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Все публикации пользователя Maxim Nazarenko
Список текущих визуальных багов в Гвинте. -- The start screen displays an inappropriate mosaic for the ranking level (and also often in player's profile). -- On the main game screen, when returning from the "submenu", the Arena mode selection card turns gray (but it is active). -- On the profile screen, the size of frame/avatar is reduced (to see the normal size change frame/avatar to some other). -- The player's title is all uppercase. -- After the fight is over the game selection mode always resets to the classic one (it's annoying if someone wants to play only seasonal mode). -- The first time you enter the Reward Book all year tabs are marked with the same symbol, crown. -- The first time you enter the Deck Builder the prestige pennant is displayed incorrectly. -- Anna Henrietta's fan is not visible on the screen before the fight presenting the commanders. -- Incorrect display of the extra 14 daily crowns after every daily reset. -- Graphics showing the levels on the screen after a match often have green arrows indicating a bonus but the bonus is not there. -- The player's avatar in the main menu / before the fight / during the fight is sometimes strongly shifted to the very corner of the screen. -- In the Deck Builder, the cards in the deck on the left are sometimes represented by incorrect graphics. -- Units with the Veteran ability viewed in the graveyard / deck do not show their current strength value in R2 / R3. -- Cards already obtained / discovered during the journey often after restarting the game, return to the "mystery card" status. -- Sometimes after entering the player's profile from the post-match screen, you can see the wrong graphics of experience levels / prestige / travel. -- The seasonal mode check mark on that mode selector card appears and disappears as the card rotates. -- Gernichora, Cleaver, Junior, and the King of Beggars trees on the Year of the Boar tab have points obscured by visuals. -- The points belonging to the Boar Year tree are located next to the Sigismund Dijkstra tree. -- Information that the weekly limit has been reached incorrectly informs that the limit is renewed on Thursdays. -- Premium cards do not display their animations. Заметки о новом патче с последнего стрима. Oneiromancy provision change from 12 to 13. Iron Falcon Knife Juggler power from 1 to 2. Highwaymen power from 3 to 4. Ciri ability changed from damage 3 random enemies to damage 3 enemies. Monsters: Ethereal ability changed to Zeal, Order: Transform the unit to the right to base copy of self. Auberon King - 12 provisions, 5 power. Alpha Werewolf power from 5 to 6. Caranthir provision from 8 to 9. Wild Hunt Rider power from 3 to 4. Arachas Behemoth power from 2 to 3. Foglet power from 3 to 4. Death's Shadow is gone. Carapace changed to: Boost allied unit by 3 and give it Veil, 3 charges. New: Force of Nature: Spawn and play Woodland Spirit. (9 power Relict, no ability). 15 provisions. New: White Frost: Move enemy unit to other row and spawn Frost on its row for 2 turns. 2 charges, 15 provisions. Skellige: Holger Blackhand - added Deploy: damage a unit by 2. Brokvar Hunter - added whenever you play a Beast, reduce cooldown by 1. An Craite Greatsword - 10 power, Deploy: Damage self by 5, whenever an enemy takes damage, Heal self by 1. Harald an Craite - 12 provisions, 5 power. Tyrrgvi provision from 11 to 10. Blood Eagle provision from 11 to 12. Birna and Skirmisher both get 1 more power. Sacrificial Vanguard is gone. New: Battle Trance: Spawn and play Mardroeme. Whenever you play an Alchemy card, heal a random ally by 1. 16 provisions. New: Rage of the Sea: Spawn Rain on an enemy row for 1 turn and spawn Deafening Siren on opposite row. 3 charges, 14 provisions. Northern Realms: Siege Master - changed to Order: Boost an ally by 2. Power changed to 4. Rivian Pikeman changed to Order: Damage an enemy by 2. Power changed to 4. Viscious Slash is gone. New: Shieldwall - Boost an allied unit by 2 and give it a shield. Charge 3. (Basically Carapace). 14 provisions. Pincer Maneuver changed to: Draw a NR card of your choice, then shuffle a card from your card to your deck. If the drawn card was a unit, boost it by 5. 15 provisions. Mobilization changed to: Spawn a base copy of a bronze allied Soldier on its row and boost it by 3. Scoia'tael: Harmony back like it was before the nerf. Zoltan's Company changed to Spawn 3 Rowdy Dwarves on an allied row, if you control Zoltan (any Zoltan card) give 1 armor to all dwarves on that row. Vrihedd Brigade changed from damage a random enemy by 2 to damage enemy by 2. Duen Canell Guardian power changed from 3 to 4, Deploy changed to Order. Mahakam Volunteers power changed from 3 to 4, ability is no longer row restricted (if you control a Dwarf, summon all copies from deck). Eithne provisions changed from 11 to 12. Dol Blathanna Sentry added 1 armor. Dwarven Chariot power from 3 to 4. Dol Blathanna Bomber power from 1 to 2. Mystic Echo is gone. New: Nature's Gift: Symbiosis. Order: Give an allied unit Vitality (2). Charge: 3. 16 provisions. Call of Harmony changed to: Spawn and play Dana Meadbh (6 power relict with Harmony). Guerilla Tactics provisions changed from 15 to 16. Nilfgaard: Impera Brigade power changed from 3 to 4, ability changed to: If you control a Soldier, summon all copies from deck to this row. Nauzicaa Brigade changed to Deploy: damage enemy unit by 1, if it was boosted, damage it by 3. Braathens power from 4 to 3. Battle Preparation gives 1 more boost. Vincent power from 5 to 3, provision from 11 to 10 (!!!). Usurper provisions from 11 to 12. Ffion power from 2 to 1. Hunting Pack power from 3 to 4. Hefty Helge, Fire Scorpion etc. now have Siege Engine tag. Strategic Withdrawal is gone. New: Imprisonment - Lock an enemy unit and damage it by 3. Charge 2, 15 provisions. Tactical Decision changed to: Spawn and play Morvran Voorhis (6 power Human Soldier, Deploy: Draw up to 3 cards, then put the same number of cards from your hand on top of your deck). Imperial Formation - charges changed from 4 to 3, provisions changed from 15 to 16. Syndicate: Sacred Flame changed to Deploy: Spawn Firesworn Zealot on both sides of this card, order: boost all Firesworn units by 1. Ewald and Horst changed to no profit, Deploy instead of Fee. Whoreson's Freak Show power changed from 5 to 4, ability changed to Profit 2, Fee 2 (Melee): Damage an enemy unit by 2. (basically old Ewald, no more infinite Yoanna loops in Arena). Cleric of the Flaming Rose now has Cleric tag (finally!). Wild Card is gone. New: Pirate's Cove - Spawn a Sea Jackal on an allied row and gain 4 coins. 15 provisions. Other: New Board coming out (with a trailer), "some of you might guess what it is". Quality of life changes, contract bug fixes etc. "Planning something big, no spoilers though". Колоды с Open 3.
https://www.teamelderblood.com/meta-snapshot/ - 28 августа. https://gwent.one/en/ - audio data. https://www.omegascopio.com.br/artigos/jason-slama-gwents-director-comments-about-competitive-scenario-and-more-gwent-the-witcher-cardagmeing/ http://www.mlakuss.eu/trendygwentleman/journey/ - Journey calculator.
https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/36035/open-3-is-coming-this-weekend https://www.twitch.tv/cdprojektred
Отборочные: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ej_mo4xIALq-lP-En9iDaVmME7XdmlIg - колоды первого дня. https://cdpr.challonge.com/pl/online_qualifier2_augustA - bracket. https://tournaments.playgwent.com/tournament/2156/participants - колоды второго дня. Meta Snapshot: https://teamleviathangaming.com/meta/ - Team Leviathan Gaming 23 августа. https://teamelderblood.com/meta-snapshot/ - Team Elder Blood 17 августа. https://www.teamnova.site/en/meta-snapshot-2-en/ - Team Nova 18 августа. https://www.escardgaming.it/snapshot-5-eng/ - ESC Card Gaming (неактуально). https://www.iyingdi.com/web/article/search/105939 - китайский.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ej_mo4xIALq-lP-En9iDaVmME7XdmlIg - колоды. https://cdpr.challonge.com/pl/online_qualifier2_augustA - bracket. Комментаторы: https://www.twitch.tv/kungfoorabbit Игроки: https://www.twitch.tv/spyro_za https://www.twitch.tv/tailbot https://www.twitch.tv/shaggyccg https://www.twitch.tv/gravesh https://www.twitch.tv/magpie131 https://www.twitch.tv/pawloex https://www.twitch.tv/hankook7
https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/hearthstone/23494815/18-0-2-patch-notes - patch 18.0.2.
Здесь уже были деклисты с квалификации от zeliboba, оставлю ещё в таком формате, вместе с brackets: https://tournaments.playgwent.com/tournament/1391/participants https://tournaments.playgwent.com/tournament/1391/brackets
https://www.teamelderblood.com/meta-snapshot/ - Team Elderblood meta snapshot №6.
https://teamleviathangaming.com/meta/ - Team Leviathan meta report №17.
Да, они отказались от поддержки PlayStation 4 и Xbox, это было крайне правильное решение. Там было большое окно для переноса - с 09 декабря 2019 по 09 июня 2020 года.
Не совсем понял суть вопроса. https://www.playgwent.com/ru/news/31111/vazhnoe-soobshchenie-o-budushchem-gvinta-na-konsoliakh - надеюсь, эта статья поможет.
https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/35971/journey-1-story - полная история первого Journey. https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/35995/gwent-champions-demarcation - интервью с Demarcation. Небольшой Meta Snapshot на начало сезона. Вероятнее всего Skellige, Northern Realms, Monsters останутся топ фракциями, но Syndicate будет заменён на Nilfgaard. Skellige 21-3-1 - https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/97524064b24f03796dcdf1e7380fb7b6 Northern Realms 21-4-0 - https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/5717261b132e98b60bd7264d45f40e84 Monsters 17-8-0 - https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/6692eee40c602764b3e1e4948763baa6 Syndicate 16-9-0 - https://www.playgwent.com/en/decks/9111f20e6d21942081be663ece709aee
https://www.playgwent.com/en/news/35890/update-7-1-patchnotes - патч 7.1.
https://forums.cdprojektred.com/index.php?threads/upcoming-changes-for-the-next-journey.11034938/ - Upcoming changes for the next journey.
Могут такие переиздать: 83/84 - Demonic Tutor. 188 - Worldly Tutor. Но они скорее всего захотят переиздать сразу все из цикла в одном сете. 312 - Cabal Coffers ещё возможен. 323 - может быть Mutavault или Mikokoro, Center of the Sea.
https://teamleviathangaming.com/meta/ - обновление.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YGFPBSHu-rmZKgFGEHdl07xSiid4qIYB https://cdpr.challonge.com/ru/online_qualifier2_julyA https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vMOfOWoctcjIUOWSsjtT25cvLRndtAo9 https://cdpr.challonge.com/ru/online_qualifier2_julyB
Предположу, что 96 будет Liliana of the Veil или Imperial Seal. Хотя Imperial Seal маловероятно, оставят на какой-нибудь VIP. 44 - Brainstorm. 62 и 63 - Ponder и Preordain. 312 - может быть Cabal Coffers.
https://teamelderblood.com/meta-snapshot - update 2020.07.24. https://teamlegacy.org/2020/07/24/season-of-the-griffin-midseason-faction-stats/