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Все публикации пользователя elbegast

  1. Зачастую (почти всегда) на аук запечатку и так выкладывают клубы и перекупы. Не думаю что её совсем перестанут выкладывать из-за этого нововведения, но да, вероятно предложение сократится и цена немного вырастет Даже если предположить, что на маркетплейсе/в клубе стоимость дисплея на 10% выше аука (а бОльшей разницы я редко видел), то как будто все ещё не смертельно, ну да, подорожало, инфляция и до магии добралась
  2. Несколько раз сталкивался с ситуациями, когда карта состоит из нескольких слов, но одно из слов - карта сама по себе, и парсер обрабатывает не название карты целеиком, а именно это конкретное слово. Например "Fury" Если получится этот момент как-то разрулить, будет прям супер
  3. Я в прошлых своих аукционах еще не успел это указать, со следующих обязательно укажу
  4. Уважаемые питерские маги За последние 3 дня я уже 4 раза столкнулся с разного рода негативом на тему этих 50р из серии "тебе что жалко чтоли" Прошу вспомнить, что во-первых это не мое решение, во-вторых оставить карты в клубе, чтобы вы могли их забрать сразу перед дейликом - это в первую очередь удобно вам, а не мне (мне куда проще на почту сходить чем ехать через весь город). Так что пожалуй с этого момента буду брать 50р еще себе. Сюрр какой-то, клуб меняет политику а негатив достается мне, не нравится - велком на почту (которая кстати стоит дороже, не говоря об очередях).
  5. А у кого-нибудь есть прогресс с письмами во Львовском, если с 10х чисел мая застряло? у меня 6 писем стоит с 12 по 24, но одно каким-то непонятным образом проскочило (стояло во Львовском с 13 по 27)
  6. Вставлю свои 5 копеек Когда я был в Корее и возникла идея привезти людям карт по предоплате - очень быстро на это стало уходить по 5-6ч в день, если не больше. И это при условии наценки в 15-20% (а под конец 25) к курсу ЦБ. Так что очень слабо могу представить человека, который бы этим всем стал заниматься исключительно благих начал ради (а учитывая что в предложении ТСа наценки не было, наверняка поток желающих был базово больше, чем у меня в Корее)
  7. Кроме того что Ух темпо как обычно тир0 Но это видимо база Правда не совсем понятно зачем оттуда в таком случае пытались карты банить - итерация, арканист, рагаван и тд
  8. Абсолютно такая же ситуация была (и есть в значительной степени) в Питерском 200960. Может посылка стоять неделями, могут сразу обработать Ничего не могу посоветовать кроме как задалбывать заявлениями на розыск, как электронными так и бумажными. Судя по отзывам - худо бедно это помогает, а кто не дергается - у того и 3 недели лежит, и больше
  9. Нашел равнину вне конкуренции
  10. Играю с 2020, поэтому и арты все будут довольно новые Остров Болото Равнина Гора (внезапно оч зашла из WOE) Лес
  11. Настолько ситуация не простая, что даже трек номера закончились, да уж, да уж
  12. Рестрик кольца - слишком хорошо, чтобы они до этого додумались С эвоуком нужно что-то делать как с механикой. Эррата по типу правила легендарности, может? Чтобы нельзя было никак ответить на триггер пока существо ещё в столе. Другой вариант - забанить все андаинг эффекты с жетонами. Фури 3-3 вместо 4-4 или гриф 3-2 - куда менее страшные. Но это значит банить и все следующие такие карты, которые издаются в новых сетах для драфта, в общем вряд-ли они будут в эту сторону смотреть и думать. Вообще если по факту - то деку на другой уровень очевидно вывели Orcish Bowmasters, но мы все понимаем, что трогать их сейчас не будут, слишком рано ещё
  13. Всем спасибо за заказы! Почти все получено (завтра заберу последнюю часть из 2-3 магазинов), ждите отправку по рф гдето между 10 и 12 числами Может не хватать единичных карт (в основном дешевых) - напишу каждому индивидуально, если будут проблемы Тему можно закрывать.
  14. Upd Сегодня последний день заказов Завтра будет ещё 1 день для заказов от 5000р с одного магазина (5000 с магазина 1 + 5000 с магазина 3 - ок, 3000 с магазина 1 и 3000 с магазина 2 - не ок) Начиная с вс (04.12.2022) лавочка закрывается
  15. Upd В связи с большим количеством заказов - переходим на 100% предоплату как базовую опцию. В отдельных случаях можно попробовать договориться в ЛС Спасибо за понимание
  16. Определенно! Те что я уже брал - вопосов не вызывают Nm на деле будет точно не хуже sp (карты старых сетов могут быть ближе к sp чем nm) С новыми сетами все отлично Ex в плохих случаях может быть ближе к mp чем sp, но выборка пока маленькая Сегодня делал тестовый заказ Можно включать
  17. Не рассматривал, не видел у них констрактед ивентов на сайте WPN Локатора, хм Посмотрю и его тогда, но на 1й взгляд у них поиск менее удобный и нет поиска по сету, например
  18. Приветствую В данный момент я нахожусь в Корее (Сеул) Есть возможность привезти карт (и силед продукцию в ограниченных количествах) из местных магазинов синглов, ориентировочно смогу отправить почтой РФ 10го или 12го декабря по стандартным тарифам Магазин один - предпочтительный вариант. Есть английский язык. Обратите внимание, что для отображения фойлы есть отдельная кнопка Магазин два - нет английского, но интерфейс похож на 1й магазин + переводчик гугл хрома справляется более-менее. Магазин три - ужасно неудобный сайт на мой взгляд, есть какое-то подобие ангийского, и тем не менее по просьбам желающих, можно заказывать и отсюда В первых двух магазинах есть кнопка скрыть отсутствующий товар. Ассортимент, конечно, не сити и не мкм, но что-то да есть. Цены: Считаем из расчета 1 руб = 15KRW, при заказе от 150000 KRW 1 руб = 16KRW Пример: Вы набрали карт на 15000 KRW. Это значит что вам нужно будет перевести мне 1000р. Если вы набрали карт на 200000KRW - нужно будет перевести 12500р Условия: Пишем заказ в формате *ИМЯ КАРТЫ* - *КОЛИЧЕСТВО* - *ДОП ИНФОРМАЦИЯ (язык, фойла, состояние, издание и все прочее, что имеет для вас значение и поможет уникально определить карту) Предоплата 100% на тинькофф или альфу. Если 100% не устраивает или нет возможности - пишите в лс, обсудим. Лимита по сумме нет, но учитывайте, что заказывая одну карту за 10 рублей и всё - вам все еще придется оплатить почту по РФ. При очень большом заказе могу попросить предоплату более 60% т.к. бюджет все же не бесконечный Если на месте оказывается, что в базе магазина ошибка и карта отсутствует - я возвращаю вам 100% суммы за отсутствующие карты без всяких комиссий и тд. Контакты: Elbegast - Telegram. Крайне желательно писать туда. Если такой возможности нет - пишем здесь, но приоритет в очередности обработки отдается заказам из телеграма тк банально удобнее. Дедлайн: 03.12.2022. В последний день принимаются заказы от 5000р на магазин Начиная с 04.12.2022 заказы перестают приниматься без исключений Спасибо за внимание!
  19. Всем привет. Решил тоже написать запоздалый отчет о своих похождениях на Modern v SPB Open '22. Начнем с конца - занял топ2, получил кубок (кстати, единственный турнир, где и за топ2 полагался кубок, удобно). Долго думал чем идти - на регулярах в основном играл BW эфимирейтом с комплектом Grief и Solitude + различного рода баунсы и перерождения. Результаты были неплохие, но колода дико нестабильная и очень любит проиграть сама себе. Из плюсов - почти фривин против бурна, более чем хороший матчап против Мурктайда. Из минусов - 4ц выиграть НЕВОЗМОЖНО, только если оппонент проиграет мане. В итоге решил идти UW контролем, т.к. это в целом мой сильнейший архетип, несмотря на недостаток практики на регулярах. Аргумента "против" было два - я уже день отыграл контролем в Legacy (что кмк скажется, но об этом позже), второй аргумент - очень тяжелый матчап с троном и посредственный матчап с 4ц и титаном. На тему 4ц решил, что попробую переигрывать оппонентов а там будь что будет. Благо, против контроля тоже нужен наигрыш, и пространства для ошибки, которым можно воспользоваться, в матчапе хватает. Деклист: UW Control 4 Flooded Strand 3 Island 1 Plains 2 Scalding Tarn 1 Misty Rainforest 3 Mystic Gate 2 Hallowed Fountain 1 Steam Vents 1 Raugrin Triome 1 Celestial Colonnade 2 Castle Vantress 1 Glacial Fortress 1 Hall of Storm Giants 1 Otawara, Soaring City 2 Dress Down 4 Prismatic Ending 3 Teferi, Time Raveler 2 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 2 Wandering Emperor 3 Snapcaster Mage 2 Spell Pierce 3 Opt 2 Supreme Verdict 2 FireIce 1 Memory Deluge 2 Solitude 4 Counterspell 4 Archmage's Charm Sideboard 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 2 Chalice of the Void 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 2 Spreading Seas 1 Celestial Purge 2 Dovin's Veto 2 Mystical Dispute 1 Summary Dismissal 1 Supreme Verdict 1 Shark Typhoon В целом вполне стандартный набор карт данного архетипа, основное отличие - 2 Spell Pierce мейном. Зачем? Показалось, что это хорошая карта в нынешнем метагейме, немного улучшает матчап с бурном, значительно улучшает матчап с каскадами до сайда, мертвая будет довольно редко. Жертвами для слота под спелпирсы были выбраны 4й Opt и 3й Fire//Ice. В сайде тоже парочка не совсем типичных карт - Shark Typhoon и Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Здесь тоже не без жертв - попрощались с 3м диспутом (благо тайфун хорош почти во всех тех же матчапах, где и диспут) и 2м Summary Dismissal (решил, что если буду ловить всех в мире тронов и титанов - чтож, таков путь). Почему Jace - как мне показалось, он давал хоть какие-то шансы против 4ц 80карточных йорионов. Да и в целом после сайда карта вполне себе неплохая. Были мысли засайдиться получше против бурнов, но решил поверить во внезапные мейновые спелпирсы. Хватит болтать, поехали играть. 1 Раунд - Васильев Андрей, Бурн Первая игра выдалась очень близкой, я нашел окно для The Wandering Emperor, однако оппонент уже долго сидел с одной картой в руке, а в столе не взорванная фечка. Прихожу к выводу, что это Searing Blaze, а значит токен создавать никак нельзя. Далее в какой-то момент все свелось к ситуации, где меня спас спелпирс от летального бурна. Оппонент этого явно не ожидал, тк у меня была всего 1 антапнутая мана и он решил добить. После этого - поднимаюсь Snapcaster Mage, создаю наконец самурая (надо же выиграть как-то), в него ожидаемо летит Searing Blaze, контрим с помощью снаппи в контрспел из грейва. Далее у меня в столе Snapcaster Mage, The Wandering Emperor, токенчик самурая, Hall of Storm Giants, много маны и 2 хп. С той стороны стола - пустая рука, но тоже прилично маны и есть РВ канопя. У меня на руке примерно ничего, принимаю решение идти в атаку всем чем есть (включая Hall), чтобы через ход добить. Император решает совершить сепукку, попутно отправив в изгнание своего же снапа. Но мы в 4х! Теперь надо задоджить топдек чарма/2х бурнов по 3 с 2х карт. Справились! Вторую игру проигрываю, довольно средняя рука против крич, Эйдалоны передают привет. Третья игра тоже была близкая, все свелось к тому, что у меня 6хп и в столе Solitude. И в руке ещё один Solitude. Иду в атаку, получаю Deflecting Palm с топдека. Уточняю рулинг - да, я не полечусь тк урон мне нанесет не Solitude а ладошка. Штош, уничтожать своих же существ нам не впервой - вторая Solitude отправляет в изгнание первую, я в 9 - Одиночество в столе должно быть одно! Пара пустых топдеков от оппонента, 2-1, выдохнули. 2 Раунд - Булгаков Николай, миррор Первая игра - не знал с чем играю, рука против миррора отвратительная, топдеки тоже не помогли. Все свелось к тому, что один Teferi, Time Raveler слабее, чем 2 Counterspell, Teferi, Time Raveler и Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Ну, бывает. Вторая игра - примерно аналогичная ситуация, но уже в мою пользу. Больше релевантных карт, легкая победа. Однако во второй игре я получаю важную информацию - оппонент играет более тяжелую версию, а именно - Cryptic Command и Torrential Gearhulk. Третья игра вышла смешной - оппонент кипает 1 или 2 земли и 2 Opt, я на дрове кипаю 2 земли. Итог - до 5 хода мы дискардимся из-за отсутствия земель. Далее начинаем их синхронно поднимать. Игра была довольно близкая, но справился, 2-1 в матче и 2-0 по турниру. 3 Раунд - Дудин Матвей, Амулет Титан С Матвеем я играл на дейлике перед турниром, когда накануне решил один раз все же прийти УВшкой. Сыграли 1-1, на 3ю времени не было. Шутим, что походу можно айди и идти обедать. Шутки шутками, а 3-0 лучше чем 2-1-0, играем. Первая игра - ответы пришли, да не в том порядке. Останавливать одного единственного титана ДВУМЯ Dress Down + императором - план не очень хороший. И ровно как Матвей поднимает Cavern of Souls - я начинаю поднимать всю контру этого мира. 0-1, переходим к сайду. Вторая игра - подняли ответы в правильном порядке, Матвей поднял далеко не самую быструю/стабильную раздачу, справился. Как потом узнал - мы оба ошиблись с правилами взаимодействия Dress Down, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove и Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, ох уж эти слои... Решило бы корректное знание правил исход второй игры - возможно, ситуация неоднозначная. Но что было то было. На третью игру остается 5 минут - шучу про то, что буду муллиганить до руки, с которой точно не умру. Долго муллиганиться не пришлось - с первой попытки сдал себе что-то типа дресдауна, солитуды, 2 контры и земель, чтоб это кастить. Не умер, ожидаемые 1-1, идем обедать. 4 Раунд - Игорь Морецкий, УР Мурктайд 1я игра - радуюсь Expressive Iteration со стороны оппонента на второй ход - если этот спелл "сожжет" вторую карту и даст всего одну - для меня это очень хорошо. Радовался не долго, оппонент попал в Mishra's Bauble, разыграл его из экзайла. А дальше 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler делают свое дело, оппонент не ставит дополнительных угроз в стол, ждет вердикт и тут же выставляет Murktide Regent. Выверенная игра со стороны оппонента и 1-0 в его пользу. Вторая игра выдалась довольно простой, Игорь поднимал явно ниже среднего, все что нужно поконтрили, победили. Третья игра - т1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer+ 2 бублика. Ауч. На руке есть Prismatic Ending, но вот незадача - белый источник только в виде Mystic Gate. То есть на первый ответить не получается, а это чревато последствиями. Но мне везет - оппонент с 3х топдеков не находит вторую землю. Далее худо-бедно отбиваемся от обезьяны (берем UW с гейта, даем призматик, Spell Pierce за оставшуюсь в пуле синюю снова выручает против чужой контры) хорошо поднимаем и контрим все остальное, успеваем убить до конца раунда. 5 Раунд - Сидорук Егор, Living End Оппонент ходит первый, сдает хорошо, первую проигрываем - классика против Living End. Во второй и третьей оппонент мулиганится, раздачи получаются далеко не самыми взрывными (мало циклеров в руку приходит), я нахожу и реактивные ответы в виде контрспелов, и проактивные в виде Chalice of the Void. 2-1, справились, топ обеспечен, красивый ковер наш! 6 Раунд - ID Топ8 - Дудин Матвей, Амулет Титан Получается, наконец-то ничьей не будет. Первая игра - не помню что именно там произошло, скорее всего сдал раздачу не лучше средней, а этого не достаточно для победы в этом матчапе до сайда. Вторая игра - мы все контролируем, но оппонент тоже неплохо поднимает. По итогу ответов нашлось больше, чем приветов - 1-1. Третья игра выдалась довольно легкой - оппонент кипнул не самую хорошую руку против того, что было у меня. Хочется написать, что по классике душим оппонента и побеждаем вилкой (2-2 самураем), но на деле даже душить особо и не пришлось - карты в колоде были явно не на стороне Матвея, а с первой быстрой угрозой справились. 2-1, а в топ4 уже ждут 4ц элемы. Топ4 - Манин Илья, 4ц Йорион элемы Собрал, называется, другу колоду на свою голову (накануне я собирал дома нам обоим дечки). Первая игра - хожу второй, 3 Risen Reef в первых ~15 картах передают пламенный привет и мне, и 80 картам в своей колоде. В ключевой момент в руке оказался ещё и Ephemerate (скорее всего и без него бы проиграл, ну а так просто меньше мучился и быстро сдался). После сайда дела обстоят немного получше, но матчап все еще далек от хорошего. Раздаю себе хорошо, Илья пропускает 4 или 5й ленддроп, закрепляем преимущество проактивными волкерами, через какое-то время Илья сдается и переходим к 3й. Ох уж эта 3я игра... Начинается все с того, что я оказываюсь в ситуации, где у оппонента всего одна открытая мана (Dovin's Veto не кастится) а у меня 5 маны и Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Из минусов - нет Counterspell на руке. То есть я уязвим и к Fury, и к чужому Teferi, Time Raveler и к Unholy Heat. Минут 5 думаю на тему того, ставить или нет. Принимаю решение "пихать", иначе слабо представляю, как я смогу выиграть эту игру против полной руки оппонента. Пихаю, плюсую, получаю в руку 2го Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Оппонент находит Unholy Heat - наверное самая не страшная карта из 3х названных выше. А тут ещё и второй Тефери в руке, живем. Пихаю второго - он по итогу в столе задержался до конца игры, хотя периодически получал урон и ультануть не было никакой возможности. Но, возможно, элемы это единственная колода, которая без особого труда может перегриндить большого Тефери. Далее, спустя несколько напряженных ходов и обменов ресурсами я понимаю, что в колоде осталось не так много карт, а декнуться мы не хотим. Начинаю очень долго думать над каждым ходом, т.к. победа далеко не в кармане а внезапно начинает играть фактор ограниченности ресурсов (60 карт колоды). Поднимаю Джейса, брейншторм позволить себе не могу - декнусь. Начинаю плюсовать, может через его ульту победим. В какой-то момент я играю Snapcaster Mage, целю Counterspell в грейве, резолвлю его и.. забываю изгнать. На что получаю справедливый ворнинг от Дмитрия. Мелочь, а неприятно - понимаю, что понемногу начинает плавить, а матч идет уже более полутора часов. Окончательно понимаю, что меня расплавило в тот момент, когда у оппонента в руке остается 1 карта, и я уверен, что это Yorion, Sky Nomad. Удивляюсь, когда оппонент кастит этой самой последней картой Endurance - резонно спрашиваю где Йорион. А он был отправлен под питч Solitude ходов 7-10 назад, дела.. В итоге каким-то чудом все же удается довести матч до победного конца, но нехарактерная невнимательность выше намекает, что с концентрацией определенные проблемы. А ещё финал играть. Несмотря на невнимательность под конец второго часа матча, я думаю, что сыграл, скорее всего, свой лучший матч за два дня (а иначе этот матчап против хорошего пилота и не выиграть), так что весьма собой доволен, но... Вот и пришло время вспомнить, что в самом начале отчета я вскользь упомянул, что днем ранее уже ходил играть контролем на Legacy турнир. Оказывается, два полных дня контролирования всего и вся - это ту мач. Но тем не менее, имеем что имеем, идем играть финал. Финал. Мерзликин Дмитрий - Каскад Носороги Матчап для меня вполне хороший, ещё и хожу первый - красота. Но, случилась довольно маловероятная ситуация - я застрял на 4х землях + к этому не поднял Supreme's Verdict + к этому оппонент поднял три каскада и в критический момент имел Force of Negation с питчем (от двух каскадов я бы отбивался даже в такой ситуации). Мог бы я распорядиться ресурсами лучше в условиях ограниченности всего 4 землями? Возможно. Дало бы это победу в первой игре - очень навряд ли. Вторая игра - оппонент первыми двумя землями достает триому и шокленд. Думаю ага - на бладмун не похоже. Обезьянка в голове нажимает на рубильник с надписью "Бладмуна не будет", достаем жадную манабазу, наслаждаемся жизнью. И в какой-то момент получаю таки Blood Moon. Дальше от меня очередной миссплей - я затапываю ману в респонс (имея в руке Snapcaster Mage и в грейве Opt, контры на руке нет), беру в пул 3 синих, 2 белых, в столе остается 2 базика (остров + равнина). Какие причины так затапываться в респонс и давать выйти Луне вместо того, чтобы в респонс играть Снап-Опт? Никаких. Какие причины брать в пул аж 2 белых маны, учитывая, что с опта я могу попасть в Dovin's Veto, а он стоит 1 белую? Никаких. С Opt в итоге попадаю в Archmage's Charm, да что-то он не кастится с белой манки-то, дела. А даже если бы и кастился - луна же уже в столе. В общем это был какой-то фестиваль маразма, я решил не париться и не портить себе настроение, а списать всё на единственную возможную причину происходящего - микронаушник с подсказчиком в ухе не выдержал 11 часов турнира и умер, а сам я всегда так "сильно" играю два полных дня игры душным контролем, который не прощает ошибок (в первую очередь - своих) - это сложно. И, видимо, я сделал всё, что мог, а значит - чего расстраиваться, топ2 тоже отличный результат! Пытаюсь убрать луну с помощью Prismatic Ending, получаю контру, через 2 хода сдаюсь, когда оппонент находит очередной каскад. 0-2, худшая моя игра и матч за два игровых дня, топ2 турнира! P.S. Проанализировав игру после турнира на тему "а что если бы я играл нормально" (т.е. находил бы базики, играл бы снапа в респонс на луну и пробовал контрить ее чармом) пришел к выводу, что скорее всего всё равно бы проиграл - уж больно идеальный набор карт Дмитрий имел против моей конкретно взятой руки во второй игре. За сим откланяюсь, и так много буков, я, наверное, столько со времен диплома в университете не писал. Кто осилил - тот молодец, а кто не справился - тому все спеллы поконтрят P.P.S. Огромный респект организаторам турнира и всем к нему причастным!
  20. Продам Возможна передача в СПб через Pair of Dice (бывший Spell Market) +50р или отправка по России почтой (+130р к покупке) Стандартное время отправки - в течение 3 рабочих дней. В случае задержек сообщу отдельно. В связи с большим количеством заказов, вводится временное ограничение на минималькую сумму Стоимость заказа - от 1000руб (время ожидание отправки - до 5 рабочих дней) (для СПб возможно быстрее в случае передачи через Pair Of Dice (бывший Spell Market)) Стоимость "приоритетных" заказов - от 1500руб (время ожидание отправки - стандартное, 1-3 рабочих дня) ----Последние поступления---- 2 Barrowgoyf (Extended) - 2100 2 Slickshot Show-Off (Foil, Extended) - 1800 2 Mox Amber - 3600 1 Mox Amber (Foil, Retro Frame, BRR) - 9000 2 Reya Dawnbringer (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1682) - 750 4 Werefox Bodyguard (Foil, Extended) - 425 4 Ingenious Smith (Foil) - 125 4 Blood Fountain (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Chandra, Hope's Beacon (Foil) - 750 4 Reckless Impulse (Foil) - 250 4 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1685) - 450 3 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1700) - 1200 4 Third Path Iconoclast (Foil) - 250 4 Underground River (Ripple Foil) - 700 4 Branchloft Pathway (Foil, Borderless) - 550 1 Banner of Kinship (Extended) - 900 1 Defense Grid (Schematic) - 450 3 Grafdigger's Cage (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 4 Dispatch (PIP #159) - 200 4 Overlord of the Balemurk (Foil, Extended) - 4000 2 Overlord of the Balemurk (Foil) - 3500 2 Rev, Tithe Extractor (Anime, J25 #0045) - 5750 1 Unearth (Borderless, 2x2) - 225 1 Omniscience (Borderless, FDN #312) - 1000 2 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Borderless) - 6250 1 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Foil, Borderless) - 7500 3 Back to Basics (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 4 Curie, Emergent Intelligence - 250 2 Curie, Emergent Intelligence (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Standstill (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk - 175 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk (Foil, Extended, FDN #479) - 550 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk (Foil, Borderless, FDN #346) - 950 4 Meltdown (Foil) - 125 4 Meltdown (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Meltdown (Foil, Retro Frame) - 200 4 Collective Resistance (Foil) - 225 4 Underworld Breach (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 1400 4 Turn Inside Out (Foil) - 75 1 Ancient Den (Retro Frame) - 700 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Schematic) - 200 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Schematic) - 200 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Schematic) - 75 3 Grinding Station (Future Sight, MB2) - 2750 4 Wrath of the Skies (Borderless) - 700 2 Wrath of the Skies (Retro Frame) - 650 2 Wrath of the Skies (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 4 Wrath of the Skies (Foil, Retro) - 1350 1 Vengevine (SP) - 650 4 Scythecat Cub - 3500 2 Strangleroot Geist (Gameday Promo) - 300 4 Indomitable Creativity - 575 4 Indomitable Creativity (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 1000 4 Indomitable Creativity (Showcase OTP) - 450 4 Artist's Talent (Foil) - 1100 2 Demilich - 550 (Ru) 2 Demilich (Foil) - 750 3 Demilich (Extended) - 750 4 Demilich (Foil, Extended) - 1000 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Borderless DMR) - 1450 3 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2200 1 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Borderless Profile) - 1500 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Textured Foil, Borderless Profile) - 4200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Borderless DMR) - 2200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Textured Foil, Borderless Profile) - 3750 1 Daze (White Border) - 350 4 Ponder (DSC #0073) - 400, 1500 комплект 3 Persist (Borderless, SPG) - 850 4 Persist (Ethced Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 1 Persist (Retro Frame) - 275 4 Archon of Cruelty (Showcase) - 1200 4 Archon of Cruelty (Ripple Foil, M3C #197) - 1750 4 Archon of Cruelty (Foil, Showcase Poster, DSC #371) - 2400 4 Bitter Triumph - 300 2 Bitter Triumph (Foil) - 550 4 Faerie Macabre (White Border, MB2) - 450 1 Faerie Macabre - 400 4 Flame of Anor (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Flame of Anor (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 1200 4 Flame of Anor (Foil) - 650 4 Flame of Anor - 600 4 Flame of Anor (Showcase Scrolls) - 900 4 Flame of Anor (Borderless) - 700 4 Clockwork Percussionist (Foil) - 75 4 Faithless Looting (Retro Frame, BRC) - 650 4 Faithless Looting (White Border, Mystery Booster 2) - 600 4 Faithless Looting (Etched Foil, Japanese, Strixhaven Mystical Archives STA) - 3000 4 Faithless Looting (Foil, Japanese, Strixhaven Mystical Archives STA) - 4250 4 Faithless Looting (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Yggdrasil, Rebirth Engine (Foil, Borderless) - 3000 2 Yggdrasil, Rebirth Engine (Foil) - 1900 1 Sol Ring (Foil, Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1604) - 2000 4 Invasion of Gobakhan (Foil) - 700 4 Path to Exile (Foil, MagicFest Promo, PRM #001) - 1000 3 Acererak the Archlich (Foil, SLD #1784) - 1100 1 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Foil) - 825 2 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 1 Diabolic Tutor (Foil, Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1592) - 550 4 Cut Down (Foil) - 725 4 Heartless Act (Foil) - 150 4 Duress (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 750 4 Duress (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Duress (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 450 комплект 1 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Showcase, Japanese) - 3300 3 Orvar, the All-Form (Foil, Borderless, SLD # 1683) - 850 2 Orvar, the All-Form (Foil Showcase) - 1250 1 Proft's Eidetic Memory (Foil, Extended) - 625 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Fear of Missing Out (Foil) - 1150 4 Fear of Missing Out (Foil, Showcase) - 1400 4 Fear of Missing Out - 950 4 Fear of Missing Out (Showcase) - 1100, 4000 комплект 2 Venerated Rotpriest (Foil, Extneded) - 950 4 Sakura-Tribe Elder (Foil, Texteless WPN Promo) - 650 2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1702) - 1500 3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Foil, Showcase) - 3750 3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Oil Slick Raised Foil) - 8500 1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Showcase) - 3200 3 Enigmatic Incarnation (Foil) - 150 1 Enigmatic Incarnation (Foil, Extended) - 325 1 Castle Locthwain (Foil) - 900 4 Clearwater Pathway (Foil, Borderless) - 775 4 Clearwater Pathway (Borderless) - 625 2 Elegant Parlor (Foil, Borderless) - 3750 3 Elegant Parlor (Foil) - 1650 1 Forsaken Monument (Ripple Foil) - 800 1 Coveted Jewel (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Witch's Oven (Foil, SLD #1762) - 1000 1 Collector's Cage (Foil) - 625 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Foil, Phyrexian) - 3250 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Showcase, Step-and-Compleat Foil, ONE #420) - 4300 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Step-and-Compleat Foil, Borderless, Concept Praetor, ONE #421) - 5500 4 Skyclave Apparition (Game Day & Store Championship Promos) - 1000 4 Skyclave Apparition (Ripple Foil) - 325 4 Skyclave Apparition (Foil, Extended) - 500, 1850 комплект 2 Eldrazi Displacer (Ripple Foil) - 900 2 Eldrazi Displacer (Foil) - 750 2 Pre-War Formalwear - 650 1 Pre-War Formalwear (Foil) - 1150 1 Pre-War Formalwear (Surge Foil, Extended) - 2700 3 Helping Hand (Foil) - 175 4 Helping Hand - 75 3 Raffine's Informant (Foil) - 100 4 Blade of the Oni (Foil) - 300 4 Blade of the Oni (Foil, Extended) - 450 4 Blade of the Oni (Showcase) - 400 2 Blade of the Oni (Extended) - 325 1 Blade of the Oni (Foil, Showcase, NEO #377) - 650 4 Cauldron Familiar (Foil, SLD # 1759) - 1250, 4500 комплект 4 Invoke Despair (Foil, Showcase) - 200 4 Invoke Despair (Extended) - 175 4 Invoke Despair (Foil, Extended) - 250 1 Vaultborn Tyrant (Foil, Showcase) - 10000 1 Vivien Reid (Foil, Borderless, FDN) - 750 1 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Borderless, SLD #409) - 1500 2 Ramunap Excavator (Ripple Foil) - 700 2 Subtlety (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2100 2 Subtlety (Borderless, MH2) - 1350 4 Subtlety (Retro Frame, H2R) - 1200 2 Subtlety (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1850 1 Azure Beastbinder (Foil, Showcase) - 325 4 Azure Beastbinder - 75 4 Azure Beastbinder (Foil) - 100 4 Azure Beastbinder (Showcase) - 150 4 Dress Down (Foil, Retro Frame) - 925 4 Dress Down (Retro Frame) - 350 2 Dress Down (Foil, Sketch) - 500 2 Cryptic Coat (Foil, Extended) - 850 4 Picklock Prankster (Foil) - 400, 1500 комплект 3 Seasoned Pyromancer (Foil, Borderless) - 2250 1 Port Razer (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1600 1 Chandra, Flameshaper (Foil, Borderless) - 825 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, Borderless, 2x2 # 361) - 425 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, Showcase CLB #401) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Lightning Bolt (Showcase CLB #401) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 3000 4 Magebane Lizard (Foil) - 350 1 Felix Five-Boots (Foil, Extended) - 450 3 Kaito, Bane of Nightmares (Foil, Borderless) - 4750 1 Sunken Citadel (Foil) - 365 2 Sunken Citadel (Extended) - 400 4 Sunken Citadel (Foil, Extended) - 650, 2300 комплект 3 Godless Shrine (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 4000 2 Unclaimed Territory (Ripple Foil) - 475 3 Secluded Courtyard (Ripple Foil) - 600 2 Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 475 4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Brazen Borrower (Borderless, SPG) - 1050, 4000 комплект 4 Commandeer (CMM) - 275 4 Commandeer (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 425 4 Commandeer (Etched Foil, CMM) - 900 4 Commandeer (Showcase OTP) - 250 4 Cryptic Coat (Extended) - 275 4 Kappa Cannoneer - 325, 1100 комлект 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Extended, NEC) - 700 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1250 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Retro Frame) - 400 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Foil, MH3) - 375 1 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Borderless) - 900 2 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 3 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Extended) - 550 2 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Foil, Extended) - 850 3 Proft's Eidetic Memory (Extended) - 425 4 Picklock Prankster - 175, 650 комплект 4 Agatha's Soul Cauldron - 4400 2 Agatha's Soul Cauldron (Foil) - 6000 2 Agatha's Soul Cauldron (Foil, Extended) - 8500 1 Sol Ring (Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1604) - 1200 4 Ichor Wellspring (Retro Frame) - 75 1 Vivien Reid (Borderless, FDN #361) - 450 2 Chord of Calling (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1595) - 800 2 Unholy Heat (Borderless, SPG) - 300 3 Unholy Heat (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 800 4 Unholy Heat (Promo RCQ, SLP) - 250 4 Unholy Heat (Retro Frame) - 50, 175 комплект 4 Unholy Heat (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 2 Colossal Dreadmask (Foil) - 25 4 Arclight Phoenix (Retro Frame) - 700 4 Arclight Phoenix (Borderless Anime, RVR) - 550 2 Arclight Phoenix (30th Anniversary SLD) - 1000 4 Arclight Phoenix (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1000, 3800 комплект 3 Iona, Shield of Emeria (White Border) - 650 1 Enduring Innocence - 875 4 Kutzil's Flanker - 100 4 Swords to Plowshares (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 750, 2750 комплект 4 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, Retro Frame, DMR) - 900 4 Swords to Plowshares (DMR, Retro Frame) - 325, 1200 комплект 4 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 3500 1 Swords to Plowshares (Etched Foil, Eng, STA) - 600 4 Swords to Plowshares (Ripple Foil) - 475 3 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 3500 4 Swords to Plowshares (Borderless, Secret Lair Promo, SLP #0020) - 600 1 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Showcase) - 950 1 Demonic Consultation (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 2000 2 Diabolic Tutor (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Eng, SLD #1592) - 700 1 Diabolic Tutor (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1592) - 300 4 Toxic Deluge (Retro Frame) - 900 3 Toxic Deluge (Foil) - 950 4 Toxic Deluge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1400 4 Long Goodbye - 75 1 Child of Alara (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1599) - 800 4 Hidetsugu Consumes All (Foil, Showcase) - 775 3 Quintorius Kand (Borderless #352) - 450 4 Quintorius Kand (Borderless #307) - 300 2 Quintorius Kand (Foil, Borderless #352) - 750 1 Quintorius Kand - 350 3 Quintorius Kand (Foil, Borderless #307) - 425 2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (Borderless, SLD #1702) - 1400 4 Enigmatic Incarnation - 75 4 Enigmatic Incarnation (Extended) - 175 2 Song of Creation (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Eng, SLD #1603) - 825 2 Song of Creation (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1603) - 450 4 No More Lies - 150, 550 комплект 4 No More Lies (Promo Pack Frame) - 350 4 No More Lies (Foil, Promo Pack) - 750, 2800 комплект 4 No More Lies (Foil) - 200, 700 комплект 4 Vinereap Mentor - 40 1 Basilisk Collar (Extended, CLB) - 325 2 Tormod's Crypt (DMR, Retro Frame) - 125 1 Tormod's Crypt (Foil, Retro Frame) - 600 4 Tormod's Crypt (Future Sight, MB2) - 425 1 Arcane Signet (Borderless, CMM) - 575 2 Gourmand's Talent - 950 4 Cache Grab - 40 2 Emeria's Call (Extended Art) - 800 4 Get Lost - 950 4 Get Lost (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Get Lost (Borderless) - 950 1 Monologue Tax - 250 4 Ondu Spiritdancer - 400 2 Sheltered by Ghosts - 600 4 Nethergoyf (Extended) - 3250 4 Nethergoyf (Foil, Extended) - 3500 1 Nethergoyf (Foil) - 2750 1 Liliana of the Veil (Borderless) - 1700 2 Liliana of the Veil (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 2200 2 Liliana of the Veil (Foil) - 1800 1 Harvester of Misery (Showcase) - 2000 1 Path of Peril (Extended) - 350 2 Caustic Bronco (Extended) - 525 4 Reanimate (DSC) - 825 4 Reanimate (Showcase, OTJ) - 1000 4 Reanimate (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 1500 4 Reanimate (MKC) - 1550, 6000 комплект 4 Reanimate (JMP) - 1500 4 Nowhere to Run - 200 4 Nowhere to run (Foil) - 275 1 Spellseeker (Borderless) - 1750 1 Spellseeker (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 2000 1 Ponder (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit, SLC #2007) - 1450 3 Harbinger of the Seas - 750 3 Harbinger of the Seas (Foil) - 1200 4 Harbinger of the Seas (Extended) - 1100 1 Harbinger of the Seas (Foil, Extended) - 1600 2 Fortune Teller's Talent - 650 1 Chaos Warp (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 1550 1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Multiverse Legends) - 2900 4 Detective's Phoenix (Extended) - 650 3 Zur, Eternal Schemer (Showcase) - 1350 1 Leovold, Emissary of Trest - 775 2 Talion, the Kindly Lord (Borderless) - 675 1 Spell Queller (Borderless, SLD) - 675 1 Glissa Sunslayer (Showcase) - 800 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Showcase) - 275, 1000 комплект 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Extended) - 225, 800 комплект 2 Fisher's Talent - 350 4 Leyline of the Guildpact - 900 1 Assassin's Trophy (Extended) - 325 4 Witherbloom Command (Extended) - 375 1 Command Tower (SLD #806, Japanese) - 750 4 Darkslick Shores (Borderless, ONE) - 775, 3000 комплект 4 Darkslick Shores (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 1150 4 Darkslick Shores (Foil, ONE) - 800, 2900 комплект 1 Darkslick Shores (ONE) - 450 2 Darkslick Shores (Foil, ZNE) - 1650 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (Showcase, Dungeon Module) - 350 1 Reliquary Tower (Full Art, MagicFest Cards MFP ORM #0001) - 575 2 Talon Gates of Madara (Extended) - 2200 2 Thespian's Stage (SLD Hatsune Miku, ENG, SLD #1607) - 900 1 Thespian's Stage (SLD Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1607) - 600 4 Thespian's Stage (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 4 Thespian's Stage (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 700 3 Thespian's Stage (White Border) - 350 4 Thespian's Stage (Ripple Foil) - 400 4 Thespian's Stage (Foil, Retro) - 700 4 Thespians's Stage (Foil, Borderless, Japanese, SLD #1607 Hatsune Miku) - 1000 4 Urza's Workshop (Extended, BRC) - 1600, 6000 комплект 1 Bojuka Bog (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Bojuka Bog (White Border, MB2) - 300 1 Enduring Innocence (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3000 1 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3750 1 Overlord of the Floodpits (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2400 1 Overlord of the Floodpits (Foil) - 900 2 Enduring Tenacity (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2500 2 Enduring Courage (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 1800 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2000 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil, Showcase, JP) - 1250 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil) - 450 1 Enduring Vitality (Foil, Showcase, JP) - 2200 1 Enduring Curiosity (Fractured Foil, Showcase, JP) - 12000 3 The Wandering Rescuer (Showcase Double Exposure) - 375 1 The Wandering Rescuer (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 2 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Showcase Double Exposure) - 2200 4 Tyvar, the Pummeler (Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 4 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 3 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 100 4 The Mindskinner (Showcase Double Exposure) - 225 4 The Mindskinner (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 4 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Showcase Double Exposure) - 325 2 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 475 4 The Jolly Balloon Man (Showcase Double Exposure) - 125 4 Marina Vendrell (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 1 Marina Vendrell (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 1 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 125 4 Rip, Spawn Hunter (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 4 The Swarmweaver (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 4 Victor, Valgavoth's Seneschal (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 3 Victor, Valgavoth's Seneschal (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 3 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Zimone, All-Questioning (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 2 Zimone, All-Questioning (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Marvin, Murderous Mimic (Showcase Double Exposure) - 275 4 Enduring Innocence (Extended) - 875 4 Leyline of Hope (Extended) - 100 4 Enduring Curiosity (Extended) - 1000 2 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Extended) - 1150 4 Leyline of Transformation (Extended) - 100 4 Leyline of Transformation (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Enduring Tenacity (Extended) - 475 2 Enduring Tenacity (Foil, Extended) - 600 4 Grievous Wound (Extended) - 75 3 Grievous Wound (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Leyline of the Void (Foil, Extended, DSK) - 375 4 Leyline of the Void (Borderless, Enchanted Tales WOT) - 200, 700 комплект 4 Leyline of the Void (Foil, Borderless, Enchanted Tales WOT) - 550 4 Leyline of the Void (White Border, MB2) - 225 4 Enduring Courage (Extended) - 225 3 Enduring Courage (Foil, Extended) - 375 4 Leyline of Resonance (Foil, Extended) - 375 4 Leyline of Resonance (Extended) - 275 4 Enduring Vitality (Extended) - 1000 2 Enduring Vitality (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Leyline of Mutation (Extended) - 75 3 Leyline of Mutation (Foil, Extended) - 125 2 Overlord of the Hauntwoods (Extended) - 2650 3 Overlord of the Hauntwoods (Foil, Extended) - 3250 4 Twitching Doll (Foil, Extended) - 425 4 Dissection Tools (Extended) - 50 3 Dissection Tools (Foil, Extended) - 125 4 Ghostly Dancers (Showcase) - 100 4 Reluctant Role Model (Showcase) - 50 4 Reluctant Role Model (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Split Up (Showcase) - 300 4 Unidentified Hovership (Showcase) - 60 4 Unidentified Hovership (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Entity Tracker (Showcase) - 225 4 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Showcase) - 50 3 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Come Back Wrong (Showcase) - 100 3 Come Back Wrong (Foil, Showcase) - 225 2 Demonic Counsel (Foil, Showcase) - 500 4 Demonic Counsel (Foil) - 425 2 Meathook Massacre II (Showcase) - 550 1 Meathook Massacre II (Foil, Showcase) - 1000 4 Chainsaw (Showcase) - 50 3 Chainsaw (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Cursed Recording (Showcase) - 50 2 Cursed Recording (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 The Rollercrusher Ride (Showcase) - 125 4 Waltz of Rage (Showcase) - 50 1 Waltz of Rage (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Balustrade Wurm (Showcase) - 50 2 Balustrade Wurm (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Hedge Shredder (Showcase) - 225 2 Hedge Shredder (Foil, Showcase) - 350 4 Omnivorous Flytrap (Showcase) - 125 4 Omnivorous Flytrap (Foil, Showcase) - 175 4 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Showcase) - 50 2 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Peer Past the Veil (Showcase) - 50 3 Peer Past the Veil (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Ghost Vacuum (Showcase) - 750 4 Valgavoth's Lair (Showcase) - 250 3 Blazemire Verge (Borderless) - 1000 4 Blazemire Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1650 2 Blazemire Verge (Foil) - 925 2 Floodfarm Verge (Borderless) - 1200 4 Floodfarm Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Gloomlake Verge (Borderless) - 1500 4 Gloomlake Verge (Foil) - 1450 2 Hushwood Verge (Borderless) - 850 2 Hushwood Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Thornspire Verge (Borderless) - 800 3 Thornspire Verge (Foil) - 900 2 Abhorrent Oculus (Borderless) - 4500 4 Silent Hallcreeper (Borderless) - 275 2 Silent Hallcreeper (Foil, Borderless) - 500 4 Doomsday Excruciator (Borderless) - 150 3 Razorkin Needlehead (Borderless) - 725 1 Razorkin Needlehead (Foil, Borderless) - 900 2 Screaming Nemesis (Borderless) - 2750 3 Hauntwoods Shrieker (Borderless) - 325 4 Undead Sprinter (Borderless) - 50 2 Undead Sprinter (Foil, Borderless) - 75 2 Enduring Innocence (Foil) - 950 3 Ethereal Armor (Foil) - 75 3 Ghostly Dancers (Foil) - 75 2 Leyline of Hope (Foil) - 50 1 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Foil) - 1100 2 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Extended) - 1150 1 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3250 2 Reluctant Role Model (Foil) - 50 2 Shardmage's Rescue (Foil) - 100 3 Sheltered by Ghosts (Foil) - 750 2 Split Up (Foil) - 400 2 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Foil) - 50 2 Unidentified Hovership (Foil) - 70 1 The Wandering Rescuer (Foil) - 450 3 Enduring Curiosity (Foil) - 775 4 Entity Tracker (Foil) - 175 3 Leyline of Transformation (Foil) - 75 2 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Foil) - 50 2 The Mindskinner (Foil) - 225 2 Silent Hallcreeper (Foil) - 300 1 The Tale of Tamiyo (Foil) - 75 2 Come Back Wrong (Foil) - 60 3 Doomsday Excruciator (Foil) - 150 3 Enduring Tenacity (Foil) - 525 4 Fanatic of the Harrowing (Foil) - 25 3 Grievous Wound (Foil) - 60 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Foil) - 800 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Foil, Showcase) - 1000 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Showcase) - 600 1 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Foil) - 2200 2 Chainsaw (Foil) - 100 2 Cursed Recording (Foil) - 50 3 Enduring Courage (Foil) - 275 3 Razorkin Needlehead (Foil) - 650 4 The Rollercrusher Ride (Foil) - 225 2 Waltz of Rage (Foil) - 50 3 Balustrade Wurm (Foil) - 50 2 Enduring Vitality (Foil) - 900 1 Hauntwoods Shrieker (Foil) - 375 2 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil) - 300 3 Leyline of Mutation (Foil) - 50 2 Omnivorous Flytrap (Foil) - 75 1 Tyvar, the Pummeler (Foil) - 750 1 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Foil) - 75 1 The Jolly Balloon Man (Foil) - 150 1 Marina Vendrell (Foil) - 50 2 Midnight Mayhem (Foil) - 25 2 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Foil) - 50 1 Niko, Light of Hope (Foil) - 175 4 Peer Past the Veil (Foil) - 50 2 Rip, Spawn Hunter (Foil) - 40 3 The Swarmweaver (Foil) - 50 2 Undead Sprinter (Foil) - 50 3 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Foil) - 50 4 Zimone, All-Questioning (Foil) - 50 4 Dissection Tools (Foil) - 75 4 Marvin, Murderous Mimic (Foil) - 375 1 Valgavoth's Lair (Foil) - 250 3 Reluctant Role Model (Foil #289) - 50 2 Come Back Wrong (Foil #292) - 60 3 Cursed Recording (Foil #296) - 50 4 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil #299) - 300 3 The Swarmweaver (Foil #301) - 50 2 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Foil) - 225 3 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery (Foil) - 700 4 Grand Entryway // Elegant Rotunda (Foil) - 25 4 Surgical Suite // Hospital Room (Foil) - 25 4 Bottomless Pool // Locker Room (Foil) - 25 3 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Foil) - 75 4 Meat Locker // Drowned Diner (Foil) - 25 4 Underwater Tunnel // Slimy Aquarium (Foil) - 25 4 Derelict Attic // Widow's Walk (Foil) - 25 2 Charred Foyer // Warped Space (Foil) - 250 4 Glassworks // Shattered Yard (Foil) - 25 4 Painter's Studio // Defaced Gallery (Foil) - 25 4 Ticket Booth // Tunnel of Hate (Foil) - 25 4 Greenhouse // Rickety Gazebo (Foil) - 25 4 Moldering Gym // Weight Room (Foil) - 25 1 Walk-In Closet // Forgotten Cellar (Foil) - 900 2 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Foil) - 50 4 Smoky Lounge // Misty Salon (Foil) - 50 4 Grand Entryway // Elegant Rotunda (Foil #287) - 25 4 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Borderless) - 225 1 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Foil, Borderless) - 475 4 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Borderless) - 75 3 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Foil, Borderless) - 100 2 Mirror Room // Fractured Realm (Borderless) - 600 4 Funeral Room // Awakening Hall (Borderless) - 750 3 Funeral Room // Awakening Hall (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Charred Foyer // Warped Space (Borderless) - 325 4 Walk-In Closet // Forgotten Cellar (Borderless) - 700 4 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Borderless) - 75 3 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Foil, Borderless) - 100 4 Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna (Borderless) - 150 1 Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna (Foil, Borderless) - 325 2 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, Surge Foil) - 5250 1 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, LTC) - 3200 4 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, Foil, LTC) - 3750 3 Wasteland (Foil, PIP Fallout Universes Beyoud) - 3200 4 Wasteland (ZNE, Foil) - 4500 2 Watery Grave (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 5000 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil, Extended) - 3650 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil) - 2750 1 Otawara, Soaring City (Extended) - 2850 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Borderless) - 3500 1 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil, Borderless) - 5700 4 Overgrown Tomb (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 3250 3 Brushland (Foil, Borderless, BRO) - 1100 2 Raucous Theater (Foil) - 1750 3 Raucous Theater (Borderless) - 2000 2 Dark Depths (Ripple Foil) - 525 4 Demolition Field (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Cloudpost (Ripple Foil) - 350 4 Urza's Tower (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Urza's Mine (Ripple Foil) - 550 4 Urza's Power Plant (Ripple Foil) - 550 3 Castle Vantress (Ripple Foil) - 175 4 Aether Hub (Foil, Ripple Foil) - 625 1 Sunken Palace (Ripple Foil, Extended Art) - 600 2 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Ripple Foil) - 1350 1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Retro Frame, Foil) - 2200 1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Extended Art, MH3) - 1400 2 Mystic Gate (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Simic Growth Chamber (Ripple Foil) - 175 4 Ghost Vacuum (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 2 Archivist of Oghma (Foil, SLD #874) - 2000 4 Archon of Emeria (Foil, Extended) - 625 2 Witch Enchanter (Foil) - 900 1 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Foil, Showcase) - 3250 4 Unholy Annex (Borderless) - 900 4 Unholy Annex (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 2 Flare of Malice (Foil, Retro) - 900 3 Flare of Malice (Foil) - 325 4 Flare of Malice (Borderless) - 600 2 Flare of Malice (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 4 Flare of Malice (Retro) - 400 4 Emperor of Bones (Foil, Extended) - 1350 2 Emperor of Bones (Foil) - 650 1 Heartfire Hero (Foil) - 500 1 Force of Will (Foil, Borderless, DMR) - 10000 1 Force of Will (Retro Frame Foil, DMR) - 12000 4 Stifle (Foil, SLD #1787, Beholder's Sleep Ray) - 1750 1 Shark Typhoon (Foil, Extended) - 1850 1 Shark Typhoon (Extended) - 850 4 Shark Typhoon - 350 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Borderless, SLD #409) - 1500 1 The Master of Keys (Foil, Borderless) - 425 2 Tamiyo, Field Researcher (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 4 Omnath, Locus of Creation (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1686) - 1350 4 Witherbloom Command (Foil, Extended) - 700 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Foil, Extended) - 400, 1400 комплект 3 Phyrexian Tower (Foil) - 2750 1 Arena of Glory (Foil) - 1700 1 Yavimaya Coast (Foil, DMU) - 200 4 Adarkar Wastes (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 850 4 Adarkar Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 425 2 Restless Reef (Foil, Borderless) - 750 2 Pieces of the Puzzle (Foil) - 350 3 Plaza of Heroes (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Frogmite (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 850 1 Sol Ring (Foil, Borderless, PIP) - 3200 1 Lotus Ring (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 1000 4 Mystic Forge (Ripple Foil) - 400 2 Mystic Forge (Foil, Schematic, Retro Frame Artifacts) - 1750 4 Oblivion Stone (Ripple Foil) - 250 1 Talisman of Indulgence (Surge Foil, 40k #257) - 1000 1 Talisman of Hierarchy (Surge Foil, 40k #256) - 700 1 Mind Stone (Surge Foil, WHO #835) - 750 4 Talisman of Creativity (Ripple Foil) - 600 4 Talisman of Curiosity (Ripple Foil) - 450 4 Talisman of Conviction (Ripple Foil) - 450 1 Talisman of Conviction (Surge Foil, PIP #771) - 900 4 Talisman of Progress (Ripple Foil) - 850 2 Damping Sphere (Foil, Retro Frame, DMR) - 1500 4 Damping Sphere (Retro Frame) - 375 4 Expedition Map (Ripple Foil) - 425 4 Expedition Map (Foil, Borderless, 2x2 Box Topper) - 2100 1 Emiel the Blessed (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Rest in Peace (Foil, Showcase, BIG) - 850 1 Rest in Peace (Foil, SLD #096 с собачкой :3) - 1900 4 Rest in Peace (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 350 3 Rest in Peace (Retro Frame) - 200 4 Rest in Peace (WOT) - 175 3 Rest in Peace (Future Sight) - 400 2 Grand Abolisher (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1400 1 Destroy Evil (Foil) - 250 2 Path of Peril (Foil, Extended) - 550 1 Dismember (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1350 4 Dismember (Foil, Phyrexian, PRM) - 900 1 Lethal Scheme (Surge Foil, PIP #713) - 750 4 Stitcher's Supplier (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1098) - 2400 4 Stitcher's Supplier (White Border) - 175 4 Stitcher's Supplier (Ripple Foil) - 450 2 Pyrogoyf (Extended) - 1500 4 Bonecrusher Giant (Foil, Showcase) - 450 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 3000 3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Foil, Borderless, 2xm) - 3250 2 Cemetery Illuminator (Foil, Extended) - 400 4 Ledger Shredder (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 3000 4 Ledger Shredder (Borderless, SPG) - 2250 4 Ledger Shredder (Foil, Extended) - 1600 4 Ledger Shredder (Extended) - 1250, 4700 комплект 4 Treasure Cruise (Ripple Foil) - 425 1 Faerie Mastermind (Foil) - 2700 4 Sink Into Stupor (Foil) - 1200 3 Mausoleum Wanderer (Foil) - 725 1 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Foil) - 700 4 Sowing Mycospawn - 525, 1900 комплект 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Borderless) - 600 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Foil, Borderless) - 1250 4 Ignoble Hierarch (Ripple Foil) - 600 4 Ignoble Hierarch (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Sylvan Scrying (Ripple Foil) - 350 4 Spelunking (Foil) - 425 1 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (Foil, Mythic Edition) - 4500 3 Dragonlord Dromoka (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 2400 2 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Foil Borderless, MH2) - 2200 4 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Borderless, MH2) - 850 3 Hydroid Krasis (Ripple Foil) - 325 3 Spell Queller (Foil, Borderless, SLD) - 950 4 Kolaghan's Command (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Grisly Salvage (Ripple Foil) - 150 2 Copperline Gorge (Foil, ONE) - 425 4 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger (Borderless) - 2500, 9500 комплект 4 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger (Foil, Borderless) - 3600 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Borderless, BLC) - 350 1 Serra Paragon (Extended) - 750 4 Serra Paragon (Foil) - 700 2 Serra Paragon (Foil, Extended) - 1200 4 Serra Paragon - 500 1 The Wandering Emperor (Foil) - 1600 2 The Battle of Bywater (Extended) - 250 1 Leyline Binding (Extended, DMU) - 675 4 Leyline Binding (Showcase, OTP) - 575 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 650, 2400 комплект 4 Leyline Binding (DMU) - 550 (2000 комплект) 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, DMU) - 675, 2500 комплект 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, Extended) - 1000, 3500 комплект 1 Hostile Investigator (Extended) - 1100 3 Hostile Investigator (Foil) - 1100 2 Hostile Investigator (Foil, Extended) - 1500 2 Hostile Investigator (Foil, Showcase) - 2250 4 Archfiend of the Dross - 225 4 Archfiend of the Dross (Showcase) - 275 3 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil, Showcase) - 350 1 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil, Showcase, Step and Compleat Foil) - 900 2 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil) - 325 4 Scavenger's Talent - 350 4 Scavenger's Talent (Foil) - 550 4 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Phyrexian) - 1050 3 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Phyrexian) - 1250 4 Mausoleum Wanderer - 100 1 Birthing Ritual (Borderless) - 950 4 Archdruid's Charm (Extended) - 1000 4 Archdruid's Charm - 825 4 Archdruid's Charm (Foil, Extended) - 1500 4 Archdruid's Charm (Foil) - 950 2 Blood Moon (Anime Borderless) - 1650 2 Blood Moon (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 4000 2 Blood Moon (Foil Etched, Gold, SLD) - 2750 2 Blood Moon (Foil, WOE) - 1600 1 Fury (Borderless, SPG) - 800 4 Fury (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 1100 4 Fury (Borderless, MH2) - 850 2 Fury (Textured Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1800 2 Fury (Foil, Borderless, MH2) - 1500 2 Fury (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Headliner Scarlett (Borderless, CLU) - 450 4 Sneak Attack (Borderless, Anime WOT) - 900 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan - 75 1 Huatli, Radiant Champion (Borderless, SLD #1699) - 750 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Borderless) - 3250 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury - 2650 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Etched Foil) - 3250 2 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Foil) - 3100 1 The Ur-Dragon (Etched Foil, CMM) - 3600 2 Gev, Scaled Scorch - 175 2 Gev, Scaled Scorch (Foil) - 250 4 Prismatic Vista (Borderless, SPG) - 3800 4 Adarkar Wastes (Borderless, DMU) - 550 1 Shivan Reef (Borderless) - 350 4 Thundering Falls - 1450 3 Thundering Falls (Foil) - 1500 2 Thundering Falls (Foil, Borderless) - 2850 2 Thundering Falls (Borderless) - 1600 1 Storm-Kiln Artist (Borderless) - 150 2 Norwood Priestess (Future Sight, MB2) - 1750 3 Basalt Monolith (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Black Vise (Future Sight, MB2) - 225 1 Erratic Portal (Future Sight, MB2) - 150 4 Engineered Explosives (Future Sight, MB2) - 650 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Future Sight, MB2) - 450 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Foil, Schematic) - 225 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Schematic) - 100 1 Krark-Clan Ironworks (Future Sight, MB2) - 1900 1 Lightning Greaves (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 2 Lotus Petal (Future Sight, MB2) - 3000 1 Memnite (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 1 Meekstone (Future Sight, MB2) - 800 3 Proteus Staff (Future Sight, MB2) - 250 1 Power Matrix (Future Sight, MB2) - 275 1 The Rack (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 1 Urza's Bauble (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 2 Walking Ballista (Future Sight, MB2) - 1750 2 Walking Ballista (Assaultron Invader, Showcase, PIP, Foil) - 2200 2 Crackdown (Future Sight, MB2) - 500 1 Giver of Runes (Future Sight, MB2) - 1200 2 Kataki, War's Wage (Future Sight, MB2) - 425 2 Serenity (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 4 Brainstorm (Future Sight, MB2) - 1700, 6500 комплект 3 Brainstorm (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 1750 4 Brainstorm (Surge Foil, 40K) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Counterspell (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100, 4000 комплект 3 Counterspell (Borderless, CMM) - 175 2 Counterspell (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 250 2 Counterspell (Etched Foil, JP, STA) - 2100 4 Counterspell (Foil, JP, STA) - 4200 4 Counterspell (Retro Frame, DMR) - 175, 600 комплект 4 Counterspell (Foil, Retro Frame DMR) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Counterspell (Foil, Retro Frame Launch Party & Release Event Promos) - 1000, 3800 комплект 1 Echo of Eons (Future Sight, MB2) - 1600 4 Flusterstorm (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100 3 Flusterstorm (Foil, Retro Frame, MH3, ENG) - 1350 1 Hoodwink (Future Sight, MB2) - 125 4 Hydroblast (Future Sight, MB2) - 800 1 Mindbreak Trap (Future Sight, MB2) - 2200 1 Reset (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 4 Stifle (Future Sight, MB2) - 1600 2 Tinker (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 2 Thassa's Oracle (Future Sight, MB2) - 2400 2 Contagion (Future Sight, MB2) - 250 4 Dark Ritual (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 1 Dark Ritual (JP Alternate Art, STA) - 2500 4 Dark Ritual (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 4750 1 Dakmor Sorceress (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 3 Zombie Master (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 2 Goblin King (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 1 Goblin Gang Leader (Future Sight, MB2) - 550 1 Final Fortune (Future Sight, MB2) - 1500 2 Mana Flare (Future Sight, MB2) - 175 1 Maddening Hex (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Relentless Assault (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 1 Velukan Dragon (Future Sight, MB2) - 450 1 Winds of Change (Future Sight, MB2) - 850 3 Crashing Footfalls (Future Sight, MB2) - 350 4 Collected Company (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100 2 Collected Company (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1250 4 Collected Company (Foil, Store Championship Promo) - 1250 1 Greater Good (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 1 Erhnam Djinn (Future Sight, MB2) - 125 2 Elvish Reclaimer (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 2 Forest Bear (Future Sight, MB2) - 350 2 Hunting Cheetah (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 2 Manabond (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 2 Natural Order (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 1 Oath of Druids (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Spike Weaver (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 3 Tinder Wall (Future Sight, MB2) - 900 1 Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis (Future Sight, MB2) - 500 1 Hostage Taker (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 1 City of Brass (Future Sight, MB2) - 2200 1 Ash Barrens (White Border) - 100 1 Basilisk Gate (White Border) - 125 1 Darksteel Citadel (White Border) - 175 1 Ghost Quarter (White Border) - 175 1 Reliquary Tower (White Border) - 225 1 Urza's Saga (White Border) - 4500 3 Environmental Sciences (White Border) - 50 1 Hollow One (White Border) - 200 2 Isochron Scepter (White Border) - 1100 1 Sword of the Meek (White Border) - 125 2 Thornbite Staff (White Border) - 1100 1 Umbral Mantle (White Border) - 750 1 Abrupt Decay (White Border) - 250 2 Abrupt Decay (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 450 2 Expressive Iteration (White Border) - 175 3 Expressive Iteration (Retro Frame, BRC) 250 2 Keruga, the Macrosage (White Border) - 75 4 Kitchen Finks (White Border) - 75 2 Sphinx of the Steel Wind (White Border) - 100 2 Thopter Foundry (White Border) - 100 4 Street Wraith (White Border) - 100 1 Wishclaw Talisman (White Border) - 450 4 Blazing Rootwalla (White Border) - 75 1 Chain Lightning (White Border) - 100 1 Rite of Flame (White Border) - 350 1 Throes of Chaos (White Border) - 50 1 Wish (White Border) - 200 1 Basking Rootwalla (White Border) - 50 1 Colossal Dreadmaw (White Border) - 100 4 Elvish Spirit Guide (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 1 Once Upon a Time (White Border) - 150 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder (White Border) - 200 3 Summoner's Pact (White Border) - 475 1 Veteran Explorer (White Border) - 50 2 Bolas's Citadel (White Border) - 600 1 Dead Ringers (White Border) - 50 1 King's Assassin (White Border) - 175 1 Mutilate (White Border) - 150 1 Pitiless Plunderer (White Border) - 500 1 Daze (White Border) - 250 2 Gitaxian Probe (White Border) - 550 1 Jace Beleren (White Border) - 200 2 Mental Misstep (White Border) - 750 2 Ponder (White Border) - 750 2 Unnatural Selection (White Border) - 75 2 Archon of Emeria (White Border) - 275 2 Cathars' Crusade (White Border) - 850 1 Containment Priest (White Border) - 150 3 Day of Judgment (White Border) - 175 1 Ethersworn Canonist (White Border) - 450 4 Leyline of Sanctity (White Border) - 175 4 Prismatic Ending (White Border) - 125 4 Prismatic Ending (Borderless, SPG) - 650 4 Prismatic Ending (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1000 2 Soul of Theros (White Border) - 50 1 Nexus of Becoming (Foil, Showcase BIG) - 2500 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Borderless, BLC) - 1000 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Foil, RVR) - 900 2 Karn, the Great Creator (White Border, MB2) - 750 1 Reality Smasher (Foil, SLD #1153) - 2000 4 Glaring Fleshraker (Foil) - 550 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 750 4 Wedding Announcement (Foil, Extended) - 425 1 Wedding Announcement (Extended) - 350 2 Temporary Lockdown (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Parting Gust (Foil) - 75 4 Dewdrop Cure (Foil) - 50 2 Discontinuity (Foil, Extended) - 1000 4 Long River's Pull (Foil) - 75 2 Vein Ripper (Foil, Showcase INK Foil) - 2200 4 Snuff Out (Foil, WHO) - 1850 3 Knight of Dusk's Shadow (Foil) - 150 4 Bandit's Talent (Foil) - 100 2 Goblin Rabblemaster (Foil, SLD) - 1350 3 Amped Raptor (Ripple Foil) - 1750 4 World Breaker (Ripple Foil) - 1000, 3600 комплект 1 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil, Showcase) - 2700 1 Sylvan Library (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3750 1 Sylvan Library (Borderless, DRM) - 3200 4 Scrapshooter (Foil, Showcase) - 175 2 Scrapshooter (Showcase) - 100 4 Hunter's Talent (Foil) - 50 4 Into the Flood Maw (Foil) - 650 4 Feed the Cycle (Foil) - 100 4 Bonecache Overseer (Foil) - 75 4 Vinereap Mentor (Foil) - 100 4 Carrot Cake (Foil) - 75 1 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Rainbow Foil, SLD) - 3500 2 Hazel of the Rootbloom (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 1 Ajani, Sleeper Agent (Foil, Borderless 375) - 750 2 Zinnia, Valley's Voice (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 225 1 Kykar, Wind's Fury (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 750 2 Bello, Bard of the Brambles (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 2 Ms. Bumbleflower (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 350 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Foil, Showcase) - 450 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Foil) - 300 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser - 175 3 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Showcase) - 300 4 Drown in the Loch (Foil, Retro Frame) - 300, 1100 комплект 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, Borderless OTJ) - 800 4 Inspiring Vantage (Borderless, OTJ) - 450 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, SLD 1375) - 1400, 5500 комплект 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, OTJ) - 475 4 Sulfurous Springs (Ripple Foil) - 675 4 Sulfurous Springs (Foil, Borderless) - 900 1 Songbirds' Blessing (Extended) - 750 1 Kindred Discovery (Anime Borderless) - 1250 1 Forced Fruition (Enchanted Tails) - 100 1 Moonshaker Cavalry (Foil) - 1600 1 Lord Skitter, Sewer King (Extended) - 500 1 Tangled Colony (Foil) - 150 2 Kellan, the Fae-Blooded (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 1 The Apprentice's Folly (Foil) - 100 1 Likeness Looter (Extended) - 250 4 Cache Grab (Foil) - 75 3 Patchwork Banner (Foil) - 450 4 Witherbloom Command (Foil) - 350 2 Mana Drain (Showcase, OTP) - 3200 4 Long River's Pull - 40 1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Borderless #0288) - 700 1 Endurance (Borderless, SPG) - 1600 2 Endurance (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2250 2 Endurance (Foil, Borderless, MH2) - 3000 3 Endurance (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2550 2 Endurance (Textured Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 3500 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Showcase) - 1750 4 Hunter's Talent - 40 4 Necrodominance - 950, 3500 комплект 2 Teyo, Geometric Tactician - 275 4 Parting Gust - 50 4 Abrade (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Retro Frame) - 3900 2 Alchemist's Talent - 2500 3 Aminatou, the Fateshifter (Secret Lair Lil Walkers) - 1200 4 Supreme Verdict (Pro Tour Promos, PTP) - 1100 4 Silverbluff Bridge (Retro Frame) - 100 2 Starfall Invocation (Foil) - 125 3 Starfall Invocation (Foil, Showcase) - 200 2 Starfall Invocation (Showcase) - 150 1 Beza, the Bounding Spring (Foil, Borderless) - 2600 1 Beza, the Bounding Spring (Borderless) - 2100 4 Caretaker's Talent (Foil) - 1550 2 Caretaker's Talent - 1350 3 Jackdaw Savior (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Jackdaw Savior (Showcase) - 50 3 Jackdaw Savior (Foil) - 50 2 Salvation Swan (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Salvation Swan (Foil) - 50 4 Salvation Swan (Showcase) - 50 1 Warren Warleader (Foil, Showcase) - 700 2 Warren Warleader (Showcase) - 475 1 Valley Questcaller (Foil) - 200 2 Valley Questcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Valley Questcaller (Showcase) - 150 4 Whiskervale Forerunner (Foil) - 50 2 Whiskervale Forerunner (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Whiskervale Forerunner (Showcase) - 50 2 Dour Port-Mage (Foil) - 275 2 Dour Port-Mage (Showcase) - 225 2 Dour Port-Mage (Foil, Showcase) - 325 2 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Foil) - 500 1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 Kitnap (Foil) - 50 3 Kitnap (Extended) - 75 4 Mockingbird (Foil) - 850 4 Mockingbird (Showcase) - 850 4 Mockingbird (Foil, Showcase) - 1650 4 Portent of Calamity (Foil, Showcase)- 175 4 Portent of Calamity (Showcase) - 125 2 Portent of Calamity (Foil) - 100 2 Wishing Well (Foil, Extended) - 75 4 Wishing Well (Extended) - 50 2 Darkstar Augur (Foil) - 125 2 Darkstar Augur (Foil, Showcase) - 225 4 Darkstar Augur (Showcase) - 125 3 Osteomancer Adept (Foil) - 75 2 Osteomancer Adept (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Osteomancer Adept (Showcase) - 100 2 Season of Loss (Foil, Borderless) - 700 3 Season of Loss (Borderless) - 550 3 Valley Rotcaller (Foil) - 250 4 Valley Rotcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 350 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Borderless) - 1450 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Foil) - 1250 3 Coiling Rebirth (Foil, Showcase) - 125 3 Coiling Rebirth (Showcase) - 75 1 Cruelclaw's Heist (Foil, Showcase) - 250 2 Cruelclaw's Heist (Foil) - 175 4 Cruelclaw's Heist (Showcase) - 150 2 Wick, the Whorled Mind (Foil, Showcase) - 75 2 Wick, the Whorled Mind (Showcase) - 75 4 Iridescent Vinelasher (Foil, Extended) - 650 1 Iridescent Vinelasher (Extended) - 450 2 Byway Barterer (Foil) - 50 4 Byway Barterer (Extended) - 50 3 Festival of Embers (Foil) - 50 1 Festival of Embers (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Festival of Embers (Showcase) - 50 4 Hearthborn Battler (Foil) - 50 1 Hearthborn Battler (Foil, Extended) - 75 4 Hearthborn Battler (Extended) - 50 4 Hired Claw (Foil) - 225 3 Hired Claw (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Hired Claw (Showcase) - 175 3 Stormsplitter (Foil) - 500 1 Stormsplitter (Foil, Showcase) - 850 4 Valley Flamecaller (Foil) - 50 2 Valley Flamecaller (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 Valley Flamecaller (Showcase) - 75 3 Sunspine Lynx (Borderless Foil) - 500 2 Manifold Mouse (Foil, Showcase) - 750 3 Season of the Bold (Foil, Borderless) - 400 3 Season of the Bold (Borderless) - 225 1 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods (Foil) - 1850 2 For the Common Good (Foil) - 125 3 For the Common Good (Showcase) - 100 4 Mistbreath Elder (Foil) - 75 3 Mistbreath Elder (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Mistbreath Elder (Showcase) - 100 1 Pawpatch Recruit (Foil) - 250 4 Pawpatch Recruit (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Tender Wildguide (Foil, Showcase) - 125 3 Valley Mightcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Valley Mightcaller (Foil) - 175 4 Valley Mightcaller (Showcase) - 200 2 Thornvault Forager (Foil, Extended) - 275 4 Thornvault Forager (Extended) - 175 2 Thornvault Forager (Foil) - 200 1 Season of Gathering (Borderless) - 850 2 Baylen, the Haymaker (Foil) - 175 2 Finneas, Ace Archer (Foil) - 75 3 Finneas, Ace Archer (Foil, Showcase) - 100 4 Finneas, Ace Archer (Showcase) - 75 2 Vren, the Relentless (Foil) - 125 4 Kastral, the Windcrested (Foil) - 50 3 Kastral, the Windcrested (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Kastral, the Windcrested (Showcase) - 50 4 Lunar Convocation (Foil) - 100 2 Lunar Convocation (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Lunar Convocation (Extended) - 100 3 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Foil) - 75 4 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Foil, Showcase) - 200 3 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Showcase) - 175 1 Muerra, Trash Tactician (Foil) - 75 2 Alania, Divergent Storm (Foil) - 50 1 Alania, Divergent Storm (Foil, Showcase) - 100 4 Alania, Divergent Storm (Showcase) - 75 3 Clement, the Worrywort (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Clement, the Worrywort (Showcase) - 75 1 Ral, Crackling Wit (Foil) - 1000 2 Maha, Its Feathers Night (Borderless) - 1900 2 Season of the Burrow (Borderless) - 350 1 Season of the Burrow (Foil) - 425 2 Dawn's Truce (Showcase) - 800 2 Dawn's Truce (Foil) - 850 4 Essence Channeler (Extended) - 75 2 Essence Channeler (Foil) - 100 2 Essence Channeler (Foil, Extended) - 200 3 Season of Weaving (Borderless) - 675 4 Valley Floodcaller (Showcase) - 700 4 Keen-Eyed Curator (Showcase) - 225 4 Keen-Eyed Curator (Foil, Showcase) - 325 4 Fecund Greenshell (Extended) - 125 2 Fecund Greenshell (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest (Borderless) - 800 3 Glarb, Calamity's Augur (Showcase) - 475 2 Helga, Skittish Seer (Showcase) - 500 4 Ygra, Eater of All (Borderless) - 2300 3 Ygra, Eater of All (Foil) - 2100 4 Ygra, Eater of All - 1550 3 Ygra, Eater of All (Foil, Borderless) - 1700 4 The Infamous Cruelclaw (Showcase) - 650 1 Fountainport (Foil, Extended) - 1600 1 Fountainport (Extended) - 1350 4 Fabled Passage (Foil, Extended, BLB) - 850 4 Fabled Passage (Foil, SLD Post Malone) - 1800, 7000 комплект 2 Three Tree City (Borderless, BLB #337, Spring) - 2700 1 The Gitrog Monster (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1450 1 Kwain, Itinerant Meddler (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 150 1 Luminous Broodmoth (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 3 Ant Queen (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 125 3 Squirrel Mob (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 275 1 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 650 2 Baleful Strix (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 800 3 Gilded Goose (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 500 2 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Domri, Anarch of Bolas (Borderless, BLC) - 200 2 Tamiyo, Field Researcher (Borderless, BLC) - 325 1 Liliana of the Dark Realms (Borderless, BLC) - 2000 2 Squirrel Mob (Borderless, BLC) - 225 1 Bello, Bard of the Brambles (Borderless, BLC) - 400 1 Hazel of the Rootbloom (Borderless, BLC) - 850 1 Ms. Bumbleflower (Borderless, BLC) - 150 2 Zinnia, Valley's Voice (Borderless, BLC) - 125 2 Arthur, Marigold Knight (Extended, BLC) - 125 1 The Odd Acorn Gang (Extended, BLC) - 250 3 Wildsear, Scouring Maw (Extended, BLC) - 300 3 Octomancer (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Rapid Augmenter (Extended, BLC) - 50 4 Baleful Strix (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician (Borderless, BLC) - 300 1 The Gitrog Monster (Borderless, BLC) - 800 1 Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Kwain, Itinerant Meddler (Borderless, BLC) - 75 2 Kykar, Wind's Fury (Borderless, BLC) - 250 3 Sword of the Squeak (Extended, BLC) - 150 3 Rolling Hamsphere (Extended, BLC) - 75 4 Jacked Rabbit (Extended, BLC) - 425 3 Murmuration (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Perch Protection (Extended, BLC) - 275 2 Steelburr Champion (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Tempt with Bunnies (Extended, BLC) - 425 2 Luminous Broodmoth (Borderless, BLC) - 625 2 Pollywog Prodigy (Extended, BLC) - 2500 3 Twenty-Toed Toad (Extended, BLC) - 325 2 Insatiable Frugivore (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Moonstone Eulogist (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Swarmyard Massacre (Extended, BLC) - 550 2 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni (Borderless, BLC) - 425 2 Marrow-Gnawer (Borderless, BLC) - 500 1 Agate Instigator (Extended, BLC) - 1750 2 Calamity of Cinders (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Echoing Assault (Extended, BLC) - 275 1 Prosperous Bandit (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Pyreswipe Hawk (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Bloodroot Apothecary (Extended, BLC) - 875 2 Brightcap Badger (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Communal Brewing (Extended, BLC) - 200 2 Evercoat Ursine (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Rootcast Apprenticeship (Extended, BLC) - 100 1 Scurry of Squirrels (Extended, BLC) - 375 2 Thickest in the Thicket (Extended, BLC) - 325 2 Trailtracker Scout (Extended, BLC) - 125 2 Ant Queen (Borderless, BLC) - 50 4 Birds of Paradise (Borderless, BLC) - 600 2 Chatterfang, Squirrel General (Borderless, BLC) - 1100 3 Gilded Goose (Borderless, BLC) - 250 3 Karn, Scion of Urza (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1419) - 750 2 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2200 1 Lotus Ring (Foil, Showcase, BIG) - 2000 2 All is Dust (Ripple Foil) - 1650 1 Eldrazi Confluence (Ripple Foil) - 1500 4 Glaring Fleshraker (Ripple Foil) - 2750 2 Warping Wail (Ripple Foil) - 525 4 Talisman of Impulse (Ripple Foil) - 375 4 Talisman of Resilience (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Wastescape Battlemage (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Wastescape Battlemage (Foil) - 75 3 Collector's Cage (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 750 2 Kutzil's Flanker (Foil, Extended) - 275 3 Skrelv, Defector Mite (Foil, Showcase) - 550 4 Thraben Charm (Foil) - 100 1 Stoneforge Mystic (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 4000 1 Stoneforge Mystic (Borderless, 2x2) 4000 1 Ondu Spiritdancer (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 1550 4 Elite Spellbinder (Foil, Extended) - 175 3 Urabrask's Forge (Foil) - 1000 1 Caustic Bronco (Foil) - 450 4 Caustic Bronco (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Necromentia (Foil, Extended) - 550 1 Fatal Push (Foil, SLD #122) - 1650 4 Deep-Cavern Bat (Foil, Promo Pack) - 1000 4 Forsaken Miner (Foil) - 100 1 Agadeem's Awakening (Foil, Extended) - 3750 4 Necrodominance (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3750 2 Bolas's Citadel (Foil, Retro Frame, WPN Promo) - 900 2 Mutated Cultist (Ripple Foil) - 1500 1 Cover of Darkness (Foil, Extended, ACR) - 1200 1 Black Market Connections (Foil, Borderless, ACR) - 1750 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1141 Chibis) - 3000 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (White Border) - 275 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR, Japanese Alt Art) - 1300 2 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, WAR, Japanese Alt Art) - 35000 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Borderless, BLC) - 450 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 750 1 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Stained Glass) - 2300 4 Tolarian Terror (Foil) - 225, 850 комплект 2 Chandra, Flame's Catalyst (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1420) - 1250 1 Great Train Heist (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Textured Foil) - 2750 4 Kozilek's Return (Ripple Foil) - 1100 2 Jaspera Sentinel (Foil, Extended) - 200 4 Mosswood Dreadknight (Foil, Showcase) - 425 4 Freestrider Lookout (Foil, Extended) - 400 3 Freestrider Lookout (Foil) - 275 1 Freestrider Lookout (Extended) - 250 2 Gilded Goose (Foil, Extended, ELD) - 1500 4 Arboreal Grazer (Foil, Retro) - 600 4 Ancient Stirrings (Ripple Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Ancient Stirrings (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 1 Pillage the Bog (Foil) - 300 2 Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1422 Lil Walkers) - 1200 2 Bedevil (Foil, Showcase OTJ) - 100 2 Roxanne, Starfall Savant (Foil, Extended) - 900 3 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (Ripple Foil) - 925 2 Samut, Vizier of Naktamun (Foil, Showcase) - 850 1 Breeding Pool (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4500 2 Fomori Vault (Foil, Extended) - 3000 3 Hedge Maze (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 3 Hedge Maze (Borderless) - 1750 2 Shadowy Backstreet (Foil, Borderless) - 3000 4 Shadowy Backstreet (Borderless) - 2150 2 Flagstones of Trokair (Foil, UMA) - 1750 2 Urza's Saga (Foil, Showcase Sketch) - 8500 2 Undercity Sewers (Foil, Borderless) - 6000 1 Undercity Sewers (Foil) - 3500 4 Eldrazi Temple (Ripple Foil) - 2500 4 Caves of Koilos (Ripple Foil) - 350 2 Llanowar Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 500 4 Karplusan Forest (Ripple Foil) - 750 2 Cascading Cataracts (Ripple Foil) - 450 4 Battlefield Forge (Ripple Foil) - 250 1 Lotus Ring (Showcase, BIG) - 1000 1 Rise of the Eldrazi (Extended) - 1300 2 Leyline Dowser (Extended) - 750 4 Glaring Fleshraker - 100 4 Wastescape Battlemage - 50 1 Collector's Cage (Extended, BIG) - 850 1 Peacekeeper (Eng, NM) - 1500 4 Thraben Charm - 75 2 Black Market Connections (Extended) - 1250 1 Entomb (Retro Frame) - 1250 4 Forsaken Miner - 50 1 Ancient Cornucopia - 1250 2 Allosaurus Shepherd - 2650 3 Brazen Borrower (Showcase, ELD) - 1400 3 Day's Undoing (Etched Foil) - 650 4 Ugin's Binding (Borderless) - 450 2 Ugin's Binding (Foil, Borderless) - 1150 2 Ugin's Binding (Foil) - 500 2 Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might // Temple of Power (Showcase) - 1350 2 Chandra, Flame's Catalyst (Borderless, SLD #1420) - 1000 4 Galvanic Discharge - 100 4 Glimpse the Impossible - 50 4 Glimpse the Impossible (Foil) - 75 4 Ghostfire Slice - 50 3 Surrak Dragonclaw - 175 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Extended) - 1000 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Foil, Extended) - 2200 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Halo Foil, MUL) 2300 2 Bring to Light (Etched Foil, 2x2 #480) - 1100 4 Slick Sequence - 50 4 Manor Gate - 100 4 Black Dragon Gate - 100 2 Woodland Cemetery (LTC #0346) - 250 2 Blast Zone (Extended) - 200 2 Blast Zone (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Castle Locthwain (Extended) - 1900 3 Hall of Storm Giants (Showcase Dungeon Module) - 325 2 Hall of Storm Giants (Foil, Showcase) - 475 3 Hall of Storm Giants - 225 3 Hall of Storm Giants (Foil) - 375 1 Scalding Tarn (ZNE Expedition) - 4000 1 Scalding Tarn (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 4200 3 Scalding Tarn (Extended) - 2700 3 Marsh Flats (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 3000 3 Verdant Catacombs (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 3250 1 Stormcarved Coast (Borderless, VOW) - 800 4 Planar Nexus (Extended) - 1250, 4800 комплект 2 Planar Nexus (Ripple Foil, Extended) - 4250 4 Malevolent Rumble (Foil) - 250 4 Devourer of Destiny (Foil) - 650, 2500 комплект 4 Devourer of Destiny - 350, 1300 комплект 4 Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord - 750 2 Eye of Ugin (WWK, Ru) - 5600 3 Eye of Ugin (MM3, Eng) - 5300 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil) - 375 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 White Orchid Phantom (Retro Frame) - 425 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil, Retro Frame) - 700 4 White Orchid Phantom - 275, 1000 комплект 4 White Orchid Phantom (Borderless) - 550 4 Kozilek's Command (Foil) - 1650 4 Kozilek's Command - 1350, 5200 комплект 2 Profane Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 2 Profane Tutor (Foil, Extended) - 750 2 Kindred Dominance (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1000 2 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Foil, Borderless) - 2250 2 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Borderless) - 2400 1 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Surge Foil, Borderless) - 4500 4 Birthing Ritual (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 4 Up the Beanstalk (Foil) - 500, 1800 комплект 4 Bring to Light (Foil, Launch Party & Release Event Promos) - 500 3 Psychic Frog (Foil, Borderless) - 4250 4 Psychic Frog - 1250 4 Psychic Frog (Foil) - 1550 4 Springheart Nantuko (Borderless) - 850 4 Thermokarst (SP) - 750, 2700 комплект 4 Solitude (Borderless, SPG) - 2700 4 Solitude (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 3250 4 Solitude (Retro Frame) - 2600 4 Solitude (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3000 4 Kenku Artificer - 125 4 Ruby Medallion (Borderless) - 1200, 4500 комплект 4 Ruby Medallion (Foil) - 1250 4 Ruby Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1850, 7000 комплект 4 Razortide Bridge (PIP) - 100 1 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Foil) - 475 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Foil, Borderless Manga, #344) - 400 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Borderless Manga, #344) - 300 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Step and Compleat Foil, Borderless Manga, #476) - 725 2 The Stone Brain (Foil, Extended) - 700 1 The Stone Brain (Extended) - 500 3 Lavaspur Boots (Foil) - 350 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Foil, Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 900 3 Deafening Silence (Foil, SLD) - 2800 2 Archivist of Oghma (Foil, Extended) - 1350 1 Archangel of Tithes (Foil, Extended) - 450 1 Lion Sash (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Extraction Specialist (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Sunfall (Foil, Extended) - 1100 3 Sneak Attack (Foil, Anime Borderless, WOT) - 2400 2 Magda, the Hoardmaster (Foil, Extended) - 325 4 Experimental Synthesizer (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Foil, Retro Frame) - 225 2 Life from the Loam (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 2000 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Retro) - 400 1 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Borderless, Step and Compleat Foil) - 1750 2 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Oil Slick Raised Foil) - 2500 1 Jace Reawakened (Foil, Borderless) - 1250 1 Jace Reawakened (Borderless) - 700 1 Jace Reawakened - 450 3 Three Steps Ahead (Foil, Extended) - 1600 4 Duelist of the Mind (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Kenku Artificer (Foil) - 250 4 Ponder (Foil, WHO) - 1250 4 Thoughtseize (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 1500 4 Thoughtseize (Foil, Borderless, 2xm) - 2750 4 Thoughtseize (OTP, Breaking News) - 1200, 4500 комплект 1 Assimilation Aegis (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Assimilation Aegis (Foil) - 225 2 Assimilation Aegis (Extended) - 250 1 Kaheera, the Orphanguard (Foil, Extended) - 600 2 Kaheera, the Orphanguard (Extended) - 250 4 Shardless Agent (Foil, Borderless) - 450 4 Amalia Benavides Aguirre (Foil, Showcase) - 400 4 Amalia Benavides Aguirre (Showcase) - 275 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator - 450 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Showcase) - 450 2 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Foil) - 450 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Foil, Showcase) - 700 3 Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot (Extended) - 150 3 Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Pillage the Bog (Extended) - 275 4 Pillage the Bog (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (Foil, Showcase) - 750 4 Den of the Bugbear (Foil, Showcase) - 850 1 Glacial Fortress (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 550 1 Clifftop Retreat (Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 1 Woodland Cemetery (Foil, Extended, PIP) - 450 3 Stormcarved Coast (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 850 4 Stormcarved Coast (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 700 2 Caves of Koilos (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 750 1 Commercial District (Foil) - 1300 2 Commercial District (Foil, Borderless) - 2650 3 Commercial District (Borderless) - 1750 4 Concealed Courtyard (Foil, OTJ) - 275 4 Blooming Marsh (Foil, OTJ) - 550 1 Blooming Marsh (OTJ) - 500 4 Blooming Marsh (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 850, 3200 комплект 4 Blooming Marsh (Borderless, OTJ) - 600 4 Razortide Bridge (Foil, MH2) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Duelist of the Mind (Extended) - 175 4 Archive Trap (Showcase, OTP) - 350 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 325 2 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (Etched Foil) - 1250 3 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (MUL, Showcase) - 550 4 Preordain (WHO) - 250 4 Preordain (White Border) - 550 4 Great Furnace (Retro Frame) - 950, 3500 комплект 4 Vault of Whispers (Retro) - 350, 1300 комплект 2 Emrakul, the Promised End - 4000 1 Sun Titan (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 950 4 Doorkeeper Thrull - 200, 750 комплект 2 Doorkeeper Thrull (Foil, Showcase) - 500 4 Doorkeeper Thrull (Foil) - 450 4 Extraction Specialist (Extended) - 185 1 Divine Visitation (Anime Borderless, RVR) - 1500 2 Archivist of Oghma (Extended) - 1250 2 Force of Vigor (Showcase, Breaking News) - 1050 2 Force of Vigor (Foil, Showcase, Breaking News) - 1750 2 Force of Vigor - 950 4 Sneak Attack (Anime Borderless, WOT) - 1100 2 Magda, the Hoardmaster (Extended) - 225 1 Palantir of Orthanc (Extended) - 1650 1 Calamity of the Titans (Extended) - 1150 4 Grindstone (Showcase, OTP) - 450 2 Torpor Orb (Extended, BIG) - 650 3 Torpor Orb (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 900 4 Chalice of the Void (Retro Frame) - 3750 1 Chalice of the Void (Mirrodin) - 3250 1 Chalice of the Void (Modern Masters) - 3250 4 Chalice of the Void (Borderless, LCC #105) - 4500 3 Pithing Needle (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 425 4 Pithing Needle (Borderless, 2x2) - 275 1 Pithing Needle (Retro) - 250 2 Pithing Needle (Foil, Retro Frame) - 500 1 Pithing Needle (Foil, Kaladesh Masterpiece) - 11000 3 Kaervek, the Punisher (Showcase) - 150 2 Kaervek, the Punisher (Foil) - 200 2 Kaervek, the Punisher (Foil, Showcase) - 350 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Showcase) - 225 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil) - 250 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil, Showcase) - 600 2 March of Wretched Sorrow (Extended) - 250 4 Sheoldred's Edict - 225 4 Sheoldred's Edict (Foil) - 375 2 Harvester of Misery (Foil, Showcase) - 2750 1 Bitterblossom (Foil, Anime Borderless, WOT) - 3000 4 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, SLD #1151) - 2250 2 Crashing Footfalls (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1750 2 Tireless Tracker (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2800 2 Murktide Regent (Foil) - 3600 1 Murktide Regent (Foil, Sketch) - 3000 4 Skullcrack (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 150, 500 комплект 4 Voldaren Epicure (Foil, Showcase) - 150, 550 комплект 1 Annie Flash, the Veteran (Foil, Showcase) - 200 1 Lord Windgrace (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1000 1 Supreme Verdict (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 750 1 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (Foil, Mythic Edition) - 9500 1 Duskana, the Rage Mother (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Jetmir, Nexus of Revels (Foil, SLD Raining Cats & Dogs #1509) - 2750 1 Jetmir, Nexus of Revels (Foil, Showcase, SNC #312) - 1000 1 Crime // Punishment (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 250 4 Vanishing Verse - (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 175, 600 комплект 4 Vanishing Verse (Showcase, OTP) - 100 1 Blood Crypt (Foil, Borderless, RVR) - 3100 1 Overgrown Tomb (Foil, Borderless, RVR) - 3000 1 Restless Fortress (Foil, Borderless) - 300 1 Werewolf Pack Leader - 175 1 The Locust God - 350 2 Beseech the Mirror - 2700 3 Beseech the Mirror (Extended) - 3400 2 Virtue of Persistence (Foil, Showcase) - 2000 2 Kambal, Consul of Allocation - 350 1 Valki, God of Lies (Borderless) - 1150 4 Currency Converter - 800 2 Currency Converter (Extended) - 1250 4 Deep Gnome Terramancer (Extended) - 750 2 Flesh Duplicate - 1700 4 Relic of Progenitus (EMA) - 650 4 Relic of Progenitus (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 4 Relic of Progenitus (Retro Frame) - 800, 3000 комплект 4 Relic of Progenitus (Foil, ALA, SP) - 1500 1 Sorin the Mirthless (Borderless) - 850 4 Botanical Sanctum (Borderless, OTJ) - 425 4 Concealed Courtyard (Borderless, OTJ) - 550 2 Crime // Punishment (Showcase, OTP) - 125 4 Journey to Nowhere (Showcase, OTP) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Showcase, OTP) - 50 4 Skullcrack (Showcase, OTP) - 60 4 Ponder (Doctor WHO) - 300 1 Preacher of the Schism (Extended) - 450 4 Reckless Lackey - 60 4 Reckless Lackey (Foil) - 125 (450 комплект) 4 Waste Not (Showcase, WOT) - 450, 1600 комплект 4 Waste Not (Foil, Showcase, WOT) - 675 1 Underground Mortuary (Borderless) - 2200 1 Underground Mortuary (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 4 Lord Xander, the Collector - 275 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil) - 50 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Borderless, #0309) - 150 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil, Borderless, #0309) - 175 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Retro) - 125 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil, Retro) - 150 3 Deserted Temple (Foil) - 200 4 Archway of Innovation (Foil) - 125 4 Archway of Innovation (Borderless) - 150 3 Archway of Innovation (Borderless) - 450 2 Arena of Glory (Borderless) - 1500 4 Bloodstained Mire (Borderless) - 2650 2 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Borderless) - 5000 4 Bloodstained Mire (Foil) - 1750 4 Bloodstained Mire (Extended) - 1650 1 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Extended) - 2350 4 Bloodstained Mire (Retro Frame) - 2100 4 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5200 3 Monumental Henge (Foil) - 150 4 Monumental Henge (Borderless) - 150 3 Monumental Henge (Foil, Borderless) - 300 3 Phyrexian Tower (Borderless) - 2750 2 Phyrexian Tower (Foil, Borderless) - 6200 2 Shifting Woodland (Foil) - 1100 3 Shifting Woodland (Borderless) - 1300 2 Shifting Woodland (Foil, Borderless) - 2300 2 Spymaster's Vault (Foil) - 250 4 Spymaster's Vault (Borderless) - 275 2 Spymaster's Vault (Foil, Borderless) - 500 4 Ugin's Labyrinth (Borderless) - 3400 4 Windswept Heath (Borderless) - 2000 2 Windswept Heath (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 2 Windswept Heath (Retro) - 1800 4 Windswept Heath (Extended) - 1500 4 Windswept Heath (Foil, Extended) - 2000 4 Windswept Heath (Foil) - 1500 2 Windswept Heath (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5000 4 Wooded Foothills (Borderless) - 2250 2 Wooded Foothills (Foil, Borderless) - 3500 4 Wooded Foothills (Foil) - 1450 4 Wooded Foothills (Extended) - 2000 4 Wooded Foothills (Foil, Extended) - 2150 3 Wooded Foothills (Retro Frame) - 2300 4 Flooded Strand (Extended) - 1600 4 Flooded Strand (Foil, Extended) - 2000 4 Flooded Strand (Borderless) - 2550 4 Flooded Strand (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 4 Flooded Strand (Foil) - 1800 4 Flooded Strand (Retro Frame) - 2150 3 Flooded Strand (Foil, Retro Frame) - 6600 3 Polluted Delta (Extended) - 2250 4 Polluted Delta (Retro Frame) - 2300 4 Polluted Delta (Borderless) - 2500 3 Polluted Delta (Foil, Extended) - 2550 2 Polluted Delta (Foil, Borderless) - 5250 1 Polluted Delta (Foil) - 2250 4 Flare of Fortitude (Borderless) - 1000 1 Flare of Fortitude (Foil, Borderless) - 2700 3 Flare of Fortitude (Retro Frame) - 550 2 Flare of Fortitude (Foil, Retro Frame) - 875 4 Flare of Fortitude (Foil) - 625 4 Orim's Chant (Borderless) - 650 4 Orim's Chant (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Flare of Denial (Borderless) - 2000 3 Flare of Denial (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2500 1 Flare of Denial (Foil, Borderless) - 4400 2 Flare of Denial - 1050 4 Flare of Denial (Retro Frame) - 2000 4 Flare of Denial (Foil) - 1400 4 Strix Serenade (Borderless) - 350 2 Strix Serenade (Foil, Borderless) - 900 2 Strix Serenade (Foil) - 425 3 Volatile Stormdrake (Borderless) - 700 1 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil, Borderless) - 1900 3 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil) - 250 4 Volatile Stormdrake (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 3 Warren Soultrader (Retro Frame) - 1450 1 Warren Soultrader (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Warren Soultrader (Foil) - 1250 3 Warren Soultrader (Borderless) - 1250 2 Warren Soultrader (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 4 Flare of Duplication (Foil) - 300 2 Flare of Duplication (Retro Frame) - 250 2 Flare of Duplication (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Flare of Duplication (Borderless) - 750 1 Flare of Duplication (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Party Thrasher (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Party Thrasher (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Party Thrasher (Borderless) - 200 2 Party Thrasher (Foil, Borderless) - 375 3 Party Thrasher (Foil) - 125 2 Powerbalance (Foil) - 125 4 Powerbalance (Borderless) - 100 2 Powerbalance (Foil, Borderless) - 225 4 Wheel of Potential (Borderless) - 100 1 Wheel of Potential (Foil, Borderless) - 300 4 Wheel of Potential (Foil) - 30 4 Wheel of Potential (Retro Frame) - 30 2 Wheel of Potential (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Flare of Cultivation (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Flare of Cultivation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 550 3 Flare of Cultivation (Foil) - 300 4 Flare of Cultivation (Borderless) - 750 4 Primal Prayers (Foil) - 75 4 Primal Prayers (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Primal Prayers (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Primal Prayers (Borderless) - 150 2 Primal Prayers (Foil, Borderless) - 250 4 Eldrazi Linebreaker (Foil) - 325 3 Abstruse Appropriation (Foil) - 75 4 Abstruse Appropriation (Borderless) - 125 1 Abstruse Appropriation (Foil, Borderless) - 300 4 Emerald Medallion (Foil) - 325 1 Emerald Medallion (Foil, CMM) - 400 4 Emerald Medallion (Borderless) - 650 4 Emerald Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Jet Medallion (Foil) - 750 4 Jet Medallion (Borderless) - 1250 3 Jet Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 4 Pearl Medallion (Foil) - 400 4 Pearl Medallion (Borderless) - 700 3 Pearl Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 4 Sapphire Medallion (Foil) - 550 4 Sapphire Medallion (Borderless) - 750 3 Sapphire Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 4 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Borderless) - 225 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Foil, Borderless) - 550 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Foil) - 225 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Etched Foil) - 450 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Borderless) - 100 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Foil, Borderless) - 225 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Foil) - 100 3 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Etched Foil) - 300 3 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Foil) - 125 4 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Borderless Profile) - 100 4 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 175 3 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Etched Foil) - 325 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Borderless Profile) - 50 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 100 3 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Etched Foil) - 350 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Foil) - 50 2 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Foil) - 375 2 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Retro Frame) - 500 3 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Borderless Profile) - 650 1 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 1500 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Foil) - 125 3 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Etched Foil) - 175 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Borderless Profile) - 125 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 275 4 Six (Borderless Profile) - 1000 1 Six (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2400 1 Six (Retro Frame) - 650 2 Six (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1150 4 Six (Etched Foil) - 750 3 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Borderless Profile) - 125 1 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 450 1 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Foil) - 125 2 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Etched Foil) - 425 4 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Borderless Profile) - 200 3 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 425 2 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Foil) - 100 2 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Etched Foil) - 375 4 Genku, Future Shaper (Borderless Profile) - 50 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 75 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Etched Foil) - 75 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Foil) - 50 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Etched Foil) - 125 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil) - 75 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Retro Frame) - 50 2 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Borderless Profile) - 125 2 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 300 2 Kaalia of the Vast (Borderless Profile) - 1000 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2000 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Foil) - 475 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Etched Foil) - 750 2 Kaalia of the Vast (#343 Borderless, MH3) - 2700 1 Kaalia of the Vast (#343 Foil Borderless, MH3) - 8000 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Retro Frame) - 50 1 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Borderless Profile) - 75 1 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 175 2 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil) - 75 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Etched Foil) - 200 2 Nadu, Winged Wisdom (Borderless Profile) - 250 1 Nadu, Winged Wisdom (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 500 2 The Necrobloom (Etched Foil) - 325 2 The Necrobloom (Foil) - 75 4 The Necrobloom (Borderless) - 175 2 The Necrobloom (Foil, Borderless) - 675 4 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Borderless) - 25 1 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil, Borderless) - 50 2 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Etched Foil) - 40 4 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Retro Frame) - 25 1 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 3 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil) - 25 1 Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 7500 1 Ulamog, the Defiler (Foil, Borderless Concept Praetor) - 12500 2 Ulamog, the Defiler (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5600 4 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (Borderless) - 1400 3 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (Foil, Borderless) - 2350 4 Sorin of House Markov (Foil) - 1250 1 Sorin of House Markov (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 4250 1 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate - 925 1 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Borderless) - 1450 3 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 4 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Borderless) - 700 2 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Foil) - 500 1 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Argent Dais (Extended) - 25 4 Argent Dais (Foil) - 25 3 Argent Dais (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Guide of Souls (Extended) - 800 3 Guide of Souls (Foil, Extended) - 1100 4 Amphibian Downpour (Foil) - 125 4 Amphibian Downpour (Extended) - 125 2 Amphibian Downpour (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Dreamtide Whale (Foil) - 150 4 Dreamtide Whale (Extended) - 200 4 Dreamtide Whale (Foil, Extended) - 300 4 Crabomination (Foil) - 50 4 Crabomination (Extended) - 75 4 Crabomination (Foil, Extended) - 125 4 Ripples of Undeath (Extended) - 300 4 Ripples of Undeath (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Ripples of Undeath (Foil) - 250 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Foil) - 600 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Extended) - 600 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Foil, Extended) - 900 4 Invert Polarity (Extended) - 250 3 Invert Polarity (Foil, Extended) - 375 1 Wight of the Reliquary - 275 4 Wight of the Reliquary (Extended) - 350 2 Wight of the Reliquary (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Disruptor Flute (Extended) - 275 4 Disruptor Flute (Foil, Extended) - 475 4 Disruptor Flute (Foil) - 275 4 Winter Moon (Extended) - 175 2 Winter Moon (Foil, Extended) - 425 2 Winter Moon (Foil) - 225 3 Echoes of Eternity (Foil) - 350 4 Echoes of Eternity (Borderless) - 250 2 Echoes of Eternity (Foil, Borderless) - 500 1 Emrakul, the World Anew (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 2800 1 Emrakul, the World Anew (Foil, Borderless Concept Praetor) - 7200 2 Emrakul, the World Anew (Etched Foil) - 1500 2 Emrakul, the World Anew (Retro Frame) - 1500 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Etched Foil) - 1300 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Retro Frame) - 900 1 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1500 1 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 1650 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Foil) - 750 2 Guide of Souls (Foil) - 750 4 Necrodominance (Foil) - 1450, 5600 комплект 4 Aether Revolt (Foil) - 75 4 Aether Revolt (Extended) - 50 4 Aether Revolt (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Thief of Existence (Foil) - 125 2 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Foil) - 1250 4 Recruiter of the Guard (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3500 3 Sevinne's Reclamation (Foil) - 150 3 Estrid's Invocation (Foil) - 75 3 Ophiomancer (Foil) - 175 4 Cursed Mirror (Foil) - 75 4 Branching Evolution (Foil) - 250 3 Sylvan Safekeeper (Foil) - 400 2 Urza's Incubator (Foil) - 1500 2 Goldspan Dragon - 1000 2 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Borderless) - 400 1 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Foil, Borderless) - 1200 3 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Borderless) - 100 1 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Foil, Borderless) - 200 3 Coram, the Undertaker (Borderless) - 175 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Foil, Borderless) - 350 3 Disa the Restless (Borderless) - 100 3 Disa the Restless (Foil, Borderless) - 200 1 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Borderless) - 125 2 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Foil, Borderless) - 250 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Borderless) - 250 1 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Foil, Borderless) - 450 3 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Borderless) - 100 2 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Foil, Borderless) - 225 2 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Borderless) - 550 1 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 1 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Etched Foil) - 450 1 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Etched Foil) - 175 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Etched Foil) - 250 1 Disa the Restless (Etched Foil) - 200 3 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Etched Foil) - 125 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Etched Foil) - 250 1 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Etched Foil) - 200 2 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Etched Foil) - 1100 3 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Extended) - 250 2 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Foil, Extended) - 450 2 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Extended) - 75 2 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Foil, Extended) - 225 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Extended) - 100 1 Coram, the Undertaker (Foil, Extended) - 200 4 Disa the Restless (Extended) - 75 2 Disa the Restless (Foil, Extended) - 200 3 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Extended) - 75 2 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Foil, Extended) - 150 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Extended) - 250 2 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Foil, Extended) - 550 3 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Extended) - 75 2 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Foil, Extended) - 150 4 Eldrazi Confluence - 450 3 Eldritch Immunity - 900 4 Inversion Behemoth - 100 4 Selective Obliteration - 150 2 Spawnbed Protector - 475 4 Twins of Discord - 100 4 Ulamog's Dreadsire - 250 4 Angelic Aberration - 100 4 Hourglass of the Lost (Extended) - 100 4 Localized Destruction (Extended) - 100 4 Razorfield Ripper (Extended) - 100 4 Salvation Colossus (Extended) - 150 4 Silverquill Lecturer (Extended) - 225 4 Aurora Shifter (Extended) - 125 4 Benthic Anomaly - 100 4 Copy Land (Extended) - 325 4 March from Velis Vel (Extended) - 125 4 Wonderscape Sage (Extended) - 100 4 Bismuth Mindrender - 100 3 Final Act (Extended) - 425 4 Mutated Cultist - 375 2 Aether Refinery (Extended) - 100 4 Blaster Hulk (Extended) - 100 4 Filigree Racer (Extended) - 75 4 Hideous Taskmaster - 250 4 Overclocked Electromancer (Extended) - 100 4 Sawhorn Nemesis (Extended) - 425 4 Siege-Gang Lieutenant (Extended) - 275 4 Tempt with Mayhem (Extended) - 250 4 Chittering Dispatcher - 125 4 Desert Warfare (Extended) - 250 4 Polygoyf (Extended) - 150 4 Rampant Frogantua (Extended) - 300 4 Sage of the Maze (Extended) - 125 4 Tarmogoyf Nest (Extended) - 350 4 Aggressive Biomancy (Extended) - 125 4 Bloodbraid Challenger (Extended) - 150 4 Broodmate Tyrant (Extended) - 75 4 Exterminator Magmarch (Extended) - 100 4 Gluttonous Hellkite (Extended) - 125 4 Infested Thrinax (Extended) - 100 4 Sphinx of the Revelation (Extended) - 100 4 Conversion Apparatus (Extended) - 125 4 Stone Idol Generator (Extended) - 100 4 Horizon of Progress (Extended) - 900 4 Lazotep Quarry (Extended) - 550 3 Sunken Palace (Extended) - 200 4 Trenchpost (Extended) - 225 4 Refurbished Familiar (Foil) - 125 4 Refurbished Familiar - 100 4 Sneaky Snacker (Foil) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Sneaky Snacker - 75 4 Nulldrifter (Retro Frame) - 425 4 Nulldrifter - 375 4 Nulldrifter (Foil) - 550 4 Nulldrifter (Foil, Retro Frame) - 850 3 Shadow of the Second Sun (Retro Frame) - 200 2 Shadow of the Second Sun (Foil, Retro Frame) - 400 2 Shadow of the Second Sun (Foil) - 250 3 Chthonian Nightmare (Retro Frame) - 350 4 Chthonian Nightmare (Foil) - 250 4 Chthonian Nightmare (Borderless) - 600 1 Chthonian Nightmare (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Necrodominance (Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Borderless Profile) - 1150 1 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2000 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Etched Foil) - 1450 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Retro Frame) - 1250 1 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2100 4 Null Elemental Blast (Retro Frame) - 75 4 Null Elemental Blast (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Null Elemental Blast (Foil) - 100 4 Charitable Levy (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Charitable Levy (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Charitable Levy (Foil) - 25 4 Jolted Awake (Retro Frame) - 35 4 Jolted Awake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Jolted Awake (Foil) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Foil) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Retro Frame) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Aether Spike (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Aether Spike (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 4 Aether Spike (Foil) - 25 4 Brainsurge (Foil) - 75 4 Brainsurge (Retro Frame) - 125 4 Brainsurge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 225 4 Tune the Narrative (Foil) - 50 4 Tune the Narrative (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Tune the Narrative (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Accursed Marauder (Foil) - 50 4 Accursed Marauder (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Accursed Marauder (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Consuming Corruption (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Consuming Corruption (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Consuming Corruption (Foil) - 25 4 Grim Servant (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Grim Servant (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Marionette Apprentice (Foil) - 225 4 Marionette Apprentice (Retro Frame) - 225 4 Marionette Apprentice (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325 4 Victimize (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Victimize (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Victimize (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Galvanic Discharge (Retro Frame) - 200 4 Galvanic Discharge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 275 4 Skoa, Embermage (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Skoa, Embermage (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 4 Unstable Amulet (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Unstable Amulet (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Unstable Amulet (Foil) - 50 2 Unstable Amulet (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Evolution Witness (Foil) - 50 4 Evolution Witness (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Evolution Witness (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Lion Umbra (Foil) - 50 4 Lion Umbra (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Lion Umbra (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Foil) - 50 4 Priest of Titania (Foil, MH3) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Priest of Titania (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Priest of Titania (Foil, Retro Frame) - 175 4 Abiding Grace (Retro Frame) - 40, 125 комплект 4 Abiding Grace (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50, 175 комплект 4 Hard Evidence (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Hard Evidence (Foil, Retro Frame) - 35, 120 комплект 4 Sling-Gang Lieutenant (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Sling-Gang Lieutenant (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 3 Dragon's Rage Channeler (Retro Frame) - 450 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750, 2700 комплект 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler (White Border) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Strike It Rich (Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Strike It Rich (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 425 комплект 4 Tireless Provisioner (Retro Frame) - 125, 400 комплект 4 Tireless Provisioner (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Munitions Expert (Retro Frame) - 30 4 Munitions Expert (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Esper Sentinel (Retro Frame) - 1750, 6200 комплект 2 Esper Sentinel (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2750 1 Grief (Retro Frame) - 1000 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4850 4 Bountiful Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Contaminated Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Deceptive Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Foreboding Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Perilous Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Seething Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Shattered Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Sheltering Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Tranquil Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Twisted Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Decree of Justice (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Distinguished Conjurer (Foil, MH3) - 40 4 Deep Analysis (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Buried Alive (Foil, MH3) - 225 4 Wirewood Symbiote (Foil, MH3) - 125, 450 комплект 2 Worn Powerstone (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Barbarian Ring (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Cephalid Coliseum (MH3) - 50 4 Cephalid Coliseum (Foil, MH3) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Nesting Grounds (Foil, MH3) - 25 4 Nesting Grounds (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Nesting Grounds (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Urza's Cave (Foil) - 450 4 Hydroelectric Specimen (Foil) - 375 4 Boggart Trawler (Foil) - 400 4 Fell the Profane (Foil) - 600 4 Pinnacle Monk (Foil) - 125 4 Sundering Eruption (Foil) - 400 4 Bridgeworks Battle (Foil) - 100 4 Disciple of Freyalise (Foil) - 300 4 Bloodsoaked Insight (Foil) - 50 4 Drowner of Truth (Foil) - 50 4 Legion Leadership (Foil) - 75 4 Revitalizing Repast (Foil) - 175 4 Rush of Inspiration (Foil) - 50 4 Strength of the Harvest (Foil) - 100 4 Stump Stomp (Foil) - 150 4 Waterlogged Teachings (Foil) - 275 4 Planar Genesis (Foil) - 350 4 Dog Umbra (Foil) - 25 4 Hexgold Slith (Foil) - 50 4 Mandibular Kite (Foil) - 50 4 Copycrook (Foil) - 50 4 Hope-Ender Coatl (Foil) - 30 4 Kozilek's Unsealing (Foil) - 225 4 Serum Visionary (Foil) - 25 4 Triton Wavebreaker (Foil) - 25 4 Unfathomable Truths (Foil) - 25 4 Utter Insignificance (Foil) - 25 4 The Creation of Avacyn (Foil) - 50 4 Grim Servant (Foil) - 50 4 Quest for the Necropolis (Foil) - 25 4 Frogmyr Enforcer (Foil) - 50 4 Ghostfire Slice (Foil) - 100 4 Mogg Mob (Foil) - 50 4 Skittering Precursor (Foil) - 50 4 Spawn-Gang Commander (Foil) - 25 4 Fangs of Kalonia (Foil) - 25 4 Gift of the Viper (Foil) - 25 4 Horrific Assault (Foil) - 25 4 Path of Annihilation (Foil) - 50 4 Territory Culler (Foil) - 50 2 Breaker of Creation (Foil) - 75 4 It That Heralds the End (Foil) - 175 4 It That Heralds the End (Retro Frame) - 90, 300 комплект 4 It That Heralds the End (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Solar Transformer (Foil) - 50 4 Vexing Bauble (Foil) - 450 4 Vexing Bauble - 200 4 Warped Tusker (Foil) - 50 4 Drownyard Lurker (Foil) - 50 4 Karplusan Forest (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Simulacrum Synthesizer - 3750 4 High Noon (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Journey to Nowhere (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Fatal Push (Foil, Borderless, 2XM) - 2500, 9500 комплект 4 Preacher of the Schism (Foil, Extended) - 650 4 Creeping Chill (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 200, 750 комплект 4 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, SLD 1151) - 2700 4 Hardened Scales (Surge Foil, Extended, PIP) - 600 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil, Extended) - 1800 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil) - 1500 4 Llanowar Elves (Foil, Retro Frame, MEDIA Promo) - 500, 1800 комплект 4 Avenging Hunter (Foil) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Avenging Hunter- 150 3 Displacer Kitten (Foil, Extended) - 2700 4 Archive Trap (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 500, 1750 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 150, 550 комплект 2 Aminatou, the Fateshifter (Rainbow Foil, Secret Lair) - 1400 4 Deathrite Shaman (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1350 2 Deathrite Shaman (Retro Frame) - 550 1 Jetmir's Garden (Foil, Showcase) - 2500 1 Fomori Vault (Foil, Extended) - 3000 2 Xander's Lounge (Foil, Showcase) - 1750 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 1250, 4600 комплект 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, OTJ) - 600 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, Borderless, SLD WHO) - 2500 4 Spirebluff Canal (Borderless, OTJ) - 800 4 Botanical Sanctum (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 700, 2500 комплект 4 Concealed Courtyard (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 700, 2500 комплект 4 Caves of Chaos Adventurer (Foil) - 250 4 Caves of Chaos Adventurer (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan (Foil) - 150, 550 комплект 2 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (Foil, RVR) - 650 2 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 600 2 Commodore Guff (Foil) - 700 3 Eris, Roar of the Storm (Foil, Extended) - 575 4 Selesnya Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Gruul Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Rakdos Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Azorius Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Golgari Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Boros Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Izzet Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Dimir Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Orzhov Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Simic Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Questing Druid - 450 4 Questing Druid (Showcase) - 475 4 Questing Druid (Foil) - 600 4 Questing Druid (Foil, Showcase) - 675 4 Lembas (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 300 4 Lembas (Showcase Scrolls) - 200 4 Lembas (Foil) - 200 3 Unlicensed Hearse - 350 (Foil, SNC) 4 Unlicensed Hearse (SNC) - 275 4 Unlicensed Hearse (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Unlicensed Hearse (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 375 3 Unlicensed Hearse (Extended) - 350 4 Archmage's Charm (Etched Foil) - 500 4 Archmage's Charm (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Surgical Extraction (Borderless) - 750 4 Surgical Extraction (Foil, Borderless) - 950 4 Surgical Extraction (OTP, Breaking News) - 325 4 Surgical Extraction (Foil, OTP, Breaking News) - 600 1 Liliana, the Last Hope (Borderless) - 800 4 Infernal Tutor (Retro Frame) - 250 4 Brotherhood's End - 625 2 Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful (Extended) - 1500 1 Sevinne's Reclamation (Retro Frame) - 250 1 Losheel, Clockwork Scholar (Extended) - 250 4 Skrelv, Defector Mite (Showcase) - 425 3 Eris, Roar of the Storm (Extended) - 300 4 Absorb (Foil, Borderless) - 150 1 Galadriel, Light of Valinor (Borderless) - 1400 4 Supreme Verdict (Retro Frame) - 450 4 Darksteel Citadel (Retro) - 700 1 Double Down (Foil, Extended) - 650 2 Archmage's Newt (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Pitiless Carnage (Foil, Extended) - 200 1 Hellspur Posse Boss (Foil, Extended) - 100 2 Calamity, Galloping Inferno (Foil, Extended) - 175 2 Hell to Pay (Foil, Extended) - 275 1 Smuggler's Surprise (Foil, Extended) - 650 1 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Foil, Extended) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Foil, Extended) - 100 2 Kambal, Profiteering Mayor (Foil, Extended) - 700 2 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds (Foil, Extended) - 900 1 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 Tinybones, the Pickpocket (Foil) - 1250 1 Insatiable Avarice (Foil, Extended) - 850 4 Shifting Grift (Foil) - 50 4 Tumbleweed Rising (Foil) - 25 4 Fleeting Reflection (Foil) - 50 4 Trash the Town (Foil) - 50 4 Geyser Drake (Foil) - 25 3 Return the Favor (Foil) - 300 4 Spinewoods Armadillo (Foil) - 75 4 Holy Cow (Foil) - 75 3 Getaway Glamer (Foil) - 50 3 Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier (Foil) - 100 4 Arid Archway (Foil) - 125 3 Honest Rutstein (Foil) - 100 4 Slick Sequence (Foil) - 75 4 Make Your Own Luck (Foil) - 75 4 Forlorn Flats (Foil) - 50 4 Creosote Heath (Foil) - 50 2 Bristling Backwoods (Foil) - 50 4 Eroded Canyon (Foil) - 75 3 Festering Gulch (Foil) - 75 4 Lush Oasis (Foil) - 50 4 Lonely Arroyo (Foil) - 50 2 Pitiless Carnage (Extended) - 125 2 Rush of Dread (Extended) - 250 2 Rush of Dread (Foil, Extended) - 500 2 Tinybones Joins Up (Extended) - 150 2 Step Between Worlds (Extended) - 75 2 Stoic Sphinx (Extended) - 100 1 Double Down (Extended) - 450 2 Fblthp, Lost on the Range (Extended) - 100 1 Final Showdown (Extended) - 2700 1 Another Round (Extended) - 75 1 Claim Jumper (Extended) - 250 2 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Extended) - 75 2 One Last Job (Extended) - 75 3 Dust Animus (Extended) - 100 2 Stingerback Terror (Extended) - 100 1 Hell to Pay (Extended) - 200 1 Hellspur Posse Boss (Extended) -75 1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno (Extended) - 125 1 Ornery Tumblewagg (Extended) - 75 2 Colossal Rattlewurm (Extended) - 125 2 Smuggler's Surprise (Extended) - 450 2 Railway Brawler (Extended) - 1300 1 Rakdow, the Muscle (Showcase) - 750 1 Oko, the Ringleader (Showcase) - 550 1 Oko, the Ringleader (Borderless) - 550 1 Akul the Unrepentant (Extended) - 100 3 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Extended) - 75 1 Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero (Extended) - 50 1 Graywater's Fixer (Extended) - 50 1 Obeka, Splitter of Seconds (Extended) - 200 1 Marchesa, Dealer of Death (Extended) - 100 1 Marchesa, Dealer of Death (Foil) - 100 1 Kellan Joins Up (Extended) - 100 2 Seraphic Steed (Extended) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Extended) - 100 2 Roxanne, Starfall Savant (Extended) - 350 2 Pitiless Carnage (Foil) - 100 3 Hell to Pay (Foil) - 125 1 Terror of the Peaks (OTJ, Foil) - 1800 2 Terror of the Peaks (Extended, OTJ) - 2000 2 Smuggler's Surprise (Foil) - 350 1 Ornery Tumblewagg (Foil) - 75 2 Colossal Rattlewurm (Foil) - 125 2 Another Round (Foil) - 75 1 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Foil) - 50 1 Final Showdown (Foil) - 1200 1 Final Showdown (Extended) - 1200 2 Step Between Worlds (Foil) - 50 2 Fblthp, Lost on the Range (Foil) - 100 4 Duelist of the Mind (Foil) - 125 (400 комплект) 1 Kellan Joins Up (Foil) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Foil) - 50 1 Vraska, the Silencer (Foil) - 425 2 Eriette, the Beguiler (Foil) - 75 1 Eriette, the Beguiler (Showcase) - 50 1 Eriette, the Beguiler (Foil, Showcase) - 75 1 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Showcase) - 50 1 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Foil, Showcaseil) - 75 1 Selvala, Eager Trailblazer (Extended) - 75 2 Akul the Unrepentant (Foil) - 75 1 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter (Foil) - 300 1 Obeka, Splitter of Seconds (Foil) - 125 2 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Foil) - 50 2 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Foil) - 50 1 Annie Flash, the Veteran (Foil) - 150 3 Deadly Cover-Up (Foil) - 250 2 Deadly Cover-Up (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Deadly Cover-Up (Extended) - 200 4 Infernal Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 450 4 Goblin Rabblemaster (Foil, Retro, 30 Years Anniversary) - 350 4 Steamcore Scholar (Foil) - 100 4 Steamcore Scholar (Foil, Extended) - 300 4 Dovin's Veto (Foil, 30 Years Anniversary) - 650, 2300 комплект 2 Mount Doom (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 1 Mount Doom (Borderless) - 1100 1 Mount Doom (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 3000 4 Black Dragon Gate (Foil) - 175 4 Razorverge Thicket (Foil, ONE) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Razorverge Thicket (ONE, Borderless) - 375, 1400 комплект 4 Razorverge Thicket (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 500, 1900 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Foil, ONE) - 600, 2300 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Borderless) - 450, 1700 комплект 1 Blackcleave Cliffs (ZNE, Foil) - 2100 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 750, 2800 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (OTC) - 350 4 Seachrome Coast (Foil, Borderless) - 650 4 Seachrome Coast (Borderless) - 550, 1900 комплект 4 Seachrome Coast (Foil, ZNE) - 1600 2 Apothecary White (Borderless) - 450 2 Commander Mustard (Borderless) - 300 2 Emissary Green (Borderless) - 300 2 Mastermind Plum (Borderless) - 450 2 Senator Peacock (Borderless) - 300 4 Infernal Tutor (Retro Frame, RVR) - 300, 1100 комплект 4 Stern Scolding - 150 4 Stern Scolding (Foil) - 325 4 Steamcore Scholar (Extended) - 100 4 Steamcore Scholar - 50 4 Triumph of Saint Katherine - 1000, 3800 комплект 1 Farewell (Showcase) - 1200 2 Farewell (Ripple Foil) - 1150 1 Farewell (Extended) - 1200 1 Farewell - 750 4 Novice Inspector - 75, 250 комплект 2 Knight-Errant of Eos (Extended) - 325 4 Knight-Errant of Eos (Foil) - 275 4 Knight-Errant of Eos (Foil, Extended) - 375 1 Lyra Dawnbringer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 800 4 Loran of the Third Path - 475 4 Explore (Borderless, LTC) - 100 4 Sentinel of the Nameless City (Extended) - 350 4 Bonecrusher Giant - 75 3 Reckoner Bankbuster (Showcase) - 350 2 Ramos, Dragon Engine (Retro Frame, Schematic) - 400 3 Forth Eorlingas! (Showcase Scrolls) - 2000 4 Forth Eorlingas! - 1750, 6800 комплект 3 Forth Eorlingas! (Extended) - 2000 4 Tainted Indulgence - 50 4 Bloodtithe Harvester - 50 1 Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph - 1500 1 Sacred Foundry (Borderless, Unfinity) - 2700 4 Basilisk Gate - 100 4 Razortide Bridge (Retro Frame) - 300 4 Glacial Fortress (WHO) - 125 4 Stormcarved Coast (WHO) - 375 2 Lush Portico (Borderless) - 1400 1 Haunted Ridge (Extended, WHO) - 750 1 Rejuvenating Springs (Extended, CMR) - 1000 1 Rockfall Vale (Innistrad Double Feature) - 500 1 Dark Depths (Borderless, DMR) - 900 2 Caves of Koilos (Borderless) - 400 3 Sulfurous Springs (Borderless) - 500 2 Grindstone (Foil, Judge Promo, SP) - 4700 2 Wurmcoil Engine (Foil, Schematic) - 2400 2 Sundering TItan (Foil, Retro Frame) - 250 2 Sundering TItan (Foil, Schematic) - 450 1 Swiftfoot Boots (Foil, Schematic) - 450 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Foil, Schematic) - 350 2 Brotherhood's End (Foil, Extended) - 1250 3 Brotherhood's End (Foil) - 775 1 Birds of Paradise (Foil, Retro Frame, DRM) - 1800 1 Birds of Paradise (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 1500 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, WOT) - 225, 800 комплект 3 Entomb (Foil, Borderless) - 1900 1 Entomb (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1750 4 Not Dead After All (Foil) - 200 4 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Case of the Stashed Skeleton - 150 2 Ashiok, Dream Render (Foil, SL Lil-Walkers, Borderless) - 2400 1 Ashiok, Dream Render (JP Alternate Art, WAR) - 400 4 Crackling Drake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325 --------------------------------------- 4 Lumbering Megasloth - 350 2 Lion Sash (Showcase) - 375 4 Cauldron Familiar (Gameday Promo Store Championship) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Spinning Darkness (SP) - 500 2 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Foil, Extended) - 800 2 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 3 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Extended) - 450 3 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Borderless) - 725 4 Retrofitter Foundry - 1500 4 Chromatic Star (Retro Frame) - 40 4 Chromatic Star (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Chromatic Star (Retro Foil) - 150 4 Chromatic Star (Foil, Schematic) - 175, 600 за комплект 4 Chromatic Star (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 400 за комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Retro Frame) - 175, 650 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (White Border) - 425 4 Mishra's Bauble (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325, 1200 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Foil, Schematic) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Ornithopter (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Ornithopter (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Ornithopter (Foil, Schematic) - 200, 700 комплект 2 Perilous Vault (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Retro Frame) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Oblivion Stone (Retro Frame) - 200, 750 комплект -------------Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty--------------- 1 Mirror Box (Foil, Extended) - 275 1 Mirror Box (Showcase) - 200 2 Eater of Virtue (Showcase) - 50 1 Eater of Virtue (Extended) - 50 1 Mechtitan Core (Foil, Extended) - 100 1 Mechtitan Core (Extended) - 50 4 Surgehacker Mech (Showcase) - 40 1 Surgehacker Mech (Extended) - 40 1 Reckoner Bankbuster (Foil, Showcase) - 425 2 Network Terminal (Foil) - 40 2 March of Otherworldly Light (Foil, Showcase) - 475 1 Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa (Borderless) - 100 1 Invoke Justice (Showcase) - 40 1 Invoke Justice (Foil) - 50 2 Cloudsteel Kirin (Showcase) - 40 1 Brilliant Restoration (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 The Restoration of Eiganjo (Foil) - 150 4 Michiko's Reign of Truth (Foil) - 75 2 Junji, the Midnight Sky (Borderless #409) - 1100 1 Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos (Foil) - 50 2 Soul Transfer (Extended) - 40 1 Tatsunari, Toad Rider (Extended) - 50 1 Biting-Palm Ninja (Foil) - 150 1 Biting-Palm Ninja (Extended) - 50 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Foil, Showcase) - 50 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Showcase) - 40 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Foil) - 40 2 Tribute to Horobi (Foil, Extended) - 75 2 Tribute to Horobi (Extended) - 50 3 Okiba Reckoner Raid (Foil) - 50 1 Explosive Singularity (Etched Foil, Showcase) - 850 2 Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei (Extended) - 125 2 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky (Extended) - 750 2 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky (Borderless) - 950 2 Ogre-Head Helm (Extended) - 40 2 Ogre-Head Helm (Showcase) - 40 1 Ogre-Head Helm (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Invoke Calamity (Extended) - 50 2 Thundering Raiju (Extended) - 75 1 Thundering Raiju (Foil, Showcase) - 300 2 Thundering Raiju (Showcase) - 75 1 Scrap Welder (Foil, Extended) - 50 2 Scrap Welder (Showcase) - 40 2 Scrap Welder (Foil) - 40 2 March of Reckless Joy (Extended) - 50 1 March of Reckless Joy (Foil) - 50 1 Kura, the Boundless Sky (Extended) - 400 2 The Dragon-Kami Reborn (Showcase) - 40 2 The Dragon-Kami Reborn (Foil, Showcase) - 50 4 Teachings of the Kirin (Showcase) - 50 1 Invoke the Ancients (Foil) - 50 1 Invoke the Ancients (Extended) - 40 1 Invoke the Ancients (Foil, Showcase) - 50 1 Kami of Transience (Extended) - 50 1 Kami of Transience (Showcase) - 75 1 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Extended) - 40 2 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Showcase) - 40 1 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Foil) - 50 1 March of Burgeoning Life (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 March of Burgeoning Life (Showcase) - 50 1 Weaver of Harmony (Foil) - 250 2 Weaver of Harmony (Showcase) - 150 3 Generous Visitor (Foil) - 75 1 Inventive Iteration (Showcase) - 40 1 Inventive Iteration (Foil) - 50 1 Invoke the Winds (Showcase) - 75 2 Invoke the Winds (Extended) - 50 1 Mindlink Mech (Foil) - 40 1 Mindlink Mech (Extended) - 40 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker (Showcase) - 75 1 Hinata, Dawn-Crowned (Showcase) - 75 1 Spirit-Sister's Call (Foil) - 50 1 Isshin, Two Heavens as One (Extended) - 500 2 Risona, Asari Commander (Extended) - 40 2 Raiyuu, Storm's Edge (Showcase) - 200 1 Raiyuu, Storm's Edge (Extended) - 50 3 Satsuki, the Living Lore (Extended) - 50 1 Satsuki, the Living Lore (Foil) - 50 2 Kotose, the Silent Spider (Showcase) - 50 1 Kotose, the Silent Spider (Foil, Extended) - 50 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Foil, Showcase) - 650 2 Eiganjo Uprising (Foil) - 40 4 Oni-Cult Anvil (Foil) - 100 1 Oni-Cult Anvil (Retro Frame, BRC) - 50 2 Colossal Skyturtle (Foil) - 450 2 Silver-Fur Master (Foil) - 50 4 Silver-Fur Master (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 Silver-Fur Master (Showcase) - 50 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Foil, Extended) - 1100 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Borderless) - 1000 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Foil) - 4500 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Foil, Borderless) - 9000 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Extended) - 4800 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Foil, Extended) - 2000 3 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Extended) - 1450 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Borderless) - 1900 1 Mech Hangar (Foil) - 50 --------------------------------------------------------------- ----Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty - Commander---- 1 Aerial Surveyor (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Drumbellower (Extended, NEC) - 600 2 Myojin of Blooming Dawn (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Katsumasa, the Animator (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Myojin of Cryptic Dreams (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Myojin of Grim Betrayal (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Collision of Realms (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Kami of Celebration (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Myojin of Roaring Blades (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Smoke Spirits' Aid (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Ascendant Acolyte (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Concord with the Kami (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Kosei, Penitent Warlord (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Myojin of Towering Might (Extended, NEC) - 50 3 Silkguard (Extended, NEC) - 450 1 Chishiro, the Shattered Blade (Extended, NEC) - 175 2 Kotori, Pilot Prodigy (Extended, NEC) - 125 1 Morophon, the Boundless (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 1250 1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 2800 1 Vault of Champions (Etched Foil, CMM) - 1000 1 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu (Etched Foil, CMM) - 850 1 Undergrowth Stadium (Borderless, CMM) - 800 1 Deflecting Swat (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 7200 1 Smothering Tithe (Borderless) - 3000 1 Spectator Seating (Borderless, CMM) - 1000 1 Thran Dynamo (Borderless, CMM) - 275 1 Boompile (Etched Foil, CMM) - 100 1 Commander's Sphere (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 1 Arcane Signet (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 750 1 Sublime Exhalation (Etched Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Righteous Confluence (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Jazal Goldmane (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Grand Abolisher (Borderless, CMM) - 1100 1 Kemba, Kha Regent (Borderless Profile, CMM) - 50 1 Darksteel Mutation (Borderless, CMM) - 375 1 Return to Dust (Borderless) - 50 4 All That Glitters (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 4 All That Glitters (Borderless, CMM) - 40 2 Thraben Inspector (Foil, CMM) - 75 1 Imp's Mischief (Etched Foil, CMM) - 1000 1 Demon of Fate's Design (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 650 1 Vindictive Lich (Etched Foil, CMM) - 275 1 Exsanguinate (Borderless, CMM) - 500 1 Dread Return (Foil, CMM) - 75 1 Dread Return (Borderless, CMM) - 75 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Taunting Sliver (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 225 1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM, SP) - 50 1 Fact or Fiction (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 100 1 Fact or Fiction (Borderless, CMM) - 50 3 Fact or Fiction (Retro Frame, BRC) 30 1 Talrand, Sky Summoner (Borderless Profile, CMM) - 100 1 Reality Shift (Borderless, CMM) - 75 2 Treasure Nabber (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 225 1 Descendants' Fury (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 250 1 Magus of the Wheel (Borderless, CMM) - 125 1 Vandalblast (Borderless, CMM) - 250 1 Wayward Swordtooth (Etched Foil, CMM) - 800 2 Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury (Etched Foil) - 850 1 Doubling Season (Etched Foil, CMM) - 4500 1 Omnath, Locus of Mana (Etched Foil, CMM) - 400 1 Bloodspore Thrinax (Etched Foil, CMM) - 150 1 Verdant Confluence (Etched Foil, CMM) - 75 2 Nyxborn Behemoth (Extended) - 75 1 Nyxborn Behemoth (Foil, Extended) - 175 2 Obscuring Haze (Borderless, CMM) - 350 1 Verdant Confluence (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Kodama's Reach (Borderless, CMM) - 175 1 Elvish Mystic (Borderless, CMM) - 100 4 Elvish Mystic (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Maelstrom Wanderer (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Leori, Sparktouched Hunter (Extended, CMM) - 150 1 Meren of Clan Nel Toth (Foil, CMM) - 625 1 Experiment Kraj (Foil) - 50 1 Training Center (Borderless, CMM) - 1000 2 Path of Ancestry (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 2 Myriad Landscape (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Myriad Landscape (Borderless, CMM) - 75 1 Command Tower (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Reliquary Tower (Borderless, CMM) - 300 2 Deadly Rollick (Borderless, CMM) - 3200 1 Deadly Rollick (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 1 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun (Foil, Showcase) - 475 4 Analyze the Pollen (Showcase) - 125 2 Koma, Cosmos Serpent - 400 4 Smuggler's Share - 350 2 Smuggler's Share (Extended) - 875 1 Cavern of Souls (Borderless, Neon Yellow, IXA) - 7000 2 Leyline of the Guildpact (Foil) - 1150 4 Leyline of the Guildpact (Foil, Extended) - 1750 1 Imperial Seal (Foil, Borderless) - 11000 3 Nissa, Resurgent Animist (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3700 4 Novice Inspector (Foil) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Reenact the Crime (Foil, Showcase) - 700 2 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Void Rend (Foil, Showcase) - 425 2 Void Rend - (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 200 4 Void Rend (Showcase, OTJ) - 75 4 Analyze the Pollen (Foil, Showcase) - 250 2 Meticulous Archive (Foil, Borderlss) - 4500 3 Meticulous Archive (Foil) - 2700 4 Mutavault (Foil, GP Promo) - 1500, 5500 комплект 4 Mutavault (CLB) - 1250 4 Arcane Proxy (Extended) - 300 4 Arcane Proxy - 225, 800 комплект 3 Natural Order (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 2200 1 Allosaurus Shepherd (Borderless) - 3200 1 Allosaurus Shepherd (Etched Foil) - 3800 3 Nissa, Resurgent Animist (Etched Foil) - 2850 4 Analyze the Pollen (Showcase) - 100 1 Demonic Tutor (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 17000 4 Brotherhood's End (Extended) - 725 4 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Extended) - 125 4 Demand Answers (Showcase) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Change the Equation - 50 4 Chain Lightning (Foil, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Rise of the Eldrazi (Extended, Foil) - 2000 2 Sorcerous Spyglass (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Patchwork Automaton (Foil) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Chrome Host Seedshark (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Lórien Revealed (Foil) - 600, 2200 комплект 2 Lórien Revealed (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 1200 4 Lórien Revealed - 325, 1200 комплект 3 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Extended) - 250 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker - 1700 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (Showcase) - 1900 4 Demand Answers (Foil, Showcase) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Esika's Chariot (Foil, Showcase) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Pick Your Poison (Foil) - 250 4 Assassin's Trophy (Foil, Extended, MKM) - 550, 2000 комплект 2 Prismari Command (Foil) - 450 2 Lotus Field (SLC 2023, Foil) - 2500 1 Kaldra Compleat (Foil) - 1350 2 Loran of the Third Path (Foil, Extended) - 2000 2 Diabolic Intent (Extended Art, Foil) 1400 2 Haywire Mite (Foil) - 675 2 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun (Foil) - 400 4 Goblin Tomb Raider (Foil) - 150 (500 комплект) 4 Cast into the Fire (Foil) - 150 (550 комплект) 4 Cast into the Fire (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 275 4 Cast into the Fire - 100 (350 комплект) 2 Personal Tutor (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1000 4 Deeproot Pilgrimage (Foil, Extended) - 400 4 Deduce (Foil) - 50 4 Deduce (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Foil, RVR) - 750 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Borderless, BLC) - 800, 3000 комплект 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 1500 1 Teferi, Time Raveler (Retro Frame, SLD #252) - 1700 4 Hengegate Pathway (Foil, Borderless, KHM) - 1200 4 Sea Gate (Foil) - 200 4 Force of Negation (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) - 7500, 28000 комплект 4 Force of Negation (Foil, Borderless) - 7250 2 Force of Negation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 10500 4 Sea Gate (CLB) - 125 4 Aether Vial (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Wrenn and Six (Foil, Borderless) - 4000 4 Wrenn and Six (Borderless) - 3250 4 Wrenn and Six - 2650, 10000 комплект 4 Pick Your Poison - 100, 350 комплект 4 Broadside Bombardiers (Extended) - 1900 4 Broadside Bombardiers - 1700 4 Troll of Khazad-dûm - 175 4 Deduce - 40 4 Deduce (Showcase) - 50 1 Massacre Girl (Anime Borderless) - 800 1 Massacre Girl (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 1350 4 Cauldron Familiar (Store Championship Promo) - 350 2 Power Word Kill (Store Championship Promo) - 150 4 Seat of the Synod (Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Leyline of Sanctity (WOT) - 275, 1000 комплект 4 Seasoned Dungeoneer (Extended) - 550, 1900 комплект 4 Standard Bearer - 350 1 Stomping Ground (Borderless, UNF) - 2700 3 Hallowed Fountain (Borderless, RVR) - 1900 4 Hallowed Fountain (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 3600 2 Hallowed Fountain (Foil, RVR) - 1700 4 Skewer the Critics (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Pyroblast (Anime Borderless) - 1000 4 Pyroblast (Future Sight) - 650 4 Ice Out (Store Championship Promo) - 200 4 Mystical Dispute (Promo) - 325 (1200 комплект) 2 Mystical Dispute (White Border) - 200 4 Quicken (Retro Frame) - 100 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Anime Borderless) - 800 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 1700 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Foil, Retro Frame) - 850 2 Weather the Storm (JP STA, Etched Foil) - 750 2 Weather the Storm (Foil, Showcase JP STA) - 1250 3 Golgari Grave-Troll (Retro Frame, RVR) - 150 1 Protean Hulk (Anime Borderless) - 1000 1 Cultivator Colossus (Extended) - 1800 4 Growth Spiral (JP STA, Etched Foil) - 900 4 Farseek (Retro Frame) - 350 4 Arboreal Grazer (Retro Frame) - 125 4 Life from the Loam (Anime Borderless) - 750 2 Life from the Loam (Foil, Retro) - 1600 1 Supreme Verdict (Retro Frame) - 500 4 Cindervines (Retro Frame) - 100 3 Crackling Drake (Retro Frame) - 175 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (Anime Borderless) - 700 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (Retro Frame) - 250 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Borderless, Foil, MH2) 7500 2 Sevinne's Reclamation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 950 4 Experiment One (Foil, Retro) - 150 4 Experiment One (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Legion Warboss (Foil, Retro) - 125 4 Legion Warboss (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Light up the Stage (Foil, Retro) - 175 1 Mystical Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1200 4 Drift of Phantasms (Foil, Retro) - 150 3 Niv-Mizzet Reborn (Foil, Retro) - 350 3 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper (Foil) - 250 4 Coiling Oracle (Foil, Retro) - 125 4 Coiling Oracle (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Goblin Electromancer (Foil, Retro) - 150 4 Goblin Electromancer (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Wrenn's Resolve (Foil) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Wrenn's Resolve - 200, 750 комплект 4 The Huntsman's Redemption - 150, 550 комплект 4 The Huntsman's Redemption (Foil) - 175 4 Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival (Etched Foil) - 200 4 Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival (Foil, Showcase) - 225 2 Restless Vents (Borderless) - 150 2 Restless Ridgeline (Borderless) - 150 3 Restless Anchorage (Foil, Borderless) - 500 2 Cityscape Leveler (Foil) - 1450 4 Springleaf Drum (Foil, Schematic, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Springleaf Drum (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Warden of the Inner Sky (Foil, Extended) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Warden of the Inner Sky (Extended) - 200 1 Insidious Roots - 300 4 Insidious Roots (Foil) - 350 4 Insidious Roots (Foil, Showcase) - 425 1 Welcome to . . . - 1550 1 Don't Move (Borderless) - 600 1 Owen Grady, Raptor Trainer - 300 1 Ripples of Potential (Extended) - 1200 1 Bygone Marvels (Extended) - 50 1 Scion of Calamity (Extended) - 450 1 Sunfrill Imitator (Extended) - 175 1 Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood (Extended) - 550 1 Tetzin, Gnome Champion (Extended) - 100 1 Wayta, Trainer Prodigy (Extended) - 100 1 The Millennium Calendar (Foil) - 300 1 Tarrian's Soulcleaver (Extended) - 150 1 Tarrian's Soulcleaver (Extended, Foil) - 275 1 Threefold Thunderhulk (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Thousand Moons Smithy (Foil) - 200 1 Thousand Moons Smithy (Extended) - 200 1 Unstable Glyphbridge (Foil, Extended) - 100 1 Dusk Rose Reliquary - 40 1 Dusk Rose Reliquary (Foil) - 50 1 Queen's Bay Paladin (Extended) - 50 1 Queen's Bay Paladin (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Tarrian's Journal (Extended) - 100 2 Tarrian's Journal (Foil, Extended) - 200 1 Corpses of the Lost (Extended) - 50 1 Corpses of the Lost (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Magmatic Galleon (Extended) - 50 1 Poetic Ingenuity (Extended) - 50 1 Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch (Showcase) - 350 1 Akal Pakal, First Among Equals (Showcase) - 50 1 Hulking Raptor (Foil, Borderless) - 250 1 Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant (Borderless) - 1300 1 Sovereign Okinec Ahau (Foil) - 375 1 Squirming Emergence (Foil, Extended) - 350 1 Deepfathom Echo (Foil, Extended) - 50 4 Wail of the Forgotten (Foil, Borderless) - 50 3 Restless Prairie (Borderless) - 150 1 Restless Prairie (Foil, Borderless) - 200 2 Restless Prairie (Borderless) - 150 1 Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Cenote Scout (Foil) - 75 4 Change the Equation (Foil) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Fiery Islet (WHO, Foil Extended) - 350 4 Fiery Islet (WHO) - 200 4 Generous Ent (Foil) - 250 4 Generous Ent - 100 4 Generous Ent (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 900 3 Izzet Charm (Retro Foil) - 200 4 Lotus Petal (Etched Foil, 30 Years Anniversary) - 2200 4 Mayhem Devil (Foil, RVR) - 125 3 Mayhem Devil (Foil, Retro Frame) - 550 4 Mayhem Devil (Retro Frame) - 150 4 Molten Collapse - 225 4 Molten Collapse (Borderless) - 225 4 Molten Collapse (Foil) - 250 4 Molten Collapse (Foil, Borderless) - 275 4 Return to the Ranks - 300 1 Rishadan Port (Future Sight, MB2) - 1500 4 Rishadan Port (Foil, Judge Promo) - 1650 4 River of Tears (WHO, Foil Extended) - 125 4 River of Tears (WHO, Surge Foil Extended) - 200 4 Souls of the Lost (Foil, Extended) - 125 1 Stalactite Stalker - 100 4 Stalactite Stalker (Extended) - 150 2 Trumpeting Carnosaur (Foil) - 550 4 Trumpeting Carnosaur (Borderless) - 400, 1400 комплект 2 Welcoming Vampire (Foil) - 275 4 Welcoming Vampire - 125 3 Tishana's Tidebinder (Foil) - 875 4 Tishana's Tidebinder - 650 4 Tishana's Tidebinder (Borderless) - 650 4 Tishana's Tidebinder (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 See Double (Foil, Extended) - 250 2 Carpet of Flowers (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1250 2 Carpet of Flowers (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 900 4 Carpet of Flowers (WHO) - 650 3 Carpet of Flowers (Extended, WHO) - 750 4 Sunbaked Canyon (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1100 2 Sunbaked Canyon (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 900 4 Deserted Beach (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 750 4 Deserted Beach (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 600 4 Sundown Pass (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 4 Overgrown Farmland (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 550 4 Dreamroot Cascade (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 4 Dreamroot Cascade (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 2 Horizon Canopy (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 1 Horizon Canopy (Foil, ZNE) - 1150 1 Horizon Canopy (Foil, WHO) - 600 4 Horizon Canopy (WHO) - 275 2 Waterlogged Grove (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 750 2 Waterlogged Grove (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 4 Waterlogged Grove (WHO, Extended) - 400 4 Waterlogged Grove (WHO) - 225 3 Shipwreck Marsh (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1000 4 Irrigated Farmland (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 150 1 Irrigated Farmland (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 200 4 Irrigated Farmland (Foil, WHO) - 125 4 Sunken Hollow (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 300 4 Sunken Hollow (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 150 2 Sunken Hollow (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Celestial Colonnade (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 200 1 The Ancient One - 350 2 Arwen, Mortal Queen (Showcase Scrolls) - 250 3 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Showcase) - 1300 2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Etched Foil, Showcase) - 1800 2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Foil, Borderless, SNC #284) - 2000 2 Lightning Helix (Eng, STA) - 200 4 Lightning Helix (Etched Foil, JP, STA) - 1000 4 Lightning Helix (Retro Frame, RVR) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Herald of Anguish (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Twilight Prophet (Etched Foil) - 750 2 Azusa, Lost but Seeking (Etched Foil) - 850 4 Eldritch Evolution (SLP, RCQ Promo) - 850 4 Torrential Gearhulk (Etched Foil) - 700 2 Vronos, Masked Inquisitor - 350 4 Thoughtcast (Retro Frame) - 350 3 Kayla's Reconstruction (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (MUL) - 125 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Foil, Multiverse Legends) - 200, 700 комплект 1 Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Surge Foil Showcase) - 1750 4 Swift Reconfiguration (Extended) - 375 4 Rosie Cotton of South Lane (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 125, 400 комплект 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 125, 400 комплект 1 Samwise the Stouthearted (Foil Showcase) - 100 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Foil Borderless) - 100 4 Citadel Gate - 100 4 Citadel Gate (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Samwise Gamgee (Showcase Foil) - 325 4 Samwise Gamgee (Showcase Scrolls) - 500 3 Samwise Gamgee (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 900 2 Stone of Erech (Foil) - 200 4 Stone of Erech (Showcase Scrolls) - 175 4 Stone of Erech (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 250 2 Forge Anew (Foil) - 450 2 Elven Chorus (Foil) - 500 2 Elven Chorus (Showcase Scrolls) - 450 2 Elven Chorus (Surge Foil, Extended) - 600 2 Elven Chorus (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 650 4 Sauron's Ransom (Foil) - 175 4 Sauron's Ransom (Surge Foil, Extended) - 200, 750 комплект 4 Sauron's Ransom (Extended) -175, 600 комплект 4 Sauron's Ransom (Showcase Scrolls) - 250 4 Sauron's Ransom (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 400 1 Reprieve (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 650 1 Reprieve (Showcase Scrolls) - 350 4 Peregrin Took (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Peregrin Took (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 2 Maze of Ith (Foil, Borderless) - 1100 3 Mirrex (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Spara's Headquarters (Foil, Borderless) - 4400 2 Raffine's Tower (Foil, Borderless) - 4000 2 Ziatora's Proving Ground (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 1 Ziatora's Proving Ground (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 2 Creeping Tar Pit (Foil, ZNE) - 1100 1 Hall of Heliod's Generosity (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) - 1000 1 Hall of Heliod's Generosity (Refro Frame, Foil) - 1300 2 Raugrin Triome (RU) - 1000 2 Indatha Triome (RU) - 1300 1 Archangel Elspeth (Foil, Showcase) - 1100 4 The Mycosynth Gardens (Extended) 550 2 The Mycosynth Gardens (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Guardian of Faith (Foil, Extended) - 750 2 Melira, the Living Cure (Step and Compleat Foil) - 300 3 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Foil, Borderless) - 2600 2 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Borderless) - 1250 1 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 1150 (Korean) 4 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 850 (Eng) 2 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Foil) - 1250 4 Thing in the Ice (Pro Tour Promo, Foil) - 1500 4 Thing in the Ice (Pro Tour Promo) - 750 4 Delighted Halfling (Surge Foil, Extended) - 2200 1 Delighted Halfling (Foil, Borderless, LTR #402) - 2000 3 Spell Pierce (Store Championship Promo) - 300 3 Fulminator Mage (Foil, Borderless UMA Topper) - 1500 2 Minor Misstep (Foil) - 200 1 Virtue of Knowledge - 475 1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship (Foil, Secret Lair, Da Vulcha) - 2250 1 As Foretold (Etched Foil) - 900 1 Mercurial Spelldancer (Foil, Borderless) - 250 1 Endless Detour (Gilded Foil) 400 1 Mavinda, Students' Advocate (Borderless) 150 1 Mavinda, Students' Advocate (Borderless Foil) 250 1 Velomachus Lorehold (Foil) 400 2 Pestilent Cauldron (Borderless) 100 2 Pestilent Cauldron (Foil) 50 1 Sedgemoor Witch (Extended) 250 1 Harness Infinity (Foil) 200 1 Solve the Equation (Foil) 200 1 Wandering Archaic (Borderless) 450 1 Wandering Archaic (Borderless Foil) 800 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Foil) 100 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Borderless) 150 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Borderless Foil) 400 1 Blot out the sky (Borderless) 150 1 Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios (Borderless) 150 1 Body of Research (Borderless) 150 1 Beledros Witherbloom (Foil) 700 1 Beledros Witherbloom (Borderless) 800 4 Yawgmoth, Thran Physician (TSR RUS Timeshifted) 2500 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (Showcase, Korean) 3200 4 Mishra's Research Desk (Foil) 100 4 Obliterating Bolt 50 2 White Plume Adventurer (Foil, Extended Art) 500 3 Behold the Beyond (Korean) 150 4 Vivien on the Hunt 250 1 Cabal Coffers (Borderless, Extended Art) 2000 1 Прорицательница сумерек 500 1 Massacre Wurm (Foil, M21) 350 4 Vraska's Contempt 50 4 Dauthi Voidwalker 1200 (Extended, Eng) 1 Profane Tutor (Retro Frame Etched Foil) 550 1 Mirari's Wake (Borderless) 600 1 Ice-Fang Coatl (Retro Frame, Foil Etched) 400 1 Mirari's Wake (Etched Foil) 300 1 Sword of Fire and Ice (Showcase, Foil, 2xm VIP) 6000 1 Sword of Truth and Justice (Retro Frame, Foil) 2000 1 Sword of Hearth and Home (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) 750 1 Sword of Hearth and Home (Retro Frame, Foil) 1100 1 Thalia's Lieutenant 300 (Korean) 1 Gala Greeters (Korean, #457, Foil) 8000 3 Lithoform Engine 350 2 Curiosity Crafter (Extended) 400 1 Paradox Zone (Extended) 125 1 Perplexing Test (Extended) 250 1 Cunning Rhetoric (Extended) 600 1 Angel of the Ruins (Extended) 150 1 Esix, Fractal Bloom (Extended) 250 3 Disciple of Caelus Nin (Extended) 50 2 Castle Ardenvale (Foil, Extended) 2650 2 Castle Ardenvale - 75 2 Arcane Proxy (Foil, Extended Art) 550 2 Sphinx's Revelation (Retro Frame, BRC) 125 4 Terramorphic Expanse (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 4 Thought Monitor (Retro Frame, BRC) 150 3 Smoldering Marsh (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 2 Solemn Simulacrum (Retro Frame, BRC) 125 4 Sai, Master Thopterist (Retro Frame, BRC) 175 4 Master of Etherium (Retro Frame, BRC) 75 3 Unbreakable Formation (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Temple of Deceit (Retro Frame, BRC) 25 3 Despark (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Bedevil (Retro Frame, BRC) 100 4 Goldmire Bridge (Retro Frame, BRC) - 50 2 Nahiri, the Unforgiving (Phrexian, #329) 550 3 Nahiri, the Unforgiving (Showcase Manga, #343) 700 2 Lukka, Bound to Ruin (Phrexian, #328) 400 3 The Eternal Wanderer (Foil, Showcase Manga, #335) 350 ----Duskmourn Commander---- 2 Aminatou, Veil Piercer (Borderless, DSC) - 125 2 Kianne, Corrupted Memory (Borderless, DSC) - 125 1 Kianne, Corrupted Memory (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 175 1 The Lord of Pain (Borderless, DSC) - 625 1 The Master of Keys (Borderless, DSC) - 175 2 Rendmaw, Creaking Nest (Borderless, DSC) - 100 1 Rendmaw, Creaking Nest (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 150 2 Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 1250 2 Winter, Cynical Opportunist (Borderless, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone, Mystery Unraveler (Borderless, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone, Mystery Unraveler (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 125 3 Redress Fate (Extended, DSC) - 150 2 Soaring Lightbringer (Extended, DSC) - 125 3 Fear of Sleep Paralysis (Extended, DSC) - 125 2 Glitch Interpreter (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 They Came from the Pipes (Extended, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone's Hypothesis (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 Ancient Cellarspawn (Extended, DSC) - 750 3 Deluge of Doom (Extended, DSC) - 50 2 Demonic Covenant (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Into the Pit (Extended, DSC) - 350 3 Metamorphosis Fanatic (Extended, DSC) - 1750 3 Persistent Constrictor (Extended, DSC) - 125 4 Sadistic Shell Game (Extended, DSC) - 50 4 Suspended Sentence (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Barbflare Gremlin (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Gleeful Arsonist (Extended, DSC) - 300 4 Star Athlete (Extended, DSC) - 125 3 Curator Beastie (Extended, DSC) - 50 2 Demolisher Spawn (Extended, DSC) - 50 4 Disorienting Choice (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 Formless Genesis (Extended, DSC) - 150 3 Shriekwood Devourer (Extended, DSC) - 100 4 Ursine Monstrosity (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Convert to Slime (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Phenomenon Investigators (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Giggling Skitterspike (Extended, DSC) - 575 4 Séance Board (Extended, DSC) - 350 ----Mystery Booster 2 Playtest Cards---- 1 Pinchy McStingbutt - 50 2 Common Black Removal - 75 1 Cleaver Blow - 50 1 Call from the Grave - 50 2 Toofer, Keeper of the Full Grip - 75 1 You Compleat Me - 75 1 Lich's Duel Mastery - 75 1 Lifening Elemental - 50 2 TL;DR - 50 2 Magus of the Chains - 125 2 Map to Lorthos's Temple - 75 2 Search Elemental - 75 2 Catch of the Day - 50 2 Alberix, the Trade Planet - 100 2 No-Regrets Egret - 75 2 Two by Four - 100 1 Heart of a Duelist - 100 2 Night of the Flying Merfolk - 75 2 There (split card) - 75 1 Can't Quite Recall - 200 1 Duelists' Convocation International - 50 2 Subgoyf - 75 2 All-Star Kicker - 50 2 Boulder Jockey - 100 2 Vuzzle Spaceship - 75 1 Flanking Licid - 50 2 Planeswalkerificate - 75 2 Pyromancy 101 - 50 2 Wormhole Warp - 50 1 Immersturm Battlefield - 50 1 Snap Judgment - 50 2 Zone of Flame - 50 1 The Colossal Dreadmaw - 200 2 Plant a Sapling - 50 2 Meandered Towershell - 75 1 Questing Cosplayer - 50 2 Teferi, Druid of Argoth - 75 1 Naturalize 2 - 125 1 Glade of the Pump Spells - 175 1 Dairy Cow - 300 1 Built Bear - 50 2 Spuzzem Strategist - 25 1 Penumbra Umbra - 50 2 Phyrexian Seedling - 75 2 Werewhat - 150 2 Plain Walker - 175 1 Tax Taker - 75 1 Abbot of the Sacred Meeple - 50 2 Intangible Vibes - 100 1 Muraganda Eldrazi - 175 2 Defender of the Queue - 50 1 Essence of Ajani - 50 2 Friarball - 100 2 Brigid, Who's Seen Some Stuff - 125 2 Noble Ox - 50 1 Champion of the Hareish - 75 2 Narod, the Beige Flower - 100 1 Chea, Friend to Maybe Too Many - 325 1 Fludge, Gunk Guardian - 50 1 Wowzer, the Aspirational - 200 2 Don't Worry About It - 50 2 Chatzuk, Mighty Guitarist - 100 2 Anax and Cymede & Kynaios and Tiro - 75 2 Terry Pin, Turboturtle - 125 2 Pokey, the Scallywagg - 150 2 Jund 'Em Out - 300 2 Glimpse, the Unthinkable - 75 2 Indicate - 200 1 Marchesa's Surprise Party - 50 1 Runed Terror - 75 2 Microscope - 50 1 Luxior, Ignited - 200 1 Who's That Praetor? - 100 2 Omenpath to Naya - 75 2 The Heron Moon - 325 1 Madlands - 150 2 Slumbering Waterways - 100
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