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  • День рождения 02.01.1994


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    Г. Санкт-Петербург
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    Ахмеров Никита Вадимович

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  1. У дракона арт шикарный
  2. Instant Convoke Choose on or both: -Couter target spell. -Draw two cards, then discard a card.
  3. @ArKan Начал с простого: - Get a magic: the gathering deck for modern Ответ: There are many possible ways to build a Modern deck for Magic: The Gathering, as the format allows cards from many different sets and expansions. The specific deck that you should build will depend on your preferred playstyle, budget, and available cards. However, as a general recommendation, some of the top-tier Modern decks currently include: Eldrazi Tron Burn Jund Amulet Titan Humans Death's Shadow Mono-Green Tron Affinity Merfolk You can find decklists and resources for these and other Modern decks on websites such as MTGGoldfish, MTGTop8, and Channel Fireball. Keep in mind that these decks can be expensive to build, especially if you opt for rare or mythic rare cards, so it's a good idea to research prices and availability before committing to a deck. -Get an example of Humans modern deck Ответ: Sure, here's an example of a Modern Humans decklist: Main Deck: 4 Champion of the Parish 4 Thalia's Lieutenant 4 Kitesail Freebooter 4 Meddling Mage 4 Phantasmal Image 4 Mantis Rider 4 Noble Hierarch 4 Aether Vial 4 Path to Exile 4 Unclaimed Territory 4 Ancient Ziggurat 4 Horizon Canopy 1 Seachrome Coast 1 Hallowed Fountain 1 Plains 1 Island Sideboard: 2 Izzet Staticaster 2 Grafdigger's Cage 2 Dismember 2 Damping Sphere 2 Sin Collector 2 Reflector Mage 2 Rest in Peace 1 Kataki, War's Wage This deck aims to play a fast, aggressive game with efficient creatures that get bigger as the game progresses. Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant are early drops that can quickly become very large, while Kitesail Freebooter and Meddling Mage disrupt the opponent's game plan by removing key cards from their hand. Phantasmal Image can copy any creature on the battlefield, including an opponent's creature or one of your own powerful Humans, such as Mantis Rider. Aether Vial is a key card in the deck, allowing you to cheat creatures into play at instant speed and bypass the opponent's removal spells. Noble Hierarch provides additional mana and exalted triggers, while Path to Exile deals with problematic creatures. The sideboard includes a mix of hate cards to deal with various matchups, such as Izzet Staticaster for small creature decks, Grafdigger's Cage for graveyard-based strategies, and Rest in Peace for graveyard combo decks. Overall, Humans is a versatile and powerful Modern deck that can win through combat damage or disruption, depending on the situation. Вроде норм - нейросеть дала дек лист и даже объяснила как играть. Только вот в основном листе 52 карты. -Rebuild main deck to contain 60 cards Ответ: Sure, here's the same Modern Humans decklist with 60 cards in the main deck: Creatures (36): 4 Champion of the Parish 4 Thalia's Lieutenant 4 Kitesail Freebooter 4 Meddling Mage 4 Phantasmal Image 4 Mantis Rider 4 Noble Hierarch 4 Reflector Mage 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben 2 Deputy of Detention Spells (4): 4 Path to Exile Lands (20): 4 Unclaimed Territory 4 Ancient Ziggurat 4 Horizon Canopy 3 Seachrome Coast 3 Cavern of Souls 1 Hallowed Fountain 1 Plains This deck still features the same core strategy of playing efficient and powerful Humans creatures, but with a tighter 60-card decklist. Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant are your early threats that can grow out of control, while Kitesail Freebooter and Meddling Mage disrupt your opponent's hand and game plan. Mantis Rider and Reflector Mage provide powerful mid-game threats, while Thalia, Guardian of Thraben can slow down your opponent's noncreature spells. Deputy of Detention is a new addition that provides more removal and disruption options. Path to Exile is your main removal spell, while the mana base includes Unclaimed Territory and Ancient Ziggurat to help you cast your creatures and Horizon Canopy for card draw. Cavern of Souls can help you play around counterspells and make your creatures uncounterable, while Seachrome Coast and Hallowed Fountain provide additional color fixing. Overall, this 60-card version of the deck should be more consistent and focused than the previous version, while still retaining the same aggressive and disruptive game plan. Нейросеть опять дает дек-лист и рассказывает что и зачем, НО! - она посчитала, что в листе 36 существ, хотя их 38, и теперь у нас в мейне 62 карты вместо 60. Дек-лист https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/5407595 PS: сеть работает с данными до 2021 года, Modern Horizons 2 released on June 18, 2021 Пишите, что еще спросить. Извиняюсь, что не спрятал все под катами
  4. Может если мы будем игнорировать тебя, ты перестанешь писать чушь?
  5. Мне одному кажется, что это просто очень тонкий троллинг?
  6. Точь-в-точь такая же ситуация с этим трейдером
  7. СвежийЧеловек - красава, продал два крипта за два дня👍 Ну и что, что фото одинаковое TOPTrade — аукцион на лот Mana Crypt NM Double Masters (topdeck.ru) TOPTrade — аукцион на лот Mana Crypt NM Double Masters (topdeck.ru)
  8. Я дико извиняюсь, возможно моя юность прошла как-то иначе от среднестатистического человека с этого форума, но никого не смутило, что "18-ти летний пацан" может спокойно потратить 56к на новую колоду в модерн? 😕
  9. @TaBrus так может стоит их, прости Господи, просто купить?
  10. Ничего не скажу про деку, но вот это тебе точно нужно https://ru-wikipedia-org.turbopages.org/ru.wikipedia.org/s/wiki/Знаки_препинания?turbo_uid=AABxO2NjJMFDnrU8SaYYlUJX1dqGdrF_9voFfSKppZz7lTHePZ7q5Et0zfOLSZ02g67tFfXIrvJW0W0p5QYgprwPErBgD1kQCFDsumz2jR7xws0a&turbo_ic=AADUbf-hi2IgPLnkGOV0Yut_pLZty5iQyDqf9OEizGv-nFVOpc3Euy64yTNexiokRO0xqYLpiceVNNlccjPGMfKEoQP_uyqQ5HXvj3Zq5evP6-U0&sign=4ac74b1e4791140aa26275b010d2a47200d7120a1ba4fc6619a58ed0234a31fe%3A1627460548&parent-reqid=1627460548512833-16075743392484752893-sas2-0724-sas-l7-balancer-8080-BAL-1499&trbsrc=wb
  11. https://topdeck.ru/apps/toptrade/auctions/213812 Результатов аукциона ещё нет, а обсудить уже хочется
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