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Все публикации пользователя pokemonych

  1. Немного не так сформировал задачу. Нужно собрать за 200 баксов неплохую голоду в МО. В МО Каракас 4, Глаз льва 70 и тд. Что такого можно собрать.
  2. Получается что относительно дешевые(около 200$) и при этом могущие деки, это Дес'н'Такс Бурн Ихорид или есть еще варианты ?
  3. На magic-league такая взяла триал, но такая явно стоит намного дороже. Что не подходит. Mainboard: 4 Mountain 4 Arid Mesa 4 Volcanic Island 4 Scalding Tarn 4 Ancient Tomb 2 Island 2 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth 1 Crater Hellion 4 Simian Spirit Guide 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 It That Betrays 3 Intuition 3 Seething Song 4 Show and Tell 1 Through the Breach 4 Sneak Attack 2 Grim Monolith 3 Mox Diamond 4 Trinisphere Sideboard: 2 Tormod's Crypt 4 Chalice of the Void 1 Wash Out 2 Echoing Truth 3 Magus of the Moon 3 Pyroblast
  4. Один из недавних дейли выиграла колода на Show and Tell/Sneak Attack Я посчитал и собрать ее выходит что то около 200 бачей, что довольно дешево для модо. дек лист такой. 2 Arid Mesa 2 Flooded Strand 3 Island 2 Mountain 4 Scalding Tarn 2 Volcanic Island 4 Elvish Spirit Guide 4 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn 2 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth 4 Simian Spirit Guide 3 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre 4 Blood Moon 4 Brainstorm 4 Gamble 4 Lotus Petal 4 Rite of Flame 4 Show and Tell 4 Sneak Attack Sideboard 3 Firespout 4 Pyroblast 3 Shattering Spree 4 Tormod's Crypt 1 Vexing Shusher Естественный минус - ложится от форсы. А как по вашему эта колода. Помоему самый слабый элемент - Gamble, но адекватной замены вроде как нет.
  5. А своими паками можно заплатить за драфт ?
  6. pokemonych

    GP Gotheborg

    Я не так хорошо знаю как ловить эти акции и бонусы. Я смотрел еще в конце мая, и самое дешевое что нашел было в районе 12-13к самолет с пересадкой.
  7. pokemonych

    GP Gotheborg

    не меньше 20 на 3 дня
  8. pokemonych

    GP Gotheborg

    Если буду какие нить недорогие варианты поездки - то я тока за. Но я пару месяцев назад пытался что то найти и выходило крайне дорого.
  9. Регулярно играю. В основном эпик-штормом или монор. По моему самые сильные деки формата.
  10. Вроде как карт лучше огра небыло
  11. Есть, но вроде как Козилек Предатор получше.
  12. Колоду не могу восстановить по памяти(да я дурачек) Выиграл 2-0, 2-1, 2-0. Я взял гидру, и решил при наличии других зеленых делать моног с небольшим сплешем.
  13. Event #: 1344845 Time: 6/21/2010 3:27:35 PM Players: Shadiest --> pokemonych immortal NS Elffurt BitZi2 rollo1993 SasugaAnija thegodofenvy ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Distortion Strike Perish the Thought Merfolk Skyscout Knight of Cliffhaven Bloodthrone Vampire Aura Finesse Gloomhunter Flame Slash Eland Umbra Evolving Wilds --> Vengevine Prey's Vengeance Brimstone Mage Mountain Goblin Tunneler Pack 1 pick 2: Drake Umbra Repel the Darkness Demystify Nema Siltlurker Haze Frog --> Kazandu Tuskcaller Venerated Teacher Lust for War Bloodrite Invoker Jaddi Lifestrider Halimar Wavewatch Kiln Fiend Death Cultist Forest Pack 1 pick 3: Sea Gate Oracle Angelheart Vial (FOIL) Hyena Umbra Snake Umbra --> Warmonger's Chariot Might of the Masses Regress Last Kiss Forest Nighthaze Battle-Rattle Shaman Aura Gnarlid Lust for War Pack 1 pick 4: Forest Vent Sentinel Essence Feed --> Khalni Hydra Dreamstone Hedron Unified Will Brood Birthing Kozilek's Predator Hand of Emrakul Hyena Umbra Halimar Wavewatch Survival Cache Pack 1 pick 5: Eland Umbra Luminous Wake --> Ogre Sentry Spider Umbra Island Aura Finesse Nema Siltlurker Jwari Scuttler Naturalize Fleeting Distraction Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pack 1 pick 6: Mountain See Beyond Not of This World Vent Sentinel Ikiral Outrider Suffer the Past Eland Umbra --> Might of the Masses Glory Seeker Totem-Guide Hartebeest Pack 1 pick 7: Repel the Darkness Reinforced Bulwark Brood Birthing Mountain Akoum Boulderfoot Nighthaze Battle Rampart --> Null Champion Eland Umbra Pack 1 pick 8: Lay Bare Repay in Kind Ikiral Outrider Inquisition of Kozilek Null Champion --> Ondu Giant Frostwind Invoker Island Pack 1 pick 9: Perish the Thought Aura Finesse Gloomhunter Eland Umbra --> Prey's Vengeance Mountain Goblin Tunneler Pack 1 pick 10: Repel the Darkness Demystify Nema Siltlurker --> Haze Frog Death Cultist Forest Pack 1 pick 11: Hyena Umbra Snake Umbra --> Might of the Masses Forest Nighthaze Pack 1 pick 12: Forest Unified Will Hand of Emrakul --> Survival Cache Pack 1 pick 13: Island Aura Finesse --> Nema Siltlurker Pack 1 pick 14: Mountain --> Glory Seeker Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Soulsurge Elemental Raid Bombardment Smite Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Champion's Drake Fleeting Distraction Recurring Insight --> Flame Slash Lone Missionary Plains Drake Umbra Prophetic Prism Wildheart Invoker Makindi Griffin (FOIL) Pack 2 pick 2: Spawning Breath Affa Guard Hound Umbra Mystic Puncturing Light Stomper Cub --> Daggerback Basilisk Ogre's Cleaver Caravan Escort Swamp Eel Umbra Evolving Wilds Enclave Cryptologist Frostwind Invoker Induce Despair Pack 2 pick 3: Last Kiss Battle Rampart Zof Shade Plains --> Domestication Sea Gate Oracle Gravity Well Battle-Rattle Shaman Snake Umbra Merfolk Observer Naturalize Totem-Guide Hartebeest Soulbound Guardians Pack 2 pick 4: Lone Missionary Harmless Assault Escaped Null Realms Uncharted Shared Discovery Contaminated Ground Battle Rampart Nighthaze Plains Kor Line-Slinger --> Ogre Sentry Skeletal Wurm Pack 2 pick 5: Repel the Darkness Runed Servitor Leaf Arrow Consume the Meek Venerated Teacher Plains Smite Kiln Fiend Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Vendetta Wrap in Flames Pack 2 pick 6: Affa Guard Hound Island Harmless Assault Living Destiny Ogre Sentry Demonic Appetite Glory Seeker Shrivel --> Leaf Arrow Shared Discovery Pack 2 pick 7: Plains --> Dread Drone See Beyond Aura Finesse Curse of Wizardry Kor Line-Slinger Mnemonic Wall Snake Umbra Goblin Arsonist Pack 2 pick 8: Enatu Golem Sea Gate Oracle Hand of Emrakul --> Lavafume Invoker Smite Bloodrite Invoker Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 2 pick 9: Raid Bombardment --> Smite Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Fleeting Distraction Lone Missionary Plains Pack 2 pick 10: --> Spawning Breath Affa Guard Hound Umbra Mystic Ogre's Cleaver Swamp Eel Umbra Pack 2 pick 11: Battle Rampart Zof Shade Plains --> Gravity Well Merfolk Observer Pack 2 pick 12: --> Harmless Assault Contaminated Ground Nighthaze Plains Pack 2 pick 13: --> Leaf Arrow Plains Stalwart Shield-Bearers Pack 2 pick 14: Island --> Harmless Assault Pack 2 pick 15: --> Curse of Wizardry ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Lay Bare Spawning Breath Growth Spasm --> Ondu Giant Cadaver Imp Hand of Emrakul Gravity Well Guard Duty Goblin Tunneler Renegade Doppelganger Mountain Pawn of Ulamog Vendetta Narcolepsy Emerge Unscathed Pack 3 pick 2: Last Kiss Oust Knight of Cliffhaven Gloomhunter Surreal Memoir Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest --> Kozilek's Predator Goblin Tunneler Echo Mage Wildheart Invoker Zof Shade Curse of Wizardry Mountain Pack 3 pick 3: Null Champion Hand of Emrakul Snake Umbra --> Emrakul's Hatcher Skywatcher Adept Sea Gate Oracle Wall of Omens Reinforced Bulwark Lavafume Invoker Cadaver Imp Phantasmal Abomination Mnemonic Wall Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Island Living Destiny Demystify Surreal Memoir Glory Seeker Soulbound Guardians --> Nomads' Assembly Survival Cache Harmless Assault Death Cultist Jwari Scuttler Leaf Arrow Pack 3 pick 5: Luminous Wake Lay Bare Smite Aura Finesse Ancient Stirrings Null Champion --> Broodwarden Goblin Arsonist Angelheart Vial Island Soul's Attendant Pack 3 pick 6: Haze Frog Island Prophetic Prism Gloomhunter Contaminated Ground Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Broodwarden Shared Discovery Champion's Drake Harmless Assault Pack 3 pick 7: Zof Shade Haze Frog Spawning Breath --> Daggerback Basilisk Bloodrite Invoker Irresistible Prey Mountain Wall of Omens Evolving Wilds Pack 3 pick 8: Island (FOIL) Vent Sentinel Crab Umbra Skittering Invasion Hyena Umbra Mortician Beetle --> Evolving Wilds Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Lay Bare Cadaver Imp Hand of Emrakul --> Gravity Well Guard Duty Goblin Tunneler Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: --> Gloomhunter Hand of Emrakul Totem-Guide Hartebeest Zof Shade Curse of Wizardry Mountain Pack 3 pick 11: Hand of Emrakul Reinforced Bulwark --> Lavafume Invoker Phantasmal Abomination Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: Island --> Living Destiny Glory Seeker Jwari Scuttler Pack 3 pick 13: --> Luminous Wake Aura Finesse Island Pack 3 pick 14: Island --> Harmless Assault Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain
  14. Бухта как всегда быстра. http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/5631396/Magic_The_Gathering_Duels_Of_The_Planeswalkers-SKIDROW
  15. Если будут у нас ниссы - куплю. А так жду сломанную
  16. Мб кто в курсе где можно бесплатно скачать ?
  17. БТВ все квалифаеры буду в формате т2 ?
  18. Вроде неплохо подрафтился. Интересны ваши комментарии. Event #: 1286733Time: 6/4/2010 3:13:33 PM Players: S1mon --> pokemonych Elffurt zackbonine elcsum enji52 YellowOrc ARU ------ ROE ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Nest Invader Aura Gnarlid Battle-Rattle Shaman Survival Cache Last Kiss Disaster Radius Snake Umbra Hand of Emrakul --> Drake Umbra Glory Seeker Runed Servitor Fissure Vent Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 2: Naturalize Time of Heroes Jwari Scuttler --> Boar Umbra Stalwart Shield-Bearers Wrap in Flames Regress Contaminated Ground Ulamog's Crusher Eland Umbra Shared Discovery Rapacious One Bloodthrone Vampire Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: --> Wildheart Invoker Champion's Drake Guard Duty Explosive Revelation Cadaver Imp Surreal Memoir Bloodrite Invoker Hand of Emrakul Daggerback Basilisk Ondu Giant Escaped Null Eldrazi Temple Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Gloomhunter Crab Umbra Spawnsire of Ulamog (FOIL) Haze Frog Dormant Gomazoa Nema Siltlurker --> Ulamog's Crusher Gravity Well Shared Discovery Prophetic Prism Plains Leaf Arrow Pack 1 pick 5: Ancient Stirrings Dreamstone Hedron Lust for War Zof Shade Smite Hand of Emrakul Vendetta Repel the Darkness Totem-Guide Hartebeest --> Kozilek's Predator Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: --> Lone Missionary Jwari Scuttler Stalwart Shield-Bearers Nema Siltlurker Perish the Thought Spider Umbra Lagac Lizard Merfolk Observer Fleeting Distraction Island Pack 1 pick 7: Demonic Appetite --> Wildheart Invoker Living Destiny Deprive Battle Rampart Soulsurge Elemental Brood Birthing Essence Feed Mountain Pack 1 pick 8: Death Cultist --> Eel Umbra Grotag Siege-Runner Shrivel Wrap in Flames Essence Feed Leaf Arrow Plains Pack 1 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Hand of Emrakul Glory Seeker Runed Servitor Fissure Vent --> Hyena Umbra Forest Pack 1 pick 10: Pack 1 pick 11: Pack 1 pick 12: Pack 1 pick 13: Pack 1 pick 14: --> Merfolk Observer Island Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ ROE ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Demonic Appetite Emrakul's Hatcher Battle Rampart Wrap in Flames (FOIL) Skywatcher Adept Overgrown Battlement Soulbound Guardians --> Beastbreaker of Bala Ged Null Champion Reinforced Bulwark Linvala, Keeper of Silence Hada Spy Patrol Repel the Darkness Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Demonic Appetite --> Nest Invader Nighthaze Living Destiny Ogre's Cleaver Stalwart Shield-Bearers Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Ulamog's Crusher Emerge Unscathed Traitorous Instinct Fleeting Distraction Demystify Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Irresistible Prey Vent Sentinel Nighthaze Soul's Attendant Forked Bolt Might of the Masses Stomper Cub See Beyond --> Heat Ray Lagac Lizard Totem-Guide Hartebeest Virulent Swipe Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Lone Missionary Goblin Tunneler Gloomhunter Lightmine Field Evolving Wilds --> Growth Spasm Raid Bombardment Soulbound Guardians Spider Umbra Distortion Strike Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 5: Irresistible Prey Jwari Scuttler Wrap in Flames Aura Finesse Contaminated Ground Suffer the Past Perish the Thought Harmless Assault Bloodthrone Vampire --> Leaf Arrow Island Pack 2 pick 6: Skeletal Wurm Spawning Breath --> Frostwind Invoker Zof Shade Puncturing Light Realms Uncharted Reinforced Bulwark Daggerback Basilisk Prophetic Prism (FOIL) Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Lay Bare Splinter Twin Vent Sentinel Zof Shade --> Prey's Vengeance Pathrazer of Ulamog Hand of Emrakul Kiln Fiend Forest Pack 2 pick 8: --> Champion's Drake Curse of Wizardry Contaminated Ground Brood Birthing Spider Umbra Repel the Darkness Harmless Assault Island Pack 2 pick 9: Demonic Appetite Battle Rampart Wrap in Flames (FOIL) Reinforced Bulwark Repel the Darkness --> Merfolk Observer Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Demonic Appetite Nighthaze Living Destiny Stalwart Shield-Bearers --> Raid Bombardment Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Irresistible Prey Nighthaze --> Soul's Attendant Lagac Lizard Forest Pack 2 pick 12: --> Goblin Tunneler Raid Bombardment Demystify Island Pack 2 pick 13: --> Irresistible Prey Aura Finesse Island Pack 2 pick 14: --> Zof Shade Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ ROE ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demonic Appetite (FOIL) Venerated Teacher Nighthaze Dreamstone Hedron Akoum Boulderfoot Stalwart Shield-Bearers Shrivel Kor Line-Slinger Battle Rampart Ogre Sentry --> Domestication Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Baneful Omen Island Pack 3 pick 2: Bramblesnap Lay Bare Growth Spasm Dawnglare Invoker Raid Bombardment Ogre Sentry Pathrazer of Ulamog --> Pelakka Wurm Null Champion Ulamog's Crusher Kiln Fiend Distortion Strike Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Pestilence Demon Bramblesnap (FOIL) Frostwind Invoker Battle Rampart See Beyond Skittering Invasion Heat Ray Glory Seeker Totem-Guide Hartebeest Traitorous Instinct --> Kozilek's Predator Bloodthrone Vampire Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Arrogant Bloodlord Sporecap Spider Kor Line-Slinger Caravan Escort See Beyond Snake Umbra --> Regress Enatu Golem Repay in Kind Goblin Arsonist Ikiral Outrider Plains Pack 3 pick 5: --> Nest Invader Goblin Tunneler Lay Bare Growth Spasm Prey's Vengeance Aura Finesse Goblin Arsonist Bala Ged Scorpion Distortion Strike Affa Guard Hound Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: --> Wildheart Invoker Bloodrite Invoker Reality Spasm Reinforced Bulwark Perish the Thought Glory Seeker Fissure Vent Merfolk Observer Not of This World Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: --> Inquisition of Kozilek Ancient Stirrings Arrogant Bloodlord Smite Enatu Golem Kiln Fiend Repel the Darkness Lagac Lizard Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Guard Duty --> Mnemonic Wall Deprive Battle-Rattle Shaman Lavafume Invoker Goblin Arsonist Glory Seeker Forest Pack 3 pick 9: Demonic Appetite (FOIL) Nighthaze Battle Rampart --> Eland Umbra Harmless Assault Baneful Omen Island Pack 3 pick 10: Lay Bare Raid Bombardment Null Champion --> Distortion Strike Fleeting Distraction Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Battle Rampart --> See Beyond Glory Seeker Traitorous Instinct Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: --> Enatu Golem Repay in Kind Goblin Arsonist Plains Pack 3 pick 13: Aura Finesse --> Distortion Strike Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Merfolk Observer Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain В конце первого пака - скачек по питанию, но успел к 1 пику 2ого. Итоговая колода. 1 Drake Umbra 1 Boar Umbra 3 Wildheart Invoker 1 Ulamog's Crusher 2 Kozilek's Predator 1 Beastbreaker of Bala Ged 2 Nest Invader 1 Heat Ray 1 Growth Spasm 1 Frostwind Invoker 1 Prey's Vengeance 1 Champion's Drake 1 Merfolk Observer 1 Domestication 1 Pelakka Wurm 1 Regress 1 Mnemonic Wall 1 Distortion Strike 1 See Beyond 2 Mountain 9 Forest 6 Island Всегда во второй игре менял Mnemonic Wall на еще один Distortion Strike Сыграл 3-0.
  19. Друзья, неужели ни у кого нет колоды для генерала ?
  20. Кто нить выдаст колоду на поиграть ? Буду очень благодарен.
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