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Maxim Nazarenko

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Все публикации пользователя Maxim Nazarenko

  1. На почте любят задавать лишние вопросы и навязывать ненужные услуги.
  2. Верно. https://www.twitch.tv/pajabol https://www.twitch.tv/spyro_za https://www.twitch.tv/bushr https://www.twitch.tv/kungfoorabbit
  3. https://challonge.com/ru/KKoronaClassic https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aGTfIdqUj1ws27leMQhpJ-30G7KS4AeH
  4. Статистика за 19 марта 2020 года. ST > SY > MO > SK > NR > NG
  5. У меня есть только следующая информация - необходимо нажать кнопку "back" (треугольник) в основном меню, чтобы выйти.
  6. https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/32305/update-5-2-9-is-now-available - новый патч.
  7. Вчера прошёл первый день отборочных на новый Open. https://cdpr.challonge.com/ru/online_qualifier_march1 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1G9K1NiFgHSG7RK1g4EQxK7fv5lMyr8Va - колоды.
  8. Merchants of Novigrad Leek list. Internal/Roadmap April 2nd is patch day. They are trying to rework the partner program due to the lack of Gwent team manpower so it will be more meaningful for partners. Also regarding the partner program - they don’t want to include partners in the PTR for expansions any more, due to expansion cards being leaked in the past and that partners don’t contribute enough in the PTR for the risk of cards getting leaked. However Gwent partners will still have a part in the reveal campaigns in the next expansions. Road map update. 2 expansions rest of year. 1 taking place in the summer and 1 taking place in the winter. Jason claims the current expansion philosophy is to ship out the expansions super polished. Quote "taking a more methodical approach." Jason claims "They are not downsizing or falling apart". Another reason why the expansions are going down is because it allows the team to work on other projects. Something called "Special" is coming out later this year. Has never been done before and it's "Really exciting to work on.". (My guess is an auto-chess or Tournament mode.) Arena rework is still incoming. Trying to get a more intuitive UI with numbers and figures updating (an example would be for the Lined Pockets or Hidden Cache abilities) Cards 2 or 3 Scoia'tael cards will be changed that are not Dwarves. Skellige cards will have a few changes as well. New card word Initiative will be added to Scorch and Geralt: Igni. Said keyword is designed that the card will be more powerful if it is the first thing you do in the round (no more non-interactive pings from orders). Potential new Wild Hunt cards incoming in the next expansion. A Bribery nerf that is/was considered that bronze duplicates would account into the odds of showing up in the create pool. They do not consider Bomb Heaver a problem card at the moment. They are willing to change their minds, if the data shows Bomb Heaver is more oppressive. They are considering in the second half of September between the expansions, returning leader card arts (old leader abilities become cards in the game?). Bear Abomination power will be changed from 5 to 6. New resilience ability on a card again. Barclay Els may have been changed. Zoltan Chivay has been changed. Specific Card re-work leaks Pyrotechnician 3 strength 4 provisions Zeal. Order: Destroy an allied artifact and damage a unit by 2. Cooldown: 2. will be changed to. 4 strength 4 provisions Order: Damage a random enemy unit and self by 4 Yarpen Zigrin 3 strength 8 provisions Every allied turn, on turn end, if there are no allied units on the battlefield, boost self by 3. will be changed to. 5 strength 9 provisions Deploy: Damage an enemy unit by 3 Barricade: at end of turn lose armor and boost self by that much Future ST Design philosophy. Dryads focus will be on Harmony (Jason also noted that they will be "Exploring Dryad Archetypes" and didn't want to elaborate past that). Dwarves focus will be on resilience and armor "tough guys" (dwarves are also getting reworks +buffs). Elves focus will be to deal damage. New leader abilities. (SK) Blaze of Glory 15 provisions Order: Move a Skellige unit from your deck to graveyard, then damage an enemy by its power. (SY) Hidden Cache 15 provisions Order: Gain 3 Coins. On round start, refresh this ability. Your Hoards require 3 less Coins to trigger. (NG) Imposter 13 provisions Order: Lock an enemy unit, then Spawn its base copy in the opposite row and boost it by 2. (ST) Mahakam Forge 15 provisions Order: Spawn and play Tempering. All Dwarves in your starting deck get 1 Armor. (MO) Overwhelming Hunger 13 provisions Order: Destroy an allied unit, then Spawn an Ekimmara in its row and boost it by destroyed unit's power. Charge: 3 (NR) Uprising 14 provisions Order: Boost an allied unit by 1. Charge: 4 Once all Charges are used up, Spawn and play Lyrian Scytheman. Final Notes. The Balance team has tried to get patch notes a day before the patch but due to translation issues, it proves to be harder than originally anticipated. A twitch question was asked if there a seasonal mode of "Classic Gwent" where there is no provision limits in decks is planned. Jason answered that was something he always wanted to do, but wasn't planned this year and wants it to be special and not seem like it was "sneezed" out. They also talked about the result of the ‘should we continue controller support’ poll. And the polls most likely indicate that support will be continued.
  9. 1. В этом году будет два новых издания - летом и зимой. 2. В следующем издании/сете, возможно, будет Wild Hunt (Дикая Охота). 3. Scorch и Geralt: Igni будут переделаны в следующем патче. 4. В апрельском патче также будут новые способности лидеров.
  10. https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/32293/flaming-pack-bundle - новый набор. https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/poland/warsaw https://www.twitch.tv/weissenberg - начнётся через пару минут.
  11. Milling/перемолку сделали автоматической. То есть при входе в Deck Builder, все повторки mill'ятся. Потом это изменение убрали до следующего патча. На данный момент можно перемалывать вручную. https://support.cdprojektred.com/en/gwent/pc - неоднократно отправлял запросы об ошибках различного сорта, ни разу не возникало проблем. Есть куча разных категорий.
  12. https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/23319440 - новый патч. https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/23324071 - новое издание. https://playhearthstone.com/en-us/blog/23319441 - год Феникса.
  13. Лучше всего собрать список отсутствующих карт, потом у каждой карты посмотреть сеты/редакции - по фильтру или кликая каждую карту отдельно и смотреть иконку вверху справа (в одной строке с названием). После этого выбрать сет, из которого больше всего не хватает карт и начать вскрывать. С маленьких сетов bronze карты будут очень быстро наполняться.
  14. Новые Snapshot'ы. Не самые точные, да и листы неоптимизированные, но лучше, чем ничего: https://teamelderblood.com/meta-snapshot/ http://www.escardgaming.it/snapshot-2-eng/
  15. https://www.gog.com/game/thronebreaker_the_witcher_tales - 50% скидка на Thronebreaker.
  16. https://twitter.com/GWENTMasters/status/1239582267246350336 Important update: We’re constantly monitoring the COVID-19 situation worldwide. With how things are right now, we’ve decided to move the upcoming GWENT Open #1 tournament from April to May. Online Qualifiers won't be affected by this change.
  17. Сомневаюсь, что можно сделать точные выводы о засилье двух конкретных фракций всего за два дня игры.
  18. Что значит из двух? На какой статистике/выборке основан данный вывод? Если брать частоту в top-200 Pro Ladder, то там: 19.6% - NG 19.5% - ST 19.4% - MO 16.6% - SY 14.2% - SK 10.8% - NR Winrate: 53.2% - ST 52.6% - SY 52.2% - MO 48.2% - NR 48.1% - SK 45.6% - NG
  19. https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/32116/faction-challenge-classic In this month’s challenge, you will be choosing from one of the 6 factions in GWENT: The Witcher Card Game. Faction whose supporters complete the most quests during the challenge will claim victory, granting benefits to all players for a limited time: +10% bonus XP when playing as the top 2 factions +35% bonus XP when playing the third and fourth place faction +75% bonus XP when playing the 5th and sixth faction The Challenge will last until March 13, 2020 at noon CET.
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