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Все публикации пользователя vikmar

  1. Для тех у кого проблемы с хостингом, ссылочка: draft8-4(5.11).avi
  2. Викмар Чекан, Владимир Падве представляют: VIDEO По просьбам телезрителей, на днях создам страницу на http://narod.yandex.ru/, со всеми старыми и новыми VODами.
  3. Ты просто не шаришь в лимитед, дружище!
  4. 2 Instill Infection Grasp of Darkness Painsmith Embersmith Arc Trail Ferrovore Flameborn Hellion Turn to Slag Shatter Contagion Clasp Gold Myr Golem Artisan Moriok Replica Palladium Myr Silver Myr Myr Galvanizer Trigon of Corruption Trigon of Rage Vulshok Replica Snapsail Glider 2 Bladed Pinions Blackcleave Cliffs 8 Swamp 8 Mountain
  5. Никогда не надо расстраиваться из-за удачи оппонента, подумайте сколько ошибок\неверных решений вы сделали в этой партии! А если не сделали, задумайтесь о вашей стартовой руке... О возможном, нужном\ненужном мулигане. Вы играли эту партию правильно? Тогда вспомните прошлую партию, позапрошлую... Как Вы можете уповать на удачу, если делаете в среднем по 5 мудежей за партию\тур? Я не на что не претендую, но стремлюсь к безошибочности уже почти 5 лет... Magic или Poker, Бильярд или Футбол - Ты принимаешь решения, от которых зависит многое, это и есть Жизнь! Те же решения из Твоей головы. Это по моему и есть главное отличие Игрока и казуала-рыбы... Дистанция всё вернет!
  6. 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 4 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 4 Selective Memory 4 Explosive Revelation 4 Ponder 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Burst Lightning 4 Ember Hauler 3 Spell Pierce 4 Halimar Depths 4 Arid Mesa 4 Scalding Tarn 4 Misty Rainforest 3 Island 6 Mountain Собирал, думал только сегодня. Уезжаю отдыхать, желаю вам доработать мэйн и сайд, мне кажется должно получиться очень круто!
  7. vikmar

    ZZw draft

    Хочешь выигрывать драфты? играй 18 земель!
  8. vikmar


    Будет сделано, Амигос...
  9. Мне кажется это абсолютно логичный ход вещей, появится 6ой формат, расширенный экстендед, который уже анонсировали раньше... А этот экстендед как расширенный тип...
  10. vikmar


    Всегда прятно быть чем-то кому-то полезным. Дерзайте, записывайте сами, у меня там есть обучающее видео как записывать.
  11. vikmar


    Конечно, снят целиком драфт, весь процесс, и сборка и игра, и сайдборд, обсуждают лучшие умы Санкт-Петербурга.
  12. vikmar


    Организуем несколько микрофонов.
  13. vikmar


    1ый пак 12пик, может кто-то еще не определился...
  14. vikmar


    Везет тому, кто к этому готов.
  15. vikmar


    1. Зеленый вринципе не очнь нравится, очень часто овердрафтят, драфчу если получаю точные сигналы, вендетта очень хороший\дешевый ремувал, лекго слпэшиться, хотя в три цвета играл только силеды... 2. Умбра теоритчески парит больше, хотя можно и молнию, я думаю не особо актуально, потому что далеко не факт что встретимся с этим соседом в топ4\2, да и вообще очень плохо вскрыли такое бывает очень редко. 3. Ну тут даже лень писать... Дозор держит всех существ, а потом сам порит, против синих ваще крутан, а пешка, она и в шахматах пешка... 4. Ремувал есть ремувал, убивает очнь много критичных существ\бомб, да и того же Ниркана в респонс на левела-ап... А вообще критичная ошибка это 2.4 надо было пикать контрспэлл над птицей или хотя бы дров.
  16. Спасибо за добрые слова, будем работать. Приветствуется коструктивная критика и пожелания, идеи. На Ютубе можно только по 10 мин, а больше нужен премиум аккаунт, если кто имеет возможности...
  17. vikmar


    Викмар Чекан, Илья Ефимов , Никита Шавырин представляют: VIDEO Event #: 1309910Time: 6/11/2010 5:03:37 AM Players: mikep777 freakflag oss --> Vik Mar Tank1985 MikeyGG ICritMyPantz keijaum ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: --> Brimstone Mage Venerated Teacher Deprive Might of the Masses Battle Rampart Raid Bombardment Soulsurge Elemental Contaminated Ground Thought Gorger Ulamog's Crusher Spider Umbra Eland Umbra Phantasmal Abomination Demystify Swamp Pack 1 pick 2: Ancient Stirrings Ogre Sentry Smite Pathrazer of Ulamog Pelakka Wurm Broodwarden Kiln Fiend --> Vendetta Repel the Darkness Halimar Wavewatch Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: Wildheart Invoker Kabira Vindicator Champion's Drake Stalwart Shield-Bearers Bloodrite Invoker Prey's Vengeance Ogre Sentry Skywatcher Adept Smite Spider Umbra --> Sphinx of Magosi Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 1 pick 4: Inquisition of Kozilek Emrakul's Hatcher Ogre's Cleaver Dread Drone Caravan Escort See Beyond Snake Umbra --> Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Ikiral Outrider Traitorous Instinct Plains Pack 1 pick 5: --> Gloomhunter Unified Will Grotag Siege-Runner Sporecap Spider Haze Frog Aura Finesse Realms Uncharted Skittering Invasion Eland Umbra Traitorous Instinct Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Umbra Mystic Spawning Breath Jaddi Lifestrider Soul's Attendant Hand of Emrakul Enatu Golem Goblin Arsonist --> Bala Ged Scorpion Not of This World Island Pack 1 pick 7: Death Cultist Inquisition of Kozilek Eel Umbra --> Zulaport Enforcer Reinforced Bulwark Echo Mage Demystify Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 8: Survival Cache Sporecap Spider --> Bloodrite Invoker Luminous Wake Haze Frog Eland Umbra Fissure Vent Forest Pack 1 pick 9: Battle Rampart Raid Bombardment Contaminated Ground Eland Umbra Phantasmal Abomination --> Demystify Swamp Pack 1 pick 10: Ogre Sentry --> Halimar Wavewatch Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: --> Champion's Drake Bloodrite Invoker Spider Umbra Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 1 pick 12: --> Ogre's Cleaver Ikiral Outrider Traitorous Instinct Plains Pack 1 pick 13: --> Unified Will Aura Finesse Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Not of This World Island Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite Lone Missionary Naturalize Irresistible Prey Forked Bolt --> Mammoth Umbra Khalni Hydra Battle Rampart Ogre Sentry Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 2 pick 2: Spawning Breath Makindi Griffin Wall of Omens Stomper Cub Hand of Emrakul Brood Birthing Pawn of Ulamog Devastating Summons Essence Feed --> Halimar Wavewatch Escaped Null Ikiral Outrider Mountain Mountain (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 3: Wildheart Invoker Lone Missionary Goblin Tunneler Irresistible Prey --> Gloomhunter Near-Death Experience Evolving Wilds Mnemonic Wall (FOIL) Ogre's Cleaver Ogre Sentry Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 4: Demonic Appetite Curse of Wizardry --> Frostwind Invoker Deprive Survival Cache Sporecap Spider Dread Drone Kor Line-Slinger See Beyond Enatu Golem Ikiral Outrider Island Pack 2 pick 5: Valakut Fireboar Skeletal Wurm Goblin Tunneler --> Venerated Teacher Lay Bare Puncturing Light Zulaport Enforcer Suffer the Past Nema Siltlurker Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 6: Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Nighthaze Shrivel Raid Bombardment --> Regress Nema Siltlurker Lagac Lizard Fleeting Distraction Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: --> Champion's Drake Guard Duty Gravitational Shift Mnemonic Wall Crab Umbra Zof Shade Brood Birthing Repel the Darkness Plains Pack 2 pick 8: Goblin Tunneler Explosive Revelation Mnemonic Wall Lust for War --> Caravan Escort Renegade Doppelganger Suffer the Past Swamp Pack 2 pick 9: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite --> Irresistible Prey Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 2 pick 10: Hand of Emrakul Brood Birthing --> Escaped Null Ikiral Outrider Mountain Mountain (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 11: Irresistible Prey --> Ogre Sentry Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 12: Curse of Wizardry --> Kor Line-Slinger Enatu Golem Island Pack 2 pick 13: Nema Siltlurker --> Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 14: --> Jwari Scuttler Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Naturalize Aura Gnarlid Battle-Rattle Shaman --> Last Kiss Snake Umbra Guard Gomazoa Goblin Arsonist Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Glory Seeker Nirkana Cutthroat Sea Gate Oracle Hyena Umbra Virulent Swipe Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra Akoum Boulderfoot --> Induce Despair Bloodrite Invoker Stomper Cub Haze Frog Soulsurge Elemental Deathless Angel Drake Umbra Totem-Guide Hartebeest Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Cast Through Time Vent Sentinel Growth Spasm Zof Shade Last Kiss Dawnglare Invoker Hand of Emrakul --> Enclave Cryptologist Oust Distortion Strike Totem-Guide Hartebeest Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 3 pick 4: Frostwind Invoker Grotag Siege-Runner Dawnglare Invoker See Beyond --> Domestication Reality Spasm Repay in Kind Knight of Cliffhaven Totem-Guide Hartebeest Ikiral Outrider Virulent Swipe Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Curse of Wizardry --> Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel Soul's Attendant Surreal Memoir Hedron Matrix Stomper Cub Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard Merfolk Observer Island Pack 3 pick 6: Jwari Scuttler Might of the Masses Kor Line-Slinger --> Guard Gomazoa Regress Contaminated Ground Harmless Assault Fissure Vent Not of This World Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: --> Champion's Drake Mnemonic Wall Arrogant Bloodlord Hand of Emrakul Lavafume Invoker Brood Birthing Repel the Darkness Sea Gate Oracle Forest Pack 3 pick 8: --> Guard Duty (FOIL) Living Destiny Grotag Siege-Runner Battle Rampart Puncturing Light Glory Seeker Essence Feed Forest Pack 3 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Snake Umbra Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker --> Sea Gate Oracle Virulent Swipe Plains Pack 3 pick 10: Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel --> Eel Umbra Akoum Boulderfoot Haze Frog Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Cast Through Time Vent Sentinel --> Oust Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 3 pick 12: Frostwind Invoker --> See Beyond Totem-Guide Hartebeest Plains Pack 3 pick 13: --> Curse of Wizardry Merfolk Observer Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Harmless Assault Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Forest
  18. vikmar


    Викмар Чекан, Илья Ефимов , Никита Шавырин представляют: VIDEO Event #: 1309384Time: 6/11/2010 2:01:01 AM Players: Corrupt Official Lovre Insomniac1330 mack_nasty Vik Mar JayHarris wallofhate Whoisme ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Skeletal Wurm --> Joraga Treespeaker Jwari Scuttler Deprive Stalwart Shield-Bearers Might of the Masses Ogre Sentry Realms Uncharted Nema Siltlurker Glory Seeker Gravity Well Spider Umbra Eland Umbra Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 1 pick 2: Goblin Tunneler Brimstone Mage Gloomhunter Jaddi Lifestrider Evolving Wilds Living Destiny Growth Spasm Kor Line-Slinger Dawnglare Invoker --> Drake Umbra Perish the Thought Distortion Strike Fissure Vent Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite --> Venerated Teacher Living Destiny Deprive Stalwart Shield-Bearers Kor Spiritdancer Battle Rampart Wrap in Flames Enatu Golem Fleeting Distraction Leaf Arrow Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Demonic Appetite Nighthaze Living Destiny Crab Umbra Arrogant Bloodlord Zof Shade --> Last Kiss Regress Pathrazer of Ulamog Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest Mountain Pack 1 pick 5: Naturalize --> Eel Umbra Grotag Siege-Runner Soul's Attendant Ogre's Cleaver Reinforced Bulwark Perish the Thought Essence Feed Lagac Lizard Affa Guard Hound Island Pack 1 pick 6: Death Cultist --> Arrogant Bloodlord Haze Frog Nema Siltlurker Kiln Fiend Daggerback Basilisk (FOIL) Repel the Darkness Phantasmal Abomination Demystify Forest Pack 1 pick 7: Wildheart Invoker Forked Bolt --> Bloodrite Invoker Smite Reinforced Bulwark Escaped Null Totem-Guide Hartebeest Ikiral Outrider Plains Pack 1 pick 8: --> Inquisition of Kozilek (FOIL) Evolving Wilds Crab Umbra Bloodrite Invoker Haze Frog Renegade Doppelganger Snake Umbra Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: --> Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Nema Siltlurker Glory Seeker Gravity Well Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 1 pick 10: Goblin Tunneler Living Destiny --> Kor Line-Slinger Perish the Thought Fissure Vent Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: --> Death Cultist Demonic Appetite Living Destiny Stalwart Shield-Bearers Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Demonic Appetite --> Nighthaze Living Destiny Mountain Pack 1 pick 13: --> Soul's Attendant Reinforced Bulwark Island Pack 1 pick 14: --> Death Cultist Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader Spawning Breath Frostwind Invoker Nighthaze Living Destiny Merfolk Skyscout Awakening Zone --> Induce Despair Caravan Escort Stomper Cub Reality Spasm Daggerback Basilisk Not of This World Island Pack 2 pick 2: Lay Bare Akoum Boulderfoot Stalwart Shield-Bearers Growth Spasm Shrivel Puncturing Light Staggershock Zulaport Enforcer --> Enclave Cryptologist Ulamog's Crusher Vendetta Oust Shared Discovery Forest Pack 2 pick 3: Keening Stone Vent Sentinel Living Destiny Sporecap Spider Zof Shade Soulsurge Elemental Hand of Emrakul Suffer the Past --> Bala Ged Scorpion Lagac Lizard Kozilek's Predator Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Valakut Fireboar Wildheart Invoker Explosive Revelation Living Destiny Makindi Griffin Brood Birthing Perish the Thought --> Halimar Wavewatch Lagac Lizard Fissure Vent Surrakar Spellblade Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Spawning Breath Akoum Boulderfoot Zof Shade Caravan Escort Overgrown Battlement Enatu Golem Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Daggerback Basilisk --> Echo Mage Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: Near-Death Experience Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra Battle-Rattle Shaman Puncturing Light Skittering Invasion Hand of Emrakul Hyena Umbra --> Virulent Swipe Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: Death Cultist Lone Missionary --> Naturalize Irresistible Prey Nema Siltlurker Merfolk Observer Demystify Swamp Swamp (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 8: Valakut Fireboar Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Raid Bombardment Contaminated Ground Brood Birthing --> Halimar Wavewatch Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Nighthaze Living Destiny --> Reality Spasm Daggerback Basilisk Not of This World Island Pack 2 pick 10: Lay Bare Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Shrivel Puncturing Light Shared Discovery Forest Pack 2 pick 11: Living Destiny Hand of Emrakul --> Suffer the Past Lagac Lizard Forest Pack 2 pick 12: --> Valakut Fireboar Lagac Lizard Fissure Vent Plains Pack 2 pick 13: --> Zof Shade Reinforced Bulwark Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: --> Near-Death Experience Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Goblin Tunneler Lay Bare Splinter Twin Grotag Siege-Runner Crab Umbra --> Arrogant Bloodlord Deprive Growth Spasm Might of the Masses Dawnglare Invoker Pathrazer of Ulamog Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Distortion Strike Mountain
  19. Викмар Чекан, Владимир Падве, Кирил Кудряшев представляют: VIDEO Event #: 1298019Time: 6/14/2010 6:57:51 PM Players: Mot Normalt z0nk0thesane torjuul Vik Mar Targh32 HarryPlotter Coldice gokky ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Evolving Wilds Deprive Growth Spasm Wall of Omens Might of the Masses Dawnglare Invoker Null Champion Kiln Fiend Warmonger's Chariot Glory Seeker Eland Umbra Runed Servitor Distortion Strike --> Sphinx of Magosi Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Wildheart Invoker Gloomhunter Unified Will Contaminated Ground Soulbound Guardians --> Drake Umbra Flame Slash Spider Umbra Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch Shared Discovery Knight of Cliffhaven Harmless Assault Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Guard Duty Unified Will Lay Bare Cadaver Imp Battle-Rattle Shaman Growth Spasm Wall of Omens Puncturing Light Corpsehatch --> Vendetta Totem-Guide Hartebeest (FOIL) Eldrazi Temple Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Inquisition of Kozilek Tajuru Preserver Lay Bare Ogre's Cleaver Sporecap Spider Dawnglare Invoker Smite Aura Finesse --> Null Champion Kiln Fiend Kiln Fiend (FOIL) Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: Death Cultist Demonic Appetite Lone Missionary Nighthaze Living Destiny --> Shrivel Raid Bombardment Reality Spasm Fleeting Distraction Demystify Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Lay Bare Grotag Siege-Runner Battle-Rattle Shaman Dawnglare Invoker Lavafume Invoker Daggerback Basilisk Emerge Unscathed --> Escaped Null Distortion Strike Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Living Destiny Zof Shade --> Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard Fissure Vent Totem-Guide Hartebeest Not of This World Forest (FOIL) Forest Pack 1 pick 8: --> Skeletal Wurm Kor Line-Slinger Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Gravity Well Fleeting Distraction Demystify Island Pack 1 pick 9: --> Wall of Omens Might of the Masses Glory Seeker Eland Umbra Runed Servitor Distortion Strike Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: --> Gloomhunter Unified Will Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Plains Pack 1 pick 11: --> Guard Duty Unified Will Lay Bare Puncturing Light Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Lay Bare --> Smite Aura Finesse Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: Demonic Appetite Living Destiny --> Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Emerge Unscathed Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Nest Invader Splinter Twin Explosive Revelation Nighthaze Zof Shade Luminous Wake Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Snake Umbra Hand of Emrakul Beastbreaker of Bala Ged --> Sea Gate Oracle Totem-Guide Hartebeest Kozilek's Predator Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Jwari Scuttler Eel Umbra Makindi Griffin Lust for War Soulsurge Elemental Dormant Gomazoa Overgrown Battlement Zulaport Enforcer --> Drake Umbra Reinforced Bulwark Ulamog's Crusher Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Island Pack 2 pick 3: Artisan of Kozilek Goblin Tunneler Gloomhunter Bramblesnap Vent Sentinel Dread Drone Last Kiss --> Narcolepsy Hada Spy Patrol Ondu Giant Knight of Cliffhaven Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 2 pick 4: --> Jwari Scuttler Nighthaze Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Spawnsire of Ulamog Might of the Masses Battle Rampart Prey's Vengeance Oust Eland Umbra Shared Discovery Island Pack 2 pick 5: Death Cultist Lone Missionary Naturalize Time of Heroes Lightmine Field Ogre Sentry --> Regress Nema Siltlurker Runed Servitor Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 6: Spawning Breath Guard Duty Cadaver Imp Surreal Memoir Pennon Blade Haze Frog --> Narcolepsy Hand of Emrakul Prophetic Prism Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: Naturalize Guard Duty Mnemonic Wall Soul's Attendant --> Zof Shade Suffer the Past Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard Plains Pack 2 pick 8: Death Cultist --> Crab Umbra Growth Spasm Puncturing Light Pathrazer of Ulamog Reinforced Bulwark Plains Leaf Arrow Pack 2 pick 9: --> Zof Shade Luminous Wake Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest Plains Pack 2 pick 10: --> Jwari Scuttler Dormant Gomazoa Reinforced Bulwark Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Island Pack 2 pick 11: Goblin Tunneler Bramblesnap Vent Sentinel --> Dread Drone Forest Pack 2 pick 12: Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Shrivel Shared Discovery Island Pack 2 pick 13: Nema Siltlurker --> Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 14: --> Haze Frog Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Wildheart Invoker Hedron-Field Purists Curse of Wizardry Jwari Scuttler Emrakul's Hatcher Stalwart Shield-Bearers Skywatcher Adept Smite Nema Siltlurker --> Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Warmonger's Chariot Spider Umbra Rapacious One Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Champion's Drake Time of Heroes Aura Gnarlid World at War Overgrown Battlement Skittering Invasion Hand of Emrakul Lavafume Invoker Brood Birthing Repel the Darkness --> Sea Gate Oracle Traitorous Instinct Hyena Umbra Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Pestilence Demon Brimstone Mage Irresistible Prey Frostwind Invoker Nighthaze Soul's Attendant Dread Drone Might of the Masses Soulsurge Elemental See Beyond --> Bala Ged Scorpion Ikiral Outrider Forest Pack 3 pick 4: --> Deprive Survival Cache Sporecap Spider Wrap in Flames Contaminated Ground Nema Siltlurker Shared Discovery Escaped Null Merfolk Observer Baneful Omen Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 3 pick 5: Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Ogre Sentry Aura Finesse Suffer the Past --> Perish the Thought Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Fleeting Distraction Plains Leaf Arrow Pack 3 pick 6: Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel Evolving Wilds --> Eel Umbra Ogre's Cleaver Puncturing Light Haze Frog Sphinx-Bone Wand Totem-Guide Hartebeest Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Goblin Tunneler Vent Sentinel Prey's Vengeance Hand of Emrakul Enatu Golem Distortion Strike --> Traitorous Instinct Hyena Umbra Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Lone Missionary Ancient Stirrings --> Bloodrite Invoker Contaminated Ground Skittering Invasion Repel the Darkness Phantasmal Abomination Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Curse of Wizardry --> Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Nema Siltlurker Reinforced Bulwark Spider Umbra Plains Pack 3 pick 10: Skittering Invasion --> Hand of Emrakul Lavafume Invoker Brood Birthing Repel the Darkness Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Irresistible Prey Nighthaze Soul's Attendant --> Might of the Masses Forest Pack 3 pick 12: --> Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 3 pick 13: Aura Finesse --> Harmless Assault Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Haze Frog Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain
  20. 1. спасибо за комментарии, полезно, ответы: 2. тапальщик больше парит чем гоблин (я типо резал). В цветах уверен, стол прочувствовал =). 3. ремувал выше паука, потому что есть флаеры со способностями, которых надо убивать, а не блокать. 4. умбра мне не очень нравится, а существ вроде было мало. 5. это не просто гоблин, а туша цельного красного мяса с силой 2 за 2 маны, что может быть иногда неприятно, при поддержке, остальное хуже. Со второй декой ошибся во втором туре, потому что расстроился что мне ставят студента на первый ход, потом дропают плэйнс, плэйнс, плэйнс и....... плэйнс (даблстрайк впред) в ровной двухцветке, что я видел в повторе и первой моей партии, неправильно раскоставал руку, зря сдал спауна, и не смог через нарлида + аура +10\+10 убить, хотя все запчасти были. Психология залог успеха. А выиграл конешно колодой №3, Б\В псевдно контроль и темная гильдия ОРЖОВ правят этим жалким миром.
  21. vikmar

    RoE 8-4 3-0

    1 тур играл с УВ левелапарами, в решающей оппонент мисскликнул с отскоком (нажал не играть), но это бы мало что изменило. 2 тур БГ сплэш на Р, очень интересная первая партия, грамотно юзал Пешку, каждый спаун в итоге сыграл ключевую роль, кто под лошадкой, кто под умброй дрэйка. во второй чувак выбрал дроваться и был наказан. 3 тур БР со Сарханом Мэдом, воровал моё существо, и жрал под дракона, честная магия... был наказан за то что играл как минимум двумя сделай болотом за 1б. Event #: 1284985Time: 6/4/2010 2:19:00 AM Players: j0ga teichou_aisu waffleeater15 Vik Mar goblingooon Gentlemarc captainpicard AhNicky ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Wildheart Invoker Champion's Drake Jwari Scuttler --> Eldrazi Conscription Bloodrite Invoker Wall of Omens Smite Soulbound Guardians Flame Slash Warmonger's Chariot Emerge Unscathed (FOIL) Harmless Assault Prophetic Prism Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 2: Brimstone Mage Jaddi Lifestrider Emrakul's Hatcher Zof Shade Snake Umbra Skywatcher Adept --> Domestication Hand of Emrakul Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Sea Gate Oracle Totem-Guide Hartebeest Kozilek's Predator Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Guard Duty Gravitational Shift Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra --> Induce Despair Battle-Rattle Shaman Puncturing Light Haze Frog Warmonger's Chariot Gravity Well Daggerback Basilisk Emerge Unscathed Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Goblin Tunneler Kabira Vindicator Tajuru Preserver Mnemonic Wall Grotag Siege-Runner Caravan Escort Dawnglare Invoker --> See Beyond Snake Umbra Distortion Strike Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Lone Missionary Irresistible Prey Joraga Treespeaker Lay Bare Growth Spasm Puncturing Light Raid Bombardment --> Zulaport Enforcer Spider Umbra Demystify Island Pack 1 pick 6: Cast Through Time Death Cultist Demonic Appetite --> Skeletal Wurm (FOIL) Lone Missionary Naturalize Ogre Sentry Glory Seeker Shared Discovery Plains Pack 1 pick 7: Death Cultist Unified Will Soul's Attendant Shrivel Repay in Kind Lagac Lizard --> Merfolk Observer Mountain Leaf Arrow Pack 1 pick 8: Soul's Attendant Stalwart Shield-Bearers Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Goblin Arsonist --> Fleeting Distraction Demystify Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Jwari Scuttler Soulbound Guardians --> Warmonger's Chariot Emerge Unscathed (FOIL) Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 10: Jaddi Lifestrider --> Zof Shade Snake Umbra Hand of Emrakul Reinforced Bulwark Plains Pack 1 pick 11: --> Eel Umbra Puncturing Light Haze Frog Gravity Well Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Goblin Tunneler --> Tajuru Preserver Distortion Strike Forest Pack 1 pick 13: --> Irresistible Prey Demystify Island Pack 1 pick 14: --> Death Cultist Plains Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Guard Duty Aura Gnarlid World at War Mnemonic Wall Crab Umbra Bloodrite Invoker Zof Shade Pelakka Wurm Lavafume Invoker Kiln Fiend Daggerback Basilisk Repel the Darkness --> Nirkana Cutthroat Halimar Wavewatch Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Jwari Scuttler --> Deprive Stalwart Shield-Bearers Sporecap Spider Kor Spiritdancer Luminous Wake Wrap in Flames Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Traitorous Instinct Not of This World Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Nest Invader Spawning Breath Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel Nighthaze --> Merfolk Skyscout Akoum Boulderfoot Kor Line-Slinger Caravan Escort Prey's Vengeance Stomper Cub Aura Finesse Island Pack 2 pick 4: Demonic Appetite --> Venerated Teacher Nighthaze Living Destiny Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pennon Blade Shrivel Hedron Matrix Ogre Sentry Harmless Assault Fleeting Distraction Forest Pack 2 pick 5: Curse of Wizardry Lightmine Field Vent Sentinel Grotag Siege-Runner Forked Bolt Puncturing Light Stomper Cub --> See Beyond Essence Feed Kozilek's Predator Forest Pack 2 pick 6: Lone Missionary Inquisition of Kozilek Ancient Stirrings Jwari Scuttler Zulaport Enforcer Nema Siltlurker Brood Birthing Spider Umbra --> Halimar Wavewatch Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: Goblin Tunneler Time of Heroes Lay Bare --> Dreamstone Hedron Battle-Rattle Shaman Survival Cache Distortion Strike It That Betrays Island Pack 2 pick 8: Sporecap Spider --> Dread Drone Aura Finesse Pathrazer of Ulamog Eland Umbra Runed Servitor Eldrazi Temple Island Pack 2 pick 9: World at War Mnemonic Wall Crab Umbra --> Bloodrite Invoker Zof Shade Repel the Darkness Plains Pack 2 pick 10: Stalwart Shield-Bearers Contaminated Ground Shared Discovery --> Merfolk Observer Not of This World Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Nighthaze Akoum Boulderfoot --> Prey's Vengeance Aura Finesse Island Pack 2 pick 12: Demonic Appetite Living Destiny --> Fleeting Distraction Forest Pack 2 pick 13: Curse of Wizardry --> Essence Feed Forest Pack 2 pick 14: --> Jwari Scuttler Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Hedron-Field Purists Ancient Stirrings Venerated Teacher Lay Bare Wall of Omens Staggershock Smite Contaminated Ground --> Vendetta Spider Umbra Harmless Assault Not of This World Affa Guard Hound Swamp Swamp (FOIL) Pack 3 pick 2: Naturalize Lay Bare Deprive Growth Spasm Dawnglare Invoker Null Champion --> Enclave Cryptologist Kiln Fiend Oust Bala Ged Scorpion Gigantomancer Merfolk Observer Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Death Cultist Kabira Vindicator Living Destiny Shrivel Raid Bombardment Dormant Gomazoa Enatu Golem --> Pawn of Ulamog Ulamog's Crusher Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard Demystify Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Ancient Stirrings Bramblesnap Arrogant Bloodlord Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Ogre Sentry Smite --> Vendetta Repel the Darkness Rapacious One Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 3 pick 5: Skeletal Wurm Spawning Breath --> Frostwind Invoker Eel Umbra Zof Shade Caravan Escort Overgrown Battlement Enatu Golem Reinforced Bulwark Daggerback Basilisk Mountain Pack 3 pick 6: Goblin Tunneler Lay Bare Soul's Attendant Puncturing Light Aura Finesse --> Zulaport Enforcer Enatu Golem (FOIL) Perish the Thought Eland Umbra Island Pack 3 pick 7: Demonic Appetite Vent Sentinel Zof Shade Hand of Emrakul Reality Spasm Glory Seeker Fissure Vent --> Kozilek's Predator Island Pack 3 pick 8: Gloomhunter Frostwind Invoker See Beyond --> Drake Umbra Flame Slash Phantasmal Abomination Ikiral Outrider Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Ancient Stirrings Lay Bare Spider Umbra Harmless Assault Not of This World Swamp --> Swamp (FOIL) Pack 3 pick 10: Naturalize Lay Bare --> Null Champion Merfolk Observer Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Death Cultist Living Destiny --> Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: Ancient Stirrings --> Ogre Sentry Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 3 pick 13: --> Zof Shade Enatu Golem Mountain Pack 3 pick 14: --> Aura Finesse Island Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island
  22. Event #: 1272784 Time: 5/31/2010 6:00:28 PM Players: Manning mitarashi hccga Truckis zaiko Vik Mar howardroark9 Tobeornot ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Valakut Fireboar (FOIL) Emrakul's Hatcher Mnemonic Wall --> Boar Umbra Ogre's Cleaver Dread Drone Khalni Hydra See Beyond Snake Umbra Skywatcher Adept Null Champion Heat Ray Reinforced Bulwark Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 1 pick 2: Ancient Stirrings Cadaver Imp Survival Cache Caravan Escort --> Snake Umbra Skywatcher Adept Zulaport Enforcer Soulbound Guardians Lavafume Invoker Sea Gate Oracle Prophetic Prism Plains (FOIL) Swamp Mortician Beetle Pack 1 pick 3: Skeletal Wurm Ancient Stirrings Lay Bare --> Forked Bolt Battle-Rattle Shaman Zof Shade Snake Umbra Smite Hand of Emrakul Escaped Null Totem-Guide Hartebeest Island Mortician Beetle Pack 1 pick 4: Death Cultist --> Nest Invader Curse of Wizardry Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Hedron Matrix Battle Rampart Shared Discovery Merfolk Observer Bloodthrone Vampire Leaf Arrow Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Guard Duty Lay Bare Ogre's Cleaver Battle-Rattle Shaman Growth Spasm Lavafume Invoker Gravity Well --> Daggerback Basilisk Emerge Unscathed Island (FOIL) Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Soul's Attendant Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel --> Sporecap Spider Wrap in Flames Eland Umbra Fissure Vent Fleeting Distraction Leaf Arrow Island Pack 1 pick 7: Demonic Appetite --> Nest Invader Goblin Tunneler Living Destiny Grotag Siege-Runner Haze Frog Glory Seeker Distortion Strike Mountain Pack 1 pick 8: Nighthaze Grotag Siege-Runner --> Kor Line-Slinger Reinforced Bulwark Essence Feed Eland Umbra Baneful Omen Swamp Pack 1 pick 9: Valakut Fireboar (FOIL) --> Ogre's Cleaver Dread Drone Snake Umbra Reinforced Bulwark Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 1 pick 10: Ancient Stirrings --> Caravan Escort Soulbound Guardians Lavafume Invoker Plains (FOIL) Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: Ancient Stirrings Lay Bare Zof Shade --> Hand of Emrakul Island Pack 1 pick 12: Death Cultist --> Curse of Wizardry Merfolk Observer Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Gravity Well --> Island (FOIL) Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Eland Umbra Island Pack 1 pick 15: --> Living Destiny ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: --> Wildheart Invoker Angelheart Vial Unified Will Soul's Attendant Dreamstone Hedron Makindi Griffin Soulsurge Elemental Brood Birthing Perish the Thought Essence Feed Halimar Wavewatch Knight of Cliffhaven Lagac Lizard Merfolk Observer Island Pack 2 pick 2: Kabira Vindicator Naturalize Eel Umbra (FOIL) Soul's Attendant Deprive Shrivel Ogre Sentry Drake Umbra --> Ulamog's Crusher Bala Ged Scorpion Shared Discovery Affa Guard Hound Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Death Cultist Skeletal Wurm Lone Missionary Nighthaze Soul's Attendant --> Forked Bolt Ogre Sentry Spider Umbra (FOIL) Shared Discovery Lagac Lizard Harmless Assault Escaped Null Island Pack 2 pick 4: Goblin Tunneler --> Aura Gnarlid Mnemonic Wall Grotag Siege-Runner Battle-Rattle Shaman Dawnglare Invoker Lavafume Invoker Enatu Golem Warmonger's Chariot Daggerback Basilisk Distortion Strike Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Demonic Appetite Jwari Scuttler --> Wrap in Flames Realms Uncharted Contaminated Ground Nema Siltlurker Ulamog's Crusher Glory Seeker Harmless Assault Fissure Vent Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Death Cultist Curse of Wizardry Jwari Scuttler Shrivel Sporecap Spider Raid Bombardment (FOIL) Goblin Arsonist Demystify --> Leaf Arrow Forest Pack 2 pick 7: Living Destiny Shrivel Battle Rampart Raid Bombardment Nema Siltlurker Glory Seeker --> Phantasmal Abomination Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 2 pick 8: Crab Umbra Zof Shade Perish the Thought --> Lagac Lizard Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Not of This World Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Unified Will Soul's Attendant Perish the Thought Essence Feed --> Lagac Lizard Merfolk Observer Island Pack 2 pick 10: --> Eel Umbra (FOIL) Shrivel Ogre Sentry Shared Discovery Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Death Cultist Nighthaze Shared Discovery --> Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 12: --> Goblin Tunneler Lavafume Invoker Enatu Golem Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: Demonic Appetite --> Fissure Vent Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Curse of Wizardry Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Wildheart Invoker Lone Missionary Champion's Drake Irresistible Prey Joraga Treespeaker Momentous Fall Bloodrite Invoker Raid Bombardment Smite Skittering Invasion Nema Siltlurker --> Flame Slash Prophetic Prism Fleeting Distraction Island Pack 3 pick 2: Wildheart Invoker --> Emrakul's Hatcher Forked Bolt Pennon Blade Bloodrite Invoker Ogre Sentry Skywatcher Adept Smite Guard Gomazoa Reinforced Bulwark Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Guard Duty Gloomhunter Mnemonic Wall Grotag Siege-Runner Surreal Memoir Mammoth Umbra Zof Shade Haze Frog --> Student of Warfare Soulbound Guardians Lavafume Invoker Knight of Cliffhaven Swamp Pack 3 pick 4: Demonic Appetite --> Wildheart Invoker Goblin Tunneler Naturalize Gloomhunter Arrogant Bloodlord Lust for War Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Knight of Cliffhaven Surrakar Spellblade Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Nighthaze Living Destiny --> Battle-Rattle Shaman Snake Umbra Regress Hand of Emrakul Enatu Golem Goblin Arsonist Nirkana Cutthroat Hyena Umbra Mountain Pack 3 pick 6: Curse of Wizardry --> Battle-Rattle Shaman Surreal Memoir Sporecap Spider Snake Umbra Aura Finesse Bala Ged Scorpion Lagac Lizard Totem-Guide Hartebeest Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Dread Drone Stomper Cub Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Overgrown Battlement Brood Birthing Gravity Well Repel the Darkness Ikiral Outrider Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: --> Might of the Masses Overgrown Battlement Brood Birthing Reality Spasm Glory Seeker Virulent Swipe Bloodthrone Vampire Mountain Pack 3 pick 9: Lone Missionary --> Irresistible Prey Raid Bombardment Skittering Invasion Nema Siltlurker Fleeting Distraction Island Pack 3 pick 10: --> Pennon Blade Ogre Sentry Reinforced Bulwark Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Zof Shade Haze Frog --> Soulbound Guardians Lavafume Invoker Swamp Pack 3 pick 12: Demonic Appetite --> Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Nighthaze --> Living Destiny Mountain Pack 3 pick 14: Aura Finesse --> Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Итоговая колода Event #: 1273496 Time: 5/31/2010 9:53:40 PM Players: The Crisis Effect Kinkade abyss10 Vik Mar mirox Strejda Tinchotalarga FaranIdo ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Brimstone Mage Guard Duty --> Eldrazi Conscription Eel Umbra Makindi Griffin Cadaver Imp Narcolepsy Pathrazer of Ulamog Overgrown Battlement Hand of Emrakul Reinforced Bulwark Daggerback Basilisk Ondu Giant Phantasmal Abomination Swamp Pack 1 pick 2: --> Nest Invader Lay Bare Training Grounds Arrogant Bloodlord Growth Spasm Dawnglare Invoker Aura Finesse Null Champion Kiln Fiend Perish the Thought Distortion Strike Virulent Swipe Bloodthrone Vampire Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Vent Sentinel Emrakul's Hatcher Surreal Memoir Dread Drone Last Kiss Overgrown Battlement Null Champion Oust Repel the Darkness Rapacious One Hyena Umbra --> Kozilek's Predator Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Wildheart Invoker Makindi Griffin Ogre Sentry Suffer the Past Brood Birthing --> Drake Umbra Essence Feed Shared Discovery Knight of Cliffhaven Harmless Assault Leaf Arrow Island Pack 1 pick 5: Guard Duty Near-Death Experience --> Aura Gnarlid Deprive Battle-Rattle Shaman Lavafume Invoker Daggerback Basilisk Bala Ged Scorpion Runed Servitor Merfolk Observer Forest Pack 1 pick 6: Skeletal Wurm Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel --> Might of the Masses Wrap in Flames Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Fleeting Distraction Leaf Arrow Swamp Pack 1 pick 7: Inquisition of Kozilek Evolving Wilds --> Eel Umbra Grotag Siege-Runner Stalwart Shield-Bearers Wrap in Flames Essence Feed Fleeting Distraction Forest Pack 1 pick 8: --> Umbra Mystic Lone Missionary Goblin Tunneler Gloomhunter Jwari Scuttler Wrap in Flames Contaminated Ground Plains Pack 1 pick 9: Eel Umbra Makindi Griffin Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Hand of Emrakul Reinforced Bulwark Phantasmal Abomination Swamp Pack 1 pick 10: Lay Bare Aura Finesse Perish the Thought --> Distortion Strike Virulent Swipe Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: Vent Sentinel --> Dread Drone Repel the Darkness Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Ogre Sentry Harmless Assault --> Leaf Arrow Island Pack 1 pick 13: --> Runed Servitor Merfolk Observer Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Goblin Arsonist Swamp Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Death Cultist Nest Invader Nighthaze Forked Bolt Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pennon Blade Shrivel Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Enatu Golem Ulamog's Crusher Shared Discovery --> Sphinx of Magosi Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Spawning Breath Emrakul's Hatcher Grotag Siege-Runner Cadaver Imp Lust for War Puncturing Light Stomper Cub --> Narcolepsy Pathrazer of Ulamog Hand of Emrakul Ondu Giant Essence Feed Nomads' Assembly Mountain Pack 2 pick 3: Soul's Attendant Makindi Griffin (FOIL) Bloodrite Invoker --> Prey's Vengeance Aura Finesse Goblin Arsonist Kiln Fiend Vendetta Repel the Darkness Bala Ged Scorpion Halimar Wavewatch It That Betrays Island Pack 2 pick 4: Vent Sentinel --> Growth Spasm Dawnglare Invoker Stomper Cub Soulbound Guardians Null Champion Pawn of Ulamog Kiln Fiend Gravity Well Distortion Strike Totem-Guide Hartebeest Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Survival Cache Last Kiss Might of the Masses Kor Line-Slinger --> Snake Umbra Reality Spasm Perish the Thought Sea Gate Oracle Emerge Unscathed Fissure Vent Forest Pack 2 pick 6: --> Aura Gnarlid Mnemonic Wall Deprive Might of the Masses Lavafume Invoker Pawn of Ulamog Glory Seeker Eland Umbra Runed Servitor Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Valakut Fireboar Demonic Appetite --> Naturalize Battle Rampart Merfolk Observer Totem-Guide Hartebeest Ikiral Outrider Not of This World Plains Pack 2 pick 8: Curse of Wizardry Eel Umbra Soul's Attendant Reinforced Bulwark Perish the Thought Lagac Lizard --> Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 2 pick 9: Death Cultist Nighthaze Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Enatu Golem --> Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 2 pick 10: Grotag Siege-Runner Pathrazer of Ulamog Hand of Emrakul --> Ondu Giant Essence Feed Mountain Pack 2 pick 11: Soul's Attendant Aura Finesse --> Goblin Arsonist Repel the Darkness Island Pack 2 pick 12: Soulbound Guardians --> Pawn of Ulamog Gravity Well Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: --> Perish the Thought Fissure Vent Forest Pack 2 pick 14: --> Eland Umbra Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Gloomhunter Mnemonic Wall Grotag Siege-Runner Forked Bolt Cadaver Imp Lust for War Haze Frog Student of Warfare Hand of Emrakul Suffer the Past Lavafume Invoker --> Sea Gate Oracle Knight of Cliffhaven Hyena Umbra Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Crab Umbra --> Boar Umbra Shrivel Nema Siltlurker Glory Seeker Fissure Vent Rapacious One Fleeting Distraction Forest (FOIL) Island Pack 3 pick 3: Ancient Stirrings Curse of Wizardry Explosive Revelation Living Destiny Makindi Griffin --> Sporecap Spider Zulaport Enforcer Enatu Golem Brood Birthing Essence Feed Bala Ged Scorpion Lagac Lizard Swamp Pack 3 pick 4: Ancient Stirrings Guard Duty Mnemonic Wall Zof Shade Luminous Wake Caravan Escort Soulsurge Elemental Smite Skittering Invasion --> Daggerback Basilisk Repel the Darkness Island Pack 3 pick 5: --> Tajuru Preserver Nighthaze Pennon Blade Dread Drone Kor Line-Slinger Caravan Escort See Beyond Goblin Arsonist Escaped Null Ikiral Outrider Forest Pack 3 pick 6: Goblin Tunneler Spawning Breath Gloomhunter Ogre's Cleaver Spawnsire of Ulamog Stomper Cub Phantasmal Abomination Traitorous Instinct --> Kozilek's Predator Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Jwari Scuttler Soul's Attendant Contaminated Ground Nema Siltlurker --> Reality Spasm Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Fissure Vent Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Death Cultist --> Naturalize Akoum Boulderfoot Aura Finesse Nema Siltlurker Eland Umbra Demystify Island Pack 3 pick 9: --> Grotag Siege-Runner Lust for War Haze Frog Hand of Emrakul Suffer the Past Lavafume Invoker Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: Demonic Appetite Jwari Scuttler Glory Seeker Fissure Vent --> Forest (FOIL) Island Pack 3 pick 11: Ancient Stirrings --> Curse of Wizardry Living Destiny Lagac Lizard Swamp Pack 3 pick 12: Ancient Stirrings Luminous Wake --> Skittering Invasion Island Pack 3 pick 13: Nighthaze --> Escaped Null Forest Pack 3 pick 14: --> Phantasmal Abomination Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Итоговая колода Event #: 1273843 Time: 5/31/2010 11:24:36 PM Players: wishkah stonema solo81 Jester123 Settembrini Vik Mar cayvie KhaZaR ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Spawning Breath Frostwind Invoker Emrakul's Hatcher Training Grounds Crab Umbra --> Induce Despair Surreal Memoir Caravan Escort Stomper Cub Overgrown Battlement Skittering Invasion Null Champion Daggerback Basilisk Repel the Darkness Plains Pack 1 pick 2: Lone Missionary Curse of Wizardry Tajuru Preserver Jwari Scuttler Evolving Wilds Eel Umbra --> Forked Bolt Bloodrite Invoker Mammoth Umbra Haze Frog Nema Siltlurker Kiln Fiend Spider Umbra Island Pack 1 pick 3: --> Guard Duty Aura Gnarlid Nighthaze Soul's Attendant Battle-Rattle Shaman Wall of Omens Lavafume Invoker Glory Seeker (FOIL) Daggerback Basilisk Lagac Lizard Not of This World Affa Guard Hound Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Demonic Appetite Artisan of Kozilek Gloomhunter Living Destiny Survival Cache (FOIL) Bloodrite Invoker Battle Rampart Smite Enatu Golem --> Warmonger's Chariot Prophetic Prism Mountain Pack 1 pick 5: Naturalize Irresistible Prey Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Wrap in Flames Pathrazer of Ulamog Contaminated Ground --> Ulamog's Crusher Eland Umbra Shared Discovery Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Goblin Tunneler Venerated Teacher Unified Will Lay Bare --> Dawnglare Invoker Contaminated Ground Soulbound Guardians Spider Umbra Harmless Assault Island Pack 1 pick 7: --> Arrogant Bloodlord Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Ogre Sentry Smite Reinforced Bulwark Runed Servitor Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 1 pick 8: --> Guard Duty Near-Death Experience Zof Shade Battle Rampart Suffer the Past Merfolk Observer Bloodthrone Vampire Island Pack 1 pick 9: Crab Umbra Surreal Memoir Skittering Invasion --> Null Champion Daggerback Basilisk Repel the Darkness Plains Pack 1 pick 10: --> Lone Missionary Curse of Wizardry Jwari Scuttler Haze Frog Nema Siltlurker Island Pack 1 pick 11: Nighthaze --> Glory Seeker (FOIL) Lagac Lizard Not of This World Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Demonic Appetite Living Destiny --> Enatu Golem Mountain Pack 1 pick 13: Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Contaminated Ground Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Contaminated Ground Island Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader Nighthaze Living Destiny Dreamstone Hedron Stalwart Shield-Bearers Survival Cache Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry --> Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Ulamog's Crusher Gravity Well Fleeting Distraction Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Skeletal Wurm Jwari Scuttler World at War Stalwart Shield-Bearers Growth Spasm Dread Drone (FOIL) Wrap in Flames --> Puncturing Light Staggershock Zulaport Enforcer Suffer the Past Reinforced Bulwark Shared Discovery Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Valakut Fireboar Gelatinous Genesis Sporecap Spider Zof Shade --> Last Kiss Aura Finesse Hand of Emrakul Sea Gate Oracle Eland Umbra Phantasmal Abomination Totem-Guide Hartebeest Bloodthrone Vampire Island Pack 2 pick 4: Ancient Stirrings Champion's Drake Ogre's Cleaver Deprive Might of the Masses Battle Rampart Zulaport Enforcer Brood Birthing --> Thought Gorger Eland Umbra Prophetic Prism Forest Pack 2 pick 5: Death Cultist Soul's Attendant Ogre's Cleaver Shrivel Might of the Masses Wrap in Flames Smite (FOIL) Goblin Arsonist --> Bala Ged Scorpion Leaf Arrow Mountain Pack 2 pick 6: Ancient Stirrings Lay Bare Soul's Attendant --> Smite Aura Finesse Reality Spasm Perish the Thought Repel the Darkness Eland Umbra Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Valakut Fireboar Spawning Breath Stomper Cub See Beyond Hand of Emrakul Kiln Fiend Distortion Strike --> Ikiral Outrider Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Goblin Tunneler Unified Will Evolving Wilds --> Arrogant Bloodlord Pathrazer of Ulamog Daggerback Basilisk Nomads' Assembly Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Nighthaze Living Destiny --> Survival Cache Gravity Well Fleeting Distraction Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Suffer the Past Reinforced Bulwark Shared Discovery Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Aura Finesse --> Hand of Emrakul Eland Umbra Phantasmal Abomination Island Pack 2 pick 12: --> Ogre's Cleaver Battle Rampart Brood Birthing Forest Pack 2 pick 13: --> Death Cultist Shrivel Mountain Pack 2 pick 14: Aura Finesse --> Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Naturalize Frostwind Invoker (FOIL) Awakening Zone Boar Umbra Contaminated Ground Nema Siltlurker Broodwarden Goblin Arsonist Ulamog's Crusher Shared Discovery Harmless Assault --> Escaped Null Leaf Arrow Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Ancient Stirrings Brimstone Mage Sporecap Spider Skywatcher Adept Aura Finesse Zulaport Enforcer Pelakka Wurm Brood Birthing Pawn of Ulamog Essence Feed --> Bala Ged Scorpion Lagac Lizard It That Betrays Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Goblin Tunneler Jaddi Lifestrider Lay Bare Frostwind Invoker Vent Sentinel Dread Drone Dormant Gomazoa Ondu Giant Distortion Strike --> Hyena Umbra Not of This World Virulent Swipe Plains Pack 3 pick 4: Death Cultist Goblin Tunneler Evolving Wilds Dreamstone Hedron Shrivel Dawnglare Invoker Wrap in Flames --> Corpsehatch Kiln Fiend Distortion Strike Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 3 pick 5: Wildheart Invoker Guard Duty --> Gloomhunter Mnemonic Wall Zof Shade Caravan Escort Soulsurge Elemental Drake Umbra Daggerback Basilisk Virulent Swipe Island Pack 3 pick 6: Death Cultist Pennon Blade Shrivel Raid Bombardment Ulamog's Crusher Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Fleeting Distraction --> Demystify Swamp Pack 3 pick 7: --> Inquisition of Kozilek Eel Umbra Sphinx-Bone Wand Reinforced Bulwark Perish the Thought Glory Seeker Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Spawning Breath Vent Sentinel Pennon Blade Brood Birthing --> Repel the Darkness Phantasmal Abomination Prophetic Prism Forest Pack 3 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Contaminated Ground Nema Siltlurker --> Goblin Arsonist Shared Discovery Harmless Assault Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: Ancient Stirrings Aura Finesse Brood Birthing --> Essence Feed Lagac Lizard Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Lay Bare --> Dread Drone Distortion Strike Not of This World Plains Pack 3 pick 12: Death Cultist Goblin Tunneler --> Shrivel Plains Pack 3 pick 13: --> Guard Duty Mnemonic Wall Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Fissure Vent Swamp Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Загадка: Какой драфт я выиграл? Кто ответит правильно, тому печенка!
  23. Приеду поговорим, кто из нас зоотехник, а кого в травмпункт повезут.
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