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Все публикации пользователя Crabi

  1. Свиперы очень плохие карты, очень. Передавайте их почаще -я очень рад таким "услугам".
  2. Это... а Мартиал Кап на аларе не нравится? Ну или флеймбласт?
  3. Кстати да, первая мысль, бедный дредж..
  4. Для тех, кому лень искать картинку http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment....mp;d=1253459373
  5. Не очень он гаргодона призывает, Гаргодон в суспенде не перманент(
  6. Disfigure (com) Instant Target creature gets -2/-2 until end of turn (number should be an easy fit in number crunch thread) The M-team have been watching and would like to give some hints on more blue cards -A 2UU counterspell that only hits creatures but has 'benefits' -A little Owl that happily taps three permanents when it ETBF
  7. Что-то мне подсказывает, что земельки будут не очень популярными.. Нам там черный трап показали, который на 5 в лицо за В бить умеет, если опп погейнил хитов.. Так эти земельки очень хорошо с ним комбятся)
  8. На сальве карты полтвердили. еще осьминого вывесили и квест странный.
  9. Спасибо большое)) Чем подарки принимаете?)
  10. Вася, Леша. Да, как-то даже м10 с радостью играется после ме3)) Хотя кто-то дуалки вскрывает.(( Зато существами с хорсменшипом на драфте поиграл..
  11. Богдан, поиграл 4-3 драфт. Карты видел впервые. проиграл в финале.. Event #: 571146 Time: 9/14/2009 4:18:29 PM Players: runcowardlyfishies OliverCB --> AlteredOne jeurr BooshikaBlast QQMOAR andromex OhneSinn ------ ME3 ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Call to Arms Kjeldoran Frostbeast Wu Warship Cleanse Giant Growth Wu Elite Cavalry Evil Presence Anaba Spirit Crafter --> Zhang Fei, Fierce Warrior Meng Huo's Horde Shu Elite Companions Trip Wire Anaba Ancestor Heal Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Sun Ce, Young Conquerer Evil Presence --> Hunting Cheetah Wei Strike Force Fire Sprites Wu Warship Hurloon Minotaur Forest Wu Longbowman Ramirez DePietro Loyal Retainers Crimson Kobolds Heal Ramses Overdark Pack 1 pick 3: Labyrinth Minotaur All Hallow's Eve Plains Fellwar Stone Young Wei Recruits Shu Elite Companions Wall of Light Sol Grail Spectral Shield --> Raging Minotaur Elves of Deep Shadow Anaba Spirit Crafter Reincarnation Pack 1 pick 4: Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Boomerang Faerie Noble Sunastian Falconer --> The Lady of the Mountain Wei Elite Companions Three Visits Cosmic Horror Sol Grail Peach Garden Oath Desperate Charge Kobolds of Kher Keep Pack 1 pick 5: --> Shu General Heavy Fog Strategic Planning Fevered Strength Gauntlets of Chaos Tobias Andrion Alabaster Potion Forest Forced Retreat Anaba Ancestor Loyal Retainers Pack 1 pick 6: Disharmony Kobolds of Kher Keep Nebuchadnezzar Island Coal Golem Fire Sprites Astrolabe --> Fellwar Stone Amrou Kithkin Three Visits Pack 1 pick 7: Amrou Kithkin Astrolabe Evil Presence (FOIL) Fire Sprites --> Lady Caleria Mana Vortex Island Fellwar Stone Urborg Pack 1 pick 8: Island Ragnar Bone Flute Fire Drake --> Jungle Lion Ghosts of the Damned Wei Infantry Infuse Pack 1 pick 9: Wu Warship Evil Presence Anaba Spirit Crafter --> Shu Elite Companions Anaba Ancestor Heal Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Evil Presence Wu Warship Forest Wu Longbowman --> Ramirez DePietro Crimson Kobolds Pack 1 pick 11: All Hallow's Eve Shu Elite Companions --> Wall of Light Sol Grail Spectral Shield Pack 1 pick 12: Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Boomerang --> Sol Grail Kobolds of Kher Keep Pack 1 pick 13: Fevered Strength Forest --> Loyal Retainers Pack 1 pick 14: Island --> Coal Golem Pack 1 pick 15: --> Island ------ ME3 ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Misfortune's Gain Strategic Planning Kobold Drill Sergeant Wu Elite Cavalry Reincarnation Swamp Elves of Deep Shadow Shu General --> Chain Lightning Scryb Sprites Liu Bei, Lord of Shu Amrou Kithkin Lesser Werewolf Kjeldoran Frostbeast Sir Shandlar of Eberyn Pack 2 pick 2: --> Hurloon Minotaur Mountain Heal Fire Sprites Carrion Ants Wu Longbowman Ramirez DePietro Wu Warship Kobold Drill Sergeant Evil Presence Hunting Cheetah Crimson Kobolds Chromium Wei Strike Force Pack 2 pick 3: Wei Elite Companions --> Three Visits Boomerang Misfortune's Gain Axelrod Gunnarson Hammerheim Halfdane Sol Grail Plains Kobolds of Kher Keep Peach Garden Oath Desperate Charge Lady Evangela Pack 2 pick 4: Shu Cavalry Bone Flute Forest Willow Priestess --> Eightfold Maze Pavel Maliki Barktooth Warbeard Demonic Torment Infuse Scryb Sprites Desperate Charge Xira Arien Pack 2 pick 5: Amrou Kithkin Three Visits Kobolds of Kher Keep Island Fire Sprites Coal Golem Spectral Shield Lightning Blow --> Fellwar Stone Astrolabe Reincarnation Pack 2 pick 6: Demonic Torment Infuse Scryb Sprites Barktooth Warbeard Desperate Charge --> Shu Cavalry Dance of Many Pavel Maliki Bone Flute Forest Pack 2 pick 7: Island Exorcist --> Bone Flute Blood Lust Infuse Peach Garden Oath Wei Infantry Ghosts of the Damned Hunding Gjornersen Pack 2 pick 8: --> Fire Drake Wandering Mage Blood Lust Bone Flute Infuse Wei Infantry Ghosts of the Damned Peach Garden Oath Pack 2 pick 9: Strategic Planning Kobold Drill Sergeant Reincarnation Swamp Amrou Kithkin Kjeldoran Frostbeast --> Sir Shandlar of Eberyn Pack 2 pick 10: Mountain --> Heal Ramirez DePietro Evil Presence Crimson Kobolds Wei Strike Force Pack 2 pick 11: Axelrod Gunnarson --> Sol Grail Peach Garden Oath Desperate Charge Lady Evangela Pack 2 pick 12: Bone Flute Forest --> Barktooth Warbeard Infuse Pack 2 pick 13: --> Amrou Kithkin Spectral Shield Lightning Blow Pack 2 pick 14: --> Bone Flute Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Peach Garden Oath ------ ME3 ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Shu General Heavy Fog Dance of Many Slashing Tiger Anaba Ancestor Strategic Planning Shu Soldier-Farmers Trip Wire Fevered Strength Tobias Andrion Freyalise's Winds Forced Retreat Recall --> Guan Yu, Sainted Warrior Forest Pack 3 pick 2: Shu General Amrou Kithkin Sir Shandlar of Eberyn Active Volcano Urborg Mountain Chain Lightning Scryb Sprites Lesser Werewolf --> Elves of Deep Shadow Wu Elite Cavalry Misfortune's Gain Strategic Planning Wormwood Treefolk Pack 3 pick 3: Sol Grail Wall of Light Brilliant Plan Labyrinth Minotaur Shu Elite Companions Young Wei Recruits Fellwar Stone Stolen Grain --> Raging Minotaur Elves of Deep Shadow Anaba Spirit Crafter Princess Lucrezia Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Pack 3 pick 4: Swamp Cinder Storm --> Spoils of Victory Wu Longbowman Lightning Blow Spirit Shackle Jedit Ojanen Spectral Shield Wei Infantry Wei Strike Force Immolation Jerrard of the Closed Fist Pack 3 pick 5: Benthic Explorers Ghosts of the Damned --> Rolling Earthquake Island Fire Ambush Coal Golem Forced Retreat Spoils of Victory Shu Cavalry Wall of Light Knowledge Vault Pack 3 pick 6: Mana Vortex Wei Infantry Swamp Immolation Spirit Shackle Boris Devilboon Spoils of Victory Lightning Blow --> Jerrard of the Closed Fist Force Spike Pack 3 pick 7: Lightning Blow Three Visits Fellwar Stone Astrolabe Coal Golem --> Immolation Amrou Kithkin Kobolds of Kher Keep Fire Sprites Pack 3 pick 8: Anaba Ancestor Heal Mountain Wu Warship --> Giant Growth Knowledge Vault Tuknir Deathlock Evil Presence Pack 3 pick 9: --> Shu General Heavy Fog Anaba Ancestor Strategic Planning Fevered Strength Forced Retreat Forest Pack 3 pick 10: Amrou Kithkin --> Sir Shandlar of Eberyn Active Volcano Mountain Lesser Werewolf Strategic Planning Pack 3 pick 11: Sol Grail --> Wall of Light Young Wei Recruits Stolen Grain Borrowing 100,000 Arrows Pack 3 pick 12: Swamp Lightning Blow --> Jedit Ojanen Wei Infantry Pack 3 pick 13: Ghosts of the Damned Coal Golem --> Knowledge Vault Pack 3 pick 14: Wei Infantry --> Lightning Blow Pack 3 pick 15: --> Amrou Kithkin Все оппонеты играли чем-то очень медленным.
  12. Она чуть-чуть комон. хорошие комона пошли..
  13. Crabi

    8-4 ёуб

    Я тот конзум на круге получил
  14. Crabi

    8-4 ёуб

    А что бы взял, Вась?
  15. Felidar Sovereign Creature - Car Beast (M) Vigilance, lifelink At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have 40 or more life, you win the game. 4/6 Он всё-таки cat beast)
  16. Crabi

    8-4 ёуб

    3.7 куда еще ремувал?
  17. Crabi

    8-4 ёуб

    Ради чего там в белый было лезть?
  18. Crabi

    8-4 ёуб

    Event #: 569561 Time: 9/13/2009 10:11:52 PM Players: Fistandantilus1980 --> AlteredOne Eye_of_Odin AgeIsHere Arodin The_F_Do HaploPaithan poilopattes ------ M10 ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Oakenform Tendrils of Corruption Merfolk Looter Snapping Drake Mist Leopard Horned Turtle Burst of Speed Soul Warden Soul Bleed Regenerate Prized Unicorn Demon's Horn Undead Slayer --> Jace Beleren Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Rampant Growth --> Gravedigger Sparkmage Apprentice Wind Drake Lava Axe Sage Owl Palace Guard Unholy Strength Emerald Oryx Firebreathing Kraken's Eye Howl of the Night Pack Drowned Catacomb Island Pack 1 pick 3: --> Doom Blade Snapping Drake Centaur Courser Looming Shade Regenerate Kindled Fury Negate Lifelink Duress Mist Leopard Spellbook Stone Giant Plains Pack 1 pick 4: --> Child of Night Oakenform Cancel Terramorphic Expanse Unholy Strength Naturalize Wall of Faith Sage Owl Ornithopter Relentless Rats Twincast Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Divine Verdict --> Assassinate Goblin Piker Ice Cage Veteran Swordsmith Zombie Goliath Horned Turtle Kindled Fury Phantom Warrior Acidic Slime Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: --> Sign in Blood Berserkers of Blood Ridge Acolyte of Xathrid Mist Leopard Raging Goblin (FOIL) Angel's Mercy Soul Bleed Bountiful Harvest Angel's Feather Forest Pack 1 pick 7: Lightning Elemental --> Warpath Ghoul Disentomb Emerald Oryx Shatter Jump Solemn Offering Nature's Spiral Island Pack 1 pick 8: Plains (FOIL) Fiery Hellhound Kindled Fury Negate Lifelink Duress --> Bog Wraith Swamp Pack 1 pick 9: Mist Leopard --> Horned Turtle Burst of Speed Soul Bleed Regenerate Demon's Horn Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: --> Lava Axe Unholy Strength Emerald Oryx Firebreathing Kraken's Eye Island Pack 1 pick 11: Regenerate --> Kindled Fury Lifelink Spellbook Plains Pack 1 pick 12: Unholy Strength --> Sage Owl Relentless Rats Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: --> Goblin Piker Kindled Fury Mountain Pack 1 pick 14: Angel's Mercy --> Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Jump ------ M10 ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Unsummon Veteran Armorsmith Giant Growth Vampire Aristocrat Lightning Elemental Essence Scatter Burst of Speed Angel's Mercy Horned Turtle Soul Bleed Phantom Warrior Undead Slayer Fabricate --> Captain of the Watch Mountain Pack 2 pick 2: Deadly Recluse Dread Warlock Canyon Minotaur Essence Scatter Excommunicate Borderland Ranger --> Tendrils of Corruption Lightning Bolt Llanowar Elves Griffin Sentinel Diabolic Tutor Prodigal Pyromancer Wall of Frost Plains Pack 2 pick 3: Veteran Armorsmith Sparkmage Apprentice Ice Cage Razorfoot Griffin White Knight (FOIL) Elvish Visionary --> Sign in Blood Jackal Familiar Stormfront Pegasus White Knight Alluring Siren Lurking Predators Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Centaur Courser Cancel Panic Attack Wall of Faith Entangling Vines Burning Inquiry Jump --> Mind Rot Dragon's Claw Windstorm Manabarbs Island Pack 2 pick 5: --> Illusionary Servant Warpath Ghoul Excommunicate Tome Scour Kindled Fury Angel's Mercy Zombie Goliath Prized Unicorn Wall of Fire Polymorph Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: Excommunicate Lightning Elemental Emerald Oryx Shatter Jump Solemn Offering Raging Goblin Mold Adder --> Silence Plains Pack 2 pick 7: Silvercoat Lion --> Looming Shade Runeclaw Bear Lifelink Acolyte of Xathrid Bountiful Harvest Kraken's Eye Flashfreeze Forest Pack 2 pick 8: --> Veteran Armorsmith Raging Goblin Glorious Charge Fog Shatter Zephyr Sprite Nature's Spiral Swamp Pack 2 pick 9: Unsummon Burst of Speed Angel's Mercy Soul Bleed --> Undead Slayer Fabricate Mountain Pack 2 pick 10: --> Dread Warlock Excommunicate Llanowar Elves Griffin Sentinel Diabolic Tutor Plains Pack 2 pick 11: --> Ice Cage Jackal Familiar Stormfront Pegasus Alluring Siren Forest Pack 2 pick 12: --> Wall of Faith Burning Inquiry Jump Island Pack 2 pick 13: Tome Scour --> Kindled Fury Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: --> Jump Plains Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ M10 ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Giant Growth Illusionary Servant Vampire Aristocrat Rampant Growth Safe Passage Trumpet Blast Bramble Creeper Disorient Holy Strength Drudge Skeletons Consume Spirit --> Mind Control Ignite Disorder Kalonian Behemoth Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Razorfoot Griffin Craw Wurm Dread Warlock Goblin Piker Divination Blinding Mage Silvercoat Lion Lightning Bolt Sign in Blood Coral Merfolk Enormous Baloth Megrim --> Mind Spring Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Goblin Piker Ice Cage Veteran Swordsmith Deadly Recluse Dread Warlock Canyon Minotaur Llanowar Elves --> Doom Blade Snapping Drake Rhox Pikemaster Celestial Purge Shivan Dragon Forest Pack 3 pick 4: Merfolk Looter Sign in Blood Solemn Offering Drudge Skeletons Entangling Vines Firebreathing Serpent of the Endless Sea Glorious Charge --> Howling Banshee Relentless Rats Coat of Arms Mountain Pack 3 pick 5: Kelinore Bat Craw Wurm Siege Mastodon Assassinate Panic Attack Oakenform --> Tendrils of Corruption Telepathy Elite Vanguard Clone Island Pack 3 pick 6: --> Doom Blade Jackal Familiar Entangling Vines Glorious Charge Disentomb Naturalize Diabolic Tutor Deathmark Underworld Dreams Swamp Pack 3 pick 7: Coral Merfolk Tome Scour Yawning Fissure Zombie Goliath Duress Dragon's Claw Deathmark --> Pithing Needle Forest Pack 3 pick 8: Jackal Familiar Bountiful Harvest Yawning Fissure --> Acolyte of Xathrid Regenerate Spellbook Fabricate Mountain Pack 3 pick 9: Rampant Growth Trumpet Blast Bramble Creeper Disorient Drudge Skeletons --> Consume Spirit Plains Pack 3 pick 10: --> Dread Warlock Goblin Piker Silvercoat Lion Sign in Blood Megrim Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Goblin Piker Canyon Minotaur Llanowar Elves --> Celestial Purge Forest Pack 3 pick 12: --> Drudge Skeletons Serpent of the Endless Sea Relentless Rats Mountain Pack 3 pick 13: --> Kelinore Bat Panic Attack Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Disentomb Swamp Pack 3 pick 15: --> Forest колода понравилась.. но как обычно поел в 1 туре. Оппонет играл рв в третьей партии предложил вайткнайта под аскеншеном и больше существ не кастил.. 2 клинка и усики тоскливо смотрели на меня..
  19. Land ~this~ enters the battlefield tapped. T: add 1 to your mana pool. Spend this mana only on spells and activated abilities. If you would be dealt damage, instead each player gains 2 life
  20. http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=183515 http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=183514 Алли хороший, по сравнению с предыдущими. Надеюсь побольше комоновых, чтобы драфт можно было играть. mod: поменьше мультипостинга, ок?
  21. Crabi


    У них там своя магия?
  22. Мои поздравления. Всего наилучшего.
  23. http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment....mp;d=1252513693
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