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Дайджест 31 августа


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В сегодняшней аркане - плейтест-карты из Альфы. Как вы думаете, что это за зверушка?



Не нашли в альфе Единорогов? Все логично - это рубашка карты!


Стив Садин ностальгирует по поводу того, что его самый первый ПТ тоже был в Амстердаме, и рассказывает о том, как крут может быть лимитед-игрок в отдельно взятом формате на примере Николая Герцога, выигравшего ПТ Амстердам-04 (MMM Rochester) и ПТ Сан-Диего-04 (MMD Draft), а тапкже Майка Туриана и Антона Йонссона, сделавших на этих ПТ топ-8. А потом Стив, разумеется, рассказывает о драфте по М11.


Лино Бургольд рассказывает о том, как он отлично, но неудачно сыграл нац мификом.

Мэтт Нэсс закончил нац аккуратно 17-м, без пропойнта. Играл комбой на Lotus Cobra, Sovereigns of Lost Alara и Eldrazi Conscription (назвать комбо-мификом колоду с 4 Time Warp и 4 Ponder у меня язык не поворачивается).

Майк Флорес играл нац аскеншеном. Сыграл не очень, внутри разбор совершенно эпического фейла со Spreading Seas.


Конрад Колос разбирает текущее состояние экста и предлагает листы скейпшифта с 4 мэйновыми реликами, круэля и монореда. ПТ Амстердам уже в эти выходные!


Даг Линн сделал топ-16 старсити-опена UG madness.

I don't know if people from the frozen North just love attacking with shrubbery, but the Vengevine-fueled Survival Madness deck put five copies in the Top 16.


Фрэнк Лепор пишет о 20 самых интересных картах из Алары, которыми так никто и не играл.


Лорен Ли, больше известная как мэджик-блоггер Mulldrifting (по ссылке бывает довольно много интересного) квалифицировалась на ПТ и теперь пишет на старсити. Сегодня - о том, каково вообще быть девушкой в competitive magic.

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Два ветерана, Джефф Каннингем и Гейб Уоллс, решили устроить публичную дуэль в МО, чтобы закончить таким образом свою затянувшуюся полувражду (якобы).



In an email to TheStarkingtonPost.com, longtime pro Magic player and writer Jeff Cunningham revealed a challenge to settle a longtime rivalry between himself and fellow Pro Tour player Gabe Walls. The email's contents:


"A latest chapter is soon to be added to the long standing, vitriol-fueled rivalry between Magic veterans Jeff Cunningham (Top 8 PT San Diego '01) and Gabe Walls (Top 8 Worlds '03).


In a match at Pro Tour Houston in 2002, neither Jeff, Gabe, the table judge, nor the head judge, were able to deduce whether Jeff or Gabe had won their match, and so the two were forced to accept a draw. Later, when they were paired at Pro Tour San Diego in 2005, Gabe Walls would go 'all-in' on a ludicrous Tooth of Chiss Goria bluff early in the match and be promptly called, resulting in an early exit for Walls, and the temporary upper hand for Cunningham. Later that year, however, at Pro Tour Seattle 2005, by a cruel twist of fate both Walls and Cunningham would end up on the same team. Walls would go 0-6 in outlandish fashion (strong evidence suggests intentionally) and, in doing so, and obliterating Cunningham's chances at the tournament, perhaps earning the last laugh.


...Until now.



Answering the call to Walls' Facebook boast of a dominating victory over Paul Rietzl in a Blue/Green Madness vs Astral Slide circa 2003 match series, Cunningham proposed a rematch. Cunningham's classic U/G Madness against Walls' Nationals Top 8 Slide in a best of 9 match series.


If Walls wins, Cunningham must attend a North American Grand Prix of Walls' choice, and must publish a report on the series, in all of its what-would-be humiliating detail.


If Cunningham wins, Walls must purchase physical copies of both decks, and sign the Slide deck, to be ebayed as "Duel Decks: Walls vs Cunningham" for literally DFI.


Be sure to tune in to Magic Online to catch the action!


Monday, August 30th, 9:00PM PST (3+ matches)

Tuesday, August 31st, 9:00PM PST (3+ matches)

Wednesday, September 1st, 9:00PM PST (if neccessary)


MagicAcademy (Jeff Cunningham) vs Clone4 (Gabe Walls), Tournament Practice room."


Оригинал тут

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In a match at Pro Tour Houston in 2002, neither Jeff, Gabe, the table judge, nor the head judge, were able to deduce whether Jeff or Gabe had won their match, and so the two were forced to accept a draw.
А что это за эпическая история?
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Там был эпик. Типа, один пошёл в атаку Психатогом, второй в респонс собрал карты, а потом началось выяснение, кто ж в итоге выиграл.


Можно в гугле поискать.

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меня вчера даже банили на гугле. если кто линк кинет, буду благодарен

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Я сейчас вот гуглил, не нашёл (к превеликому сожалению). Я даже теперь и примерно не упомню, где я такое читал. Есть смутные воспоминания, что повествование там велось от первого лица, так что есть смысл просканировать отчёты Джеффа

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меня вчера даже банили на гугле. если кто линк кинет, буду благодарен

Ок, для всех, кому интересно - вот рассказ самого Каннингема:



1. Gabe Walls And Half A Damage

Let me tell you about Gabe Walls.


The first time I ever saw Gabe Walls was immediately after I won GP: Philidelphia. While I was playing in the finals, my friends started a money draft, and I was waiting for them to finish so I could go eat. To kill time, I was watching a PTQ finals. It was Walls, in full form, talking his biggest game. But I was watching from his hand, and even though he was playing fast, a lot of his plays were very impressive. So impressive, that I remember thinking "this guy might be better than me." A strange thought to have after winning a GP, watching a PTQ...


Anyway, a few weeks later, and it was PT: Houston. I was playing U/G Madness, in Extended, which at the time was considered absurd. Call it grandiose, but the most suitable analogy is to the Wright brothers and the airplane ("A flying machine? In Extended? Why it's preposterous!"). But nothing in my testing was beating it so I decided to go with it ("and changed the face of Extended forever!"-okay, I'll stop).


I won my first match, and in the second was paired against Gabe Walls.


He was playing Tog and we split the first two games. Game 3, he attacks his Psychatog turn 4 into my Arrogant Wurm. I don't block. He says, with his southern flourish/cackle, "I gatcha." Without pause he floats, Gushes, and then Fact or Fictions for the win... which I Daze. Aptly named; he's stunned.


Short four or five damage and back down to two land, he pumps with an Island so he doesn't have to discard, and I'm at 18.


I begin to dominate the game, and before long he's at 2, and I have out a (tapped) Mongrel and an untapped Arrogant Wurm. Wonder is in the 'yard. He has a Psychatog though, and a full hand. He spends his first main phase playing card drawing spells, tapping down to two land. After some thinking, he attacks with the Psychatog.


I know he's playing Chainer's Edict, so I think that if I block, he'll pump, and then kill my other guy. On the other hand, if I survive, he has no outs. So, I take a while-I mean, a good, five-minute while, to do the math. On the board, he can do me 17.5 damage. If he has Gush, I'm dead. (In hindsight, Brainstorm also kills me, but I didn't consider that.) But I knew he had to attack no matter what (since I had Wonder), and I had a feeling he didn't have Gush, as he would've killed me last turn if he had it then, so he would've had to have just drawn it. I don't block.


He looks me in the eye for a second. And then, slowly - and in a way I recognized as similar to when you need to draw a burn spell to kill someone, instead draw a Mountain, but stay poker-faced and flip it over in slow motion, and then say "Shock ya" before revealing the blank and scooping-begins discarding Island, Island, Island, Island... from his hand. He's going so slow it's tense. I stop him:


"Do you have the Gush?"


Pause. "No."


Then, "so that's game right?" (I have two guys in play. He's at 2.)


"Yeah, that's game."




We scoop up our cards, shake hands, and begin chatting as he fills out the match slip, 2-1 for him.


I correct him, "Oh, you mixed that up." He gives me an odd look.


"I won..."


"I won."


Pause. With horror, I realize the situation.


"The Psychatog was lethal," Walls says.


"No, it was only 17 and a half damage."


We both turn to the table judge, who has been watching the entire time. He looks uncomfortable. After a moment, he clears his throat, and speaks to Gabe. "Uh... did you... have a lot of cards in your graveyard?"


Clearly, we were going to need backup...


After much debate, the head judge tells us there are three options: we can both get a win, a draw, or a loss. Walls and I found some common ground quickly as we scrambled to agree wins-all-around sounded like a good compromise. Perhaps our enthusiasm turned him off; we were both given a draw.


Since then we have become friends. But to this day both of us claim we won that game.



Я сейчас вот гуглил, не нашёл (к превеликому сожалению). Я даже теперь и примерно не упомню, где я такое читал. Есть смутные воспоминания, что повествование там велось от первого лица, так что есть смысл просканировать отчёты Джеффа

Ага, даже гугл не сразу нашел. Надо было чуть глубже покопаться.

Это статья Каннингема на старсити.


Кстати, кто будет смотреть их дуэль в МОДО - напишите потом результаты, ок?

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Джефф всё-таки писака extraordinaire -- у него удивительный стиль :) Никита, спасибо тебе огромное, что пдарил мне 5 минут истинного блаженства :) С удовольствием перечитал этот эпизод -- как вновь пережил его :)

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