Фойловая солянка + Токены CHFB Team + XXL size: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn и Hero of Bladehold - Бл


RaVeN 415




6 октября 2016

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Oleguss 145 Москва

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+50р. за доставку по России заказным письмом.


Банковский перевод Оплата на банковскую карту: Сбербанк или Райффайзен банк.


Размер xXx:
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn (Promo - размерность формата Commander)
1 Hero of Bladehold (Promo - размерность формата Commander)

1 Талия, Катар-Еретик (Buy-a-Box Promo, Foil, Rus)
1 Haunting Echoes (Foil, M11, Eng)
1 Черный Рыцарь (Foil,M11, Rus)
1 Мозгопожиратель (Foil, Alara Reborn, Rus)
1 Призрачный Медведь (Foil, M12, Rus)
1 Полчище Упырей (Foil, Future Sight, Rus)
1 Гадкая Пиявка (Foil, Alara Reborn, Rus)
1 Kor Firewalker (Foil, WPN, Eng)
1 Ancient Grudge (Foil, FNM, Japan)
1 Twisted Abomination (Foil, PDS: Graveborn, Eng)
1 Duress (Foil, PDS: Graveborn, Eng)
1 Despise (Foil, FNM, Eng)
1 Wall of Roots (Foil, FNM, Eng)
1 Gather the Townsfolk (Foil, WPN, Eng)
1 Pillar of Flame (Foil, FNM, Eng)
1 Festering Goblin (Foil, Onslaught, Eng)
1 Fiery Temper (Foil, Torment, Eng)
1 Bump in the Night (Foil, Innistrad, Eng)
1 Volcanic Hammer (Foil, 9th Edition, Eng)
1 Combust (Foil, M12, Eng)
1 Corrupt (Foil, M11, Eng)
1 Deathmark (Foil, M11, Eng)
1 Vulshok Refugee (Foil, New Phyrexia, Eng)
1 Hooting Mandrills (Foil, Khans of Tarkir, Eng)
1 Traitorous Blood (Foil, Innistrad, Eng)
1 Mind Rot (Foil, M12, Eng)
1 Feral Animist (Foil, Guildpact, Eng)
1 Witch's Familiar (Foil, M15, Eng)
1 Bloated Toad (Foil, Urza's Legacy, Eng)

Magic Player Rewards: TextLess FullArt (Eng)
1 Celestial Purge
1 Brave the Elements
1 Incinerate
1 Burst Lightning

ChannelFireBall Team tokens (Foil):
1 Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
1 Owen Turtenwald
1 Elesh V
1 Martin Juza
1 Conley Woods
1 Travis Woo
1 Josh Utter-Leyton
1 David Ochoa
1 Luis Scott-Vargas