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Кстати, Элен Брего на фотке очень горяча

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можно, плиз, текстом для тех, у кого отключены ненашенские сайты? спс

алсо расскажите про ПГ в результате. они таки откатили? а то в соседней теме повесили ссылку, а прочесть тоже не получается=(

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У меня ещё ворнинги остались вроде...


Как так можно было дальше все испоганить - просто слов нет.

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Скажем так: не откатили, а отъехаи назад и повернули в другую сторону.


Копипастнуть сюда не получится, там очень много текста. Вкратце:


1) Переаджастили мультипликаторы:



2) ввели World Magic Cup -- чиста командный ивент на три дня, чтобы выявить ВЫСШУЮ НАЦИЮ в мире магии


3) Квальнуться на него можно вчетвером: один -- топ-1 по PWP в стране, ещё трое -- победители трёх специальных квалифайеров к Кубку Мира. Квалы пройдут с 21 апреля по 9 июня


4) Квальнуцо на квал к кубку мира можно через PWP в сезоне с 26 декабря по 1 апреля И ТОЛЬКО ТАК.


5) Нац отменяется, квалонацы в прошлом понимании отменяются.


Это пока всё, до чего я дочитал. Дальше будет про новый Pro Players Club

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Как-то слишком комплексно, без поллитра не разберешься.

Теперь три наца? Топ-1 каждого + топ-1 по про рейтингу за предыдущий год получают инвайты и билеты на командный чемпионат мира. Квалификация на эти нацы какая-то замудренная, типа по очочькам только + для проплееров (15+ пропойнтов).

ГП топ-4 теперь инвайтят следующий ГП с билетами. топ-25 ПТ инвайтят на следующий ПТ также с билетами.

ФНМы теперь с х1 коэффициентом. Ну и прочие коэффициенты подпилены.


Это вкратце, если неточен где-то - поправьте.


В новом РРС по сути 3 левела всего. Холоффеймеры приглашены везде, получают по 500$ за аппиранс

Изменено пользователем aze
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Как-то слишком комплексно, без поллитра не разберешься.

Теперь три наца? Топ-1 каждого + топ-1 по про рейтингу за предыдущий год получают инвайты и билеты на командный чемпионат мира. Квалификация на эти нацы какая-то замудренная, типа по очочькам только + для проплееров (15+ пропойнтов).

ГП топ-4 теперь инвайтят следующий ГП с билетами. топ-25 ПТ инвайтят на следующий ПТ также с билетами.

ФНМы теперь с х1 коэффициентом. Ну и прочие коэффициенты подпилены.


Это вкратце, если неточен где-то - поправьте.

Работает теперь с квалонацами так. Ты набираешь 200 очков мироходца - ты получаешь приглашение на квалонац - их будет три - победитель вступает в команду для кубка наций. Я как представил, что заинтересованным немосквичам придется по три раза в Москву летать ( с Дальнего Востока особенно сытно, ага), мне как-то не по себе становится. То что вам все равно надо задротить нехило чтобы попасть в список приглашенных - тоже сытно. ГП-топ 4 теперь имеют инвайт на следующий ПТ + авиабилеты.

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Итак, первые выводы: ААААААААА, ПАНИКА


Поразмыслив: система в целом ОЧЕНЬ ок. Подробности позже.

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Итак, первые выводы: ААААААААА, ПАНИКА


Поразмыслив: система в целом ОЧЕНЬ ок. Подробности позже.

Ты так каждый раз говоришь. Каждый раз система у тебя нормальная.

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Нет, Борь, прошлая была ненормальная. Прошлая была совсем шваховая.


Эта даёт и нашим, и вашим: и играем много, и лесенки есть для всех стран, и кататься по гранпришечкам можно, но не обязательно.



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Нет, Борь, прошлая была ненормальная. Прошлая была совсем шваховая.


Эта даёт и нашим, и вашим: и играем много, и лесенки есть для всех стран, и кататься по гранпришечкам можно, но не обязательно.



Кого ты лечишь? Ты мне доказывал что прошлая система нормальная и обоснованная, причем и в твиттере, и при личной встрече. И эта нормальная. Сейчас ещё какой-нибудь бред обдолбаного сделают, и тоже будет нормально.


Прочти ещё раз внимательно про квалифаеры на кубок наций, усердно так прочти. А теперь представь, что ты живешь не в Москве. Потом ещё раз прочти.

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Итак, первые выводы: ААААААААА, ПАНИКА


Поразмыслив: система в целом ОЧЕНЬ ок. Подробности позже.


Ну, в целом да, и стимул играть есть и шансы попасть на евенты тоже есть. (это если не брать во внимания фактора в виде расстояний и того, что некоторые фнм не играли года 3 8( )

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Реквестирую линк на страничку просмотра ваших ПВП.


И как я понял одним гриндом фнмчиков из за эджаста коэффициентов уже не выедешь?

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Борь, "нормальной" была система PWP как таковая ДО того, как порезали все "ленточки" до про-тура кроме этих самых ссаных PWP. Я как только увидел прошлую систему ИНВАЙТОВ, сразу сказал, что она просто катастрофическая. Но да, против PWP как таковых я не был.


Кстати, топ-4 команды с кубка мира тоже получают инвайты на ПТ.


А ещё, что мешает делать квалы к кубку мира НЕ в Москве? :)

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Борь, "нормальной" была система PWP как таковая ДО того, как порезали все "ленточки" до про-тура кроме этих самых ссаных PWP. Я как только увидел прошлую систему ИНВАЙТОВ, сразу сказал, что она просто катастрофическая. Но да, против PWP как таковых я не был.


Кстати, топ-4 команды с кубка мира тоже получают инвайты на ПТ.

Whatever, dude, whatever.

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А ещё, что мешает делать квалы к кубку мира НЕ в Москве? :)



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А ещё, что мешает делать квалы к кубку мира НЕ в Москве? :)

Два раза квалифаер тебе вылетит в копеечку, при таких условиях так будет у всех. Дискаунтеров аэро много сейчас знаешь? Не всех на работу тройка с бубенцами отвозит, это сократит посещаемость.

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2) ввели World Magic Cup -- чиста командный ивент на три дня, чтобы выявить ВЫСШУЮ НАЦИЮ в мире магии


Конкретно вот это -- просто МЕГАКРУТО.


Система квалификации на данный турнир вызывает много вопросов, тут скорее согласен с Борей, но думаю, что в будущем вполне вероятно появление модификаций и допиливаний для стран типа России.

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Это явно лучше прежнего, факт. Минусы, вот Борис уже подметил. Но кого волнуетнеобъятная рашка? В европах таких проблем с расстояниями нет, Америка - отдельная тема, ну а на нас то че, пофигу, это понятно.


По большому счету хорошо что визарда СДЕЛАЛИ ХОТЬ ЧТО-ТО с этим адом и гриндом очочков. Он конечно остался в каком-то виде, но все же.

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А ещё, что мешает делать квалы к кубку мира НЕ в Москве? :)

Крайне сомнительно что сделают хотя бы два квала не в Москве, и до этого большая часть квалов провожилась именно в столице, так что тоже пока считаю новые изменения не шибко лучшими чем предыдущие.


для тех не может сходить по ссылкам, загоняю весь такст под спойлера:

Addressing Changes to 2012 Magic Premier Play



Hi, this is Helene Bergeot, Director of Organized Play for Wizards of the Coast. Today we're announcing some changes to our Organized Play offerings (read the specifics here), and I want to take the time to explain the goals and driving forces behind these recent decisions.


We initiated the changes to our Premier Play program with the following goals in mind:


We want to make sure Premier Play represents the highest level of competition for Magic

Premier Play has to be a source of aspiration for millions of Magic players around the world


We are committed to continued investment in Premier Play to drive that aspiration.


At the same time, we are partnering with Wizards Play Network stores throughout the world to create great play experiences; in a number of countries, hobby stores become the hub where Magic communities form and grow. It's the place where players get together on a regular basis.


Hobby stores are the fundamental first step toward building and growing Magic communities. Because of this, it has become more important to connect Premier Play with in-store play. This is the insight that has been behind the recent OP changes.


With that said, we have listened to the thoughts you shared with us after the previous announcements.


You gave us specific feedback on the issues you felt most strongly about, and here are the changes we're making:


Offer a world-scale tournament crowning the best Magic country

Maintain access to Premier Play even in smaller countries

Put an end to the "grind"


Introducing the World Magic Cup


We share with you the desire to have a Premier event that allows players to represent their nation. Determining which country is able to declare, "We are the best!" and giving the opportunity to local communities to support and cheer for their representatives is what we are bringing to you with the introduction of the World Magic Cup.


I read a lot of your comments about Nationals and I want to explain why we had to reconsider that tournament even though it is beloved by many. Under the previous tournament structure, organizing and running Nationals was consuming most of the resources of many countries, leading them to neglect the development and growth of their local Magic communities. We're very excited to solve this problem by providing a global team competition supported by our local network of hobby stores.


The World Magic Cup will see teams of four players compete to determine the best Magic nation in the world. Three of the players will be selected by World Magic Cup Qualifiers, a series of tournaments run by selected hobby stores. The fourth team member will be the top-rated professional player in the country. This change keeps a Premier-level team event that crowns the top country in a given year, with the Players Championship crowning the top individual player.


We also share the belief in the importance of providing access to Premier Play to most countries; this is why top-finishing players at the World Magic Cup will qualify for the next Pro Tour. The World Magic Cup serves as a path to the Pro Tour for smaller market nations.


For full details on the World Magic Cup, I encourage you to read the announcement here.

An End to the "Grind"


There is undisputed consensus on this point: as much as the structure introduced in September was created to encourage play, that play should not force a compromise with your enjoyment of being rewarded for playing Magic. We don't want you to feel obligated to play in a fashion that lessens your enjoyment of the game.


Following Pro Tour Dark Ascension, we will be eliminating the Planeswalker Point invites for the Top 100 players in a given competitive season, instead favoring direct invites that reward skillful play. These will include the Top 4 finishers at Grand Prix tournaments, the Top 4 teams from the World Magic Cup, and the Top 25 finishers at each Pro Tour. The plane tickets currently awarded to the Top 100 Competitive Points players will go to these direct invitees.


We still want to reward players for success and dedication to the game, but we are shifting how we do so. We're splitting the current Planeswalker Points Competitive category into Seasonal Award points and Yearly Award points. This system will be used to distribute invitations to World Magic Cup Qualifiers and byes at Grand Prix, but now once you reach a threshold of points you can count on locking in your benefits rather than being constantly uncertain whether you're playing often and well enough to receive your perks.


You also gave us feedback on controversial Planeswalker Point multipliers, and we have taken steps based on your feedback to resolve these issues as well. I want to take this opportunity to clarify what it means for Friday Night Magic. The FNM multiplier will be reduced to keep the spirit of that series intact: FNM is meant to be a friendly competition and new players should feel welcome to participate and join their local Magic community. Additionally, FNM should not overshadow other store-run events, which had a lower multiplier.

A Few Additional Words about PTQs


In North America, selected hobby stores will begin being able to host Pro Tour Qualifiers for Pro Tour Avacyn Restored, with the goal of full store-run PTQ implementation in late 2012. We are partnering with these hobby stores to offer the best possible play experiences to you.


Additionally, we have decided to increase the global number of PTQs to better serve the remote areas and maintain a path to the Pro Tour for these communities. While we currently run 200 PTQs by season, by the time of the Pro Tour #3 season, this number will have increased to 220. Markets such as those in Eastern Europe or island nations, to name a few examples, will get the priority. It doesn't mean that all small markets will get a PTQ per season, but we'll make sure to rotate PTQ slots from one season to another between the smaller countries we want to serve better.


I also want to draw your attention to the fact that we're adjusting the Planeswalker Points website to introduce the new multipliers and the other policy changes; these changes will not be reflected until late January. Some Planeswalker Points totals will not be accurate until the new web update is completed.


I realize that we're making a lot of changes—thank you for your support.


We are committed to Premier Play and growing the Magic community by providing great play experiences. Feel free to share your thoughts on the forums. You can also reach out to us throughout the year via social media: on Twitter use the hashtag #mtgop and send messages to myself at @HeleneBergeot, OP programs manager Scott Larabee at @ScottLarabee, or Magic R&D head Aaron Forsythe at @mtgaaron.


—Helene Bergeot




Revamped Premier Play Coming in 2012



Before the 2012 season begins at Grand Prix Austin in early January, Wizards of the Coast is announcing the following changes to the premier play tournament structure and Planeswalker Points system. These adjustments are a culmination of an extensive review to the changes we announced in September and November. Included in these changes are:


Modifications to Planeswalker Points multipliers and standings

The debut of the World Magic Cup

The launch of the new Pro Players Club

Review of Pro Tour invitations

Thresholds for Grand Prix byes

Renaming the 2012 World Championship to the Magic Players Championship


Details on each bullet point can be found below. For more information on the decisions behind these changes and how player feedback influenced the process, please read "Addressing Changes to 2012 Magic Premier Play" by Director of Organized Play Helene Bergeot.

Planeswalker Points


Several changes are being made to the Planeswalker Points system. Competitive Planeswalker Points will no longer directly award invitations to the Pro Tour starting with Pro Tour Avacyn Restored in May. The Competitive Points category is being split into two groups: Seasonal Award and Yearly Award. In addition, some multipliers are changing and the Professional Points category is being rebuilt to model the previous Pro Points system.


Seasonal Award points will be used to determine Grand Prix byes. The period of time for the current Seasonal Award season is December 26, 2011–April 1, 2012 (the same dates as what the Competitive season would have been under the old category names). Yearly Award points will be used to determine World Magic Cup Qualifier invitations (see below). As the Planeswalker Points system is adjusted with these new categories, the Yearly Award Standings will not begin until April 2012. Professional Points will be used to determine levels in the new Pro Players Club.


Here is a review of how the Planeswalker Point categories are being adjusted:


Along with changing category labels, some multipliers are changing. The multiplier changes listed in the chart below will go into effect for all events run after December 25, 2011, and will be reflected on the Planeswalker Points standings and information pages in late January. The events at the 12x multiplier level will only contribute points to a player's Lifetime Planeswalker Points total, not his or her Seasonal Award or Yearly Award totals. There will also no longer be an 18x multiplier for Top 8 finishes at Pro Tours.


For the 2012 Friday Night Magic Championship, the Friday Night Magic standings will not be retroactively adjusted to the 1x level. Friday Night Magic events run from September 5, 2011, to December 25, 2011, will remain with the 3x multiplier. Friday Night Magic events run after December 25, 2011, will have the 1x multiplier. The Friday Night Magic Championship will be held at Gen Con in Indianapolis (August 16–19), with the same invitation policy as previously announced. Competitors in the Friday Night Magic Championship will also be given a four-day badge to Gen Con.


As the evolution of the Planeswalker Points system continues, players will no longer be able to view their Elo ratings as of late January 2012.

World Magic Cup


The World Magic Cup will be a three-day, team-only event to crown the top nation in Magic each year. World Magic Cup teams will be made up of three winners of World Magic Cup Qualifier tournaments and the #1-rated player in that country based on Professional Points (based on events played from June 13, 2011, to May 13, 2012). The 2012 World Magic Cup will take place at Gen Con in Indianapolis (August 16–19). Previously known as the 2012 World Championships, the Magic Players Championship will be held later in the year rather than at Gen Con (for more information on the Magic Players Championship, see below).


Wizards intends to include a number of countries in the World Magic Cup similar to the number of national teams that participated in previous World Championships. That list can be found in the Premier Play Invitation Policy. Along with a prize purse of approximately $150,000, the World Magic Cup will award Professional Points based on finish order and the top four teams will earn invitations and airfare to the next Pro Tour. Participants who are Pro Club levels 6–8 will earn a $1,000 appearance fee in 2012. More information on the Professional Points award structure can be found here.

World Magic Cup Qualifiers


World Magic Cup Qualifiers will be run by Wizards Play Network locations around the world, with the winner earning a spot on his or her country's World Magic Cup team. There will be three World Magic Cup Qualifiers in each country, to be run April 21–June 9. These will be invitation-only events for all countries. Invitations will be based on reaching a threshold in the Planeswalker Points standings specific to the player's home country.


Because 2012 is a transition year, Wizards of the Coast needs time to realign the qualification windows on the calendar. Measuring a player's performance over a 12-month span is important in determining who earns an invitation, but the compressed time frame to launch the World Magic Cup in 2012 demanded a shortened season to set the qualification levels. Therefore, Seasonal Award points will be used for the season running December 26, 2011–April 1, 2012 to determine invitations to World Magic Cup Qualifiers in 2012. For invitations to World Magic Cup Qualifiers in 2013, the Yearly Award points will be used.


Invitation thresholds vary by country and are listed in the Premier Play Invitation Policy. Plane tickets will be awarded to the winners of each World Magic Cup Qualifier and the player earning the "top pro" slot. The Yearly Award season used to determine invitations to 2013 World Magic Cup Qualifiers will begin April 2, 2012 and end March 17, 2013.


World Magic Cup Qualifiers replace the National Championships and National Qualifiers system. More information on World Magic Cup Qualifiers can be found in the Premier Play Invitation Policy.

Pro Players Club


The new version of the Pro Players Club will use Professional Points to determine levels, following a scale very similar to the Pro Points system used in 2011. The levels are based on thresholds and have been streamlined to reward the top professional players each year.


Silver (15 points): Two-round bye at each Grand Prix, invitation to World Magic Cup Qualifier in your country

Gold (25 points): Invitations to all Pro Tours that year, three-round bye at each Grand Prix, invitation to World Magic Cup Qualifier in your country

Platinum (40 points): $3,000 appearance fee at Pro Tours, hotel and airfare paid for by Wizards of the Coast for each Pro Tour, $250 appearance fee at Grand Prix, $1,000 appearance fee at the World Magic Cup (if invited), plus all benefits provided to Gold level


Due to the timing of this transition and the change to the "end" of the Magic year, the stretch of time used to determine 2013 Pro Club levels will be June 13, 2011–May 13, 2012. Benefits earned by levels set at the May 13, 2012, cut-off will be honored immediately. Pro Club benefits earned in 2011 will be honored for the entire 2012 calendar year. Because of the overlap in benefit systems, a player will earn benefits based on the higher level of the two systems he or she has achieved.


Because the 2011–2012 and 2012–2013 seasons have several significant differences in their schedules, the Silver, Gold, and Platinum thresholds for the 2012–2013 season will be reexamined and likely be higher. Those levels will be announced by May, 2012 (the start of the new season).


When the new levels kick in, Magic Pro Tour Hall of Famers will earn the equivalent of Gold level benefits along with a $500 appearance fee at Pro Tours and the World Magic Cup (if invited). If a Hall of Famer is earning Platinum-level benefits, the $500 will be in addition to the base appearance fee for Pro Tour and World Magic Cup participation.


A breakdown of Professional Points awarded by event can be found here. Complete information about the updated Pro Players Club can be found here. The Professional Point totals by player for the period of time from June 13 through the end of the 2011 season can be found here.


The graphic below illustrates the overlapping seasons for the next 18 months and the Planeswalker Points that feed each category. Mouse over the arrows to scroll left to right, and click on the arrows to increase the scrolling speed.


Pro Tour Invitations


Starting with the Pro Tour Avacyn Restored in May, invitations at each Pro Tour will be awarded in the following categories:


Top 25 finishers at the previous Pro Tour (plus airfare)

Top 4 finishers at Grand Prix feeding the Pro Tour (plus airfare)

Pro Players Club members, based on their level benefits (plus airfare for top-level players)

Magic Pro Tour Hall of Fame members (plus $500)

In-person Pro Tour Qualifier winners (plus airfare)

Magic Online qualifier winners (plus entrance into the Pro Tour Super Draft)


Invitations for Pro Tour Dark Ascension have been extended to the top 25 individual finishers and top four national teams from the 2011 World Championships to close the gap between the old invitation system and the new one. In addition, the top four teams at the World Magic Cup will earn invitations to the next Pro Tour.

Grand Prix


Grand Prix will award Pro Tour invitations to the top four finishers, starting with Grand Prix Austin. The system used to award Grand Prix byes will change from the "Top X" Competitive Planeswalker Points system launched in September to a threshold system based on Seasonal Award points. Byes for Grand Prix from January 1 through April 1, 2012, will be awarded based on the Planeswalker Points system announced in September.


The new thresholds are 300 Seasonal Award points for one bye, 600 points for two byes, and 1,200 for three byes. The threshold bye system will begin with the season starting December 26, 2011 (concluding April 1, 2012). Grand Prix Trials will continue to be run in Wizards Play Network locations and offer a three-round bye to the winner.


If a player crosses a threshold in the middle of a season, he or she will earn the byes for any Grand Prix left that season, and all Grand Prix the following season. Along with having an 8x multiplier for Planeswalker Points, Grand Prix will offer Professional Points for high finishes. For the breakdown of Professional Points awarded at Grand Prix, visit this page.

The Magic Players Championship


Previously called the 2012 World Championships and scheduled for Gen Con, the 2012 Magic: The Gathering Players Championship will take place between Gen Con and Pro Tour No. 3 at a location to be determined. It remains a 16-player event inviting the following players:


2011 Pro Tour Player of the Year: Owen Turtenwald

Pro Tour Philadelphia Champion: Samuele Estratti

2011 World Champion: Jun'ya Iyanaga

2011 Magic Online Champion: Reid Duke

Pro Tour Dark Ascension Champion

Pro Tour Avacyn Restored Champion

Top-ranked player in each geo-region (North America, Europe, Japan, Latin America, APAC) based on Professional Points from June 13, 2011, to May 13, 2012

Top-ranked players based on Professional Points from June 13, 2011, to May 13, 2012 who are not previously invited to bring the total to 16 players


The Magic Players Championship will be a three-day event testing players across prominent Constructed and Limited formats. This event will have a $100,000 prize purse as previously announced. The only changes listed above are the inclusion of the Player of the Year as an invited player and a shift of the date range for qualification to align it with the new cut-off dates for the new Pro Players Club. Because of the unique nature of the Magic Players Championship, Professional Points will not be awarded directly by finish order. Instead, players will earn one Pro Point per match win and top finishers will earn additional Pro Points.


For more background information and reasoning behind these changes, please see the Helene Bergeot's article "Addressing Changes to 2012 Magic Premier Play." Director of Magic R&D Aaron Forsythe will also be addressing the Organized Play system, as well as looking back on many other facets of Magic in 2011, in his "From the Director's Chair" feature that will be published on DailyMTG.com the first week of January.




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Вот это кстати правильно. Ибо чем стандарт по вторникам в Единороге хуже/лучше стандарта в Единороге по пятницам?

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Я вот пытаюсь разобраться. Вот я хочу на этот новый чемпионат мира, который Магическая Мировая Чашка 2012, пройдет на ГенКоне в Индианаполисе, США, 16-19 августа. Из России приглашается 4 человека, один - топ-1 PWP (за период с 13 июня 2011 по 13 мая 2012), 3 других - победители трех закрытых квалов, которые пройдут где-то в России с 21 апреля по 9 июня. Чтобы попасть на них, в России нужно нагриндить 200 очочьков. Очочки для этих целей учитываются competitive, причем не лайфтайм, а сезонные - в данном случае с 26 декабря по 1 апреля. Посмотреть свои очочьки вообще можно тут, но сейчас они вроде как показываются за текущий сезон, который неактуален... ждем.


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