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Все публикации пользователя Tolyan
Сыграл два пререлиза. В первом оржов был весь занят играл азориусами с симиками. Было 60 человек. Собрал WU с летунами и большим количеством удержаний. Сыграл 2-3 и дропнулся. Во втором был пререгистрирован на борос, перед турниром сменил пререгистрацию на оржова в доюавок дали азориуса. Собрал BW. Было 43 человека. Выиграл пять первых и в последней согласились на ничью. В итоге поделил 1 и 2 места. Один бустер разыграли в одну партию. Парень был тоже оржов изначально но играл BG. Бустер проиграл.
В 4ом были Holy Mantle, Homing Lightning, Scorchwalker, Griffin В 3ем - Призма, Легионер, Транспорт
Драфт 19 Борос 1 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Island Godless Shrine Gruul Guildgate Angelic Edict Scab-Clan Charger One Thousand Lashes --> Mugging Ember Beast Spell Rupture Shadow Alley Denizen Undercity Informer Slate Street Ruffian Grisly Spectacle Naturalize Agoraphobia Pack 1 pick 2: Swamp Boros Guildgate --> Skarrg Guildmage Burst of Strength Smite Corpse Blockade Skygames Gridlock Vizkopa Confessor High Priest of Penance Slaughterhorn Metropolis Sprite Primal Visitation Kingpin's Pet Pack 1 pick 3: Swamp Simic Fluxmage (FOIL) --> Gruul Keyrune # вот тут не знаю, взял единственное себе в цвет но может надо скричера брать или гибридизацию? Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Keymaster Rogue Executioner's Swing Basilica Screecher Rapid Hybridization Paranoid Delusions Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 4: Swamp Dimir Guildgate --> Warmind Infantry Bomber Corps Adaptive Snapjaw Spire Tracer Tower Defense Midnight Recovery Shadow Slice Last Thoughts Martial Glory Skullcrack Pack 1 pick 5: Swamp Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Smite Corpse Blockade Orzhov Guildgate Hindervines Totally Lost Mortus Strider --> Fortress Cyclops Metropolis Sprite Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Scatter Arc Smite --> Ember Beast Spell Rupture Shambleshark Purge the Profane Slate Street Ruffian Hold the Gates Naturalize Pack 1 pick 7: Plains Boros Keyrune Leyline Phantom Prophetic Prism --> Bomber Corps Court Street Denizen Hydroform Ripscale Predator Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 8: Forest --> Scab-Clan Charger Towering Thunderfist Hellraiser Goblin Totally Lost Paranoid Delusions Skyblinder Staff Whispering Madness Pack 1 pick 9: Island --> Gruul Guildgate Spell Rupture Shadow Alley Denizen Slate Street Ruffian Naturalize Agoraphobia Pack 1 pick 10: Swamp --> Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Skygames Gridlock Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 11: Swamp Simic Fluxmage (FOIL) Leyline Phantom Paranoid Delusions --> Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 12: Swamp Tower Defense Midnight Recovery --> Skullcrack Pack 1 pick 13: Swamp --> Hindervines Mortus Strider Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Slate Street Ruffian Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Forest Simic Guildgate Simic Keyrune Angelic Edict Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Skyknight Legionnaire Basilica Guards Knight of Obligation --> Firemane Avenger Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Gateway Shade Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 2: Island Dutiful Thrull Zarichi Tiger Cloudfin Raptor Bomber Corps Bioshift Scorchwalker Bane Alley Broker --> Wojek Halberdiers Contaminated Ground Murder Investigation Ripscale Predator Predator's Rapport Skarrg Goliath Pack 2 pick 3: Mountain Gruul Guildgate Gutter Skulk Frilled Oculus Urban Evolution Structural Collapse --> Skinbrand Goblin Shambleshark Zameck Guildmage Last Thoughts Primal Visitation Skyblinder Staff Sylvan Primordial Pack 2 pick 4: Island Boros Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen --> Ground Assault Miming Slime Shadow Alley Denizen Skygames Shattering Blow Ruination Wurm Midnight Recovery Dying Wish Pack 2 pick 5: Forest (FOIL) Island Coerced Confession Bioshift --> Zhur-Taa Swine Orzhov Guildgate Skygames Gridlock Slate Street Ruffian Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 6: Forest Way of the Thief Razortip Whip Death's Approach --> Wojek Halberdiers Madcap Skills Knight Watch Contaminated Ground Paranoid Delusions Greenside Watcher Pack 2 pick 7: Island Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Spell Rupture --> Armored Transport Shadow Alley Denizen Smog Elemental Shattering Blow Borborygmos Enraged Pack 2 pick 8: Forest Boros Guildgate Scab-Clan Charger Armored Transport Towering Thunderfist Totally Lost --> Righteous Charge Naturalize Pack 2 pick 9: Forest Simic Keyrune --> Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Predator's Rapport Gateway Shade Pack 2 pick 10: Island --> Zarichi Tiger Bioshift Contaminated Ground Murder Investigation Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 11: Mountain Structural Collapse --> Last Thoughts Primal Visitation Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 12: Island Skygames Shattering Blow --> Ruination Wurm Pack 2 pick 13: Island Skygames --> Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 14: Forest --> Razortip Whip Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Island Riot Gear Warmind Infantry Verdant Haven Psychic Strike Keymaster Rogue Act of Treason Crocanura Shadow Alley Denizen --> Firefist Striker Shielded Passage Fathom Mage Murder Investigation Martial Glory Call of the Nightwing Pack 3 pick 2: Swamp Dimir Keyrune Warmind Infantry Millennial Gargoyle Ivy Lane Denizen Drakewing Krasis --> Madcap Skills Spire Tracer Guildscorn Ward Smog Elemental Shattering Blow Clinging Anemones Shadow Slice Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 3: Swamp Riot Gear Leyline Phantom --> Boros Elite Keymaster Rogue Bane Alley Broker Horror of the Dim Urbis Protector Guildscorn Ward Executioner's Swing Basilica Screecher Forced Adaptation Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 4: Plains Dimir Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Leyline Phantom Drakewing Krasis Merfolk of the Depths Wasteland Viper Enter the Infinite Midnight Recovery --> Syndic of Tithes Beckon Apparition Pack 3 pick 5: Forest Dimir Guildgate Way of the Thief Coerced Confession --> Knight Watch Spire Tracer Mortus Strider Midnight Recovery Thespian's Stage Last Thoughts Voidwalk Pack 3 pick 6: Swamp Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Deathcult Rogue --> Boros Elite Frilled Oculus Skygames Basilica Guards Shadow Slice Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 7: Mountain Dutiful Thrull Adaptive Snapjaw Shambleshark --> Towering Thunderfist Slate Street Ruffian Basilica Screecher Beckon Apparition Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 8: Forest Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Ruination Wurm --> Fortress Cyclops Clinging Anemones Predator's Rapport Dying Wish Pack 3 pick 9: Island Riot Gear Keymaster Rogue --> Act of Treason Shielded Passage Murder Investigation Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 10: --> Drakewing Krasis Spire Tracer Guildscorn Ward Shattering Blow Clinging Anemones Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 11: Swamp Leyline Phantom Guildscorn Ward Forced Adaptation --> Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 12: Plains --> Leyline Phantom Merfolk of the Depths Midnight Recovery Pack 3 pick 13: Forest --> Last Thoughts Voidwalk Pack 3 pick 14: Swamp --> Skygames Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Собрал так: Проиграл в первом же туре оржову с обзедатом Драфт 20 Борос 2 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Forest Dimir Guildgate Disciple of the Old Ways Mugging Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Zhur-Taa Swine Massive Raid Court Street Denizen Rust Scarab Smog Elemental Basilica Screecher Elusive Krasis Wildwood Rebirth --> Hellkite Tyrant # Что-то он не крут, не надо его было наверное брать Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Dimir Charm Razortip Whip Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Smite Death's Approach Bioshift Zhur-Taa Swine Keymaster Rogue Alpha Authority --> Holy Mantle Hands of Binding Biovisionary Pack 1 pick 3: Mountain Dimir Guildgate Skarrg Guildmage Dutiful Thrull Ember Beast Spell Rupture Cartel Aristocrat --> Wojek Halberdiers Hindervines Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider Shadow Slice Naturalize Pack 1 pick 4: Island Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Boros Elite Adaptive Snapjaw --> Skinbrand Goblin Basilica Guards Г†therize Merfolk of the Depths Executioner's Swing Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 5: Swamp Simic Guildgate --> Angelic Edict Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Structural Collapse Spell Rupture Shadow Alley Denizen Basilica Guards Kingpin's Pet Skullcrack Pack 1 pick 6: Forest Way of the Thief Razortip Whip Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Ruination Wurm --> Basilica Screecher Righteous Charge Forced Adaptation Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 7: Mountain --> Prophetic Prism Structural Collapse Coerced Confession Orzhov Guildgate Shattering Blow Ruination Wurm Skyblinder Staff Serene Remembrance Pack 1 pick 8: Mountain --> Foundry Street Denizen Prophetic Prism Structural Collapse Hellraiser Goblin Ruination Wurm Midnight Recovery Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 9: Forest Zarichi Tiger --> Bomber Corps Massive Raid Rust Scarab Smog Elemental Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain --> Dimir Charm Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Alpha Authority Biovisionary Pack 1 pick 11: Mountain Hindervines Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider --> Naturalize Pack 1 pick 12: Island Merfolk of the Depths --> Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 13: Swamp Structural Collapse --> Shadow Alley Denizen Pack 1 pick 14: Forest --> Razortip Whip Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Swamp Syndicate Enforcer (FOIL) Razortip Whip Warmind Infantry Furious Resistance Smite Cartel Aristocrat --> Skyknight Legionnaire Alpha Authority Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Metropolis Sprite Forced Adaptation Simic Manipulator Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 2: Swamp Boros Guildgate Zarichi Tiger --> Foundry Street Denizen Spire Tracer Skygames Crowned Ceratok Hellraiser Goblin Merfolk of the Depths Midnight Recovery Shadow Slice Beckon Apparition Aerial Maneuver Whispering Madness Pack 2 pick 3: Island Boros Guildgate Orzhov Keyrune Zarichi Tiger Leyline Phantom Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Skyknight Legionnaire Shadow Alley Denizen Skygames --> Homing Lightning Realmwright Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 4: Forest Disciple of the Old Ways --> Mugging Cloudfin Raptor (FOIL) Foundry Street Denizen Experiment One Corpse Blockade Massive Raid Armored Transport Cinder Elemental Vizkopa Confessor Purge the Profane Pack 2 pick 5: Plains Dimir Guildgate Gruul Keyrune --> Bomber Corps Drakewing Krasis Towering Thunderfist Hands of Binding Mark for Death Wildwood Rebirth Paranoid Delusions Greenside Watcher Pack 2 pick 6: Swamp Riot Gear Furious Resistance Ivy Lane Denizen --> Scorchwalker Horror of the Dim Gridlock Hindervines Unexpected Results Clinging Anemones Pack 2 pick 7: Island Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade --> Armored Transport Crocanura Rust Scarab Shadow Alley Denizen Wildwood Rebirth Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 8: Mountain Dimir Charm Adaptive Snapjaw --> Assault Griffin Hellraiser Goblin Totally Lost Signal the Clans Shadow Slice Pack 2 pick 9: Swamp Razortip Whip --> Furious Resistance Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Forced Adaptation Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 10: Swamp Skygames Merfolk of the Depths Midnight Recovery --> Beckon Apparition Whispering Madness Pack 2 pick 11: Island Burst of Strength Shadow Alley Denizen Skygames --> Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 12: Forest Foundry Street Denizen --> Armored Transport Purge the Profane Pack 2 pick 13: Plains --> Mark for Death Wildwood Rebirth Pack 2 pick 14: Swamp --> Furious Resistance Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Island Gruul Guildgate Sunhome Guildmage Debtor's Pulpit (FOIL) Cloudfin Raptor Skyknight Legionnaire Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Mindeye Drake Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Agoraphobia --> Aurelia's Fury Pack 3 pick 2: Mountain Scatter Arc Dimir Keyrune --> Warmind Infantry Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Nav Squad Commandos Knight of Obligation Ruination Wurm Hydroform Skyblinder Staff Gateway Shade Illusionist's Bracers Pack 3 pick 3: Swamp Godless Shrine Scatter Arc Boros Keyrune --> Warmind Infantry Millennial Gargoyle Spire Tracer Guildscorn Ward Ruination Wurm Clinging Anemones Shadow Slice Beckon Apparition Skullcrack (FOIL) Pack 3 pick 4: Island Ivy Lane Denizen --> Skyknight Legionnaire Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Holy Mantle Nav Squad Commandos Tower Defense Devour Flesh Tin Street Market Balustrade Spy Pit Fight Pack 3 pick 5: Plains Ivy Lane Denizen --> Madcap Skills Horror of the Dim Knight Watch Guildscorn Ward Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Contaminated Ground Dying Wish Greenside Watcher Pack 3 pick 6: Mountain Forest (FOIL) Duskmantle Guildmage Riot Gear Scab-Clan Charger Horror of the Dim Executioner's Swing Shielded Passage Forced Adaptation --> Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 7: Swamp --> Angelic Edict Structural Collapse Ember Beast Shadow Alley Denizen Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider Ripscale Predator Wildwood Rebirth Pack 3 pick 8: Island Scatter Arc --> Debtor's Pulpit Razortip Whip Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Shattering Blow Voidwalk Pack 3 pick 9: Island Debtor's Pulpit (FOIL) Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions --> Agoraphobia Pack 3 pick 10: Mountain Scatter Arc Dimir Keyrune --> Sage's Row Denizen Skyblinder Staff Illusionist's Bracers Pack 3 pick 11: Swamp Scatter Arc Millennial Gargoyle Guildscorn Ward --> Skullcrack (FOIL) Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Nav Squad Commandos Tower Defense Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 13: Plains --> Guildscorn Ward Contaminated Ground Pack 3 pick 14: Mountain --> Shielded Passage Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так: Первый тур выиграл против медленного непойми чего (вроде все 5 цветов были, но не Серж ) Второй проиграл 1-2 оржову Итого 8 драфтов(4322) - 15 бустеров 30 билетов
Вроде нормально.
Драфт 18 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Plains Simic Guildgate Debtor's Pulpit Dimir Charm Simic Keyrune Angelic Edict Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Drakewing Krasis Basilica Guards High Priest of Penance Metropolis Sprite --> Devour Flesh Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Mountain (FOIL) Gruul Guildgate Scab-Clan Charger Leyline Phantom Bioshift Corpse Blockade Wojek Halberdiers Armored Transport Mindeye Drake Guardian of the Gateless Wildwood Rebirth Aerial Maneuver --> Consuming Aberration Pack 1 pick 3: Plains Orzhov Keyrune Riot Gear Furious Resistance Ivy Lane Denizen Towering Thunderfist Guildscorn Ward Hands of Binding Mindeye Drake --> Undercity Informer Greenside Watcher Balustrade Spy Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 4: Island Dimir Guildgate Gutter Skulk --> Deathcult Rogue Knight Watch Spire Tracer Shattering Blow Vizkopa Confessor Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Naturalize Gateway Shade Pack 1 pick 5: Forest Simic Keyrune Mugging Furious Resistance Death's Approach Guildscorn Ward Purge the Profane --> Basilica Screecher # Что-то при пересмотре мне кажется не очень хороший пик. Death's Approach и Balustrade Spy более димирские Aerial Maneuver Balustrade Spy Illness in the Ranks Pack 1 pick 6: Swamp Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward --> Dinrova Horror Ordruun Veteran Biomass Mutation Clinging Anemones Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 7: Mountain Scatter Arc Bomber Corps --> Orzhov Guildgate Skygames Cinder Elemental Slate Street Ruffian Shadow Slice Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 8: Swamp Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Orzhov Guildgate Purge the Profane Ruination Wurm (FOIL) Totally Lost --> Metropolis Sprite Pack 1 pick 9: Plains Simic Guildgate Debtor's Pulpit Simic Keyrune --> Syndicate Enforcer Spell Rupture Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain Mountain (FOIL) --> Leyline Phantom Bioshift Wildwood Rebirth Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 11: Plains --> Orzhov Keyrune Furious Resistance Guildscorn Ward Mindeye Drake Pack 1 pick 12: Island Shattering Blow --> Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Pack 1 pick 13: Forest Guildscorn Ward --> Illness in the Ranks Pack 1 pick 14: Swamp --> Guildscorn Ward Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Forest Riot Gear Disciple of the Old Ways Verdant Haven Keymaster Rogue Massive Raid Madcap Skills Nav Squad Commandos Viashino Shanktail Ruination Wurm Basilica Screecher Mortus Strider Fortress Cyclops --> Wight of Precinct Six Frontline Medic Pack 2 pick 2: Plains Gruul Keyrune Way of the Thief One Thousand Lashes Skinbrand Goblin Mind Grind Totally Lost --> Grisly Spectacle Hydroform Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Greenside Watcher Serene Remembrance Pack 2 pick 3: Mountain Structural Collapse Smite Ivy Lane Denizen Skyknight Legionnaire Frenzied Tilling Madcap Skills Guildscorn Ward Incursion Specialist --> Mystic Genesis Clinging Anemones Hydroform Slaughterhorn Pack 2 pick 4: Mountain Scatter Arc Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Coerced Confession --> Corpse Blockade Crocanura Orzhov Guildgate Skygames Purge the Profane Ruination Wurm Thespian's Stage Pack 2 pick 5: Island Orzhov Charm Leyline Phantom Sage's Row Denizen Psychic Strike Ivy Lane Denizen --> Death's Approach Voidwalk Predator's Rapport Skyblinder Staff Balustrade Spy Pack 2 pick 6: Plains Simic Guildgate --> Way of the Thief Ember Beast Cartel Aristocrat Bioshift Spire Tracer Skygames Basilica Guards Hold the Gates Pack 2 pick 7: Island (FOIL) Forest Riot Gear Furious Resistance Massive Raid Clinging Anemones Dying Wish --> Paranoid Delusions Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 8: Forest Boros Guildgate Scab-Clan Charger --> Corpse Blockade Miming Slime Skygames Paranoid Delusions Undercity Plague Pack 2 pick 9: Forest Riot Gear Verdant Haven --> Keymaster Rogue Nav Squad Commandos Ruination Wurm Mortus Strider Pack 2 pick 10: Plains Gruul Keyrune Hydroform Contaminated Ground --> Last Thoughts Serene Remembrance Pack 2 pick 11: Mountain Frenzied Tilling Guildscorn Ward --> Clinging Anemones Hydroform Pack 2 pick 12: Mountain --> Scatter Arc Skygames Purge the Profane Pack 2 pick 13: Island --> Psychic Strike Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 14: Plains --> Skygames Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Swamp Simic Guildgate Vizkopa Guildmage Watery Grave Gruul Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer --> Cloudfin Raptor Psychic Strike Ember Beast Basilica Guards Purge the Profane Wasteland Viper Contaminated Ground Metropolis Sprite (FOIL) Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 2: Swamp Gruul Guildgate --> Dimir Charm Deathcult Rogue Scorchwalker Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Smog Elemental Totally Lost Wasteland Viper Contaminated Ground Naturalize Predator's Rapport Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 3: Plains Boros Guildgate Adaptive Snapjaw Assault Griffin Armored Transport Knight Watch Knight of Obligation --> Dinrova Horror Hindervines Totally Lost Contaminated Ground Primal Visitation Greenside Watcher Pack 3 pick 4: Island Millennial Gargoyle Zhur-Taa Swine Act of Treason Crocanura Guildscorn Ward Shadow Alley Denizen --> Gridlock Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Forced Adaptation Skullcrack Pack 3 pick 5: Mountain --> Gutter Skulk (FOIL) Razortip Whip Frilled Oculus Bioshift Keymaster Rogue Scorchwalker Horror of the Dim Merfolk of the Depths Clinging Anemones Skullcrack Pack 3 pick 6: Island --> Duskmantle Guildmage Dutiful Thrull Razortip Whip Death's Approach Executioner's Swing Shielded Passage Voidwalk Primal Visitation Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 7: Island Zarichi Tiger Prophetic Prism Psychic Strike Tower Defense Enter the Infinite Midnight Recovery --> Devour Flesh Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 8: Mountain --> Scatter Arc Skinbrand Goblin Shattering Blow Ruination Wurm Last Thoughts Murder Investigation Naturalize Pack 3 pick 9: Swamp Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer --> Psychic Strike Purge the Profane Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 10: Swamp --> Totally Lost Contaminated Ground Naturalize Predator's Rapport Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 11: Plains Armored Transport Hindervines --> Totally Lost Contaminated Ground Pack 3 pick 12: Island Guildscorn Ward --> Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Pack 3 pick 13: Mountain Merfolk of the Depths --> Clinging Anemones Pack 3 pick 14: Island --> Razortip Whip Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Собрал так: 1 тур выиграл у медленного бороса 2 тур проиграл 1-2 симикам с большим количеством летунов. Сайдил против него Totally Lost и Grid Lock вместо одной стенки и контры. Сейчас смотрю может не надо было двумя стенками играть в мейне? Итого 6 драфтов(4322) - 13 бустеров 26 билетов
Не было, вроде.
подредактировал последнее сообщение
Драфт 16 Расплата за слова, что 4322 играют слабее ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Mountain Dimir Keyrune Way of the Thief Mugging Verdant Haven Wojek Halberdiers Madcap Skills Horror of the Dim Spire Tracer Nav Squad Commandos Sapphire Drake Basilica Screecher Murder Investigation --> Ogre Slumlord Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Simic Guildgate Dimir Charm Way of the Thief Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Psychic Strike Court Street Denizen --> Knight of Obligation Executioner's Swing (FOIL) Contaminated Ground Wildwood Rebirth Gateway Shade Greenside Watcher Pack 1 pick 3: Duskmantle Guildmage Razortip Whip Warmind Infantry Ivy Lane Denizen Horror of the Dim Crocanura Shadow Alley Denizen --> Undercity Informer Ruination Wurm Shielded Passage Mortus Strider Fortress Cyclops Clinging Anemones Pack 1 pick 4: Island --> Orzhov Keyrune Bomber Corps Adaptive Snapjaw Crocanura Orzhov Guildgate Shadow Alley Denizen Slate Street Ruffian Rapid Hybridization Metropolis Sprite Dying Wish Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 5: Forest Dimir Charm Riot Gear Angelic Edict Furious Resistance Death's Approach Guildscorn Ward Incursion Specialist Predator's Rapport --> Balustrade Spy Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 6: Forest Gruul Guildgate --> Duskmantle Guildmage Ember Beast Spell Rupture Hands of Binding Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider Naturalize Greenside Watcher Pack 1 pick 7: Plains Scatter Arc Urban Evolution Sage's Row Denizen Structural Collapse Ivy Lane Denizen Shambleshark Skyblinder Staff --> Beckon Apparition # Сейчас пересматриваю и кажется какой то плохой пик, раз уж взял с синим в предыдущей то видимо и тут Денизена надо было брать. Во время драфта наверное была мысль в оржове держаться. Pack 1 pick 8: Plains --> Dimir Guildgate Boros Keyrune Foundry Street Denizen Purge the Profane Midnight Recovery Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 9: Mountain --> Dimir Keyrune # В предыдущей взял гейт, может тут надо вора было брать? Way of the Thief Verdant Haven Spire Tracer Murder Investigation Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain Way of the Thief Psychic Strike --> Executioner's Swing (FOIL) Contaminated Ground Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 11: Duskmantle Guildmage Razortip Whip Horror of the Dim Ruination Wurm --> Mortus Strider Pack 1 pick 12: Island --> Shadow Alley Denizen Slate Street Ruffian Dying Wish Pack 1 pick 13: Forest --> Guildscorn Ward Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 14: Forest --> Naturalize Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Swamp Gutter Skulk One Thousand Lashes Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Smite Drakewing Krasis Keymaster Rogue Crocanura (FOIL) Crowned Ceratok Elusive Krasis Slaughterhorn Metropolis Sprite Beckon Apparition --> Angelic Skirmisher Pack 2 pick 2: Island Plains (FOIL) Orzhov Charm Frilled Oculus Millennial Gargoyle Wojek Halberdiers Act of Treason --> Daring Skyjek # Надо было похоже брать Charge, насчет чарма не знаю может его? Mindeye Drake Shielded Passage Righteous Charge Shadow Slice Forced Adaptation Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 3: Mountain Way of the Thief Verdant Haven Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Spire Tracer Nav Squad Commandos Undercity Informer Zameck Guildmage --> Executioner's Swing Skarrg Goliath Primal Visitation Balustrade Spy Pack 2 pick 4: Swamp Boros Guildgate Dutiful Thrull Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade --> Bane Alley Broker Towering Thunderfist Skygames Hydroform Rapid Hybridization Slaughterhorn Pack 2 pick 5: Forest --> Gutter Skulk Deathcult Rogue Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Knight Watch Totally Lost Hold the Gates Martial Glory Skyblinder Staff Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 6: Plains Riot Gear --> Cloudfin Raptor Furious Resistance Shambleshark Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Primal Visitation Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 7: Swamp Gruul Keyrune Riot Gear Keymaster Rogue --> Knight Watch Shielded Passage Mark for Death Forced Adaptation Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 8: Plains Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Frenzied Tilling Scorchwalker Tower Defense Skygames --> Basilica Guards Pack 2 pick 9: Swamp Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Keymaster Rogue Elusive Krasis Slaughterhorn --> Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 10: Island Plains (FOIL) Shielded Passage --> Shadow Slice Forced Adaptation Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 11: Mountain --> Way of the Thief Keymaster Rogue Spire Tracer Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 12: Swamp --> Corpse Blockade Skygames Hydroform Pack 2 pick 13: Forest --> Skyblinder Staff Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 14: Plains --> Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Plains Simic Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Scorchwalker Shambleshark Basilica Guards Incursion Specialist Purge the Profane Ghor-Clan Rampager Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport --> Soul Ransom Call of the Nightwing Pack 3 pick 2: Swamp Scatter Arc Gruul Charm Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Psychic Strike Keymaster Rogue Horror of the Dim Crocanura Viashino Shanktail Purge the Profane Shielded Passage Nimbus Swimmer --> Stomping Ground Pack 3 pick 3: Swamp Razortip Whip Leyline Phantom Sage's Row Denizen Shambleshark Madcap Skills Nav Squad Commandos Purge the Profane Basilica Screecher Dying Wish Forced Adaptation Aerial Maneuver --> Killing Glare Pack 3 pick 4: Island Frilled Oculus Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Madcap Skills Daring Skyjek Mortus Strider Shadow Slice Mental Vapors Ripscale Predator --> Call of the Nightwing Luminate Primordial Pack 3 pick 5: Plains --> Cloudfin Raptor Foundry Street Denizen Skyknight Legionnaire Spire Tracer Gridlock Hindervines Hydroform Shadow Slice Wildwood Rebirth Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 6: Island Simic Guildgate Simic Keyrune --> Angelic Edict Syndicate Enforcer Scab-Clan Charger Adaptive Snapjaw Skinbrand Goblin Shadow Alley Denizen Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 7: Island Scatter Arc Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Zhur-Taa Swine Basilica Guards Paranoid Delusions --> Agoraphobia Pack 3 pick 8: Plains --> Dimir Guildgate Leyline Phantom Bioshift Frenzied Tilling Scorchwalker Last Thoughts Naturalize Pack 3 pick 9: Plains Simic Guildgate Burst of Strength --> Spell Rupture Purge the Profane Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 10: Swamp Razortip Whip Furious Resistance --> Keymaster Rogue Horror of the Dim Shielded Passage Pack 3 pick 11: Swamp Razortip Whip --> Leyline Phantom Dying Wish Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Mortus Strider Shadow Slice Mental Vapors Pack 3 pick 13: Plains --> Spire Tracer Hindervines Pack 3 pick 14: Island --> Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Собрал так: Проиграл в первом туре BU 1-2, он меня удачливее милил В одной партии у него было 5 здоровья а у меня KeyMaster и два эксторта. Заклинание не поднял - проиграл. Драфт 17 Bomber squad ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Forest Scatter Arc Simic Charm Riot Gear Angelic Edict --> Mugging # смотрел я на эти Simic Charm, Killing Glare и Grisly Spectacle и решил взять красный ремувал? вырезая красный. Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Ivy Lane Denizen Guildscorn Ward Shadow Alley Denizen Crowned Ceratok Grisly Spectacle Killing Glare Sepulchral Primordial Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Orzhov Keyrune Way of the Thief Bomber Corps Adaptive Snapjaw --> Ground Assault Orzhov Guildgate Knight Watch Crowned Ceratok Executioner's Swing Slate Street Ruffian Contaminated Ground Greenside Watcher Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 3: Island Gruul Guildgate Scab-Clan Charger --> Mugging Leyline Phantom Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Mindeye Drake Ordruun Veteran Last Thoughts Kingpin's Pet Skyblinder Staff Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 4: Mountain Dimir Guildgate Prophetic Prism Drakewing Krasis (FOIL) Knight Watch Court Street Denizen --> Viashino Shanktail Midnight Recovery Contaminated Ground Wildwood Rebirth Greenside Watcher Killing Glare Pack 1 pick 5: Swamp Simic Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Spell Rupture Massive Raid --> Wojek Halberdiers Smog Elemental Hands of Binding Paranoid Delusions Whispering Madness Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Dimir Guildgate Way of the Thief (FOIL) --> Bomber Corps Coerced Confession Knight Watch Spire Tracer Court Street Denizen Wildwood Rebirth Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 7: Swamp --> Gruul Guildgate Way of the Thief Armored Transport Towering Thunderfist Knight Watch (FOIL) Biovisionary Last Thoughts Naturalize Pack 1 pick 8: Island Syndicate Enforcer Corpse Blockade --> Armored Transport Shadow Slice Wildwood Rebirth Beckon Apparition Serene Remembrance Pack 1 pick 9: Forest Riot Gear Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Guildscorn Ward Shadow Alley Denizen --> Sepulchral Primordial Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain --> Bomber Corps Orzhov Guildgate Knight Watch Slate Street Ruffian Contaminated Ground Pack 1 pick 11: Island Gruul Guildgate --> Skinbrand Goblin Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 12: Mountain Dimir Guildgate --> Knight Watch Contaminated Ground Pack 1 pick 13: Swamp --> Bomber Corps Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Coerced Confession Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Forest Boros Guildgate Leyline Phantom Ivy Lane Denizen (FOIL) Assault Griffin Scorchwalker Shambleshark Armored Transport Gridlock Shattering Blow --> Ghor-Clan Rampager взял этого над Gruul Ragebeast, так как он побыстрее Totally Lost Syndic of Tithes Call of the Nightwing Gruul Ragebeast Pack 2 pick 2: Swamp Simic Guildgate Duskmantle Guildmage Way of the Thief Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength Psychic Strike Spell Rupture --> Towering Thunderfist Holy Mantle Basilica Guards Basilica Screecher Voidwalk Martial Glory Pack 2 pick 3: Forest (FOIL) Forest Dimir Guildgate Simic Keyrune --> Bomber Corps # сейчас смотрю и думаю что пит файт все таки лучше, тогда подумал что у меня все мелкие существа и будем постреливать Psychic Strike Г†therize Unexpected Results Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Naturalize Tin Street Market Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 4: Mountain Gutter Skulk Disciple of the Old Ways Death's Approach Bioshift --> Skyknight Legionnaire Madcap Skills Knight Watch Spire Tracer Undercity Informer Balustrade Spy Skullcrack Pack 2 pick 5: Island Gutter Skulk Structural Collapse Armored Transport Hellraiser Goblin Totally Lost Nimbus Swimmer Signal the Clans Hydroform --> Slaughterhorn Naturalize Pack 2 pick 6: Plains Gruul Guildgate Urban Evolution --> Armored Transport Spire Tracer Thespian's Stage Last Thoughts Naturalize Martial Glory Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 7: Plains Spell Rupture Frenzied Tilling --> Scorchwalker Ruination Wurm Mortus Strider Naturalize Dying Wish Crackling Perimeter Pack 2 pick 8: Swamp Riot Gear Verdant Haven --> Act of Treason Alpha Authority Ordruun Veteran Ruination Wurm Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 9: Forest Leyline Phantom Armored Transport Gridlock Shattering Blow Totally Lost --> Gruul Ragebeast Pack 2 pick 10: Swamp Duskmantle Guildmage Way of the Thief --> Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Voidwalk Pack 2 pick 11: Forest Unexpected Results Last Thoughts --> Naturalize Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 12: Mountain Bioshift Knight Watch --> Spire Tracer Pack 2 pick 13: Island Hydroform --> Naturalize Pack 2 pick 14: Plains --> Last Thoughts Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Plains Gruul Guildgate --> Skarrg Guildmage Warmind Infantry Ember Beast Spell Rupture Skyknight Legionnaire Gift of Orzhova Spire Tracer Knight of Obligation Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider High Priest of Penance Shadow Slice Naturalize Pack 3 pick 2: Island Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Smite Ember Beast Bioshift Skinbrand Goblin Basilica Guards Undercity Informer Merfolk of the Depths Executioner's Swing Thespian's Stage Metropolis Sprite --> Arrows of Justice Pack 3 pick 3: Island Scatter Arc Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Smite Coerced Confession Bioshift --> Crocanura Alpha Authority Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Forced Adaptation Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 4: Island Gruul Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Daring Skyjek Armored Transport Basilica Guards Purge the Profane Ooze Flux Shadow Slice Voidwalk --> Arrows of Justice Pack 3 pick 5: Mountain Boros Guildgate --> Gruul Charm Way of the Thief Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Spire Tracer Skygames Mortus Strider Immortal Servitude Midnight Recovery Pack 3 pick 6: Swamp Simic Keyrune --> Scab-Clan Charger Millennial Gargoyle Act of Treason Daring Skyjek Towering Thunderfist Incursion Specialist Fortress Cyclops Primal Visitation Pack 3 pick 7: Island Leyline Phantom Psychic Strike Bioshift --> Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Shadow Alley Denizen Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Pack 3 pick 8: Island --> Gutter Skulk Structural Collapse Orzhov Guildgate Skygames Slate Street Ruffian Hydroform Illness in the Ranks Pack 3 pick 9: Plains Gruul Guildgate Warmind Infantry --> Ember Beast Slate Street Ruffian Shadow Slice Naturalize Pack 3 pick 10: Island --> Ember Beast Bioshift Skinbrand Goblin Merfolk of the Depths Thespian's Stage Pack 3 pick 11: Island Razortip Whip --> Furious Resistance Coerced Confession Guildscorn Ward Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Burst of Strength Shadow Slice Voidwalk Pack 3 pick 13: Mountain --> Foundry Street Denizen Mortus Strider Pack 3 pick 14: Swamp --> Towering Thunderfist Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Собрал так: Проиграл в финале 1 тур и 2 тур оба сыграл 2-1 и в обоих никогда не было больше 4 земель В одной игре на двух землях дождался третьей на 6 ходу только В финале проиграл 1-2 оржову, немного не заходило в начале а в конце с ним сложно было справиться Вообще колода прикольная получилась. Мне ей понравилось играть Итого 5 драфтов (4322) - 11 бустеров, 26 билетов (с проданых раров)
Драфт 15 (4-3-2-2) Первая победа ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Forest Skarrg Guildmage Riot Gear Frilled Oculus Bioshift Keymaster Rogue Scorchwalker Daring Skyjek Sapphire Drake Vizkopa Confessor Executioner's Swing --> Stolen Identity # Выбирал из этого и Sapphire Drake решил что эта получше, не уверен. Еще хороший Skarrg Guildmage. Shadow Slice Slaughterhorn Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 2: Island Boros Charm Scab-Clan Charger Mugging Frilled Oculus Millennial Gargoyle Act of Treason Daring Skyjek Towering Thunderfist Hands of Binding --> Zameck Guildmage Executioner's Swing Shielded Passage Skullcrack Pack 1 pick 3: Mountain --> Simic Charm Riot Gear Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Smite Zhur-Taa Swine Gridlock Unexpected Results Shielded Passage Murder Investigation Metropolis Sprite Martial Glory Pack 1 pick 4: Mountain Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Frenzied Tilling Spire Tracer Basilica Guards Shadow Slice Treasury Thrull Aerial Maneuver --> Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 5: Swamp Way of the Thief Dutiful Thrull Prophetic Prism Orzhov Guildgate Totally Lost Wasteland Viper Hydroform Kingpin's Pet --> Agoraphobia # Может лучше Viper? Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 6: Swamp Riot Gear Verdant Haven Keymaster Rogue Nav Squad Commandos --> AEtherize # взял AEtherize Righteous Charge Paranoid Delusions Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 7: Island Razortip Whip Leyline Phantom Furious Resistance Purge the Profane Clinging Anemones --> Rapid Hybridization Predator's Rapport Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 8: Mountain Riot Gear Horror of the Dim Shadow Alley Denizen Shielded Passage Murder Investigation --> Forced Adaptation Illusionist's Bracers Pack 1 pick 9: Forest Riot Gear --> Frilled Oculus Bioshift Vizkopa Confessor Shadow Slice Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 10: Island Act of Treason Towering Thunderfist --> Hands of Binding Shielded Passage Skullcrack Pack 1 pick 11: Mountain Riot Gear --> Unexpected Results Shielded Passage Murder Investigation Pack 1 pick 12: Mountain Frenzied Tilling --> Shadow Slice Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 13: Swamp --> Hydroform Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 14: Swamp --> Riot Gear Pack 1 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Swamp Gruul Guildgate Gruul Keyrune Foundry Street Denizen Psychic Strike Ember Beast Bioshift Crocanura Shadow Alley Denizen Firefist Striker Slate Street Ruffian Syndic of Tithes Wildwood Rebirth Arrows of Justice --> Aurelia's Fury Pack 2 pick 2: Plains Vizkopa Guildmage Angelic Edict Disciple of the Old Ways Coerced Confession Keymaster Rogue Massive Raid Wojek Halberdiers Horror of the Dim Miming Slime Guildscorn Ward Thespian's Stage --> Metropolis Sprite # Disciple of the Old Ways не нравится поскольку я без красного Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 3: Island Gruul Charm Millennial Gargoyle Sage's Row Denizen Psychic Strike Act of Treason Knight Watch Nav Squad Commandos Contaminated Ground Voidwalk Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation --> Greenside Watcher Pack 2 pick 4: Mountain --> Dimir Charm Skyknight Legionnaire Skinbrand Goblin Scorchwalker Alpha Authority Holy Mantle Shielded Passage (FOIL) Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 5: Plains Duskmantle Guildmage Way of the Thief Razortip Whip Death's Approach Towering Thunderfist Guildscorn Ward Ripscale Predator Dying Wish Balustrade Spy --> Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 6: Swamp Scatter Arc Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven --> Sage's Row Denizen Keymaster Rogue Merfolk of the Depths Ruination Wurm Hydroform Mental Vapors Pack 2 pick 7: Island Simic Guildgate Spell Rupture Towering Thunderfist Hands of Binding --> Sapphire Drake Glaring Spotlight Greenside Watcher Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 8: Forest Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Tower Defense Shielded Passage --> Hydroform Aerial Maneuver Skullcrack Pack 2 pick 9: Swamp Gruul Guildgate Foundry Street Denizen Ember Beast Bioshift Shadow Alley Denizen --> Wildwood Rebirth Pack 2 pick 10: Plains Coerced Confession --> Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Thespian's Stage Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 11: Island Contaminated Ground --> Voidwalk Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 12: Mountain Contaminated Ground --> Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 13: Plains --> Way of the Thief Razortip Whip Pack 2 pick 14: Swamp --> Hydroform Pack 2 pick 15: --> Spell Rupture ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Mountain Dimir Guildgate Angelic Edict Structural Collapse Spell Rupture Rust Scarab Shadow Alley Denizen Shattering Blow Mark for Death Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Naturalize Kingpin's Pet Agoraphobia --> Consuming Aberration Pack 3 pick 2: Plains Gutter Skulk Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Bioshift Guildscorn Ward Sapphire Drake Hindervines Vizkopa Confessor Clinging Anemones --> Slaughterhorn Forced Adaptation Blind Obedience Pack 3 pick 3: Mountain --> Simic Guildgate Boros Keyrune Angelic Edict Structural Collapse Ember Beast Shadow Alley Denizen Skygames Basilica Guards Gridlock Ruination Wurm Slate Street Ruffian Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 4: Swamp Orzhov Charm --> Cloudfin Raptor Death's Approach Bioshift Nav Squad Commandos Executioner's Swing Devour Flesh Skyblinder Staff Tin Street Market Crackling Perimeter Skullcrack Pack 3 pick 5: Island Debtor's Pulpit --> Deathcult Rogue Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Bioshift (FOIL) Г†therize Devour Flesh Balustrade Spy Sylvan Primordial Pack 3 pick 6: Forest Scatter Arc Ivy Lane Denizen Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Ruination Wurm --> Nimbus Swimmer Clinging Anemones Beckon Apparition Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 7: Island Boros Guildgate Adaptive Snapjaw Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Knight Watch Spire Tracer --> Rust Scarab Shattering Blow Pack 3 pick 8: Forest Gruul Guildgate Foundry Street Denizen Smite Armored Transport Mortus Strider Signal the Clans --> Wildwood Rebirth Pack 3 pick 9: Mountain Structural Collapse Spell Rupture Shattering Blow Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts --> Naturalize Pack 3 pick 10: Plains Razortip Whip Structural Collapse Bioshift Guildscorn Ward --> Hindervines Pack 3 pick 11: Mountain Structural Collapse Shadow Alley Denizen --> Skygames Slate Street Ruffian Pack 3 pick 12: --> Bioshift Skyblinder Staff Tin Street Market Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 13: Island --> Millennial Gargoyle Bioshift (FOIL) Pack 3 pick 14: Forest --> Guildscorn Ward Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Собрал так: Сыграл 3-0 1 тур 2-0 против слабого оржова, некоторое время был в 3х землях обе игры 2 тур Bye 3 тур 2-1 против BWU сильнее первого, но ничего особенного Пока после 3х драфтов, создалось впечатление, что на 4322 играют слабее, чем в швейцарке. Итого 3 драфта(4322) - 8 бустеров
Что это такое?
Есть вопрос. Стоит ли играть пререлиз в Питере? И если стоит, то как к нему лучше подготовиться и на что обратить внимание если я не играл турниры вживую?
Потому что они одноцветные? У нас еще Gateway shade есть Объясни. У нас не будет маны на контру, в чужой ход?
Драфт 14 4-3-2-2 Rare draft ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Plains Orzhov Keyrune Riot Gear Scab-Clan Charger Leyline Phantom Act of Treason Shadow Alley Denizen Homing Lightning Guardian of the Gateless Shielded Passage --> Grisly Spectacle #Выбирал между этим, Fathom Mage, Homing Lightning и Guardian of the Gateless из одноцветных он посильнее, как мне кажется Fathom Mage Forced Adaptation Martial Glory Balustrade Spy Pack 1 pick 2: Forest Riot Gear Warmind Infantry Verdant Haven Bioshift --> Wojek Halberdiers # выбирал между этим и кроканурой, в симик передали мага на предыдущем, взял этого Act of Treason Crocanura Rust Scarab Gridlock Hindervines Shielded Passage Metropolis Sprite Paranoid Delusions (FOIL) Pack 1 pick 3: Plains Dimir Guildgate (FOIL) Gruul Guildgate --> Deathcult Rogue Structural Collapse Frenzied Tilling Court Street Denizen Miming Slime Mark for Death Last Thoughts Slaughterhorn Martial Glory Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 4: Plains Scatter Arc Razortip Whip Warmind Infantry Urban Evolution Sage's Row Denizen --> Death's Approach # вроде как черный определяется и не стоит брать Warmind Infantry Nav Squad Commandos Tower Defense Shadow Slice Mental Vapors Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 5: Mountain Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Nav Squad Commandos Incursion Specialist Ordruun Veteran --> Devour Flesh Primal Visitation Skyblinder Staff Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 6: Swamp Psychic Strike Skinbrand Goblin Towering Thunderfist Hands of Binding --> Dinrova Horror Totally Lost Martial Glory Skyblinder Staff Whispering Madness Pack 1 pick 7: Swamp Gruul Keyrune --> Riot Gear Furious Resistance Massive Raid Knight Watch Guildscorn Ward Contaminated Ground Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 8: Island Ember Beast Adaptive Snapjaw Drakewing Krasis Orzhov Guildgate Skygames --> Hands of Binding # вот тут не знаю что лучше это или Agoraphobia, но поскольку у нас есть рогуе то взял это Agoraphobia Pack 1 pick 9: Plains Riot Gear Scab-Clan Charger --> Leyline Phantom Act of Treason Shielded Passage Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 10: Forest --> Riot Gear Verdant Haven Bioshift Hindervines Paranoid Delusions (FOIL) Pack 1 pick 11: Plains Structural Collapse Frenzied Tilling --> Mark for Death Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 12: Plains --> Scatter Arc Razortip Whip Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 13: Mountain --> Skyblinder Staff Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 14: Swamp --> Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Island Dimir Keyrune Scab-Clan Charger Frilled Oculus Verdant Haven Psychic Strike (FOIL) Ivy Lane Denizen Shambleshark Madcap Skills Horror of the Dim Nav Squad Commandos Cinder Elemental Fortress Cyclops Beckon Apparition --> Boros Reckoner # Rare draft 1 Pack 2 pick 2: Island Boros Guildgate Duskmantle Guildmage Disciple of the Old Ways Corpse Blockade Massive Raid Act of Treason (FOIL) Skygames Г†therize Purge the Profane Ruination Wurm --> Basilica Screecher # гильд мага похоже проворонил, не знаю о чем думал в тот момент Metropolis Sprite Gruul Ragebeast Pack 2 pick 3: Forest Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Cloudfin Raptor Adaptive Snapjaw Coerced Confession Skinbrand Goblin Spire Tracer Basilica Guards --> Grisly Spectacle Ripscale Predator Aerial Maneuver Undercity Plague Pack 2 pick 4: Mountain Sunhome Guildmage Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Scorchwalker Viashino Shanktail Executioner's Swing Syndic of Tithes --> Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Forced Adaptation Pack 2 pick 5: Mountain --> Dimir Charm Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Zhur-Taa Swine Armored Transport Basilica Guards Mindeye Drake Merfolk of the Depths Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 6: Plains Simic Guildgate Warmind Infantry Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Spell Rupture Hindervines --> Metropolis Sprite Undercity Plague Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 7: Forest --> Keymaster Rogue Shambleshark Alpha Authority Signal the Clans Primal Visitation Aerial Maneuver Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 8: Forest Orzhov Keyrune Act of Treason Guildscorn Ward Purge the Profane --> Clinging Anemones Voidwalk Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 9: Island Scab-Clan Charger --> Frilled Oculus Verdant Haven Nav Squad Commandos Fortress Cyclops Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 10: Island Massive Raid Act of Treason (FOIL) Skygames --> Г†therize Ruination Wurm Pack 2 pick 11: Forest Coerced Confession --> Skinbrand Goblin Spire Tracer Undercity Plague Pack 2 pick 12: Mountain Furious Resistance Predator's Rapport --> Forced Adaptation Pack 2 pick 13: Mountain --> Merfolk of the Depths Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 14: Plains --> Hindervines Pack 2 pick 15: --> Primal Visitation ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Forest Scatter Arc Vizkopa Guildmage Angelic Edict Syndicate Enforcer Foundry Street Denizen Structural Collapse Corpse Blockade Shambleshark Armored Transport Miming Slime Wildwood Rebirth --> Domri Rade # Rare draft 2 Beckon Apparition Agoraphobia Pack 3 pick 2: Mountain Gutter Skulk Disciple of the Old Ways Razortip Whip --> Sage's Row Denizen Madcap Skills Alpha Authority Knight Watch Miming Slime Nav Squad Commandos Ordruun Veteran Ruination Wurm Mortus Strider Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 3: Island Gruul Guildgate Skarrg Guildmage Boros Keyrune Experiment One --> Psychic Strike Smite Skinbrand Goblin Crocanura Hands of Binding Purge the Profane Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Pack 3 pick 4: Island Simic Guildgate Simic Fluxmage Dutiful Thrull Ember Beast Towering Thunderfist Basilica Guards Executioner's Swing Mystic Genesis Slaughterhorn --> Gateway Shade Pit Fight Pack 3 pick 5: Plains Scab-Clan Charger Razortip Whip Leyline Phantom Furious Resistance Coerced Confession --> Keymaster Rogue Unexpected Results Shielded Passage Mortus Strider Dying Wish Pack 3 pick 6: Mountain Boros Guildgate Way of the Thief Armored Transport --> Totally Lost Naturalize Martial Glory Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 7: Island Simic Guildgate Disciple of the Old Ways Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength --> Spell Rupture Bioshift Hold the Gates Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 8: Plains Scatter Arc Warmind Infantry Wojek Halberdiers Spire Tracer Homing Lightning --> Shadow Slice Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 9: Forest Scatter Arc Foundry Street Denizen Structural Collapse --> Corpse Blockade Armored Transport Wildwood Rebirth Pack 3 pick 10: Mountain Razortip Whip --> Miming Slime Nav Squad Commandos Ruination Wurm Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 11: Island Gruul Guildgate Boros Keyrune --> Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Simic Guildgate Towering Thunderfist Slaughterhorn Pack 3 pick 13: Plains Razortip Whip --> Furious Resistance Pack 3 pick 14: Mountain --> Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Собрал так: первый тур выиграл против слабого опа со слабым оржовым второй тур проиграл BWU деке (реплей) Итого 2 драфта(4322) - 4 бустера
Драфт 13 4-3-2-2 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Swamp Boros Guildgate Gruul Keyrune Simic Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer Frilled Oculus Adaptive Snapjaw Skinbrand Goblin Drakewing Krasis Assault Griffin Scorchwalker (FOIL) Shadow Slice Slaughterhorn --> Treasury Thrull # Взял труля вроде он тут круче всех. Много карт для симиков. Serene Remembrance Pack 1 pick 2: Swamp Simic Keyrune Disciple of the Old Ways Razortip Whip Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Skyknight Legionnaire Madcap Skills Cinder Elemental --> Guardian of the Gateless # Взял Гуардиана над шпионом Basilica Screecher Aerial Maneuver Balustrade Spy Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 3: Island Zarichi Tiger Cloudfin Raptor Sage's Row Denizen (FOIL) Bomber Corps --> Skyknight Legionnaire # Тигр Маневр и Слайс как-то не очень и я подумал что могу взять легионера и может быть играть борос со сплешем в оржова Spire Tracer Ordruun Veteran Mortus Strider Shadow Slice Voidwalk Wildwood Rebirth Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 4: Mountain Boros Guildgate Orzhov Keyrune Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Massive Raid Knight Watch Skygames --> Homing Lightning Contaminated Ground Mental Vapors Pack 1 pick 5: Island Zarichi Tiger Cloudfin Raptor Burst of Strength Spire Tracer Rust Scarab Skygames Sapphire Drake Merfolk of the Depths Purge the Profane --> Aerial Maneuver # Дают много симиков но мы их уже много передали Pack 1 pick 6: Plains Scatter Arc Disciple of the Old Ways Verdant Haven Structural Collapse Horror of the Dim --> Nav Squad Commandos Incursion Specialist Paranoid Delusions Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 7: Mountain --> Experiment One # тут я уже решил переключиться в симиков Massive Raid Crocanura Hands of Binding Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Agoraphobia Pack 1 pick 8: Plains Gruul Guildgate --> Simic Fluxmage Armored Transport Totally Lost Mortus Strider Naturalize Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 9: Swamp Gruul Keyrune Simic Keyrune --> Frilled Oculus Adaptive Snapjaw Shadow Slice Serene Remembrance Pack 1 pick 10: Swamp Disciple of the Old Ways Razortip Whip --> Sage's Row Denizen # Красного скорее всего не будет поэтому взял этого а не Disciple Death's Approach Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 11: Island Spire Tracer --> Mortus Strider Voidwalk Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 12: Mountain Skygames Contaminated Ground --> Mental Vapors Pack 1 pick 13: Island --> Skygames Merfolk of the Depths Pack 1 pick 14: Plains --> Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Island Boros Guildgate Breeding Pool Frilled Oculus Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade --> Drakewing Krasis # не стал брать бассейн так как колода полный шлак пока и надо набирать, продолжаю в симиков Scorchwalker Ground Assault Daring Skyjek Skygames Gridlock Purge the Profane Murder Investigation Pack 2 pick 2: Mountain Gruul Guildgate Debtor's Pulpit Boros Charm Orzhov Charm Angelic Edict Deathcult Rogue Foundry Street Denizen Ember Beast Massive Raid Slate Street Ruffian Wildwood Rebirth --> Metropolis Sprite Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 3: Forest Way of the Thief Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Coerced Confession Bioshift Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Executioner's Swing --> Clinging Anemones Tin Street Market Sepulchral Primordial Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 4: Forest Razortip Whip Sage's Row Denizen Act of Treason Nav Squad Commandos Tower Defense Purge the Profane Mental Vapors Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Forced Adaptation --> Killing Glare Pack 2 pick 5: Forest Debtor's Pulpit Dimir Keyrune Gutter Skulk Way of the Thief Sage's Row Denizen --> Ivy Lane Denizen # Существ мало, но синего похоже надо было брать Death's Approach Knight Watch Hydroform Kingpin's Pet Pack 2 pick 6: Swamp Urban Evolution --> Sage's Row Denizen Massive Raid Wojek Halberdiers Knight Watch Hands of Binding Shielded Passage Wight of Precinct Six Balustrade Spy Pack 2 pick 7: Island Scatter Arc Millennial Gargoyle --> Death's Approach Spire Tracer Mindeye Drake Shadow Slice Glaring Spotlight Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 8: Plains --> Cloudfin Raptor Alpha Authority Totally Lost Mortus Strider Naturalize Tin Street Market Sylvan Primordial Pack 2 pick 9: Island --> Prophetic Prism Corpse Blockade Skygames Gridlock Purge the Profane Murder Investigation Pack 2 pick 10: Mountain --> Debtor's Pulpit Foundry Street Denizen Slate Street Ruffian Wildwood Rebirth Beckon Apparition Pack 2 pick 11: Forest Coerced Confession --> Horror of the Dim Tin Street Market Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 12: Forest Razortip Whip Purge the Profane --> Mental Vapors Pack 2 pick 13: Forest --> Way of the Thief Hydroform Pack 2 pick 14: Swamp --> Knight Watch Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Swamp Dimir Guildgate Godless Shrine Duskmantle Guildmage Bomber Corps Structural Collapse Smite Bioshift Г†therize Executioner's Swing Fortress Cyclops Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts --> Slaughterhorn Naturalize Pack 3 pick 2: Mountain Simic Guildgate Skarrg Guildmage Mugging Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Zhur-Taa Swine Knight Watch Court Street Denizen --> Vizkopa Confessor Contaminated Ground Wildwood Rebirth Gateway Shade Greenside Watcher Pack 3 pick 3: Swamp Riot Gear Furious Resistance Ivy Lane Denizen Skyknight Legionnaire Massive Raid --> Crocanura Guildscorn Ward Tower Defense Hands of Binding Unexpected Results Clinging Anemones Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 4: Swamp Boros Guildgate Gruul Keyrune Burst of Strength Structural Collapse Corpse Blockade Skygames Slaughterhorn --> Metropolis Sprite # вторых дропов мало взял его над Slaughterhorn Beckon Apparition Whispering Madness Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 5: Plains Simic Guildgate Scatter Arc Disciple of the Old Ways Syndicate Enforcer --> Urban Evolution Ember Beast Alpha Authority Skygames Hold the Gates Primal Visitation Pack 3 pick 6: Plains Gruul Keyrune Leyline Phantom Ivy Lane Denizen --> Shambleshark Shattering Blow Signal the Clans Clinging Anemones Predator's Rapport Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 7: Plains Riot Gear --> Verdant Haven Keymaster Rogue Act of Treason Nav Squad Commandos Primal Visitation Illusionist's Bracers Illness in the Ranks Pack 3 pick 8: Mountain Forest (FOIL) --> Simic Charm Gutter Skulk Razortip Whip Frilled Oculus Sage's Row Denizen Mortus Strider Pack 3 pick 9: Swamp --> Dimir Guildgate Duskmantle Guildmage Structural Collapse Bioshift Last Thoughts Naturalize Pack 3 pick 10: Mountain Bomber Corps Knight Watch Contaminated Ground Wildwood Rebirth --> Greenside Watcher Pack 3 pick 11: Swamp Riot Gear Guildscorn Ward Tower Defense --> Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 12: Swamp Skygames --> Whispering Madness Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 13: Plains --> Skygames Primal Visitation Pack 3 pick 14: Plains --> Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 15: --> Plains Самый метательный для меня драфт оказался Собрал так Первую выиграл против слабого оппонента с грулем Вторую проиграл оржову с сламлордом, плетками, Мерсилес эвикшн и большим количеством летунов. В финале он выиграл. Итого: 1 драфт - 2 бустера
У меня нет показательных драфтов я почти везде лажаю. И если много сомнений то вероятность того что я налажал в итоге повышается Коменты писать постараюсь. Я так понимаю, что коменты нужны по нескольким пикам а не на все.
Он нас сразу в 2 цвета сажает, а все вроде советуют вначале оставаться более гибким.
Такое количество скопилось, не из-за лени постить, а из-за изменений в режиме. В дальнейшем постараюсь более равномерно.
Драфт 8 Собрал борос. Сыграл 1-2. В одном из матчей узнал что first strike не работает c pit fight Драфт 9 Симик 1-2 Драфт 10 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Island Orzhov Charm Razortip Whip Smite Keymaster Rogue --> Ground Assault Horror of the Dim Crocanura Guildscorn Ward Cinder Elemental Hands of Binding Executioner's Swing Clinging Anemones Primal Visitation Blind Obedience Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain --> Gruul Charm Riot Gear Way of the Thief Drakewing Krasis Keymaster Rogue Horror of the Dim Incursion Specialist Shielded Passage Fathom Mage Forced Adaptation Beckon Apparition Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 3: Plains Razortip Whip Mugging Burning-Tree Emissary Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Smite Horror of the Dim --> Crowned Ceratok Hellraiser Goblin Shielded Passage Clinging Anemones Slaughterhorn Pack 1 pick 4: Island Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Cartel Aristocrat Wojek Halberdiers Act of Treason --> Crocanura Smog Elemental (FOIL) Hands of Binding Ripscale Predator Dying Wish Pack 1 pick 5: Mountain Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Sage's Row Denizen Coerced Confession Shambleshark --> Act of Treason Nav Squad Commandos Shadow Alley Denizen Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Way of the Thief Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Shielded Passage Dying Wish Forced Adaptation Beckon Apparition --> Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 7: Swamp Way of the Thief Ember Beast --> Zhur-Taa Swine Towering Thunderfist Spire Tracer Skygames Biomass Mutation Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 8: Forest Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Keymaster Rogue Alpha Authority --> Spire Tracer Shattering Blow Shielded Passage Pack 1 pick 9: Island Razortip Whip Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward --> Hands of Binding Clinging Anemones Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain Way of the Thief Horror of the Dim Beckon Apparition --> Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 11: Plains Razortip Whip --> Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Shielded Passage Pack 1 pick 12: Island Millennial Gargoyle --> Ripscale Predator Dying Wish Pack 1 pick 13: Mountain --> Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Plains Duskmantle Guildmage --> Breeding Pool Razortip Whip Psychic Strike Structural Collapse Smite Death's Approach Madcap Skills Towering Thunderfist (FOIL) Guildscorn Ward Ordruun Veteran Guardian of the Gateless Purge the Profane Balustrade Spy Pack 2 pick 2: Island Dimir Guildgate Gutter Skulk --> Scab-Clan Charger One Thousand Lashes Prophetic Prism Thrull Parasite Bioshift Zhur-Taa Swine Keymaster Rogue (FOIL) Court Street Denizen Midnight Recovery Wildwood Rebirth Agoraphobia Pack 2 pick 3: Swamp Dimir Guildgate Way of the Thief Dutiful Thrull One Thousand Lashes Spell Rupture Alpha Authority Towering Thunderfist Executioner's Swing Slate Street Ruffian Basilica Screecher --> Naturalize Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 4: Forest Scatter Arc Riot Gear Angelic Edict --> Burning-Tree Emissary Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Psychic Strike Structural Collapse Act of Treason Smog Elemental Shielded Passage Pack 2 pick 5: Plains Razortip Whip Furious Resistance --> Scorchwalker Guildscorn Ward Cinder Elemental Righteous Charge Clinging Anemones Contaminated Ground Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 6: Mountain Boros Guildgate --> Gruul Keyrune Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Skygames Purge the Profane Devour Flesh Greenside Watcher Pack 2 pick 7: Mountain Gruul Guildgate Disciple of the Old Ways --> Ember Beast Knight Watch Spire Tracer Crowned Ceratok Hold the Gates Wildwood Rebirth Pack 2 pick 8: Swamp --> Gruul Guildgate Skinbrand Goblin Knight Watch Court Street Denizen Ruination Wurm Contaminated Ground Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 9: Plains Razortip Whip Structural Collapse Smite --> Towering Thunderfist (FOIL) Guildscorn Ward Purge the Profane Pack 2 pick 10: Island Gutter Skulk Bioshift Keymaster Rogue (FOIL) Midnight Recovery --> Wildwood Rebirth Pack 2 pick 11: Swamp Way of the Thief --> Dutiful Thrull Alpha Authority Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 12: Forest Riot Gear --> Millennial Gargoyle Structural Collapse Pack 2 pick 13: Plains Contaminated Ground --> Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 14: Mountain --> Skygames Pack 2 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Island Simic Guildgate Simic Keyrune Dutiful Thrull Syndicate Enforcer Frilled Oculus Adaptive Snapjaw Skyknight Legionnaire Skinbrand Goblin Gridlock Fortress Cyclops Hydroform Shadow Slice Glaring Spotlight --> Slaughterhorn Pack 3 pick 2: Plains Scatter Arc Warmind Infantry Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Gift of Orzhova Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Zameck Guildmage Totally Lost Immortal Servitude Shadow Slice Rapid Hybridization --> Pit Fight Pack 3 pick 3: Forest Simic Guildgate Mugging Warmind Infantry Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Wojek Halberdiers Crocanura Orzhov Guildgate (FOIL) Mindeye Drake --> Ghor-Clan Rampager Metropolis Sprite Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 4: Swamp Debtor's Pulpit Orzhov Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer Foundry Street Denizen Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Scorchwalker Armored Transport --> Homing Lightning Mortus Strider Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 5: Island Dimir Charm --> Mugging Frilled Oculus Bomber Corps Adaptive Snapjaw Frenzied Tilling Midnight Recovery Shadow Slice Last Thoughts Slaughterhorn Pack 3 pick 6: Plains --> Scab-Clan Charger Leyline Phantom Urban Evolution Verdant Haven Horror of the Dim Nav Squad Commandos Shadow Alley Denizen Hydroform Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 7: Mountain Skinbrand Goblin Tower Defense --> Ruination Wurm Totally Lost Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 8: Forest Riot Gear --> Act of Treason Spire Tracer Merfolk of the Depths Shielded Passage Biovisionary Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 9: Island Simic Keyrune Adaptive Snapjaw --> Skinbrand Goblin Gridlock Hydroform Shadow Slice Pack 3 pick 10: Plains Scatter Arc Prophetic Prism --> Burst of Strength Shadow Slice Rapid Hybridization Pack 3 pick 11: Forest Simic Guildgate --> Warmind Infantry Wojek Halberdiers Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 12: Swamp --> Foundry Street Denizen Mortus Strider Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 13: Island --> Adaptive Snapjaw Frenzied Tilling Pack 3 pick 14: Plains --> Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Собрал так Сыграл 2-1 Проиграл колоде с Обзедатом. Драфт 11 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Swamp Scatter Arc Warmind Infantry Smite Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Spire Tracer Nav Squad Commandos Gridlock Purge the Profane Ruination Wurm Elusive Krasis Shadow Slice Alms Beast --> Arrows of Justice Pack 1 pick 2: Island Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Deathcult Rogue Burning-Tree Emissary Frilled Oculus Skinbrand Goblin Scorchwalker --> Daring Skyjek Sapphire Drake Five-Alarm Fire Contaminated Ground Shadow Slice Martial Glory Pack 1 pick 3: Forest Simic Guildgate Simic Keyrune Angelic Edict Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Cartel Aristocrat Court Street Denizen Mark for Death Wildwood Rebirth --> Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 4: Forest Scab-Clan Charger Razortip Whip Furious Resistance --> Daring Skyjek Towering Thunderfist Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Rapid Hybridization Dying Wish Forced Adaptation Luminate Primordial Pack 1 pick 5: Mountain Razortip Whip Furious Resistance --> Death's Approach Keymaster Rogue Ruination Wurm Shielded Passage Mortus Strider Mental Vapors Metropolis Sprite Sylvan Primordial Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Ivy Lane Denizen Massive Raid Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward --> Hands of Binding Mortus Strider Clinging Anemones Rapid Hybridization (FOIL) Illusionist's Bracers Pack 1 pick 7: Mountain Way of the Thief --> Orzhov Guildgate Spire Tracer Skygames Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider Skullcrack Undercity Plague Pack 1 pick 8: Plains Scatter Arc Foundry Street Denizen Structural Collapse --> Corpse Blockade Hellraiser Goblin Shattering Blow Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 9: Swamp Scatter Arc --> Keymaster Rogue Spire Tracer Gridlock Ruination Wurm Shadow Slice Pack 1 pick 10: Island Simic Guildgate --> Frilled Oculus Scorchwalker Contaminated Ground Shadow Slice Pack 1 pick 11: Forest Simic Keyrune Wildwood Rebirth Predator's Rapport --> Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 12: Forest Guildscorn Ward --> Clinging Anemones Dying Wish Pack 1 pick 13: Mountain Furious Resistance --> Mental Vapors Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Guildscorn Ward Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Island Gruul Charm Riot Gear Angelic Edict Scab-Clan Charger Experiment One Furious Resistance Ivy Lane Denizen Horror of the Dim Shadow Alley Denizen Executioner's Swing Hold the Gates --> Merciless Eviction Clinging Anemones Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 2: Forest Simic Guildgate Way of the Thief Syndicate Enforcer Adaptive Snapjaw Skinbrand Goblin --> Gift of Orzhova Shambleshark Rust Scarab Wasteland Viper Clan Defiance Contaminated Ground Primal Visitation Greenside Watcher Pack 2 pick 3: Island Dimir Keyrune Warmind Infantry --> Deathcult Rogue Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Spire Tracer Nav Squad Commandos Ghor-Clan Rampager Hydroform Shadow Slice Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 4: Island (FOIL) Swamp Boros Guildgate Scatter Arc Armored Transport Crocanura Cinder Elemental --> Gridlock Shattering Blow Ruination Wurm Totally Lost Naturalize Pack 2 pick 5: Island Dimir Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Crocanura Shadow Alley Denizen Viashino Shanktail --> Vizkopa Confessor Signal the Clans Midnight Recovery Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 6: Plains Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Psychic Strike Scorchwalker Act of Treason --> Undercity Informer Biomass Mutation Pack 2 pick 7: Island Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Shadow Alley Denizen --> Guardian of the Gateless Viashino Shanktail Mortus Strider Metropolis Sprite Forced Adaptation Pack 2 pick 8: Island Riot Gear Millennial Gargoyle Shattering Blow Shielded Passage Murder Investigation --> Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Pack 2 pick 9: Island Riot Gear Scab-Clan Charger Furious Resistance Horror of the Dim --> Shadow Alley Denizen Clinging Anemones Pack 2 pick 10: Forest Simic Guildgate --> Way of the Thief Adaptive Snapjaw Contaminated Ground Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 11: Island Spire Tracer Hydroform --> Shadow Slice Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 12: Swamp --> Scatter Arc Shattering Blow Naturalize Pack 2 pick 13: Island --> Shadow Alley Denizen Primal Visitation Pack 2 pick 14: Plains --> Millennial Gargoyle Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Forest Gruul Guildgate Way of the Thief Experiment One Experiment One (FOIL) Coerced Confession Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Incursion Specialist --> Grisly Spectacle Contaminated Ground Last Thoughts Naturalize Greenside Watcher Gruul Ragebeast Pack 3 pick 2: Plains Dimir Charm Psychic Strike Skinbrand Goblin Frenzied Tilling Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Hands of Binding Totally Lost Wight of Precinct Six Devour Flesh Skyblinder Staff Greenside Watcher --> Angelic Skirmisher Pack 3 pick 3: Forest Simic Keyrune Ivy Lane Denizen Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Nav Squad Commandos Incursion Specialist Hands of Binding Firefist Striker Mystic Genesis Devour Flesh Greenside Watcher --> Balustrade Spy Pack 3 pick 4: Island Psychic Strike Thrull Parasite Scorchwalker --> Daring Skyjek Orzhov Guildgate Skygames Dinrova Horror Purge the Profane Slate Street Ruffian Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 5: Mountain Burst of Strength Assault Griffin --> Daring Skyjek Orzhov Guildgate Merfolk of the Depths Executioner's Swing Totally Lost Fortress Cyclops Mental Vapors Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 6: Plains --> Orzhov Charm Skinbrand Goblin Court Street Denizen Hindervines Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Beckon Apparition Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 7: Mountain Dimir Guildgate Vizkopa Guildmage Way of the Thief Spell Rupture Smog Elemental Slate Street Ruffian --> Basilica Screecher Naturalize Pack 3 pick 8: Plains --> Dutiful Thrull Cloudfin Raptor Sage's Row Denizen Mark for Death Forced Adaptation Tin Street Market Illness in the Ranks Pack 3 pick 9: Forest Gruul Guildgate --> Way of the Thief Coerced Confession Incursion Specialist Contaminated Ground Naturalize Pack 3 pick 10: Plains Dimir Charm Orzhov Guildgate Totally Lost --> Devour Flesh Skyblinder Staff Pack 3 pick 11: Forest Simic Keyrune --> Keymaster Rogue Incursion Specialist Mystic Genesis Pack 3 pick 12: Island Skygames --> Purge the Profane Contaminated Ground Pack 3 pick 13: Mountain --> Mental Vapors Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 14: Plains --> Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Собрал так 2-1 проиграл симикам в финале Драфт 12 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Island Dimir Charm Angelic Edict Disciple of the Old Ways Mugging Massive Raid Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Knight of Obligation Firefist Striker Executioner's Swing Totally Lost --> Clan Defiance Naturalize Illness in the Ranks (FOIL) Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Scatter Arc Angelic Edict Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Thrull Parasite Drakewing Krasis Guildscorn Ward --> Homing Lightning Clinging Anemones Ripscale Predator Forced Adaptation Luminate Primordial Pack 1 pick 3: Forest Experiment One Psychic Strike Structural Collapse Smite Ivy Lane Denizen Keymaster Rogue --> Ground Assault Nav Squad Commandos Cinder Elemental Shattering Blow Slaughterhorn Balustrade Spy Pack 1 pick 4: Plains Gutter Skulk Scab-Clan Charger Frilled Oculus Bomber Corps Gift of Orzhova Orzhov Guildgate --> Rust Scarab Skygames Ruination Wurm Slate Street Ruffian Hydroform Pack 1 pick 5: Plains Boros Guildgate Duskmantle Guildmage Gutter Skulk Syndicate Enforcer --> Scab-Clan Charger Frilled Oculus Adaptive Snapjaw Drakewing Krasis Assault Griffin Purge the Profane Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Scatter Arc Riot Gear Disciple of the Old Ways Verdant Haven Structural Collapse Zhur-Taa Swine --> Crowned Ceratok Beckon Apparition Blind Obedience Pack 1 pick 7: Swamp Bomber Corps Orzhov Guildgate Hydroform Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts --> Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Serene Remembrance Pack 1 pick 8: Mountain Simic Guildgate Zarichi Tiger Spell Rupture Court Street Denizen Tower Defense Shattering Blow --> Signal the Clans Pack 1 pick 9: Island --> Massive Raid Court Street Denizen Executioner's Swing Totally Lost Naturalize Illness in the Ranks (FOIL) Pack 1 pick 10: Scatter Arc Razortip Whip --> Furious Resistance Structural Collapse Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Pack 1 pick 11: Forest Psychic Strike Structural Collapse --> Smite Nav Squad Commandos Pack 1 pick 12: Plains --> Ruination Wurm Slate Street Ruffian Hydroform Pack 1 pick 13: Plains --> Gutter Skulk Purge the Profane Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Structural Collapse Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Island Way of the Thief Deathcult Rogue Millennial Gargoyle Furious Resistance Act of Treason Spire Tracer Ordruun Veteran --> Viashino Shanktail Shielded Passage Basilica Screecher Wight of Precinct Six Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Illusionist's Bracers Pack 2 pick 2: Plains Riot Gear Psychic Strike Smite --> Ivy Lane Denizen Bioshift Miming Slime Guildscorn Ward Hands of Binding Hold the Gates Angelic Skirmisher (FOIL) Balustrade Spy Killing Glare Sylvan Primordial Pack 2 pick 3: Mountain Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Warmind Infantry Ember Beast Skyknight Legionnaire Skinbrand Goblin Basilica Guards Guardian of the Gateless Merfolk of the Depths Lazav, Dimir Mastermind Metropolis Sprite --> Pit Fight Pack 2 pick 4: Mountain Razortip Whip Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach --> Spire Tracer Nav Squad Commandos Dinrova Horror Hindervines Mystic Genesis Righteous Charge Primal Visitation Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 5: Island --> Simic Guildgate Daring Skyjek Court Street Denizen (FOIL) Skygames Ordruun Veteran Ruination Wurm Slate Street Ruffian Hold the Gates Paranoid Delusions Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 6: Forest Scatter Arc --> Warmind Infantry Deathcult Rogue Coerced Confession Armored Transport Mark for Death Contaminated Ground (FOIL) Shadow Slice Wildwood Rebirth Pack 2 pick 7: Mountain Dimir Guildgate --> Ember Beast Spell Rupture Spire Tracer Executioner's Swing Slate Street Ruffian Naturalize Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 8: Plains (FOIL) Plains Boros Guildgate Dutiful Thrull Zarichi Tiger Skygames --> Mindeye Drake Executioner's Swing Pack 2 pick 9: Island Way of the Thief Furious Resistance Shielded Passage --> Forced Adaptation Primal Visitation Illusionist's Bracers Pack 2 pick 10: Plains Psychic Strike --> Smite Bioshift Guildscorn Ward Hold the Gates Pack 2 pick 11: Mountain --> Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Skyknight Legionnaire Basilica Guards Pack 2 pick 12: Mountain Razortip Whip --> Nav Squad Commandos Hindervines Pack 2 pick 13: Island --> Paranoid Delusions Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 14: Forest --> Contaminated Ground (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Swamp Orzhov Keyrune Riot Gear --> Mugging Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Zhur-Taa Swine Act of Treason Shadow Alley Denizen Shielded Passage Nightveil Specter Righteous Charge Syndic of Tithes Skullcrack Pack 3 pick 2: Island Dimir Charm Angelic Edict Skyknight Legionnaire Frenzied Tilling --> Sapphire Drake Clinging Anemones (FOIL) Last Thoughts Metropolis Sprite Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Skyblinder Staff Angelic Skirmisher Pack 3 pick 3: Plains Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Burst of Strength Smite Spell Rupture Bane Alley Broker --> Crocanura Urbis Protector Miming Slime Basilica Guards Ripscale Predator (FOIL) Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 4: Island Riot Gear Way of the Thief Urban Evolution Keymaster Rogue Horror of the Dim Spire Tracer Urbis Protector --> Viashino Shanktail Mortus Strider Syndic of Tithes Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 5: Island Duskmantle Guildmage (FOIL) Syndicate Enforcer --> Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Massive Raid Armored Transport Urbis Protector Basilica Guards Contaminated Ground Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 6: Swamp Dimir Guildgate Gutter Skulk --> Disciple of the Old Ways Foundry Street Denizen Knight Watch Holy Mantle (FOIL) Midnight Recovery Wildwood Rebirth Beckon Apparition Pack 3 pick 7: Swamp Duskmantle Guildmage Leyline Phantom --> Adaptive Snapjaw Assault Griffin Fortress Cyclops Syndic of Tithes Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 8: Plains Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Hindervines Hydroform Murder Investigation --> Kingpin's Pet Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 9: Swamp Riot Gear Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Shielded Passage Righteous Charge --> Skullcrack Pack 3 pick 10: Island Dimir Charm --> Angelic Edict Clinging Anemones (FOIL) Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 3 pick 11: Plains Spell Rupture Basilica Guards --> Ripscale Predator (FOIL) Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Urban Evolution Mortus Strider Forced Adaptation Pack 3 pick 13: Corpse Blockade --> Basilica Guards Contaminated Ground Pack 3 pick 14: Swamp --> Midnight Recovery Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Собрал так 1-2 Медленновата дека, но ни у кого особо быстрых и не было. Подкосили меня в двух матчах Act of treason. Итого за 10 последних драфтов 14 бустеров
Драфт 7 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Island --> Skarrg Guildmage Cloudfin Raptor Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Spire Tracer Miming Slime Signal the Clans Shadow Slice Kingpin's Pet Skyblinder Staff Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Call of the Nightwing Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 2: Forest Dimir Keyrune Way of the Thief Millennial Gargoyle --> Ivy Lane Denizen Act of Treason Guildscorn Ward Undercity Informer Unexpected Results Ruination Wurm Hold the Gates Clinging Anemones Contaminated Ground Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 3: Forest Dimir Guildgate Spell Rupture Daring Skyjek Towering Thunderfist Hands of Binding Executioner's Swing Slate Street Ruffian --> Grisly Spectacle Last Thoughts Naturalize Dying Wish Call of the Nightwing Pack 1 pick 4: Plains --> Gutter Skulk Razortip Whip Sage's Row Denizen Psychic Strike Death's Approach Frenzied Tilling Knight Watch Mental Vapors Ripscale Predator Primal Visitation Balustrade Spy Pack 1 pick 5: Island Simic Keyrune Dutiful Thrull --> Cloudfin Raptor Drakewing Krasis Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Last Thoughts Naturalize Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 6: Plains Boros Keyrune Zarichi Tiger --> Leyline Phantom Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Alpha Authority Shadow Alley Denizen Basilica Guards Martial Glory Pack 1 pick 7: Mountain Boros Guildgate Disciple of the Old Ways Adaptive Snapjaw Coerced Confession Massive Raid --> Basilica Screecher Paranoid Delusions Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 8: Mountain Dutiful Thrull Razortip Whip Psychic Strike Bioshift --> Keymaster Rogue Alpha Authority Shielded Passage Pack 1 pick 9: Island Sage's Row Denizen --> Death's Approach Signal the Clans Shadow Slice Skyblinder Staff Tin Street Market Pack 1 pick 10: Forest --> Way of the Thief Guildscorn Ward Hold the Gates Contaminated Ground Paranoid Delusions Pack 1 pick 11: Forest --> Spell Rupture Slate Street Ruffian Last Thoughts Dying Wish Pack 1 pick 12: Plains Razortip Whip --> Mental Vapors Primal Visitation Pack 1 pick 13: Island --> Last Thoughts Predator's Rapport Pack 1 pick 14: Plains --> Shadow Alley Denizen Pack 1 pick 15: --> Coerced Confession ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Forest Boros Guildgate --> Vizkopa Guildmage Way of the Thief Zarichi Tiger Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Drakewing Krasis Spire Tracer Rust Scarab Skygames Wasteland Viper Clan Defiance Syndic of Tithes Martial Glory Pack 2 pick 2: Swamp Gruul Guildgate --> Orzhov Keyrune Scab-Clan Charger Leyline Phantom Skyknight Legionnaire Skinbrand Goblin Miming Slime Shadow Alley Denizen Hold the Gates Last Thoughts Paranoid Delusions Skyblinder Staff Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 3: Island Scatter Arc Angelic Edict Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Structural Collapse Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Smog Elemental --> Dinrova Horror Totally Lost Hydroform Kingpin's Pet Pack 2 pick 4: Plains Dimir Guildgate Simic Charm Gruul Keyrune --> Gutter Skulk Disciple of the Old Ways Knight Watch Spire Tracer Shattering Blow Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Gateway Shade Pack 2 pick 5: Island Burst of Strength --> Spell Rupture Shambleshark Armored Transport Spire Tracer Basilica Guards Merfolk of the Depths Martial Glory Aerial Maneuver Undercity Plague Pack 2 pick 6: Island Dutiful Thrull Coerced Confession Bioshift Horror of the Dim --> Executioner's Swing Predator's Rapport Skyblinder Staff Serene Remembrance Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 7: Plains Leyline Phantom Urban Evolution --> Psychic Strike Shadow Alley Denizen Shattering Blow Totally Lost Murder Investigation Whispering Madness Pack 2 pick 8: Mountain Angelic Edict Disciple of the Old Ways Zhur-Taa Swine Massive Raid --> Armored Transport Tower Defense Beckon Apparition (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 9: Forest Boros Guildgate Way of the Thief Foundry Street Denizen --> Corpse Blockade Spire Tracer Skygames Pack 2 pick 10: Swamp Shadow Alley Denizen Hold the Gates Last Thoughts --> Paranoid Delusions Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 11: Island Scatter Arc Structural Collapse --> Smog Elemental Hydroform Pack 2 pick 12: Plains Spire Tracer Shattering Blow --> Midnight Recovery Pack 2 pick 13: Island --> Armored Transport Merfolk of the Depths Pack 2 pick 14: Island --> Serene Remembrance Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Plains Way of the Thief Mugging Coerced Confession Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Orzhov Guildgate Incursion Specialist Executioner's Swing Totally Lost Wight of Precinct Six Forced Adaptation (FOIL) --> Treasury Thrull Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 2: Swamp Sunhome Guildmage --> Frilled Oculus Ivy Lane Denizen Scorchwalker Wojek Halberdiers Daring Skyjek Guildscorn Ward Elusive Krasis Mortus Strider Mark for Death Clinging Anemones Contaminated Ground Shadow Slice Pack 3 pick 3: Island Gruul Guildgate Scatter Arc --> Simic Fluxmage Angelic Edict Structural Collapse Ember Beast Spell Rupture Slate Street Ruffian Mortus Strider Righteous Charge Glaring Spotlight Naturalize Pack 3 pick 4: Forest Angelic Edict Sage's Row Denizen Psychic Strike Bioshift Shielded Passage Elusive Krasis --> Rapid Hybridization Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Balustrade Spy Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 5: Forest Way of the Thief Dutiful Thrull --> Thrull Parasite Adaptive Snapjaw Orzhov Guildgate Towering Thunderfist Ruination Wurm Slate Street Ruffian High Priest of Penance Hydroform Pack 3 pick 6: Plains Gruul Guildgate Deathcult Rogue Foundry Street Denizen --> Bane Alley Broker Voidwalk Wildwood Rebirth Devour Flesh Primal Visitation Serene Remembrance Pack 3 pick 7: Forest Sage's Row Denizen --> Death's Approach Massive Raid Knight Watch Urbis Protector Shattering Blow Contaminated Ground Balustrade Spy Pack 3 pick 8: Mountain Debtor's Pulpit Dutiful Thrull Towering Thunderfist Nav Squad Commandos Voidwalk Forced Adaptation --> Beckon Apparition Pack 3 pick 9: Plains Way of the Thief Coerced Confession Executioner's Swing --> Totally Lost Forced Adaptation (FOIL) Tin Street Market Pack 3 pick 10: Swamp Guildscorn Ward Mortus Strider Mark for Death Contaminated Ground --> Shadow Slice Pack 3 pick 11: Island Scatter Arc Structural Collapse --> Mortus Strider Naturalize Pack 3 pick 12: Forest --> Bioshift Shielded Passage Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 13: Forest --> Dutiful Thrull Hydroform Pack 3 pick 14: Plains --> Primal Visitation Pack 3 pick 15: --> Contaminated Ground Собрал так Сыграл 1-2 (одну проиграл по времени) Понял, что вообще не понимаю, как собирать в этих цветах. Как должна выглядеть UB дека? Итого 7 драфтов 10 бустеров
Драфт 6 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Plains Urban Evolution Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Death's Approach Keymaster Rogue Towering Thunderfist --> Guardian of the Gateless Ruination Wurm Basilica Screecher Mortus Strider Slaughterhorn Primal Visitation (FOIL) Call of the Nightwing Illusionist's Bracers Pack 1 pick 2: Mountain Scatter Arc --> Angelic Edict Burning-Tree Emissary Foundry Street Denizen Structural Collapse Bioshift Corpse Blockade Skyknight Legionnaire Armored Transport Rust Scarab Shadow Alley Denizen Voidwalk Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 3: Forest Riot Gear Disciple of the Old Ways Burning-Tree Emissary Sage's Row Denizen --> Skyknight Legionnaire Act of Treason Tower Defense Shielded Passage Biovisionary Hydroform Aerial Maneuver Balustrade Spy Pack 1 pick 4: Island Way of the Thief Bomber Corps Orzhov Guildgate Spire Tracer Skygames --> Smog Elemental Slate Street Ruffian Nimbus Swimmer Mental Vapors Beckon Apparition Skullcrack (FOIL) Pack 1 pick 5: Island Simic Keyrune Millennial Gargoyle Bioshift --> Skyknight Legionnaire Massive Raid Act of Treason Guildscorn Ward Ordruun Veteran Clinging Anemones Contaminated Ground Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Orzhov Guildgate Spire Tracer Skygames Realmwright --> Martial Glory Aerial Maneuver Pack 1 pick 7: Swamp Thrull Parasite --> Wojek Halberdiers Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Greenside Watcher Tin Street Market Illness in the Ranks Pack 1 pick 8: Island --> Dimir Charm Razortip Whip Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Predator's Rapport Dying Wish Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 9: Plains Urban Evolution Verdant Haven --> Death's Approach Mortus Strider Primal Visitation (FOIL) Call of the Nightwing Pack 1 pick 10: Mountain --> Scatter Arc Structural Collapse Bioshift Voidwalk Wildwood Rebirth Pack 1 pick 11: Forest Riot Gear Tower Defense --> Shielded Passage Hydroform Pack 1 pick 12: Island Skygames Slate Street Ruffian --> Beckon Apparition Pack 1 pick 13: Island Bioshift --> Guildscorn Ward Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Skygames Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Plains Gruul Guildgate Angelic Edict Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Zhur-Taa Swine --> Gift of Orzhova Massive Raid Armored Transport Viashino Shanktail Thespian's Stage Wildwood Rebirth Metropolis Sprite Paranoid Delusions Agoraphobia Pack 2 pick 2: Forest Dimir Keyrune Orzhov Keyrune (FOIL) Razortip Whip Frilled Oculus Furious Resistance Bioshift Scorchwalker --> Wojek Halberdiers Г†therize Shielded Passage Fortress Cyclops Contaminated Ground Master Biomancer Pack 2 pick 3: Mountain Gruul Guildgate Cloudfin Raptor Psychic Strike --> Skinbrand Goblin Spire Tracer Smog Elemental Dinrova Horror Purge the Profane Elusive Krasis Last Thoughts Naturalize Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 4: Forest Dimir Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer Scab-Clan Charger --> Mugging Leyline Phantom Burst of Strength Holy Mantle Basilica Guards Cinder Elemental Basilica Screecher Aerial Maneuver Pack 2 pick 5: Plains Simic Guildgate --> Angelic Edict Zarichi Tiger Bomber Corps Spell Rupture Massive Raid Court Street Denizen Five-Alarm Fire Mental Vapors Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 6: Swamp Dimir Guildgate --> Debtor's Pulpit (FOIL) Orzhov Keyrune Gutter Skulk Psychic Strike Knight Watch Midnight Recovery Last Thoughts Naturalize Pack 2 pick 7: Island Riot Gear Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven --> Act of Treason Shielded Passage Hold the Gates Devour Flesh Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 8: Forest Scatter Arc --> Millennial Gargoyle Bioshift Nav Squad Commandos Righteous Charge Shadow Slice Forced Adaptation Pack 2 pick 9: Plains Gruul Guildgate --> Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Thespian's Stage Wildwood Rebirth Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 10: Forest Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Bioshift --> Shielded Passage Contaminated Ground Pack 2 pick 11: Mountain --> Gruul Guildgate Purge the Profane Last Thoughts Naturalize Pack 2 pick 12: Forest Syndicate Enforcer Leyline Phantom --> Basilica Guards Pack 2 pick 13: Plains --> Mental Vapors Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 14: Swamp --> Midnight Recovery Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Swamp --> Godless Shrine Simic Guildgate Syndicate Enforcer Leyline Phantom Burst of Strength Psychic Strike Spell Rupture Shadow Alley Denizen Basilica Guards Firefist Striker Merfolk of the Depths Ghor-Clan Rampager Syndic of Tithes Pit Fight Pack 3 pick 2: Forest Gruul Keyrune Dutiful Thrull Mugging Frilled Oculus Daring Skyjek Armored Transport Court Street Denizen Shadow Slice Slaughterhorn Ripscale Predator Naturalize Kingpin's Pet --> Truefire Paladin Pack 3 pick 3: Plains (FOIL) Mountain --> Warmind Infantry Furious Resistance Drakewing Krasis Bane Alley Broker Crocanura Gridlock Shattering Blow Shielded Passage Clinging Anemones Murder Investigation Metropolis Sprite Pack 3 pick 4: Plains Boros Guildgate Boros Keyrune --> Boros Elite Smite Adaptive Snapjaw Assault Griffin Armored Transport Hands of Binding Totally Lost Grisly Spectacle Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 5: Plains Gutter Skulk Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach --> Nav Squad Commandos Gridlock Hindervines Mortus Strider Skyblinder Staff Diluvian Primordial Pack 3 pick 6: Mountain Duskmantle Guildmage Simic Fluxmage Gruul Charm --> Warmind Infantry Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Nav Squad Commandos Hydroform Metropolis Sprite Pack 3 pick 7: Swamp Dimir Guildgate Leyline Phantom Shadow Alley Denizen Midnight Recovery --> Syndic of Tithes Wildwood Rebirth Gateway Shade Beckon Apparition Pack 3 pick 8: Swamp Death's Approach Alpha Authority Unexpected Results Devour Flesh Primal Visitation Tin Street Market --> Balustrade Spy Pack 3 pick 9: Swamp Syndicate Enforcer --> Leyline Phantom Psychic Strike Spell Rupture Shadow Alley Denizen Merfolk of the Depths Pack 3 pick 10: Forest --> Daring Skyjek Armored Transport Shadow Slice Ripscale Predator Naturalize Pack 3 pick 11: Plains (FOIL) Mountain --> Bane Alley Broker Shattering Blow Shielded Passage Pack 3 pick 12: Plains Boros Guildgate --> Assault Griffin Armored Transport Pack 3 pick 13: Plains Mortus Strider --> Skyblinder Staff Pack 3 pick 14: Mountain --> Keymaster Rogue Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Интересует мнение по поводу п1п2 и п1п4 Собрал так Сыграл 2-1. Проиграл во втором туре оржову. Видео Тур1 Тур2 Тур3 Итого 9 паков за 6 драфтов.
Aetherize не отображается. ?therize - так копируется из файла драфта через блокнот Aetherize AEtherize Г†therize - так копируется из файла драфта через FAR Как его правильно писать? Пробовал русское название тоже не работает. И если пик не распознан как карта то показывается предыдущий пик и коммент.
Драфт 5 ------ GTC ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Plains Simic Guildgate Dutiful Thrull Zarichi Tiger Burst of Strength Spell Rupture Towering Thunderfist Basilica Guards Vizkopa Confessor Mortus Strider Righteous Charge Lazav, Dimir Mastermind --> Slaughterhorn # Kingpin's Pet и Lazav, Dimir Mastermind сразу двухцветные и еще в паке много Оржова,то есть если я возьму pet то за мной все равно будут сидеть в этих цветах и на втором бустере будут брать передо мной. Kingpin's Pet Gateway Shade Pack 1 pick 2: Swamp --> Simic Charm Riot Gear Scab-Clan Charger Furious Resistance Psychic Strike Daring Skyjek Towering Thunderfist Guildscorn Ward Hands of Binding Dying Wish Martial Glory Greenside Watcher Killing Glare Pack 1 pick 3: Forest Warmind Infantry Burning-Tree Emissary Millennial Gargoyle Bioshift Wojek Halberdiers Act of Treason --> Crocanura Nav Squad Commandos Shadow Alley Denizen Hellraiser Goblin Clinging Anemones Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 4: Mountain Gruul Guildgate Leyline Phantom Boros Elite Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Scorchwalker Executioner's Swing Wasteland Viper Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff --> Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 5: Island --> Simic Fluxmage Sage's Row Denizen Massive Raid Rust Scarab Nav Squad Commandos Purge the Profane Ruination Wurm Metropolis Sprite Forced Adaptation Crackling Perimeter Pack 1 pick 6: Forest Orzhov Keyrune Urban Evolution Skinbrand Goblin Orzhov Guildgate Shadow Alley Denizen Totally Lost Murder Investigation Skyblinder Staff --> Pit Fight Pack 1 pick 7: Forest Simic Keyrune Razortip Whip Furious Resistance Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Ruination Wurm Hold the Gates --> Clinging Anemones Pack 1 pick 8: Plains Boros Guildgate Duskmantle Guildmage Tower Defense Totally Lost Mortus Strider Naturalize --> Agoraphobia Pack 1 pick 9: Simic Guildgate Dutiful Thrull Zarichi Tiger --> Spell Rupture Towering Thunderfist Mortus Strider Righteous Charge Pack 1 pick 10: Swamp --> Riot Gear Towering Thunderfist Guildscorn Ward Dying Wish Martial Glory Pack 1 pick 11: Forest Bioshift Hellraiser Goblin Clinging Anemones --> Forced Adaptation Pack 1 pick 12: Mountain Gruul Guildgate --> Last Thoughts Skyblinder Staff Pack 1 pick 13: Island --> Rust Scarab Crackling Perimeter Pack 1 pick 14: Forest --> Murder Investigation Pack 1 pick 15: --> Guildscorn Ward ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Swamp --> Gyre Sage # 2 питфайта уже есть выбирал между им и раптором Gruul Charm Riot Gear Dutiful Thrull Cloudfin Raptor Keymaster Rogue Cinder Elemental Shielded Passage Forced Adaptation Beckon Apparition Tin Street Market Balustrade Spy Illness in the Ranks Pit Fight (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 2: Island Disciple of the Old Ways Prophetic Prism Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Massive Raid --> Shambleshark Orzhov Guildgate Smog Elemental Purge the Profane Elusive Krasis Totally Lost Five-Alarm Fire Metropolis Sprite Pack 2 pick 3: Plains Boros Guildgate Boros Keyrune Gutter Skulk Deathcult Rogue --> Frilled Oculus Structural Collapse Adaptive Snapjaw Skinbrand Goblin Assault Griffin Viashino Shanktail Totally Lost Martial Glory Pack 2 pick 4: Swamp Boros Guildgate Dimir Keyrune Prophetic Prism --> Burst of Strength Corpse Blockade Zhur-Taa Swine Knight Watch Tower Defense Skygames Realmwright Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 5: Plains Dimir Guildgate Scatter Arc --> Experiment One Spell Rupture Incursion Specialist Hands of Binding Last Thoughts Naturalize Paranoid Delusions Molten Primordial Pack 2 pick 6: Swamp Razortip Whip --> Leyline Phantom Death's Approach Scorchwalker Bane Alley Broker Madcap Skills Undercity Informer Predator's Rapport Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 7: Mountain Scatter Arc --> Verdant Haven # тут похоже надо что-то чужое забирать, скорее всего Bane Alley Broker или Fortress Cyclops Structural Collapse Bane Alley Broker (FOIL) Horror of the Dim Fortress Cyclops Hold the Gates Skyblinder Staff Pack 2 pick 8: Island Way of the Thief Sage's Row Denizen --> Ivy Lane Denizen # Посчитал, что он лучше Madcap Skills Spire Tracer Miming Slime Hydroform Pack 2 pick 9: Swamp Riot Gear --> Keymaster Rogue Shielded Passage Forced Adaptation Tin Street Market Illness in the Ranks Pack 2 pick 10: Island Corpse Blockade Purge the Profane --> Elusive Krasis Totally Lost Five-Alarm Fire Pack 2 pick 11: Plains Boros Guildgate Boros Keyrune Structural Collapse --> Totally Lost Pack 2 pick 12: Swamp --> Knight Watch Skygames Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 13: Plains --> Last Thoughts Paranoid Delusions Pack 2 pick 14: Swamp --> Predator's Rapport Pack 2 pick 15: --> Scatter Arc ------ GTC ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Mountain Simic Charm --> Cloudfin Raptor # подумал что симик только я играю поскольку красис прошел круг и следовательно чарм тоже может вернуться Millennial Gargoyle Verdant Haven Sage's Row Denizen Death's Approach Bioshift Skyknight Legionnaire Act of Treason Gridlock Hindervines Aerial Maneuver Tin Street Market Illusionist's Bracers Pack 3 pick 2: Plains Boros Charm Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Experiment One Ivy Lane Denizen --> Drakewing Krasis # выбирал между этим и экспериментальным, наеврное этот лучше если придет позже, да и летает Act of Treason Guildscorn Ward Shattering Blow Basilica Screecher Clinging Anemones Aerial Maneuver Diluvian Primordial Pack 3 pick 3: Plains Leyline Phantom Sage's Row Denizen Ivy Lane Denizen Cartel Aristocrat Death's Approach Nav Squad Commandos --> Aetherize # тут взял Aetherize что-то его плохо показывает. Или надо было Mystic Genesis Mystic Genesis Mental Vapors Martial Glory Skyblinder Staff Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 4: Mountain Dimir Keyrune Syndicate Enforcer Foundry Street Denizen Thrull Parasite Corpse Blockade Armored Transport Ordruun Veteran Hydroform Contaminated Ground --> Wildwood Rebirth Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 5: Mountain Scatter Arc Psychic Strike Structural Collapse Keymaster Rogue Madcap Skills Nav Squad Commandos Purge the Profane --> Rapid Hybridization Balustrade Spy Crackling Perimeter Pack 3 pick 6: Forest Riot Gear --> Frilled Oculus Verdant Haven Psychic Strike Keymaster Rogue Nav Squad Commandos Shadow Slice Mental Vapors Martial Glory Pack 3 pick 7: Swamp --> Angelic Edict Verdant Haven Coerced Confession Horror of the Dim Guildscorn Ward Shattering Blow Mark for Death Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 8: Island Razortip Whip Furious Resistance --> Keymaster Rogue Horror of the Dim Shielded Passage Mental Vapors Beckon Apparition Pack 3 pick 9: Mountain --> Simic Charm Bioshift Act of Treason Hindervines Tin Street Market Illusionist's Bracers Pack 3 pick 10: Plains --> Leyline Phantom Millennial Gargoyle Guildscorn Ward Shattering Blow Clinging Anemones Pack 3 pick 11: Plains Leyline Phantom --> Death's Approach Skyblinder Staff Aerial Maneuver Pack 3 pick 12: Mountain --> Hydroform Contaminated Ground Predator's Rapport Pack 3 pick 13: Mountain --> Scatter Arc Structural Collapse Pack 3 pick 14: Forest --> Mental Vapors Pack 3 pick 15: --> Predator's Rapport Написал немного комментов Собрал так: Сыграл 2-1. Проиграл в первом туре оржову с существом 6/6 за 4 маны против которого Lifelink. Видео: Тур1 Тур2 Тур3 Итого после 5 драфтов выиграл 7 паков
Подумал что можно скомбить с Master Biomancer Пока мой скил не позволяет мне еще и говорить во время игры