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Все публикации пользователя Bakirov
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды
Если кто не заметил, мы освоили мощнейшую нанотехнологию заливки видео на ютьюб. Если ничего не сломается внезапно, зальём и сегодняшнюю.
Сегодня с нами Николай Потовин. Всем радоваться.
Вот это уже похоже на сколько-то правильное применение базовой арифетики в магии. А не "раз нам нужно 1WW на трёх манах кастить - кладём от общего количества земель две трети равнин". Собственно, ровно про это был мой первый пост в этой теме. Манабазы типа "12-5" как раз очень болезненны как раз потому, что они "по пропорциям" возникают в колодах с 5+ спеллами второго цвета, и последствия с застреванием даже хотя двух карт этого цвета без нужных земель обычно катастрофические. Вы поймите, выигрыш от добавления 11-й и 12-й земли (без тройных-четверных костов) слишком мал, чтобы жертвовать шансами на скрю по второму цвету (которые как раз от перехода от семи к шести и пяти землям растут радикально). Ещё раз - пропорции это НЕ разумная аппроксимация, они оставляют слишком многое вне рассмотрения. Как раз вероятности топдекнуть нужные карты к нужному ходу куда актуальнее, хорошо хоть это признаёте.
Грубо говоря, пропорции - это кнопочка "Suggest lands" в MTGO. Если Вы ей доверяете, то делаете систематическую ошибку. Сложные же вычисления на практике не нужны. Если меня сейчас спросить, какие именно вероятности и константы я использую при построении манабазы в лимитеде, я сделаю озадаченное лицо и скажу "Понятия не имею". Да, в своё время я это изучал и таблички соответствующие смотрел. Всё это уже учтено (обычно) в тех выводах, к которым я прихожу интуитивно. Я уже знаю, что можно делать с манабазой и что нельзя, учитывая именно мой подход с сбору колоды и мой стиль игры. Пропорции - это тот самый "сферический конь в вакууме", который излишне огрубляет реальность. В частности, "Suggest lands" даёт обычно перекошенные манабазы, где земель для основного цвета лежит слишком много, а второго - соответственно, мало. Плюс дополнительные факторы типа количества двойных-тройных костов, расклада цветов по КМК, гибридной маны, активируемых абилок, засад, на которые надо держать ману и т.д. и т.п.
Ну не так это считается. Если исходить из простых пропорций, то расклад следующий: к третьему ходу (т.е. в 9-ти картах) нужно три земли, что означает 3х(40/9)=13,33 (не менее такого количества земель в колоде). Кроме того, к третьему ходу нужно не менее двух равнин, что означает 2х(40/9)=8.88, т.е. не менее девяти штук. Но эти пропорции обеспечивают нам лишь потребное математическое ожидание количества правильных земель к третьему ходу. Нам же в жизни нужно учитывать неизбежные отклонения от мат. ожидания. И там расчёт совсем другой. Статьи на эту тему есть, ссылки, помнится, мелькали чуть ли не в Васиных дайджестах. Пропорциями тут в любом случае не отделаешься. Теперь по поводу кривости сдач. В "традиционном" лимитеде существа, трики и ремувал во многом взаимозаменяемы. Т.е. любая раздача, где количество земель (и, следственно, спеллов - о глубоких муллиганах не говорим) находится в пределах нормы, позволяет вести какую-то игру. В Теросе же во многих случаях существа и раскачки нужны "правильные", т.е. далеко не любой микс позволяет реализовывать план победы. Т.е. вместо баланса "земли-спеллы" нужен баланс "земли-существа-раскачки" - три компонента вместо двух. Ремувал при этом зачастую вообще роли не играет - уж больно он в своей массе убог. Поэтому и процент "негодных" раздач выше.
С днём! Будь! Всего!
Очередной стрим - во вторник, 5-го ноября, в 20:00МСК.
Аккаунт RustamB я использую прицельно для стримов. А сам для себя с PMobile (от Perpetuum Mobile = вечный двигатель) играю. Драфт Ваш в целом осудить не могу. В нескольких местах поступил бы по другому, но это скорее дело вкуса. Начал бы с Gray Merchant of Asphodel, а не с Gods Willing'а, скажем. Ну и самом конце взял бы Gainsay в сайд вместо невнятного Flamecast Wheel.
Случайно угодил в драфт со стримером. Не признали. Богатым буду. Но раз такое дело, драфт выложу. Event #: 6224123 Time: 11/1/2013 9:11:15 PM Players: ConradKolos PMobile Cornhawk23 Morgul norick63 Headre3000 Mob_Of_Pandas Heeer2Win ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Sentry of the Underworld (FOIL) Griptide Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Scholar of Athreos Triton Shorethief Stoneshock Giant Sea God's Revenge Insatiable Harpy --> Medomai the Ageless Swamp Pack 1 pick 2: Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Cavern Lampad Sedge Scorpion Tormented Hero Nylea's Emissary --> Favored Hoplite Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Gray Merchant of Asphodel Prescient Chimera Fleetfeather Sandals --> Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Arena Athlete Warriors' Lesson Swamp Pack 1 pick 4: Dragon Mantle --> Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Cavern Lampad Staunch-Hearted Warrior Burnished Hart Island Pack 1 pick 5: Fleetfeather Sandals Blood-Toll Harpy Benthic Giant --> Voyaging Satyr Spearpoint Oread Boulderfall Sedge Scorpion Vanquish the Foul Fanatic of Mogis Temple of Silence Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Ordeal of Erebos (FOIL) --> Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Scholar of Athreos Meletis Charlatan Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan --> Opaline Unicorn Cutthroat Maneuver Plains Pack 1 pick 8: Messenger's Speed Crackling Triton Spark Jolt --> Last Breath Scourgemark Boon of Erebos Kragma Warcaller Island Pack 1 pick 9: Lash of the Whip --> Chosen by Heliod Commune with the Gods Spark Jolt Scholar of Athreos Triton Shorethief Swamp Pack 1 pick 10: Viper's Kiss Pheres-Band Centaurs Returned Phalanx Defend the Hearth --> Tormented Hero Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: Fleetfeather Sandals Two-Headed Cerberus Annul --> Traveler's Amulet Swamp Pack 1 pick 12: Bronze Sable Spark Jolt --> Cavern Lampad Island Pack 1 pick 13: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Boulderfall Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Defend the Hearth Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Divine Verdict Priest of Iroas (FOIL) Prescient Chimera Demolish Leafcrown Dryad Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Felhide Minotaur Voyage's End Battlewise Hoplite Vanquish the Foul Coordinated Assault --> Celestial Archon Forest Pack 2 pick 2: Fleshmad Steed --> Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Wavecrash Triton Cavern Lampad Horizon Scholar Anvilwrought Raptor Decorated Griffin Anax and Cymede Island Pack 2 pick 3: Dragon Mantle --> Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Thassa's Bounty Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Savage Surge Setessan Griffin Purphoros's Emissary Ordeal of Erebos Dark Betrayal Island Pack 2 pick 4: --> Gods Willing Fleshmad Steed (FOIL) Blood-Toll Harpy Wingsteed Rider Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Setessan Battle Priest Deathbellow Raider Karametra's Acolyte Sentry of the Underworld Akroan Horse Plains Pack 2 pick 5: Nimbus Naiad --> Battlewise Valor Read the Bones Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Triton Shorethief Hunt the Hunter Keepsake Gorgon Triton Fortune Hunter Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Nylea's Presence Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Boon of Erebos Destructive Revelry Prowler's Helm Forest Pack 2 pick 7: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant --> Ray of Dissolution Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Ill-Tempered Cyclops Chosen by Heliod Coastline Chimera Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Shredding Winds --> Burnished Hart Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: Demolish Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Felhide Minotaur --> Battlewise Hoplite Vanquish the Foul Forest Pack 2 pick 10: Fleshmad Steed Messenger's Speed --> Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Decorated Griffin Island Pack 2 pick 11: Thassa's Bounty --> Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Setessan Griffin Island Pack 2 pick 12: Breaching Hippocamp Setessan Battle Priest --> Deathbellow Raider Plains Pack 2 pick 13: --> Crackling Triton Triton Shorethief Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Prowler's Helm Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Battlewise Valor --> Griptide Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation Boulderfall Savage Surge Peak Eruption Ordeal of Thassa Cutthroat Maneuver Meletis Charlatan Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Returned Centaur --> Hopeful Eidolon Fate Foretold Shredding Winds Deathbellow Raider Destructive Revelry Artisan's Sorrow Triton Tactics Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Baleful Eidolon Traveling Philosopher Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Staunch-Hearted Warrior Borderland Minotaur Centaur Battlemaster Witches' Eye Triton Tactics --> Daxos of Meletis Island Pack 3 pick 4: Viper's Kiss Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Sedge Scorpion Boon of Erebos Centaur Battlemaster Keepsake Gorgon Mountain Pack 3 pick 5: Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan --> Time to Feed Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Prowler's Helm Forest Pack 3 pick 6: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Portent of Betrayal --> Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth Scholar of Athreos Evangel of Heliod Steam Augury Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Cavalry Pegasus Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity --> Wavecrash Triton Opaline Unicorn Plains Pack 3 pick 8: --> Nimbus Naiad Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer Borderland Minotaur Shredding Winds Gainsay Flamecast Wheel Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Guardians of Meletis Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Boulderfall Peak Eruption --> Cutthroat Maneuver Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: Loathsome Catoblepas --> Shredding Winds Deathbellow Raider Destructive Revelry Artisan's Sorrow Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser --> Silent Artisan Witches' Eye Island Pack 3 pick 12: Pheres-Band Centaurs Thassa's Bounty --> Lagonna-Band Elder Mountain Pack 3 pick 13: --> Wild Celebrants Boulderfall Forest Pack 3 pick 14: --> Defend the Hearth Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Plains К сожалению, второй тур по качеству топдеков заметно первому уступал, так что до финала я не добрался. Да и к драфту моему есть вопросы, причём много.
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды
Ох граждане. На деле драфт прошёл удачно, а дальше колода играла по большей части сама. Даже несмотря на моё (ну и Игоря) противодействие. Колода заставила нас играть все три тура, что, конечно, было нечестно с её строны, в первую очередь к Игорю. Сочтём этот незабываемый экспириенс одноразовой акцией во имя мира во всём мире, против наркотиков и беспорядочных половых связей, расизма и предрассудков.
Ну разные у нас подходы к этому архетипу. Никакой трагедии в этом не вижу.
В этой колоде на второй ход он не нужен, а после второго другие способы поддержать атаку мне нравятся больше.
Не особо ценю его, да. Да, это второй дроп, но он не особенно хорошо носит Ordeal'ы и т.п. Во вчерашнем первом драфте он в принципе не особо нужен, т.к. там колода про больших роботов. Во втором не припомню, где у нас был шанс разумно его сдрафтить. Могу ошибаться. edit:Пересмотрел драфт - можно было взять p2p3 вместо Lagonna-Band Elder, но это дело вкуса. Ещё один шанс был в районе p3p11, но к тому времени набралось достаточно вторых дропов, и он бы вытеснил красный второй дроп, что при наличии в колоде красного бога мне было неинтересно.
Подрафтились сегодня с Антоном Куриным. Event #: 6197623 Time: 10/28/2013 8:02:47 PM Players: beatles RustamB bwoodf4d119 Camparulez FoundOmega Winspear Avatar8 miracle1 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Ephara's Warden Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Yoked Ox Baleful Eidolon Annul Wingsteed Rider Wild Celebrants --> Vaporkin Deathbellow Raider Hunt the Hunter Sealock Monster Evangel of Heliod Polis Crusher Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Divine Verdict (FOIL) Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Ray of Dissolution --> Wavecrash Triton Mogis's Marauder Horizon Scholar Tymaret, the Murder King Mountain Pack 1 pick 3: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief Chronicler of Heroes Insatiable Harpy --> Mistcutter Hydra Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Spearpoint Oread Vulpine Goliath Sedge Scorpion Scholar of Athreos Glare of Heresy --> Nylea's Emissary Favored Hoplite Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Pheres-Band Centaurs Guardians of Meletis --> Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Savage Surge Dissolve Burnished Hart Plains Pack 1 pick 6: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned --> Titan's Strength Benthic Giant Felhide Minotaur Shredding Winds Anvilwrought Raptor Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 1 pick 7: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver Benthic Giant Unknown Shores Felhide Minotaur Destructive Revelry Prowler's Helm Plains Pack 1 pick 8: Minotaur Skullcleaver Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler --> Feral Invocation Cavern Lampad Boulderfall Peak Eruption Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Ephara's Warden Yoked Ox Annul Wild Celebrants Deathbellow Raider --> Hunt the Hunter Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Defend the Hearth --> Agent of Horizons Ray of Dissolution Mountain Pack 1 pick 11: --> Defend the Hearth Priest of Iroas Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: Breaching Hippocamp Scholar of Athreos --> Glare of Heresy Forest Pack 1 pick 13: --> Pheres-Band Centaurs Coastline Chimera Plains Pack 1 pick 14: --> Loathsome Catoblepas Plains Pack 1 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Leonin Snarecaster (FOIL) Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Shredding Winds Boulderfall Ordeal of Purphoros Ordeal of Thassa Evangel of Heliod --> Fleecemane Lion Plains Pack 2 pick 2: Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed --> Gods Willing Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Boon of Erebos Setessan Griffin Karametra's Acolyte Sentry of the Underworld Soldier of the Pantheon Swamp Pack 2 pick 3: Prescient Chimera Demolish Leafcrown Dryad --> Gods Willing Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Ray of Dissolution Wavecrash Triton Hunt the Hunter Temple of Silence Island Pack 2 pick 4: --> Nessian Courser March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Opaline Unicorn Staunch-Hearted Warrior Battlewise Hoplite Witches' Eye Swamp Pack 2 pick 5: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Divine Verdict Guardians of Meletis Prescient Chimera Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Voyage's End Burnished Hart Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed --> Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Akroan Crusader Savage Surge Horizon Scholar Mountain Pack 2 pick 7: Messenger's Speed --> Gods Willing Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Boon of Erebos Akroan Crusader Arena Athlete Warriors' Lesson Mountain Pack 2 pick 8: Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist --> Last Breath Unknown Shores Setessan Battle Priest Artisan's Sorrow Firedrinker Satyr Island Pack 2 pick 9: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Returned Centaur Shredding Winds Boulderfall --> Evangel of Heliod Plains Pack 2 pick 10: Messenger's Speed Defend the Hearth --> Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Swamp Pack 2 pick 11: Demolish Defend the Hearth --> Ray of Dissolution Hunt the Hunter Island Pack 2 pick 12: March of the Returned --> Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Swamp Pack 2 pick 13: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Thassa's Bounty Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Messenger's Speed Mountain Pack 2 pick 15: --> Messenger's Speed ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Demolish --> Leafcrown Dryad Gods Willing Boulderfall (FOIL) March of the Returned Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Akroan Crusader Savage Surge Akroan Hoplite Shipwreck Singer Sentry of the Underworld Temple of Mystery Island Pack 3 pick 2: Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Nylea's Disciple Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer --> Voyaging Satyr Titan's Strength Borderland Minotaur Sedge Scorpion Gainsay Kragma Warcaller Triton Tactics Island Pack 3 pick 3: Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan --> Time to Feed Ray of Dissolution Chronicler of Heroes Witches' Eye Triton Tactics Gift of Immortality Swamp Pack 3 pick 4: Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Benthic Giant --> Time to Feed Baleful Eidolon Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Battle Priest Triton Shorethief Flamecast Wheel Island Pack 3 pick 5: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Silent Artisan Blood-Toll Harpy Breaching Hippocamp Aqueous Form Staunch-Hearted Warrior Scholar of Athreos --> Centaur Battlemaster Fanatic of Mogis Plains Pack 3 pick 6: Fleshmad Steed Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth --> Staunch-Hearted Warrior Ordeal of Erebos Horizon Chimera Triton Fortune Hunter Swamp Pack 3 pick 7: Fleshmad Steed Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Last Breath Deathbellow Raider --> Centaur Battlemaster Flamespeaker Adept Swan Song Island Pack 3 pick 8: Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Commune with the Gods Coastline Chimera Ray of Dissolution Dark Betrayal --> Triad of Fates Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Demolish Boulderfall (FOIL) March of the Returned Returned Centaur Akroan Crusader --> Sentry of the Underworld Island Pack 3 pick 10: Breaching Hippocamp --> Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Borderland Minotaur Gainsay Island Pack 3 pick 11: Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan --> Ray of Dissolution Witches' Eye Swamp Pack 3 pick 12: Demolish Triton Shorethief --> Flamecast Wheel Island Pack 3 pick 13: Loathsome Catoblepas --> Scholar of Athreos Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Defend the Hearth Swamp Pack 3 pick 15: --> Island Колода и результат - под спойлером: Решились сыграть и второй драфт: Event #: 6198293 Time: 10/28/2013 10:07:53 PM Players: RustamB Red_Stalker Zenith777 reizooko wakilla Aroberts3 Hahnsey danpaulsen14 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Cavern Lampad Staunch-Hearted Warrior Nemesis of Mortals Ordeal of Erebos Triton Tactics --> Anax and Cymede Plains Pack 1 pick 2: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Nimbus Naiad Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Leafcrown Dryad (FOIL) Vaporkin Felhide Minotaur Karametra's Acolyte --> Phalanx Leader Cutthroat Maneuver Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Fleetfeather Sandals Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Boon of Erebos Vaporkin --> Fanatic of Mogis Ordeal of Nylea Mountain Pack 1 pick 4: Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Blood-Toll Harpy Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn --> Nylea's Emissary Swamp Pack 1 pick 5: --> Gods Willing Prescient Chimera Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Opaline Unicorn Ray of Dissolution Mogis's Marauder Decorated Griffin Swamp Pack 1 pick 6: Minotaur Skullcleaver Battlewise Valor Last Breath Last Breath (FOIL) Satyr Hedonist Satyr Rambler Wavecrash Triton Tormented Hero --> Coordinated Assault Forest Pack 1 pick 7: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Nylea's Presence Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Benthic Giant Savage Surge Setessan Griffin Satyr Piper Mountain Pack 1 pick 8: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Commune with the Gods Boon of Erebos --> Arena Athlete Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Fade into Antiquity --> Staunch-Hearted Warrior Plains Pack 1 pick 10: --> Ephara's Warden Spark Jolt Coastline Chimera Felhide Minotaur Cutthroat Maneuver Plains Pack 1 pick 11: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Guardians of Meletis Benthic Giant Silent Artisan Mountain Pack 1 pick 12: --> Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Swamp Pack 1 pick 13: --> Priest of Iroas Decorated Griffin Swamp Pack 1 pick 14: --> Satyr Rambler Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Mountain ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Arena Athlete (FOIL) Disciple of Phenax Ray of Dissolution Chronicler of Heroes Dissolve Nylea's Emissary --> Purphoros, God of the Forge Island Pack 2 pick 2: Omenspeaker Gray Merchant of Asphodel Divine Verdict Commune with the Gods --> Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Horizon Scholar Anvilwrought Raptor Triton Fortune Hunter Tymaret, the Murder King Island Pack 2 pick 3: Gray Merchant of Asphodel Divine Verdict Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty --> Lagonna-Band Elder Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest Chronicler of Heroes Artisan's Sorrow Flamecast Wheel Island Pack 2 pick 4: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief --> Akroan Hoplite Firedrinker Satyr Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Triton Shorethief Shipwreck Singer --> Labyrinth Champion Swamp Pack 2 pick 6: Thassa's Bounty (FOIL) Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Cavern Lampad Sedge Scorpion Akroan Hoplite Rescue from the Underworld --> Hammer of Purphoros Plains Pack 2 pick 7: Loathsome Catoblepas Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity --> Satyr Rambler Forest (FOIL) Sedge Scorpion Witches' Eye Forest Pack 2 pick 8: --> Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Ray of Dissolution Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: Stymied Hopes Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx --> Lagonna-Band Elder Ray of Dissolution Island Pack 2 pick 10: --> Spark Jolt Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Anvilwrought Raptor Tymaret, the Murder King Island Pack 2 pick 11: Leonin Snarecaster Thassa's Bounty Boulderfall --> Setessan Battle Priest Island Pack 2 pick 12: Defend the Hearth --> Priest of Iroas Triton Shorethief Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: Messenger's Speed --> Yoked Ox Swamp Pack 2 pick 14: --> Rescue from the Underworld Plains Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid Defend the Hearth Felhide Minotaur Voyage's End Purphoros's Emissary Prowler's Helm Favored Hoplite --> Spear of Heliod Island Pack 3 pick 2: Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Silent Artisan Blood-Toll Harpy --> Wingsteed Rider Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader Ordeal of Thassa Spellheart Chimera Boon Satyr Forest Pack 3 pick 3: Fleetfeather Sandals Guardians of Meletis Wingsteed Rider Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Wavecrash Triton Cavern Lampad --> Ordeal of Heliod Flamespeaker Adept Temple of Abandon Mountain Pack 3 pick 4: Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes Leafcrown Dryad Agent of Horizons Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Setessan Battle Priest --> Deathbellow Raider Hunt the Hunter Destructive Revelry Dark Betrayal Swamp Pack 3 pick 5: Nylea's Disciple Messenger's Speed Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer --> Titan's Strength Baleful Eidolon Scholar of Athreos Felhide Minotaur Sentry of the Underworld Cutthroat Maneuver Island Pack 3 pick 6: --> Battlewise Valor Loathsome Catoblepas Satyr Hedonist Last Breath Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Anvilwrought Raptor Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Nessian Courser --> Minotaur Skullcleaver Vulpine Goliath Yoked Ox Annul Returned Centaur (FOIL) Peak Eruption Witches' Eye Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Minotaur Skullcleaver Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder Priest of Iroas Island (FOIL) --> Glare of Heresy Destructive Revelry Forest Pack 3 pick 9: --> Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Defend the Hearth Prowler's Helm Island Pack 3 pick 10: --> Nylea's Presence Demolish Silent Artisan Breaching Hippocamp Spellheart Chimera Forest Pack 3 pick 11: Guardians of Meletis Breaching Hippocamp --> Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Mountain Pack 3 pick 12: --> Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes Hunt the Hunter Swamp Pack 3 pick 13: Messenger's Speed --> Cutthroat Maneuver Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Loathsome Catoblepas Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Колода и результат - опять же под спойлером: Очередной стрим - скорее всего, в следующий вторник. Следите за объявлениями. edit: эти драфты также залиты на Youtube - см. ссылку в моей подписи.
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды
Очередной стрим - сегодня, в понедельник, 28 октября, в 20:00МСК.
Это Зоя настояла, благо на носу ПТК в Пензе. Кроме того, Зоя залила запись на ютуб: . Попробуем сделать это системой.
Подрафтились с Зоей в режиме "Top8 PTQ" (без рародрафта). Event #: 6169507 Time: 10/24/2013 8:04:45 PM Players: Corrupt Official RustamB Ma_3x DaoScias Manriki_Gusari Durmast19 KaneRAT KnowIdea ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Nylea's Disciple Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Leonin Snarecaster Feral Invocation Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Lagonna-Band Elder --> Vaporkin Felhide Minotaur Glare of Heresy Destructive Revelry Satyr Piper Hero's Downfall Mountain Pack 1 pick 2: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Sip of Hemlock Two-Headed Cerberus Hunt the Hunter (FOIL) Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Ray of Dissolution --> Wavecrash Triton Mogis's Marauder Arena Athlete Anthousa, Setessan Hero Plains Pack 1 pick 3: Gray Merchant of Asphodel Divine Verdict Sip of Hemlock Annul Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Time to Feed Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief --> Triton Fortune Hunter Warriors' Lesson Temple of Mystery Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Spearpoint Oread Breaching Hippocamp Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer Shredding Winds Deathbellow Raider Artisan's Sorrow Decorated Griffin Flamespeaker Adept Forest Pack 1 pick 5: Chosen by Heliod Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Ray of Dissolution --> Vaporkin Meletis Charlatan Island Pack 1 pick 6: Nessian Courser March of the Returned Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Time to Feed Blood-Toll Harpy Scholar of Athreos --> Ordeal of Purphoros Coordinated Assault Mountain Pack 1 pick 7: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Vulpine Goliath Annul --> Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Voyaging Satyr Flamecast Wheel Swamp Pack 1 pick 8: --> Nylea's Disciple Messenger's Speed Annul Yoked Ox Traveler's Amulet Spellheart Chimera Evangel of Heliod Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Stymied Hopes Thassa's Bounty Felhide Minotaur Glare of Heresy --> Destructive Revelry Satyr Piper Mountain Pack 1 pick 10: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden --> Two-Headed Cerberus Asphodel Wanderer Ray of Dissolution Plains Pack 1 pick 11: --> Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Griffin Warriors' Lesson Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Asphodel Wanderer --> Shredding Winds Decorated Griffin Forest Pack 1 pick 13: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Ray of Dissolution Island Pack 1 pick 14: --> Wild Celebrants Mountain Pack 1 pick 15: --> Swamp ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: --> Prescient Chimera Demolish Leafcrown Dryad Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Boulderfall Sedge Scorpion Vanquish the Foul Akroan Hoplite Nylea's Emissary Steam Augury Swamp Pack 2 pick 2: Nessian Asp Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Rage of Purphoros Triton Shorethief --> Sea God's Revenge Tormented Hero Prowler's Helm Swan Song Mountain Pack 2 pick 3: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Feral Invocation Returned Centaur Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal --> Voyage's End Setessan Battle Priest Karametra's Acolyte Purphoros's Emissary Dark Betrayal Plains Pack 2 pick 4: Dragon Mantle Bronze Sable Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Voyage's End Akroan Crusader --> Ordeal of Thassa Shipwreck Singer Tymaret, the Murder King Forest Pack 2 pick 5: Fleetfeather Sandals Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet --> Purphoros's Emissary Decorated Griffin Fanatic of Mogis Plains Pack 2 pick 6: March of the Returned --> Dragon Mantle Satyr Rambler Observant Alseid Scourgemark Coastline Chimera Savage Surge Disciple of Phenax Peak Eruption Forest Pack 2 pick 7: --> Gods Willing Defend the Hearth Boon of Erebos (FOIL) Shredding Winds Boulderfall Hunt the Hunter Flamecast Wheel Chained to the Rocks Forest Pack 2 pick 8: Stymied Hopes --> Ill-Tempered Cyclops Leafcrown Dryad Satyr Hedonist Last Breath Unknown Shores Sealock Monster Island Pack 2 pick 9: Demolish --> Spark Jolt Coastline Chimera Boulderfall Vanquish the Foul Akroan Hoplite Swamp Pack 2 pick 10: --> Dragon Mantle Lost in a Labyrinth Rage of Purphoros Triton Shorethief Prowler's Helm Mountain Pack 2 pick 11: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed --> Fate Foretold Dark Betrayal Plains Pack 2 pick 12: --> Bronze Sable Defend the Hearth Priest of Iroas Forest Pack 2 pick 13: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Decorated Griffin Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Peak Eruption Forest Pack 2 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Leafcrown Dryad Gods Willing Nessian Courser Yoked Ox Baleful Eidolon Annul --> Wingsteed Rider Wild Celebrants Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall Kragma Warcaller Karametra's Acolyte Witches' Eye Pyxis of Pandemonium Mountain Pack 3 pick 2: Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Nimbus Naiad Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Borderland Minotaur Scholar of Athreos Centaur Battlemaster Stoneshock Giant Ordeal of Nylea Daxos of Meletis Swamp Pack 3 pick 3: Pheres-Band Centaurs Guardians of Meletis Titan's Strength Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Wavecrash Triton Cavern Lampad Anvilwrought Raptor --> Triton Tactics Insatiable Harpy Gift of Immortality Island Pack 3 pick 4: Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Staunch-Hearted Warrior Peak Eruption --> Flamespeaker Adept Titan of Eternal Fire Island Pack 3 pick 5: Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler --> Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn Sentry of the Underworld Dark Betrayal Plains Pack 3 pick 6: Viper's Kiss Dragon Mantle --> Rage of Purphoros Satyr Hedonist Read the Bones Unknown Shores Boon of Erebos Anvilwrought Raptor Centaur Battlemaster Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals Demolish Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Two-Headed Cerberus Setessan Griffin --> Kragma Warcaller Swamp Pack 3 pick 8: Guardians of Meletis Demolish Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Rescue from the Underworld --> Gainsay Swamp Pack 3 pick 9: Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants Traveler's Amulet Boulderfall --> Kragma Warcaller Witches' Eye Mountain Pack 3 pick 10: Pheres-Band Centaurs Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Swamp Pack 3 pick 11: Pheres-Band Centaurs --> Annul Anvilwrought Raptor Gift of Immortality Island Pack 3 pick 12: Nylea's Presence Silent Artisan --> Peak Eruption Island Pack 3 pick 13: Ephara's Warden --> Lost in a Labyrinth Plains Pack 3 pick 14: --> Unknown Shores Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Swamp Колода и результат - под спойлером: Следующий стрим - в понедельник или вторник. Следите за объявлениями.
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды
Если ничего не сорвётся, в четверг в 20:00МСК - очередной стрим. О госте сообщу дополнительно. edit: в четверг (24-го октября) с нами Зоя Белова.
Сегодня забавно подрафтились. Первый драфт: Event #: 6124821 Time: 10/17/2013 8:01:43 PM Players: RustamB bourdibourdi Trax TheBrokeWizard sidro katsuJP Celamity Alaister23 ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Nylea's Disciple Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Vulpine Goliath Annul Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Voyaging Satyr Boon of Erebos Vaporkin Battlewise Hoplite Witches' Eye Insatiable Harpy --> Whip of Erebos Forest Pack 1 pick 2: --> Lightning Strike Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Voyaging Satyr Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Ray of Dissolution Purphoros's Emissary Hunt the Hunter Fanatic of Mogis Polis Crusher Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Wild Celebrants Two-Headed Cerberus Time to Feed Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Felhide Minotaur --> Ordeal of Erebos Horizon Chimera Nylea's Emissary Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Ephara's Warden Fleshmad Steed Commune with the Gods Returned Phalanx Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Pharika's Cure Borderland Minotaur Shredding Winds --> Tormented Hero Meletis Charlatan Mountain Pack 1 pick 5: Fleetfeather Sandals Unknown Shores Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Scholar of Athreos --> Disciple of Phenax Peak Eruption Glare of Heresy Dark Betrayal Forest Pack 1 pick 6: --> Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Portent of Betrayal Defend the Hearth Crackling Triton Scholar of Athreos Triton Shorethief Ordeal of Heliod Hunt the Hunter Forest Pack 1 pick 7: Lash of the Whip Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Traveling Philosopher Two-Headed Cerberus Boon of Erebos Tormented Hero --> Rageblood Shaman Forest Pack 1 pick 8: Mnemonic Wall Viper's Kiss Asphodel Wanderer Titan's Strength Sedge Scorpion --> Coordinated Assault Spellheart Chimera Plains Pack 1 pick 9: --> Lash of the Whip Messenger's Speed Vulpine Goliath Annul Yoked Ox Witches' Eye Forest Pack 1 pick 10: Yoked Ox --> Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant Ray of Dissolution Hunt the Hunter Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: Messenger's Speed --> Mnemonic Wall Wild Celebrants Asphodel Wanderer Forest Pack 1 pick 12: --> Fleshmad Steed Commune with the Gods Lost in a Labyrinth Mountain Pack 1 pick 13: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Commune with the Gods Forest Pack 1 pick 14: --> Defend the Hearth Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Forest ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Minotaur Skullcleaver Nimbus Naiad Commune with the Gods Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Triton Shorethief Voyage's End Vanquish the Foul Akroan Hoplite Flamespeaker Adept --> Elspeth, Sun's Champion Island Pack 2 pick 2: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Sip of Hemlock Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera --> Pharika's Cure Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn Rescue from the Underworld Gainsay Steam Augury Plains Pack 2 pick 3: --> Hundred-Handed One (FOIL) Pheres-Band Centaurs Nylea's Presence Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Cutthroat Maneuver Soldier of the Pantheon Swamp Pack 2 pick 4: Minotaur Skullcleaver --> Battlewise Valor Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Scourgemark Sedge Scorpion Boon of Erebos Peak Eruption Decorated Griffin Fanatic of Mogis Gift of Immortality Mountain Pack 2 pick 5: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Satyr Rambler Pheres-Band Centaurs (FOIL) Scourgemark Shredding Winds --> Deathbellow Raider Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Fleetfeather Sandals Guardians of Meletis Wild Celebrants Benthic Giant --> Traveling Philosopher Boulderfall Savage Surge Sealock Monster Ordeal of Nylea Island Pack 2 pick 7: Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed Yoked Ox --> Akroan Crusader (FOIL) Benthic Giant Akroan Crusader Horizon Chimera Flamecast Wheel Plains Pack 2 pick 8: Sip of Hemlock Priest of Iroas Read the Bones Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth --> Akroan Crusader Setessan Griffin Mountain Pack 2 pick 9: Pheres-Band Centaurs Commune with the Gods Spark Jolt Triton Shorethief Vanquish the Foul --> Flamespeaker Adept Island Pack 2 pick 10: Bronze Sable Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth --> Opaline Unicorn Gainsay Plains Pack 2 pick 11: Pheres-Band Centaurs Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty --> Deathbellow Raider Swamp Pack 2 pick 12: --> Scourgemark Peak Eruption Decorated Griffin Mountain Pack 2 pick 13: Loathsome Catoblepas --> Nylea's Presence Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Boulderfall Island Pack 2 pick 15: --> Plains ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Leafcrown Dryad Asphodel Wanderer Breaching Hippocamp Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Ray of Dissolution Vaporkin Kragma Warcaller Triton Tactics Sentry of the Underworld --> Thoughtseize Island Pack 3 pick 2: Ill-Tempered Cyclops Guardians of Meletis Battlewise Valor Asphodel Wanderer Wingsteed Rider Two-Headed Cerberus Vulpine Goliath Annul Voyage's End Akroan Crusader Nemesis of Mortals --> Burnished Hart Sealock Monster Plains Pack 3 pick 3: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Read the Bones Last Breath Vanquish the Foul (FOIL) Crackling Triton Portent of Betrayal Staunch-Hearted Warrior --> Ordeal of Heliod Centaur Battlemaster Erebos's Emissary Island Pack 3 pick 4: Prescient Chimera Demolish Leafcrown Dryad Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Silent Artisan Setessan Battle Priest --> Deathbellow Raider Flamecast Wheel Swamp Pack 3 pick 5: Battlewise Valor Pharika's Mender (FOIL) Omenspeaker March of the Returned Two-Headed Cerberus Aqueous Form Silent Artisan Ray of Dissolution --> Kragma Warcaller Favored Hoplite Swamp Pack 3 pick 6: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Observant Alseid --> Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Destructive Revelry Prowler's Helm Mountain Pack 3 pick 7: March of the Returned Leonin Snarecaster Fate Foretold Thassa's Bounty Savage Surge Setessan Griffin --> Glare of Heresy Destructive Revelry Mountain Pack 3 pick 8: Loathsome Catoblepas March of the Returned Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn --> Akroan Hoplite Island Pack 3 pick 9: Stymied Hopes Asphodel Wanderer Silent Artisan Traveling Philosopher Ray of Dissolution --> Sentry of the Underworld Island Pack 3 pick 10: Asphodel Wanderer Vulpine Goliath Annul --> Akroan Crusader Sealock Monster Plains Pack 3 pick 11: Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas --> Vanquish the Foul (FOIL) Island Pack 3 pick 12: --> Demolish Benthic Giant Silent Artisan Swamp Pack 3 pick 13: --> Pharika's Mender (FOIL) Silent Artisan Swamp Pack 3 pick 14: --> Stymied Hopes Mountain Pack 3 pick 15: --> Mountain Колода и результат - под спойлером. Второй драфт: Event #: 6125063 Time: 10/17/2013 8:56:05 PM Players: RustamB foolio1717 sim213 brokefish toemmes dirtyapes _InfiniteDamage_ lesmill ------ THS ------ Pack 1 pick 1: Sip of Hemlock Stymied Hopes Ill-Tempered Cyclops Silent Artisan Titan's Strength Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Blood-Toll Harpy Setessan Griffin Triton Shorethief Anvilwrought Raptor Pharika's Mender --> Dauntless Onslaught Pyxis of Pandemonium Swamp Pack 1 pick 2: Minotaur Skullcleaver Chosen by Heliod Mnemonic Wall Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Commune with the Gods (FOIL) Rage of Purphoros Feral Invocation Voyage's End Akroan Crusader Ordeal of Purphoros --> Ordeal of Thassa Triad of Fates Swamp Pack 1 pick 3: Fleshmad Steed Cavalry Pegasus Nylea's Disciple Agent of Horizons Fade into Antiquity Ray of Dissolution (FOIL) --> Observant Alseid Scourgemark Boon of Erebos Chronicler of Heroes Insatiable Harpy Arena Athlete Forest Pack 1 pick 4: Nylea's Disciple Vulpine Goliath Asphodel Wanderer --> Prescient Chimera (FOIL) Titan's Strength Akroan Crusader Setessan Griffin Gainsay Satyr Piper Decorated Griffin Temple of Deceit Plains Pack 1 pick 5: --> Omenspeaker March of the Returned Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Thassa's Bounty Lost in a Labyrinth Borderland Minotaur Shredding Winds Tormented Hero Steam Augury Mountain Pack 1 pick 6: --> Battlewise Valor Viper's Kiss Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Wild Celebrants Savage Surge Setessan Griffin Vanquish the Foul Flamecast Wheel Forest Pack 1 pick 7: --> Minotaur Skullcleaver Unknown Shores Portent of Betrayal Commune with the Gods Boulderfall Savage Surge Prowler's Helm Psychic Intrusion Island Pack 1 pick 8: Cavalry Pegasus Loathsome Catoblepas Nylea's Presence Fleetfeather Sandals Benthic Giant Setessan Battle Priest --> Akroan Hoplite Mountain Pack 1 pick 9: Stymied Hopes Silent Artisan --> Traveling Philosopher Yoked Ox Setessan Griffin Pyxis of Pandemonium Swamp Pack 1 pick 10: --> Chosen by Heliod Lagonna-Band Elder Lost in a Labyrinth Commune with the Gods (FOIL) Akroan Crusader Swamp Pack 1 pick 11: Fleshmad Steed Fade into Antiquity --> Ray of Dissolution (FOIL) Scourgemark Forest Pack 1 pick 12: Asphodel Wanderer --> Setessan Griffin Satyr Piper Plains Pack 1 pick 13: --> Priest of Iroas Shredding Winds Mountain Pack 1 pick 14: --> Flamecast Wheel Forest Pack 1 pick 15: --> Island ------ THS ------ Pack 2 pick 1: Nessian Asp Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Last Breath Scourgemark --> Griptide Sedge Scorpion Boon of Erebos Sea God's Revenge Magma Jet Warriors' Lesson Meletis Charlatan Island Pack 2 pick 2: Viper's Kiss Lightning Strike Pheres-Band Centaurs Divine Verdict Returned Centaur --> Hopeful Eidolon Fate Foretold Portent of Betrayal Savage Surge Opaline Unicorn Nemesis of Mortals Evangel of Heliod Fanatic of Mogis Mountain Pack 2 pick 3: Messenger's Speed Mnemonic Wall Cavalry Pegasus Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Boulderfall Setessan Battle Priest --> Dissolve Burnished Hart Arena Athlete Swamp Pack 2 pick 4: Demolish --> Gods Willing Defend the Hearth Agent of Horizons Spark Jolt Last Breath Staunch-Hearted Warrior Borderland Minotaur Peak Eruption Satyr Piper Temple of Triumph Forest Pack 2 pick 5: Dragon Mantle Omenspeaker Gray Merchant of Asphodel Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Griptide Commune with the Gods Disciple of Phenax --> Wavecrash Triton Shipwreck Singer Plains Pack 2 pick 6: Sip of Hemlock Bronze Sable Messenger's Speed --> Mnemonic Wall Titan's Strength Yoked Ox Voyaging Satyr Boon of Erebos Burnished Hart Swamp Pack 2 pick 7: Bronze Sable --> Ephara's Warden Stymied Hopes Unknown Shores Asphodel Wanderer Cavern Lampad Sedge Scorpion Horizon Chimera Island Pack 2 pick 8: March of the Returned --> Dragon Mantle Wild Celebrants Asphodel Wanderer Deathbellow Raider Borderland Minotaur Psychic Intrusion Plains Pack 2 pick 9: Bronze Sable Ephara's Warden --> Crackling Triton Spark Jolt Scourgemark Boon of Erebos Island Pack 2 pick 10: Viper's Kiss Pheres-Band Centaurs Portent of Betrayal Savage Surge --> Evangel of Heliod Mountain Pack 2 pick 11: Messenger's Speed --> Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Boulderfall Swamp Pack 2 pick 12: Demolish --> Defend the Hearth Peak Eruption Forest Pack 2 pick 13: --> Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Plains Pack 2 pick 14: --> Messenger's Speed Swamp Pack 2 pick 15: --> Island ------ THS ------ Pack 3 pick 1: Nessian Courser March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Baleful Eidolon Benthic Giant Annul Traveling Philosopher Wild Celebrants Boon of Erebos Vaporkin Magma Jet Erebos's Emissary --> Triton Fortune Hunter Colossus of Akros Plains Pack 3 pick 2: Messenger's Speed Gods Willing Gray Merchant of Asphodel Coastline Chimera Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Wavecrash Triton Opaline Unicorn --> Phalanx Leader Ordeal of Purphoros Nylea's Emissary Anax and Cymede Island Pack 3 pick 3: Stymied Hopes Minotaur Skullcleaver Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Wavecrash Triton (FOIL) Satyr Rambler Traveler's Amulet Akroan Crusader --> Ordeal of Thassa Sentry of the Underworld Dark Betrayal Gift of Immortality Island Pack 3 pick 4: Loathsome Catoblepas Fleetfeather Sandals Priest of Iroas Fade into Antiquity Returned Centaur Commune with the Gods Scholar of Athreos Disciple of Phenax --> Battlewise Hoplite Gainsay Satyr Piper Forest Pack 3 pick 5: Lash of the Whip --> Hopeful Eidolon Spark Jolt Returned Phalanx Coastline Chimera Pharika's Cure Savage Surge Glare of Heresy Destructive Revelry Witches' Eye Island Pack 3 pick 6: Loathsome Catoblepas Omenspeaker March of the Returned Silent Artisan Boon of Erebos Vanquish the Foul Favored Hoplite Coordinated Assault --> Daxos of Meletis Forest Pack 3 pick 7: Stymied Hopes Nessian Courser Lash of the Whip Last Breath Setessan Battle Priest Traveler's Amulet Artisan's Sorrow --> Heliod's Emissary Plains Pack 3 pick 8: March of the Returned Dragon Mantle Scourgemark Satyr Hedonist --> Leonin Snarecaster Scholar of Athreos Triton Shorethief Plains Pack 3 pick 9: Nessian Courser March of the Returned --> Benthic Giant Traveling Philosopher Boon of Erebos Colossus of Akros Plains Pack 3 pick 10: Messenger's Speed --> Gods Willing Defend the Hearth Leonin Snarecaster Priest of Iroas Island Pack 3 pick 11: --> Lost in a Labyrinth Agent of Horizons Satyr Rambler Traveler's Amulet Island Pack 3 pick 12: --> Fleetfeather Sandals Scholar of Athreos Satyr Piper Forest Pack 3 pick 13: --> Destructive Revelry Witches' Eye Island Pack 3 pick 14: --> Silent Artisan Forest Pack 3 pick 15: --> Plains Что из этого вышло: Как всегда, подробности - в записи стрима. Запись ищем по ссылке в моей подписи.
Из альбома: Драфтовые колоды