orrick 189
24 ноября 2023
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Old Man Willow
Ground, the Gatebreaker
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Stew the Coneys
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Iorerh of the Healing House
Erkenbrand, Lord of Westfold
Eomer of the Riddermark
Ent-Draught Basin
Mirror of Galadriel
Generous Ent
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Ent's Fury
Mirkwood Spider
Galadhrim Bow
Gimli's Axe
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Warbeast of Gorgoroth
Bewitching Leechcraft
Capitan of Umbar
Grey Havens Navigator
Slip On the Ring
Banish from Edoras
Hobbit's Sting
Second Breakfast
Protector of Gondor
Westfold Riders
Mordor Trebuchet
Nasty End
Mordor Muster
Great Hall of the Citadel