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Насчет пепяк не согласен =/ у меня фобия на них теперь... В одной партии двоих поставили.
Bramblesnap Классный с токенами и без. И выбора между базилиском и нарлидом быть не может о_О Нарлид намного лучше.
Тапальщик хороший
По поводу Fleeting Distraction не знаю) Думаю метсо нашла бы, но часто сталкивался на драфте по ROE с нехваткой слотов. Потому не факт, что и в деку пошла бы. 2.2 Мерфолк не нравиться, да и синий двойной кост. Стоило брать грифона 2.3 Сплешить не очень люблю) Puncture light очень понравился и affa guard hound Кстати, в первом бусте стоило ли брать ангела? Может повозка? 2Maxim Nazarenko Спасибо за размышления. Лист бы показать...
Awakening Zoneстоило брать) Оказывается, он денег стоит. Spawning Breath Не нравиться. 2.8 Можно было взять и призму, посплешить Drake Umbra 3.1 Ulamog's Crusherне положил бы в такой БР о_О Проиграл достаточно быстро , толком ничего и не увидев. Даже силы карт не оценить =(
1.2 до последнего думал, сейчас соглашусь Heat ray надо было брать 1.5 Тоже согласен 2.3 Тут спорно) на 3 ход можно и мужика поставить 5/5 , если вампир есть. Подскажите хостинг, пожалуйста. Дек листы выложил бы... в них тоже сомнения
Event #: 1211983 Time: 5/12/2010 9:45:00 PM Players: Greeny7 VandalEvil Majusteez BrianFRESHlop dracon501 --> AAmatveev danabeast7 BenBuford ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Valakut Fireboar Venerated Teacher Deprive Wall of Omens Might of the Masses Battle Rampart Raid Bombardment --> Deathless Angel Ulamog's Crusher Warmonger's Chariot Spider Umbra Eland Umbra Fleeting Distraction Demystify Island Pack 1 pick 2: Cast Through Time Demonic Appetite Living Destiny Deprive Shrivel Battle Rampart Ogre Sentry --> Drake Umbra Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Phantasmal Abomination Fleeting Distraction Plains Leaf Arrow Pack 1 pick 3: --> Lone Missionary Ancient Stirrings Lay Bare Shrivel Raid Bombardment Soulsurge Elemental Smite Null Champion Kiln Fiend Emerge Unscathed Escaped Null Fleeting Distraction Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Inquisition of Kozilek --> Champion's Drake Joraga Treespeaker Near-Death Experience Battle-Rattle Shaman Bloodrite Invoker Last Kiss Snake Umbra Totem-Guide Hartebeest Traitorous Instinct Prophetic Prism Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Valakut Fireboar --> Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Ogre Sentry Aura Finesse Pathrazer of Ulamog Nema Siltlurker Goblin Arsonist Phantasmal Abomination Fleeting Distraction Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Death Cultist --> Soul's Attendant Aura Finesse Realms Uncharted Enatu Golem Nema Siltlurker Perish the Thought Eland Umbra Demystify Plains Pack 1 pick 7: Death Cultist Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Perish the Thought --> Glory Seeker Shared Discovery Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Plains Pack 1 pick 8: Umbra Mystic --> Kabira Vindicator Aura Gnarlid Cadaver Imp Hand of Emrakul Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Plains Pack 1 pick 9: --> Might of the Masses Battle Rampart Raid Bombardment Spider Umbra Eland Umbra Fleeting Distraction Island Pack 1 pick 10: Demonic Appetite Living Destiny Shared Discovery --> Phantasmal Abomination Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 1 pick 11: Ancient Stirrings Shrivel Raid Bombardment --> Fleeting Distraction Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Bloodrite Invoker Snake Umbra --> Totem-Guide Hartebeest Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: Aura Finesse --> Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Death Cultist Plains Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: --> Gideon Jura Guard Duty Nighthaze Boar Umbra Cadaver Imp Luminous Wake Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Narcolepsy Hand of Emrakul Reality Spasm Daggerback Basilisk Ondu Giant Eland Umbra Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Umbra Mystic Inquisition of Kozilek Eel Umbra Merfolk Skyscout Makindi Griffin --> Caravan Escort Staggershock See Beyond Guard Gomazoa Heat Ray Reinforced Bulwark Thought Gorger (FOIL) Ikiral Outrider Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Ancient Stirrings --> Guard Duty Aura Gnarlid Battle-Rattle Shaman Staggershock Smite Pelakka Wurm Lavafume Invoker Broodwarden Pawn of Ulamog Vendetta Daggerback Basilisk Swamp Pack 2 pick 4: Time of Heroes Cadaver Imp Deprive Sporecap Spider Wall of Omens Stomper Cub --> Narcolepsy Ondu Giant Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Not of This World Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Irresistible Prey Guard Duty Aura Gnarlid Mnemonic Wall Battle-Rattle Shaman Soulbound Guardians Lavafume Invoker Kiln Fiend Repel the Darkness --> Halimar Wavewatch Island Pack 2 pick 6: Wildheart Invoker Living Destiny Arrogant Bloodlord --> Kor Line-Slinger Prey's Vengeance Flame Slash Perish the Thought Halimar Wavewatch Fissure Vent Island Pack 2 pick 7: Stalwart Shield-Bearers Dawnglare Invoker Wrap in Flames Haze Frog --> Oust Distortion Strike Rapacious One Forest Leaf Arrow Pack 2 pick 8: Frostwind Invoker See Beyond Ondu Giant Totem-Guide Hartebeest Ikiral Outrider Prophetic Prism --> Affa Guard Hound Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: Nighthaze Cadaver Imp Luminous Wake Hand of Emrakul --> Ondu Giant Eland Umbra Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Umbra Mystic --> Eel Umbra See Beyond Guard Gomazoa Reinforced Bulwark Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Ancient Stirrings --> Pelakka Wurm Broodwarden Daggerback Basilisk Swamp Pack 2 pick 12: Cadaver Imp Fissure Vent --> Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: Irresistible Prey --> Lavafume Invoker Island Pack 2 pick 14: --> Living Destiny Island Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Spawning Breath Bramblesnap Pennon Blade Dread Drone --> Puncturing Light Stomper Cub Staggershock See Beyond Zulaport Enforcer Heat Ray Vendetta Hada Spy Patrol Ikiral Outrider Island Mortician Beetle Pack 3 pick 2: Vent Sentinel Zof Shade Last Kiss Might of the Masses --> Narcolepsy Regress Hand of Emrakul Glory Seeker Traitorous Instinct Not of This World Virulent Swipe Kozilek's Predator Bloodthrone Vampire Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Lone Missionary --> Jwari Scuttler Emrakul's Hatcher Eel Umbra Grotag Siege-Runner Dreamstone Hedron Akoum Boulderfoot Puncturing Light Raid Bombardment Contaminated Ground Overgrown Battlement Essence Feed Forest Pack 3 pick 4: Goblin Tunneler Gloomhunter Bramblesnap Explosive Revelation Evolving Wilds Ogre Sentry Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery --> Knight of Cliffhaven Harmless Assault Distortion Strike Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Ancient Stirrings Frostwind Invoker --> Makindi Griffin Ogre's Cleaver Dread Drone Guard Gomazoa Brood Birthing Ikiral Outrider Hyena Umbra Affa Guard Hound Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Guard Duty Lay Bare Mnemonic Wall Pennon Blade Zof Shade Caravan Escort --> Dawnglare Invoker Null Champion Emerge Unscathed Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Spawning Breath Naturalize --> Frostwind Invoker Ogre's Cleaver Surreal Memoir Zof Shade Daggerback Basilisk Eland Umbra Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Crab Umbra Akoum Boulderfoot --> Dawnglare Invoker Stomper Cub See Beyond Distortion Strike Totem-Guide Hartebeest Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Spawning Breath --> Bramblesnap Pennon Blade See Beyond Zulaport Enforcer Ikiral Outrider Island Pack 3 pick 10: Zof Shade Might of the Masses Hand of Emrakul --> Glory Seeker Not of This World Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: --> Lone Missionary Raid Bombardment Contaminated Ground Essence Feed Forest Pack 3 pick 12: Explosive Revelation Shared Discovery --> Harmless Assault Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Ancient Stirrings --> Ikiral Outrider Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Emerge Unscathed Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Тут передавали хорошо ИМХО. Занял первое место. Комментарии,как и по первой теме, тоже интересны)
Event #: 1211862 Time: 5/12/2010 9:07:54 PM Players: mtgplayer41 Jersch0r Anderz --> AAmatveev Lerondare justmike1976 JakeAntonetz ohmannotaggain ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Spawning Breath Guard Duty Emrakul's Hatcher Grotag Siege-Runner Zof Shade Caravan Escort Prey's Vengeance Overgrown Battlement Skittering Invasion Daggerback Basilisk Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch (FOIL) Traitorous Instinct --> Consuming Vapors Plains Pack 1 pick 2: --> Brimstone Mage Mnemonic Wall Arrogant Bloodlord Dread Drone Kor Spiritdancer Might of the Masses Kor Line-Slinger Caravan Escort Snake Umbra Lavafume Invoker Heat Ray Perish the Thought Fissure Vent Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Ancient Stirrings Soul's Attendant --> Arrogant Bloodlord Aura Finesse Zulaport Enforcer Brood Birthing Goblin Arsonist Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch Emerge Unscathed Escaped Null Baneful Omen Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Naturalize Jwari Scuttler Ogre's Cleaver --> Wrap in Flames Aura Finesse Contaminated Ground Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Affa Guard Hound Bloodthrone Vampire Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Irresistible Prey Gloomhunter Joraga Treespeaker --> Grotag Siege-Runner Cadaver Imp Mammoth Umbra Haze Frog Hand of Emrakul Sea Gate Oracle Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Demonic Appetite Naturalize Jwari Scuttler (FOIL) Bloodrite Invoker Luminous Wake Haze Frog --> Kiln Fiend Repel the Darkness Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 1 pick 7: Valakut Fireboar Vent Sentinel --> Forked Bolt Might of the Masses Stomper Cub Glory Seeker Eland Umbra Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 1 pick 8: Living Destiny Living Destiny (FOIL) --> Dread Drone Battle Rampart Glory Seeker Ikiral Outrider Affa Guard Hound Island Pack 1 pick 9: --> Grotag Siege-Runner Zof Shade Prey's Vengeance Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch (FOIL) Traitorous Instinct Plains Pack 1 pick 10: Might of the Masses Caravan Escort --> Snake Umbra Perish the Thought Fissure Vent Plains Pack 1 pick 11: Ancient Stirrings Aura Finesse --> Goblin Arsonist Essence Feed Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Aura Finesse Contaminated Ground --> Eland Umbra Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: Irresistible Prey --> Haze Frog Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Demonic Appetite Swamp Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Spawning Breath Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra Awakening Zone --> Induce Despair Bloodrite Invoker Zof Shade Caravan Escort Haze Frog Beastbreaker of Bala Ged Reality Spasm Daggerback Basilisk Virulent Swipe Mountain (FOIL) Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Emrakul's Hatcher Ogre's Cleaver Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Ogre Sentry Skywatcher Adept Guard Gomazoa Overgrown Battlement --> Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Repel the Darkness Virulent Swipe Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Demonic Appetite Eel Umbra Makindi Griffin Deprive Sporecap Spider Battle Rampart Puncturing Light Staggershock Zulaport Enforcer Drake Umbra Reinforced Bulwark --> Tuktuk the Explorer Mountain Pack 2 pick 4: Ancient Stirrings Unified Will Merfolk Skyscout Smite Pelakka Wurm Perish the Thought --> Vendetta Repel the Darkness Lagac Lizard Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Venerated Teacher Battle Rampart Aura Finesse Domestication Contaminated Ground Spider Umbra Shared Discovery Harmless Assault --> Bloodthrone Vampire Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 6: Lone Missionary Time of Heroes Survival Cache Raid Bombardment Brood Birthing --> Drake Umbra Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: Skeletal Wurm Spawning Breath Ancient Stirrings Mnemonic Wall Crab Umbra (FOIL) --> Zof Shade Daggerback Basilisk Virulent Swipe Mountain Pack 2 pick 8: Ancient Stirrings Champion's Drake Skywatcher Adept Aura Finesse Perish the Thought Prophetic Prism --> Bloodthrone Vampire Forest Pack 2 pick 9: --> Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra Zof Shade Haze Frog Reality Spasm Mountain (FOIL) Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Ogre Sentry Reinforced Bulwark Repel the Darkness Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Demonic Appetite --> Eel Umbra Battle Rampart Reinforced Bulwark Mountain Pack 2 pick 12: --> Perish the Thought Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: Shared Discovery --> Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 14: --> Brood Birthing Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite Venerated Teacher Irresistible Prey Shrivel Kor Line-Slinger --> Wrap in Flames Prey's Vengeance (FOIL) Soulsurge Elemental Skittering Invasion Goblin Arsonist Ulamog's Crusher Eldrazi Temple Mountain Leaf Arrow Pack 3 pick 2: Wildheart Invoker Hedron-Field Purists (FOIL) Champion's Drake Living Destiny Hedron Matrix Sporecap Spider --> Bloodrite Invoker Soulsurge Elemental Smite Skittering Invasion Lagac Lizard Prophetic Prism Virulent Swipe Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader --> Brimstone Mage Jwari Scuttler Living Destiny Stalwart Shield-Bearers Wrap in Flames Contaminated Ground Ulamog's Crusher Warmonger's Chariot Glory Seeker Shared Discovery Swamp Pack 3 pick 4: Nighthaze Cadaver Imp Battle-Rattle Shaman Kor Line-Slinger Khalni Hydra Regress Skittering Invasion Enatu Golem Goblin Arsonist Daggerback Basilisk --> Traitorous Instinct Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Nighthaze Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Surreal Memoir Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Nema Siltlurker Spider Umbra Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Death Cultist Lone Missionary --> Soul's Attendant Sporecap Spider Ogre Sentry Enatu Golem Nema Siltlurker Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Death Cultist Curse of Wizardry --> Explosive Revelation Nighthaze Soul's Attendant Shrivel Fleeting Distraction Demystify Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Surreal Memoir --> Sporecap Spider Aura Finesse Soulbound Guardians Sea Gate Oracle Eland Umbra Totem-Guide Hartebeest Island Pack 3 pick 9: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite Prey's Vengeance (FOIL) --> Soulsurge Elemental Goblin Arsonist Mountain Leaf Arrow Pack 3 pick 10: Living Destiny Sporecap Spider --> Soulsurge Elemental Skittering Invasion Lagac Lizard Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Demonic Appetite Living Destiny --> Stalwart Shield-Bearers Contaminated Ground Swamp Pack 3 pick 12: Nighthaze Enatu Golem --> Goblin Arsonist Plains Pack 3 pick 13: --> Jwari Scuttler Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Death Cultist Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Интересны комментарии по пикам, в некоторых местах сомневался Первую партию проиграл 0-2 (скрю, ошибка)
кстати, кто в курсе во сколько кончается даунтайм? на их форумах не нашел UPD заработало
На двухголовый силед пререгаюсь заранее, ищу пару
Когда играл боросами, Связка скайфишер-Teetering Peaks ничуть не тормозила, давала лишний лендфолл. Для меня с тех пор ничего не изменилось.
Ну костов с Х же нету, эльфов надов впихнуть >_< Командиры тоже лучше?
Поучить по мордасам от одной только этой комбы на 12 крайне неприятно, даже если у тебя пульс на руке
Так почему ннету Кровавокосых Эльфов то? Неужели они хуже Гиганта из Онду?
Сархан превращает Эмракула в дракошу
Eldrazi green by tamu303 (4-0)Standard Daily #1193769 on 05/10/2010 + Spells 4 Bestial Menace 4 Eldrazi Monument 3 Garruk Wildspeaker 1 Overrun Creatures 4 Arbor Elf 2 Birds of Paradise 2 Elvish Visionary 4 Kozilek's Predator 4 Leatherback Baloth 4 Llanowar Elves 1 Master of the Wild Hunt 3 Mul Daya Channelers 4 Nest Invader Lands 15 Forest 1 Island 4 Misty Rainforest Sideboard 2 Acidic Slime 4 Great Sable Stag 2 Master of the Wild Hunt 1 Oran-Rief Recluse 3 Unified Will 3 Windstorm Наблюдал, как дека играет, мне очень понравилось. Но лист немного подкорректировал бы =)
Коры-огеходы в сайде не протащат штоле? О_О
Клерик белый => мана базе легче, да и хипы лучше чем милл.
Хотел бы сыграть. Что нужно? Какие то требования?)
Может, вместо чаннелерсов Волчьих элементалей засунуть обратно? Под монумент корм то нужен
Твой) Спасибо. Емерия хоть раз помогала? Непонятно почему 4 Ondu Cleric и 2 Honor of the Pure? я бы наоборот сделал
Лист в студию =) просим просим
Алару поиграл бы, зависит от дня
Enclave Cryptologist Играл бы обязательно, положил бы вместо зеленого или синей контры и синего дрова
Первый пик Суракар, третий Гигантоформа. Уходил бы в BG