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Дайджест 9 июля 2013 года


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Статью Коттера проглядел как-то, хотя ССГ вроде отсматривать стараюсь.

Лакс действительно очень подробно и хорошо написал про кикипод.

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Даа Чандра-сан-гоку!) Мы так во дворе играли в "море волнуется раз" и изображали героев драгонбол-z, выпускающих мегафаерболл)

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О, вот окуда этот дредж. Уже два раза с ним играл в модо.

Вася, как тебе лист реаниматора?

Изменено пользователем Mr.wegle
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Ещё вон статья Лебедовича о всяком:







So when we pulled up to the house, they were surprised to say the least. The house wasn't so much a house as it was a mansion. They looked around and saw a bunch of cool people drinking and having a great time. They saw Brian Kibler and his gorgeous girlfriend poolside, John Fiorillo and his gorgeous girlfriend in the jacuzzi, Justin Gary and his gorgeous girlfriend near the fire pit, and Ben Lundquist on his cell phone on the couch.


At this point, one of them turns to me and asks, “Is this what all Magic players are like?”


“Yes, this is exactly what all Magic players are like.”


I obviously didn't do well in Las Vegas, both the Grand Prix and the city itself rocked me and left me devastated. Not only did I drop from the tournament at 3-2, I ended up losing a fortune at the blackjack tables to a Korean dealer, ironically enough, named Oona.


(Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I'm not totally surprised that the idea for the Hall of Fame was conceived around the same time the poker boom was stealing away so many of Magic's all stars)


(Actually, that last part is probably a bit farfetched, but I do wonder about what back room meetings took place in Seattle about poker's effect on Magic.)


Finkel stopped playing Magic because life got in the way, same thing for Kai (although in his case replace life with WoW).


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How long did it take you to realize that the new red planeswalker is called Chandra, Pyromaster not Chandra, Pyromancer?

- Chas A.



P.S. Читал Осипа и плакал. Вот уж кто Thrun, the last Troll

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