
Shambling Vent [bfz]
Mystic Monastery [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] x2 eng
Westvale Abbey Ormendahl, Profane Prince [soi]
Wastes (#183) (Full-Art) [ogw] x4
Wastes (#184) (Full-Art) [ogw] x4

-Коллекционные токены-

[Myr Token] (Player Rewards) Mirrodin (sp+) eng
[Pentavite Token] (Player Rewards) Mirrodin x2 (2sp+) eng
[Beast Token] (Player Rewards) Odyssey (sp+) eng
[Elephant Token] (Player Rewards) Odyssey (sp+) eng
[Bear Token] (Player Rewards) Onslaught x2 (2sp+) eng
[Dragon Token] (Player Rewards) Onslaught x2 (2sp+) eng
[Insect Token] (Player Rewards) Onslaught x2 (2sp+) eng
[Soldier Token] (Player Rewards) Onslaught x2 (2sp+) eng
[Rukh Token] (Player Rewards) 8th Edition x2 (2sp+) eng
[Sliver Token] (Player Rewards) Legions (sp+) eng
[Beast Token] (Player Rewards) Darksteel (sp+) eng
[Demon Token] (Player Rewards) Mirrodin x2 (2sp+) eng
[Spirit Token] (Player Rewards) Champions of Kamigawa x2 (2sp+) eng
[Saproling Token] (Player Rewards) Invasion (sp+) eng
[Angel Token] (Player Rewards) Scourge x2 (2sp+ eng )


[Ob Nixilis Emblem] Battle for Zendikar x6
[Sorin Emblem] Khans of Tarkir x2 (x1 eng)
[Sarkhan Emblem] Khans of Tarkir
[Liliana Emblem] Magic Origins
[Narset Emblem] Dragons of Tarkir
[Gideon Emblem] Battle for Zendikar x7
[Kiora Emblem] Battle for Zendikar x7


Zurgo Helmsmasher (foil) [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Lavinia of the Tenth (foil) (sp) [Dragon's Maze] eng
Arcanis the Omnipotent (foil) [Duel Decks: Speed vs. Cunning] eng
Goblin Warchief (foil) x2 [fnm 2016]
Ankle Shanker (foil) [ktk] eng
Spatial Contortion (foil) [ogw]
Liliana's Indignation (foil) [soi]
Moonlight Hunt (foil) [soi]