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Мой трип в рим


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Вопрос не в гражданстве, а в стране проживания.


Он сейчас в DCI записан как обитатель Казахстана... Но я так помню там с 1-го Января надо.

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К вопросу о нац-тиме, гражданстве и стране проживания.

Если мне память не изменяет, в прошлом году Гауденис Видугирис играл за нац-тим Литвы, будучи их национальным чемпионом, хотя уже давно успешно проживает в штатах. За гражданство его не в курсе. Так что все возможно.

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К вопросу о нац-тиме, гражданстве и стране проживания.

Если мне память не изменяет, в прошлом году Гауденис Видугирис играл за нац-тим Литвы, будучи их национальным чемпионом, хотя уже давно успешно проживает в штатах. За гражданство его не в курсе. Так что все возможно.

Гауденис - гражданин Литвы.

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Гауденис - гражданин Литвы.

а как он тогда играл оба наца то? читаки в высшем эшелоне :)
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Литовцы очень медленные (как и все живущие возле Балтийского моря) - у них в прошлом году был нац за 2001 год. Визарда политкорректно решили на это закрыть глаза.

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Many tournaments described in this document, such as National and/or Regional Championship, have residential restrictions that determine who is allowed to participate in those tournaments.


In order to play in a specific country’s Regional Championship or to be eligible to receive an invitation for a specific country’s National Championship (including which country’s or geo-region’s ratings toward which National Championship or World Championship invitations are determined for each player) during the 2010 season, a player must be either:


• a citizen of that country, or

• have been a resident of that country since January 1, 2010


A player’s current country of residence for the purpose of eligibility to play in a specific country’s Regional Championship or to be eligible to receive an invitation for a specific country’s National Championship (including which country’s or geo-region’s ratings toward which National Championship or World Championship invitations are determined for each player) is determined on January 1, 2010. That country is the same as the country listed in a player’s address in the DCI database.


If a player wishes to change his or her country of eligibility for a Regional Championship and/or National Championship (including which country’s or geo-region’s ratings toward which National Championship or World Championship invitations are determined for each player), that player must follow the instruction in the Appeals Section (Section 11) of this document.


Possible reasons for changing a player’s eligible country might be:


• A player is a citizen of two different countries and wishes to change his or her eligibility from the country listed in his or her address to the other eligible country

• A player has changed his or her country of residence prior to January 1, 2010 and failed to update his or her address with the DCI prior to January 1, 2010.


Players may only participate in one country’s Regional Championship and/or receive an invitation to one National Championship in a season.


If players have any questions regarding the above policy, please contact the DCI Policy Manager at scott.larabee@wizards.com

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