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Help me find this player (female, ~35yo, plays Duel EDH; detailed info inside)


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Собственно, его уже несколько раз попросили написать кто он и откуда, где пересекался с субъектом поиска, но он упорно отмалчивается, посылая в ответ странную копипасту.

What would it change if I told who I am and what the context is? If I were lying, I'd just make something up, right?

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расходимся. С жаргоном гугл транслейт не справляется, я проверил. Найс трай.

С чего ты взял, что он именно гуглопереводчиком пользуется? На худой конец, слово можно в гугл вбить и получить перевод, я только что это проверил.


To OP: listen buddy, how about you start by posting some info about yourself? Maybe the player you're looking for frequents this forum and she will recognize you? Or some of her friends will relay the info so she would contact you yourself? So far your reluctance to share anything about yourself(and that you can't even make something up just to lower our suspicions) doesn't speak well about you or your intentions.

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Меня смутил ещё самый первый пост, где вместо "её" он пишет "их". Думал: опечатался, но вся эта конспирация, и, как ты правильно подметил, сленг...

"Their" is absolutely correct, it means "him or her" (note that I haven't yet mentioned gender at that point).

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Я, конечно, прежним модераторством пришибленный, но не новый ли это способ набить сообщения?

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Какая-то очередная фигня на топдеке, move along

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What would it change if I told who I am and what the context is? If I were lying, I'd just make something up, right?


talk full history for us ?

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С чего ты взял, что он именно гуглопереводчиком пользуется? На худой конец, слово можно в гугл вбить и получить перевод, я только что это проверил.


To OP: listen buddy, how about you start by posting some info about yourself? Maybe the player you're looking for frequents this forum and she will recognize you? Or some of her friends will relay the info so she would contact you yourself? So far your reluctance to share anything about yourself(and that you can't even make something up just to lower our suspicions) doesn't speak well about you or your intentions.

As strange as it may sound, that person doesn't really know me. And, well, I don't know that person as well. So posting any information about me is not going to help anyhow.

If someone has any information about the person I'm looking for but is not sure about my trustworthiness, I can reveal something about me via PMs.

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Avelor, anyway i cant give you any more advice, because i dont know more. May be: dont check Rolemancer (is it still exists? 0_o), because it cant contain such complicated games.


The advice to check all Animar players was the most useful, i guess...

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Если это утка, то я поставлю + этому парню. Отличное начинание пятницы, отличное от всего остального=)

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As strange as it may sound, that person doesn't really know me. And, well, I don't know that person as well. So posting any information about me is not going to help anyhow.

Then why do you want to contact that person? I would understand if you would have wanted to contact just any person fitting the description, but you want one exact person you, as I understand, are not even acquainted with. This does not look well-intended at all and I think you should explain yourself before you expect any help.

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Then why do you want to contact that person? I would understand if you would have wanted to contact just any person fitting the description, but you want one exact person you, as I understand, are not even acquainted with. This does not look well-intended at all and I think you should explain yourself before you expect any help.


Да, дело нешутошное разгорается. Мы своих в обиду не даём. :slon-pro:

Изменено пользователем slx
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расходимся. С жаргоном гугл транслейт не справляется, я проверил. Найс трай.

Ну там выходит фраза:

I did not understand: our foreign guest wants to blow, but does not know how to drive up and therefore wants to solve the problem through the method of social engineering?


Блоу он мог понять несколько в конкретно другом смысле, но глобально в том же.

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Ну там выходит фраза:



Блоу он мог понять несколько в конкретно другом смысле, но глобально в том же.

If you're wondering, I had a clue it might mean something like this judging by the context of his sentence, so I checked out the word in a dictionary.

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If you're wondering, I had a clue it might mean something like this judging by the context of his sentence, so I checked out the word in a dictionary.

I really doubt that there's something like urbandictionary for Russian)

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I don't think this thread is ethical towards person in question. Please don't remake.

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