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Карты в разные форматы. Много фойлы!


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Приветствую, рад видеть Вас в своей торговой теме! Язык карт преимущественно русский, для более удобного поиска названия написаны на английском. Пользуйтесь поиском через CTRL+F.  Карты разделены по редкости и цвету, а так же по цене в порядке убывания. Язык на фойловые карты указан как и на самих картах!  Состояние карт, отличное от NM, написано рядом с названием.  

По умолчанию минимальная сумма заказа 300р. Отправляю почтой России заказным в пластиковом конверте +100р. Но я всегда готов идти на встречу, особенно если отправка вам не горит). Если Вас не устроила цена на карту в темке, то не стесняйтесь предложить желаемую.  

Внизу темы расположены карты друзей. Советую ознокомиться, там есть много хорошего по минималке Топдека! 

Понравившиеся карты , пожалуйста , копируйте полностью со всей информацией вместе с ценой!

К заказу можно прикрепить свои хотелки, возможно, даже получится что-то найти. Темка в процессе пополнения и весомая часть картона не добавлена. 

NB! Так же есть много разных токенов, от оригинальных из бустеров до кастомных от художников, спрашивайте!



:w: БЕЛЫЕ: 

Объявление о Свадьбе / Wedding Announcement  FOIL 1200
Объявление о Свадьбе / Wedding Announcement (Prerelease) FOIL 1000
Цепь Жизни FOIL 600

Ястреб Отблесков FOIL 5000
Giver of Runes (Retro Frame) FOIL 1000
Suncleanser FOIL 900
Path to Exile (WPN, Rebecca Guay) FOIL 700
2 Возвращенные FOIL 400
Sanctum Prelate (Buy-a-Box) FOIL 300
Sram, Senior Edificer (Multiverse Legends) FOIL 200
4 Novice Inspector FOIL 150
Леонинский Авангард FOIL 150

Мановый Налог (Mystical Archive) FOIL 900
Кольцо Забвения (Shards of Alara) FOIL 250
«Паргелион II» (Prerelease)  FOIL 400
March of Otherworldly Light FOIL 400
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Multiverse Legends) FOIL 300
Cartographer's Hawk FOIL 50

Рыцарь Белой Орхидеи  FOIL 400
Медаль Пустого Трона (Origins) FOIL 500
Extraction Specialist FOIL 250
Убийца Великанов FOIL (Showcase) 400
2 Рыцарь Белой Орхидеи FOIL (Prerelease) 300
Катар-Коммандос FOIL 150
Circle of Protection: Red FOIL (FNM) 250
Wall of Omens FOIL (FNM) 250
Заявление в Камне FOIL (Prerelease) 150
Украшенная Хищница FOIL (Full Art) 200
Архонт Милости Солнца FOIL 200
4 Honor of the Pure FOIL (Buy-a-Box) 150
Укрытый Королевством Гигант FOIL (Prerelease) 150
Первейшая из Арашина FOIL 150
Призыв к Единению FOIL 100
Touch of the Eternal FOIL 100
Расколотое Небо FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Достойный Рыцарь FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Джеру, Раскрывший Глаза FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Лейтенант Базри FOIL 60
Elite Inquisitor FOIL 50
Spelltithe Enforcer (MB) FOIL 50
Поединок FOIL (Prerelease) 50
Вселенское Очищение FOIL (вилка) 50
Повешенный Палач FOIL 50
Конец Семестра FOIL 50
Благочестивый Указ FOIL 50
Near-Death Experience (FtV) FOIL 50
Командир Отряда FOIL (вилка) 50
2 Squad Commander FOIL 50
Proclamation of Rebirth FOIL (MB) 50
Celestial Kirin FOIL (MB) 50
Идол Выносливости FOIL 50
Mesa Enchantress FOIL 50
2 Сигнальщик Ополчения FOIL (Promo) 50
Дакс, Благословленный Солнцем FOIL 40
4 Трибунал Конклава FOIL (Promo) 40
Toolcraft Exemplar FOIL 40
2 Valorous Stance FOIL (Promo) 30
Архижрец Ионы FOIL (Вилка) 30

:u: СИНИЕ:

Faerie Squadron FOIL 400
Kenku Artificer FOIL 150
Ломающая Волю FOIL 300
4 Wizard's Retort FOIL 60
Фрагменты Головоломки FOIL 600
Шутка Мастера Изменений FOIL 800
Светящиеся Иероглифы FOIL 150
Настойчивые Жалобщики FOIL 400
Испытание Талантов FOIL 300
Конец Истории FOIL (Вилка) 250
Джейс, Мистический Стратег FOIL 250
Святилище Тихой Воды FOIL 250
Сущность Штормового Крыла FOIL (Вилка) 250
Gifts Ungiven FOIL (Spellbook) 200
Наводнение Слез FOIL 150
Западня Мерзлоты FOIL 150
Гэдвик, Умудренный FOIL 150
Peregrine Drake FOIL (EMA) 120
Вытянуть из Грез FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Сфинкс Головоломок FOIL 100
Джинн Желаний (М10) FOIL 100
Среброжаберный Адепт FOIL (Open House) 100
Талранд, Небесный Вызыватель FOIL 100
Brainstorm (Double Masters) FOIL 250
Каллафа, Возлюбленная Моря (Showcase) FOIL 100
2 Лихорадочные Сборы Promo Pack FOIL 100
Привитая Личность FOIL 100
Icebreaker Kraken (Extended Art) FOIL 100
4 Гэдвик, Умудренный (Вилка) FOIL 100
Переменчивый Самозванец FOIL 100
Гениальное Мастерство FOIL 100
Искусное Воспроизведение FOIL 100
The Mirari Conjecture FOIL 100
Blessed Reincarnation FOIL (Иероглифы) 100
Талант Телепата FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Grand Architect  FOIL (MB) 100
Coralhelm Chronicler (Extended Art) FOIL 100
Всевидящая Атемзис FOIL (Prerelease) 80
Волноломный Гиппокамп FOIL (Вилка) 80
Puca's Mischief FOIL (MB) 80
Frozen AEther FOIL (MB) 80
Керикс, Буйный Остров FOIL (Prerelease) 70
2 Жажда Смысла (Promo Pack) FOIL 70
Inscription of Insight FOIL 50
Silver Scrutiny FOIL 50
Master of Winds FOIL 50
Covenant of Minds FOIL 50
Привидения из Темниц (немного помят угол) FOIL 50
Хитроумная Головоломка (Вилка) 50
Ледоломный Кракен FOIL (Prerelease) 50
2 Навстречу Великому Валу FOIL (Promo Pack) 40
Летописец Кораллового Шлема FOIL (Вилка) 40
Coralhelm Chronicler FOIL 40
2 Вор Личности  FOIL (Launch) 20

Voldaren Thrillseeker FOIL 200
Гнев Предков FOIL 100
Valduk, Keeper of the Flame FOIL MUL 50

Гирапурская Эфирная Сеть FOIL 800
Просчитанный Взрыв FOIL (Retro) 500
Просчитанный Взрыв FOIL (Prerelease) 200

Пробуждение Валакута FOIL 800
Scourge of the Throne FOIL (MB) 150
Свирепый Выпад FOIL 400 
Торальф, Бог Ярости / Toralf, God of Fury FOIL 300
Пустынный Рогозуб FOIL 200
Живорез Скованных Злобой FOIL 200
Пларгг, Декан Хаоса / Plargg, Dean of Chaos) FOIL 200
Кавалькада Катастроф FOIL 200
Сбежавший Паровик FOIL (Prerelease) 200
Increasing Vengeance FOIL (Mystical Archive) 200
Flamekin Harbinger FOIL (MB) 100
Забрать Первенца FOIL (Mystical Archive) 150
Кровавокосый Мародер FOIL 150
Древний Змей FOIL 150
Берсерк из Клана Скаб FOIL (Prerelease) 150 
Stone Rain FOIL (Mystical Archive) 120
Rageblood Shaman FOIL 100
Гэдрак, Бич Властителей Stamped FOIL (Вилка) 100
Stigma Lasher FOIL (MB) 100
Огнеметный Дракон FOIL (М12) 100
Браллин, Наездник Небесной Акулы FOIL 100
Джайя, Почтенный Маг Пламени (Prerelease) FOIL 100
Вмешательство Пирфора FOIL 100
Тектонический Гигант FOIL 100
Огнеметный Дракон HP FOIL 100
Кулаки Пламени FOIL 100
Fiery Gambit FOIL (MB) 70
2 Сжечь Дом FOIL 70
Своенравный Зверь-Поводырь FOIL (вилка) 40
Вулканический Залп FOIL (вилка) 50
Reckless Crew FOIL 50
Fortune Thief FOIL 50
Opportunistic Dragon FOIL 50
Территориальный Пожиратель FOIL (Prerelease) 50
Неугасимая Ярость Хазорет FOIL (Prerelease) 50
Вмешательство Пирфора FOIL (Prerelease) 50
Огр-Погонщик FOIL (Promo) 50
Феникс Вечного Пера FOIL (Вилка) 50
Тектонический Гигант FOIL (Вилка) 50
Регулятор Чандры FOIL (Вилка) 50
Укус Мороза FOIL 50
Возжигатель Огня Сердца Promo FOIL 40
2 Истребительный Огонь Promo FOIL 40
Запретная Дружба Promo FOIL 40
2 Извержение Великого Вала Promo FOIL 40
Наскок Меньших Ордынцев FOIL (FNM) 20


Нетленное Зло FOIL 2000
Смертонос FOIL (Poor) 1000
4 Warren Soultrader (Prerelease, Japan) FOIL 800
2 Сны Подземелья (THB) FOIL 350
The Eldest Reborn FOIL 500
Syr Konrad, the Grim FOIL 200
Шаркающая Вурдалачка FOIL 200 (бронь)
3 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (Borderless) FOIL 100
2 Ego Drain FOIL 30

Жатва Душ FOIL 400
Предвестник Мучений FOIL (Prerelease) 400

Жрица Забытых Богов FOIL 500
Жестокий Вождь Орды FOIL 400 
Жрица Забытых Богов FOIL (Prerelease) 350
Заклинание Старейшин FOIL 250 
Айара, Первая в Локтвейне FOIL (Вилка) 300
Цитадель Боласа FOIL (Weekend) 250
Могильный Двойник FOIL 200
Spoils of the Vault FOIL (UMA) 200 
Гибельный Жук FOIL 200
Угасание FOIL (Game Day) 200 
Напасть Высокой Башни FOIL 150
Воплощение Мучений FOIL 150
Сфера Аннигиляции FOIL 150
Неуловимая Мучительница FOIL 150
Горестный Бродяга FOIL 150
Афемия, Какофония FOIL 100
Gonti, Lord of Luxury FOIL 150
Пастырь Кошмаров FOIL 100
Кошмар FOIL (М10) 150
Изничтожить FOIL (Архив) 150
Заклинание Старейшин (Prerelease) FOIL 150
Заклинание Старейшин (Вилка) FOIL 150
Karumonix, the Rat King FOIL 150
Изарет Пробудительница FOIL 100
Эгон, Бог Смерти (Egon, God of Death) FOIL (Вилка) 100
Пожирание с Потрохами FOIL 100
Источник Мучений FOIL 100
Предательское Благословение FOIL 100
Salvage Titan FOIL 80
Magus of the Abyss FOIL (Double Masters) 70
Necrotic Hex FOIL 70
Рев Карнариума FOIL 50
Болотный Охотник Ярока FOIL 150 
Тень Небесного Анклава FOIL (Вилка) 60
Демон Катастроф FOIL (Store Championship) 60
Горестный Бродяга FOIL (Вилка) 60
Syphon Mind (WPN/Gateway) FOIL 50 
Tormod, the Desecrator FOIL 50
Добыча Налетчиков FOIL 50
Piper of the Swarm FOIL (Bundle) 50
Дудочник Скопища FOIL (Prerelease) 50 
Открытое Сердце FOIL 40
Кровавое Банкротство FOIL 40
Кусачий Дождь FOIL 40 
Обезобразить FOIL (Promo Pack) 40 
Прогулка по Доске FOIL (Full Art) 40 
Mindwrack Demon FOIL (Duel Deck) 40
Таборакс, Погибель Надежды FOIL (Prerelease) 40
Пробуждение Былых FOIL (Prerelease) 40
Силовые Переговоры FOIL (Prerelease) 40
Эталон Черных Копий FOIL (Вилка) 40
Ламия, Вскрывающая Могилы FOIL (Вилка) 40
Заветный Трофей FOIL (Вилка) 40
Поклявшийся Рыцарь FOIL (Prerelease) 40
Blaring Captain FOIL (Prerelease) 30
Последняя Цена FOIL (FNM) 30 
2 Регент Надвигающейся Смерти FOIL (Launch) 20 

Утопический Микон (TSR) FOIL 600
Влюбленное Чудовище (Showcase) FOIL 600
Dictate of Karametra FOIL 200

Sylvan Caryatid (Buy-a-Box) FOIL SP 450 
Неестественный Рост FOIL (Prerelease) 400
Процветающий Трактирщик FOIL 400
Взрывной Рост FOIL 350
Сбор Стаи FOIL 350
Сарит, Зуб Гадюки FOIL 300
Хранитель Первого Древа (Prerelease) FOIL 300
Трупоедная Слизь FOIL (Duels of the Planeswalkers) 250
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa FOIL 250
Возвращающая к Истокам FOIL 200
Заклинатель Зверей (Вилка) FOIL 200
Поборник Стального Листа FOIL (Full Art) 200
Старейшина с Лаврами FOIL 150
Гнилевик FOIL 150
Steel Leaf Champion FOIL 150
Squirrel Mob FOIL 150
Llanowar Loamspeaker FOIL (Extended Art) 150
Отрастание FOIL 150
3 Неуязвимый Вурм-Исполин FOIL 120
Тропа Тайны FOIL 120
Skyreaping FOIL 100
Рената, Призванная на Охоту (Showcase) FOIL 100
Ломающее Копья Чудище HP FOIL 100
Помощь из Покрова FOIL 100
Уленвальдский Дозорный FOIL 100
Пробуждение Виту-Гази FOIL 100
Орда Гаррука FOIL 100
Фитотитан FOIL 100
Арахнус-Прядильщик FOIL 100
Вурм Ущелья Пелакка FOIL 100
Калонское Чудище FOIL 100
Оран-Рифская Тина FOIL 100
Первобытная Мощь FOIL (вилка) 100
Polukranos, World Eater FOIL (Duel Decks)  100
Arasta of the Endless Web FOIL (Bundle) 70
4 Друидка Райских Кущ FOIL (FNM) 70
Blessing of Frost FOIL 70
Поиски Клинков-Самоцветов FOIL 50
Бушующее Отрастание FOIL (Promo Pack) 50
Трактирщик Пограничного Оплота FOIL 50
Basic Conjuration FOIL 30
Капитан Деревушки (Innistrad) FOIL 30
Висельный Удав FOIL (FNM) 20

:colorless: БЕСЦВЕТНЫЕ: 
Пряничный Громила FOIL 400
Бич Бала-Геда FOIL 400
Ensnaring Bridge FOIL (8ed) SP 5000

Door of Destinies FOIL (Prerelease) 800
Жалящая Киста FOIL 500
Leaden Myr FOIL (Mirrodin) 500
Райский Орнитоптер FOIL (Retro Frame) 450
Сокровища Дракона FOIL 400
Пика Рунопевца FOIL 400
Душа Новой Фирексии FOIL (Вилка) 350
Вечные Часы FOIL 300
Фолиант Лабиринтов Разума FOIL (Вилка) 250
Волшебная Подзорная Труба ELD FOIL (Prerelease) 150
Platoon Dispenser FOIL (Japan) 150
Sol Talisman FOIL 120
Метеоритный Голем (М20) FOIL 100
Horizon Stone FOIL 80
Демоническая Кольчуга FOIL 60
The Prismatic Piper FOIL 60
Helvault (FtV) FOIL 60
Многоликая Конструкция  FOIL (Вилка)  40
2 Вестник Конца FOIL (Launch) 30
Пастух Чумы FOIL (Launch) 30

Ob Nixilis, the Adversary FOIL 1400
Ритуал Выбраковки FOIL 650
Жрица Чудовищных Обрядов (Sketch) FOIL 500
Теззерет, Владыка Моста FOIL 400
Бешенство Анграта FOIL 250 
3 Doran, the Siege Tower FOIL 120
Glissa, Herald of Predation FOIL 100

Lurrus of the dream-den (Multiverse Legends) FOIL 350
Greasefang, Okiba Boss FOIL 200
3 Keruga, the Macrosage (Multiverse Legends) FOIL 150
Baral and Kari Zev (Showcase) FOIL 150
3 Baral and Kari Zev FOIL 100
Kogla and Yidaro (Prerelease) FOIL 100
Park Heights Pegasus FOIL 30

Арлинн, Надежда Стаи / Arlinn, the Pack's Hope (RUS) FOIL 1400
Возвышение Темура FOIL (Вилка) 400
Izzet Staticaster FOIL 400
Благодатный Единорог FOIL 500
Kaito, Dancing Shadow FOIL (Borderless) 250
Rushed Rebirth FOIL 100
Питомец Судьи FOIL (FNM) 100
Wheel of Sun and Moon FOIL 1500
Ярок Оскверненный FOIL (Вилка) 1200
Никол Болас, Дракон-Бог (Вилка) FOIL 900
Kasmina, Enigma Sage (Borderless) FOIL 800
Инициатива Легиона FOIL 600
Brago, King Eternal FOIL (EMA) 500
Рашми, Мастерица Вечности FOIL (Вилка) 450
Kaito, Dancing Shadow FOIL (Borderless) 250
Перышко, Искупившая Грехи FOIL (Prerelease) 300
Разрушительный Разгул FOIL 300
Преследующий Бури Маг FOIL 200
Святилище Сущего Stamped FOIL (Вилка) 300
Rafiq of the Many FOIL (FTV) 300 
Vanishing Verse FOIL 300
Алибу, Древний Свидетель (Alibou, Ancient Witness) FOIL 200
Эрут, Измученная Пророчица FOIL (Showcase) 250
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk FOIL 250
Sen Triplets MB FOIL 250
2 Вето Довина FOIL (FNM) 200
Ral, Storm Conduit FOIL 200
Моритт Мороза FOIL (Showcase)  200
Эзикс, Фрактальный Расцвет (Esix, Fractal Bloom) FOIL 200
Ayesha Tanaka, Armorer FOIL 150
Клятва Кайи FOIL (Prerelease) 150
Momir Vig, Simic Visionary (FTV) FOIL 150
Glissa, the Traitor (FTV) FOIL 150
Презрение Тирана FOIL 150
Нехеб, Достойный FOIL 150
Манящая Неизвестность FOIL 150
Далак, Мастеровой Чудес FOIL 150
Обращение в Дракона FOIL 150
Окончательная Погибель FOIL (Вилка) 150
Свелла, Заклинательница Льда (Showcase) FOIL 150
Предсказанная Погибель FOIL 150
Враска, Царственная Горгона FOIL 150
Ионизация FOIL (Prerelease) 120
2 Атрей, Укрытый Пеленой FOIL (Buy-a-Box) 100
2 Conflux (FTV) FOIL 100
2 Песнь Огня и Голос Солнца FOIL (Buy-a-Box) 100
Домри, Разрушитель Города FOIL 100
Самут, Низвергающая Тиранов FOIL 100
Театр Ужасов FOIL (Prerelease) 100
Neheb, the Worthy FOIL 100
Yennett, Cryptic Sovereign FOIL 100
Blim, Comedic Genius FOIL (Etched) 100
Allure of the Unknown FOIL 100
Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer FOIL 100
2 Riveteers Charm FOIL (Showcase) 50
Лох-Мерский Змей  FOIL (Вилка) 50
Манящая Неизвестность FOIL (Prerelease) 50
Bell Borca, Spectral Sergeant FOIL 50
Gnostro, Voice of the Crags FOIL 50
Кампания по Дезинформации FOIL 50
2 Riveteers Charm FOIL 40
Sarulf, Realm Eater FOIL 50
Орах, Иерофант Небесного Анклава (Buy-a-Box) FOIL 50
Юзри, Пламя Судьбы  FOIL (Bundle) 50
Sevinne, the Chronoclasm FOIL 40
Mercurial Chemister FOIL 40
Fathom Mage FOIL 40
Kangee, Sky Warden FOIL 40
Каргская Военачальница FOIL (Promo Pack) 40

:tap: ЗЕМЛИ:
Площадь Согласия FOIL 350
Bog Wreckage SP FOIL 300
Замок Гаренбриг (Prerelease) FOIL 350
Межмировой Маяк FOIL 250
Mishra's Factory (Borderless) FOIL 150
Murmuring Bosk (FtV) FOIL 200
Башня-Реликварий (League) FOIL 200
Храм Забвения FOIL 100
Crawling Barrens (Extended Art) FOIL 100
Мост Шлаковой Рощи FOIL 200
Башня-Реликварий (Bring-a-Friend) FOIL 150
Тлеющие Пики FOIL 60
Памятник Гениальности FOIL 40
Throne of Makindi FOIL 40
Darkmoss Bridge FOIL 60
Жалфирская Пустота FOIL (League) 40
Jungle Hollow (EMA) FOIL 20 

Desert FOIL (From the Vault) 300
Бескрайние Пески FOIL 150

Красивые Базики: 
Заснеженный Лес (Modern Horizons) FOIL 500
8 Snow-covered Swamp (Modern Horizons) 40

Равнины  (Ravnica #290) FOIL 400
Plains (Ravnica Weekend) (Boros) FOIL 100
Plains (Standard Showdown 2017г) FOIL 100
Равнина (Promo Pack 2019г) FOIL 100
Plains (Zendikar Rising #266) (Full Art) FOIL 40
Равнина (Modern Horizons 2 #482) FOIL 30
Равнина (War of the Spark #250) FOIL 30
Равнина (Throne of Eldraine #251) FOIL 30
Равнина (Throne of Eldraine #252) FOIL 30
Равнина (War of the Spark #252) FOIL 30
Равнина (Ixalan #261) FOIL 30

Остров (Battle for Zendikar #258) FOIL 500
Остров (Zendikar Rising #271) (Full Art) FOIL 200
Остров (Promo Pack 2019) FOIL 100
Island (10th Edition #371) FOIL 60
Island (Dominaria #257) FOIL 30
Остров (Modern Horizons 2 #483) FOIL 30
Island (Modern Horizons 2 #483) FOIL 30
Остров (Throne of Eldraine #254) FOIL 30
2 Остров (Ixalan #267) FOIL 30
3 Остров (Ixalan #266) FOIL 30
Island (Khans of Tarkir #254) FOIL 30

Гора (Theros Beyond Death #253) (Full Art) 150
2 Mountain (Standard Showdown 2018) FOIL 100
2 Mountain (Standard Showdown 2017) FOIL 100
Mountain (Ravnica Weekend) (Rakdos) FOIL 100
Mountain (Ravnica Weekend) (Boros) FOIL 100
Mountain (Hour of Devastation #188) (Full Art) FOIL  80
Mountain (Ravnica: City of Guilds #302) FOIL 50
2 Гора (War of the Spark #260) FOIL 30
2 Гора (War of the Spark #261) FOIL 30
Гора (Throne of Eldraine #263) FOIL 30
Гора (Throne of Eldraine #265) FOIL 30
Гора (Ixalan #273) FOIL 30
Гора (Ixalan #274) FOIL 30
Гора (Ixalan #275) FOIL 30
Гора (Core Set 2019 #273) FOIL 30
Гора (Core Set 2019 #275) FOIL 30
Гора (Modern Horizons 2 #488) FOIL 30
Гора (Modern Horizons 2 #487) FOIL 30
2 Mountain (Modern Horizons 2 #487) FOIL 30
Mountain (Throne of Eldraine #265) FOIL 30
2 Гора (Core Set 2020 #275) FOIL 30

Болото (Midnight Hunt #273) (Full Art) FOIL 300
Болото (Battle for Zendikar #262) (Full Art) FOIL 400
Болото (Zendikar Rising #273) (Full Art) FOIL 100
2 Swamp (Standard Showdown 2017) FOIL 100
Болото (Modern Horizons 2 #486) FOIL 30
Болото (Modern Horizons 2 #485) FOIL 30
Болото (Dominaria #260) FOIL 30
Болото (Ixalan #269) FOIL 30
Болото (Ixalan #268) FOIL 30

2 Лес (Theros Beyond Death #254) (Full Art) FOIL 150
Forest (Standard Showdown 2017) FOIL 100
Forest (Standard Showdown 2018) FOIL 100
Forest (Zendikar Rising #279) (Full Art) FOIL 40
Лес (Magic Origins #271) FOIL 40
2 Лес (Modern Horizons 2 #490) FOIL 30
Лес (Modern Horizons 2 #489) FOIL 30
Forest (Modern Horizons 2 #489) FOIL 30
Лес (Throne of Eldraine #267) FOIL 30
Лес (Throne of Eldraine #268) FOIL 30
Лес (Throne of Eldraine #269) FOIL 30
2 Лес (War of the Spark #263) FOIL 30
Forest (Throne of Eldraine #268) FOIL 30


Редкие и мифики:

:w: БЕЛЫЕ:

Greater Auramancy (Enchanting Tales) 1000
Akroma's Will 900
Ethersworn Canonist 450
Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite (Multiverse Legends) 900
Temporary Lockdown 600
Giver of Runes 600
Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful (Japan) 500
Invasion of Gobakhan 500
Endless Horizons 450
Skrelv, Defector Mite (Showcase) 400
2 Return to the Ranks 350
Overwhelming Splendor 300
Court of Ardenvale 300
4 Puresteel Paladin (Fallout) 300
4 Bishop of Wings 250
2 Enduring Ideal (eng, ita) 250
2 Idyllic Tutor 250
Sanctum Prelate 250
Suncleanser 200
3 Warden of the Inner Sky 200
Shielded by Faith (Spellbook) 200
Lyra Dawnbringer 200
Chancellor of the Annex 200
Bruna, the Fading Light 200
Serra's Emissary 200
2 Divine Visitation 200
2 Winds of Abandon 200
Angelic Chorus 150
Eerie Interlude 150
Hokori, Dust Drinker 150
Bonescythe Sliver 150
2 Approach of the Second Sun 150
Gideon Blackblade 120
4 True Conviction (Spellbook) 100
Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr (Showcase) 100
Day of Judgment (Archive) 100
Loxodon Gatekeeper PL 100
2 History of Benalia 100
Tempered Steel 100
Sephara, Sky's Blade 100
Regal Caracal 100
Armored Skyhunter 100
Phyrexian Unlife (WOT) 100
Wall of Reverence SP 100
Resolute Archangel PL 100
Three Dreams HP 100
Sram, Senior Edificer (Timeshifted) 100
2 Knight-Captain of Eos HP 80
Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis 80
True Believer 80
4 Felidar Sovereign 80
Resplendent Marshal 80
2 Heliod's Intervention 60
Sanguine Evangelist 60
Linvala, the Preserver 60
2 Angel of Grace 60
Parhelion II 60
2 Finale of Glory 60
2 Sram, Senior Edificer 60
Avacyn, Guardian Angel 50
4 The Circle of Loyalty 50
4 Starfield Mystic 50
Elite Spellbinder 50
Angel of Sanctions 50
Pollen-Shield Hare (Showcase) 50
Declaration in Stone 50
Gideon Jura (Spellbook) 50
Twilight Shepherd 50
Sigil of the Empty Throne 50
General Tazri 50
Nine Lives 50
Karmic Guide 40
2 Always Watching 40
Launch the Fleet 40
Dusk / Dawn 40
2 Force of Virtue 40
3 Worship (Spellbook) 40
3 Realm-Cloaked Giant 40
A Tale for the Ages 40
Glorious Anthem (10ed) 40
Blade Splicer 40
Containment Priest 40
Ajani's Chosen 30
Tenth District Hero 30
Fabrication Foundry 30
Pack Leader 30
2 Sigrid, God-Favored 30
4 Giant Killer / Chop Down 30
4 Unbreakable Formation 30
3 Radiant Destiny 30
2 Remorseful Cleric 30
Defiler of Faith 30
Kayla's Command 30
Three Blind Mice 30
Whiskervale Forerunner 30
Salvation Swan 30
Kemba, Kha Regent 30
Legion Angel 30
Odric, Lunarch Marshal 30
Descend upon the Sinful 30
2 Rout 30
2 Tithe Taker 30
4 Dawn of Hope 30
Spirit of the Hearth 30
4 Martyr's Bond (Spellbook) 30
Martyr's Bond 20
Glorious Anthem (М21) 20
Benalish Marshal 20
Runeforge Champion 20
Maul of the Skyclaves 20
2 Tomik, Distinguished Advokist 20
4 Shatter the Sky 20

 :u: СИНИЕ:

4 Urza, Lord High Artificer 1200 
Glen Elendra Archmage (Eventide) PL 450 
Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur (Multiverse Legends) 400
Archive Trap (Ita, Zendikar) 400
3 Tasha's Hideous Laughter 300
3 Sanity Grinding (1х ру,2х иероглифы) 300
Scion of Oona 300
2 Sphinx Ambassador PL 300
Court of Cunning 250
Octopus Umbra 250
Notorious Throng (Morningtide) 250
4 Sway of the Stars PL 200
3 Spark Double 200
4 Torrential Gearhulk 200
Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh 200
Discontinuity 200
Kappa Cannoneer (Retro Frame) 200
3 Polymorphist's Jest 150
Rimefeather Owl 150
2 Disallow 150
Mist-Syndicate Naga 120
God-Eternal Kefnet 120
As Foretold (Enchanting Tales) 120
Leyline of Anticipation (М20) 120
Leyline of Anticipation HP (М11) 120
2 Herald of Secret Streams 100
Startled Awake 100
Metallurgic Summonings 100 
3 Polymorph 100
2 Fractured Sanity (Sketch x1) 100
Cavalier of Gales 100
Mindsplice Apparatus 100
Mu Yanling, Sky Dancer 100
Jace, the Living Guildpact 100
2 Jace Beleren HP 100
Jace, Architect of Thought 100
Ethersworn Adjudicator PL 100
Sai, Master Thopterist 80
Venser, Shaper Savant 80
2 Coralhelm Commander PL 80
Crush of Tentacles 80
Dissipation Field SP 80
2 Spell Swindle 80
2 Increasing Confusion 80
Frost Titan 50
Naru Meha, Master Wizard 50
2 Padeem, Consul of Innovation 50
2 Gather Specimens PL 50
2 Folio of Fancies 50
2 Talent of the Telepath 50 
Jace, Mirror Mage 50
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign 50
Horned Loch-Whale (Showcase) 50
Rishadan Brigand HP 50
3 Pull from Tomorrow 40
2 Overflowing Insight 40
2 Thopter Spy Network 40
4 Mesmerizing Benthid 40
Cackling Counterpart 40
Stormwing Entity 40
Skystrike Officer 40
Paradoxical Outcome 40
Read the Runes 40
Mindlock Orb PL 40
3 Cosi's Trickster SP 40
Ingenious Prodigy 40
2 Patient Rebuilding 40
4 Drowned Secrets 40
Fae of Wishes (Showcase) 40
4 Fae of Wishes 30
4 Mission Briefing 30
2 Merfolk Sovereign 30
3 Whelming Wave 30
Barrin, Tolarian Archmage 30
Kopala, Warden of Waves 30
Midnight Clock 30
2 Oath of Jace 30
Twining Twins 30
Encroaching Mycosynth 30
Blade of Shared Souls 30
Transcendent Message 30
Urza's Command 30
Sakashima's Protege 30
Graven Lore (Extended) 30
Marit Lage's Slumber 30
Mass Polymorph PL 30
Mitotic Manipulation PL 30
2 Guile PL 30
2 Displacement Wave 30
The Everflowing Well 30
2 Threads of Disloyalty (Spellbook) 30
3 Mistcaller 30
2 Dream Eater 30
Braided Net 30
2 The Antiquities War 20
2 Upheaval 20
2 Drawn from Dreams 20
Redirect 20
2 Suspicious Stowaway 20
4 Hedron Alignment 20

Purphoros, God of the Forge 900
Urabrask's Forge 750
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker 600
Kellan, the Fae-Blooded 400
Manifold Mouse 350
3 Chandra's Ignition 250
Sunspine Lynx 250
Conspicuous Snoop 200
Koth of the Hammer 200
Goblin Trashmaster 200
Molten Psyche PL 200
Hired Claw (Showcase) 200
2 Song of Totentanz 150
Decadent Dragon 150
Charming Scoundrel 150
Realm-Scorcher Hellkite 150
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh 150
Bazaar Trader 150
Quakebringer (Showcase) 150
Shared Animosity (Morningtide) HP 100
Shared Animosity (WOT) 100
Manabarbs PL 100
4 Chancellor of the Forge 100
2 Wheel of Fate 100
Roiling Vortex 100
Chandra, the Firebrand PL 100 
Hellkite Charger SP 100
Leyline Tyrant 100
2 Thunderbreak Regent 100
Avaricious Dragon 100
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell 80
Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker 80
4 Obsidian Charmaw 80
Knollspine Dragon 80
Ryusei, the Falling Star (MM13) 80
2 Daretti, Scrap Savant 80
2 Instigator Gang 80
4 Crucible of Fire SP 60
Krenko's Buzzcrusher 60
Moonveil Regent 60
2 Marauding Raptor 60
Mana Flare (WOT) 60
4 Glint-Horn Buccaneer 50
2 Dragonmaster Outcast 50
Chaos Warp 50
Runaway Steam-Kin 50
Star of Extinction 50
Sunstreak Phoenix 50
Mondronen Shaman 50
4 Transmogrify 40
4 Geier Reach Bandit 30
2 Voracious Dragon 50
2 Predator Dragon SP 50
Verix Bladewing 50
Koth, Fire of Resistance 50
Jaya Ballard 50
Skarrgan Hellkite 50
Zealous Conscripts 50
Goddric, Cloaked Reveler 50
Kargan Dragonlord 50
2 Ill-Tempered Loner 40
2 Drakuseth, Maw of Flames 40
2 Rowdy Crew 40
Sarkhan's Unsealing 40
Leyline of Combustion 40
Electrodominance 40
Goldnight Castigator 40
Preyseizer Dragon 40
Nahiri's Warcrafting 40
3 Chandra, Fire Artisan 30
Blood Sun 30
3 Magmatic Channeler 30
2 Sarkhan the Masterless 30
Thundering Raiju 30
Goblin Game 30
Raging Battle Mouse 30
Rotisserie Elemental 30
Redcap Gutter-Dweller 30
Akoum Firebird 30
2 Fires of Invention 30
3 Experimental Frenzy 30
4 Abbot of Keral Keep 30
3 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider 30
Captain Lannery Storm 30
Etali, Primal Storm 30
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death (Timeshifted) 30
Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs SP 30
2 Irencrag Feat 30
Arni Brokenbrow (Showcase) 30
2 Arni Brokenbrow 20
Ogre-Head Helm 20
Olivia's Attendants 20

:b: ЧЕРНЫЕ: 

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse 7200
The Meathook Massacre 1900
4 Vilis, Broker of Blood 200
Necroskitter 800 
Liliana, the Last Hope (2XM) 700
4 Scavenger's Talent 350 
4 Grief 400
Nirkana Revenant 450
Archfiend of the Dross (Showcase) 300
Force of Despair 350
Breach the Multiverse 350
Scheming Symmetry 300
Stunning Reversal 250
Endless Whispers 250
Collective Brutality 250
2 Hand of the Praetors PL 250
Path of Peril 200
3 Damn 150
Worst Fears 150
Peer into the Abyss 150
Invasion of Innistrad 150
2 Tainted Adversary 150
Rhystic Tutor 120
Malicious Affliction 120
Ayara, First of Locthwain 120
Murderous Rider (Showcase) 120
2 Leyline of the Void (М20) 120
Killing Wave SP 100
Sudden Spoiling 100
Liliana's Contract 100
4 Curse of Misfortunes 100
2 Liliana, Death's Majesty 100
Entreat the Dead 80
Diabolic Revelation 80
Necrotic Ooze 80
3 Dread Presence 80
Brutal Hordechief 80
Gixian Puppeteer 80
Nefarious Lich PL 80
Zombie Apocalypse SP 80
Anowon, the Ruin Sage SP 80
Demon of Dark Schemes 60
Osteomancer Adept 60
2 The Cauldron of Eternity 50
Grim Haruspex 50
Phyrexian Delver 50
Lord of the Forsaken 50
Hostile Negotiations 50
Ayara, Widow of the Realm 50
Bloodlord of Vaasgoth 50
Souls of the Lost 50
Bone Dragon 50
Curse of Death's Hold 50
Open the Graves 40
Harvester of Souls 40
Ob Nixilis Reignited 40
Woe Strider 40
Wick, the Whorled Mind (Showcase) 40
Homicide Investigator (Showcase) 40
2 Braids, Cabal Minion (Odyssey) PL 40
2 Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief SP 40
3 Vraska's Contempt 40
Dire Fleet Ravager 40
Erebos's Intervention 40
Boneyard Parley 30
Grafted Butcher 30
Liliana's Reaver 30
2 Command the Dreadhorde 30 
2 Mausoleum Secrets 30
2 Midnight Reaper 30
Underworld Connections 30
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder 30
Hunted Bonebrute 30
Ashnod, Flesh Mechanist 30
Shadow-Rite Priest 30
Demonic Bargain 30
Liliana's Mastery 30
Blood Scrivener 30 
2 Infernal Reckoning 30
Gonti, Lord of Luxury 20
Haunting Echoes 20
4 The Elderspell 20
2 Graveyard Marshal 20
2 To the Slaughter 20

Parallel Lives (Innistrad) 1200 
Ruxa, Patient Professor (Extended Art) 150
Weaver of Harmony 120
Ruxa, Patient Professor 80
Parallel Evolution 500
Omnath, Locus of Mana PL (Worldwake) 300
Asceticism PL (SOM) 300
2 Steelbane Hydra 400
4 Herald of the Pantheon 100
Nylea, God of the Hunt 350
2 Vivien, Arkbow Ranger 200
Primalcrux 300
Tree of Redemption 200
2 Thrun, the Last Troll 200
Primal Adversary 180
Daybreak Ranger 150
Rhys the Exiled SP (Morningtide) 150
Early Harvest (7ED) 120
Runic Armasaur 120
2 Steel Leaf Champion 120
World Shaper 120
Splendid Reclamation 120
3 Woodfall Primus 100
Managorger Hydra 100 
2 Once Upon a Time 100
2 Mycoloth 100
Verdant Embrace 100
3 Elvish Clancaller 100
Pelt Collector 100
3 Leyline of Abundance 100
2 Once Upon a Time 100
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard 100
Chameleon Colossus 100
Shared Summons 100
Sandwurm Convergence 50
3 Splendid Reclamation (Eldritch Moon) 80
2 Consuming Blob 80
Thelon of Havenwood PL 30
Beast Whisperer 70
2 Vivien, Champion of the Wilds 70
4 Deep Forest Hermit 50
Feasting Troll King 50
Evolutionary Leap (Timeshifted) 50
Muraganda Petroglyphs (Future Sight) 50
Uncage the Menagerie 50
Wolfbitten Captive 50
Liege of the Tangle 50
Momentous Fall 50
4 Hornet Nest 50
Wolfir Silverheart 50
In Search of Greatness 50
Inscription of Abundance 50
3 Kazandu Mammoth (Showcase) 50
2 Silverfur Partisan 40
Return of the Wildspeaker 40
Immaculate Magistrate 40
2 Chitterspitter 30
2 Gaea's Will 30
Kazandu Mammoth 30
Jugan, the Rising Star 30
Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter 30

:tap: ЗЕМЛИ:

Sundown Pass 350

Seachrome Coast 400
Godless Shrine SP (RUS Guildpact) 1200
Sterling Grove 100
2 Stirring Wildwood 40
Sunbaked Canyon  (MH1) 900
Waterlogged Grove (Doctor Who) 300
4 Gilt-Leaf Palace 300
2 Secluded Glen 200
Westvale Abbey 300
Wanderwine Hub 200
Mirrorpool 150
2 Necroblossom Snarl 120
Canyon Slough 120
Canopy Vista 120
Haven of the Spirit Dragon 100
Castle Vantress 100
Detection Tower 100
Springjack Pasture 80
Shadowblood Ridge 50
2 Guildmages' Forum 30
Crucible of the Spirit Dragon 30
2 Temple of Plenty 30
2 Temple of Malady 30
3 Temple of Enlightenment 30
Temple of Epiphany 30
Temple of Abandon 30
Temple of Malice 25
3 Temple of Triumph 25
2 Temple of Mystery 25
3 Temple of Silence 25
4 Ally Encampment 25
2 Grove of the Guardian 20
Drownyard Temple 20

 :colorless: БЕСЦВЕТНЫЕ:
Thrumming Stone 500
Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree 100
Tamiyo's Journal 100
2 Nettlecyst 100
4 Animation Module 100
Golden Guardian 50
Semblance Anvil 100
Pithing Needle 100 
Sword of Kaldra 700
3 Primal Amulet 400
Sword of Hearth and Home 400
2 Helm of the Host 250
Myr Turbine 350
2 Gauntlet of Power 250
Nim Deathmantle PL 150
Panharmonicon 200
2 Treasure Map 50
2 Azor's Gateway 250
Myr Superion 150
Myr Reservoir 200
Chromatic Lantern 120
Scythe of the Wretched HP 250
Urza's Sylex 150
Inspiring Statuary 50
Obelisk of Urd 150
Planar Bridge 150
Quicksilver Amulet 150
Dowsing Dagger 100
3 Thaumatic Compass 100
Endless Atlas 80
2 Quicksilver Fountain 200
Grafdigger's Cage 120
3 Stoneforge Masterwork 100
4 Eater of Days 50
3 Gilded Lotus 100
Helm of the Gods 100
Dragon's Hoard 60
2 Stuffy Doll (Core Set 2013) 80
2 Lifecrafter's Bestiary 80
Blackblade Reforged (Spellbook) 60
Sword of Vengeance 50
Omen Machine 50
Blackblade Reforged 40
Scrap Trawler 40 
2 Keening Stone 30
Witchbane Orb 30
Myr Battlesphere 30
Thran Temporal Gateway 30
Sorcerous Spyglass 30

Drown in the Loch (Special Guests) 850
Glissa Sunslayer (Showcase) 600
2 Rain of Gore 550
Kaito Shizuki 500
Teferi, Time Raveler 450
4 Time Sieve 400
2 Grist, the Hunger Tide 350
Sarkhan Vol SP 300
Godsire 300
Wheel of Sun and Moon 300
Wight of the Reliquary 300
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV 300
Storm the Vault 250
Arwen, Mortal Queen 250
Gishath, Sun's Avatar 250
Galazeth Prismari (Borderless) 250
2 Magma Opus 250
2 Journey to Eternity SP 200
Arlinn Kord 200
2 Kethis, the Hidden Hand 200
Sorin, Grim Nemesis 200
Rowan, Scion of War 200
Eerie Ultimatum 200
Ruinous Ultimatum 200
Meren of Clan Nel Toth 200
2 Captive Audience (Signed) 200
Agatha of the Vile Cauldron 150
Mayael's Aria SP 150
Gev, Scaled Scorch 150
Ghalta and Mavren 150
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord 150
Vraska, Relic Seeker 150
2 Samwise Gamgee (Showcase) 150
2 Goro-Goro and Satoru 150
2 Fallen Shinobi 150
3 Prime Speaker Vannifar 150
3 Captive Audience 100
Rogue Class 100
Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas 100
Oversoul of Dusk SP 100
Mayael the Anima SP 100
Azor, the Lawbringer 100
4 Niv-Mizzet Reborn 100
Regisaur Alpha 100
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf SP 100
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman 100
Sire of Stagnation 100
Rakdos, Lord of Riots 100
Havengul Lich 100
Sarkhan the Mad SP 100
Kroxa and Kunoros 100
Olivia, Mobilized for War 100
Sterling Grove 100
Lunar Convocation 100
Titanic Ultimatum HP 100
2 Sedris, the Traitor King (ALA) 100
Kresh the Bloodbraided PL 100
Meddling Mage 100
Domri, Anarch of Bolas 80
Jegantha, the Wellspring (Multiverse Legends) 80
Kaheera, the Orphanguard (Multiverse Legends) 80
2 Yorion, Sky Nomad 80
2 Faeburrow Elder 80
3 The Scorpion God 80
Kaito, Dancing Shadow 80
Chevill, Bane of Monsters 80
Queen Marchesa 80
Marchesa, the Black Rose 80
Sol'Kanar the Tainted 80
Mabel, Heir to Cragflame 80
Fervent Charge SP (APC, иероглифы) 80 
Sapling of Colfenor (Eventide) 80
Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius 80
2 Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire 80
3 Darigaaz Reincarnated 60
2 Chromium, the Mutable 60
3 Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner 60
2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun 60
2 Dragonlord Ojutai 60
3 Domri, Chaos Bringer 60
Samut, the Tested 60
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord 60
Ral, Izzet Viceroy 60
2 Teysa Karlov 60
2 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice 60
2 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 60
2 Cloudshredder Sliver 60
2 Maelstrom Archangel 60
Bard Class 60
Nethroi, Apex of Death 60
Extus, Oriq Overlord 60
Rashmi, Eternities Crafter 60
Kykar, Wind's Fury 50
2 Dovin, Grand Arbiter 50
2 Omnath, Locus of All (Showcase) 50
2 Deadbridge Chant 50
3 Trostani Discordant 50
2 Lazav, the Multifarious 50
Teneb, the Harvester 50
Whirlwind of Thought 50
Meeting of the Five 50
Dromoka's Command 50
Armada Wurm 50
Blood Baron of Vizkopa PL 50
Dreadbore 50
Sanctum of All 50
Primevals' Glorious Rebirth 50
Knights' Charge 50
2 Wilt-Leaf Liege 50
2 General Ferrous Rokiric 50
2 Tovolar, Dire Overlord 50
Migloz, Maze Crusher 50
4 Hinata, Dawn-Crowned 50
4 Prophet of Kruphix 50
3 Expansion // Explosion 50
Dominus of Fealty PL 50
Zurgo Helmsmasher 50
Baral and Kari Zev (Showcase) 50
Niv-Mizzet, Guildpact 40
2 Outlaws' Merriment 40
Sovereigns of Lost Alara 40
Emergency Powers 40
Reap Intellect 40
Nin, the Pain Artist 40
Obscura Interceptor 40
Giltspire Avenger PL 40
Nemata, Primeval Warden (Showcase) 40
2 Savageborn Hydra 40
2 Fleecemane Lion 40
2 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales 40
2 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade 40
2 Yasharn, Implacable Earth 40
2 Consuming Aberration 40
3 Genesis Ultimatum 40
2 Bedevil 40
2 Ruric Thar, the Unbowed 40
The Mimeoplasm (Borderless) 40
Lochmere Serpent (Extended Art) 30
Galadriel of Lothlorien 30
Raiyuu, Storm's Edge 30
Finneas, Ace Archer 30
Siege Rhino SP 30
Firemane Avenger 30
Assemble the Legion 30
Profane Procession 30
2 Ria Ivor, Bane of Bladehold 30
2 Utter End 30
4 Deputy of Detention 30
2 Oath of Teferi 30
Decimate 30
Absorb 30
Casualties of War 30
Rushed Rebirth 30
Dream Trawler 30
Runo Stromkirk 30
Rigo, Streetwise Mentor 30
Vadrik, Astral Archmage (Showcase) 30
Slogurk, the Overslime 30
Loxodon Hierarch SP 30
Keruga, the Macrosage 30
3 Jor Kadeen, First Goldwarden 30
Satsuki, the Living Lore 30
2 Kaervek the Merciless 30
2 Judith, the Scourge Diva 30
2 Kaya's Wrath 30
4 Thief of Sanity 30
2 Cindervines 30
4 Gruul Spellbreaker 30
4 Angelfire Ignition 20
3 Waking the Trolls 20
2 Silumgar's Command 20
Rakshasa Deathdealer 20

Прочие полезные карты: 

:w: БЕЛЫЕ :

4 Obsidian Acolyte 150
Crimson Acolyte 200
Glint Hawk 200
3 Elspeth's Smite 100
Shield of Duty and Reason 50
4 Forerunner of the Legion 40
4 Angel of Vitality 40
Inspiring Overseer 30
Journey to Nowhere (ZEN) 100
Spirit Link 30
3 God-Pharaoh's Faithful 30
3 Bond of Discipline 20
Soul's Attendant 150
Prismatic Ending 50
4 Planar Disruption 20
2 Felidar Umbra 200
Sphere of Safety 150
Gift of Estates 60
Pull from Eternity 60
3 Perimeter Captain 60
Cleric Class 50
Shattered Angel 50
Prison Term 50
4 Stalwart Shield-Bearers 40
Open the Armory 30
2 Resolute Watchdog 30
2 King of the Pride 30
5 Wall of Omens 25
2 Danitha Capashen, Paragon 20
2 Baird, Steward of Argive 20
Release the Dogs 20
2 Return to Dust 20
2 Ajani's Mantra 20
Seal Away 15
2 Promise of Bunrei 15
3 The Wanderer 15
4 Cast Out 15 
2 Adanto Vanguard 15
2 Baffling End 15
4 Stasis Snare 15
2 Oblivion Ring 15
Ixalan's Binding 15
4 Frantic Salvage 15


Merchant Scroll (Homelands) 800
3 Hedron Crab SP 350
Brainstorm (STA) 250
4 Cerulean Wisps 200
2 Gitaxian Probe 150
Complicate 50
War Tax 50
Retreat to Coralhelm 50 
Ophidian Eye 200
Snap 100
Miscalculation 50
4 Silvergill adept 30
Frantic Search 30
2 Cephalid Illusionist 300
Soothsaying 100
Flux Channeler 60
Ruin Crab (Showcase) 70
Merrow Harbinger 70
2 Aetherize 30
4 Curiosity 20
3 Mirror Image 25
Fuel for the Cause 20
3 Bring the Ending 20
Power Sink 20
4 Logic Knot 20
4 Thrummingbird 10
Preordain (Anime Jumpstart) 500
Deepchannel Mentor PL 200
2 Merrow Reejerey 120
Insight 100
4 Psychic Corrosion 150
Sphinx's Tutelage 80
2 Sage of Fables 80
3 Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive 20
Frozen Aether 70
Reconnaissance Mission 40
4 Stonybrook Banneret 30
Curious Homunculus 30
Thought Scour 30
Into the Story 30
4 Reality Heist 30
4 Etherium Sculptor 30
Unified Will 30
Unwind 30
2 Guild Summit 25
Faerie Seer 25
Rishadan Footpad 25
Predict 100
2 Wizard's Retort 20
Lazotep Plating 20
3 Curator's Ward 20
Mirran Spy 15
Manic Scribe 15
Dive Down 10
Fumble 15
4 Trophy Mage 15
8 Opt 10
4 Disdainful Stroke 10
4 Iceberg Cancrix 10
4 Supreme Will 10
2 Hieroglyphic Illumination 10

4 Kuldotha Rebirth 250
Shattering Spree 150
Boil 100
Active Volcano (Chronicles) 50
Impact Tremors (WOT) 50
Blade Sliver (Legions) 30
Quest for Pure Flame 100
2 Big Score 80
Quest for the Goblin Lord 60
4 Electrostatic Field 50
Boiling Seas 50
Bolt Bend 100
Psychotic Fury 40
Sanctum of Shattered Heights 40
Bloodmark Mentor HP 40
Shard Volley 30
Hellspark Elemental 30
3 Wizard's Lightning 30
Shrapnel Blast 30
Unexpected Windfall 30
2 Goblin Warchief 30
4 Electrickery 30
4 Otepec Huntmaster 30
Breakneck Rider 25
4 Infernal Plunge 25
Skirk Prospector 25
Browbeat 25
Tibalt, Rakish Instigator 20
2 Exuberant Fuseling 20
2 Assault Strobe 30
2 Goblin War Drums 20
4 Abrade 20
4 Disorder 20
4 Mogg War Marshal 20
4 Empty the Warrens 15
4 Ghitu Lavarunner 15
4 Chandra's Defeat 15
4 Desert Cerodon 15
4 Sudden Shock 10
4 Grapeshot 10

4 Vault Skirge 70
4 Vicious Battlerager 40
2 Ego Drain 20
2 Needlebite Trap 20
Darkblast 50
Corrupted Conviction 40
4 Kaya's Ghostform 40
Prowess of the Fair 25
Nightscape Familiar 20
4 Annihilating Glare 15
8 Kitesail Freebooter 15
4 Fungal Infection 15
4 Sanctum of Stone Fangs  50
Malakir Rebirth 100
Syr Konrad, the Grim 70
Dimir Machinations 70
Vampire of the Dire Moon 50
Liliana's Triumph (Timeshifted) 40
Street Wraith 40
2 Gifted Aetherborn 50
Victimize 50
Diabolic Tutor 40
Zulaport Cutthroat 60
4 Lord of the Accursed 40
2 Reaper of Sheoldred 40
Final Parting 40
4 Plaguecrafter 25
2 Whisper, Blood Liturgist 20
Phyresis 50
3 Warped Devotion 30
Shriekmaw 30
4 Indulgent Aristocrat 25 
Shambling Ghast 30
3 Davriel, Rogue Shadowmage 25
Power Word Kill 20
2 Larceny 20
Vendetta 20
Innocent Blood (ODY) 20
Illness in the Ranks 20
2 Victim of Night 20
2 Big Game Hunter 20
4 Gnarlroot Trapper 20
Graf Harvest 20
4 Harsh Scrutiny 15
2 Smother 15
2 Sudden Death 15
Cavern Whisperer (Showcase) 10
3 The Eldest Reborn 30
3 Horror of the Broken Lands 10
2 Doom Blade 10

Pawpatch Formation 300
Kami of Whispered Hopes 100
2 Slime Against Humanity  80
Squirrel Nest (Odyssey) 50
2 Sixth Sense 30
2 Unnatural Restoration 30 
Seed of Hope 20
4 Edge of Autumn 15
2 Elvish Pioneer 15
Up the Beanstalk 250
2 Elvish Spirit Guide 200
Wildgrowth Walker 50
Summer Bloom (2X2) 50
2 Utopia Mycon 50
2 Thallid 30
4 Sporecrown Thallid 30
Familiar Ground 30
2 Might of Old Krosa 25
4 Sporesower Thallid 25
4 Thallid Germinator 10
4 Thallid Shell-Dweller 10
One with Nature 300
3 Pradesh Gypsies 250
Young Wolf PL 100 
Manaweft Sliver 70
2 Circuitous Route 50 
2 Bellowing Tanglewurm 40
4 Wolfwillow Haven 30
4 Colossal Majesty 50
3 Rampant Growth 20
Triumph of the Hordes 600
Essence Warden HP 250
Wirewood Symbiote (Scourge, пометка от маркера) 150
Psychotrope Thallid 250
3 Viridian Revel SP 100
4 Devoted Druid (Shadowmoor) 100
Elemental Bond SP 200
Duskwatch Recruiter 80
Summer Bloom (9ed) 80 
Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter (Anime Art) 80
Wilderness Reclamation 80
Oxidize (Textless) 80
3 Elvish Promenade (Lorwyn) 80
Venom Sliver 80
Riftsweeper 60
4 Full Moon's Rise 50
Explosive Vegetation 50
Archetype of Endurance 50
Krosan Grip 50
3 Hermit of the Natterknolls 50
3 Moonlight Hunt 50
2 Howlpack Resurgence 50
Elves of Deep Shadow 50
4 Kenrith's Transformation 40
2 Imperious Perfect 40
Abundant Growth 40
Whiteout 40
Evolution Sage 80
Blossoming Defense 30
Hydra's Growth 40
Zendikar's Roil 40
4 Gather the Pack 30
2 Harmonize 30
2 Song of Freyalise 50
3 Jagged-Scar Archers 30
4 Grow from the Ashes 25
4 Virulent Sliver 25
2 Khalni Heart Expedition 25
Dwynen's Elite 25
Fertile Ground 30
Abundant Harvest (Mystical Archive) 20
4 Overgrown Battlement 20
6 Invigorate 20
3 Hunter's Insight 20
2 Tilling Treefolk 20
Llanowar Elves 20
3 Broken Bond 15
4 Abundant Harvest 15
Wall of Blossoms 15
2 Reclamation Sage 15
2 Hooting Mandrills 10

:colorless: БЕСЦВЕТНЫЕ:

Umbral Mantle 450
Spire Golem 40
Crystal Ball 30
3 Throne of Geth 30
2 Sylvok Lifestaff 30
4 Crashing Drawbridge 20
4 Heraldic Banner 20
Walking Bulwark 20

Patriar's Seal 100
Otherworld Atlas 70
Gruul Signet (Guildpact) 50
Coretapper 30
4 Bonder's Ornament 30
4 Gingerbrute 30
4 Firemind Vessel 10
3 Darksteel Myr 40
2 Palladium Myr 30
4 Iron Myr 20
4 Leaden Myr 20
4 Silver Myr 20
4 Gold Myr 20
4 Copper Myr 20
4 Prophetic Prism 10
Grafted Exoskeleton 200
Cloak and Dagger 150
Conjurer's Bauble 80
Sol Ring 100
4 Oketra's Monument 100
Colossus Hammer 120
Whispersilk Cloak 80
Genesis Chamber 80
Talisman of Curiosity 60
Hedron Archive (Timeshifted) 30
Infiltration Lens 50
2 Ichorclaw Myr SP 50
Rhonas's Monument 50
3 Contagion Clasp 40 
Gorgon's Head 40
2 Bane of Bala Ged 40
3 Necropede 40
Mask of Memory 30
2 Chalice of Life 30
2 Manifold Key 30
Myr Landshaper 25
3 Elixir of Immortality 25
4 Prismatic Lens 25
2 Zuran Orb 20
Hedron Archive 20
4 Burnished Hart 20
4 Throne of Geth 20
4 Arcum's Astrolabe 20
4 Corpse Cur 20
4 Sojourner's Companion 15
Bonesplitter 15

Cosmic Rebirth 30
2 Winding Constrictor 30
2 Knotvine Mystic 30
4 Angrath's Rampage 20
Jukai Naturalist 50
Esper Charm 50
Cliffhaven Vampire 40
Bant Charm 20
2 Zealous Persecution 20
Qasali Ambusher 80
Immerwolf 60
Rhythm of the Wild 80
Gilder Bairn 60
Frenetic Sliver 80
Golgari Charm 60
2 Dryad Militant (Full Art) 50
Tatyova, Benthic Druid 40
4 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner 50
4 Corpse Knight 50
4 Cruel Celebrant 40
4 Satyr Enchanter 40
4 Bloodbraid Elf 40
2 Spitemare 40
Poison-Tip Archer 30
Stromkirk Captain 40
Soulherder 80
2 Souls of the Faultless 40
Terminate 40
Slimefoot, the Stowaway (Timeshifted) 40
Riveteers Charm 30
2 Necrotic Sliver 30
4 Edge of the Divinity 30
4 Diregraf Captain 30
4 High Alert 30
4 Adeliz, the Cinder Wind 20
2 Slimefoot, the Stowaway 20
Brushfire Elemental (Showcase) 25
4 Shaman of the Pack 25 (бронь)
Clout of the Dominus 25
AEther Mutation 20
3 Kessig Naturalist (Showcase) 20

:tap: ЗЕМЛИ:
Cliffgate 80
Azorius Chancery (Borderless) 100
Remote Isle 20
Blasted Landscape 80
4 Witch's Cottage 25
4 Dwarven Mine 20
Vivid Meadow 20
4 Gingerbread Cabin 15
4 Idyllic Grange 15
3 Tainted Peak PL (Torment) 60 
Mistveil Plains (Shadowmoor) 120
2 Seaside Citadel PL 40
2 Starlit Sanctum 50
Thriving Grove 30
2 Emergence Zone 40
3 Bant Panorama HP 10
Arcane Sanctum HP 30 
4 Esper Panorama HP 10 
Buried Ruin 30
Field of Ruin 20
2 Naya Panorama HP 20
Nomad Stadium 20
2 Blighted Woodland 20
2 Blighted Cataract 15
2 Blighted Fen 15
Blighted Gorge 15
Blighted Steppe 15
2 Vivid Grove 15
2 Vivid Creek 15
2 Vivid Crag 15
4 Barren Moor 15
Secluded Steppe 15
Forgotten Cave 15
2 Spawning Bed 15
3 Memorial to Folly 15
3 Memorial to Genius 15
3 Memorial to Glory 15
3 Memorial to Unity 15
3 Memorial to War 15
2 Evolving Wilds (PROMO Tarkir Dragonfury) 15
3 Opulent Palace 15
3 Nomad Outpost 15
3 Frontier Bivouac 15
10 Fullart Island (есть разные) 15
10 Fullart Swamp (есть разные) 15
10 Fullart Plains (есть разные) 15
10 Fullart Forest (есть разные) 15
10 Fullart Mountain (есть разные) 15
 * Теросовские фулларт базики по 20
 * Набор из десяти разных гильдейских врат 30  


Помогаю товарищам с реализацией добра. Все карты хранятся у меня и комбинируются с остальной темой. Расположены немного хаотично, так как у каждого человека свой альбом, но старался делать списки в порядке убывания стоимости. 

Force of Will (DMR) FOIL 7200
Force of Will (DMR) 6500
Rishadan Port 1000
Combat Celebrant 600
Заснеженное Болото FOIL (MH1) 400
Cascade Bluffs 300
Mangara, the Diplomat 300
Книга Мерзкой Тьмы FOIL (Prerelease) 200
Liesa, Shroud of Dusk FOIL 150
2 Trostani Discordant FOIL 150
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar 150
Day of Judgment FOIL (Buy-a-Box) 150
Knight of the Reliquary 100
Basri Ket 100
Mystic Confluence 100
Void Mirror (Extended Art) 50

Цветной Фонарь FOIL (Вилка) 450
Жрица Забытых Богов FOIL (Вилка) 400
Электродоминация FOIL (Вилка) 300
Squee, the Immortal FOIL (DOM) 150
Lukka, Bound to Ruin 300
Bloated Contaminator 250
3 Primal Beyond 250
God-Eternal Rhonas 250
Hardened Scales (на немецком, 2X2) 150
Ghalta, Primal Hunger 200
Zendikar Resurgent 200
Hangarback Walker 200
Angel of Destiny 200
The Gitrog Monster 200
Mystic Forge 200
Murderous Rider (Showcase) 200
Murderous Rider 150
Vona, Butcher of Magan 150
2 Expressive Iteration 100
Tempt with Discovery 100
Primal Command (Mystical Archive) 100 
Goblin Piledriver 100
Risen Reef 50
2 Prized Amalgam 50

Courser of Kruphix (Timeshifted) 200
Knight of the Reliquary (Timeshifted) 150
Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir 100
Anger of the Gods (Timeshifted) 100
Etali, Primal Storm (Timeshifted) 100
Sram, Senior Edificer (Timeshifted) 100
Zealous Conscripts (Timeshifted) 100
Venser, Shaper Savant 80
Bedlam Reveler (Timeshifted) 80
Venser, Corpse Puppet 50
Talrand, Sky Summoner (Timeshifted) 50
Trinket Mage (Timeshifted) 100
Thraben Inspector (Timeshifted) 100
Bloodbraid Elf (Timeshifted) 50
Blighted Woodland (Timeshifted) 50
Sorcerous Spyglass (Timeshifted) 50
Young Pyromancer (Timeshifted) 50
Repeal (Timeshifted) 50
Hypergenesis 50
Stuffy Doll 50
Coalition Relic 50
Crovax, Ascendant Hero 50
Mesa Enchantress (Planar Chaos) 50
Evolutionary Leap (Timeshifted) 50
Disdainful Stroke (Timeshifted) 50
Grenzo, Dungeon Warden (Timeshifted) 40
Shriekmaw (Timeshifted) 40
Heartwood Storyteller 40
Fblthp, the Lost (Timeshifted) 40
Serra Avenger 30
Extirpate 50 
Pulmonic Sliver 30
Glittering Wish 30
Muraganda Petroglyphs 30
Serra Avenger 30
2 Porphyry Nodes 30
Mangara of Corondor 20
Dralnu, Lich Lord 20
Vesuvan Shapeshifter 20
Ith, High Arcanist 20
Benalish Commander 20
Tombstalker 20
Fungus Sliver 20

Lolth, Spider Queen 500
Alrund's Epiphany (Borderless) 400
Yarok, the Desecrated 350
Price of Glory  (Played)  300
Living Death 300
Lotus Field 250
Sword of the Animist 300
Sire of Stagnation 200
Vivien, Arkbow Ranger 200
Nylea, Keen-Eyed (Showcase) 200
Krenko, Mob Boss 200
Ox of Agonas 100
Gideon Blackblade 150
Emry, Lurker of the Loch 100
Nyx Lotus 100
World Shaper 100
Star of Extinction 100

Phyrexian Arena (ONE) FOIL 500
Экологическая Оценка FOIL (Prerelease) 150
Нив-Миззет, Отец FOIL (Вилка) 600
Уджин, Невыразимый FOIL (Вилка) 400
Clifftop Retreat FOIL (Ixalan) 400
Avenger of Zendikar FOIL (Duel Decks) 350
Всадник Ночи FOIL (Вилка) 400

Джайя Баллард, Маг-Десятник (TSR) FOIL 300
Удар разлома (TSR) FOIL 250
Обуун, Предок Мул Дайя FOIL 100


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