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Event #: 9625310

Time: 23.04.2016 22:02:43



--> Psycho8








--: Sorin, Grim Nemesis


--: Sorin, Grim Nemesis


--: Sorin, Grim Nemesis


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Sage of Ancient Lore

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Quilled Wolf

Merciless Resolve

Hound of the Farbogs


Malevolent Whispers

Paranoid Parish-Blade

--> Sorin, Grim Nemesis

Solitary Hunter



--: Press for Answers


--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Dauntless Cathar


Pack 1 pick 2:

Press for Answers

--> Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Weirding Wood

Manic Scribe

Foul Orchard

Breakneck Rider



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Ghoulsteed


--: Ghoulsteed


Pack 1 pick 3:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

True-Faith Censer

Seagraf Skaab

Clip Wings

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Howlpack Wolf

--> Ghoulsteed # Решил попробовать поиграть лошадью, на бумаге не впечатляет, по факту чуть лучше, играть можно. Ремувал надежнее, но он иногда и с круга возвращается

Rise from the Tides

Hinterland Logger



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Farbog Revenant


--: Farbog Revenant


Pack 1 pick 4:

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Root Out

--> Farbog Revenant # Решил не метаться в цветах, кто-то говорит именно так надо играть драфты

Rush of Adrenaline

Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Explosive Apparatus

Liliana's Indignation

Humble the Brute

Graf Mole



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Fiery Temper


Pack 1 pick 5:

Inquisitor's Ox

Just the Wind

Cathar's Companion

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Fiery Temper # Но вот это что такое?

Root Out

Farbog Revenant

Seagraf Skaab


Skeleton Key



--: Puncturing Light


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 1 pick 6:

Puncturing Light

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Gone Missing

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Structural Distortion

Shamble Back

Invasive Surgery

Highland Lake



--: Deny Existence


--: Hound of the Farbogs


Pack 1 pick 7:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

--> Hound of the Farbogs

Ethereal Guidance

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Convicted Killer



--: Niblis of Dusk


--: Thraben Gargoyle


--: Thraben Gargoyle


Pack 1 pick 8:

Niblis of Dusk

True-Faith Censer

Magmatic Chasm

Essence Flux

Haunted Cloak

Murderer's Axe

--> Thraben Gargoyle # Что здесь делает синий дух? 8 пик. Как в этом формате читать сигналы?



--: Deny Existence


--: Malevolent Whispers


--: Malevolent Whispers


Pack 1 pick 9:

Deny Existence

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Merciless Resolve

Hound of the Farbogs

--> Malevolent Whispers



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Manic Scribe


Pack 1 pick 10:

Nagging Thoughts

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Weirding Wood

--> Manic Scribe # Трик нормальный, но мы его еще пиком 12 подберем



--: Seagraf Skaab


--: Rise from the Tides


--: Rise from the Tides


Pack 1 pick 11:

Seagraf Skaab

Clip Wings

Shamble Back

--> Rise from the Tides # без комментариев



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Alms of the Vein


Pack 1 pick 12:

Nagging Thoughts

Root Out

--> Alms of the Vein



--: Rottenheart Ghoul


--: Rottenheart Ghoul


--: Skeleton Key


Pack 1 pick 13:

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Skeleton Key



--: Structural Distortion


--: Structural Distortion


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Structural Distortion



--: Deny Existence


--: Deny Existence


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Deny Existence


--: Eerie Interlude


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:


Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Explosive Apparatus

Drownyard Explorers

Loam Dryad

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

--> Reaper of Flight Moonsilver

Runaway Carriage

Magnifying Glass

Eerie Interlude

Pious Evangel



--: Fortified Village


--: Thraben Gargoyle


--: Stallion of Ashmouth


--: Stallion of Ashmouth


Pack 2 pick 2:

Sleep Paralysis

Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

--> Stallion of Ashmouth # Черным мы играем точно, карта плохая, но играбельная

Explosive Apparatus

Intrepid Provisioner

Vessel of Malignity

Sanguinary Mage

Byway Courier

Pick the Brain

Humble the Brute

Fortified Village

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Just the Wind


--: Call the Bloodline


--: Call the Bloodline


Pack 2 pick 3:

Just the Wind

Emissary of the Sleepless

Reduce to Ashes

Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

Moorland Drifter

Pore Over the Pages

Skeleton Key

--> Call the Bloodline

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Harness the Storm


--: Avacynian Missionaries


--: Avacynian Missionaries


Pack 2 pick 4:

Jace's Scrutiny

Cathar's Companion

Dual Shot

Vessel of Volatility

Moorland Drifter

Gone Missing

Pore Over the Pages

Open the Armory

Reckless Scholar

Harness the Storm

--> Avacynian Missionaries



--: Harness the Storm


--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


Pack 2 pick 5:

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Angelic Purge

Press for Answers

Strength of Arms

Insolent Neonate

Vessel of Nascency

Creeping Dread

Moonlight Hunt

Howlpack Resurgence

Harness the Storm



--: Catalog


--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 2 pick 6:


Survive the Night

--> Shard of Broken Glass

Gone Missing

Ethereal Guidance

Structural Distortion

Epitaph Golem


Village Messenger



--: Survive the Night


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 2 pick 7:

Survive the Night

Emissary of the Sleepless

Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Magnifying Glass



--: Rattlechains


--: Stromkirk Mentor


--: Stromkirk Mentor


Pack 2 pick 8:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Emissary of the Sleepless

Might Beyond Reason

--> Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings




--: Catalog


--: Magnifying Glass


--: Magnifying Glass


Pack 2 pick 9:


Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Runaway Carriage

--> Magnifying Glass # Стоило взять трик, в некоторых матчапах очень полезен



--: Silent Observer


--: Humble the Brute


Pack 2 pick 10:

Silent Observer

Vessel of Malignity

Sanguinary Mage

Pick the Brain

--> Humble the Brute



--: Alms of the Vein


--: Pore Over the Pages


Pack 2 pick 11:

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

--> Pore Over the Pages



--: Harness the Storm


--: Open the Armory


Pack 2 pick 12:

Vessel of Volatility

--> Open the Armory

Harness the Storm



--: Harness the Storm


--: Harness the Storm


Pack 2 pick 13:

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Harness the Storm



--: Ethereal Guidance


--: Ethereal Guidance


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Ethereal Guidance



--: Swamp


--: Swamp


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Swamp


--: Relentless Dead


--: Relentless Dead


--: Relentless Dead


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Murderous Compulsion

Ember-Eye Wolf

Loam Dryad

Briarbridge Patrol

Murderer's Axe

Forsaken Sanctuary

--> Relentless Dead

Skin Invasion



--: Foreboding Ruins


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 3 pick 2:

Inquisitor's Ox

Just the Wind

Cathar's Companion

Magmatic Chasm

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice # ворона норм, но курва важнее

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Sanguinary Mage

Trail of Evidence

Morkrut Necropod

Ongoing Investigation

Foreboding Ruins



--: Prized Amalgam


--: Puncturing Light


--: Puncturing Light


Pack 3 pick 3:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

--> Puncturing Light

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Reduce to Ashes

Alms of the Vein

Bloodmad Vampire

Epitaph Golem

Erdwal Illuminator

Stone Quarry

Prized Amalgam

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Aberrant Researcher


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 3 pick 4:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Press for Answers

Senseless Rage

Loam Dryad

--> Strength of Arms

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Liliana's Indignation

Weirding Wood

Howlpack Resurgence

Aberrant Researcher



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 3 pick 5:

Chaplain's Blessing

Niblis of Dusk

Magmatic Chasm

Watcher in the Web

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Aim High

Not Forgotten

Fleeting Memories

Spiteful Motives



--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Rancid Rats


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 3 pick 6:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

--> Rancid Rats

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

Ravenous Bloodseeker

Ulvenwald Mysteries



--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Sanitarium Skeleton


Pack 3 pick 7:

Jace's Scrutiny

Ghostly Wings

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Sanitarium Skeleton

Cult of the Waxing Moon



--: Drownyard Temple


--: True-Faith Censer


--: True-Faith Censer


Pack 3 pick 8:

Furtive Homunculus

Vessel of Paramnesia

Sanitarium Skeleton

--> True-Faith Censer

Stoic Builder


Drownyard Temple



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Stern Constable


Pack 3 pick 9:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

--> Stern Constable

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Loam Dryad



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 3 pick 10:

--> Cathar's Companion

Magmatic Chasm

Insolent Neonate

Trail of Evidence

Ongoing Investigation



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Erdwal Illuminator


--: Erdwal Illuminator


Pack 3 pick 11:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Root Out

Bloodmad Vampire

--> Erdwal Illuminator



--: Press for Answers


--: Press for Answers


--: Weirding Wood


Pack 3 pick 12:

Press for Answers

Loam Dryad

--> Weirding Wood



--: Magmatic Chasm


--: Fleeting Memories


Pack 3 pick 13:

Magmatic Chasm

--> Fleeting Memories



--: Vessel of Volatility


--: Vessel of Volatility


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Vessel of Volatility



--: Forest


--: Forest


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Forest



В принципе после первого пака трудных решений нет. Слил во втором раунде , сюрприз, волчкам. Все как я люблю, красный анкоммон на первый, 3/3 пацифост на второй, антенна на третий. Постепенно начинает надоедать


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Event #: 9625565

Time: 23.04.2016 23:05:16



--> Psycho8








--: Ever After


--: Ever After


--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Furtive Homunculus

--> Angelic Purge

Vessel of Paramnesia

Sanitarium Skeleton

Moorland Drifter

Gone Missing

Fork in the Road


Sanguinary Mage

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Not Forgotten

Fleeting Memories

Ever After

Autumnal Gloom



--: Welcome to the Fold


--: Nearheath Chaplain


Pack 1 pick 2:

Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

Angelic Purge

Rush of Adrenaline

Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Reduce to Ashes

Sanitarium Skeleton

Creeping Dread

--> Nearheath Chaplain

Howlpack Resurgence

Welcome to the Fold

Skin Invasion



--: Stitched Mangler


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 1 pick 3:

Stitched Mangler

Expose Evil

Deny Existence

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Murderous Compulsion

--> Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Dissension in the Ranks

Liliana's Indignation

Convicted Killer



--: Drownyard Temple


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 1 pick 4:

Stitched Mangler

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Seagraf Skaab

Bloodmad Vampire

--> Moorland Drifter

Grotesque Mutation

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Highland Lake

Drownyard Temple



--: Stern Constable


--: Solitary Hunter


--: Solitary Hunter


Pack 1 pick 5:

Stern Constable

Press for Answers

Confront the Unknown


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Rancid Rats

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Forsaken Sanctuary

--> Solitary Hunter # Нравится этот парень, базовые 3/4 с бонусом



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 1 pick 6:

Silburlind Snapper

--> Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Hound of the Farbogs

Senseless Rage

Explosive Apparatus

Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

Murderer's Axe



--: Choked Estuary


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 1 pick 7:

Survive the Night

--> Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Vessel of Malignity

Fork in the Road

Pick the Brain

Skeleton Key

Choked Estuary



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 1 pick 8:

--> Cathar's Companion

Kessig Dire Swine

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz



Brain in a Jar



--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 1 pick 9:

Furtive Homunculus

Vessel of Paramnesia

Sanitarium Skeleton

--> Moorland Drifter

Fork in the Road

Not Forgotten



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Vessel of Ephemera


Pack 1 pick 10:

--> Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

Rush of Adrenaline

Alms of the Vein

Creeping Dread



--: Deny Existence


--: Liliana's Indignation


Pack 1 pick 11:

Deny Existence

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

--> Liliana's Indignation



--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 1 pick 12:

--> Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Seagraf Skaab



--: Stern Constable


--: Stern Constable


Pack 1 pick 13:

--> Stern Constable

Vessel of Volatility



--: Shamble Back


--: Shamble Back


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Shamble Back



--: Plains


--: Plains


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Plains


--: Bygone Bishop


--: Bygone Bishop


--: Bygone Bishop


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:


Survive the Night

Stitched Mangler

Apothecary Geist

Stallion of Ashmouth

Rancid Rats

Watcher in the Web

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf


Behind the Scenes

Wild-Field Scarecrow

--> Bygone Bishop

Avacynian Missionaries



--: Sage of Ancient Lore


--: Sage of Ancient Lore


--: Hinterland Logger


--: Rabid Bite


--: Rabid Bite


Pack 2 pick 2:

Sage of Ancient Lore

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Tormenting Voice

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Reduce to Ashes

--> Rabid Bite # Для меня вполне однозначный пик, интересно послушать другие мнения. Пять маны - слишком много для нашей колоды

Shard of Broken Glass


Crawling Sensation

Pale Rider of Trostad

Hinterland Logger



--: Cryptolith Rite


--: Cryptolith Rite


--: Cryptolith Rite


Pack 2 pick 3:

Nagging Thoughts

Vessel of Ephemera

Loam Dryad

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Uncaged Fury

Grotesque Mutation

Hope Against Hope

Epitaph Golem

Fleeting Memories

--> Cryptolith Rite # Просто в деньги

Harvest Hand



--: Prized Amalgam


--: Puncturing Light


--: Puncturing Light


Pack 2 pick 4:

--> Puncturing Light

Sleep Paralysis

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Senseless Rage

Lightning Axe

Gibbering Fiend

Humble the Brute

Prized Amalgam



--: Stitched Mangler


--: Intrepid Provisioner


--: Intrepid Provisioner


Pack 2 pick 5:

Stitched Mangler

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Stallion of Ashmouth

--> Intrepid Provisioner

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Voldaren Duelist

Not Forgotten

Mad Prophet



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Expose Evil


Pack 2 pick 6:

Pieces of the Puzzle

--> Expose Evil

Sanitarium Skeleton

Gone Missing

Watcher in the Web

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Invasive Surgery

Highland Lake



--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


Pack 2 pick 7:

Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

--> Paranoid Parish-Blade Нравится такой парень, над капитаном из-за курвы



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Dauntless Cathar


Pack 2 pick 8:

Chaplain's Blessing

Jace's Scrutiny

--> Dauntless Cathar

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Strength of Arms

Stone Quarry



--: Survive the Night


--: Apothecary Geist


Pack 2 pick 9:

Survive the Night

--> Apothecary Geist

Stallion of Ashmouth

Watcher in the Web

Vampire Noble

Behind the Scenes



--: Deny Existence


--: Gloomwidow


Pack 2 pick 10:

Deny Existence

Tormenting Voice

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Gloomwidow



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 2 pick 11:

Vessel of Ephemera

Loam Dryad

--> Strength of Arms

Epitaph Golem



--: Merciless Resolve


--: Humble the Brute


Pack 2 pick 12:

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

--> Humble the Brute



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 2 pick 13:

--> Militant Inquisitor

Vessel of Malignity



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Pieces of the Puzzle


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Pieces of the Puzzle



--: Mountain


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Mountain


--: Arlinn Kord


--: Arlinn Kord


--: Arlinn Kord


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

--> Arlinn Kord

Survive the Night

Just the Wind

Fiery Temper

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Seagraf Skaab

True-Faith Censer

Behind the Scenes


Skeleton Key


Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Topplegeist


Pack 3 pick 2:

Cathar's Companion

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Emissary of the Sleepless

Confront the Unknown

Dead Weight

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Drownyard Explorers

--> Topplegeist

Wild-Field Scarecrow

Malevolent Whispers

Uninvited Geist



--: Asylum Visitor


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 3 pick 3:

Puncturing Light

Puncturing Light

--> Inspiring Captain

Thornhide Wolves

Murderous Compulsion

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

Bloodmad Vampire

Epitaph Golem

Asylum Visitor

Kindly Stranger



--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


Pack 3 pick 4:

Devilthorn Fox


Thraben Inspector

Gone Missing

Ethereal Guidance

Shamble Back

Vessel of Nascency

Twins of Maurer Estate

--> Reaper of Flight Moonsilver

Sinister Concoction

Magnifying Glass



--: Catalog


--: Survive the Night


--: Survive the Night


Pack 3 pick 5:


--> Survive the Night

Explosive Apparatus

Intrepid Provisioner

Voldaren Duelist

Fork in the Road

Vessel of Malignity

Sanguinary Mage

Rise from the Tides

Woodland Stream



--: Corrupted Grafstone


--: Clip Wings


--: Clip Wings


--: Clip Wings


Pack 3 pick 6:

Press for Answers

Nagging Thoughts

Rancid Rats

--> Clip Wings

Apothecary Geist

Wicker Witch

Hope Against Hope

Haunted Cloak

Corrupted Grafstone



--: Emissary of the Sleepless


--: Dead Weight


Pack 3 pick 7:

Emissary of the Sleepless

Jace's Scrutiny

Cathar's Companion

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Kessig Dire Swine

--> Dead Weight

Autumnal Gloom



--: Unruly Mob


--: Unruly Mob


Pack 3 pick 8:

--> Unruly Mob

Silburlind Snapper

Rottenheart Ghoul

Root Out

Senseless Rage

Runaway Carriage

Dance with Devils



--: Survive the Night


--: Survive the Night


Pack 3 pick 9:

--> Survive the Night # Лучше было взять артефакт

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

True-Faith Censer

Behind the Scenes

Skeleton Key



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 3 pick 10:

--> Cathar's Companion

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz



--: Equestrian Skill


--: Bloodmad Vampire


Pack 3 pick 11:

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

--> Bloodmad Vampire

Epitaph Golem



--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 3 pick 12:

--> Devilthorn Fox

Ethereal Guidance

Shamble Back



--: Fork in the Road


--: Fork in the Road


Pack 3 pick 13:

--> Fork in the Road

Vessel of Malignity



--: Haunted Cloak


--: Haunted Cloak


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Haunted Cloak



--: Swamp


--: Swamp


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Swamp



Не успел за Сорином в первом раунде. Там была вполне годная трехцветка, но без Сорина, конечно, опп не отползал.


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Event #: 9625757

Time: 23.04.2016 23:49:52









--> Psycho8


--: Inexorable Blob


--: Duskwatch Recruiter


--: Duskwatch Recruiter


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Sleep Paralysis

Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

Shard of Broken Glass

Gone Missing

Moldgraf Scavenger

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

Watcher in the Web

Ravenous Bloodseeker

Behind the Scenes

Bound by Moonsilver

Inexorable Blob

--> Duskwatch Recruiter # Сложный выбор. Зеленого в паке много, пацифизм очень хорош, но я просто не могу отпустить рекрутера



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Pack Guardian


--: Pack Guardian


Pack 1 pick 2:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

Bloodmad Vampire

Cult of the Waxing Moon

--> Pack Guardian # Два лучших анкомона первыми пиками - может я наконец соберу волчков?

Woodland Stream

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Stern Constable


--: Gryff's Boon


--: Gryff's Boon


Pack 1 pick 3:

Stern Constable

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Thraben Inspector

Confront the Unknown


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Warped Landscape

Stensia Masquerade

--> Gryff's Boon # Тоже не уверен. Бун крутой, или все же стоило взять базовых волков?

Magnifying Glass



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Heir of Falkenrath


--: Heir of Falkenrath


Pack 1 pick 4:

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Murderous Compulsion

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Bloodmad Vampire

Malevolent Whispers

Paranoid Parish-Blade

--> Heir of Falkenrath # черный совсем открыт



--: Eerie Interlude


--: Thornhide Wolves


--: Thornhide Wolves


Pack 1 pick 5:


Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Bloodmad Vampire

Hulking Devil

--> Thornhide Wolves # надежный пик

Seagraf Skaab

True-Faith Censer

Haunted Cloak

Eerie Interlude



--: Falkenrath Gorger


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 1 pick 6:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Silburlind Snapper

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

True-Faith Censer

Seagraf Skaab

Howlpack Wolf

Fork in the Road


Falkenrath Gorger



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Harvest Hand


Pack 1 pick 7:

Chaplain's Blessing

Niblis of Dusk

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Magmatic Chasm

Open the Armory

Brain in a Jar

--> Harvest Hand



--: Epiphany at the Drownyard


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


Pack 1 pick 8:

Thraben Inspector

Wicker Witch

Bloodmad Vampire

Watcher in the Web

--> Crow of Dark Tidings

Runaway Carriage

Epiphany at the Drownyard



--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


Pack 1 pick 9:

Shard of Broken Glass

Gone Missing

--> Moldgraf Scavenger

Uncaged Fury

Watcher in the Web

Behind the Scenes



--: Might Beyond Reason


--: Cult of the Waxing Moon


--: Cult of the Waxing Moon


Pack 1 pick 10:

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Cult of the Waxing Moon # Ведь в данный момент все идет очень хорошо, верно?



--: Stern Constable


--: Stern Constable


--: Stern Constable


Pack 1 pick 11:

--> Stern Constable

Chaplain's Blessing

Vessel of Volatility

Warped Landscape



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Equestrian Skill


--: Equestrian Skill


Pack 1 pick 12:

Silburlind Snapper

--> Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor



--: Hulking Devil


--: Haunted Cloak


Pack 1 pick 13:

Hulking Devil

--> Haunted Cloak



--: Fork in the Road


--: Fork in the Road


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Fork in the Road



--: Mountain


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Mountain


--: Fevered Visions


--: Gloomwidow


--: Gloomwidow


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Angelic Purge

Press for Answers

Seagraf Skaab

Bloodmad Vampire

Moorland Drifter

Howlpack Wolf

Fork in the Road


--> Gloomwidow # мэднесса в бг бывает немного, так что предпочитаю надежный пик

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Pale Rider of Trostad

Fevered Visions

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Harness the Storm


--: Kessig Forgemaster


--: Quilled Wolf


--: Kessig Forgemaster


Pack 2 pick 2:

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Press for Answers

Rush of Adrenaline

Quilled Wolf

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Ravenous Bloodseeker

Ulvenwald Mysteries

Harness the Storm

--> Kessig Forgemaster # Уже есть 3 хороших 2 дропа, в бг с этим вообще проблем нет. Беру сильную карту не в цвет



--: Elusive Tormentor


--: Elusive Tormentor


--: Elusive Tormentor


Pack 2 pick 3:

--> Elusive Tormentor

Furtive Homunculus

Devilthorn Fox

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Merciless Resolve

Loam Dryad

Pale Rider of Trostad

Stitchwing Skaab

Prized Amalgam

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


Pack 2 pick 4:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Gatstaf Arsonists

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Ember-Eye Wolf

Explosive Apparatus

Intrepid Provisioner

Broken Concentration


Biting Rain

--> Traverse the Ulvenwald # Стоило брать дождь?



--: Catalog


--: Hermit of the Natterknolls


--: Hermit of the Natterknolls


Pack 2 pick 5:


Survive the Night

Stitched Mangler

Rancid Rats

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

Wicker Witch

Runaway Carriage

Dissension in the Ranks

--> Hermit of the Natterknolls



--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Stoic Builder


Pack 2 pick 6:

Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Sanguinary Mage

--> Stoic Builder

Essence Flux

Haunted Cloak

Murderer's Axe



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 2 pick 7:

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

--> Rancid Rats

Drownyard Explorers

Humble the Brute



--: Survive the Night


--: Autumnal Gloom


Pack 2 pick 8:

Survive the Night

Rush of Adrenaline

Alms of the Vein

Might Beyond Reason

Moldgraf Scavenger

Drunau Corpse Trawler

--> Autumnal Gloom



--: Fevered Visions


--: Throttle


--: Throttle


Pack 2 pick 9:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Seagraf Skaab

Fork in the Road

--> Throttle

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Fevered Visions



--: Harness the Storm


--: Warped Landscape


Pack 2 pick 10:

Stern Constable

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

--> Warped Landscape

Harness the Storm



--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 2 pick 11:

Furtive Homunculus

--> Rancid Rats

Merciless Resolve

Loam Dryad



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Groundskeeper


--: Groundskeeper


Pack 2 pick 12:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Hulking Devil

--> Groundskeeper



--: Wicker Witch


--: Runaway Carriage


--: Wicker Witch


Pack 2 pick 13:

--> Wicker Witch

Runaway Carriage



--: Haunted Cloak


--: Haunted Cloak


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Haunted Cloak



--: Forest


--: Forest


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Forest


--: Fortified Village


--: Solitary Hunter


--: Solitary Hunter


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Chaplain's Blessing

Niblis of Dusk

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Bloodmad Vampire

Byway Courier

Grotesque Mutation

Insolent Neonate


Spectral Shepherd

Reckless Scholar

Fortified Village

--> Solitary Hunter



--: Sin Prodder


--: Obsessive Skinner


--: Obsessive Skinner


Pack 3 pick 2:

Press for Answers

Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Intrepid Provisioner

Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Stoic Builder

--> Obsessive Skinner

Rise from the Tides

Sin Prodder

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Behold the Beyond


--: Dead Weight


--: Dead Weight


Pack 3 pick 3:

Geier Reach Bandit

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Alms of the Vein

Confront the Unknown

--> Dead Weight

Vessel of Volatility

Dissension in the Ranks


Graf Mole

Behold the Beyond

Autumnal Gloom # Чары вернулись на прошлом паке, к тому же вейт идеально организует делириум



--: Engulf the Shore


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 3 pick 4:


Survive the Night

Explosive Apparatus

Drownyard Explorers

Loam Dryad

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Pick the Brain

Paranoid Parish-Blade

Engulf the Shore

Breakneck Rider



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Solitary Hunter


--: Solitary Hunter


Pack 3 pick 5:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

Stallion of Ashmouth

Foul Orchard


--> Solitary Hunter



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Dance with Devils


Pack 3 pick 6:

Inquisitor's Ox

Survive the Night

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Tormenting Voice

Ethereal Guidance

--> Dance with Devils

Brain in a Jar

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Hound of the Farbogs


--: Moonlight Hunt


--: Moonlight Hunt


Pack 3 pick 7:

Hound of the Farbogs

Senseless Rage

Explosive Apparatus

Structural Distortion

Stoic Builder

Creeping Dread

--> Moonlight Hunt # У нас не так уж и мало оборотней, но как по мне так достаточно для такой, но не для антенны. В среднем будет 2-3 демеджа на скорости инстанта - вполне неплохо.

Howlpack Resurgence



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


Pack 3 pick 8:

Silburlind Snapper

Stallion of Ashmouth

Explosive Apparatus

Watcher in the Web

--> Crow of Dark Tidings

Fork in the Road

Highland Lake



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Groundskeeper


Pack 3 pick 9:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Chaplain's Blessing

Wicker Witch

Insolent Neonate

--> Groundskeeper

Spectral Shepherd



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 3 pick 10:

Nagging Thoughts

--> Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Howlpack Wolf

Stoic Builder



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Autumnal Gloom


--: Autumnal Gloom


Pack 3 pick 11:

Ghostly Wings

Vessel of Volatility

Graf Mole

--> Autumnal Gloom



--: Survive the Night


Pack 3 pick 12:

--> Survive the Night

Loam Dryad

Pick the Brain



--: Equestrian Skill


--: Macabre Waltz


Pack 3 pick 13:

Equestrian Skill

--> Macabre Waltz



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Inquisitor's Ox


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Inquisitor's Ox



--: Island


--: Island


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Island


Ну ведь вроде нормальная колода получилась, правда? Проиграл во втором раунде колоде ... на RW чарах, дающих неразрушимость и за 2 маны пингающих блокера. Кроме них в колоде были только лисы 3-1, вампиры 4-1, и первые дропы чтобы поставить вампира на 2. Очень-очень больно.


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Event #: 9626123

Time: 24.04.2016 1:22:36








--> Psycho8



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Nearheath Chaplain


--: Nearheath Chaplain


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Sanguinary Mage

Fork in the Road

Ember-Eye Wolf

Howlpack Wolf

Gisa's Bidding

Inner Struggle

--> Nearheath Chaplain # Вообще не знаю зачем записался в этот драфт, что-то вроде тильта после слива предыдущей деки. Скорее всего лучше было брать 2 зомбей, передаем миссионеров, плохой сигнал

Brain in a Jar

Avacynian Missionaries



--: Game Trail


--: Dead Weight


Pack 1 pick 2:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

--> Dead Weight

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Warped Landscape

Essence Flux

Highland Lake

Game Trail

Autumnal Gloom



--: Puncturing Light


--: Neglected Heirloom


--: Neglected Heirloom


Pack 1 pick 3:

Puncturing Light

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Reduce to Ashes

Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Drownyard Explorers


Forsaken Sanctuary

--> Neglected Heirloom # По мне так карта очень сильная, даже если в колоде немного оборотней. Остальные карты в вакууме заметно слабее



--: Survive the Night


--: Pale Rider of Trostad


Pack 1 pick 4:

Survive the Night

Stitched Mangler

Loam Dryad

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Voldaren Duelist

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Invasive Surgery

Nahiri's Machinations

--> Pale Rider of Trostad



--: Forgotten Creation


--: Forgotten Creation


Pack 1 pick 5:

Stern Constable

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Moldgraf Scavenger

Malevolent Whispers

--> Forgotten Creation # По мне так чрезвычайно сильная карта, странно что я уже не в первый раз вижу ее 5 пиком на первом бустере.



--: Angel of Deliverance


--: Tormenting Voice


Pack 1 pick 6:

Ghostly Wings

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

--> Tormenting Voice # Согласен, вообще не в тему карта, ну а что тут брать?

Senseless Rage

Liliana's Indignation

Humble the Brute

Angel of Deliverance



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Pore Over the Pages


--: Pore Over the Pages


Pack 1 pick 7:

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Root Out

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Stallion of Ashmouth

--> Pore Over the Pages Синий открыт

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Deny Existence


--: Gibbering Fiend


Pack 1 pick 8:

Deny Existence

Senseless Rage

Loam Dryad

Strength of Arms

Insolent Neonate

Open the Armory

--> Gibbering Fiend



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Sanguinary Mage


Pack 1 pick 9:

Stern Constable

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Sanguinary Mage

Fork in the Road

Howlpack Wolf

Brain in a Jar



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


Pack 1 pick 10:

--> Lamplighter of Selhoff

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Highland Lake



--: Inspiring Captain


--: Forsaken Sanctuary


Pack 1 pick 11:

Inspiring Captain

Root Out

Alms of the Vein

--> Forsaken Sanctuary



--: Survive the Night


--: Vessel of Malignity


--: Vessel of Malignity


Pack 1 pick 12:

Survive the Night

Wicker Witch

--> Vessel of Malignity



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Hulking Devil


Pack 1 pick 13:

Chaplain's Blessing

--> Hulking Devil



--: Equestrian Skill


--: Equestrian Skill


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Equestrian Skill



--: Island


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Island


--: Elusive Tormentor


--: Elusive Tormentor


--: Elusive Tormentor


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

--> Elusive Tormentor # Уже есть неплохие черные карты, в данной ситуации торментор увеличивает EV больше чем на 4 доллара

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Explosive Apparatus

Essence Flux

Woodland Stream

Murderer's Axe

Tireless Tracker

Hermit of the Natterknolls



--: Foreboding Ruins


--: Foreboding Ruins


Pack 2 pick 2:

Rabid Bite

Inspiring Captain

Magmatic Chasm

Apothecary Geist

Byway Courier

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Veteran Cathar

Graf Mole

Woodland Stream

--> Foreboding Ruins # Пусто

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Just the Wind


--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Nephalia Moondrakes


Pack 2 pick 3:


Just the Wind

Alms of the Vein

Reduce to Ashes

Confront the Unknown

True-Faith Censer

Seagraf Skaab

Moonlight Hunt

Compelling Deterrence

Foul Orchard

--> Nephalia Moondrakes # Не знаю за что их так не любят, вполе бодрый летун за 7 маны. Абилка с грейва очень релевантная

Hinterland Logger



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Kindly Stranger


--: Kindly Stranger


Pack 2 pick 4:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Silburlind Snapper

Apothecary Geist

Stallion of Ashmouth

Intrepid Provisioner

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings


Skeleton Key

--> Kindly Stranger



--: Invocation of Saint Traft


--: Drunau Corpse Trawler


--: Drunau Corpse Trawler


Pack 2 pick 5:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Shard of Broken Glass

Gone Missing

Moldgraf Scavenger


Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

--> Drunau Corpse Trawler

Indulgent Aristocrat

Invocation of Saint Traft



--: Deny Existence


--: Throttle


Pack 2 pick 6:

Deny Existence

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

--> Throttle

Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Magmatic Chasm

Runaway Carriage

Spiteful Motives



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Vampire Noble


--: Vampire Noble


Pack 2 pick 7:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Shard of Broken Glass

Ethereal Guidance

Grotesque Mutation

--> Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Trail of Evidence

Morkrut Necropod



--: Expose Evil


--: Deny Existence


--: Deny Existence


Pack 2 pick 8:

Expose Evil

--> Deny Existence

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

Loam Dryad

Epitaph Golem



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Macabre Waltz


--: Macabre Waltz


Pack 2 pick 9:

Silburlind Snapper

--> Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Explosive Apparatus

Murderer's Axe



--: Rabid Bite


--: Rabid Bite


--: Rabid Bite


Pack 2 pick 10:

--> Rabid Bite # я в принципе уже понял кому я проиграю во втором раунде

Magmatic Chasm

Byway Courier

Structural Distortion

Aim High



--: Alms of the Vein


--: Seagraf Skaab


--: Seagraf Skaab


Pack 2 pick 11:

Alms of the Vein

True-Faith Censer

--> Seagraf Skaab

Foul Orchard



--: Stallion of Ashmouth


--: Stallion of Ashmouth


Pack 2 pick 12:

--> Stallion of Ashmouth


Skeleton Key



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


Pack 2 pick 13:

--> Lamplighter of Selhoff

Stoic Builder



--: Vessel of Volatility


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Vessel of Volatility



--: Mountain


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Mountain


--: Descend upon the Sinful


--: Just the Wind


--: Just the Wind


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Survive the Night

--> Just the Wind

Emissary of the Sleepless

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

Drownyard Explorers

Dance with Devils

Stone Quarry

Paranoid Parish-Blade

Descend upon the Sinful

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Daring Sleuth


--: Stitched Mangler


--: Daring Sleuth


--: Stitched Mangler


Pack 3 pick 2:

Jace's Scrutiny

Cathar's Companion

--> Stitched Mangler В защите лучше вороны

Moldgraf Scavenger

Apothecary Geist

Wicker Witch

Stoic Builder

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

Pick the Brain

Cult of the Waxing Moon

Magnifying Glass

Daring Sleuth



--: Flameblade Angel


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 3 pick 3:

Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

Explosive Apparatus

Hound of the Farbogs

Ethereal Guidance

Vessel of Nascency

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Structural Distortion

Hope Against Hope

Epitaph Golem

Flameblade Angel

Solitary Hunter



--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Sanitarium Skeleton


Pack 3 pick 4:

Jace's Scrutiny

Dauntless Cathar

Ghostly Wings

Senseless Rage

--> Sanitarium Skeleton # Вампир явно не про нашу колоду

True-Faith Censer

Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

Olivia's Bloodsworn

Dissension in the Ranks




--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 3 pick 5:

Furtive Homunculus

Devilthorn Fox

Magmatic Chasm

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Aim High

Vampire Noble

Voldaren Duelist

Fork in the Road

Crawling Sensation

Village Messenger



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Angelic Purge


Pack 3 pick 6:

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Angelic Purge # Есть вариант посплешить такую и парня с лайфлинком. Если есть проблемы с синергией (а они есть) повышай пауэрлевел

Press for Answers

Intrepid Provisioner

Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Haunted Cloak



--: Fevered Visions


--: Niblis of Dusk


--: Niblis of Dusk


Pack 3 pick 7:


--> Niblis of Dusk # После этого от сплеша вроде отказлся, не помню уже

Seagraf Skaab

Stallion of Ashmouth

Vessel of Malignity

Voldaren Duelist

Watcher in the Web

Fevered Visions



--: Merciless Resolve


--: Gone Missing


Pack 3 pick 8:

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Kessig Dire Swine

Moorland Drifter

--> Gone Missing

Manic Scribe

Hinterland Logger



--: Survive the Night


--: Stone Quarry


Pack 3 pick 9:

Survive the Night

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Stone Quarry



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Magnifying Glass


Pack 3 pick 10:

Cathar's Companion

Moldgraf Scavenger

Stoic Builder

Pick the Brain

--> Magnifying Glass



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Epitaph Golem


Pack 3 pick 11:

Inquisitor's Ox

Ethereal Guidance

Structural Distortion

--> Epitaph Golem



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Shamble Back


Pack 3 pick 12:

Ghostly Wings

Senseless Rage

--> Shamble Back



--: Magmatic Chasm


--: Fork in the Road


Pack 3 pick 13:

Magmatic Chasm

--> Fork in the Road



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Vessel of Paramnesia


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Vessel of Paramnesia



--: Swamp


--: Swamp


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Swamp



Да, опять проиграл во втором раунде оборотням. Там раки, у меня муллиганы, даже не обидно.


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№ 8 (Не для слабонервных)

Event #: 9627767

Time: 24.04.2016 9:40:21




--> Psycho8







--: Markov Dreadknight


--: Markov Dreadknight


--: Markov Dreadknight


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Expose Evil

Gone Missing

Ethereal Guidance

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Howlpack Wolf

Vessel of Nascency


Crawling Sensation

Pale Rider of Trostad

--> Markov Dreadknight

Harvest Hand



--: Ever After


--: Ever After


--: Ever After


Pack 1 pick 2:

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Intrepid Provisioner

Hound of the Farbogs

Shard of Broken Glass

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Sanguinary Mage

Behind the Scenes

Wild-Field Scarecrow

--> Ever After

Avacynian Missionaries



--: Emissary of the Sleepless


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


Pack 1 pick 3:

Emissary of the Sleepless

Sleep Paralysis

Stern Constable

Seagraf Skaab

True-Faith Censer

--> Crow of Dark Tidings

Insolent Neonate

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Stone Quarry

Paranoid Parish-Blade

Hinterland Logger



--: Thraben Inspector


--: Gisa's Bidding


Pack 1 pick 4:

Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Rancid Rats

Senseless Rage

--> Gisa's Bidding # Что здесь делает Chaplain?

Inner Struggle

Nearheath Chaplain



--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Vampire Noble


--: Vampire Noble


Pack 1 pick 5:

Furtive Homunculus

Devilthorn Fox

Moldgraf Scavenger

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

--> Vampire Noble

Vessel of Paramnesia

Stoic Builder


Skeleton Key



--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Sinister Concoction


--: Sinister Concoction


Pack 1 pick 6:

Dauntless Cathar

Ghostly Wings

Puncturing Light

Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Stallion of Ashmouth

--> Sinister Concoction # Весело



--: Deny Existence


--: Throttle


--: Throttle


Pack 1 pick 7:

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Furtive Homunculus

Warped Landscape

Explosive Apparatus

Fork in the Road

--> Throttle

Foul Orchard



--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


--: Traverse the Ulvenwald


Pack 1 pick 8:

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Furtive Homunculus

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Traverse the Ulvenwald

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back



--: Expose Evil


--: Pale Rider of Trostad


--: Pale Rider of Trostad


Pack 1 pick 9:

Expose Evil

Ethereal Guidance

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Crawling Sensation

--> Pale Rider of Trostad # без комментариев



--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 1 pick 10:

--> Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Hound of the Farbogs

Shard of Broken Glass

Behind the Scenes



--: Emissary of the Sleepless


--: Vessel of Malignity


--: Vessel of Malignity


Pack 1 pick 11:

Emissary of the Sleepless

Stern Constable

Insolent Neonate

--> Vessel of Malignity



--: Unruly Mob


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 1 pick 12:

Unruly Mob

Vessel of Volatility

--> Rancid Rats



--: Ethereal Guidance


--: Hound of the Farbogs


Pack 1 pick 13:

Ethereal Guidance

--> Hound of the Farbogs



--: Might Beyond Reason


--: Might Beyond Reason


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Might Beyond Reason



--: Plains


--: Plains


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Plains


--: Diregraf Colossus


--: Diregraf Colossus


--: Diregraf Colossus


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

Apothecary Geist

Wicker Witch

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Shamble Back

Voldaren Duelist

Liliana's Indignation


Howlpack Resurgence

--> Diregraf Colossus

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Survive the Night


--: Murderous Compulsion


--: Murderous Compulsion


Pack 2 pick 2:

Survive the Night

Stitched Mangler

Expose Evil

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Murderous Compulsion

Fiery Temper

Root Out

Moorland Drifter

Stensia Masquerade

Gryff's Boon

Crawling Sensation

Skin Invasion



--: Triskaidekaphobia


--: Sanitarium Skeleton


--: Sanitarium Skeleton


Pack 2 pick 3:

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain


Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Sanitarium Skeleton

Shard of Broken Glass

Creeping Dread


Aberrant Researcher



--: Drownyard Temple


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 2 pick 4:

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Pieces of the Puzzle

Ethereal Guidance

Drownyard Explorers

Moldgraf Scavenger

Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Ravenous Bloodseeker

Drownyard Temple



--: Falkenrath Gorger


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 2 pick 5:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Uncaged Fury

Olivia's Bloodsworn

Dissension in the Ranks

Falkenrath Gorger



--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Kindly Stranger


--: Kindly Stranger


Pack 2 pick 6:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Reduce to Ashes

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

Gone Missing

Biting Rain

--> Kindly Stranger # Хорошо быть единственным человеком собирающим черный



--: Press for Answers


--: Call the Bloodline


--: Call the Bloodline


Pack 2 pick 7:

Press for Answers

Farbog Revenant

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Wicker Witch

Essence Flux

Highland Lake

--> Call the Bloodline # Очень хорошо



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


Pack 2 pick 8:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Chaplain's Blessing

--> Moldgraf Scavenger

Senseless Rage

Stoic Builder

Essence Flux

Woodland Stream



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Liliana's Indignation


Pack 2 pick 9:

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Shamble Back

--> Liliana's Indignation



--: Survive the Night


--: Rottenheart Ghoul


Pack 2 pick 10:

Survive the Night

Expose Evil

Clip Wings

--> Rottenheart Ghoul

Root Out



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Rottenheart Ghoul


Pack 2 pick 11:

Ghostly Wings

Tormenting Voice

--> Rottenheart Ghoul

Creeping Dread



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Drownyard Explorers


Pack 2 pick 12:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Ethereal Guidance

--> Drownyard Explorers



--: Magmatic Chasm


--: Vessel of Malignity


Pack 2 pick 13:

Magmatic Chasm

--> Vessel of Malignity



--: Alms of the Vein


--: Alms of the Vein


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Alms of the Vein



--: Mountain


--: Mountain


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Mountain


--: The Gitrog Monster


--: The Gitrog Monster


--: The Gitrog Monster


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Warped Landscape

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Loam Dryad


Ongoing Investigation

Malevolent Whispers

--> The Gitrog Monster

Lambholt Pacifist



--: Bygone Bishop


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 3 pick 2:

Cathar's Companion

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Hope Against Hope

Epitaph Golem

Erdwal Illuminator

Bygone Bishop

Village Messenger



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Pack Guardian


--: Pack Guardian


Pack 3 pick 3:

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

Explosive Apparatus

Loam Dryad

Shamble Back

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Manic Scribe

Briarbridge Patrol

--> Pack Guardian # Контрдрафт

Convicted Killer



--: Prized Amalgam


--: Dead Weight


--: Dead Weight


Pack 3 pick 4:

Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

--> Dead Weight

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Magmatic Chasm

Behind the Scenes


Prized Amalgam



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Rancid Rats


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 3 pick 5:

Dauntless Cathar

Vessel of Ephemera

Might Beyond Reason

--> Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Merciless Resolve

Loam Dryad

Not Forgotten

Fleeting Memories

Brain in a Jar



--: Thraben Inspector


--: Gisa's Bidding


--: Gisa's Bidding


Pack 3 pick 6:

Thraben Inspector

Unruly Mob

Dual Shot


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Sanitarium Skeleton

--> Gisa's Bidding

Bound by Moonsilver



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Morkrut Necropod


--: Morkrut Necropod


Pack 3 pick 7:

Cathar's Companion

Militant Inquisitor

Moorland Drifter

--> Morkrut Necropod С учетом реанимации норм

Vessel of Malignity

Grotesque Mutation

Runaway Carriage

Stitchwing Skaab



--: Prized Amalgam


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


--: Twins of Maurer Estate


Pack 3 pick 8:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Prized Amalgam

Strength of Arms

--> Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Aim High

Liliana's Indignation



--: Macabre Waltz


--: Macabre Waltz


--: Macabre Waltz


Pack 3 pick 9:

Warped Landscape

--> Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Loam Dryad




--: Strength of Arms


--: Grotesque Mutation


Pack 3 pick 10:

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

--> Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Hope Against Hope



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Shamble Back


--: Shamble Back


Pack 3 pick 11:

Silburlind Snapper

Loam Dryad

--> Shamble Back

Manic Scribe



--: Vessel of Volatility


--: Macabre Waltz


Pack 3 pick 12:

Vessel of Volatility

--> Macabre Waltz

Magmatic Chasm



--: Merciless Resolve


--: Merciless Resolve


Pack 3 pick 13:

--> Merciless Resolve

Not Forgotten



--: Vessel of Volatility


--: Vessel of Volatility


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Vessel of Volatility



--: Swamp


--: Swamp


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Swamp



Волчков не встретил, 3-0. В финале позволил оппоненту смиллится своими де Джейсом и располневшим делвером. Желание играть формат стремительно падает, возможно переключусь на ДТК, т.к год пропустил, его почти не играл


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Event #: 9628220

Time: 24.04.2016 13:31:30





--> Psycho8






--: Goldnight Castigator


--: Goldnight Castigator


--: Goldnight Castigator


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Expose Evil

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Tormenting Voice

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Reduce to Ashes

Rabid Bite

Loam Dryad

Invasive Surgery

Highland Lake

Sinister Concoction

--> Goldnight Castigator

Kessig Forgemaster



--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


Pack 1 pick 2:

--> Angelic Purge

Vessel of Paramnesia

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Bloodmad Vampire

Vessel of Nascency

Twins of Maurer Estate

Structural Distortion

Spectral Shepherd

Haunted Cloak

Erdwal Illuminator

Nephalia Moondrakes

Hinterland Logger



--: Puncturing Light


--: Puncturing Light


Pack 1 pick 3:

--> Puncturing Light

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Apothecary Geist

Wicker Witch

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Fork in the Road


Liliana's Indignation

Humble the Brute

Graf Mole



--: Confirm Suspicions


--: Tenacity


--: Tenacity


Pack 1 pick 4:

Just the Wind

Cathar's Companion

Confront the Unknown

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Moorland Drifter

Incorrigible Youths

--> Tenacity

Confirm Suspicions

Neglected Heirloom



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Rabid Bite


Pack 1 pick 5:

Chaplain's Blessing

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

True-Faith Censer

Creeping Dread

Autumnal Gloom



--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Cathar's Companion


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 1 pick 6:

Jace's Scrutiny

--> Cathar's Companion

Stitched Mangler

Magmatic Chasm

Apothecary Geist

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Sanguinary Mage

Pick the Brain



--: Catalog


--: Crawling Sensation


Pack 1 pick 7:


Survive the Night

Drownyard Explorers

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Trail of Evidence

--> Crawling Sensation

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Deny Existence


--: Wicker Witch


Pack 1 pick 8:

Deny Existence

Pieces of the Puzzle

Loam Dryad

--> Wicker Witch

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Open the Armory



--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


Pack 1 pick 9:

--> Expose Evil

Deny Existence

Root Out

Loam Dryad

Invasive Surgery

Highland Lake



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 1 pick 10:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Wicker Witch

--> Strength of Arms

Structural Distortion

Haunted Cloak



--: Silent Observer


--: Wicker Witch


Pack 1 pick 11:

Silent Observer

--> Wicker Witch

Vampire Noble

Fork in the Road



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 1 pick 12:

--> Cathar's Companion

Vessel of Volatility

Macabre Waltz



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Alms of the Vein


--: Alms of the Vein


Pack 1 pick 13:

Chaplain's Blessing

--> Alms of the Vein



--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Jace's Scrutiny


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Jace's Scrutiny



--: Island


--: Island


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Island


--: Triskaidekaphobia


--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Inquisitor's Ox


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Sleep Paralysis

--> Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

Moldgraf Scavenger

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

Vampire Noble

Voldaren Duelist

Fork in the Road

Weirding Wood

Manic Scribe

Foul Orchard


Skin Invasion



--: Port Town


--: Town Gossipmonger


--: Town Gossipmonger


Pack 2 pick 2:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Moonlight Hunt

Compelling Deterrence

Morkrut Necropod

Port Town

--> Town Gossipmonger



--: Flameblade Angel


--: Quilled Wolf


--: Quilled Wolf


Pack 2 pick 3:

Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

--> Quilled Wolf

Moldgraf Scavenger

Senseless Rage

Essence Flux

Call the Bloodline

Flameblade Angel

Aberrant Researcher



--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Dauntless Cathar


Pack 2 pick 4:

--> Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Intrepid Provisioner

Hound of the Farbogs

Shard of Broken Glass

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Gisa's Bidding

Manic Scribe

Nephalia Moondrakes

Daring Sleuth



--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


Pack 2 pick 5:

--> Angelic Purge

Press for Answers

Intrepid Provisioner

Shard of Broken Glass

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Essence Flux

Haunted Cloak

Murderer's Axe



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Solitary Hunter


Pack 2 pick 6:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Gone Missing

Stensia Masquerade

--> Solitary Hunter



--: Puncturing Light


--: Puncturing Light


--: Puncturing Light


Pack 2 pick 7:

--> Puncturing Light

Silent Observer

Thornhide Wolves

Murderous Compulsion

Ember-Eye Wolf

Stromkirk Mentor

Magmatic Chasm

Gisa's Bidding



--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Byway Courier


--: Byway Courier


Pack 2 pick 8:

Furtive Homunculus

Seagraf Skaab

Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

--> Byway Courier

Open the Armory

Inner Struggle



--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


Pack 2 pick 9:

--> Moldgraf Scavenger

Ethereal Guidance

Vampire Noble

Fork in the Road

Weirding Wood

Foul Orchard



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Morkrut Necropod


--: Morkrut Necropod


Pack 2 pick 10:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Magmatic Chasm

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

--> Morkrut Necropod



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


Pack 2 pick 11:

Inquisitor's Ox

Silent Observer

--> Moldgraf Scavenger

Senseless Rage



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Vessel of Nascency


Pack 2 pick 12:

Nagging Thoughts

--> Vessel of Nascency

Manic Scribe



--: Structural Distortion


--: Murderer's Axe


Pack 2 pick 13:

Structural Distortion

--> Murderer's Axe



--: Merciless Resolve


--: Merciless Resolve


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Merciless Resolve



--: Plains


--: Plains


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Plains


--: Devils' Playground


--: Thraben Inspector


--: Thraben Inspector


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Pieces of the Puzzle

--> Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Stallion of Ashmouth

Devils' Playground

Intrepid Provisioner

Stoic Builder

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

Pick the Brain

Pore Over the Pages

Ulvenwald Mysteries

Corrupted Grafstone

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 3 pick 2:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

--> Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Watcher in the Web

Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Aim High


Biting Rain

Reckless Scholar

Pious Evangel



--: Deny Existence


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 3 pick 3:

Deny Existence

--> Devilthorn Fox

Magmatic Chasm

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Stoic Builder

Nahiri's Machinations

Indulgent Aristocrat

Stitchwing Skaab

Convicted Killer



--: Unruly Mob


--: Intrepid Provisioner


Pack 3 pick 4:

Unruly Mob

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Explosive Apparatus

--> Intrepid Provisioner

Stoic Builder

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

Watcher in the Web

Compelling Deterrence

Foul Orchard



--: Silent Observer


--: Town Gossipmonger


--: Town Gossipmonger


Pack 3 pick 5:

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Magmatic Chasm

Stensia Masquerade

Gryff's Boon

--> Town Gossipmonger



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


Pack 3 pick 6:

Chaplain's Blessing

Unruly Mob

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown

Vessel of Volatility

Seagraf Skaab

Malevolent Whispers

--> Paranoid Parish-Blade



--: Stern Constable


--: Might Beyond Reason


Pack 3 pick 7:

Stern Constable

Chaplain's Blessing

Pyre Hound

--> Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Hound of the Farbogs

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Indulgent Aristocrat



--: Survive the Night


--: Stone Quarry


--: Survive the Night


Pack 3 pick 8:

--> Survive the Night

Just the Wind

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Ember-Eye Wolf

Sanitarium Skeleton

Stone Quarry



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Stoic Builder


Pack 3 pick 9:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Silburlind Snapper

Stallion of Ashmouth

--> Stoic Builder

Uncaged Fury

Pick the Brain



--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Aim High


Pack 3 pick 10:

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Warped Landscape

Watcher in the Web

--> Aim High



--: Magmatic Chasm


--: Stoic Builder


Pack 3 pick 11:

Magmatic Chasm

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

--> Stoic Builder



--: Unruly Mob


--: Unruly Mob


Pack 3 pick 12:

--> Unruly Mob

Silburlind Snapper

Stoic Builder



--: Dual Shot


--: Dual Shot


Pack 3 pick 13:

--> Dual Shot

Magmatic Chasm



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Chaplain's Blessing


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Chaplain's Blessing



--: Plains


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Plains



Сплит, вервольфов не встретил


Ссылка на комментарий
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Event #: 9628491

Time: 24.04.2016 15:38:43









--> Psycho8


--: Always Watching


--: Always Watching


--: Always Watching


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

Sleep Paralysis

Senseless Rage

Sanitarium Skeleton

Shard of Broken Glass

Insolent Neonate

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity


Reaper of Flight Moonsilver

Reckless Scholar

--> Always Watching

Hermit of the Natterknolls



--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Avacynian Missionaries


--: Avacynian Missionaries


Pack 1 pick 2:

Dauntless Cathar

Ghostly Wings

Puncturing Light

Hound of the Farbogs

Ethereal Guidance

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Sanguinary Mage

Fork in the Road

Veteran Cathar

Howlpack Resurgence

Indulgent Aristocrat

--> Avacynian Missionaries



--: Goldnight Castigator


--: Thraben Inspector


--: Thraben Inspector


Pack 1 pick 3:

--> Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Magmatic Chasm

Incorrigible Youths

Indulgent Aristocrat

Goldnight Castigator



--: Eerie Interlude


--: Dauntless Cathar


Pack 1 pick 4:

--> Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Vessel of Ephemera

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Reduce to Ashes

Alms of the Vein

Eerie Interlude

Pore Over the Pages

Biting Rain

Breakneck Rider



--: Survive the Night


--: Apothecary Geist


--: Apothecary Geist


Pack 1 pick 5:

Survive the Night

Expose Evil

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

--> Apothecary Geist


Humble the Brute

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Dauntless Cathar


Pack 1 pick 6:

--> Dauntless Cathar

Ghostly Wings

Puncturing Light

Apothecary Geist

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Moldgraf Scavenger

Behind the Scenes

Skeleton Key



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Farbog Revenant


--: Farbog Revenant


Pack 1 pick 7:

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Jace's Scrutiny

--> Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Alms of the Vein

Epitaph Golem

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 1 pick 8:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Wicker Witch

--> Strength of Arms

Bloodmad Vampire

Shamble Back

Uncaged Fury

Invasive Surgery



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 1 pick 9:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

--> Shard of Broken Glass

Insolent Neonate

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity




--: Hound of the Farbogs


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


--: Crow of Dark Tidings


Pack 1 pick 10:

Hound of the Farbogs

Ethereal Guidance

--> Crow of Dark Tidings

Fork in the Road

Howlpack Resurgence



--: Macabre Waltz


--: Stromkirk Mentor


--: Macabre Waltz


Pack 1 pick 11:

--> Macabre Waltz

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Magmatic Chasm



--: Eerie Interlude


--: Eerie Interlude


--: Eerie Interlude


Pack 1 pick 12:

Rottenheart Ghoul

Alms of the Vein

--> Eerie Interlude



--: Survive the Night


--: Survive the Night


--: Survive the Night


Pack 1 pick 13:

--> Survive the Night

Macabre Waltz



--: Vessel of Volatility


--: Vessel of Volatility


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Vessel of Volatility



--: Island


--: Island


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Island


--: Wolf of Devil's Breach


--: Dead Weight


--: Dead Weight


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

--> Dead Weight

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Seagraf Skaab

Compelling Deterrence

Morkrut Necropod

Ongoing Investigation

Wolf of Devil's Breach

Aberrant Researcher



--: Avacyn's Judgment


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 2 pick 2:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Expose Evil

Wicker Witch

--> Strength of Arms

Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

Twins of Maurer Estate

Structural Distortion

Dissension in the Ranks

Spiteful Motives

Avacyn's Judgment

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Prized Amalgam


--: Town Gossipmonger


--: Town Gossipmonger


Pack 2 pick 3:

Inquisitor's Ox

Survive the Night

Dual Shot

Confront the Unknown


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Gone Missing

Olivia's Bloodsworn

Gryff's Boon

Prized Amalgam

--> Town Gossipmonger



--: Niblis of Dusk


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 2 pick 4:

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Pieces of the Puzzle

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Twins of Maurer Estate

Structural Distortion

Stoic Builder

Nahiri's Machinations

Runaway Carriage



--: Stern Constable


--: Explosive Apparatus


Pack 2 pick 5:

Stern Constable

Press for Answers

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

--> Explosive Apparatus

Intrepid Provisioner


Pick the Brain



--: Second Harvest


--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 2 pick 6:

Furtive Homunculus

--> Devilthorn Fox


Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Kessig Dire Swine

Magmatic Chasm

Creeping Dread

Second Harvest



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 2 pick 7:

Ghostly Wings

--> Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Explosive Apparatus

Drownyard Explorers

Loam Dryad

Fork in the Road

Runaway Carriage



--: Triskaidekaphobia


--: Triskaidekaphobia


Pack 2 pick 8:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Warped Landscape

Insolent Neonate

Aim High

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Forsaken Sanctuary

--> Triskaidekaphobia



--: Niblis of Dusk


--: Unruly Mob


--: Unruly Mob


Pack 2 pick 9:

Niblis of Dusk

--> Unruly Mob

Pyre Hound

Seagraf Skaab

Compelling Deterrence

Morkrut Necropod



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Expose Evil


Pack 2 pick 10:

Pieces of the Puzzle

--> Expose Evil

Wicker Witch

Structural Distortion

Dissension in the Ranks



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Throttle


--: Throttle


Pack 2 pick 11:

Inquisitor's Ox

--> Throttle

Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves



--: Magmatic Chasm


--: Runaway Carriage


Pack 2 pick 12:

Magmatic Chasm

Structural Distortion

--> Runaway Carriage



--: Stromkirk Mentor


--: Pick the Brain


Pack 2 pick 13:

Stromkirk Mentor

--> Pick the Brain



--: Merciless Resolve


--: Merciless Resolve


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Merciless Resolve



--: Plains


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Plains


--: From Under the Floorboards


--: From Under the Floorboards


--: Tooth Collector


--: Tooth Collector


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

True-Faith Censer

Seagraf Skaab

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

Watcher in the Web

Open the Armory

--> Tooth Collector

Ulrich's Kindred

From Under the Floorboards

Autumnal Gloom



--: Foreboding Ruins


--: Thraben Inspector


--: Thraben Inspector


Pack 3 pick 2:

--> Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

Seagraf Skaab

Stallion of Ashmouth

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Aim High

Crow of Dark Tidings

Haunted Cloak

Malevolent Whispers

Foreboding Ruins

Village Messenger



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Rancid Rats


--: Rancid Rats


Pack 3 pick 3:

Cathar's Companion

Stitched Mangler

Militant Inquisitor

--> Rancid Rats

Fiery Temper

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Senseless Rage

Manic Scribe

Foul Orchard




--: Silburlind Snapper


--: True-Faith Censer


Pack 3 pick 4:

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> True-Faith Censer

Apothecary Geist

Aim High

Shamble Back

Voldaren Duelist

Open the Armory

Inner Struggle

Lambholt Pacifist



--: Fortified Village


--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 3 pick 5:

--> Devilthorn Fox


Senseless Rage

Loam Dryad

Strength of Arms

Structural Distortion

Stoic Builder

Liliana's Indignation

Fortified Village

Solitary Hunter



--: Scourge Wolf


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 3 pick 6:

Stern Constable

Root Out

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

--> Moorland Drifter

Haunted Cloak

Murderer's Axe

Ulrich's Kindred

Scourge Wolf



--: Silent Observer


--: Grotesque Mutation


--: Grotesque Mutation


Pack 3 pick 7:

Silent Observer


Senseless Rage

Sanitarium Skeleton

Sanguinary Mage

--> Grotesque Mutation


Broken Concentration



--: Silent Observer


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 3 pick 8:

Silent Observer

--> Inspiring Captain


Alms of the Vein

Moldgraf Scavenger

Not Forgotten

Fleeting Memories



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


--: Ghoulcaller's Accomplice


Pack 3 pick 9:

Vessel of Ephemera

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Crow of Dark Tidings

Open the Armory

Autumnal Gloom



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 3 pick 10:

Silburlind Snapper

--> Militant Inquisitor

Stallion of Ashmouth

Structural Distortion

Haunted Cloak



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Farbog Revenant


Pack 3 pick 11:

Cathar's Companion

--> Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Senseless Rage



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Shamble Back


--: Shamble Back


Pack 3 pick 12:

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Shamble Back

Open the Armory



--: Senseless Rage


--: Loam Dryad


Pack 3 pick 13:

Senseless Rage

--> Loam Dryad



--: Root Out


--: Root Out


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Root Out



--: Mountain


--: Mountain


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Mountain






Event #: 9628934

Time: 24.04.2016 18:05:45







--> Psycho8




--: Game Trail


--: Obsessive Skinner


--: Obsessive Skinner


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Drownyard Explorers

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Fork in the Road


Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

--> Obsessive Skinner

Ulvenwald Mysteries

Foul Orchard

Game Trail

Solitary Hunter



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Reckless Scholar


--: Reckless Scholar


Pack 1 pick 2:

Chaplain's Blessing

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

Sanitarium Skeleton

Spectral Shepherd

--> Reckless Scholar

Highland Lake

Aberrant Researcher



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Confront the Unknown


--: Magnifying Glass


--: Magnifying Glass


Pack 1 pick 3:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

Confront the Unknown


Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Rancid Rats


--> Magnifying Glass

Inner Struggle

Convicted Killer



--: Deny Existence


--: Graf Mole


--: Graf Mole


Pack 1 pick 4:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Kessig Dire Swine

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Warped Landscape

Explosive Apparatus

Dissension in the Ranks

Veteran Cathar

--> Graf Mole



--: Expose Evil


--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Furtive Homunculus


Pack 1 pick 5:

Expose Evil

--> Furtive Homunculus

Devilthorn Fox

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

Grotesque Mutation

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Stone Quarry



--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Briarbridge Patrol


--: Briarbridge Patrol


Pack 1 pick 6:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Press for Answers

Loam Dryad

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Fork in the Road

Shamble Back

Liliana's Indignation

--> Briarbridge Patrol



--: Silent Observer


--: Erdwal Illuminator


--: Erdwal Illuminator


Pack 1 pick 7:

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Warped Landscape

Hope Against Hope

--> Erdwal Illuminator



--: Fevered Visions


--: Catalog


Pack 1 pick 8:

--> Catalog

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Nahiri's Machinations

Fevered Visions



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Stormrider Spirit


Pack 1 pick 9:

Militant Inquisitor

--> Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Fork in the Road

Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Spectral Shepherd


--: Spectral Shepherd


Pack 1 pick 10:

Chaplain's Blessing

Equestrian Skill

Root Out

Rottenheart Ghoul

--> Spectral Shepherd



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Thornhide Wolves


--: Thornhide Wolves


Pack 1 pick 11:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Vessel of Volatility

--> Thornhide Wolves




--: Deny Existence


--: Deny Existence


Pack 1 pick 12:

--> Deny Existence

Pieces of the Puzzle

Kessig Dire Swine



--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


Pack 1 pick 13:

--> Expose Evil

Grotesque Mutation



--: Fork in the Road


--: Fork in the Road


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Fork in the Road



--: Plains


--: Plains


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Plains


--: Soul Swallower


--: Soul Swallower


--: Soul Swallower


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Expose Evil

Furtive Homunculus

Devilthorn Fox

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Hound of the Farbogs

Broken Concentration

Woodland Stream

Indulgent Aristocrat

--> Soul Swallower

Hinterland Logger



--: Deathcap Cultivator


--: Deathcap Cultivator


--: Deathcap Cultivator


Pack 2 pick 2:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Deathcap Cultivator

Moldgraf Scavenger

Vessel of Malignity

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Stensia Masquerade

Cult of the Waxing Moon


Hermit of the Natterknolls



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Ongoing Investigation


--: Ongoing Investigation


Pack 2 pick 3:

Inquisitor's Ox

Just the Wind

Cathar's Companion

Root Out

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Rabid Bite

Magmatic Chasm

Incorrigible Youths

Indulgent Aristocrat

--> Ongoing Investigation

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Catalog


--: Stitched Mangler


--: Stitched Mangler


Pack 2 pick 4:


Survive the Night

--> Stitched Mangler

Vampire Noble

Hound of the Farbogs

Shard of Broken Glass

Aim High

Crow of Dark Tidings

Insolent Neonate

Haunted Cloak

Gibbering Fiend



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Stoic Builder


Pack 2 pick 5:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Emissary of the Sleepless

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Howlpack Wolf

--> Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

Not Forgotten

Spiteful Motives



--: Corrupted Grafstone


--: Jace's Scrutiny


--: Jace's Scrutiny


Pack 2 pick 6:

--> Jace's Scrutiny

Cathar's Companion

Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Uncaged Fury

Twins of Maurer Estate

Trail of Evidence

Corrupted Grafstone

Pious Evangel



--: Press for Answers


--: Press for Answers


--: Press for Answers


Pack 2 pick 7:

--> Press for Answers

Nagging Thoughts

Paranoid Parish-Blade

Alms of the Vein

Dual Shot

Loam Dryad

Trail of Evidence

Reaper of Flight Moonsilver



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Ravenous Bloodseeker


Pack 2 pick 8:

Silburlind Snapper

True-Faith Censer

Magmatic Chasm

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

--> Ravenous Bloodseeker

Paranoid Parish-Blade



--: Furtive Homunculus


--: Furtive Homunculus


Pack 2 pick 9:

--> Furtive Homunculus

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Hound of the Farbogs



--: Deny Existence


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


--: Moldgraf Scavenger


Pack 2 pick 10:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Moldgraf Scavenger

Vessel of Malignity



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Cathar's Companion


Pack 2 pick 11:

Inquisitor's Ox

--> Cathar's Companion

Rush of Adrenaline

Magmatic Chasm



--: Hound of the Farbogs


--: Haunted Cloak


Pack 2 pick 12:

Hound of the Farbogs

Insolent Neonate

--> Haunted Cloak



--: Shamble Back


--: Not Forgotten


Pack 2 pick 13:

Shamble Back

--> Not Forgotten



--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Shard of Broken Glass



--: Swamp


--: Swamp


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Swamp


--: Eerie Interlude


--: Magnifying Glass


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Shard of Broken Glass

Gone Missing

Ethereal Guidance

Aim High

Crow of Dark Tidings

Insolent Neonate

Stensia Masquerade

Weirding Wood

--> Magnifying Glass

Eerie Interlude

Neglected Heirloom



--: Inexorable Blob


--: Inexorable Blob


--: Inexorable Blob


Pack 3 pick 2:


Thraben Inspector

Niblis of Dusk

Senseless Rage

Senseless Rage

True-Faith Censer

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Voldaren Duelist

Runaway Carriage

Rise from the Tides

--> Inexorable Blob

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Graf Mole


Pack 3 pick 3:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Highland Lake

Drownyard Explorers

Loam Dryad

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings

Liliana's Indignation


--> Graf Mole



--: Engulf the Shore


--: Engulf the Shore


Pack 3 pick 4:

Emissary of the Sleepless

Sleep Paralysis

Wicker Witch

Strength of Arms

Bloodmad Vampire


Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

Open the Armory

--> Engulf the Shore

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Survive the Night


--: Pore Over the Pages


--: Pore Over the Pages


Pack 3 pick 5:

Survive the Night

Just the Wind

Emissary of the Sleepless

Vessel of Volatility

Thornhide Wolves

Clip Wings

Bloodmad Vampire

--> Pore Over the Pages

Ulvenwald Mysteries

Biting Rain



--: Scourge Wolf


--: Quilled Wolf


Pack 3 pick 6:

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Rush of Adrenaline

--> Quilled Wolf

Hulking Devil

Hound of the Farbogs

Stone Quarry

Scourge Wolf



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Niblis of Dusk


--: Niblis of Dusk


Pack 3 pick 7:

Chaplain's Blessing

--> Niblis of Dusk

Quilled Wolf

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Senseless Rage

Humble the Brute



--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Fleeting Memories


--: Fleeting Memories


Pack 3 pick 8:

Shard of Broken Glass

Sanitarium Skeleton

Uncaged Fury

Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Hope Against Hope

--> Fleeting Memories



--: Eerie Interlude


--: Gone Missing


Pack 3 pick 9:

Deny Existence

Shard of Broken Glass

--> Gone Missing

Aim High

Insolent Neonate

Eerie Interlude



--: Senseless Rage


--: Vessel of Nascency


Pack 3 pick 10:

Senseless Rage

Senseless Rage

--> Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Runaway Carriage



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Pieces of the Puzzle


Pack 3 pick 11:

--> Pieces of the Puzzle

Silburlind Snapper

Loam Dryad

Liliana's Indignation



--: Wicker Witch


--: Wicker Witch


Pack 3 pick 12:

--> Wicker Witch

Sanguinary Mage

Open the Armory



--: Vessel of Volatility


--: Thornhide Wolves


Pack 3 pick 13:

Vessel of Volatility

--> Thornhide Wolves



--: Stone Quarry


--: Stone Quarry


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Stone Quarry



--: Mountain


--: Mountain


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Mountain


Слил миррору в первом раунде. Один раз смиллил оппа в хите, в решающей получил на пятый ход дрейков, на шестой альтер эго в дрейков гг.




Event #: 9629747

Time: 24.04.2016 21:32:40



--> Psycho8








--: Hanweir Militia Captain


--: Hanweir Militia Captain


--: Hanweir Militia Captain


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

--> Hanweir Militia Captain

Press for Answers

Inquisitor's Ox

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

Explosive Apparatus

Olivia's Bloodsworn

Malevolent Whispers

Gryff's Boon

Game Trail

Hermit of the Natterknolls



--: Confirm Suspicions


--: Avacynian Missionaries


--: Avacynian Missionaries


Pack 1 pick 2:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Chaplain's Blessing

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Quilled Wolf

Magmatic Chasm

Lightning Axe


Murderer's Axe

Confirm Suspicions

--> Avacynian Missionaries



--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


--: Angelic Purge


Pack 1 pick 3:

--> Angelic Purge

Vessel of Paramnesia

Chaplain's Blessing

Loam Dryad

Strength of Arms

Vessel of Malignity

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Grotesque Mutation

Incorrigible Youths

Murderer's Axe

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Silent Observer


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 1 pick 4:

Silent Observer

--> Inspiring Captain


Hound of the Farbogs

Senseless Rage

Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

Uncaged Fury

Liliana's Indignation

Briarbridge Patrol

Graf Mole



--: Just the Wind


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


Pack 1 pick 5:

Just the Wind

Jace's Scrutiny

Ethereal Guidance

Moldgraf Scavenger

Senseless Rage

Howlpack Wolf

Vessel of Nascency

Twins of Maurer Estate

Manic Scribe

--> Paranoid Parish-Blade



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Topplegeist


--: Topplegeist


Pack 1 pick 6:

Silburlind Snapper

Vessel of Paramnesia

Seagraf Skaab

Stallion of Ashmouth

Aim High

Vampire Noble

Voldaren Duelist

Essence Flux

--> Topplegeist



--: To the Slaughter


--: To the Slaughter


Pack 1 pick 7:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Runaway Carriage

Magnifying Glass

--> To the Slaughter



--: Unruly Mob


--: Unruly Mob


--: Unruly Mob


Pack 1 pick 8:

--> Unruly Mob

Kessig Dire Swine

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Strength of Arms

Solitary Hunter



--: Press for Answers


--: Clip Wings


--: Clip Wings


Pack 1 pick 9:

Press for Answers

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Stromkirk Mentor

--> Clip Wings

Malevolent Whispers



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Murderer's Axe


--: Murderer's Axe


Pack 1 pick 10:

Chaplain's Blessing

Might Beyond Reason

Dual Shot

Magmatic Chasm

--> Murderer's Axe



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 1 pick 11:

Chaplain's Blessing

Loam Dryad

--> Strength of Arms

Vessel of Malignity



--: Hound of the Farbogs


--: Shamble Back


Pack 1 pick 12:

Hound of the Farbogs

--> Shamble Back

Liliana's Indignation



--: Just the Wind


--: Ethereal Guidance


Pack 1 pick 13:

Just the Wind

--> Ethereal Guidance



--: Silburlind Snapper


--: Silburlind Snapper


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Silburlind Snapper



--: Mountain


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Mountain


--: Choked Estuary


--: Kessig Forgemaster


--: Kessig Forgemaster


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

Emissary of the Sleepless

Sleep Paralysis

Stern Constable

Sanitarium Skeleton

Shard of Broken Glass

Byway Courier

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

Howlpack Wolf

Compelling Deterrence

Stone Quarry

Morkrut Necropod

Choked Estuary

--> Kessig Forgemaster



--: Rattlechains


--: Veteran Cathar


--: Veteran Cathar


Pack 2 pick 2:

Inquisitor's Ox

Just the Wind

Tormenting Voice

Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

Murderous Compulsion

Stallion of Ashmouth

Intrepid Provisioner

Dissension in the Ranks

--> Veteran Cathar

Graf Mole


Kindly Stranger



--: Stitched Mangler


--: Solitary Hunter


--: Solitary Hunter


Pack 2 pick 3:

Stitched Mangler

Expose Evil

Confront the Unknown

Dead Weight

Vessel of Volatility

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Drownyard Explorers

Incorrigible Youths

Indulgent Aristocrat

Ongoing Investigation

--> Solitary Hunter



--: Second Harvest


--: Nahiri's Machinations


--: Nahiri's Machinations


Pack 2 pick 4:

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Jace's Scrutiny

Rottenheart Ghoul

Root Out

Gone Missing

Moldgraf Scavenger

--> Nahiri's Machinations

Weirding Wood

Rise from the Tides

Second Harvest



--: Eerie Interlude


--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 2 pick 5:

Furtive Homunculus

--> Devilthorn Fox


Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Loam Dryad

Wicker Witch

Twins of Maurer Estate

Insolent Neonate

Creeping Dread

Eerie Interlude



--: Drogskol Cavalry


--: Town Gossipmonger


--: Town Gossipmonger


Pack 2 pick 6:

Inquisitor's Ox

Survive the Night

Alms of the Vein


Vessel of Volatility

Spectral Shepherd

Highland Lake

Drogskol Cavalry

--> Town Gossipmonger



--: Unruly Mob


--: True-Faith Censer


--: True-Faith Censer


Pack 2 pick 7:

Unruly Mob

Silburlind Snapper

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Seagraf Skaab

--> True-Faith Censer

Vessel of Malignity

Trail of Evidence




--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 2 pick 8:

--> Militant Inquisitor

Thornhide Wolves

Equestrian Skill

Stromkirk Mentor

True-Faith Censer

Hope Against Hope

Biting Rain



--: Stern Constable


--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 2 pick 9:

Stern Constable

--> Shard of Broken Glass

Grotesque Mutation

Vampire Noble

Stone Quarry

Morkrut Necropod



--: Tormenting Voice


--: Clip Wings


Pack 2 pick 10:

Tormenting Voice

--> Clip Wings

Rottenheart Ghoul

Stallion of Ashmouth

Dissension in the Ranks



--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


Pack 2 pick 11:

--> Expose Evil

Vessel of Volatility

Macabre Waltz

Indulgent Aristocrat



--: Second Harvest


--: Second Harvest


--: Weirding Wood


--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Weirding Wood


Pack 2 pick 12:

Chaplain's Blessing

--> Weirding Wood

Second Harvest



--: Loam Dryad


--: Loam Dryad


Pack 2 pick 13:

--> Loam Dryad

Creeping Dread



--: Alms of the Vein


--: Alms of the Vein


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Alms of the Vein



--: Forest


--: Forest


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Forest


--: Westvale Abbey


--: Westvale Abbey


--: Westvale Abbey


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

Bloodmad Vampire

Apothecary Geist

Vessel of Nascency

Vessel of Malignity

Voldaren Duelist

--> Westvale Abbey

Hope Against Hope

Pale Rider of Trostad

Fleeting Memories

Forgotten Creation

Autumnal Gloom



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Obsessive Skinner


--: Obsessive Skinner


Pack 3 pick 2:

Cathar's Companion

Stitched Mangler

Militant Inquisitor

Sanitarium Skeleton

True-Faith Censer

Structural Distortion

Stoic Builder

Crow of Dark Tidings

Uncaged Fury

--> Obsessive Skinner

Ulvenwald Mysteries

Foul Orchard

Skin Invasion



--: Ghostly Wings


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


--: Reaper of Flight Moonsilver


Pack 3 pick 3:

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Thornhide Wolves

Rancid Rats

Clip Wings

Magmatic Chasm

Apothecary Geist

Trail of Evidence

--> Reaper of Flight Moonsilver

Sinister Concoction

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Silent Observer


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Gloomwidow


--: Gloomwidow


Pack 3 pick 4:

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Essence Flux

Ethereal Guidance

Drownyard Explorers

Moldgraf Scavenger

Structural Distortion

Aim High

--> Gloomwidow

Crawling Sensation

Solitary Hunter



--: Deathcap Cultivator


--: Deathcap Cultivator


--: Deathcap Cultivator


Pack 3 pick 5:

Unruly Mob

Pieces of the Puzzle

Dual Shot

Quilled Wolf

Ulrich's Kindred

Hulking Devil

Magmatic Chasm

Briarbridge Patrol

Invasive Surgery

--> Deathcap Cultivator



--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Hinterland Logger


--: Hinterland Logger


Pack 3 pick 6:

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Jace's Scrutiny

Gone Missing

Explosive Apparatus

Sanguinary Mage

Stoic Builder

Nahiri's Machinations

--> Hinterland Logger



--: Unruly Mob


--: True-Faith Censer


Pack 3 pick 7:

Unruly Mob

Pieces of the Puzzle

Seagraf Skaab

--> True-Faith Censer

Aim High

Drunau Corpse Trawler

Forsaken Sanctuary

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Strength of Arms


--: Strength of Arms


Pack 3 pick 8:

Devilthorn Fox

Furtive Homunculus

Loam Dryad

--> Strength of Arms

Structural Distortion

Open the Armory

Harvest Hand



--: Thraben Inspector


--: Thraben Inspector


--: Thraben Inspector


Pack 3 pick 9:

--> Thraben Inspector

Silburlind Snapper

Militant Inquisitor

Vessel of Malignity

Hope Against Hope

Autumnal Gloom



--: Cathar's Companion


--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 3 pick 10:

Cathar's Companion

--> Militant Inquisitor

Structural Distortion

Stoic Builder

Foul Orchard



--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


--: Inspiring Captain


Pack 3 pick 11:

--> Inspiring Captain

Deny Existence

Thornhide Wolves

Clip Wings



--: Ethereal Guidance


--: Ethereal Guidance


Pack 3 pick 12:

--> Ethereal Guidance

Structural Distortion

Crawling Sensation



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Hulking Devil


Pack 3 pick 13:

Pieces of the Puzzle

--> Hulking Devil



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Chaplain's Blessing


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Chaplain's Blessing



--: Island


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Island


Проиграл 2-0 в первом раунде. Я даже не знаю как это комментировать, матчап по ощущениям 85-15 в мою пользу, у оппонента набор синих карт с милящим мификом. В первой кипаю 2 земли, оппонент на третий ставит УР чары, в конце хода игрок дровается. На 7 ход у меня на столе 3 земли. Ладно, бывает. Вторая игра, хожу. Кипаю 2 земли, рука-грязь. На 8 ход у меня 2 земли.



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Друже, пока ты будешь глядя в бустер, в котором есть Inspiring Captain говорить "Пусто" при набранных ранее белых картах, все будет идти не так

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А чем обусловлена такая нелюбовь к Throttle? Кое-где я еще могу понять, но в 8 драфте в 2-3 взятый над ним скелет вообще необъясним.

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А чем обусловлена такая нелюбовь к Throttle? Кое-где я еще могу понять, но в 8 драфте в 2-3 взятый над ним скелет вообще необъясним.


"Ну как же так, в предыдущем сете за BB такое было, а тут за пять ман, какая плохая карта", предполагаю)

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Красный специально на драфтах игнорируется или что?!

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Друже, пока ты будешь глядя в бустер, в котором есть Inspiring Captain говорить "Пусто" при набранных ранее белых картах, все будет идти не так

На тот момент мы ближе к UB, капитан явно не вернет нас в белый. Земля под сплеш смотрится и то переспективнее.

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А чем обусловлена такая нелюбовь к Throttle? Кое-где я еще могу понять, но в 8 драфте в 2-3 взятый над ним скелет вообще необъясним.

К этому моменту у нас уже есть 1 тротл и 2 ремувала лучше. Скелет тоже довольно полезен, хотя первый троттл взял бы выше

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№13 "За всю боль"

Event #: 9634005

Time: 25.04.2016 22:13:02







--> Psycho8




--: Descend upon the Sinful


--: Descend upon the Sinful


--: Descend upon the Sinful


------ SOI ------


Pack 1 pick 1:

Expose Evil

Deny Existence

Devilthorn Fox

Loam Dryad

Strength of Arms

Howlpack Wolf

Stoic Builder

Shamble Back

Uncaged Fury

Veteran Cathar

Murderer's Axe

Forsaken Sanctuary

--> Descend upon the Sinful

Solitary Hunter



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Reckless Scholar


--: Reckless Scholar


Pack 1 pick 2:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

Gone Missing

Moldgraf Scavenger

Grotesque Mutation

Insolent Neonate

Watcher in the Web

Crow of Dark Tidings


Call the Bloodline

--> Reckless Scholar

Gatstaf Arsonists



--: Cryptolith Rite


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 1 pick 3:

Vessel of Paramnesia

Press for Answers

Intrepid Provisioner

--> Moorland Drifter

Warped Landscape

Shamble Back

Voldaren Duelist

Vessel of Nascency

Weirding Wood

Manic Scribe

Foul Orchard

Cryptolith Rite



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Just the Wind


--: Rise from the Tides


Pack 1 pick 4:

Inquisitor's Ox

Just the Wind

Sanitarium Skeleton

Shard of Broken Glass

Vessel of Malignity

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Grotesque Mutation



--> Rise from the Tides



--: Drogskol Cavalry


--: Drogskol Cavalry


--: Drogskol Cavalry


--: Drogskol Cavalry


Pack 1 pick 5:

Niblis of Dusk

Unruly Mob

Murderous Compulsion

Root Out

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline

Epitaph Golem

Fleeting Memories

Gibbering Fiend

--> Drogskol Cavalry



--: Expose Evil


--: Devilthorn Fox


--: Devilthorn Fox


Pack 1 pick 6:

Expose Evil

Furtive Homunculus

--> Devilthorn Fox

Rottenheart Ghoul

Dual Shot

Seagraf Skaab

Creeping Dread

Howlpack Resurgence

Convicted Killer



--: Press for Answers


--: Nagging Thoughts


--: Not Forgotten


Pack 1 pick 7:

Press for Answers

Nagging Thoughts

Hound of the Farbogs

Shard of Broken Glass

Aim High

Insolent Neonate

Broken Concentration

--> Not Forgotten



--: Second Harvest


--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Pieces of the Puzzle


Pack 1 pick 8:

Deny Existence

Stormrider Spirit

--> Pieces of the Puzzle

Loam Dryad


Pick the Brain

Second Harvest



--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


--: Expose Evil


Pack 1 pick 9:

--> Expose Evil

Deny Existence

Loam Dryad

Shamble Back

Murderer's Axe

Forsaken Sanctuary



--: Vessel of Ephemera


--: Vessel of Ephemera


Pack 1 pick 10:

--> Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Grotesque Mutation

Insolent Neonate




--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Vessel of Paramnesia


--: Press for Answers


--: Press for Answers


Pack 1 pick 11:

Vessel of Paramnesia

--> Press for Answers

Shamble Back

Foul Orchard



--: Shard of Broken Glass


--: Shard of Broken Glass


Pack 1 pick 12:

--> Shard of Broken Glass

Vessel of Malignity

Grotesque Mutation



--: Epitaph Golem


--: Fleeting Memories


Pack 1 pick 13:

Epitaph Golem

--> Fleeting Memories



--: Creeping Dread


--: Creeping Dread


Pack 1 pick 14:

--> Creeping Dread



--: Forest


--: Forest


Pack 1 pick 15:

--> Forest


--: Archangel Avacyn


--: Archangel Avacyn


--: Archangel Avacyn


------ SOI ------


Pack 2 pick 1:

--> Archangel Avacyn

Nagging Thoughts

Chaplain's Blessing

Quilled Wolf

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Kessig Dire Swine

Dead Weight

Hound of the Farbogs

Liliana's Indignation


Graf Mole

Tireless Tracker

Kindly Stranger



--: Press for Answers


--: Pore Over the Pages


--: Dauntless Cathar


--: Pore Over the Pages


Pack 2 pick 2:

Press for Answers

Dauntless Cathar

Nagging Thoughts

Warped Landscape

Sanitarium Skeleton

Shard of Broken Glass

Vessel of Malignity

Uncaged Fury

Byway Courier

Pick the Brain

--> Pore Over the Pages

Skeleton Key

Thraben Gargoyle



--: Harness the Storm


--: Spectral Shepherd


--: Spectral Shepherd


Pack 2 pick 3:

Jace's Scrutiny

Cathar's Companion

Stitched Mangler

Structural Distortion

Dual Shot

Merciless Resolve

Magmatic Chasm

Apothecary Geist

--> Spectral Shepherd

Haunted Cloak

Erdwal Illuminator

Harness the Storm



--: Militant Inquisitor


--: Militant Inquisitor


Pack 2 pick 4:

--> Militant Inquisitor

Stormrider Spirit

Stern Constable

Rabid Bite

Alms of the Vein

Confront the Unknown

Warped Landscape


Skeleton Key

Call the Bloodline

Lambholt Pacifist



--: Invocation of Saint Traft


--: Sleep Paralysis


Pack 2 pick 5:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

--> Sleep Paralysis

Gone Missing

Warped Landscape

Aim High

Aim High

Weirding Wood

Dissension in the Ranks

Woodland Stream

Invocation of Saint Traft



--: Pieces of the Puzzle


--: Moorland Drifter


--: Moorland Drifter


Pack 2 pick 6:

Pieces of the Puzzle

Silburlind Snapper

Seagraf Skaab

Bloodmad Vampire

--> Moorland Drifter

Grotesque Mutation

Structural Distortion

Behind the Scenes

Hinterland Logger



--: Just the Wind


--: Just the Wind


--: Just the Wind


Pack 2 pick 7:

--> Just the Wind

Emissary of the Sleepless

Sanitarium Skeleton

Watcher in the Web

Fork in the Road

Invasive Surgery

Highland Lake

Solitary Hunter



--: Engulf the Shore


--: Engulf the Shore


Pack 2 pick 8:

Furtive Homunculus

Vessel of Paramnesia

Stromkirk Mentor

Tormenting Voice

Rottenheart Ghoul

Magmatic Chasm

--> Engulf the Shore



--: Chaplain's Blessing


--: Liliana's Indignation


Pack 2 pick 9:

Chaplain's Blessing

Merciless Resolve

Hulking Devil

Kessig Dire Swine

Hound of the Farbogs

--> Liliana's Indignation



--: Press for Answers


--: Nagging Thoughts


Pack 2 pick 10:

Press for Answers

--> Nagging Thoughts

Vessel of Malignity

Pick the Brain

Skeleton Key



--: Harness the Storm


--: Stitched Mangler


Pack 2 pick 11:

--> Stitched Mangler

Structural Distortion

Haunted Cloak

Harness the Storm



--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Stormrider Spirit


Pack 2 pick 12:

--> Stormrider Spirit

Alms of the Vein

Skeleton Key



--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


--: Lamplighter of Selhoff


Pack 2 pick 13:

--> Lamplighter of Selhoff

Weirding Wood



--: Silburlind Snapper


Pack 2 pick 14:

--> Silburlind Snapper



--: Swamp


Pack 2 pick 15:

--> Swamp


--: Game Trail


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


--: Paranoid Parish-Blade


------ SOI ------


Pack 3 pick 1:

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Inspiring Captain

Hulking Devil

Thornhide Wolves

Murderous Compulsion

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Drownyard Explorers


Malevolent Whispers

--> Paranoid Parish-Blade

Game Trail

Heir of Falkenrath



--: To the Slaughter


--: Pious Evangel


Pack 3 pick 2:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Puncturing Light

Cathar's Companion

Kessig Dire Swine

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Gone Missing

Gisa's Bidding

Mad Prophet

To the Slaughter

--> Pious Evangel



--: Elusive Tormentor


--: Aberrant Researcher


--: Aberrant Researcher


Pack 3 pick 3:

Elusive Tormentor

Silent Observer

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

Rancid Rats

Dual Shot

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

Spectral Shepherd

Manic Scribe

Highland Lake

--> Aberrant Researcher



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Just the Wind


--: Just the Wind


Pack 3 pick 4:

Inquisitor's Ox

--> Just the Wind

Rancid Rats

Clip Wings

Farbog Revenant

Rush of Adrenaline


Compelling Deterrence

Stone Quarry

Morkrut Necropod

Brain in a Jar



--: Silent Observer


--: Apothecary Geist


Pack 3 pick 5:

Silent Observer

Inspiring Captain

Ember-Eye Wolf

Equestrian Skill

Macabre Waltz

Pyre Hound

Might Beyond Reason

--> Apothecary Geist

Open the Armory

Ongoing Investigation



--: Stormrider Spirit


--: Pious Evangel


--: Pious Evangel


Pack 3 pick 6:

Stormrider Spirit

Pieces of the Puzzle

Strength of Arms

Magmatic Chasm

Ghoulcaller's Accomplice

Vessel of Nascency

Twins of Maurer Estate

Runaway Carriage

--> Pious Evangel



--: Nephalia Moondrakes


--: Nephalia Moondrakes


Pack 3 pick 7:

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Vessel of Volatility

Rancid Rats

Gone Missing

Moldgraf Scavenger

Runaway Carriage

Dissension in the Ranks

--> Nephalia Moondrakes



--: Inquisitor's Ox


--: Silent Observer


Pack 3 pick 8:

Inquisitor's Ox

--> Silent Observer

Ethereal Guidance

Moldgraf Scavenger

Senseless Rage

Vessel of Malignity

Trail of Evidence



--: Game Trail


--: Drownyard Explorers


Pack 3 pick 9:

Militant Inquisitor

Ghostly Wings

Hulking Devil

Equestrian Skill

--> Drownyard Explorers

Game Trail



--: To the Slaughter


--: Gone Missing


Pack 3 pick 10:

Vessel of Ephemera

Lamplighter of Selhoff

Pyre Hound

--> Gone Missing

To the Slaughter



--: Dual Shot


--: Manic Scribe


Pack 3 pick 11:

Dual Shot

Ethereal Guidance

Hound of the Farbogs

--> Manic Scribe



--: Brain in a Jar


--: Brain in a Jar


Pack 3 pick 12:

Farbog Revenant


--> Brain in a Jar



--: Equestrian Skill


--: Pyre Hound


Pack 3 pick 13:

Equestrian Skill

--> Pyre Hound



--: Runaway Carriage


--: Runaway Carriage


Pack 3 pick 14:

--> Runaway Carriage



--: Island


--: Island


Pack 3 pick 15:

--> Island


3-0, проклятие оборотней во втором раунде снято.
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Красный специально на драфтах игнорируется или что?!

Можешь указать драфт и конкретные пики, где нужно было брать красный? Если ты про 10 драфт, то там я ухода в красный не вижу. Да, весь драфт ходили очень сильные красные карты, но поначалу нам хватало белого, а дальше было уже поздно. 3 пиком можно было взять мифик, но его кост слишком тяжел для колоды на always watching

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Драфт 7. пик 1.3.

А зеленая карта совсем плохая?

Паук хороший, но он хуже лайфлинкера и груза, так что уходить в зелёный пока рано. Можно было взять белый ремувал за 2, но эквип надежнее.

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Паук хороший, но он хуже лайфлинкера и груза, так что уходить в зелёный пока рано. Можно было взять белый ремувал за 2, но эквип надежнее.

Я про другую зеленую. Которая за 1г, если что.

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Я про другую зеленую. Которая за 1г, если что.

Да, просмотрел байт. Он, конечно, лучше паука, в принципе вполне допустимый пик. Другое дело, что если мы берём байт и садимся в зелёный, то так или иначе несколько оборотней наберем, а в таком случае эквип может быть лучше байта

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ещё один очень плохой драфт, который про "бомбы вскрывай @ сигналов не читай" и 333 рандом пика

глаза кровоточат

А можно хотя бы с примерами? Не увидел никакого криминала.

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Думаю речь об открытом черном, но там и так неплохо все

(а за такие комментарии, без конкретики, я бы ворнинги выписывал).

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Да, просмотрел байт. Он, конечно, лучше паука, в принципе вполне допустимый пик. Другое дело, что если мы берём байт и садимся в зелёный, то так или иначе несколько оборотней наберем, а в таком случае эквип может быть лучше байта


Ну я не был бы настолько уверен насчет оборотней. Еще есть БГ делириум, УГ инвестигейт (нужен меньше, но все равно ремувал), да и просто гв хуманы, где оборотни есть просто как хорошие существа. В этих сочетаниях байт лучше чем эквип.

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А можно хотя бы с примерами? Не увидел никакого криминала.

1.2 Не понятны причины брать лутера. Есть белый ремувал, если мы рассчитываем играть первым пиком. Но это, допустим, ок. Типа мы пытаемся быть открытыми.

1.4 Зачем нам это? Хороший белый дух, комбится с врасом, делириум опять же.

1.5 Зачем нам шняга за 7? по-другому после враса не выиграть? черный ремувал это явный сигнал, а рарка - нет.

1.8 Ну как бы все понятно.


И общий вывод: синий не был открыт. Справа приходили отдельные карты, но ключевых коммонов - духа и зомби мы не видим. Все остальное шелуха.


Насчет рендомпиков согласен, там среди средних-поздних очень много нежданчиков.


Ну я не был бы настолько уверен насчет оборотней. Еще есть БГ делириум, УГ инвестигейт (нужен меньше, но все равно ремувал), да и просто гв хуманы, где оборотни есть просто как хорошие существа. В этих сочетаниях байт лучше чем эквип.

Эквип поломный совершенно, и оборотни бывают не только зеленые.

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У меня ощущение, что кто-то никогда не драфтил колоды на Rise from the Tides и пытается комментить.

Нужный нам синий был вполне открыт.

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