Рак-отшельник Опубликовано: 23 сентября 2017 Поделиться Опубликовано: 23 сентября 2017 Event #: 2287Time: 23.09.2017 8:35:40Players: BluteDooble adamjm IeatManGo oosunq newdayzzz hoopyfrood2--> Kuvalda loiclulu--: Champion of Wits--: Champion of Wits--: Champion of Wits------ HOU ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Scrounger of Souls Puncturing Blow--> Champion of Wits Desert of the Mindful Desert of the Indomitable Without Weakness Defiant Khenra Cunning Survivor Frilled Sandwalla Marauding Boneslasher Banewhip Punisher Quarry Beetle Sand Strangler Bontu's Last Reckoning Plains--: Hour of Revelation--: Hour of Revelation--: Hour of RevelationPack 1 pick 2: Firebrand Archer Moaning Wall Gift of Strength Desert of the Fervent Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Graven Abomination Sandblast Khenra Eternal Oasis Ritualist Unquenchable Thirst Unconventional Tactics Overcome--> Hour of Revelation Mountain--: Solemnity--: Gideon's Defeat--: Bitterbow Sharpshooters--: Bloodwater Entity--: Bloodwater EntityPack 1 pick 3: Grisly Survivor Thorned Moloch Sidewinder Naga Life Goes On Bitterbow Sharpshooters Mummy Paramount Granitic Titan Oketra's Avenger Gideon's Defeat--> Bloodwater Entity Chandra's Defeat Solemnity Swamp--: Reason/Believe--: Saving Grace--: Saving GracePack 1 pick 4: Khenra Eternal God-Pharaoh's Faithful Thorned Moloch Carrion Screecher Lethal Sting Proven Combatant Bitterbow Sharpshooters Desert of the Indomitable Marauding Boneslasher--> Saving Grace Reason/Believe Plains--: Mummy Paramount--: Dagger of the Worthy--: Dagger of the WorthyPack 1 pick 5: Mummy Paramount Life Goes On Firebrand Archer Granitic Titan Kindled Fury Khenra Scrapper Seer of the Last Tomorrow Aven of Enduring Hope Tragic Lesson--> Dagger of the Worthy Island--: Cunning Survivor--: Spellweaver Eternal--: Spellweaver EternalPack 1 pick 6: Cunning Survivor Swamp Disposal Mummy--> Spellweaver Eternal Life Goes On Striped Riverwinder Harrier Naga Marauding Boneslasher Ipnu Rivulet Swamp--: Kindled Fury--: Granitic Titan--: Granitic TitanPack 1 pick 7: Kindled Fury Carrion Screecher--> Granitic Titan Without Weakness Frilled Sandwalla Grisly Survivor Defiant Khenra Unconventional Tactics Swamp--: Sidewinder Naga--: Crash Through--: Crash ThroughPack 1 pick 8: Sidewinder Naga Frilled Sandwalla Proven Combatant Scrounger of Souls Solitary Camel--> Crash Through Gideon's Defeat Mountain--: Scrounger of Souls--: Cunning Survivor--: Defiant Khenra--: Defiant KhenraPack 1 pick 9: Scrounger of Souls Without Weakness--> Defiant Khenra Cunning Survivor Frilled Sandwalla Marauding Boneslasher Plains--: Moaning Wall--: Sandblast--: SandblastPack 1 pick 10: Moaning Wall Graven Abomination--> Sandblast Khenra Eternal Unconventional Tactics Mountain--: Grisly Survivor--: Granitic TitanPack 1 pick 11: Grisly Survivor--> Granitic Titan Gideon's Defeat Chandra's Defeat Swamp--: Carrion Screecher--: Proven Combatant--: Proven CombatantPack 1 pick 12: Carrion Screecher--> Proven Combatant Marauding Boneslasher Plains--: Life Goes On--: Granitic TitanPack 1 pick 13: Life Goes On--> Granitic Titan Island--: Life Goes On--: Life Goes On--: Life Goes OnPack 1 pick 14:--> Life Goes On Swamp--: Swamp--: Swamp--: SwampPack 1 pick 15:--> Swamp--: Torment of Hailfire--: Puncturing Blow------ HOU ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Khenra Eternal Aven Reedstalker God-Pharaoh's Faithful Survivors' Encampment Ambuscade Countervailing Winds Ruin Rat Disposal Mummy--> Puncturing Blow Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs Obelisk Spider Tenacious Hunter Imaginary Threats Torment of Hailfire Swamp--: Disposal Mummy--: Striped Riverwinder--: Mummy Paramount--: Frontline Devastator--: Dauntless Aven--: Vizier of the Anointed--: Vizier of the AnointedPack 2 pick 2: Disposal Mummy Defiant Khenra Without Weakness Mummy Paramount Striped Riverwinder Ambuscade Frontline Devastator Desert of the Indomitable Strategic Planning Dauntless Aven Unconventional Tactics Sifter Wurm--> Vizier of the Anointed Forest--: Without Weakness--: Supreme Will--: Traveler's Amulet--: Traveler's AmuletPack 2 pick 3: Without Weakness Frontline Devastator Rampaging Hippo Striped Riverwinder Disposal Mummy Lurching Rotbeast Manalith--> Traveler's Amulet Kindled Fury Supreme Will Vile Manifestation Quarry Beetle Island--: Striped Riverwinder--: Gilded Cerodon--: Striped Riverwinder--: Striped RiverwinderPack 2 pick 4:--> Striped Riverwinder Gift of Strength Blur of Blades Tragic Lesson Gilded Cerodon Act of Heroism Solitary Camel Marauding Boneslasher Life Goes On Dune Diviner Doomfall Forest--: Lethal Sting--: Desert's Hold--: Desert's HoldPack 2 pick 5: Lethal Sting Mummy Paramount Kindled Fury Dauntless Aven Solitary Camel Life Goes On Strategic Planning Desert of the Glorified Ipnu Rivulet--> Desert's Hold Plains--: Gilded Cerodon--: Sunset Pyramid--: Sunset PyramidPack 2 pick 6: Gilded Cerodon Cunning Survivor Blur of Blades Oketra's Avenger Moaning Wall Seer of the Last Tomorrow Harrier Naga Crook of Condemnation--> Sunset Pyramid Swamp--: Steadfast Sentinel--: Steadfast Sentinel--: Steadfast SentinelPack 2 pick 7:--> Steadfast Sentinel Blur of Blades Carrion Screecher Grisly Survivor Solitary Camel Gift of Strength Survivors' Encampment Chandra's Defeat Forest--: Djeru, With Eyes Open--: Resolute Survivors--: Resolute SurvivorsPack 2 pick 8: Lurching Rotbeast God-Pharaoh's Faithful Lethal Sting Manalith Crypt of the Eternals--> Resolute Survivors Djeru, With Eyes Open Forest--: Khenra Eternal--: Survivors' Encampment--: Survivors' EncampmentPack 2 pick 9: Khenra Eternal God-Pharaoh's Faithful--> Survivors' Encampment Ruin Rat Disposal Mummy Imaginary Threats Swamp--: Disposal Mummy--: Mummy Paramount--: Mummy ParamountPack 2 pick 10: Disposal Mummy Defiant Khenra Without Weakness--> Mummy Paramount Unconventional Tactics Forest--: Without Weakness--: Kindled Fury--: Kindled FuryPack 2 pick 11: Without Weakness Disposal Mummy Lurching Rotbeast--> Kindled Fury Island--: Act of Heroism--: Act of Heroism--: Act of HeroismPack 2 pick 12:--> Act of Heroism Marauding Boneslasher Life Goes On Forest--: Mummy Paramount--: Mummy Paramount--: Mummy ParamountPack 2 pick 13:--> Mummy Paramount Life Goes On Plains--: Moaning Wall--: Moaning Wall--: Moaning WallPack 2 pick 14:--> Moaning Wall Swamp--: Forest--: Forest--: ForestPack 2 pick 15:--> Forest--: Channeler Initiate--: Electrify--: Electrify------ AKH ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Binding Mummy Wasteland Scorpion Final Reward Gift of Paradise Honed Khopesh--> Electrify Unburden Cancel Soulstinger Sparring Mummy Lay Bare the Heart Renewed Faith Merciless Javelineer Channeler Initiate Forest--: Honed Khopesh--: Emberhorn Minotaur--: Emberhorn MinotaurPack 3 pick 2: Honed Khopesh Pitiless Vizier Spidery Grasp--> Emberhorn Minotaur Soulstinger Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Dissenter's Deliverance Haze of Pollen Slither Blade Unburden Shadowstorm Vizier Open into Wonder Gravedigger Island--: Anointed Procession--: Battlefield Scavenger--: Fan Bearer--: Fan BearerPack 3 pick 3: Compelling Argument Miasmic Mummy Slither Blade--> Fan Bearer Blighted Bat Haze of Pollen Djeru's Resolve Initiate's Companion Nest of Scarabs Gate to the Afterlife Battlefield Scavenger Anointed Procession Island--: Naga Vitalist--: Supply CaravanPack 3 pick 4: Naga Vitalist Hyena Pack Supernatural Stamina Ancient Crab Greater Sandwurm Sparring Mummy Final Reward--> Supply Caravan River Serpent Destined/Lead Vizier of Deferment Mountain--: Shadow of the Grave--: Shimmerscale Drake--: Shimmerscale DrakePack 3 pick 5: Gift of Paradise Soulstinger Brute Strength--> Shimmerscale Drake Pathmaker Initiate Giant Spider Luxa River Shrine Pouncing Cheetah Bontu's Monument Shadow of the Grave Plains--: Oashra Cultivator--: Seraph of the Suns--: Seraph of the SunsPack 3 pick 6: Oashra Cultivator Naga Oracle Nimble-Blade Khenra Cradle of the Accursed Scarab Feast Naga Vitalist Honed Khopesh Limits of Solidarity--> Seraph of the Suns Swamp--: Winged Shepherd--: Winged Shepherd--: Winged ShepherdPack 3 pick 7:--> Winged Shepherd Sacred Cat Trespasser's Curse Blighted Bat Rhet-Crop Spearmaster Minotaur Sureshot Ornery Kudu Time to Reflect Island--: Blighted Bat--: Unwavering Initiate--: Unwavering InitiatePack 3 pick 8: Blighted Bat Dissenter's Deliverance--> Unwavering Initiate Ancient Crab Bloodlust Inciter Merciless Javelineer Enigma Drake Island--: Wasteland Scorpion--: Honed Khopesh--: Honed KhopeshPack 3 pick 9: Wasteland Scorpion--> Honed Khopesh Soulstinger Sparring Mummy Lay Bare the Heart Renewed Faith Forest--: Pitiless Vizier--: Spidery Grasp--: Spidery GraspPack 3 pick 10: Pitiless Vizier--> Spidery Grasp Haze of Pollen Slither Blade Unburden Island--: Miasmic Mummy--: Haze of Pollen--: Haze of PollenPack 3 pick 11: Miasmic Mummy Blighted Bat--> Haze of Pollen Gate to the Afterlife Island--: Hyena Pack--: Hyena Pack--: Hyena PackPack 3 pick 12:--> Hyena Pack Supernatural Stamina Ancient Crab Mountain--: Luxa River Shrine--: Bontu's Monument--: Bontu's MonumentPack 3 pick 13: Luxa River Shrine--> Bontu's Monument Plains--: Honed Khopesh--: Honed Khopesh--: Honed KhopeshPack 3 pick 14:--> Honed Khopesh Swamp--: Island--: Island--: IslandPack 3 pick 15:--> Island 1 1 Наверх Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на других сайтах More sharing options...
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