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О Satanas_Concubine

  • День рождения 05.09.1988


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    Соловейчик Анастасия Александровна

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  1. Открыла подарок еще 1 января, но вот наконец отчитываюсь(болеть на праздниках отстой( ) Ничего конкретного у дедули не просила, рассказала, чем увлекаюсь, в какие форматы играю и какие коллекции мы с мужем собираем Спасибо, дедуля, добра тебе и чудес
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  8. Всем привет! Огромная и единственная просьба - если карт нужно меньше, чем есть в теме (например, по одной каждой) - укажите это, пожалуйста. Все имеющиеся у нас карты, даже те, что нет в торговых темах, а также фото самых раритетных экземпляров можно посмотреть по этой ссылке Возможна встреча в клубах Москвы, на станциях МЦК. При покупке карт почтой +100р. за заказное письмо по России, на почту хожу практически ежедневно. Минимальная сумма заказа 500р. За работу почтовых/курьерских служб ответственность на них, а не на мне. Иные опции (СДЭК, СберДоставка, курьеры и прочее) – без проблем. Если для Вас важна версия карты - смело обращайтесь, пришлю фото. Простите, но торговаться с мужчинами не умею и не очень хочу. Оплата любым удобным способом – Тинькофф, Сбер с СБП, наличные. Могу встретиться почти в любое время недалеко от на МЦК Лихоборы (обсуждаемы любые станции МЦК при солидных объёмах), а также в рабочие дни до 13.00 недалеко от метро Сокол, по средам бываю в Единороге на Новослободской. 3 Abandoned Sarcophagus 32 1 Abhorrent Overlord Foil 84 1 Abundance 72 1 Abundant Harvest Foil 63 1 Abzan Ascendancy 32 1 Abzan Beastmaster FNM Foil 53 1 Acidic Slime 50 4 Aether Hub 32 4 Aether Hub Foil 74 1 Aetherspouts 35 3 Aetherwind Basker 60 4 Aeve, Progenitor Ooze 32 2 Agonizing Remorse Foil 68 4 Ahn-Crop Crasher 32 1 Ajani, the Greathearted 32 4 Ajani's Pridemate 32 4 Akoum Refuge 42 1 Akroma's Vengeance 32 1 Alharu, Solemn Ritualist 32 4 Ally Encampment 39 2 Alquist Proft, Master Sleuth 80 4 Always Watching 92 1 Amphin Mutineer 32 1 Amulet of Safekeeping 34 4 Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit 43 2 Anara, Wolvid Familiar 32 2 Anax, Hardened in the Forge 32 1 Ancestral Blade Foil 48 2 Anchor to Reality Foil 43 1 Ancient Amphitheater 53 3 Ancient Stirrings Foil 98 1 Angel of Deliverance Foil Promo 32 1 Angel of Despair 32 1 Angel of Serenity 44 2 Anger of the Gods 84 4 Angrath's Rampage 48 4 Animal Sanctuary 61 2 Ankle Shanker 40 1 Annul 32 1 Anointer of Valor Foil 48 1 Anticipate FNM Foil 53 2 Anticipate Foil 63 2 Anzrag's Rampage 34 1 Aquamoeba Foil 68 1 Arasta of the Endless Web Foil 78 1 Araumi of the Dead Tide 32 2 Arcane Signet 98 1 Arcanis the Omnipotent Foil 68 3 Arcbound Worker 32 1 Archangel of Wrath 63 2 Archangel's Light 32 1 Archfiend of Depravity 88 1 Archfiend's Vessel Foil 84 1 Archon of Sun's Grace 44 1 Arcum's Astrolabe 32 1 Argivian Restoration Foil 63 4 Aria of Flame 74 1 Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle 50 1 Armillary Sphere Foil 89 1 Artisan of Kozilek 59 3 Ashcloud Phoenix 53 4 Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar 68 2 Assault Formation 47 2 Assemble the Players 50 1 Assemble the Players Showcase 86 4 Atog 32 4 Atris, Oracle of Half-Truths 48 2 Audience with Trostani 34 1 Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice 50 1 Aurelia's Fury 87 4 Auriok Salvagers Foil 68 4 Avalanche Riders 39 1 Aven Heartstabber Foil 48 2 Axebane Ferox 34 1 Axis of Mortality 87 1 Ayula, Queen Among Bears 32 4 Ayula's Influence 32 1 Azorius Guildmage Foil 32 1 Babygodzilla, Ruin Reborn - Pollywog Symbiote Showcase 84 1 Backdraft Hellkite Foil 65 4 Baffling End 32 1 Bag of Holding Foil 32 1 Baleful Strix 98 1 Balmor, Battlemage Captain 48 1 Band Together Foil 53 2 Baneful Omen 84 1 Barad-dur (0425) 95 1 Barrage Tyrant 32 1 Barrin, Tolarian Archmage 72 1 Baru, Wurmspeaker 35 1 Base Camp 32 1 Basic Conjuration 50 4 Basking Rootwalla 32 1 Basri's Lieutenant 48 1 Basri's Lieutenant Foil 68 1 Bazaar Trademage 32 1 Beacon of Unrest Foil 98 1 Bearer of the Heavens 32 4 Become Immense 53 4 Bedevil OTP Showcase 53 1 Bedlam 32 1 Benalish Marshal 80 1 Bident of Thassa Foil 98 2 Biovisionary 32 4 Black Knight 32 1 Black Sun's Twilight 43 2 Blackblade Reforged 32 4 Blazing Rootwalla 32 1 Blazing Volley 32 4 Blazing Volley Foil 63 1 Blight Herder 38 1 Blight Herder Foil Promo 53 1 Blood Baron of Vizkopa 44 3 Blood Spatter Analysis 34 3 Blood Sun 47 1 Blood Tyrant 32 4 Bloodbraid Elf 34 1 Bloodbraid Elf TSR Retro 98 4 Bloodbraid Marauder 50 4 Bloodchief's Thirst 35 4 Bloodfell Caves Foil 48 1 Bloodmark Mentor 39 2 Blossoming Calm Foil 95 1 Blossoming Calm Foil Showcase 95 2 Blossoming Sands Foil 63 1 Body Double 57 1 Bomat Courier 48 4 Bonders' Enclave 48 1 Bone Shards Foil 63 1 Bone Shredder Foil 53 3 Bone Shredder RU Foil 68 1 Bonfire of the Damned 90 4 Boon-Bringer Valkyrie Extended 74 2 Borborygmos Enraged 99 1 Boros Challenger Foil 53 1 Boros Guildgate Foil 48 1 Borrowed Time Foil 63 1 Bow of Nylea 85 4 Braids, Cabal Minion 32 1 Braids, Conjurer Adept 32 1 Brain Maggot Foil 50 4 Brainstone 32 2 Brallin, Skyshark Rider Foil 74 4 Brash Taunter 55 3 Brave the Elements 78 2 Brawn 32 1 Breakthrough 32 1 Breakthrough Foil 48 1 Breeches, Brazen Plunderer 32 3 Breya's Apprentice 32 1 Brinelin, the Moon Kraken 32 1 Bring to Light 39 1 Brokkos, Apex of Forever 64 2 Brokkos, Apex of Forever Showcase 98 1 Bronzehide Lion 48 4 Browbeat 40 1 Bruna, Light of Alabaster 47 1 Burglar Rat Foil 63 1 Burn at the Stake 96 1 Burn Down the House 32 2 Burning of Xinye Foil 63 2 Burning-Tree Emissary 32 1 Burning-Tree Emissary Foil 98 2 Burrenton Forge-Tender 42 3 Butcher of Malakir 76 1 By Invitation Only 36 1 By Invitation Only Extended 98 3 Cabal Therapist 32 2 Cabal Therapy 50 4 Cackling Counterpart 79 2 Calibrated Blast 32 1 Call the Coppercoats 59 1 Callaphe, Beloved of the Sea Foil Showcase 68 4 Canopy Vista 53 1 Captivating Crew 74 3 Carth the Lion 35 1 Case of the Ransacked Lab 80 1 Case of the Uneaten Feast 47 1 Cast Out Foil 68 4 Castle Embereth 44 4 Cathartic Reunion Foil 63 1 Cauldron Familiar 98 1 Cautery Sliver 32 1 Cazur, Ruthless Stalker Foil 78 4 Celestial Purge 39 2 Celestial Purge Textless 63 1 Chainer, Dementia Master 42 4 Chainer, Nightmare Adept 32 2 Chainer, Nightmare Adept Foil 50 2 Chance Encounter 32 2 Chandra, Flamecaller 70 2 Chandra, Heart of Fire 98 2 Chandra, Pyromaster 93 3 Chandra's Incinerator 47 1 Chaos Wand 32 2 Charming Prince 83 1 Charming Prince Foil 98 1 Chasm Skulker 53 1 Chevill, Bane of Monsters 48 1 Chief of the Foundry 32 1 Chimeric Mass 33 3 Chitterspitter 48 3 Choked Estuary 37 1 Chromium, the Mutable 49 4 Cinder Glade 42 3 Circular Logic 34 2 Claim the Firstborn 32 1 Claim the Firstborn STA 53 2 Clarion Ultimatum 32 1 Clattering Augur Foil 32 2 Clever Lumimancer 32 3 Cling to Dust 39 1 Clone 41 4 Cloudshredder Sliver 32 1 Cloudshredder Sliver Retro 75 2 Coalition Relic 66 2 Codex Shredder 32 1 Coiling Oracle 2X2 Foil Borderless 53 4 Collected Conjuring 32 2 Colossal Skyturtle 32 4 Colossification 56 1 Combust 32 1 Combustible Gearhulk 72 4 Command Tower 48 1 Commit 97 4 Complicate 48 4 Compulsion 32 1 Compulsive Research STA JP Foil 84 1 Conclave Tribunal RU Foil 84 3 Condemn 32 2 Confirm Suspicions 38 1 Confounding Conundrum Foil 78 2 Connecting the Dots 34 1 Connecting the Dots Foil 44 4 Contested Cliffs 42 2 Coretapper 32 1 Corpsejack Menace 32 1 Corridor Monitor 32 1 Corrupted Conscience 32 4 Corrupted Crossroads 32 4 Corrupted Grafstone 40 2 Cosi's Trickster 32 1 Counterspell 59 2 Countersquall 93 1 Court Homunculus Foil 63 4 Coveted Falcon 34 1 Coveted Falcon Foil 63 4 Crackling Drake 48 2 Cranial Plating Foil 63 1 Crater's Claws Foil 32 1 Crawling Barrens 32 3 Crawling Barrens Foil 48 3 Creeping Chill 32 1 Creeping Corrosion 56 4 Creeping Renaissance 32 3 Creeping Tar Pit 74 2 Crovax, Ascendant Hero 39 3 Crucible of Fire 59 2 Crucible of the Spirit Dragon 40 1 Cryptex 34 2 Crystalline Giant 48 1 Cubwarden Foil Promo 68 3 Culling Scales 40 3 Cultivator's Caravan 35 4 Curator of Mysteries 32 4 Curiosity 32 3 Curse of Misfortunes 39 4 Cursecatcher 56 4 Dakmor Salvage 53 1 Damping Matrix 48 1 Darigaaz Reincarnated 71 4 Darkblast 42 1 Darksteel Axe 32 2 Darksteel Axe Foil 53 1 Daru Encampment 32 3 Dauntless Bodyguard 53 1 Dawn of Hope 47 1 Daxos of Meletis 32 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun 32 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun Foil 63 1 Dead Weight Foil 63 1 Deadbridge Chant 47 2 Deadeye Tracker 32 1 Deadlock Trap 32 1 Deafening Clarion 48 4 Death's Oasis 48 1 Deathbringer Regent Foil Promo 53 3 Deathless Angel 97 4 Deathmark 32 4 Deathmist Raptor 58 4 Deceiver Exarch 32 2 Declaration of Naught 83 1 Decree of Justice 33 3 Deep Forest Hermit 32 3 Deeproot Elite 87 1 Defiler of Faith 32 3 Deicide 32 1 Delusions of Mediocrity 56 1 Delver of Secrets 43 3 Demigod of Revenge 48 1 Demigod of Revenge PRM Foil 80 1 Demon of Catastrophes Foil 95 2 Demonic Embrace 48 1 Denethor, Ruling Steward 32 1 Denizen of the Deep 44 1 Denizen of the Deep Foil Borderless 98 1 Depopulate Foil 48 4 Dermotaxi 32 1 Descend upon the Sinful 44 1 Desecrated Tomb 48 1 Desecrated Tomb (Draft Weekend) Foil 53 2 Desolate Lighthouse 32 3 Detection Tower 89 1 Detective's Satchel 34 3 Detention Sphere 42 1 Devastation Tide 97 1 Diabolic Revelation 80 4 Diabolic Tutor 53 1 Diamond Lion 32 1 Diamond Lion Foil 50 1 Dictate of Karametra 50 1 Dig Up 53 1 Diplomatic Immunity 32 2 Disciple of Bolas Foil 98 2 Disfigure Foil 84 2 Dismal Backwater Foil 63 1 Dismantling Wave 45 1 Dismissive Pyromancer 32 3 Dispatch 78 1 Display of Power 50 1 Disrupt 32 1 Dissolve Foil 32 4 Distended Mindbender 43 4 Divest Foil 98 1 Divine Sacrament 32 1 Docent of Perfection 97 4 Domri, Anarch of Bolas 45 4 Doom Foretold 32 1 Doomed Necromancer Foil 98 1 Doomed Traveler Foil 48 1 Doomwake Giant 85 1 Doppelgang 50 1 Double Major 60 4 Double Vision 48 3 Drafna, Founder of Lat-Nam 32 2 Drag the Canal 34 1 Dragon Roost 32 1 Dragon Throne of Tarkir PRM Foil 32 1 Dragon Throne of Tarkir Foil Promo 56 1 Dragon Whelp Foil Retro 68 3 Dragon Whisperer 84 2 Dragonlord Ojutai 50 1 Dralnu's Crusade 32 1 Dralnu's Crusade Foil Retro 68 1 Drana, Liberator of Malakir 86 3 Dread Fugue 48 2 Dread Return 32 2 Dread Return Foil 98 2 Dread Wanderer 48 2 Dreadhorde Butcher 32 1 Dreadhorde Invasion 64 4 Dreadship Reef 32 1 Dreams of Steel and Oil 32 1 Drogskol Captain 32 4 Drownyard Temple 32 1 Dual Strike 32 1 Duelist's Heritage 48 1 Duneblast 32 1 Dungeon Geists 32 4 Dungrove Elder 32 1 Durkwood Baloth Foil 53 3 Dusk 44 2 Dusk Legion Duelist 65 1 Duskmantle Guildmage 40 3 Duskshell Crawler Foil 63 1 Duty-Bound Dead 32 4 Dynavolt Tower 34 1 Eater of Hope PRM Foil 32 4 Edge of Autumn 32 4 Edgewall Innkeeper 42 2 Eerie Interlude 32 2 Eidolon of Blossoms 85 1 Eight-and-a-Half-Tails 82 1 Electrodominance 34 4 Electrolyze 32 1 Electrolyze Foil 53 2 Elemental Appeal 32 1 Elephant Guide Foil 53 1 Elite Inquisitor Foil Showcase 53 1 Elspeth, Undaunted Hero 48 1 Elvish Clancaller 62 4 Elvish Rejuvenator Foil 53 1 Elvish Visionary Foil 48 1 Embodiment of Agonies 32 3 Emeria Shepherd 93 1 Emmara, Soul of the Accord Foil 81 1 Empty the Warrens 32 1 Empty the Warrens Foil Retro 68 1 Empyrial Archangel 38 4 Empyrial Armor 32 4 Enchantress's Presence 68 1 Endbringer Foil Promo 56 4 Endbringer 58 4 Endless One 51 1 Endless One Foil 84 2 Endless Ranks of the Dead 72 3 Endless Sands 35 2 Endling 32 2 Engulfing Slagwurm 46 1 Environmental Sciences STX Foil 63 3 Eowyn, Fearless Knight 57 1 Eowyn, Shieldmaiden 53 2 Epiphany at the Drownyard 51 1 Erase KTK Foil 63 2 Erebos's Intervention 48 1 Ersatz Gnomes 32 1 Eruth, Tormented Prophet 35 4 Escape Tunnel 34 2 Etali, Primal Storm 32 2 Etched Champion 87 3 Etched Monstrosity 43 1 Etchings of the Chosen 56 1 Etherium Spinner MH2 RU Foil 89 1 Evelyn, the Covetous Foil 53 2 Everquill Phoenix 32 3 Everquill Phoenix Borderless 98 4 Evolving Wilds Foil 63 1 Expansion // Explosion Promo 98 2 Experimental Frenzy 39 2 Explosive Singularity 32 4 Explosive Vegetation 42 4 Extirpate 87 4 Fact or Fiction 32 2 Faerie Duelist Foil 63 1 Fairgrounds Warden Foil 32 3 Faith's Reward 96 1 Falkenrath Aristocrat Foil 98 1 Fall of Cair Andros 32 1 Fanatic of Xenagos FNM Foil 53 1 Fanning the Flames 32 1 Fateful Showdown 32 4 Fatestitcher 98 2 Fathom Seer Foil 63 1 Faunsbane Troll 32 1 Favored Hoplite 32 4 Fblthp, the Lost 32 1 Feather, the Redeemed 41 1 Feather, the Redeemed TSR Retro 92 2 Fecundity 68 3 Fell Flagship 43 1 Festering Goblin Foil 98 4 Fetid Pools 98 4 Fevered Visions 85 4 Field of Ruin 32 1 Fiery Temper Foil Promo 98 4 Fight as One Foil 63 2 Figure of Destiny Foil 93 1 Final Judgment 85 1 Final Punishment 32 3 Finale of Eternity 40 2 Finale of Glory 60 2 Fire // Ice 32 1 Fire Diamond Foil 48 4 Fireball 32 4 Fireball Textless 68 4 Firecat Blitz 32 1 Firemane Angel 33 1 Firemind's Research Foil 53 1 Fires of Invention 32 3 Flame Jab 32 1 Flame Sweep Foil 53 1 Flame-Blessed Bolt Foil 63 1 Flameskull 32 4 Flametongue Kavu 32 1 Flametongue Yearling Foil 74 4 Flamewake Phoenix 48 4 Flashfreeze 32 3 Fleecemane Lion 34 1 Flickerform 40 4 Flickerwisp 32 1 Flickerwisp Retro 48 1 Fling Foil Promo 98 2 Flourishing Fox Foil 63 1 Fodder Tosser Foil 32 1 Foil 49 4 Forbidden Friendship Foil 68 3 Force of Rage 32 4 Force of Virtue 32 4 Foreboding Ruins 53 4 Fortified Village 74 2 Foundation Breaker 32 2 Foundry Inspector 32 4 Foundry of the Consuls 32 1 Fraying Omnipotence 78 1 Frodo Baggins 32 3 From Beyond 61 2 Frondland Felidar Foil Extended 98 1 Frost Walker FNM Foil 53 2 Fugitive Codebreaker 34 1 Fume Spitter 32 4 Future Sight 84 1 Fynn, the Fangbearer Foil Showcase 98 1 Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge 59 1 Gaea's Anthem 32 2 Gaea's Blessing 32 4 Gaea's Will 37 1 Gaea's Will Foil Borderless 98 4 Gainsay 32 1 Galadriel of Lothlorien 32 1 Galadriel, Elven-Queen 50 4 Game Trail 42 1 Gandalf, Westward Voyager 32 1 Gargoyle Castle 42 1 Garna, the Bloodflame 32 1 Garruk, Unleashed 92 3 Garruk's Harbinger 48 1 Garruk's Horde 32 4 Garth One-Eye 32 1 Gate Colossus Foil 53 3 Gather Specimens 88 1 Gavi, Nest Warden Foil 98 2 Gemrazer 32 3 Gemrazer Showcase 83 1 Gemrazer - Anguirus Borderless 48 4 General Ferrous Rokiric 32 2 General Tazri 60 4 Genesis Hydra 40 4 Geological Appraiser 47 3 Geralf's Masterpiece 58 1 Gerrard Capashen 32 4 Geyadrone Dihada 98 1 Geyadrone Dihada RU Sketch 98 1 Ghost of Ramirez DePietro 32 3 Ghostly Pilferer 48 3 Giant Growth Textless 84 4 Giant Killer 44 1 Giant Killer Foil Showcase 84 1 Gideon Jura 75 2 Gift of Estates 44 1 Gift of the Gargantuan Foil 53 2 Gisa and Geralf 66 1 Gix's Command 50 1 Glacian, Powerstone Engineer 32 1 Glaring Spotlight 44 1 Glass Casket 32 2 Glass Casket Foil 63 4 Glimpse of Tomorrow 48 4 Glint-Horn Buccaneer 63 2 Glissa, the Traitor Foil 98 4 Glistener Elf 68 4 Glittering Wish 43 1 Gloin, Dwarf Emissary 40 4 Gloomshrieker 32 1 Glorious End 86 2 Glory Bearers AKH RU Foil Showcase 63 1 Goblin Arsonist Foil 63 3 Goblin Assault 63 4 Goblin Chainwhirler 72 4 Goblin Charbelcher 84 2 Goblin Cratermaker 32 3 Goblin Dark-Dwellers Foil 48 1 Goblin Diplomats 32 1 Goblin Festival 79 1 Goblin Instigator 32 1 Goblin Marshal 90 1 Goblin Mountaineer 32 4 Goblin Shrine DRK 32 1 Goblin War Party 32 4 Goblin Warchief 54 1 Goblin Warrens 86 2 Gods Willing 32 1 Golden Guardian 87 2 Goldnight Castigator 70 1 Gor Muldrak, Amphinologist 32 1 Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma 72 1 Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager Foil 98 1 Grapeshot 32 1 Grasping Dunes Foil 98 1 Gratuitous Violence 97 1 Grave Betrayal 67 2 Gravebreaker Lamia 48 4 Graypelt Refuge 32 4 Greenwarden of Murasa 45 2 Grenzo, Dungeon Warden 32 1 Grim Backwoods 35 1 Grim Lavamancer 48 1 Grimoire of the Dead 39 1 Gruesome Scourger JP Foil 84 4 Gruul Guildmage Foil 46 4 Guardian of Ghirapur 32 1 Guile 62 2 Gurmag Angler 32 1 Guttersnipe Foil 78 4 Gyruda, Doom of Depths 48 1 Hadana's Climb // Winged Temple of Orazca Foil Promo 42 1 Haktos the Unscarred Foil Promo 98 1 Hall of Oracles Foil Borderless 50 4 Hall of Triumph 44 1 Hallowed Burial 84 1 Hammer of Bogardan 39 1 Hanna, Ship's Navigator 72 1 Hans Eriksson 32 4 Hanweir Militia Captain 84 1 Harbinger of the Hunt 32 2 Hard Evidence Foil 63 4 Harmonic Prodigy 75 1 Harmonic Sliver 77 1 Harness Infinity 61 2 Harvester of Souls 98 1 Haunted Fengraf 32 2 Haunting Echoes 53 1 Hazoret's Favor 32 2 Heartbeat of Spring 96 4 Heartless Act 44 1 Heartless Act Foil 63 2 Hedron Archive 32 2 Heliod, the Radiant Dawn 35 1 Hellrider DKA EN Foil 63 1 Helvault Foil 98 2 Herald of Secret Streams 97 2 Herd Migration 47 3 Hero of Oxid Ridge 59 2 Hero's Downfall 32 1 Heroes' Bane 32 1 Heroes' Reunion 32 2 Heron's Grace Champion 32 3 Hibernation 32 1 Hidden Dragonslayer 32 2 Hidden Stockpile Foil 48 3 Hide in Plain Sight 35 1 Highland Forest Foil 63 4 Hissing Quagmire 74 1 Hofri Ghostforge 81 4 Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis 50 3 Hollow One 70 1 Homestead Courage Foil 63 2 Homicide Investigator 34 1 Hooded Blightfang 48 1 Hooting Mandrills 32 1 Hooting Mandrills Foil 63 3 Hornet Queen 44 1 Hostage Taker 32 2 Hostile Desert 32 3 Hour of Devastation 78 1 Hunted Bonebrute 99 4 Hunted Nightmare 48 2 Hunted Nightmare Extended 98 4 Huntmaster Liger Borderless 98 1 Huntmaster Liger(King Caesar, Ancient Guardian) Foil Borderless 98 2 Hurricane BBD 48 1 Hushbringer 32 2 Hypergenesis 48 1 Hyrax Tower Scout 32 1 Icebreaker Kraken 32 1 Icefall Regent DTK EN Foil 49 3 Icefall Regent 63 1 Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer 32 2 Ichor Rats 68 2 Ichorid 75 1 Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant 32 2 Icy Manipulator 32 1 Ideas Unbound 32 1 Illicit Masquerade 42 2 Illuna, Apex of Wishes 50 1 Immaculate Magistrate 42 1 Immersturm Predator 32 1 Immerwolf 60 1 Imminent Doom 32 1 Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty 32 1 Impact Resonance 66 1 Impending Disaster 32 1 Imperial Recovery Unit 32 4 Imperious Perfect 32 1 In Search of Greatness 50 2 In the Trenches 50 1 Incinerator of the Guilty 34 1 Increasing Ambition 48 3 Increasing Confusion 68 1 Increasing Savagery 32 2 Incubation Druid 39 1 Indomitable Archangel 46 4 Inevitable Betrayal 44 1 Inexorable Blob 32 4 Inferno Titan 66 1 Infest 32 4 Ingenious Smith 53 1 Inkling Summoning Foil 63 4 Inquisition of Kozilek 98 2 Inscription of Ruin 32 1 Inspired Idea Foil Extended 53 4 Intangible Virtue 32 1 Intet, the Dreamer 34 2 Into the Story 53 2 Into the Wilds 32 1 Invader Parasite 32 2 Invasion of Fiora 60 1 Invasion of Segovia 93 2 Invoke Justice 32 1 Ion Storm 32 1 Ion Storm Foil 63 1 Ishkanah, Grafwidow 77 1 Isperia the Inscrutable 32 3 Izoni, Center of the Web 35 1 Izoni, Thousand-Eyed 32 2 Izzet Charm 48 4 Izzet Charm Foil 98 4 Jace, Architect of Thought 55 4 Jace, Mirror Mage 50 1 Jace's Ingenuity Foil 32 2 Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord 68 1 Jarad's Orders 48 1 Jeskai Ascendancy 32 1 Jester's Cap 35 1 Jester's Cap Borderless 72 2 Jori En, Ruin Diver 44 1 Jorn, God of Winter Foil Showcase 98 4 Journey to Nowhere OTP Showcase 74 3 Judith, Carnage Connoisseur 55 1 Juggernaut Foil Retro 68 1 Jungle Hollow Foil 63 1 Justice Strike 32 3 Jwar Isle Refuge 32 4 Jwari Shapeshifter 66 1 Kaervek the Merciless 72 1 Kaervek, the Spiteful 48 1 Kaheera, the Orphanguard Foil 42 1 Kaleidoscorch 32 2 Kambal, Consul of Allocation 98 1 Kami of Transience 87 2 Kargan Dragonlord 82 2 Kari Zev, Skyship Raider 98 4 Karn's Bastion 98 1 Karn's Bastion Foil 98 1 Kaseto, Orochi Archmage 40 1 Kathril, Aspect Warper 60 2 Katilda, Dawnhart Prime 32 1 Kaya, Bane of the Dead 98 1 Kaya, Bane of the Dead Foil 98 1 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper 55 2 Kaya's Wrath 63 1 Kazandu Mammoth 50 4 Kazandu Refuge 32 1 Keep Safe Foil 63 1 Keeper of Kookus 32 3 Kellan, Inquisitive Prodigy 50 1 Kellan, Inquisitive Prodigy Showcase 84 1 Kemba, Kha Regent 32 4 Keruga, the Macrosage 62 2 Keruga, the Macrosage Showcase 79 4 Kessig Wolf Run 74 2 Kessig Wolf Run Foil 98 2 Kinjalli's Sunwing 77 1 Kinsbaile Borderguard 93 4 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner 32 1 Kird Ape 32 4 Kitchen Finks 48 4 Kitesail Freebooter 40 1 Kithkin Mourncaller 32 4 Knight of Dawn 32 1 Knight of Grace 32 1 Knight of Malice 32 1 Knight of the White Orchid 45 1 Knowledge Pool 38 2 Kodama's Reach Foil 98 4 Kogla, the Titan Ape 59 4 Kolaghan, the Storm's Fury 55 4 Kor Firewalker 32 1 Kotose, the Silent Spider Foil 98 3 Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin 99 1 Krenko's Command 43 1 Krosan Grip 42 4 Krosan Reclamation 46 4 Krosan Verge 34 1 Kulrath Knight 32 1 Kunoros, Hound of Athreos 44 1 Kurbis, Harvest Celebrant 48 1 Kylox, Visionary Inventor 34 2 Kylox's Voltstrider 84 1 Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa 32 1 Laboratory Drudge Extended 78 4 Labyrinth of Skophos 63 3 Labyrinth Raptor 48 4 Labyrinth Raptor Foil Promo 98 3 Lamplight Phoenix 34 1 Lantern Bearer Foil 63 1 Last Breath Foil 53 1 Last Word 87 1 Late to Dinner Foil 63 1 Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn Foil 64 2 Lava Coil Foil 48 4 Lay Down Arms 63 1 Legacy Weapon Showcase 92 1 Legion Angel Foil 63 3 Legion Warboss 79 3 Legion's End 32 1 Leonin Abunas 59 4 Leonin Arbiter 68 1 Leyline of Vitality 98 3 Lich's Mirror 84 1 Liege of the Tangle 50 1 Lieutenant Kirtar Foil 68 3 Life of Toshiro Umezawa Foil 63 1 Light of Hope Foil 63 4 Light Up the Stage 32 4 Lightning Helix 39 1 Lightning Helix Foil 84 2 Lightning Runner 40 4 Lightning Skelemental 85 1 Liliana's Triumph 48 3 Liliana's Triumph Foil 74 4 Lingering Souls 53 1 Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate 48 1 Linvala, the Preserver 45 1 Liquimetal Coating 32 3 Liquimetal Torque Foil 48 4 Lithomantic Barrage 58 4 Lithomantic Barrage EN 58 1 Living Twister Foil Promo 98 1 Livio, Oathsworn Sentinel Foil 78 1 Lobelia Sackville-Baggins 32 1 Lodestone Golem 49 4 Lonis, Cryptozoologist 32 1 Lord of the Accursed 45 1 Lord of the Pit 48 1 Lord of the Pit Foil 98 1 Lorehold Campus Foil 63 1 Lorehold Command Foil Borderless 50 1 Lost in the Maze 34 1 Lost Legacy Foil 32 1 Lotus Blossom 59 4 Lovestruck Beast 32 1 Lovestruck Beast // Heart's Desire Foil Promo 50 2 Ludevic, Necrogenius 48 4 Lumbering Falls 32 1 Lupine Prototype 43 1 Lure 32 4 Lutri, the Spellchaser 55 4 Mad Auntie 50 1 Madcap Experiment 32 4 Maelstrom Pulse 97 2 Mage Slayer 59 2 Magistrate's Scepter 55 4 Magma Jet 32 2 Magma Spray Foil 53 1 Magmatic Channeler Foil Extended 53 1 Magnivore 32 1 Magus of the Bazaar Foil 78 3 Magus of the Bridge 32 1 Magus of the Candelabra 50 1 Magus of the s Foil 98 1 Magus of the Scroll 32 1 Magus of the Tabernacle 68 1 Majestic Myriarch 32 3 Makeshift Mannequin 32 1 Malcolm, Keen-Eyed Navigator 32 1 Malfegor Foil 54 1 Managorger Hydra 60 1 Manipulate Fate 32 2 Many Partings Borderless 53 1 Many Partings LTR Foil Borderless 63 1 March from the Tomb Foil Promo 98 1 March of Burgeoning Life 32 1 March of Reckless Joy RU 63 4 Marsh Flitter 32 1 Marshland Bloodcaster 50 2 Martial Coup 32 4 Martyr of Sands 32 2 Mask of Memory 32 1 Mask of the Mimic 32 2 Mass Calcify 48 1 Mass Manipulation 79 1 Master Healer 48 3 Master of Etherium 86 1 Master of Etherium Foil 98 1 Mathas, Fiend Seeker Foil 98 1 Maul of the Skyclaves Foil Promo 84 4 Mazemind Tome 50 1 Mechtitan Core 32 4 Megrim 32 1 Memoricide Foil 32 1 Menacing Ogre 32 1 Mentor of the Meek 32 2 Mentor of the Meek Foil 53 3 Merciless Executioner 46 1 Mesa Enchantress 68 1 Mesa Enchantress Foil 68 1 Metalwork Colossus 87 4 Michiko's Reign of Truth 32 1 Michiko's Reign of Truth // Portrait of Michiko Foil 42 1 Midnight Banshee 92 2 Midnight Clock 36 4 Midnight Reaper 51 4 Might of Old Krosa 32 1 Might of the Masses Foil 32 4 Migration Path Foil 63 1 Militia Bugler Foil 53 2 Millstone 32 4 Millstone 7ED 59 1 Mimic Vat 32 3 Mina and Denn, Wildborn 76 1 Mind Control WPN EN Foil 60 1 Mind Shatter 32 4 Mind Stone 32 2 Mindswipe 39 1 Mindwrack Demon Foil 32 2 Mindwrack Demon 54 2 Mine Collapse Foil 63 3 Minion Reflector 78 1 Mirari 71 4 Mirari's Wake 50 1 Mire Triton Foil 68 1 Mirran Crusader 32 1 Mirror Shield 40 4 Mishra's Factory 32 3 Mishra's Factory Foil 98 1 Mishra's Self-Replicator 39 1 Mission Briefing 42 4 Misthollow Griffin Foil 84 1 Mizzium Meddler Foil 53 3 Mob Rule 51 3 Mobilization 44 4 Mobilized District 32 4 Moderation 32 2 Moderation Foil Sketch 95 1 Mogg Salvage 32 2 Mogg War Marshal 32 1 Mogg War Marshal Foil 68 1 Molten Hydra 59 1 Molten-Tail Masticore 35 3 Momentary Blink Foil 98 1 Momir Vig, Simic Visionary Foil 98 4 Monastery Siege 72 4 Moon-Blessed Cleric 39 1 Moonsnare Specialist Foil Showcase 48 4 Moorland Haunt 32 2 Morbid Curiosity 32 1 Mosswort Bridge 43 1 Mukotai Soulripper 32 1 Mulch Foil 63 4 Mulldrifter 39 1 Multiple Choice STX RU Foil 74 4 Munda, Ambush Leader 32 2 Munitions Expert 32 4 Muraganda Petroglyphs 48 1 Murder Foil 53 1 Mwonvuli Beast Tracker 32 2 Myr Retriever 84 1 Mysterious Limousine Foil 98 1 Mystic Enforcer Foil 68 1 Mystic Reflection 53 4 Mystic Sanctuary 32 1 Mystic Snake 59 4 Mythos of Brokkos 43 1 Mythos of Brokkos Extended 48 1 Mythos of Nethroi 44 1 Mythos of Nethroi Extended 48 4 Mythos of Vadrok 32 3 Nahiri's Wrath 66 3 Nantuko Monastery 32 1 Naomi, Pillar of Order 32 4 Narcomoeba 48 1 Narset, Enlightened Master 87 1 Near-Death Experience FtV Foil 48 2 Necrogoyf 32 3 Necromaster Dragon 41 1 Necropede 32 2 Necroplasm 53 4 Needle Spires 42 4 Neheb, the Worthy 43 1 Nemata, Primeval Warden 48 1 Nessian Wilds Ravager 32 1 Nessian Wilds Ravager Foil 53 2 Nether Spirit 32 3 Nethroi, Apex of Death 68 4 Network Terminal Foil 53 1 Never // Return 44 1 Nevermore 40 1 Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant Etched 32 4 Nevinyrral's Disk 32 2 Niambi, Esteemed Speaker 48 1 Niambi, Esteemed Speaker Foil Promo 98 3 Night of Souls' Betrayal 44 1 Nightmare 48 3 Nightmare Shepherd 57 2 Nightmare Shepherd Foil 68 4 Nightpack Ambusher 80 1 Nightveil Specter 45 1 Nightveil Specter Foil 45 1 Nimble Obstructionist 32 1 Nimble Trapfinder Foil 32 1 Nimble Trapfinder Foil Promo 53 4 Nine Lives 44 1 Nissa of Shadowed Boughs Borderless 97 4 Nissa, Steward of Elements 89 1 Nissa's Pilgrimage FNM Foil 75 3 Niv-Mizzet Reborn 98 2 Niv-Mizzet, Guildpact 34 1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun 50 2 Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind 66 3 No Rest for the Wicked 61 4 No Witnesses 50 1 Norika Yamazaki, the Poet 32 4 Not of This World 95 2 Nourishing Shoal 59 2 Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper 32 1 Nut Collector 69 3 Nykthos Paragon 32 1 Nylea's Intervention 48 3 Oasis RNC 98 1 Ob Nixilis Reignited 66 4 Obosh, the Preypiercer 46 1 Obsessive Search Foil 48 3 Obstinate Baloth 32 1 Obzedat, Ghost Council 97 1 Ochre Jelly Showcase 32 2 Odric, Blood-Cursed Foil 53 3 Odric, Lunarch Marshal 36 1 Officious Interrogation 65 1 Officious Interrogation Foil 65 2 Ojutai Exemplars 74 4 Ojutai's Command 44 1 Ojutai's Command Foil 53 4 Old-Growth Troll 98 2 Omen Machine 96 1 Omen of the Forge Foil 63 1 Omnath, Locus of Rage 97 3 On Thin Ice 90 1 Ondu Inversion 50 4 Oni-Cult Anvil 48 3 Oona, Queen of the Fae 48 2 Opal Palace Foil 63 1 Open the Armory 87 2 Open the Vaults 47 1 Opt Foil 69 1 Oracle's Vault 32 2 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood 59 1 Orator of Ojutai Foil 53 1 Ornithopter 5ED 68 2 Ornithopter 6ED 98 1 Ornithopter of Paradise Foil 32 1 Orochi Hatchery 38 1 Out of Time Etched Retro 53 1 Outland Liberator 42 4 Outland Liberator Showcase 70 4 Overgrown Battlement 32 1 Overgrown Estate 36 3 Overrun 32 1 Oversold Cemetery 74 1 Pack Leader 55 1 Padeem, Consul of Innovation 97 4 Palace Jailer 98 1 Paladin of Atonement 40 1 Palladia-Mors, the Ruiner 87 1 Palladium Myr 32 1 Paradoxical Outcome 46 4 Pashalik Mons 74 4 Pathrazer of Ulamog 98 1 Patient Rebuilding 82 4 Patriarch's Bidding 54 4 Patrician Geist 32 2 Patrician Geist Foil 53 2 Pearl Lake Ancient 66 1 Pegasus Stampede 32 4 Pelt Collector 99 1 Permeating Mass 32 1 Perplexing Chimera 98 4 Persist 83 3 Phantom Centaur 32 2 Phyrexian Hydra 48 1 Phyrexian Processor FtV Foil 98 1 Phyrexian Tyranny 48 2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar 32 2 Pia and Kiran Nalaar Foil 53 4 Piru, the Volatile 48 1 Piru, the Volatile Foil 78 2 Pithing Needle 40 1 Plains (0272) MKM Foil 53 1 Planebound Accomplice 78 1 Planebound Accomplice Foil 78 1 Plasm Capture 32 3 Polis Crusher 32 1 Polluted Mire Foil 68 3 Pollywog Symbiote Borderless 98 2 Polukranos, Unchained 72 1 Polymorphist's Jest 74 1 Pontiff of Blight 32 4 Porphyry Nodes 43 4 Port Town 34 2 Postmortem Lunge 48 1 Power Depot Foil 63 1 Power Word Kill 32 4 Prairie Stream 53 1 Predator Ooze 59 3 Predict 59 1 Preeminent Captain 53 4 Priest of Fell Rites 46 1 Priest of Urabrask Borderless 76 4 Primal Might 39 2 Primal Might Foil 98 1 Primevals' Glorious Rebirth 75 1 Prism Array 32 1 Prismari Campus Foil 63 1 Pristine Angel 33 4 Prized Amalgam 59 1 Profane Procession 82 1 Professor of Symbology 32 1 Professor of Symbology RU Foil 84 1 Progenitor Mimic 50 3 Prophetic Flamespeaker 83 4 Prophetic Prism 32 1 Prophetic Prism Foil 63 1 Protean Thaumaturge 40 4 Pteramander 32 4 Pull from Tomorrow 70 1 Pulse of the Dross 33 1 Punishing Fire 32 1 Puppeteer 32 2 Pursued Whale 48 1 Pursued Whale Foil 98 4 Putrefy 32 2 Putrid Imp 47 3 Pyramid of the Pantheon 44 2 Pyre of Heroes 50 4 Pyroclasm 32 4 Pyromancer Ascension 43 2 Pyrotechnic Performer 34 4 Qasali Ambusher 72 3 Qasali Pridemage 32 2 Quarantine Field 53 1 Quasiduplicate 75 1 Quest for the Gravelord 32 1 Quiet Speculation 32 3 Quirion Ranger 32 3 Radha, Heart of Keld 39 1 Radha, Heir to Keld Foil Borderless 68 1 Radiant Flames RU Foil Showcase 74 4 Radiant Fountain Foil 98 1 Radiant, Serra Archangel 32 1 Rage Reflection 50 1 Rage Reflection Foil 68 4 Raging Ravine 53 3 Rain of Tears 34 1 Raise the Alarm Foil 63 1 Rakdos Augermage 38 1 Rakdos's Return 40 4 Rakshasa Deathdealer 33 1 Rally the Peasants 32 1 Rampant Growth Foil 85 1 Rangers of Ithilien 32 1 Ratadrabik of Urborg Foil Showcase 68 1 Ratadrabik of Urborg Foil 78 2 Rattleclaw Mystic 32 1 Raven's Crime 32 2 Ravenous Baloth 84 2 Ravenous Trap 34 2 Ravenous Trap Foil 68 1 Reach Through Mists Foil 63 1 Read the Bones 48 1 Ready // Willing 32 3 Reality Shift 55 2 Realmbreaker, the Invasion Tree 80 3 Reap the Past 32 1 Reaper from the s 86 4 Reaper of the Wilds 32 4 Reckless Spite 32 3 Reclamation Sage 32 1 Recoil Foil 98 2 Recurring Insight 98 1 Red Sun's Zenith 32 1 Redirect 32 1 Reenact the Crime 34 4 Regrowth 35 1 Reinterpret 32 1 Rekindling Phoenix 47 1 Relic Seeker Foil 53 1 Relive the Past 34 3 Renata, Called to the Hunt Showcase 48 1 Renata, Called to the Hunt Foil Showcase 98 1 Renfield, Delusional Minion - Eruth, Tormented Prophet Showcase 48 3 Repeal 32 2 Requiem Angel 48 1 Rescue Retriever BRO Foil 84 1 Restless Anchorage Art Card 32 2 Restoration Angel 63 2 Restoration Angel Foil 98 1 Restore Balance 86 1 Resurgent Belief 32 2 Reveillark 44 1 Revival // Revenge 75 1 Rewind 32 1 Rhoda, Geist Avenger Extended 32 4 Rhys the Exiled 44 1 Rhystic Cave 32 3 Rielle, the Everwise 48 1 Rienne, Angel of Rebirth Foil 53 1 Rift Bolt 2X2 Foil 84 3 Riftsweeper 39 1 Rip Apart 35 4 Riptide Laboratory 32 4 Rise and Shine 74 1 Rise and Shine Foil 74 4 Rishadan Dockhand 32 1 Rishadan Footpad 32 2 Rite of Consumption 39 1 Rite of Oblivion Foil 95 3 Rites of Flourishing 32 1 Rites of Refusal 32 3 Ritual of Soot 44 1 Roadside Reliquary Foil 63 1 Roar of the Wurm 32 2 Roast 53 1 Roast Foil 53 1 Rooftop Storm 87 1 Rootweaver Druid 32 4 Royal Assassin 32 2 Rugged Highlands Foil 63 1 Ruin Crab 32 2 Ruinous Path Foil 53 4 Ruins of Oran-Rief 43 1 Runaway Steam-Kin 83 1 Runechanter's Pike 32 4 Runed Halo 48 4 Rustic Clachan 32 3 Sadistic Sacrament 86 2 Saffi Eriksdotter 91 2 Sage of Ancient Lore 32 4 Sagu Mauler 32 2 Saheeli, Sublime Artificer 32 4 Salt Marsh 37 4 Salvage Titan 41 3 Salvage Titan Foil 98 1 Samut, Tyrant Smasher Foil 98 1 Samwise the Stouthearted 32 2 Sanctifier en-Vec 99 3 Sanctum of All 98 3 Sanctum Weaver 87 1 Sandstalker Moloch 32 1 Sandsteppe Mastodon Foil 53 1 Satsuki, the Living Lore Foil 68 4 Savage Knuckleblade 32 1 Savannah Lions Foil 68 2 Scale Up 35 4 Scavenger Grounds 98 2 Scavenging Ooze 98 1 Scheming Fence 32 1 Scholar of the Ages 32 1 Scoured Barrens Foil 63 1 Scourge of Valkas 50 1 Scrabbling Claws 32 4 Scrapyard Recombiner 32 3 Scryb Ranger 32 3 Scute Mob 81 1 Sea Drake 72 1 Sea Gate Stormcaller 47 4 Sea Gate Wreckage 42 4 Sea-Dasher Octopus Showcase 64 1 Seal Away 32 4 Seal of Cleansing RU Foil 98 1 Seal of Primordium 32 1 Seal of Removal 32 1 Seal of Strength Foil 53 3 Search the Premises 32 1 See the Unwritten 56 2 Seeker of the Way Foil 59 1 Seething Song 70 3 Seismic Assault 74 4 Sejiri Refuge 32 1 Selesnya Guildgate Foil 98 1 Selesnya Sanctuary 32 1 Sengir, the Dark Baron Etched 50 1 Sephara, Sky's Blade 40 1 Sepulchral Primordial 32 2 Sequestered Stash 32 1 Seraphic Greatsword 45 4 Serra Avenger 61 2 Shabraz, the Skyshark Foil 79 4 Shacklegeist 37 4 Shadowblood Ridge 50 4 Shadows' Verdict 32 4 Shaman of the Great Hunt 72 1 Shamanic Revelation Foil 98 4 Shambling Vent 35 1 Shape Anew 39 4 Shardless Agent 42 1 Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire 32 2 Sharp-Eyed Rookie 34 1 Sharp-Eyed Rookie Foil 63 4 Shatter the Sky 48 4 Sheltered Thicket 79 2 Shepherd of Rot 53 1 Shifting Ceratops 84 1 Shimmering Glasskite Foil 53 1 Shivan Dragon 32 1 Shivan Dragon Foil 98 3 Sickening Dreams 48 3 Sidisi, Brood Tyrant 37 1 Siege Rhino 66 1 Siege Veteran 32 1 Sift JP Foil 93 3 Sifter of Skulls 63 3 Sigarda, Heron's Grace 53 1 Sigarda's Splendor 32 1 Sigardian Savior 72 1 Sigil of Distinction 54 2 Signal Pest 55 2 Sigrid, God-Favored 70 4 Silumgar, the Drifting Death 60 3 Silumgar's Command 32 1 Silundi Vision Foil 63 1 Silver Scrutiny Foil 95 1 Silverblade Paladin 32 4 Silvergill Adept 36 2 Silverquill Campus Foil 63 2 Silverquill Silencer Foil 50 1 Simian Spirit Guide Retro 60 3 Sinister Sabotage 32 1 Sinister Sabotage Foil 67 1 Sire of Insanity 36 4 Sisay, Weatherlight Captain 68 1 Sisay's Ring Foil 48 1 Skarrgan Hellkite 44 1 Skeletonize Foil 53 2 Skirk Prospector 48 1 Skirk Prospector Foil 98 1 Skizzik 32 4 Skycat Sovereign 44 1 Skyclave Cleric // Skyclave Basilica Foil 68 1 Skyclave Relic 92 4 Skyclave Shade 32 3 Skyrider Elf 32 1 Slaughter the Strong 32 2 Slayer's Plate 32 4 Slayers' Stronghold 32 3 Sleeper Dart Foil 63 1 Sleight of Hand 67 4 Slithermuse 63 2 Slitherwisp Foil 98 1 Slobad, Iron Goblin 32 1 Slogurk, the Overslime 48 4 Slogurk, the Overslime Showcase 98 4 Smallpox 32 1 Smeagol, Helpful Guide 50 1 Smoldering Crater Foil 68 1 Smoldering Egg 86 4 Smoldering Marsh 42 4 Smother 32 2 Smothering Abomination 67 3 Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt 54 1 Snapdax, Apex of the Hunt Showcase 98 4 Snow-Covered Swamp MH1 Showcase 72 1 Soaring Thought-Thief Foil 98 3 Sol Talisman 70 1 Sol'kanar the Swamp King 59 1 Sol'kanar the Swamp King Foil Retro 98 2 Sol'Kanar the Tainted 50 4 Solemn Simulacrum 66 4 Solitary Confinement 43 2 Solve the Equation 53 2 Song of Creation 59 4 Sorcerous Spyglass 37 1 Soul Diviner 34 1 Soul of Eternity 32 1 Soul of Ravnica Foil 53 1 Soul of Theros 62 1 Soul of Zendikar Foil 53 2 Soul Separator 32 4 Soul-Guide Lantern 53 2 Soulherder 64 4 Sovereigns of Lost Alara 53 1 Sparkhunter Masticore 48 1 Sparkhunter Masticore Foil Promo 98 1 Sparring Regimen 50 1 Sparring Regimen Foil Promo 54 1 Sparring Regimen Foil 70 4 Spatial Contortion 32 2 Spatial Contortion FNM Foil 53 4 Speaker of the Heavens 61 2 Spear of Heliod 98 4 Spectral Sailor 32 1 Spell Pierce Foil 78 1 Spelltithe Enforcer 43 4 Sphere of Law 32 1 Sphinx of the Steel Wind 84 4 Sphinx's Revelation 75 4 Sphinx's Revelation RVR Retro 84 1 Spinal Embrace Foil 68 2 Spirit-Sister's Call 32 1 Spiritmonger 32 4 Spiteful Sliver 35 3 Splendid Reclamation 84 1 Splinterfright Foil 98 1 Splitting Slime Foil 98 1 Springleaf Drum LRW 76 4 Sprite Dragon 44 3 Sprite Dragon Foil 98 1 Spy Network 32 1 Squall Line 97 4 Squirrel Mob 32 2 Squirrel Nest 32 2 Squirrel Nest ODY 53 1 Sram, Senior Edificer 44 1 Staggering Insight Foil 95 1 Stain the Mind 32 1 Stalking Stones Foil 98 1 Starlit Sanctum 32 1 Starstorm 32 1 Stasis Snare 32 2 Steamcore Scholar 50 1 Steel Leaf Champion Foil 42 2 Steel Overseer 76 2 Steel Sabotage Foil 84 1 Stenn, Paranoid Partisan Foil 53 1 Step Through Foil 53 2 Sticky Fingers Foil 48 2 Stinkweed Imp 32 4 Stirring Wildwood 63 3 Stitcher's Graft 32 4 Stoic Sphinx EN 53 2 Storm the Vault 48 2 Storm's Wrath 48 3 Stormwing Entity 50 4 Strangleroot Geist 39 4 Street Wraith 32 2 Street Wraith FUT 32 1 Street Wraith Foil 98 1 Sudden Edict Foil 98 4 Sudden Shock 32 3 Sun Titan 53 2 Sunbird's Invocation 86 1 Sunblade Samurai 32 1 Sundering Titan 39 4 Sungrass Prairie 53 4 Sunken Hollow 53 2 Surgehacker Mech 32 1 Surrak, the Hunt Caller 32 4 Suspend 50 3 Swans of Bryn Argoll 89 1 Sweet-Gum Recluse 32 2 Swiftblade Vindicator 32 4 Swiftwater Cliffs Foil 98 2 Swords to Plowshares 98 4 Sylvan Anthem 50 2 Sylvan Anthem Foil 59 1 Sylvan Anthem Foil Sketch 68 1 Sylvan Awakening 80 4 Taborax, Hope's Demise 32 4 Tainted Wood 57 4 Talisman of Conviction 45 4 Talisman of Creativity 45 4 Talisman of Curiosity 45 4 Talisman of Hierarchy 45 2 Talisman of Resilence 45 4 Talisman of Resilience 45 1 Talisman of Unity 45 4 Tameshi, Reality Architect 32 1 Tandem Lookout 32 1 Tangled Florahedron Foil 84 1 Tariel, Reckoner of Souls Foil 89 2 Tasigur, the Golden Fang 84 1 Tatyova, Benthic Druid Foil 68 4 Taurean Mauler 48 1 Tavern Scoundrel 32 1 Tazri, Beacon of Unity 32 1 Tectonic Giant 32 2 Tectonic Reformation 32 1 Teetering Peaks 32 1 Temmet, Vizier of Naktamun 34 2 Tempered Steel 87 1 Tempest Djinn 32 4 Temple of Abandon 48 4 Temple of Deceit 48 4 Temple of Enlightenment 48 4 Temple of Epiphany 48 4 Temple of Malady 48 4 Temple of Malice 48 4 Temple of Mystery 48 4 Temple of Plenty 48 4 Temple of Silence 48 1 Temple of the False God 32 4 Temple of Triumph 48 1 Temporary Insanity Foil 78 1 Temur Ascendancy 63 3 Tenth District Hero 34 1 Tenth District Legionnaire Foil 82 2 Terastodon Foil 44 1 Terra Stomper 32 1 Terramorphic Expanse Foil 53 1 Terravore Foil 98 1 Terror Foil Retro 98 2 Tetzimoc, Primal Death 62 4 Teysa, Opulent Oligarch 34 1 Thantis, the Warweaver Foil 60 3 Thaumatic Compass 48 1 The Antiquities War 53 2 The Balrog, Durin's Bane 40 1 The Birth of Meletis Foil 63 1 The Bloodsky Massacre 32 1 The Circle of Loyalty 36 1 The Long Reach of Night Foil 63 1 The Modern Age Foil 89 1 The Pride of Hull Clade 34 1 The Prismatic Piper 32 4 The Underworld Cookbook 34 1 The Underworld Cookbook Foil 98 1 Theater of Horrors 32 1 Thief of Sanity 49 4 Thirst for Knowledge 32 4 Thirst for Knowledge Foil 98 2 Thirst for Meaning Foil 53 1 Thistledown Liege 59 4 Thopter Foundry 39 1 Thopter Foundry Foil 74 2 Thornwood Falls Foil 63 1 Thought Distortion Foil 98 2 Thought Erasure 39 4 Thought Erasure Foil 98 1 Thousand Winds Foil 32 2 Thragtusk 32 1 Thragtusk Retro 55 2 Thran Foundry 32 4 Thrashing Brontodon 32 1 Thrashing Brontodon Foil 98 4 Thrasta, Tempest's Roar 87 4 Threads of Disloyalty 44 1 Threads of Disloyalty Foil 44 1 Threaten Foil 78 4 Threats Undetected JP Foil 63 1 Thrill of Possibility Foil 39 4 Throne of Geth 32 3 Throne of Geth Foil 57 1 Throne of Makindi Foil 32 4 Thryx, the Sudden Storm 48 1 Thundering Chariot 32 1 Thundering Raiju 40 1 Tiana, Ship's Caretaker 32 2 Tide Shaper 32 4 Tidehollow Sculler 32 1 Time Machine 85 2 Time Wipe 32 4 Timeless Dragon 35 1 Timeless Dragon Retro 72 1 Timeless Dragon Etched 74 1 Timeless Witness 32 4 Timely Reinforcements 35 1 Timin, Youthful Geist Extended 32 1 Titan of Eternal Fire 32 2 Titanoth Rex Borderless 98 1 Titans' Nest Extended 72 4 Tolaria West 95 2 Tolarian Winds 43 2 Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves 53 1 Tolsimir, Friend to Wolves Foil Promo 95 3 Tolsimir, Midnight's Light 34 4 Tombstalker 84 4 Touch the Spirit Realm 95 4 Tragic Arrogance 53 1 Trail of Evidence Foil 48 4 Tranquil Cove Foil 53 4 Transmogrifying Wand 43 4 Trap Essence 32 1 Trash for Treasure 32 4 Trash for Treasure Foil 68 1 Traumatize 98 2 Treasure Cruise 53 1 Treasure Hunt 32 1 Treetop Village Foil 53 3 Trial of Ambition 32 1 Triskelion 32 1 Triumphant Adventurer 32 1 Triumphant Reckoning Foil 93 3 Trostani Discordant 50 1 True Conviction 44 2 Trygon Predator 32 1 Tundra Fumarole 32 1 Turnabout Foil 68 1 Twilight Drover 32 4 Twinshot Sniper 32 1 Twisted Image 32 1 Two-Headed Giant 32 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death Showcase 48 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death Foil 95 1 Tymaret, Chosen from Death Foil Showcase 98 2 Tymaret, the Murder King 33 1 Ultimate Price FNM Foil 53 4 Umori, the Collector 43 2 Umori, the Collector Extended 72 2 Umori, the Collector Foil 98 1 Unburial Rites 32 2 Unburial Rites Foil 32 1 Uncage the Menagerie 92 1 Undead Butler Foil 63 1 Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign 83 1 Unified Will 32 1 Unpredictable Cyclone Foil Extended 98 1 Unsubstantiate Extended 32 1 Unsubstantiate Foil 63 3 Unyielding Gatekeeper 34 4 Upheaval 32 1 Upheaval Foil 48 2 Urborg Lhurgoyf 49 2 Urborg Volcano 32 1 Urza, Prince of Kroog 34 2 Urza's Factory 32 1 Vadrik, Astral Archmage Foil Showcase 53 2 Vadrok, Apex of Thunder 56 4 Vadrok, Apex of Thunder Showcase 98 1 Valentin, Dean of the Vein 32 4 Vampire Hexmage 32 1 Vampire Interloper Foil 63 2 Vampire's Kiss Foil 63 1 Vega, the Watcher 32 4 Vengeful Pharaoh 90 1 Verazol, the Split Current Foil Borderless 50 4 Verdant Command 32 2 Verdant Command Foil 68 3 Verdant Force 74 2 Verdeloth the Ancient 44 1 Verity Circle 32 2 Veteran Explorer 32 4 Veteran Warleader 32 1 Village Rites Foil 63 1 Village Rites STA JP Foil 78 4 Vindicate 48 1 Vindicate Borderless 98 3 Vines of Vastwood 74 2 Viridian Corrupter 32 1 Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter 84 1 Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter Foil 98 1 Vivien, Champion of the Wilds 32 1 Vizier of Remedies 32 1 Void 33 4 Void Mirror 98 1 Voidmage Prodigy 87 3 Volcanic Salvo 48 2 Voldaren Pariah 93 1 Volley Veteran 32 3 Voltaic Brawler 32 1 Vona's Hunger 40 4 Voracious Greatshark 48 1 Vorapede 32 1 Vorosh, the Hunter 55 1 Vraska the Unseen 59 1 Vraska, Relic Seeker 80 2 Wake Thrasher 60 1 Wake Thrasher EVE EN Foil 90 2 Wall of Blossoms 32 1 Wall of Omens 5ED 68 4 Wandering Fumarole 32 2 Warp World 78 4 Wastes Showcase 48 3 Wayfarer's Bauble 66 1 Weatherlight 39 1 Well of Ideas Foil 68 4 Where Ancients Tread 32 4 Whipcorder 32 1 Whipflare 32 1 Whirlpool Warrior 98 1 Whirlwind Denial Foil 39 4 Whirlwind of Thought 97 1 Whispering Specter 67 1 Whisperwood Elemental 78 4 White Knight 32 2 White Knight REV 84 1 White Knight Foil 98 1 Widespread Thieving 32 2 Wild Cantor 32 1 Wild Defiance 57 1 Wild Evocation 32 1 Wild Ricochet 32 4 Wildborn Preserver 33 1 Wildfire 53 1 Wily Goblin 32 1 Wind-Scarred Crag Foil 63 1 Windreaver 32 4 Wing Shards 32 4 Wirewood Channeler 98 3 Witch's Vengeance 34 1 Witching Well Foil 68 3 Witherbloom Campus Foil 63 1 Wizard's Lightning 32 2 Woe Strider 48 4 Wojek Investigator 34 4 Wonder 32 1 Wood Elves EXO 39 1 Woodland Chasm Foil 63 1 Worldpurge 80 3 Worthy Knight 32 2 Worthy Knight Foil 68 4 Wren's Run Vanquisher 32 2 Xenograft 75 2 Yavimaya Elder 32 4 Yidaro, Wandering Monster 44 2 Yidaro, Wandering Monster Extended 83 2 Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig 32 4 Young Pyromancer 32 3 Yusri, Fortune's Flame 32 4 Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp 32 4 Zabaz, the Glimmerwasp MH2 Extended 84 1 Zara, Renegade Recruiter Etched 54 1 Zareth San, the Trickster 32 1 Zenith Flare Foil 63 1 Zetalpa, Primal Dawn 44 2 Zhalfirin Void 32 4 Zirda, the Dawnwaker 72 4 Zombie Infestation 32 1 Zur the Enchanter 41
  9. Спасибо организатором, было здорово. Отдельное спасибо за пряник
  10. Давно собирались посетить ваш славный город, а тут отличный повод)
  11. Пока очередные гости в очередной раз едят, нашла время написать отчёт) Свой подарочек забрала на почте 29 декабря. Забавно, что подарок мой и подарок мужа приехали на почту в один день с разницей в час, поэтому забрала оба два. Решили с @Sol дождаться нового года, испытать, так сказать, терпение. Хотя было очень интересно. В итоге потерпели до вечера 31го, перед приходом гостей все же открыли подарочки) Не просила ничего конкретного у дедушки, просто рассказала о себе, описала свои интересы и увлечения, оставляя дедушке простор для фантазии. Итак, представляю вашему вниманию мой подарок. Открытка с пожеланиями от дедушки, мишура, конфетки, три сверка и мешочек) Открываем свертки Итак, смотрим. Сладости из Казани, магнитик, книга с иллюстрациями моего любимого художника(DiTerlizzi), красивые протекторы, кубики для моей коллекции кубиков Спасибо, дедушка, книга заняла свое место на полке: Кубики - в коллекции: А протекторы очень пригодятся для моей премодерн дечки) Очень понравилось участвовать в АДМ, спасибо организаторам. Огромное удовольствие принес процесс выбора подарка внучку, читать отчёты очень интересно, радуешься или огорчается за людей. Обязательно постараюсь поучаствовать в следующем году) Хочу поздравить всех с наступившим новым годом. Желаю без последствий для здоровья и психики пережить эти длинные каникулы)
  12. Дедуля, подарочек у меня, открою после боя курантов. Всех с наступающим)
  13. Сегодня стала счастливейшим обладателем вот такой красоты от @Garient Альбом для коллекции DiTerlizzi
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