Gavriil 249
12 декабря 2018
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Возможна встреча в Москве в пределах Кольцевой линии метро.
Наличные Банковская карта
Переводом на карту Сбербанк или наличными при встрече.
Состояние карт варьируется. Полный список:
Champions of Kamigawa:
Blessed Breath x4
Cage of Hands x2
Call to Glory x2
Devoted Retainer x2
Ethereal Haze
Hundred-Talon Kami
Indomitable Will x2
Innocence Kami
Kabuto Moth x3
Kami of Ancient Law
Kami of Old Stone x3
Kami of the Palace Fields x2
Kitsune Blademaster x2
Lantern Kami (MP)
Masako the Humorless (MP)
Mothrider Samurai x2
Pious Kitsune
Quiet Purity x2
Samurai of the Pale Curtain (MP)
Silent-Chant Zubera x2
Terashi's Cry x2
Consuming Vortex x4
Counsel of the Soratami x4
Psychic Puppetry
River Kaijin x2
Sift Through Sands x3
Thoughtbind x4
Ashen-Skin Zubera x2
Devouring Greed x2
Kami of the Waning Moon
Midnight Covenant x3
Nezumi Cutthroat
Nezumi Ronin x4
Pull Under
Rag Dealer
Rend Flesh x4
Scuttling Death x3
Soulless Revival
Thief of Hope
Villainous Ogre
Waking Nightmare x3
Wicked Akuba
Battle-Mad Ronin x4
Frostwielder x2
Hearth Kami x3
Ronin Houndmaster x3
Uncontrollable Anger
Unearthly Blizzard x3
Yamabushi's Flame x4
Budoka Gardener // Dokai, Weaver of Life
Burr Grafter x3
Commune with Nature
Feast of Worms x3
Gale Force
Humble Budoka x2
Joyous Respite
Kodama's Might x2
Moss Kami x2
Orbweaver Kumo x3
Order of the Sacred Bell x2
Orochi Eggwatcher // Shidako, Broodmistress
Orochi Ranger
Serpent Skin x4
Sosuke, Son of Seshiro
Strength of Cedars
Thousand-Legged Kami x3
Wear Away x4
Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang
Tenza, Godo's Maul
Betrayers of Kamigawa:
Genju of the Fields
Hundred-Talon Strike x2
Split-Tail Miko
Takeno's Cavalry
Terashi's Grasp
Minamo Sightbender
Toils of Night and Day
Veil of Secrecy
Bile Urchin x2
Horobi's Whisper x4
Nezumi Shadow-Watcher
Scourge of Numai
Stir the Grave
Akki Blizzard-Herder x2
Frost Ogre
Torrent of Stone
Child of Thorns
Genju of the Cedars
Gnarled Mass x2
Mark of Sakiko
Petalmane Baku
Scaled Hulk
Traproot Kami x2
Blinding Powder
Shuko x2
Saviors of Kamigawa:
Aether Shockwave
Araba Mothrider
Cowed by Wisdom
Curtain of Light x4
Ghost-Lit Redeemer
Hail of Arrows
Kitsune Bonesetter x2
Kitsune Loreweaver x2
Moonwing Moth
Plow Through Reito
Spiritual Visit
Torii Watchward
Cut the Earthly Bond x4
Murmurs from Beyond
Oboro Breezecaller
Deathknell Kami
Exile into Darkness
Gnat Miser
Kami of Empty Graves
Kuro's Taken
Maga, Traitor to Mortals
Barrel Down Sokenzan
Gaze of Adamaro
Path of Anger's Flame x2
Ronin Cavekeeper x3
Shinen of Fury's Fire
Sokenzan Spellblade
Molting Skin
Nightsoil Kami x3
Okina Nightwatch
Promised Kannushi x2
Rending Vines