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Help me find this player (female, ~35yo, plays Duel EDH; detailed info inside)


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I'm trying to find and contact one player from Russia. I don't know their name, but I know this and that about them. Maybe someone will recognize such a description.


That person:

– is female

– started playing MtG about 20 years ago

– wasn't adult when started playing, so she's probably around 35 now

– plays MtG until today but isn't very active nowadays

– is a very good player

– plays Duel Commander

– has Narset, Animar, and Azami decks

– uses alpha duals

– lives in Russia, but quite far from the UTC +3 region

– is a creator of FRPGs which are known of being extremely difficult


If you have any clue on who that person might be, I would be very grateful if you could help me.

Изменено пользователем Avelor
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Who's asking?


Randomly popping up in the middle of Russia asking for contacts of an all-alpha female does not get you a lot of trust points.


It would help if you first introduce yourself and the context of this request.

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Well, this is right, my post might look suspicious, but even if my intentions were evil, I don't think I could do anything just with some way to contact that person.


As for the context... Well, this is quite sophisticated, so I'm not sure if explaining it is a good idea. But even if I did explain it, it wouldn't prove my honesty at all as I could just make up everything.


I learnt the hard way I should not tell too much on open forums.

Изменено пользователем Avelor
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– uses alpha duals

Try looking here


Dont get me wrong, my friend, but trying to look for someone who is almost inactive nowadays, while still be sure of their accomulation of extreme wealth and furthermore, looking for someone who you know so much about yet do not aware of their name is most likely a futile action, so dont get too much of a hope. Most of russian players who started playing 20 years ago and still are show themselves every now and often are well known by community.


But, hey, dont give up, maybe you will succeed. Good luck.

Изменено пользователем widepw
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– is a creator of FRPGs which are known of being extremely difficult

Any ideas what forum did she uses?

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Since you mention FRPGs, then maybe it is a better idea to ask on those forums, which had those FRPGs?

The problem is I don't know what those FRPGs are. I only have one translated story from it and pasting the names into Yandex did not help me find it. But yeah, I was also thinking about looking for that person on FRPG-related sites.

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How did you found all other information about her if you have only a piece of story?

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How did you found all other information about her if you have only a piece of story?

The pieces of information I included were not found through any investigation, it was all something I knew earlier.

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I only have one translated story


Avelor, post this story here or proof link to another forum with this. plz


Настало время удивительных историй, а еще ведь не пятница.

Изменено пользователем slx
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Да ладно вам, у чувака самый дивный ник на этом форуме. Уверен он пишет, закутавшись в тюлевый плащ.) не думаю, что он что-то замышляет.

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Avelor, post this story here or proof link to another forum with this. plz


Настало время удивительных историй, а еще ведь не пятница.


Well, okay, I think I can post it: https://pastebin.com/CfWR8eq3

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Народ, не читайте, там как минимум рейтинг R+, такое нельзя постить в интернеты.

Изменено пользователем slx
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"extremely difficult FRPGs" reminders me about this resource: dungeonmaster.ru/, maybe somebody there will help you. And links on mentioned stories may be helpfull, yes

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Or, maybe, Tulius.com, if game more social-oriented and didnt uses any system (like D&D or something...)

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Народ, не читайте, там как минимум рейтинг R+, такое нельзя постить в интернеты.



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Find owners and autors report with Animar on decklist sites

Because few people play Animar in Russia

Connect to Loxmatii on this forum - awesome pilot Animar Deck




Black Tigran focused. ...


дальше опасней

Изменено пользователем slx
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Actually these maybe aren't regular FRPGs as the games resemble live RPG sessions. There are only a few players participating and there is a timeframe (about 10 minutes) which forces them to respond immediately (so of course all of them must be online when the game is going on).

Изменено пользователем Avelor
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Я не понял: наш иностранный гость хочет вдуть, но не знает как подкатить и поэтому хочет решить проблему через метод социальной инженерии?

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First time see such RPG...


There Database of gamers and DMs exist somewhere, you can try to check there if you can find it. I was there, but then was removed due to inactivity. The fact is: if you have a playgroup, you dont need to be in any database, so it didnt contain even a half of players. Anyway, there is a chance more than 0%.


Я не понял: наш иностранный гость хочет вдуть, но не знает как подкатить и поэтому хочет решить проблему через метод социальной инженерии?

Судя по странному построению ряда фраз (мне простительно, я не носитель языка), я не уверен, что он иностранный. И даже если и да, он может пользоваться гугл переводчиком, чтобы понять, что мы пишем, так что давайте без таких обсуждений.

Изменено пользователем Mordodrukow
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Я не понял: наш иностранный гость хочет вдуть, но не знает как подкатить и поэтому хочет решить проблему через метод социальной инженерии?


Вообще, он не написал, откуда, зачем, как узнал, репорт фото с турнира и т.д.

Пока всё не очень правдоподобно.

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Я не понял: наш иностранный гость хочет вдуть, но не знает как подкатить и поэтому хочет решить проблему через метод социальной инженерии?


That wasn't a very reasonable guess. You think so just because that player is female?

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Вообще, он не написал, откуда, зачем, как узнал, репорт фото с турнира и т.д.

Пока всё не очень правдоподобно.

Собственно, его уже несколько раз попросили написать кто он и откуда, где пересекался с субъектом поиска, но он упорно отмалчивается, посылая в ответ странную копипасту.

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That wasn't a very reasonable guess. You think so just because that player is female?


расходимся. С жаргоном гугл транслейт не справляется, я проверил. Найс трай.

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расходимся. С жаргоном гугл транслейт не справляется, я проверил. Найс трай.

Меня смутил ещё самый первый пост, где вместо "её" он пишет "их". Думал: опечатался, но вся эта конспирация, и, как ты правильно подметил, сленг...

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