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Theros 8-4 Draft №12 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Nemesis of Mortals Burnished Hart Insatiable Harpy --> Arbor Colossus Forest Pack 1 pick 2: Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish Silent Artisan Blood-Toll Harpy --> Wingsteed Rider Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Deathbellow Raider Savage Surge Keepsake Gorgon Shipwreck Singer Sentry of the Underworld Island Pack 1 pick 3: Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed --> Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall Arena Athlete Warriors' Lesson Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: --> Cavalry Pegasus # вот тут непонятно, не брал красного и зеленого за 4 поскольку и них двойные манакосты, может надо было Artisan of Forms? Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Borderland Minotaur Scholar of Athreos Witches' Eye Artisan of Forms Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Returned Phalanx Magma Jet (FOIL) Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Deathbellow Raider Opaline Unicorn Plains Pack 1 pick 6: --> Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Returned Centaur Triton Shorethief Kragma Warcaller Dissolve Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Portent of Betrayal Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Shredding Winds --> Boon of Erebos Firedrinker Satyr Forest Pack 1 pick 8: Viper's Kiss Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Spark Jolt Setessan Griffin Vaporkin --> Vanquish the Foul Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Viper's Kiss Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox --> Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Forest Pack 1 pick 10: --> Guardians of Meletis Demolish Silent Artisan Breaching Hippocamp Deathbellow Raider Island Pack 1 pick 11: Messenger's Speed --> Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Boulderfall Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Stymied Hopes Wild Celebrants --> Witches' Eye Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: Messenger's Speed --> Defend the Hearth Plains Pack 1 pick 14: --> Triton Shorethief Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Gods Willing --> Gray Merchant of Asphodel Prescient Chimera Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Disciple of Phenax Voyage's End Magma Jet Anvilwrought Raptor Thassa's Emissary Chained to the Rocks Forest Pack 2 pick 2: Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Time to Feed Baleful Eidolon Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Sedge Scorpion Ill-Tempered Cyclops (FOIL) Burnished Hart Nylea's Emissary --> Favored Hoplite Forest Pack 2 pick 3: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Ray of Dissolution Wavecrash Triton --> Ordeal of Erebos Cutthroat Maneuver Daxos of Meletis Island Pack 2 pick 4: Leafcrown Dryad --> Gods Willing Nessian Courser Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Fate Foretold Staunch-Hearted Warrior Scholar of Athreos Destructive Revelry Ordeal of Nylea Swamp Pack 2 pick 5: Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden --> Fleshmad Steed Unknown Shores Aqueous Form Asphodel Wanderer Vaporkin Setessan Battle Priest Swamp Pack 2 pick 6: Stymied Hopes Benthic Giant Annul --> Felhide Minotaur (FOIL) Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 2 pick 7: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Boulderfall --> Decorated Griffin Swamp Pack 2 pick 8: Minotaur Skullcleaver Breaching Hippocamp --> Aqueous Form Swamp (FOIL) Akroan Crusader Anvilwrought Raptor Warriors' Lesson Swamp Pack 2 pick 9: Prescient Chimera --> Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Anvilwrought Raptor Forest Pack 2 pick 10: Mnemonic Wall --> Viper's Kiss Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Forest Pack 2 pick 11: Mnemonic Wall Loathsome Catoblepas Wild Celebrants --> Breaching Hippocamp Island Pack 2 pick 12: Rage of Purphoros Staunch-Hearted Warrior --> Destructive Revelry Swamp Pack 2 pick 13: Demolish --> Ephara's Warden Swamp Pack 2 pick 14: --> Triton Shorethief Plains Pack 2 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Sedge Scorpion Scholar of Athreos Sea God's Revenge Fanatic of Mogis Ordeal of Nylea --> Stormbreath Dragon Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Gods Willing --> Gray Merchant of Asphodel Coastline Chimera (FOIL) Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Savage Surge Disciple of Phenax Tormented Hero Battlewise Hoplite Cutthroat Maneuver Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Battlewise Valor Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker --> Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Opaline Unicorn Ray of Dissolution Chronicler of Heroes Pharika's Mender Island Pack 3 pick 4: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Divine Verdict Commune with the Gods Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Triton Shorethief Traveler's Amulet Rescue from the Underworld Arena Athlete Meletis Charlatan Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Fleetfeather Sandals Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Silent Artisan Titan's Strength --> Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Akroan Crusader Savage Surge Flamecast Wheel Plains Pack 3 pick 6: --> Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Time to Feed Akroan Crusader Hunt the Hunter Sealock Monster Island Pack 3 pick 7: March of the Returned --> Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Felhide Minotaur Borderland Minotaur Prowler's Helm Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker March of the Returned Commune with the Gods --> Lagonna-Band Elder Staunch-Hearted Warrior Flamespeaker Adept Island Pack 3 pick 9: Fleshmad Steed Messenger's Speed Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler --> Scholar of Athreos Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: --> Gods Willing Coastline Chimera (FOIL) Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Battlewise Hoplite Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Loathsome Catoblepas Unknown Shores Crackling Triton --> Ray of Dissolution Island Pack 3 pick 12: Commune with the Gods --> Lost in a Labyrinth Triton Shorethief Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Fleetfeather Sandals --> Yoked Ox Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Demolish Island Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Собрал так: Проиграл в первом 1-2 против UG, первую партию играли примерно 25 минут, школяром я все не мог додавить Theros 8-4 Draft №13 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Leafcrown Dryad Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer --> Cavern Lampad # выбирал между Лампадой, Дриадой и Ордилом Staunch-Hearted Warrior Ordeal of Erebos Kragma Warcaller Witches' Eye Meletis Charlatan Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas --> Read the Bones Savage Surge Satyr Rambler (FOIL) Peak Eruption Ordeal of Thassa Reverent Hunter Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: Dragon Mantle Omenspeaker --> Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Traveler's Amulet Shredding Winds Nemesis of Mortals Burnished Hart Evangel of Heliod Plains Pack 1 pick 4: Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish --> Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Ordeal of Heliod Centaur Battlemaster Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Guardians of Meletis Chronicler of Heroes (FOIL) Loathsome Catoblepas Spark Jolt Last Breath Scourgemark Satyr Hedonist Wavecrash Triton Artisan's Sorrow --> Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: Demolish Gods Willing Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation --> Scholar of Athreos # Школяр в BW хороший, хотя возможно надо было брать Gods Willing Triton Shorethief Chained to the Rocks Forest Pack 1 pick 7: Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Lost in a Labyrinth Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Triton Shorethief --> Rescue from the Underworld Swamp Pack 1 pick 8: --> Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Spark Jolt Savage Surge Setessan Griffin Peak Eruption Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: --> Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Witches' Eye Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Chosen by Heliod Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Peak Eruption Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Shredding Winds Plains Pack 1 pick 12: Demolish Deathbellow Raider --> Borderland Minotaur Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Loathsome Catoblepas --> Spark Jolt Mountain Pack 1 pick 14: --> Demolish Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Vaporkin Felhide Minotaur Ordeal of Purphoros Dauntless Onslaught Flamespeaker Adept --> Whip of Erebos Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Divine Verdict Bronze Sable Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Blood-Toll Harpy --> Wingsteed Rider Spearpoint Oread Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Akroan Hoplite Fanatic of Mogis Prowler's Helm Underworld Cerberus Island Pack 2 pick 3: Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader Purphoros's Emissary --> Dauntless Onslaught Polis Crusher Swamp Pack 2 pick 4: Dragon Mantle Returned Centaur --> Hopeful Eidolon Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid Borderland Minotaur Shredding Winds Ordeal of Heliod Hunt the Hunter Arena Athlete Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals --> Observant Alseid Scourgemark Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Boon of Erebos Hunt the Hunter Warriors' Lesson Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: Battlewise Valor Viper's Kiss Benthic Giant Traveling Philosopher Nessian Courser (FOIL) --> Disciple of Phenax Wavecrash Triton Glare of Heresy Dark Betrayal Forest Pack 2 pick 7: March of the Returned --> Asphodel Wanderer Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Akroan Hoplite Arena Athlete Forest Pack 2 pick 8: March of the Returned Satyr Rambler --> Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation Thassa's Bounty Boulderfall Decorated Griffin Forest Pack 2 pick 9: Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Felhide Minotaur --> Dauntless Onslaught Flamespeaker Adept Plains Pack 2 pick 10: Silent Artisan Boulderfall --> Setessan Battle Priest Akroan Hoplite Prowler's Helm Island Pack 2 pick 11: --> Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader Swamp Pack 2 pick 12: --> Portent of Betrayal Borderland Minotaur Hunt the Hunter Plains Pack 2 pick 13: Fleetfeather Sandals --> Boon of Erebos Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: --> Glare of Heresy Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Viper's Kiss Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Ray of Dissolution Vaporkin --> Mogis's Marauder Horizon Chimera Flamecast Wheel Boon Satyr Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Leafcrown Dryad --> Gods Willing Nessian Courser March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Last Breath Sedge Scorpion Boon of Erebos Stoneshock Giant Pharika's Mender Temple of Deceit Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Akroan Crusader Karametra's Acolyte --> Phalanx Leader Ordeal of Nylea Island Pack 3 pick 4: Loathsome Catoblepas Fleetfeather Sandals Feral Invocation Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty --> Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Boulderfall Savage Surge Dark Betrayal Temple of Abandon Mountain Pack 3 pick 5: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur --> Scholar of Athreos Gainsay Kragma Warcaller Fanatic of Mogis Plains Pack 3 pick 6: Demolish Ephara's Warden --> Fleshmad Steed Last Breath Portent of Betrayal Akroan Crusader Setessan Griffin Destructive Revelry Pharika's Mender Forest Pack 3 pick 7: --> Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Leafcrown Dryad Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Setessan Battle Priest Deathbellow Raider Coordinated Assault Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Stymied Hopes --> Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Ray of Dissolution Cutthroat Maneuver Satyr Piper Pyxis of Pandemonium Island Pack 3 pick 9: Pheres-Band Centaurs Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Satyr Rambler --> Ray of Dissolution Flamecast Wheel Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Satyr Hedonist Last Breath --> Boon of Erebos Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Commune with the Gods --> Hopeful Eidolon Coastline Chimera Akroan Crusader Island Pack 3 pick 12: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Priest of Iroas Boulderfall Mountain Pack 3 pick 13: Priest of Iroas --> Fade into Antiquity Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Demolish Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так: 1-2 в первом туре против четырехцветки с молотком Скрючило в одной партии. Итого за 13 драфтов: выиграно 25 паков и 41 тикет
Наверное, круче. Жирные еще придут, может и не такие как змея, а тут разгон. нет, возможно просто ступил, тритона целить нечем, ремувала нет, подумал что можно хоть этого как ремувал поиграть.
С первого пика? Потом я не хотел уже в него лезть, раз передал в первом
Theros 8-4 Draft №11 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Gods Willing Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Setessan Griffin --> Vaporkin # выбирал между этим, Mogis's Marauder и Pharika's Cure Mogis's Marauder Horizon Scholar Triton Fortune Hunter Steam Augury Plains Pack 1 pick 2: --> Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Battlewise Valor Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Opaline Unicorn Vanquish the Foul Akroan Hoplite Cutthroat Maneuver Temple of Triumph Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: Nessian Courser March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Shredding Winds Boulderfall Vanquish the Foul --> Nylea's Emissary Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Fleshmad Steed --> Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Annul Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Savage Surge Disciple of Phenax Rescue from the Underworld Pharika's Mender Psychic Intrusion Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Viper's Kiss Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Insatiable Harpy (FOIL) Observant Alseid Scourgemark Deathbellow Raider Savage Surge Stoneshock Giant Island Pack 1 pick 6: --> Omenspeaker March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Triton Shorethief Cavern Lampad Sentry of the Underworld Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Demolish Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth --> Opaline Unicorn Ray of Dissolution Anvilwrought Raptor Mountain Pack 1 pick 8: Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence --> Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Titan's Strength Cavern Lampad Rescue from the Underworld Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Setessan Griffin --> Horizon Scholar Plains Pack 1 pick 10: Guardians of Meletis Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth --> Agent of Horizons Vanquish the Foul Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox --> Shredding Winds Boulderfall Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Fleshmad Steed --> Annul Rescue from the Underworld Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Fade into Antiquity Island Pack 1 pick 14: --> Triton Shorethief Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief --> Karametra's Acolyte Purphoros's Emissary Witches' Eye Agent of the Fates Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Lightning Strike Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Disciple of Phenax Voyage's End --> Horizon Chimera Heliod's Emissary Insatiable Harpy Island Pack 2 pick 3: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Asphodel Wanderer Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Ray of Dissolution Wavecrash Triton --> Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Hundred-Handed One Mountain Pack 2 pick 4: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox --> Vaporkin Setessan Battle Priest Chronicler of Heroes Triton Fortune Hunter Swamp Pack 2 pick 5: Battlewise Valor Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher --> Staunch-Hearted Warrior Scholar of Athreos Hunt the Hunter Ashen Rider Forest Pack 2 pick 6: --> Prescient Chimera Benthic Giant Spearpoint Oread Unknown Shores Aqueous Form Felhide Minotaur Shredding Winds Anvilwrought Raptor Warriors' Lesson Island Pack 2 pick 7: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Leonin Snarecaster Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Boulderfall --> Warriors' Lesson Mountain Pack 2 pick 8: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Benthic Giant Setessan Battle Priest --> Ordeal of Heliod Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Bronze Sable Crackling Triton --> Commune with the Gods Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief Witches' Eye Plains Pack 2 pick 10: --> Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Read the Bones Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Island Pack 2 pick 11: March of the Returned --> Annul Ray of Dissolution Decorated Griffin Mountain Pack 2 pick 12: Breaching Hippocamp --> Aqueous Form Yoked Ox Swamp Pack 2 pick 13: Annul --> Hunt the Hunter Forest Pack 2 pick 14: --> Benthic Giant Island Pack 2 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Gods Willing Gray Merchant of Asphodel Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Minotaur Skullcleaver (FOIL) --> Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn Horizon Scholar Anvilwrought Raptor Triton Fortune Hunter Fabled Hero Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Disciple of Phenax Ray of Dissolution Burnished Hart Akroan Hoplite --> Sealock Monster Swamp Pack 3 pick 3: Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Silent Artisan Time to Feed Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Setessan Griffin Centaur Battlemaster Ordeal of Nylea --> Thassa's Emissary Plains Pack 3 pick 4: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Pharika's Cure Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Cavern Lampad --> Sedge Scorpion Tormented Hero Horizon Scholar Erebos's Emissary Island Pack 3 pick 5: Ephara's Warden Island (FOIL) --> Nimbus Naiad Crackling Triton Last Breath Scourgemark Savage Surge Setessan Griffin Rescue from the Underworld Gainsay Forest Pack 3 pick 6: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Stymied Hopes Priest of Iroas Returned Centaur Boon of Erebos --> Ordeal of Thassa Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Mnemonic Wall Loathsome Catoblepas Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Felhide Minotaur --> Voyage's End Chronicler of Heroes Pyxis of Pandemonium Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Mnemonic Wall --> Cavalry Pegasus Benthic Giant Annul Boulderfall Glare of Heresy Spellheart Chimera Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Messenger's Speed Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Horizon Scholar Anvilwrought Raptor --> Triton Fortune Hunter Plains Pack 3 pick 10: Pheres-Band Centaurs Satyr Hedonist --> Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Swamp Pack 3 pick 11: Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp --> Aqueous Form Setessan Griffin Plains Pack 3 pick 12: Messenger's Speed Returned Centaur --> Cavern Lampad Island Pack 3 pick 13: Island (FOIL) --> Gainsay Forest Pack 3 pick 14: --> Returned Centaur Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так: Split в финале. Первый тур играл против BG, второй - против RG. Много народу в зеленом сидело Итого за 11 драфтов: выиграно 25 паков и 28 тикетов
А в шестом драфте картинка видна?
curse of the swine меня как-то не впечатлил, я им не играл, против меня 2 раза играли.
Theros 8-4 Draft №10 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Nessian Asp Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Tormented Hero Battlewise Hoplite --> Insatiable Harpy Chained to the Rocks Island Pack 1 pick 2: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Griptide Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Boon of Erebos --> Vaporkin Hunt the Hunter Destructive Revelry Curse of the Swine Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Tormented Hero (FOIL) Spark Jolt Last Breath Scourgemark Felhide Minotaur --> Voyage's End Ordeal of Nylea Akroan Horse Island Pack 1 pick 4: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt --> Sedge Scorpion Scholar of Athreos Gainsay Flamecast Wheel Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Blood-Toll Harpy Benthic Giant Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall --> Keepsake Gorgon Fanatic of Mogis Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: --> Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Rage of Purphoros Felhide Minotaur Shredding Winds Kragma Warcaller Dark Betrayal Steam Augury Plains Pack 1 pick 7: Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker --> Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Returned Centaur Triton Shorethief Kragma Warcaller Decorated Griffin Forest Pack 1 pick 8: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish --> Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Priest of Iroas Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Forest Pack 1 pick 9: March of the Returned Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas --> Read the Bones Boulderfall Island Pack 1 pick 10: Loathsome Catoblepas Commune with the Gods --> Boon of Erebos Hunt the Hunter Destructive Revelry Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: --> Tormented Hero (FOIL) Spark Jolt Scourgemark Felhide Minotaur Island Pack 1 pick 12: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Defend the Hearth Forest Pack 1 pick 13: --> Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Dark Betrayal Plains Pack 1 pick 15: --> Loathsome Catoblepas ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Leafcrown Dryad Scourgemark Satyr Rambler (FOIL) Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist --> Read the Bones Staunch-Hearted Warrior Boon of Erebos Karametra's Acolyte Purphoros's Emissary Ordeal of Nylea Tymaret, the Murder King Mountain Pack 2 pick 2: Gods Willing --> Gray Merchant of Asphodel Prescient Chimera Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Wavecrash Triton Opaline Unicorn Heliod's Emissary Sentry of the Underworld Labyrinth Champion Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed --> Nimbus Naiad Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Boulderfall Horizon Scholar Spellheart Chimera Temple of Deceit Plains Pack 2 pick 4: March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Cavern Lampad Peak Eruption Fanatic of Mogis --> Agent of the Fates Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Shredding Winds --> Rescue from the Underworld Swamp Pack 2 pick 6: Lash of the Whip Chosen by Heliod Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Akroan Crusader Cavern Lampad --> Ordeal of Erebos Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: --> Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Setessan Battle Priest Flamecast Wheel Swamp Pack 2 pick 8: Guardians of Meletis Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Felhide Minotaur --> Shipwreck Singer Forest Pack 2 pick 9: Stymied Hopes --> Scourgemark Satyr Rambler (FOIL) Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Ordeal of Nylea Mountain Pack 2 pick 10: Satyr Hedonist --> Read the Bones Last Breath Crackling Triton Labyrinth Champion Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Ephara's Warden --> Fleshmad Steed Thassa's Bounty Boulderfall Plains Pack 2 pick 12: --> March of the Returned Defend the Hearth Peak Eruption Plains Pack 2 pick 13: Messenger's Speed --> Thassa's Bounty Swamp Pack 2 pick 14: --> Returned Phalanx Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Lightning Strike Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur --> Griptide Commune with the Gods Boon of Erebos Ordeal of Heliod (FOIL) Akroan Hoplite Ordeal of Purphoros Witches' Eye Temple of Triumph Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Loathsome Catoblepas --> Omenspeaker March of the Returned Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Borderland Minotaur Sedge Scorpion Vanquish the Foul Decorated Griffin Flamespeaker Adept Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle --> Omenspeaker Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Hopeful Eidolon Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Deathbellow Raider Opaline Unicorn Burnished Hart Satyr Piper Island Pack 3 pick 4: Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Commune with the Gods --> Disciple of Phenax Wavecrash Triton Nylea's Emissary Forest Pack 3 pick 5: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden --> Sip of Hemlock Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Satyr Rambler Triton Shorethief Vanquish the Foul Sealock Monster Titan of Eternal Fire Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Guardians of Meletis Battlewise Valor Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation --> Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Deathbellow Raider Satyr Piper Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Fleetfeather Sandals Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods --> Returned Phalanx Lost in a Labyrinth Borderland Minotaur Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: March of the Returned Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Anvilwrought Raptor --> Sealock Monster Island Pack 3 pick 9: Cavalry Pegasus Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Commune with the Gods --> Boon of Erebos Witches' Eye Plains Pack 3 pick 10: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan --> Vanquish the Foul Forest Pack 3 pick 11: --> Dragon Mantle Returned Centaur Deathbellow Raider Satyr Piper Island Pack 3 pick 12: Priest of Iroas --> Fade into Antiquity Commune with the Gods Forest Pack 3 pick 13: --> Ephara's Warden Triton Shorethief Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Thassa's Bounty Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Собрал так: Выиграл 3-0 Итого за 10 драфтов: выиграно 19 паков и 28 тикетов
А Эйдолон не лучше вердикта?
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Theros 4-3-2-2 Draft №7 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Leafcrown Dryad Gods Willing Nessian Courser Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Staunch-Hearted Warrior Scholar of Athreos Centaur Battlemaster Keepsake Gorgon Thassa's Emissary --> Hero's Downfall Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Titan's Strength --> Baleful Eidolon Benthic Giant Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Ordeal of Erebos Horizon Chimera Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Blood-Toll Harpy Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Vaporkin Deathbellow Raider Akroan Hoplite Ordeal of Purphoros --> Sentry of the Underworld Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Divine Verdict --> Sip of Hemlock Returned Centaur Hopeful Eidolon Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid Akroan Crusader Savage Surge Kragma Warcaller Dissolve Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Spearpoint Oread Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Annul Ray of Dissolution --> Burnished Hart Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 1 pick 6: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur --> Felhide Minotaur Chronicler of Heroes Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes Lost in a Labyrinth --> Rage of Purphoros Shredding Winds Peak Eruption Glare of Heresy Plains Pack 1 pick 8: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler --> Leonin Snarecaster Fate Foretold Island Pack 1 pick 9: Nessian Courser Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx --> Scholar of Athreos Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Mnemonic Wall --> Asphodel Wanderer Benthic Giant Setessan Griffin Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 1 pick 11: Cavalry Pegasus Stymied Hopes Vulpine Goliath --> Akroan Hoplite Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Fate Foretold --> Portent of Betrayal Akroan Crusader Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Messenger's Speed --> Yoked Ox Plains Pack 1 pick 14: --> Priest of Iroas Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Akroan Crusader --> Cavern Lampad Magma Jet Anvilwrought Raptor Ordeal of Nylea Temple of Silence Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Dragon Mantle Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Deathbellow Raider Opaline Unicorn Sea God's Revenge Nylea's Emissary --> Favored Hoplite Forest Pack 2 pick 3: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Nessian Asp Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Spearpoint Oread Vulpine Goliath --> Felhide Minotaur Borderland Minotaur Chronicler of Heroes Dissolve Flamecast Wheel Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Time to Feed Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan --> Opaline Unicorn Staunch-Hearted Warrior Destructive Revelry Ordeal of Nylea Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant --> Traveling Philosopher Shredding Winds Boulderfall Karametra's Acolyte Warriors' Lesson Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: --> Gods Willing Fleetfeather Sandals Ill-Tempered Cyclops Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Deathbellow Raider Savage Surge Magma Jet Evangel of Heliod Plains Pack 2 pick 7: March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed Commune with the Gods Spark Jolt --> Returned Phalanx Wavecrash Triton Traveler's Amulet Gainsay Swamp Pack 2 pick 8: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Spark Jolt Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Nemesis of Mortals --> Decorated Griffin Forest Pack 2 pick 9: --> Guardians of Meletis Demolish Annul Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Anvilwrought Raptor Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Crackling Triton --> Opaline Unicorn Forest Pack 2 pick 11: --> March of the Returned Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Flamecast Wheel Forest Pack 2 pick 12: --> Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Plains Pack 2 pick 13: --> Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: --> Vulpine Goliath Plains Pack 2 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle Omenspeaker Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Titan's Strength Baleful Eidolon Benthic Giant Deathbellow Raider Savage Surge Rescue from the Underworld Insatiable Harpy Arena Athlete --> Stormbreath Dragon Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Borderland Minotaur Scholar of Athreos Chronicler of Heroes Dissolve Erebos's Emissary --> Spear of Heliod Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Omenspeaker Loathsome Catoblepas (FOIL) Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Commune with the Gods --> Hopeful Eidolon Felhide Minotaur Borderland Minotaur Anvilwrought Raptor Vanquish the Foul Sentry of the Underworld Swamp Pack 3 pick 4: Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Wavecrash Triton Traveler's Amulet Destructive Revelry --> Ordeal of Nylea Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 3 pick 5: --> Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Silent Artisan (FOIL) Mnemonic Wall Griptide Commune with the Gods Spark Jolt Scholar of Athreos Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 3 pick 6: March of the Returned Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas --> Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Opaline Unicorn Ray of Dissolution Stoneshock Giant Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Prescient Chimera Fleetfeather Sandals Crackling Triton Spark Jolt --> Last Breath Scourgemark Setessan Griffin Evangel of Heliod Plains Pack 3 pick 8: Messenger's Speed Annul Wild Celebrants --> Boon of Erebos Akroan Crusader Artisan's Sorrow Spellheart Chimera Forest Pack 3 pick 9: --> Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle Asphodel Wanderer Titan's Strength Benthic Giant Savage Surge Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes --> Lost in a Labyrinth Chronicler of Heroes Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Loathsome Catoblepas (FOIL) --> Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Borderland Minotaur Swamp Pack 3 pick 12: Messenger's Speed Wild Celebrants --> Silent Artisan Plains Pack 3 pick 13: --> Commune with the Gods Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Priest of Iroas Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Plains Собрал так: проиграл в финале Theros 4-3-2-2 Draft №8 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Nessian Asp Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Vaporkin Felhide Minotaur Glare of Heresy Nemesis of Mortals Shipwreck Singer --> Anax and Cymede Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Traveler's Amulet Shredding Winds Horizon Chimera --> Heliod's Emissary Temple of Deceit Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: March of the Returned Akroan Horse (FOIL) Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Disciple of Phenax Wavecrash Triton --> Ordeal of Erebos Witches' Eye Meletis Charlatan Swamp Pack 1 pick 4: Pheres-Band Centaurs Guardians of Meletis Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Boulderfall Savage Surge Witches' Eye --> Triad of Fates Island Pack 1 pick 5: Demolish --> Gods Willing Nessian Courser Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Akroan Crusader Setessan Griffin Dissolve Peak Eruption Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Prescient Chimera Demolish Leafcrown Dryad Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Disciple of Phenax Ray of Dissolution --> Arena Athlete Swamp Pack 1 pick 7: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp Shredding Winds --> Deathbellow Raider Forest Pack 1 pick 8: --> Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Aqueous Form Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Hunt the Hunter Sealock Monster Island Pack 1 pick 9: March of the Returned --> Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Lost in a Labyrinth Felhide Minotaur Glare of Heresy Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Stymied Hopes Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Fade into Antiquity --> Traveler's Amulet Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: March of the Returned Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Witches' Eye Swamp Pack 1 pick 12: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Guardians of Meletis Boulderfall Island Pack 1 pick 13: --> Demolish Setessan Griffin Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Demolish Swamp Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Gods Willing Nessian Courser March of the Returned Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Wavecrash Triton Opaline Unicorn Vanquish the Foul Karametra's Acolyte Sealock Monster --> Agent of the Fates Mountain Pack 2 pick 2: Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Titan's Strength Staunch-Hearted Warrior Boon of Erebos --> Keepsake Gorgon Chronicler of Heroes Favored Hoplite Ember Swallower Island Pack 2 pick 3: Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle --> Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Spearpoint Oread Setessan Battle Priest Deathbellow Raider Hunt the Hunter Coordinated Assault Spellheart Chimera Temple of Abandon Mountain Pack 2 pick 4: Prescient Chimera Lightning Strike (FOIL) Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader --> Phalanx Leader Decorated Griffin Soldier of the Pantheon Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Yoked Ox --> Blood-Toll Harpy Benthic Giant Spearpoint Oread Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Flamespeaker Adept Swamp Pack 2 pick 6: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation Ray of Dissolution Artisan's Sorrow --> Heliod's Emissary Island Pack 2 pick 7: Evangel of Heliod (FOIL) Minotaur Skullcleaver Satyr Rambler --> Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Viper's Kiss Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Traveling Philosopher --> Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Stoneshock Giant Plains Pack 2 pick 9: March of the Returned --> Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Commune with the Gods Opaline Unicorn Mountain Pack 2 pick 10: Pheres-Band Centaurs Guardians of Meletis --> Asphodel Wanderer Titan's Strength Staunch-Hearted Warrior Island Pack 2 pick 11: Dragon Mantle Breaching Hippocamp --> Setessan Battle Priest Spellheart Chimera Mountain Pack 2 pick 12: Spark Jolt Akroan Crusader --> Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 2 pick 13: Demolish --> Deathbellow Raider Swamp Pack 2 pick 14: --> Loathsome Catoblepas Island Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Gods Willing Unknown Shores Aqueous Form Asphodel Wanderer Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief Kragma Warcaller Sentry of the Underworld Cutthroat Maneuver --> Hythonia the Cruel # Или Wingsteed Rider лучше? Forest Pack 3 pick 2: Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Last Breath Scourgemark Cavern Lampad Sedge Scorpion Artisan's Sorrow --> Mogis's Marauder # Этого или Lash of the Whip? Cutthroat Maneuver Steam Augury Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Traveling Philosopher Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn Chronicler of Heroes Warriors' Lesson --> Pharika's Mender Plains Pack 3 pick 4: Ephara's Warden Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Scholar of Athreos --> Ordeal of Erebos Kragma Warcaller Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur --> Rescue from the Underworld Gainsay Mountain Pack 3 pick 6: Leafcrown Dryad Chosen by Heliod Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher --> Cavern Lampad Dissolve Dark Betrayal Satyr Piper Island Pack 3 pick 7: Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Battlewise Valor Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Voyage's End Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Bronze Sable Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath --> Asphodel Wanderer Staunch-Hearted Warrior Borderland Minotaur Prowler's Helm Forest Pack 3 pick 9: Messenger's Speed Asphodel Wanderer Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief --> Kragma Warcaller Forest Pack 3 pick 10: Messenger's Speed Last Breath Scourgemark Artisan's Sorrow --> Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Silent Artisan --> Warriors' Lesson Plains Pack 3 pick 12: Ephara's Warden Lost in a Labyrinth --> Scholar of Athreos Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Thassa's Bounty --> Gainsay Mountain Pack 3 pick 14: --> Annul Island Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так: проиграл первую против RW Theros 4-3-2-2 Draft №9 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Demolish Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Cavern Lampad Boulderfall --> Nemesis of Mortals Burnished Hart Cutthroat Maneuver Triad of Fates Forest Pack 1 pick 2: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed --> Nimbus Naiad Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Wavecrash Triton Traveler's Amulet Ordeal of Thassa Dark Betrayal Sealock Monster Plains Pack 1 pick 3: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle --> Nessian Asp Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Savage Surge Disciple of Phenax Hunt the Hunter Warriors' Lesson Island Pack 1 pick 4: Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence --> Minotaur Skullcleaver Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Borderland Minotaur Scholar of Athreos Glare of Heresy Flamespeaker Adept Witches' Eye Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Pheres-Band Centaurs Divine Verdict Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer --> Titan's Strength Shredding Winds Boon of Erebos Kragma Warcaller Evangel of Heliod Flamecast Wheel Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: Mnemonic Wall Loathsome Catoblepas Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Asphodel Wanderer Deathbellow Raider Savage Surge Vanquish the Foul --> Coordinated Assault Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Battlewise Valor Viper's Kiss --> Dragon Mantle # Destructive Revelry похоже получше будет Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Triton Shorethief Destructive Revelry Artisan's Sorrow Plains Pack 1 pick 8: --> Spearpoint Oread Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Baleful Eidolon Annul Traveler's Amulet (FOIL) Felhide Minotaur Island Pack 1 pick 9: Demolish Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas --> Fade into Antiquity Boulderfall Cutthroat Maneuver Forest Pack 1 pick 10: Ephara's Warden Silent Artisan Traveling Philosopher --> Traveler's Amulet Dark Betrayal Plains Pack 1 pick 11: March of the Returned Priest of Iroas Hunt the Hunter --> Warriors' Lesson Island Pack 1 pick 12: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Satyr Hedonist Witches' Eye Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Flamecast Wheel Mountain Pack 1 pick 14: --> Loathsome Catoblepas Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Fleetfeather Sandals --> Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Sedge Scorpion Scholar of Athreos Magma Jet Anvilwrought Raptor Triton Fortune Hunter Soldier of the Pantheon Mountain Pack 2 pick 2: Gods Willing Prescient Chimera Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Last Breath Scourgemark Vaporkin Deathbellow Raider Ordeal of Thassa Mogis's Marauder --> Ordeal of Nylea Steam Augury Island Pack 2 pick 3: March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed Benthic Giant --> Time to Feed Baleful Eidolon Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Triton Shorethief Mnemonic Wall (FOIL) Tormented Hero Dark Betrayal Fleecemane Lion Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Omenspeaker March of the Returned --> Lightning Strike Fleshmad Steed Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Boon of Erebos Akroan Crusader Warriors' Lesson Forest Pack 2 pick 5: March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Last Breath Vanquish the Foul --> Karametra's Acolyte Satyr Piper Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Yoked Ox Annul Felhide Minotaur --> Borderland Minotaur Peak Eruption Sealock Monster Plains Pack 2 pick 7: Battlewise Valor Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Benthic Giant --> Savage Surge Dark Betrayal Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Battlewise Valor Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker Annul Wild Celebrants --> Time to Feed Warriors' Lesson Forest Pack 2 pick 9: Fleetfeather Sandals Guardians of Meletis --> Commune with the Gods Lost in a Labyrinth Scholar of Athreos Anvilwrought Raptor Mountain Pack 2 pick 10: Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Last Breath Scourgemark --> Deathbellow Raider Island Pack 2 pick 11: Traveling Philosopher Triton Shorethief --> Mnemonic Wall (FOIL) Dark Betrayal Forest Pack 2 pick 12: March of the Returned Fleshmad Steed --> Warriors' Lesson Forest Pack 2 pick 13: Defend the Hearth --> Crackling Triton Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Yoked Ox Plains Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Gods Willing Gray Merchant of Asphodel Prescient Chimera Aqueous Form --> Spearpoint Oread # Или срезать кнут? Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Baleful Eidolon Cavern Lampad Boulderfall Sea God's Revenge Prowler's Helm Erebos's Emissary Whip of Erebos Swamp Pack 3 pick 2: Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Yoked Ox --> Voyaging Satyr Wild Celebrants Sedge Scorpion Felhide Minotaur Ordeal of Heliod Hunt the Hunter Reverent Hunter Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Yoked Ox Benthic Giant --> Voyaging Satyr Spearpoint Oread Borderland Minotaur Sedge Scorpion Nemesis of Mortals Sentry of the Underworld Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: --> Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Scourgemark Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Borderland Minotaur Scholar of Athreos Kragma Warcaller Spellheart Chimera Tymaret, the Murder King Swamp Pack 3 pick 5: Demolish --> Leafcrown Dryad Gods Willing Nessian Courser Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Triton Shorethief Traveler's Amulet Rescue from the Underworld Ordeal of Nylea Plains Pack 3 pick 6: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Setessan Griffin Disciple of Phenax --> Stoneshock Giant Satyr Piper Swamp Pack 3 pick 7: Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Satyr Rambler Scourgemark --> Rage of Purphoros Shredding Winds Dark Betrayal Forest Pack 3 pick 8: Mnemonic Wall Loathsome Catoblepas --> Titan's Strength Annul Traveling Philosopher Setessan Griffin Vaporkin Mountain Pack 3 pick 9: Gods Willing --> Prescient Chimera Yoked Ox Cavern Lampad Boulderfall Prowler's Helm Swamp Pack 3 pick 10: Pheres-Band Centaurs Guardians of Meletis Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants --> Hunt the Hunter Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Mnemonic Wall Yoked Ox --> Borderland Minotaur Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: --> Minotaur Skullcleaver Satyr Rambler Scholar of Athreos Swamp Pack 3 pick 13: Demolish --> Satyr Hedonist Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Bronze Sable Swamp Pack 3 pick 15: --> Forest Собрал так: проиграл первую против RG Итого за 9 драфтов: выиграно 11 паков и 28 тикетов
Theros 4-3-2-2 Draft №6 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Gray Merchant of Asphodel Divine Verdict Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Baleful Eidolon Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Ordeal of Erebos Flamespeaker Adept Spellheart Chimera --> Spear of Heliod Plains Pack 1 pick 2: Demolish Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler --> Observant Alseid Disciple of Phenax Ray of Dissolution Burnished Hart Akroan Hoplite Flamespeaker Adept Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed --> Gods Willing Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Cavern Lampad Staunch-Hearted Warrior Rescue from the Underworld Witches' Eye Triton Tactics Titan of Eternal Fire Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden --> Wingsteed Rider Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Wavecrash Triton Ordeal of Erebos Dark Betrayal Satyr Piper Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Savage Surge Setessan Griffin --> Battlewise Hoplite Triton Fortune Hunter Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Titan's Strength --> Traveling Philosopher Akroan Crusader Anvilwrought Raptor Plains Pack 1 pick 7: Viper's Kiss Pheres-Band Centaurs Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler --> Leonin Snarecaster Opaline Unicorn Gainsay Dark Betrayal Island Pack 1 pick 8: Fleetfeather Sandals Satyr Hedonist Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Shredding Winds --> Battlewise Hoplite Gainsay Plains Pack 1 pick 9: Bronze Sable Benthic Giant Annul --> Traveling Philosopher Boulderfall Spellheart Chimera Plains Pack 1 pick 10: Demolish Ephara's Warden Lost in a Labyrinth Satyr Rambler --> Ray of Dissolution Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: Messenger's Speed Commune with the Gods --> Returned Phalanx Witches' Eye Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Bronze Sable --> Wavecrash Triton Satyr Piper Forest Pack 1 pick 13: --> Pheres-Band Centaurs Defend the Hearth Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Silent Artisan Plains Pack 1 pick 15: --> Island ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Returned Centaur --> Hopeful Eidolon Scholar of Athreos Disciple of Phenax Mogis's Marauder Horizon Scholar Witches' Eye Sylvan Caryatid Forest Pack 2 pick 2: Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Yoked Ox Blood-Toll Harpy Benthic Giant Voyaging Satyr Spearpoint Oread Ray of Dissolution --> Vaporkin Ordeal of Nylea Prowler's Helm Temple of Abandon Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Peak Eruption Glare of Heresy Cutthroat Maneuver Island Pack 2 pick 4: Messenger's Speed Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp --> Vaporkin Felhide Minotaur Keepsake Gorgon Ordeal of Nylea Polis Crusher Forest Pack 2 pick 5: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Fate Foretold Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief Horizon Chimera --> Thassa's Emissary Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Wavecrash Triton Opaline Unicorn Rescue from the Underworld Witches' Eye --> Triton Tactics Forest Pack 2 pick 7: Nessian Courser March of the Returned Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer --> Two-Headed Cerberus Boon of Erebos Dark Betrayal Satyr Piper Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Demolish --> Gods Willing Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Meletis Charlatan (FOIL) Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: --> Stymied Hopes Lash of the Whip Returned Centaur Scholar of Athreos Disciple of Phenax Witches' Eye Forest Pack 2 pick 10: --> Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Yoked Ox Benthic Giant Ray of Dissolution Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Messenger's Speed Defend the Hearth --> Thassa's Bounty Setessan Battle Priest Island Pack 2 pick 12: Wild Celebrants Time to Feed --> Breaching Hippocamp Forest Pack 2 pick 13: Satyr Hedonist --> Setessan Griffin Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Wavecrash Triton Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Annul --> Wingsteed Rider Wild Celebrants Glare of Heresy (FOIL) Time to Feed Boulderfall Sedge Scorpion Artisan's Sorrow Nylea's Emissary Dauntless Onslaught Artisan of Forms Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Voyaging Satyr Spearpoint Oread Unknown Shores --> Aqueous Form Asphodel Wanderer Disciple of Phenax Ray of Dissolution Rescue from the Underworld Sentry of the Underworld Rageblood Shaman Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Voyaging Satyr Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader --> Sea God's Revenge Coordinated Assault Spellheart Chimera Island Pack 3 pick 4: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Felhide Minotaur --> Ordeal of Heliod Centaur Battlemaster Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Loathsome Catoblepas Fleetfeather Sandals Two-Headed Cerberus --> Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Boulderfall Savage Surge Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Rageblood Shaman Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Battlewise Valor Dragon Mantle Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Titan's Strength Traveler's Amulet Karametra's Acolyte Purphoros's Emissary --> Dauntless Onslaught Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Swamp (FOIL) Bronze Sable Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure --> Dissolve Arena Athlete Warriors' Lesson Plains Pack 3 pick 8: Pheres-Band Centaurs Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Defend the Hearth Savage Surge --> Vanquish the Foul Akroan Hoplite Island Pack 3 pick 9: Wild Celebrants --> Glare of Heresy (FOIL) Time to Feed Boulderfall Sedge Scorpion Artisan's Sorrow Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: --> Chosen by Heliod Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer Ray of Dissolution Rescue from the Underworld Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Ill-Tempered Cyclops --> Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Island Pack 3 pick 12: --> Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Commune with the Gods Plains Pack 3 pick 13: --> Silent Artisan Boulderfall Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Asphodel Wanderer Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Plains Собрал так: проиграл в первом туре RW героику Итого за 6 драфтов: выиграно 8 паков и 9 тикетов
Крич мало было
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Theros 4-3-2-2 Draft №1 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Baleful Eidolon Annul --> Wingsteed Rider # немного подумал над Curse of the Swine, но райдер лучше. Staunch-Hearted Warrior Scholar of Athreos Horizon Chimera Ordeal of Heliod Flamecast Wheel Curse of the Swine Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Commune with the Gods --> Hopeful Eidolon # Вот тут интересно, взяли комон, и черного совсем нет, решил держаться белого пока, или может надо было сразу Battlewise Hoplite хватать? Spark Jolt Coastline Chimera Vaporkin Setessan Battle Priest Battlewise Hoplite Vanquish the Foul Nylea's Emissary Soldier of the Pantheon Island Pack 1 pick 3: Divine Verdict Bronze Sable Two-Headed Cerberus Prescient Chimera (FOIL) Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Akroan Crusader Cavern Lampad Ordeal of Purphoros --> Flamespeaker Adept # красный открыт Spellheart Chimera Plains Pack 1 pick 4: Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Nimbus Naiad Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Borderland Minotaur Sedge Scorpion Rescue from the Underworld Triton Fortune Hunter Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Scourgemark Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Deathbellow Raider Opaline Unicorn --> Magma Jet Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Satyr Hedonist Triton Shorethief Cavern Lampad --> Battlewise Hoplite Swamp Pack 1 pick 7: Ill-Tempered Cyclops Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity --> Satyr Rambler Opaline Unicorn Staunch-Hearted Warrior Plains Pack 1 pick 8: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan --> Glare of Heresy Evangel of Heliod Forest Pack 1 pick 9: Nessian Courser Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox --> Annul Scholar of Athreos Flamecast Wheel Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Commune with the Gods --> Spark Jolt Coastline Chimera Setessan Battle Priest Vanquish the Foul Island Pack 1 pick 11: Bronze Sable --> Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Akroan Crusader Plains Pack 1 pick 12: Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty --> Lost in a Labyrinth Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: Chosen by Heliod --> Satyr Rambler Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Satyr Hedonist Swamp Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Prescient Chimera Fleetfeather Sandals Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Battlewise Valor Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Voyaging Satyr Voyage's End Staunch-Hearted Warrior Ordeal of Purphoros Ordeal of Thassa Cutthroat Maneuver --> Thassa, God of the Sea # UR Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Battlewise Valor Nessian Asp Viper's Kiss --> Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Sedge Scorpion Felhide Minotaur Gainsay Dark Betrayal Satyr Piper Pyxis of Pandemonium Mountain Pack 2 pick 3: Viper's Kiss --> Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Time to Feed Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Shredding Winds Boon of Erebos Tormented Hero Pharika's Mender Plains Pack 2 pick 4: Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Feral Invocation Scourgemark (FOIL) Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Cavern Lampad Boulderfall Keepsake Gorgon --> Coordinated Assault Island Pack 2 pick 5: --> Battlewise Valor # Людей мало, гиганта решил не брать, Viper's Kiss Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Hunt the Hunter Warriors' Lesson Pharika's Mender Titan of Eternal Fire Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: March of the Returned Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth --> Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Disciple of Phenax Ordeal of Erebos Kragma Warcaller Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Benthic Giant --> Spearpoint Oread Unknown Shores Ray of Dissolution Arena Athlete Forest Pack 2 pick 8: March of the Returned --> Dragon Mantle Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Disciple of Phenax Peak Eruption Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: --> Prescient Chimera Fleetfeather Sandals Guardians of Meletis Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Staunch-Hearted Warrior Plains Pack 2 pick 10: Viper's Kiss --> Wild Celebrants Felhide Minotaur Dark Betrayal Pyxis of Pandemonium Mountain Pack 2 pick 11: Wild Celebrants Asphodel Wanderer Shredding Winds --> Boon of Erebos Plains Pack 2 pick 12: Thassa's Bounty --> Priest of Iroas Boulderfall Island Pack 2 pick 13: --> Asphodel Wanderer Setessan Griffin Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: --> March of the Returned Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demolish Leafcrown Dryad Gods Willing Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Blood-Toll Harpy Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall Karametra's Acolyte --> Purphoros's Emissary Dauntless Onslaught Colossus of Akros Swamp Pack 3 pick 2: Dragon Mantle Omenspeaker Gray Merchant of Asphodel Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Voyage's End Pheres-Band Centaurs (FOIL) Stoneshock Giant Glare of Heresy --> Thassa's Emissary Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Battlewise Valor Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned --> Lightning Strike Scourgemark Satyr Hedonist Triton Shorethief Traveler's Amulet Phalanx Leader Peak Eruption Ordeal of Nylea Artisan of Forms Island Pack 3 pick 4: Leafcrown Dryad Pheres-Band Centaurs Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Blood-Toll Harpy Benthic Giant --> Vaporkin Deathbellow Raider Akroan Hoplite Prowler's Helm Temple of Deceit Island Pack 3 pick 5: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty --> Akroan Crusader Cavern Lampad Ordeal of Thassa Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Messenger's Speed --> Mnemonic Wall Commune with the Gods Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Setessan Griffin Disciple of Phenax Artisan's Sorrow Evangel of Heliod Island Pack 3 pick 7: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Defend the Hearth --> Spark Jolt Last Breath Setessan Griffin Ordeal of Erebos Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Spark Jolt Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Ray of Dissolution --> Meletis Charlatan Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Demolish Silent Artisan --> Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Boulderfall Swamp Pack 3 pick 10: Last Breath Unknown Shores --> Crackling Triton Pheres-Band Centaurs (FOIL) Glare of Heresy Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Loathsome Catoblepas Satyr Hedonist --> Triton Shorethief Peak Eruption Island Pack 3 pick 12: Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox --> Benthic Giant Island Pack 3 pick 13: Fleshmad Steed --> Satyr Rambler Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Messenger's Speed Island Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так: Сыграл 3-0