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Немного не так сформировал задачу. Нужно собрать за 200 баксов неплохую голоду в МО. В МО Каракас 4, Глаз льва 70 и тд. Что такого можно собрать.
Получается что относительно дешевые(около 200$) и при этом могущие деки, это Дес'н'Такс Бурн Ихорид или есть еще варианты ?
На magic-league такая взяла триал, но такая явно стоит намного дороже. Что не подходит. Mainboard: 4 Mountain 4 Arid Mesa 4 Volcanic Island 4 Scalding Tarn 4 Ancient Tomb 2 Island 2 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth 1 Crater Hellion 4 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 It That Betrays 3 Intuition 3 Seething Song 4 Show and Tell 1 Through the Breach 4 Sneak Attack 2 Grim Monolith 3 Mox Diamond 4 Trinisphere Sideboard: 2 Tormod's Crypt 4 Chalice of the Void 1 Wash Out 2 Echoing Truth 3 Magus of the Moon 3 Pyroblast
Один из недавних дейли выиграла колода на Show and Tell/Sneak Attack Я посчитал и собрать ее выходит что то около 200 бачей, что довольно дешево для модо. дек лист такой. 2 Arid Mesa 2 Flooded Strand 3 Island 2 Mountain 4 Scalding Tarn 2 Volcanic Island 4 Elvish Spirit Guide 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth 4 Simian Spirit Guide 3 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 4 Blood Moon 4 Brainstorm 4 Gamble 4 Lotus Petal 4 Rite of Flame 4 Show and Tell 4 Sneak Attack Sideboard 3 Firespout 4 Pyroblast 3 Shattering Spree 4 Tormod's Crypt 1 Vexing Shusher Естественный минус - ложится от форсы. А как по вашему эта колода. Помоему самый слабый элемент - Gamble, но адекватной замены вроде как нет.
А своими паками можно заплатить за драфт ?
Я не так хорошо знаю как ловить эти акции и бонусы. Я смотрел еще в конце мая, и самое дешевое что нашел было в районе 12-13к самолет с пересадкой.
Если буду какие нить недорогие варианты поездки - то я тока за. Но я пару месяцев назад пытался что то найти и выходило крайне дорого.
Мб ты уже отправишь турниры ?
Переезжать. И все.
Регулярно играю. В основном эпик-штормом или монор. По моему самые сильные деки формата.
Вроде как карт лучше огра небыло
Есть, но вроде как Козилек Предатор получше.
Колоду не могу восстановить по памяти(да я дурачек) Выиграл 2-0, 2-1, 2-0. Я взял гидру, и решил при наличии других зеленых делать моног с небольшим сплешем.
Event #: 1344845 Time: 6/21/2010 3:27:35 PM Players: Shadiest --> pokemonych immortal NS Elffurt BitZi2 rollo1993 SasugaAnija thegodofenvy ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Distortion Strike Perish the Thought Merfolk Skyscout Knight of Cliffhaven Bloodthrone Vampire Aura Finesse Gloomhunter Flame Slash Eland Umbra Evolving Wilds --> Vengevine Prey's Vengeance Brimstone Mage Mountain Goblin Tunneler Pack 1 pick 2: Drake Umbra Repel the Darkness Demystify Nema Siltlurker Haze Frog --> Kazandu Tuskcaller Venerated Teacher Lust for War Bloodrite Invoker Jaddi Lifestrider Halimar Wavewatch Kiln Fiend Death Cultist Forest Pack 1 pick 3: Sea Gate Oracle Angelheart Vial (FOIL) Hyena Umbra Snake Umbra --> Warmonger's Chariot Might of the Masses Regress Last Kiss Forest Nighthaze Battle-Rattle Shaman Aura Gnarlid Lust for War Pack 1 pick 4: Forest Vent Sentinel Essence Feed --> Khalni Hydra Dreamstone Hedron Unified Will Brood Birthing Kozilek's Predator Hand of Emrakul Hyena Umbra Halimar Wavewatch Survival Cache Pack 1 pick 5: Eland Umbra Luminous Wake --> Ogre Sentry Spider Umbra Island Aura Finesse Nema Siltlurker Jwari Scuttler Naturalize Fleeting Distraction Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain See Beyond Not of This World Vent Sentinel Ikiral Outrider Suffer the Past Eland Umbra --> Might of the Masses Glory Seeker Totem-Guide Hartebeest Pack 1 pick 7: Repel the Darkness Reinforced Bulwark Brood Birthing Mountain Akoum Boulderfoot Nighthaze Battle Rampart --> Null Champion Eland Umbra Pack 1 pick 8: Lay Bare Repay in Kind Ikiral Outrider Inquisition of Kozilek Null Champion --> Ondu Giant Frostwind Invoker Island Pack 1 pick 9: Perish the Thought Aura Finesse Gloomhunter Eland Umbra --> Prey's Vengeance Mountain Goblin Tunneler Pack 1 pick 10: Repel the Darkness Demystify Nema Siltlurker --> Haze Frog Death Cultist Forest Pack 1 pick 11: Hyena Umbra Snake Umbra --> Might of the Masses Forest Nighthaze Pack 1 pick 12: Forest Unified Will Hand of Emrakul --> Survival Cache Pack 1 pick 13: Island Aura Finesse --> Nema Siltlurker Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Glory Seeker Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Soulsurge Elemental Raid Bombardment Smite Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Champion's Drake Fleeting Distraction Recurring Insight --> Flame Slash Lone Missionary Plains Drake Umbra Prophetic Prism Wildheart Invoker Makindi Griffin (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 2: Spawning Breath Affa Guard Hound Umbra Mystic Puncturing Light Stomper Cub --> Daggerback Basilisk Ogre's Cleaver Caravan Escort Swamp Eel Umbra Evolving Wilds Enclave Cryptologist Frostwind Invoker Induce Despair Pack 2 pick 3: Last Kiss Battle Rampart Zof Shade Plains --> Domestication Sea Gate Oracle Gravity Well Battle-Rattle Shaman Snake Umbra Merfolk Observer Naturalize Totem-Guide Hartebeest Soulbound Guardians Pack 2 pick 4: Lone Missionary Harmless Assault Escaped Null Realms Uncharted Shared Discovery Contaminated Ground Battle Rampart Nighthaze Plains Kor Line-Slinger --> Ogre Sentry Skeletal Wurm Pack 2 pick 5: Repel the Darkness Runed Servitor Leaf Arrow Consume the Meek Venerated Teacher Plains Smite Kiln Fiend Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Vendetta Wrap in Flames Pack 2 pick 6: Affa Guard Hound Island Harmless Assault Living Destiny Ogre Sentry Demonic Appetite Glory Seeker Shrivel --> Leaf Arrow Shared Discovery Pack 2 pick 7: Plains --> Dread Drone See Beyond Aura Finesse Curse of Wizardry Kor Line-Slinger Mnemonic Wall Snake Umbra Goblin Arsonist Pack 2 pick 8: Enatu Golem Sea Gate Oracle Hand of Emrakul --> Lavafume Invoker Smite Bloodrite Invoker Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 2 pick 9: Raid Bombardment --> Smite Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Fleeting Distraction Lone Missionary Plains Pack 2 pick 10: --> Spawning Breath Affa Guard Hound Umbra Mystic Ogre's Cleaver Swamp Eel Umbra Pack 2 pick 11: Battle Rampart Zof Shade Plains --> Gravity Well Merfolk Observer Pack 2 pick 12: --> Harmless Assault Contaminated Ground Nighthaze Plains Pack 2 pick 13: --> Leaf Arrow Plains Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pack 2 pick 14: Island --> Harmless Assault Pack 2 pick 15: --> Curse of Wizardry ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Lay Bare Spawning Breath Growth Spasm --> Ondu Giant Cadaver Imp Hand of Emrakul Gravity Well Guard Duty Goblin Tunneler Renegade Doppelganger Mountain Pawn of Ulamog Vendetta Narcolepsy Emerge Unscathed Pack 3 pick 2: Last Kiss Oust Knight of Cliffhaven Gloomhunter Surreal Memoir Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest --> Kozilek's Predator Goblin Tunneler Echo Mage Wildheart Invoker Zof Shade Curse of Wizardry Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Null Champion Hand of Emrakul Snake Umbra --> Emrakul's Hatcher Skywatcher Adept Sea Gate Oracle Wall of Omens Reinforced Bulwark Lavafume Invoker Cadaver Imp Phantasmal Abomination Mnemonic Wall Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Island Living Destiny Demystify Surreal Memoir Glory Seeker Soulbound Guardians --> Nomads' Assembly Survival Cache Harmless Assault Death Cultist Jwari Scuttler Leaf Arrow Pack 3 pick 5: Luminous Wake Lay Bare Smite Aura Finesse Ancient Stirrings Null Champion --> Broodwarden Goblin Arsonist Angelheart Vial Island Soul's Attendant Pack 3 pick 6: Haze Frog Island Prophetic Prism Gloomhunter Contaminated Ground Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Broodwarden Shared Discovery Champion's Drake Harmless Assault Pack 3 pick 7: Zof Shade Haze Frog Spawning Breath --> Daggerback Basilisk Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Mountain Wall of Omens Evolving Wilds Pack 3 pick 8: Island (FOIL) Vent Sentinel Crab Umbra Skittering Invasion Hyena Umbra Mortician Beetle --> Evolving Wilds Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Lay Bare Cadaver Imp Hand of Emrakul --> Gravity Well Guard Duty Goblin Tunneler Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: --> Gloomhunter Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest Zof Shade Curse of Wizardry Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Hand of Emrakul Reinforced Bulwark --> Lavafume Invoker Phantasmal Abomination Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Living Destiny Glory Seeker Jwari Scuttler Pack 3 pick 13: --> Luminous Wake Aura Finesse Island Pack 3 pick 14: Island --> Harmless Assault Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain
Качать вообще не стоит.
Поучаствовал бы.
Бухта как всегда быстра. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5631396/Magic_The_Gathering_Duels_Of_The_Planeswalkers-SKIDROW
Если будут у нас ниссы - куплю. А так жду сломанную
Мб кто в курсе где можно бесплатно скачать ?
БТВ все квалифаеры буду в формате т2 ?
Вроде неплохо подрафтился. Интересны ваши комментарии. Event #: 1286733Time: 6/4/2010 3:13:33 PM Players: S1mon --> pokemonych Elffurt zackbonine elcsum enji52 YellowOrc ARU ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader Aura Gnarlid Battle-Rattle Shaman Survival Cache Last Kiss Disaster Radius Snake Umbra Hand of Emrakul --> Drake Umbra Glory Seeker Runed Servitor Fissure Vent Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 2: Naturalize Time of Heroes Jwari Scuttler --> Boar Umbra Stalwart Shield-Bearers Wrap in Flames Regress Contaminated Ground Ulamog's Crusher Eland Umbra Shared Discovery Rapacious One Bloodthrone Vampire Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: --> Wildheart Invoker Champion's Drake Guard Duty Explosive Revelation Cadaver Imp Surreal Memoir Bloodrite Invoker Hand of Emrakul Daggerback Basilisk Ondu Giant Escaped Null Eldrazi Temple Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Gloomhunter Crab Umbra Spawnsire of Ulamog (FOIL) Haze Frog Dormant Gomazoa Nema Siltlurker --> Ulamog's Crusher Gravity Well Shared Discovery Prophetic Prism Plains Leaf Arrow Pack 1 pick 5: Ancient Stirrings Dreamstone Hedron Lust for War Zof Shade Smite Hand of Emrakul Vendetta Repel the Darkness Totem-Guide Hartebeest --> Kozilek's Predator Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: --> Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Nema Siltlurker Perish the Thought Spider Umbra Lagac Lizard Merfolk Observer Fleeting Distraction Island Pack 1 pick 7: Demonic Appetite --> Wildheart Invoker Living Destiny Deprive Battle Rampart Soulsurge Elemental Brood Birthing Essence Feed Mountain Pack 1 pick 8: Death Cultist --> Eel Umbra Grotag Siege-Runner Shrivel Wrap in Flames Essence Feed Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 1 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Hand of Emrakul Glory Seeker Runed Servitor Fissure Vent --> Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 10: Pack 1 pick 11: Pack 1 pick 12: Pack 1 pick 13: Pack 1 pick 14: --> Merfolk Observer Island Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Emrakul's Hatcher Battle Rampart Wrap in Flames (FOIL) Skywatcher Adept Overgrown Battlement Soulbound Guardians --> Beastbreaker of Bala Ged Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Linvala, Keeper of Silence Hada Spy Patrol Repel the Darkness Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Demonic Appetite --> Nest Invader Nighthaze Living Destiny Ogre's Cleaver Stalwart Shield-Bearers Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Ulamog's Crusher Emerge Unscathed Traitorous Instinct Fleeting Distraction Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Irresistible Prey Vent Sentinel Nighthaze Soul's Attendant Forked Bolt Might of the Masses Stomper Cub See Beyond --> Heat Ray Lagac Lizard Totem-Guide Hartebeest Virulent Swipe Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Lone Missionary Goblin Tunneler Gloomhunter Lightmine Field Evolving Wilds --> Growth Spasm Raid Bombardment Soulbound Guardians Spider Umbra Distortion Strike Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 5: Irresistible Prey Jwari Scuttler Wrap in Flames Aura Finesse Contaminated Ground Suffer the Past Perish the Thought Harmless Assault Bloodthrone Vampire --> Leaf Arrow Island Pack 2 pick 6: Skeletal Wurm Spawning Breath --> Frostwind Invoker Zof Shade Puncturing Light Realms Uncharted Reinforced Bulwark Daggerback Basilisk Prophetic Prism (FOIL) Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Lay Bare Splinter Twin Vent Sentinel Zof Shade --> Prey's Vengeance Pathrazer of Ulamog Hand of Emrakul Kiln Fiend Forest Pack 2 pick 8: --> Champion's Drake Curse of Wizardry Contaminated Ground Brood Birthing Spider Umbra Repel the Darkness Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Battle Rampart Wrap in Flames (FOIL) Reinforced Bulwark Repel the Darkness --> Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Demonic Appetite Nighthaze Living Destiny Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Raid Bombardment Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Irresistible Prey Nighthaze --> Soul's Attendant Lagac Lizard Forest Pack 2 pick 12: --> Goblin Tunneler Raid Bombardment Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 13: --> Irresistible Prey Aura Finesse Island Pack 2 pick 14: --> Zof Shade Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demonic Appetite (FOIL) Venerated Teacher Nighthaze Dreamstone Hedron Akoum Boulderfoot Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Ogre Sentry --> Domestication Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Baneful Omen Island Pack 3 pick 2: Bramblesnap Lay Bare Growth Spasm Dawnglare Invoker Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Pelakka Wurm Null Champion Ulamog's Crusher Kiln Fiend Distortion Strike Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Pestilence Demon Bramblesnap (FOIL) Frostwind Invoker Battle Rampart See Beyond Skittering Invasion Heat Ray Glory Seeker Totem-Guide Hartebeest Traitorous Instinct --> Kozilek's Predator Bloodthrone Vampire Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Arrogant Bloodlord Sporecap Spider Kor Line-Slinger Caravan Escort See Beyond Snake Umbra --> Regress Enatu Golem Repay in Kind Goblin Arsonist Ikiral Outrider Plains Pack 3 pick 5: --> Nest Invader Goblin Tunneler Lay Bare Growth Spasm Prey's Vengeance Aura Finesse Goblin Arsonist Bala Ged Scorpion Distortion Strike Affa Guard Hound Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: --> Wildheart Invoker Bloodrite Invoker Reality Spasm Reinforced Bulwark Perish the Thought Glory Seeker Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Not of This World Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: --> Inquisition of Kozilek Ancient Stirrings Arrogant Bloodlord Smite Enatu Golem Kiln Fiend Repel the Darkness Lagac Lizard Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Guard Duty --> Mnemonic Wall Deprive Battle-Rattle Shaman Lavafume Invoker Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Forest Pack 3 pick 9: Demonic Appetite (FOIL) Nighthaze Battle Rampart --> Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Baneful Omen Island Pack 3 pick 10: Lay Bare Raid Bombardment Null Champion --> Distortion Strike Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Battle Rampart --> See Beyond Glory Seeker Traitorous Instinct Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: --> Enatu Golem Repay in Kind Goblin Arsonist Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Aura Finesse --> Distortion Strike Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain В конце первого пака - скачек по питанию, но успел к 1 пику 2ого. Итоговая колода. 1 Drake Umbra 1 Boar Umbra 3 Wildheart Invoker 1 Ulamog's Crusher 2 Kozilek's Predator 1 Beastbreaker of Bala Ged 2 Nest Invader 1 Heat Ray 1 Growth Spasm 1 Frostwind Invoker 1 Prey's Vengeance 1 Champion's Drake 1 Merfolk Observer 1 Domestication 1 Pelakka Wurm 1 Regress 1 Mnemonic Wall 1 Distortion Strike 1 See Beyond 2 Mountain 9 Forest 6 Island Всегда во второй игре менял Mnemonic Wall на еще один Distortion Strike Сыграл 3-0.
Друзья, неужели ни у кого нет колоды для генерала ?
Кто нить выдаст колоду на поиграть ? Буду очень благодарен.