Константин Бурбаев Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2022 Поделиться Опубликовано: 8 ноября 2022 (изменено) Добро пожаловать в мою торговую тему! Если в списке нет нужной карты - уточняйте наличие. Тема будет пополняться! 1) Все указанные карты в состоянии NM, если в скобках не указано иное (SP - simply played, PL - played и т.д.). Фото - по запросу. 2) Язык всех продаваемых в теме карт указан. 3) Минимального заказа нет. При хорошем объеме покупки – скидка. 4) Стоимость доставки почтой по РФ заказным письмом - 100р. (пластиковый пакет, качественная упаковка). Иные способы доставки, а также отправка в другие страны оговаривается отдельно. При сумме заказа от 5000р. доставка по России заказным письмом за мой счет. 5) В наличии имеется ОГРОМНОЕ количество карт как старых, так и новых изданий. Выложить все не представляется возможным, поэтому смело спрашивайте, если нужно что-то. 6) Все цены указаны за 1 штуку* *если цена на карту кажется неадекватной, а такое вполне может быть, пишите - договоримся! Innistrad Remastered (INR) пополняется (уточняйте наличие нужных Вам карт): 1 Edgar Markov (INR) Showcase FOIL 7500 2 Edgar Markov (INR) Showcase 6500 1 Edgar Markov (INR) RETRO 6000 1 Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord (INR) RETRO 750 1 Bloodtithe Harvester (INR) RETRO 90 1 Bloodline Keeper // Lord of Lineage (INR) Showcase FOIL 850 1 Bloodline Keeper // Lord of Lineage (INR) Showcase 700 1 Craterhoof Behemoth (INR) RETRO 4500 1 Cultivator Colossus (INR) Borderless 1200 1 Duskwatch Recruiter // Krallenhorde Howler (INR) RETRO FOIL 650 1 Gisela, the Broken Blade (INR) FOIL 3300 1 Hermit Druid (INR) POSTER ART (#488) 1500 1 Hopeful Initiate (INR) FOIL 90 1 Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells (INR) Showcase 110 1 Huntmaster of the Fells // Ravager of the Fells (INR) RETRO FOIL 500 2 Snapcaster Mage (INR) (#478) RETRO 2500 1 Thalia, Heretic Cathar (INR) Borderless FOIL 350 1 The Gitrog Monster (INR) POSTER ART (#489) FOIL 3500 1 Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror (INR) RETRO FOIL 550 1 Eldritch Evolution (INR) RETRO 250 1 Memory Deluge (INR) RETRO FOIL 450 1 Through the Breach (INR) RETRO FOIL 650 1 Through the Breach (INR) POSTER ART (#487) FOIL 1300 1 Cathars' Crusade (INR) RETRO FOIL 650 1 Cathars' Crusade (INR) POSTER ART (#483) 1900 1 Necroduality (INR) RETRO FOIL 1500 2 The Meathook Massacre (INR) RETRO FOIL 6500 1 The Meathook Massacre (INR) POSTER ART (#486) FOIL 7500 3 Westvale Abbey // Ormendahl, Profane Prince (INR) RETRO FOIL 550 2 Vanquish the Horde (INR) Borderless FOIL 600 1 Mausoleum Wanderer (INR) Borderless FOIL 450 2 Cryptolith Rite (INR) RETRO FOIL 750 1 Traverse the Ulvenwald (INR) RETRO FOIL 250 1 Bloodtithe Harvester (INR) RETRO FOIL 450 1 Infernal Grasp (INR) Borderless FOIL 550 1 Young Wolf (INR) Borderless FOIL 390 1 Infernal Grasp (INR) Borderless 250 1 Rooftop Storm (INR) Borderless FOIL 500 1 Restoration Angel (INR) Borderless FOIL 230 2 Cultivator Colossus (INR) FOIL 900 1 Galvanic Iteration (INR) RETRO FOIL 150 1 Killing Wave (INR) RETRO FOIL 390 1 Travel Preparations (INR) RETRO FOIL 100 1 Ghoultree (INR) RETRO FOIL 250 1 Slayer of the Wicked (INR) RETRO FOIL 90 1 Gravecrawler (INR) RETRO FOIL 750 1 Crawl from the Cellar (INR) RETRO FOIL 90 1 Angelic Purge (INR) RETRO FOIL 90 1 Butcher Ghoul (INR) RETRO FOIL 130 1 Ecstatic Awakener // Awoken Demon (INR) RETRO FOIL 130 1 Cryptolith Rite (INR) RETRO FOIL 750 2 Hullbreaker Horror (INR) Borderless 600 1 Hopeful Initiate (INR) RETRO FOIL 300 1 Tragic Slip (INR) RETRO FOIL 150 3 Young Wolf (INR) RETRO 90 1 Laboratory Maniac (INR) RETRO 200 1 Necroduality (INR) RETRO 1300 1 Mass Hysteria (INR) RETRO 230 1 Thalia, Heretic Cathar (INR) RETRO 200 1 Mausoleum Wanderer (INR) RETRO 200 1 Thing in the Ice // Awoken Horror (INR) RETRO 200 Bloomburrow (ENG) пополняется (уточняйте наличие нужных Вам карт): Three Tree City BLB 2500 Valley Floodcaller BLB Showcase 550 Kastral, the Windcrested BLB Showcase 150 Tender Wildguide BLB Showcase 290 Portent of Calamity BLB Showcase 150 Whiskervale Forerunner BLB Showcase 250 Clement, the Worrywort BLB Showcase 130 Baylen, the Haymaker BLB FOIL 490 For the Common Good BLB Showcase 290 Warren Warleader BLB 590 Warren Warleader BLB FOIL 690 Finneas, Ace Archer BLB FOIL 90 Alania, Divergent Storm BLB FOIL 150 Wishing Well BLB FOIL 90 Lunar Convocation BLB Extended 150 Whiskervale Forerunner BLB 100 Sunspine Lynx BLB 300 Muerra, Trash Tactician BLB 100 Dreamdew Entrancer BLB 90 Vren, the Relentless BLB 150 Dour Port-Mage BLB 300 Scrapshooter BLB 250 Hearthborn Battler BLB 100 Alania, Divergent Storm BLB 100 1 Bandit's Talent BLB 50 Marrow-Gnawer BLC Borderless 890 Kwain, Itinerant Meddler BLC FOIL 190 Prosperous Bandit BLC Extended 190 Tempt with Bunnies BLC Extended 190 Communal Brewing BLC Extended 270 Baleful Strix BLC Borderless 490 Zinnia, Valley's Voice BLC Borderless 300 Evercoat Ursine BLC Extended 90 Perch Protection BLC Extended 290 Gilded Goose BLC Borderless 290 Calamity of Cinders BLC Extended 90 Modern Horizons 3 (ENG)пополняется(уточняйте наличие нужных Вам карт): Solitude MH3 Retro Frame FOIL 3500 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet MH3 FOIL 100 Crabomination MH3 FOIL 100 Ugin's Labyrinth MH3 Borderless 4900 Emrakul, the World Anew MH3 Retro Frame 3500 Emerald Medallion MH3 Borderless 600 Aggressive Biomancy M3C Extended 90 Gluttonous Hellkite M3C Extended 100 Trenchpost M3C Extended 150 Salvation Colossus M3C Extended 90 Cayth, Famed Mechanist M3C Extended 100 Filigree Racer M3C Extended 50 Amphibian Downpour MH3 Extended 150 Dreamtide Whale MH3 Extended 150 Crabomination MH3 Extended 50 Argent Dais MH3 FOIL 100 Primal Prayers MH3 Retro 150 Unholy Heat MH2 FOIL Retro 130 Outlaws of Thunder Junction (ENG): Transmutation Font BIG FOIL 500 Territory Forge BIG 300 Double Down OTJ 350 Malcolm, the Eyes OTJ FOIL 100 Pitiless Carnage OTJ FOIL 100 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher OTJ 50 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter OTJ Extended 200 Ornery Tumblewagg OTJ 50 Calamity, Galloping Inferno OTJ 75 Step Between Worlds OTJ 70 One Last Job OTJ 70 The Prosperity(Breaking News): Pariah OTP (Breaking News) FOIL 300 Journey to Nowhere OTP (Breaking News) FOIL 300 Void Rend OTP (Breaking News) 190 Voidslime OTP (Breaking News) 100 Primal Might 100 OTP (Breaking News) Electrodominance 100 OTP (Breaking News) Villainous Wealth OTP (Breaking News) 100 Fell the Mighty OTP (Breaking News) 100 Decimate OTP (Breaking News) 100 Humiliate OTP (Breaking News) 50 2x Ride Down OTP (Breaking News) 50 Fierce Retribution OTP (Breaking News) 50 Skewer the Critics OTP (Breaking News) 100 2x Thornado OTP (Breaking News) 50 Terminal Agony OTP (Breaking News) 50 Tyrant's Scorn OTP (Breaking News) 50 Buried in the Garden OTP (Breaking News) 50 Fling OTP (Breaking News) 50 Repulse OTP (Breaking News) 50 Journey to Nowhere OTP (Breaking News) 200 Savage Smash OTP (Breaking News) 50 Back for More OTP (Breaking News) 50 Hindering Light OTP (Breaking News) 50 Heartless Pillage OTP (Breaking News) 50 Decisive Denial OTP (Breaking News) 50 2x Essence Capture OTP (Breaking News) 50 2x Murder OTP (Breaking News) 50 Clear Shot OTP (Breaking News) 50 Hypothesizzle OTP (Breaking News) 50 Murders at Karlov Manor (ENG) пополняется(уточняйте наличие нужных Вам карт): Insidious Roots MKM Showcase FOIL 700 Blood Spatter Analysis MKM Extended FOIL 110 Agrus Kos, Spirit of Justice MKM FOIL 250 Relive the Past MKM FOIL 90 Ezrim, Agency Chief MKM Showcase FOIL 150 Anzrag's Rampage MKM Showcase FOIL 250 Vannifar, Evolved Enigma MKM Showcase 350 Audience with Trostani MKM Showcase 50 Homicide Investigator MKM Showcase 55 Officious Interrogation MKM Showcase 55 Reenact the Crime MKM Showcase 330 Lamplight Phoenix MKM Extended 90 Lamplight Phoenix MKM 50 Hide in Plain Sight MKM Extended FOIL 90 Coveted Falcon MKM Extended 90 Ill-Timed Explosion MKM Extended 90 Coveted Falcon MKM FOIL 90 Illicit Masquerade MKM Extended 250 Barbed Servitor MKM Extended 130 Cryptex MKM FOIL 100 Blood Spatter Analysis MKM Extended 100 Axebane Ferox MKM Extended 70 Relive the Past MKM Extended 50 Demand Answers MKM Showcase FOIL 250 Unexplained Absence MKC Extended 600 Foreboding Steamboat MKC Extended 150 Panoptic Projektor MKC Extended 100 Detective of the Month MKC Extended 90 Ravnica Remastered (ENG) пополняется(уточняйте наличие нужных Вам карт) 1x Blood Crypt RVR Borderless 2300 Godless Shrine RVR Retro 1600 Sword of the Paruns RVR Retro 70 Master of Cruelties RVR FOIL 350 2x Lavinia, Azorius Renegade RVR Retro FOIL 250 2x Chromatic Lantern RVR FOIL 300 Expansion//Explosion RVR FOIL 100 Seal of the Guildpact RVR Retro 70 2x Find//Finality RVR FOIL 90 2x Copy Enchantment RVR Retro FOIL 250 Stitch in Time RVR Retro 90 2x Pithing Needle RVR Retro FOIL 500 Voidslime RVR FOIL 100 2x Blind Obedience RVR Retro 190 1x Mindleech Mass RVR Retro 70 3x Yeva, Nature's Herald RVR FOIL 150 Quasiduplicate RVR FOIL 90 1x Pithing Needle RVR Retro 250 2x Response//Resurgence RVR FOIL 90 1x Priest of Forgotten Gods RVR FOIL 250 1x Spark Double RVR ANIME 800 Voidslime RVR Retro 100 Crypt Ghast RVR Retro FOIL 1100 1x Guardian Project RVR Borderless ANIME FOIL 2900 1x Hellkite Tyrant RVR Borderless ANIME 700 1x Lord of the Void RVR Borderless ANIME 900 1x Prime Speaker Zegana RVR Borderless ANIME 300 1x Tomik, Distinguished Advokist RVR Borderless ANIME 190 Tolsimir Wolfblood RVR FOIL 130 1x Chord of Calling RVR FOIL 500 2x Kaya, Orzhov Usurper RVR FOIL 250 (комплект+) Domri Rade Emblem RVR FOIL #0020 50 Niv-Mizzet, Parun RVR Retro FOIL 550 Tajic, Legion's Edge RVR Retro Foil 190 Enter the Infinite RVR Retro 500 Utvara Hellkite RVR Retro 900 Pariah's Shield RVR Retro 150 2x Cindervines RVR Retro FOIL 150 Legion Warboss RVR Retro 90 2x Mizzix's Mastery RVR Retro FOIL 370 Bottled Cloister RVR Retro FOIL 90 Midnight Reaper RVR FOIL 90 Connive//Concoct RVR FOIL 90 Cindervines RVR Retro 50 1x Ilharg, the Raze-Boar RVR Borderless ANIME 500 Rest in Peace RVR Retro 390 Cyclonic Rift RVR Retro 3500 Dark Confidant RVR Retro FOIL 2500 2x Crypt Ghast RVR Retro 700 Legion Warboss RVR FOIL 100 Repudiate//Replicate RVR FOIL 100 Rakdos, Lord of Riots RVR FOIL 200 Crypt Ghast RVR FOIL 800 2x Voidslime RVR Retro FOIL 350 Sphinx's Revelation RVR Retro 200 Infernal Tutor RVR Retro FOIL 900 Chromatic Lantern RVR Borderless ANIME 650 Bruvac the Grandiloquent RVR Retro 2500 Ghostway RVR FOIL 250 Rakdos, Lord of Riots RVR Retro 150 Teysa, Orzhov Scion RvR Retro FOIL 550 Divine Visitation RVR FOIL 750 Dreadbore RVR Retro FOIL 550 Prime Speaker Zegana RVR FOIL 100 Cloudstone Curio RVR FOIL 1300 Spark Double RVR FOIL 700 Guardian Project RVR FOIL 1300 Legion Warboss RVR Retro FOIL 190 2x Rakdos, Lord of Riots RVR Retro FOIL 270 1x Pack Rat RVR Retro 250 Maze's End RVR Retro 400 Enter the Infinite RVR Retro FOIL 700 2x Fblthp, the Lost RVR ANIME 150 Hellkite Tyrant RVR FOIL 600 Master of Cruelties RVR Retro FOIL 350 Chromatic Lantern RVR Retro 370 Sword of the Paruns RVR FOIL 200 Sphinx's Revelation RVR Retro FOIL 250 Borborygmos Enraged Retro FOIL 150 Lazav, the Multifarious RVR FOIL 100 Dreadbore RVR FOIL 250 Infernal Tutor RVR Retro 300 Niv-Mizzet, Parun RVR Retro 250 Spark Double RVR Retro 500 Utopia Sprawl RVR Retro FOIL 750 Mayhem Devil RVR Retro FOIL 750 Crackling Drake RVR Retro FOIL 300 Krenko, Mob Boss RVR Retro Foil 690 Farseek RVR Retro FOIL 450 Narcomoeba RVR Retro FOIL 450 3x Persistent Petitioners RVR Retro FOIL 300 1x Sphere of Safety RVR Retro Foil 500 3x Muddle the Mixture RVR FOIL 190 Ultimate Price RVR Retro FOIL 55 1x Utopia Sprawl RVR Retro 190 2x Simic Guildgate RVR Retro 29 Compulsive Research Retro FOIL 90 Compulsive Research RVR Retro 25 Azorius Guildgate RVR Retro 30 2x Simic Guildgate RVR Retro FOIL 90 Condemn RVR Retro 15 Krenko's Command RVR Retro 15 2x Silhana Ledgewalker RVR Retro FOIL 500 Call of the Conclave RVR Retro 12 2x Skewer the Critics RVR Retro 90 Putrefy RVR Retro FOIL 150 Perilous Forays RVR Retro 70 Goblin Electromancer RVR Retro 20 Cloudfin Raptor RVR Retro Foil 50 Cartel Aristocrat RVR Retro 20 Selesnya Guildgate RVR Retro 30 2x Shattering Spree RVR Retro FOIL 550 Turnabout RVR Retro 20 Rakdos Guildgate Retro 50 Muddle the Mixture Retro 190 Dimir House Guard Retro 20 Golgari Guildgate Retro 50 Moldervine Cloak Retro FOIL 70 Coiling Oracle Retro FOIL 60 Crackling Drake RVR Retro 35 Dimir House Guard RVR Retro FOIL 55 Silhana Ledgewalker RVR Retro 270 Goblin Electromancer RVR Retro FOIL 100 3x Persistent Petitioners RVR Retro 170 Drift of Phantasms Retro FOIL 230 Creeping Chill RVR Retro 150 3x Wilderness Reclamation RVR Retro 200 Perilous Forays RVR Retro FOIL 200 2x Light Up the Stage RVR Retro 90 2x Rhythm of the Wild RVR Retro 250 Narcomoeba RVR Retro 170 4x Vindictive Vampire RVR FOIL 50 Dimir Guildgate RVR FOIL #276 22 Rakdos Guildmage RVR FOIL 50 Orzhov Guildmage RVR FOIL 50 6x Persistent Petitioners RVR FOIL 190 6x Mayhem Devil RVR FOIL 250 (комплект+) Selesnya Guildgate RVR FOIL #286 30 Compulsive Research RVR FOIL #38 50 Simic Signet RVR FOIL 90 Golgari Guildmage RVR FOIL 50 Izzet Guildgate RVR FOIL 50 Golgari Guildgate RVR FOIL 50 4x Dreadmalkin RVR FOIL 45 Gruul Guildmage RVR FOIL 25 Orzhov Guildgate RVR FOIL 50 Experiment One RVR FOIL 50 4x Sharktocrab RVR FOIL 50 Drift of Phantasms RVR FOIL 190 2x Rhythm of the Wild RVR FOIL 350 Selesnya Guildgate RVR FOIL 50 Rakdos Guildgate RVR FOIL 25 Crackling Drake RVR FOIL 50 4x Skewer the Critics RVR FOIL 150 (комплект) 2x Farseek RVR FOIL 230 2x Skullcrack RVR FOIL 190 1x Lightning Helix RVR FOIL 95 1x Light Up the Stage RVR FOIL 60 LOTR: Storm of Saruman LOTR Showcase Scrolls (#523) 850 Treebeard, Gracious Host LTC Showcase (#483) Silver FOIL 590 Gimli of the Glittering Caves LTC Showcase Silver FOIL 790 Shelob, Dread Weaver LTC Showcase (#431) 290 Mirkwood Channeler LOTR Extended 100 One Ring to Rule Them All LOTR Showcase 690 (бронь) There and Back Again LOTR Showcase Scrolls 950 (бронь) 2x Lembas LOTR Showcase Scrolls 250 Myriad Landscape LTC Borderless 250 Generous Ent LOTR Showcase Scrolls 200 Andúril, Flame of the West LOTR Extended NM ENG 490 Sylvan Tutor Borderless LOTR 4300 JumpStart 1x Rhystic Study J22 4000 Phyrexian Reclamation J22 500 Imperious Perfect J22 50 Merfolk Sovereign J22 50 Time Spiral Remastered: Небесный Крестоносец TSR RU FOIL 150 Следящая Щепка TSR RU FOIL 250 Просторы Преображенных Земель TSR RU FOIL 350 Маг Изогнутого Когтя TSR RU FOIL 75 Клятва Утопии TSR RU FOIL 80 Пустынный Всадник-Изгой TSR RU FOIL 80 Художник Сновидений TSR RU FOIL 55 Ис, Верховный Арканист TSR RU FOIL 900 Соляной Заряд TSR RU FOIL 100 Other: 1x Rhystic Study WOT 4500 1x Compy Swarm REX Borderless 800 1x Mishra's Bauble IMA (List) 150 1x Darksteel Citadel 110 1x Tormod's Crypt M21 40 2x Spellbook M10 130 2x Cultivate (Borderless) NM JAP 240 2x Archmage Ascension NM ENG/RU 110 3x Turntimber Ranger NM ENG/RU 70 1x Darksteel Juggernaut NM ENG 70 1x Nightmare NM ENG 70 1x Decimator Web NM ru 70 1x Nomads' Assembly NM RU 70 1x Kazandu Tuskcaller NM RU 70 1x Shimmer Myr NM RU 50 1x Mirror of Fate NM ENG 50 1x Mordant Dragon NM RU 50 1x Magma Phoenix NM ENG 50 1x Capricious Efreet NM ENG 50 1x Warp World NM ENG 70 1x Stone Idol Trap NM RU 70 1x Shivan Dragon (Shards of Alara) NM RU 50 1x Kederekt Leviathan (Shards of alara) NM RU 90 1x Hive Mind NM ENG 550 1x Traumatize NM RU 290 1x Leyline of Anticipation M11 RU NM 290 1x Sea Gate Loremaster RU NM 50 1x Scute Mob (chinese) NM 50 1x Kalonian Behemoth RU FOIL NM 150 2x Kalonian Behemoth ENG/RU NM 50 1x Gigantiform ENG NM 50 1x Might of Oaks ENG NM 50 1x Terra Stomper ENG NM 50 1x Norwood Ranger (Portal: Second Age) ENG 70 1x Lightwielder Paladin NM ENG 50 1x Talus Paladin NM ENG 50 1x Emeria Angel NM ENG 90 1x Hedron-Field Purists NM ENG 50 1x Fabricate NM ENG 410 1x Diabolic Tutor ENG NM 70 3x Sign in Blood NM ENG 70 3x Doom Blade NM ENG 30 1x Halo Hunter NM ENG 70 1x Wall of Omens NM ENG 90 2x Pathrazer of Ulamog NM RU/ENG 350 1x Not of This World NM RU 150 3x Relentless Rats NM ENG 250 2x Gorgon Flail NM ENG 150 2x Spellbook NM ENG 90 2x Skittering Invasion NM RU 50 1x Aether Spellbomb NM ENG 30 1x Trailblazer's Boots NM ENG 190 1x Walking Atlas NM RU 70 1x Дюны Шефет NM RU 50 4x Murderous rider NM RU/EN 100 Evolved Spinoderm ONE 50 Evolved Spinoderm ONE FOIL 100 Dragon's Rage Channeler List 250 Urza's Armor List 25 Imps' Taunt List 25 Metathran Elite List 25 Unctus, Grand Metatect ONE 50 Mirran Safehouse ONE 50 Praetor's Counsel List 150 Tawnos, Urza's Apprentice List 90 Shivan Reef DMU 90 Shared Animosity WOT 100 Leyline of Abundance WOT 50 Sneak Attack WOT 600 FOIL CARDS 1x World at War NM ENG Foil 1470 1x Drakuseth, Maw of Flames NM JAP Foil 350 1x Rise from the Grave NM ENG Promo Foil 70 1x Flameblast Dragon NM RU FOIL 70 1x Runeclaw Bear ENG NM Foil 50 1x Divine Verdict NM ENG FOIL 50 1x Ignite Disorder NM ENG FOIL 50 1x Trumpet Blast NM ENG FOIL 50 1x Soul Stair Expedition NM ENG FOIL 50 1x Catalog NM ENG Foil 70 1x Sunspring Expedition NM ENG Foil 70 1x Embersmith NM RU Foil 70 1x Shoreline Salvager NM RU FOIL 50 1x Pack Leader NM RU FOIL 150 1х Djinn of Wishes SP RU FOIL M10 250 2x Ornithopter NM JAP Foil 210 Aether Revolt 1x Mirrodin Besieged NM JAP Foil 700 MH1 1x Spatial Contortion (FNM) NM JAP Foil 70 1x Charming Prince NM JAP Foil 350 1x Shatter the Sky NM JAP Foil 150 1x Planar Cleansing NM JAP Foil 150 2x Sporeweb Weaver NM JAP/RU FoIl 150 1x Monumental Corruption ONC FOIL 100 1x Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker CMR Etched FOIL 550 1x Spreading Seas WOT FOIL 90 1x Hatching Plans WOT FOIL 35 1x Hylda of the Icy Crown WOE FOIL 900 *если цена на карту кажется неадекватной, а такое вполне может быть, пишите - договоримся! 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