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ПТКу Амстердам, Каунас, 24 июля


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PTQ Amsterdam

Place: Kaunas, Lithuania (exact place will be posted later)

Date / time: July 24th 2010, Exact time will be determined later, possibly 11.00 AM

Format: Standard T2 + Top 8 Standard T2

Entree fee: 35 litas or 10.5 Euro



I place: Partial or full (if enough) compensation to PT Amsterdam (flight and sleeping)

or boosters, if not going to fly (at least 1.5 booxes, depends on player count)


II place: 18 boosters

III -IV places - 8 boosters each

V-VIII places - 2 boosters + 1 x Celestial Colonnade promo foil each


DCI promo foils for random attendees



GPT Gothenburg

Place: Kaunas, Lithuania (exact place will be posted later)

Date / time: July 25th 2010, Exact time will be determined later, possibly 11.00 AM

Format: Rise of Eldrazi x5 Sealed + Top 8 single elimination

Entree fee: 70litas or 21 Euro


Prizes (may differ to more, depending on player attendance):

I place: 3 Bye @ Grand Prix Gothenburg + 12 boosters

II place: 8 boosters

III-IV vietos - 4 boosters each

V-VIII vietos - 2 boosters each


DCI promo foils for random attendees

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