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О Delakrua
- День рождения 29.01.1991
Кнутарев Александр Игоревич
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Небезызвестный нам всем Сережа просит передать: "Сегодня в 17-00 по Москве стрим - 11th Anniversary Phantom Sealed."
Не безызвестный вам Сергей попросил показать результаты очередного драфта (8-4). Утверждает, что победил. Event #: 5505132Time: 6/1/2013 10:30:38 AM Players: BennyBoy2525 meatwod563 PEsh Barbarian_King JUNTS RagingDemon --> Serg121 Comebackkid ------ DGM ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Runner's Bane Viashino Firstblade Mindstatic Mutant's Prey Sunspire Gatekeepers Golgari Cluestone Saruli Gatekeepers Azorius Cluestone (FOIL) Riot Control Punish the Enemy Restore the Peace --> Armed/Dangerous Rot Farm Skeleton Varolz, the Scar-Striped Azorius Guildgate Pack 1 pick 2: Viashino Firstblade Debt to the Deathless (FOIL) Hidden Strings Boros Cluestone Orzhov Cluestone Rakdos Drake Zhur-Taa Druid Lyev Decree Maze Abomination --> Alive/Well Bronzebeak Moa Bred for the Hunt Melek, Izzet Paragon Simic Guildgate Pack 1 pick 3: Haazda Snare Squad Armored Wolf-Rider Azorius Cluestone Hidden Strings Ubul Sar Gatekeepers Nivix Cyclops Sinister Possession Kraul Warrior Wake the Reflections --> Trostani's Summoner Alive/Well Debt to the Deathless Simic Guildgate Pack 1 pick 4: Mindstatic Simic Cluestone Riot Piker Drown in Filth Wake the Reflections Awe for the Guilds --> Battering Krasis Morgue Burst Maze Sentinel Sin Collector Species Gorger Rakdos Guildgate Pack 1 pick 5: Smelt-Ward Gatekeepers Steeple Roc Mending Touch Uncovered Clues Golgari Cluestone Maze Glider Rakdos Cluestone --> Saruli Gatekeepers Awe for the Guilds Gleam of Battle Plasm Capture Pack 1 pick 6: Viashino Firstblade Mindstatic Mutant's Prey Sunspire Gatekeepers Golgari Cluestone --> Saruli Gatekeepers Murmuring Phantasm Riot Control Punish the Enemy Blaze Commando Pack 1 pick 7: Mindstatic Riot Piker Drown in Filth Wake the Reflections Awe for the Guilds Battering Krasis Morgue Burst Maze Sentinel --> Bronzebeak Moa Pack 1 pick 8: Bane Alley Blackguard Maze Behemoth Deputy of Acquittals Gruul Cluestone Crypt Incursion Opal Lake Gatekeepers Goblin Test Pilot --> Blast of Genius Pack 1 pick 9: Mindstatic Mutant's Prey --> Sunspire Gatekeepers Azorius Cluestone (FOIL) Riot Control Restore the Peace Rot Farm Skeleton Pack 1 pick 10: Hidden Strings Orzhov Cluestone Lyev Decree --> Bronzebeak Moa Bred for the Hunt Melek, Izzet Paragon Pack 1 pick 11: Azorius Cluestone Hidden Strings Nivix Cyclops Sinister Possession --> Wake the Reflections Pack 1 pick 12: Mindstatic Drown in Filth --> Wake the Reflections Awe for the Guilds Pack 1 pick 13: Mending Touch Uncovered Clues --> Gleam of Battle Pack 1 pick 14: --> Mindstatic Mutant's Prey Pack 1 pick 15: --> Drown in Filth ------ GTC ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Greenside Watcher Devour Flesh Tin Street Market Corpse Blockade Burst of Strength --> Prophetic Prism Orzhov Guildgate Totally Lost Bioshift Grisly Spectacle Skarrg Guildmage Coerced Confession Sapphire Drake Rubblehulk Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Smite Slaughterhorn Structural Collapse Madcap Skills --> Ivy Lane Denizen Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Millennial Gargoyle Martial Glory Shambleshark Zameck Guildmage Gruul Charm Undercity Informer Forest Pack 2 pick 3: Frilled Oculus Shadow Slice --> Slaughterhorn Riot Gear Verdant Haven Keymaster Rogue Nav Squad Commandos Madcap Skills Bioshift Bane Alley Broker Illness in the Ranks Smog Elemental Forest Pack 2 pick 4: Knight Watch Gutter Skulk Disciple of the Old Ways Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Armored Transport Burst of Strength Pit Fight Skyknight Legionnaire Sapphire Drake --> Wasteland Viper Swamp Pack 2 pick 5: Shadow Alley Denizen --> Scab-Clan Charger Leyline Phantom Wildwood Rebirth Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade Drakewing Krasis Purge the Profane Dimir Charm Gateway Shade Forest Pack 2 pick 6: Scatter Arc Structural Collapse Nav Squad Commandos Horror of the Dim --> Madcap Skills Beckon Apparition Deathcult Rogue Orzhov Keyrune Mindeye Drake Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Shadow Alley Denizen Leyline Phantom --> Basilica Guards Spell Rupture Zarichi Tiger Hydroform Crackling Perimeter Immortal Servitude Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Gutter Skulk Frilled Oculus Midnight Recovery Foundry Street Denizen Skygames --> Beckon Apparition Hindervines Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Tin Street Market Corpse Blockade --> Burst of Strength Totally Lost Bioshift Coerced Confession Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: Structural Collapse Guildscorn Ward Clinging Anemones Millennial Gargoyle --> Shambleshark Forest Pack 2 pick 11: Shadow Slice --> Keymaster Rogue Bioshift Illness in the Ranks Forest Pack 2 pick 12: Foundry Street Denizen Corpse Blockade --> Armored Transport Swamp Pack 2 pick 13: --> Leyline Phantom Purge the Profane Forest Pack 2 pick 14: --> Structural Collapse Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Hydroform ------ RTR ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Trained Caracal Chronic Flooding Giant Growth Gatecreeper Vine Viashino Racketeer Cremate Selesnya Sentry Downsize Sundering Growth Auger Spree Security Blockade Arrest Nivix Guildmage --> Angel of Serenity Island Pack 3 pick 2: Aerial Predation Mizzium Skin Catacomb Slug Eyes in the Skies Survey the Wreckage Dead Reveler Trestle Troll (FOIL) --> Knightly Valor Grisly Salvage Transguild Promenade Codex Shredder Soul Tithe Mercurial Chemister Swamp Pack 3 pick 3: Chorus of Might Electrickery Rakdos Guildgate Voidwielder Selesnya Sentry Ogre Jailbreaker Batterhorn Centaur Healer Chemister's Trick Blustersquall Bloodfray Giant --> Dryad Militant Forest Pack 3 pick 4: Axebane Stag Deviant Glee Avenging Arrow Terrus Wurm --> Towering Indrik Vassal Soul Skull Rend Shrieking Affliction Assassin's Strike Heroes' Reunion Chaos Imps Mountain Pack 3 pick 5: Crosstown Courier Dynacharge Terrus Wurm Stealer of Secrets Annihilating Fire Common Bond --> Security Blockade (FOIL) Brushstrider Azorius Charm Rakdos Cackler Island Pack 3 pick 6: Axebane Stag Catacomb Slug Teleportal (FOIL) Perilous Shadow --> Splatter Thug Golgari Longlegs Search Warrant Teleportal Golgari Charm Plains Pack 3 pick 7: Bellows Lizard Doorkeeper Seller of Songbirds Skull Rend Hussar Patrol Hover Barrier --> Fencing Ace Rest in Peace Forest Pack 3 pick 8: Dynacharge Island (FOIL) Paralyzing Grasp Tenement Crasher Archweaver Rakdos Charm --> Izzet Charm Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Trained Caracal Chronic Flooding Cremate Selesnya Sentry Downsize --> Sundering Growth Island Pack 3 pick 10: Mizzium Skin Catacomb Slug Survey the Wreckage Codex Shredder --> Soul Tithe Swamp Pack 3 pick 11: Electrickery --> Selesnya Sentry Batterhorn Chemister's Trick Forest Pack 3 pick 12: --> Axebane Stag Shrieking Affliction Heroes' Reunion Mountain Pack 3 pick 13: --> Crosstown Courier Terrus Wurm Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Search Warrant Plains Pack 3 pick 15: --> Forest