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Все публикации пользователя elbegast
Зачастую (почти всегда) на аук запечатку и так выкладывают клубы и перекупы. Не думаю что её совсем перестанут выкладывать из-за этого нововведения, но да, вероятно предложение сократится и цена немного вырастет Даже если предположить, что на маркетплейсе/в клубе стоимость дисплея на 10% выше аука (а бОльшей разницы я редко видел), то как будто все ещё не смертельно, ну да, подорожало, инфляция и до магии добралась
Несколько раз сталкивался с ситуациями, когда карта состоит из нескольких слов, но одно из слов - карта сама по себе, и парсер обрабатывает не название карты целеиком, а именно это конкретное слово. Например "Fury" Если получится этот момент как-то разрулить, будет прям супер
Я в прошлых своих аукционах еще не успел это указать, со следующих обязательно укажу
Уважаемые питерские маги За последние 3 дня я уже 4 раза столкнулся с разного рода негативом на тему этих 50р из серии "тебе что жалко чтоли" Прошу вспомнить, что во-первых это не мое решение, во-вторых оставить карты в клубе, чтобы вы могли их забрать сразу перед дейликом - это в первую очередь удобно вам, а не мне (мне куда проще на почту сходить чем ехать через весь город). Так что пожалуй с этого момента буду брать 50р еще себе. Сюрр какой-то, клуб меняет политику а негатив достается мне, не нравится - велком на почту (которая кстати стоит дороже, не говоря об очередях).
- 52 ответа
- 42
А у кого-нибудь есть прогресс с письмами во Львовском, если с 10х чисел мая застряло? у меня 6 писем стоит с 12 по 24, но одно каким-то непонятным образом проскочило (стояло во Львовском с 13 по 27)
Вставлю свои 5 копеек Когда я был в Корее и возникла идея привезти людям карт по предоплате - очень быстро на это стало уходить по 5-6ч в день, если не больше. И это при условии наценки в 15-20% (а под конец 25) к курсу ЦБ. Так что очень слабо могу представить человека, который бы этим всем стал заниматься исключительно благих начал ради (а учитывая что в предложении ТСа наценки не было, наверняка поток желающих был базово больше, чем у меня в Корее)
- 551 ответ
- 11
Кроме того что Ух темпо как обычно тир0 Но это видимо база Правда не совсем понятно зачем оттуда в таком случае пытались карты банить - итерация, арканист, рагаван и тд
- 99 ответов
- банный день
- модерн
(и ещё 1)
Абсолютно такая же ситуация была (и есть в значительной степени) в Питерском 200960. Может посылка стоять неделями, могут сразу обработать Ничего не могу посоветовать кроме как задалбывать заявлениями на розыск, как электронными так и бумажными. Судя по отзывам - худо бедно это помогает, а кто не дергается - у того и 3 недели лежит, и больше
Нашел равнину вне конкуренции
- 130 ответов
- 16
Играю с 2020, поэтому и арты все будут довольно новые Остров Болото Равнина Гора (внезапно оч зашла из WOE) Лес
- 130 ответов
- 10
Настолько ситуация не простая, что даже трек номера закончились, да уж, да уж
- 11 ответов
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Рестрик кольца - слишком хорошо, чтобы они до этого додумались С эвоуком нужно что-то делать как с механикой. Эррата по типу правила легендарности, может? Чтобы нельзя было никак ответить на триггер пока существо ещё в столе. Другой вариант - забанить все андаинг эффекты с жетонами. Фури 3-3 вместо 4-4 или гриф 3-2 - куда менее страшные. Но это значит банить и все следующие такие карты, которые издаются в новых сетах для драфта, в общем вряд-ли они будут в эту сторону смотреть и думать. Вообще если по факту - то деку на другой уровень очевидно вывели Orcish Bowmasters, но мы все понимаем, что трогать их сейчас не будут, слишком рано ещё
- 114 ответов
- 21
Всем спасибо за заказы! Почти все получено (завтра заберу последнюю часть из 2-3 магазинов), ждите отправку по рф гдето между 10 и 12 числами Может не хватать единичных карт (в основном дешевых) - напишу каждому индивидуально, если будут проблемы Тему можно закрывать.
Upd Сегодня последний день заказов Завтра будет ещё 1 день для заказов от 5000р с одного магазина (5000 с магазина 1 + 5000 с магазина 3 - ок, 3000 с магазина 1 и 3000 с магазина 2 - не ок) Начиная с вс (04.12.2022) лавочка закрывается
Upd В связи с большим количеством заказов - переходим на 100% предоплату как базовую опцию. В отдельных случаях можно попробовать договориться в ЛС Спасибо за понимание
Определенно! Те что я уже брал - вопосов не вызывают Nm на деле будет точно не хуже sp (карты старых сетов могут быть ближе к sp чем nm) С новыми сетами все отлично Ex в плохих случаях может быть ближе к mp чем sp, но выборка пока маленькая Сегодня делал тестовый заказ Можно включать
Не рассматривал, не видел у них констрактед ивентов на сайте WPN Локатора, хм Посмотрю и его тогда, но на 1й взгляд у них поиск менее удобный и нет поиска по сету, например
Приветствую В данный момент я нахожусь в Корее (Сеул) Есть возможность привезти карт (и силед продукцию в ограниченных количествах) из местных магазинов синглов, ориентировочно смогу отправить почтой РФ 10го или 12го декабря по стандартным тарифам Магазин один - предпочтительный вариант. Есть английский язык. Обратите внимание, что для отображения фойлы есть отдельная кнопка Магазин два - нет английского, но интерфейс похож на 1й магазин + переводчик гугл хрома справляется более-менее. Магазин три - ужасно неудобный сайт на мой взгляд, есть какое-то подобие ангийского, и тем не менее по просьбам желающих, можно заказывать и отсюда В первых двух магазинах есть кнопка скрыть отсутствующий товар. Ассортимент, конечно, не сити и не мкм, но что-то да есть. Цены: Считаем из расчета 1 руб = 15KRW, при заказе от 150000 KRW 1 руб = 16KRW Пример: Вы набрали карт на 15000 KRW. Это значит что вам нужно будет перевести мне 1000р. Если вы набрали карт на 200000KRW - нужно будет перевести 12500р Условия: Пишем заказ в формате *ИМЯ КАРТЫ* - *КОЛИЧЕСТВО* - *ДОП ИНФОРМАЦИЯ (язык, фойла, состояние, издание и все прочее, что имеет для вас значение и поможет уникально определить карту) Предоплата 100% на тинькофф или альфу. Если 100% не устраивает или нет возможности - пишите в лс, обсудим. Лимита по сумме нет, но учитывайте, что заказывая одну карту за 10 рублей и всё - вам все еще придется оплатить почту по РФ. При очень большом заказе могу попросить предоплату более 60% т.к. бюджет все же не бесконечный Если на месте оказывается, что в базе магазина ошибка и карта отсутствует - я возвращаю вам 100% суммы за отсутствующие карты без всяких комиссий и тд. Контакты: Elbegast - Telegram. Крайне желательно писать туда. Если такой возможности нет - пишем здесь, но приоритет в очередности обработки отдается заказам из телеграма тк банально удобнее. Дедлайн: 03.12.2022. В последний день принимаются заказы от 5000р на магазин Начиная с 04.12.2022 заказы перестают приниматься без исключений Спасибо за внимание!
Всем привет. Решил тоже написать запоздалый отчет о своих похождениях на Modern v SPB Open '22. Начнем с конца - занял топ2, получил кубок (кстати, единственный турнир, где и за топ2 полагался кубок, удобно). Долго думал чем идти - на регулярах в основном играл BW эфимирейтом с комплектом Grief и Solitude + различного рода баунсы и перерождения. Результаты были неплохие, но колода дико нестабильная и очень любит проиграть сама себе. Из плюсов - почти фривин против бурна, более чем хороший матчап против Мурктайда. Из минусов - 4ц выиграть НЕВОЗМОЖНО, только если оппонент проиграет мане. В итоге решил идти UW контролем, т.к. это в целом мой сильнейший архетип, несмотря на недостаток практики на регулярах. Аргумента "против" было два - я уже день отыграл контролем в Legacy (что кмк скажется, но об этом позже), второй аргумент - очень тяжелый матчап с троном и посредственный матчап с 4ц и титаном. На тему 4ц решил, что попробую переигрывать оппонентов а там будь что будет. Благо, против контроля тоже нужен наигрыш, и пространства для ошибки, которым можно воспользоваться, в матчапе хватает. Деклист: UW Control 4 Flooded Strand 3 Island 1 Plains 2 Scalding Tarn 1 Misty Rainforest 3 Mystic Gate 2 Hallowed Fountain 1 Steam Vents 1 Raugrin Triome 1 Celestial Colonnade 2 Castle Vantress 1 Glacial Fortress 1 Hall of Storm Giants 1 Otawara, Soaring City 2 Dress Down 4 Prismatic Ending 3 Teferi, Time Raveler 2 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 2 Wandering Emperor 3 Snapcaster Mage 2 Spell Pierce 3 Opt 2 Supreme Verdict 2 FireIce 1 Memory Deluge 2 Solitude 4 Counterspell 4 Archmage's Charm Sideboard 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor 2 Chalice of the Void 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 2 Spreading Seas 1 Celestial Purge 2 Dovin's Veto 2 Mystical Dispute 1 Summary Dismissal 1 Supreme Verdict 1 Shark Typhoon В целом вполне стандартный набор карт данного архетипа, основное отличие - 2 Spell Pierce мейном. Зачем? Показалось, что это хорошая карта в нынешнем метагейме, немного улучшает матчап с бурном, значительно улучшает матчап с каскадами до сайда, мертвая будет довольно редко. Жертвами для слота под спелпирсы были выбраны 4й Opt и 3й Fire//Ice. В сайде тоже парочка не совсем типичных карт - Shark Typhoon и Jace, the Mind Sculptor. Здесь тоже не без жертв - попрощались с 3м диспутом (благо тайфун хорош почти во всех тех же матчапах, где и диспут) и 2м Summary Dismissal (решил, что если буду ловить всех в мире тронов и титанов - чтож, таков путь). Почему Jace - как мне показалось, он давал хоть какие-то шансы против 4ц 80карточных йорионов. Да и в целом после сайда карта вполне себе неплохая. Были мысли засайдиться получше против бурнов, но решил поверить во внезапные мейновые спелпирсы. Хватит болтать, поехали играть. 1 Раунд - Васильев Андрей, Бурн Первая игра выдалась очень близкой, я нашел окно для The Wandering Emperor, однако оппонент уже долго сидел с одной картой в руке, а в столе не взорванная фечка. Прихожу к выводу, что это Searing Blaze, а значит токен создавать никак нельзя. Далее в какой-то момент все свелось к ситуации, где меня спас спелпирс от летального бурна. Оппонент этого явно не ожидал, тк у меня была всего 1 антапнутая мана и он решил добить. После этого - поднимаюсь Snapcaster Mage, создаю наконец самурая (надо же выиграть как-то), в него ожидаемо летит Searing Blaze, контрим с помощью снаппи в контрспел из грейва. Далее у меня в столе Snapcaster Mage, The Wandering Emperor, токенчик самурая, Hall of Storm Giants, много маны и 2 хп. С той стороны стола - пустая рука, но тоже прилично маны и есть РВ канопя. У меня на руке примерно ничего, принимаю решение идти в атаку всем чем есть (включая Hall), чтобы через ход добить. Император решает совершить сепукку, попутно отправив в изгнание своего же снапа. Но мы в 4х! Теперь надо задоджить топдек чарма/2х бурнов по 3 с 2х карт. Справились! Вторую игру проигрываю, довольно средняя рука против крич, Эйдалоны передают привет. Третья игра тоже была близкая, все свелось к тому, что у меня 6хп и в столе Solitude. И в руке ещё один Solitude. Иду в атаку, получаю Deflecting Palm с топдека. Уточняю рулинг - да, я не полечусь тк урон мне нанесет не Solitude а ладошка. Штош, уничтожать своих же существ нам не впервой - вторая Solitude отправляет в изгнание первую, я в 9 - Одиночество в столе должно быть одно! Пара пустых топдеков от оппонента, 2-1, выдохнули. 2 Раунд - Булгаков Николай, миррор Первая игра - не знал с чем играю, рука против миррора отвратительная, топдеки тоже не помогли. Все свелось к тому, что один Teferi, Time Raveler слабее, чем 2 Counterspell, Teferi, Time Raveler и Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Ну, бывает. Вторая игра - примерно аналогичная ситуация, но уже в мою пользу. Больше релевантных карт, легкая победа. Однако во второй игре я получаю важную информацию - оппонент играет более тяжелую версию, а именно - Cryptic Command и Torrential Gearhulk. Третья игра вышла смешной - оппонент кипает 1 или 2 земли и 2 Opt, я на дрове кипаю 2 земли. Итог - до 5 хода мы дискардимся из-за отсутствия земель. Далее начинаем их синхронно поднимать. Игра была довольно близкая, но справился, 2-1 в матче и 2-0 по турниру. 3 Раунд - Дудин Матвей, Амулет Титан С Матвеем я играл на дейлике перед турниром, когда накануне решил один раз все же прийти УВшкой. Сыграли 1-1, на 3ю времени не было. Шутим, что походу можно айди и идти обедать. Шутки шутками, а 3-0 лучше чем 2-1-0, играем. Первая игра - ответы пришли, да не в том порядке. Останавливать одного единственного титана ДВУМЯ Dress Down + императором - план не очень хороший. И ровно как Матвей поднимает Cavern of Souls - я начинаю поднимать всю контру этого мира. 0-1, переходим к сайду. Вторая игра - подняли ответы в правильном порядке, Матвей поднял далеко не самую быструю/стабильную раздачу, справился. Как потом узнал - мы оба ошиблись с правилами взаимодействия Dress Down, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove и Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle, ох уж эти слои... Решило бы корректное знание правил исход второй игры - возможно, ситуация неоднозначная. Но что было то было. На третью игру остается 5 минут - шучу про то, что буду муллиганить до руки, с которой точно не умру. Долго муллиганиться не пришлось - с первой попытки сдал себе что-то типа дресдауна, солитуды, 2 контры и земель, чтоб это кастить. Не умер, ожидаемые 1-1, идем обедать. 4 Раунд - Игорь Морецкий, УР Мурктайд 1я игра - радуюсь Expressive Iteration со стороны оппонента на второй ход - если этот спелл "сожжет" вторую карту и даст всего одну - для меня это очень хорошо. Радовался не долго, оппонент попал в Mishra's Bauble, разыграл его из экзайла. А дальше 2 Dragon's Rage Channeler делают свое дело, оппонент не ставит дополнительных угроз в стол, ждет вердикт и тут же выставляет Murktide Regent. Выверенная игра со стороны оппонента и 1-0 в его пользу. Вторая игра выдалась довольно простой, Игорь поднимал явно ниже среднего, все что нужно поконтрили, победили. Третья игра - т1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer+ 2 бублика. Ауч. На руке есть Prismatic Ending, но вот незадача - белый источник только в виде Mystic Gate. То есть на первый ответить не получается, а это чревато последствиями. Но мне везет - оппонент с 3х топдеков не находит вторую землю. Далее худо-бедно отбиваемся от обезьяны (берем UW с гейта, даем призматик, Spell Pierce за оставшуюсь в пуле синюю снова выручает против чужой контры) хорошо поднимаем и контрим все остальное, успеваем убить до конца раунда. 5 Раунд - Сидорук Егор, Living End Оппонент ходит первый, сдает хорошо, первую проигрываем - классика против Living End. Во второй и третьей оппонент мулиганится, раздачи получаются далеко не самыми взрывными (мало циклеров в руку приходит), я нахожу и реактивные ответы в виде контрспелов, и проактивные в виде Chalice of the Void. 2-1, справились, топ обеспечен, красивый ковер наш! 6 Раунд - ID Топ8 - Дудин Матвей, Амулет Титан Получается, наконец-то ничьей не будет. Первая игра - не помню что именно там произошло, скорее всего сдал раздачу не лучше средней, а этого не достаточно для победы в этом матчапе до сайда. Вторая игра - мы все контролируем, но оппонент тоже неплохо поднимает. По итогу ответов нашлось больше, чем приветов - 1-1. Третья игра выдалась довольно легкой - оппонент кипнул не самую хорошую руку против того, что было у меня. Хочется написать, что по классике душим оппонента и побеждаем вилкой (2-2 самураем), но на деле даже душить особо и не пришлось - карты в колоде были явно не на стороне Матвея, а с первой быстрой угрозой справились. 2-1, а в топ4 уже ждут 4ц элемы. Топ4 - Манин Илья, 4ц Йорион элемы Собрал, называется, другу колоду на свою голову (накануне я собирал дома нам обоим дечки). Первая игра - хожу второй, 3 Risen Reef в первых ~15 картах передают пламенный привет и мне, и 80 картам в своей колоде. В ключевой момент в руке оказался ещё и Ephemerate (скорее всего и без него бы проиграл, ну а так просто меньше мучился и быстро сдался). После сайда дела обстоят немного получше, но матчап все еще далек от хорошего. Раздаю себе хорошо, Илья пропускает 4 или 5й ленддроп, закрепляем преимущество проактивными волкерами, через какое-то время Илья сдается и переходим к 3й. Ох уж эта 3я игра... Начинается все с того, что я оказываюсь в ситуации, где у оппонента всего одна открытая мана (Dovin's Veto не кастится) а у меня 5 маны и Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Из минусов - нет Counterspell на руке. То есть я уязвим и к Fury, и к чужому Teferi, Time Raveler и к Unholy Heat. Минут 5 думаю на тему того, ставить или нет. Принимаю решение "пихать", иначе слабо представляю, как я смогу выиграть эту игру против полной руки оппонента. Пихаю, плюсую, получаю в руку 2го Teferi, Hero of Dominaria. Оппонент находит Unholy Heat - наверное самая не страшная карта из 3х названных выше. А тут ещё и второй Тефери в руке, живем. Пихаю второго - он по итогу в столе задержался до конца игры, хотя периодически получал урон и ультануть не было никакой возможности. Но, возможно, элемы это единственная колода, которая без особого труда может перегриндить большого Тефери. Далее, спустя несколько напряженных ходов и обменов ресурсами я понимаю, что в колоде осталось не так много карт, а декнуться мы не хотим. Начинаю очень долго думать над каждым ходом, т.к. победа далеко не в кармане а внезапно начинает играть фактор ограниченности ресурсов (60 карт колоды). Поднимаю Джейса, брейншторм позволить себе не могу - декнусь. Начинаю плюсовать, может через его ульту победим. В какой-то момент я играю Snapcaster Mage, целю Counterspell в грейве, резолвлю его и.. забываю изгнать. На что получаю справедливый ворнинг от Дмитрия. Мелочь, а неприятно - понимаю, что понемногу начинает плавить, а матч идет уже более полутора часов. Окончательно понимаю, что меня расплавило в тот момент, когда у оппонента в руке остается 1 карта, и я уверен, что это Yorion, Sky Nomad. Удивляюсь, когда оппонент кастит этой самой последней картой Endurance - резонно спрашиваю где Йорион. А он был отправлен под питч Solitude ходов 7-10 назад, дела.. В итоге каким-то чудом все же удается довести матч до победного конца, но нехарактерная невнимательность выше намекает, что с концентрацией определенные проблемы. А ещё финал играть. Несмотря на невнимательность под конец второго часа матча, я думаю, что сыграл, скорее всего, свой лучший матч за два дня (а иначе этот матчап против хорошего пилота и не выиграть), так что весьма собой доволен, но... Вот и пришло время вспомнить, что в самом начале отчета я вскользь упомянул, что днем ранее уже ходил играть контролем на Legacy турнир. Оказывается, два полных дня контролирования всего и вся - это ту мач. Но тем не менее, имеем что имеем, идем играть финал. Финал. Мерзликин Дмитрий - Каскад Носороги Матчап для меня вполне хороший, ещё и хожу первый - красота. Но, случилась довольно маловероятная ситуация - я застрял на 4х землях + к этому не поднял Supreme's Verdict + к этому оппонент поднял три каскада и в критический момент имел Force of Negation с питчем (от двух каскадов я бы отбивался даже в такой ситуации). Мог бы я распорядиться ресурсами лучше в условиях ограниченности всего 4 землями? Возможно. Дало бы это победу в первой игре - очень навряд ли. Вторая игра - оппонент первыми двумя землями достает триому и шокленд. Думаю ага - на бладмун не похоже. Обезьянка в голове нажимает на рубильник с надписью "Бладмуна не будет", достаем жадную манабазу, наслаждаемся жизнью. И в какой-то момент получаю таки Blood Moon. Дальше от меня очередной миссплей - я затапываю ману в респонс (имея в руке Snapcaster Mage и в грейве Opt, контры на руке нет), беру в пул 3 синих, 2 белых, в столе остается 2 базика (остров + равнина). Какие причины так затапываться в респонс и давать выйти Луне вместо того, чтобы в респонс играть Снап-Опт? Никаких. Какие причины брать в пул аж 2 белых маны, учитывая, что с опта я могу попасть в Dovin's Veto, а он стоит 1 белую? Никаких. С Opt в итоге попадаю в Archmage's Charm, да что-то он не кастится с белой манки-то, дела. А даже если бы и кастился - луна же уже в столе. В общем это был какой-то фестиваль маразма, я решил не париться и не портить себе настроение, а списать всё на единственную возможную причину происходящего - микронаушник с подсказчиком в ухе не выдержал 11 часов турнира и умер, а сам я всегда так "сильно" играю два полных дня игры душным контролем, который не прощает ошибок (в первую очередь - своих) - это сложно. И, видимо, я сделал всё, что мог, а значит - чего расстраиваться, топ2 тоже отличный результат! Пытаюсь убрать луну с помощью Prismatic Ending, получаю контру, через 2 хода сдаюсь, когда оппонент находит очередной каскад. 0-2, худшая моя игра и матч за два игровых дня, топ2 турнира! P.S. Проанализировав игру после турнира на тему "а что если бы я играл нормально" (т.е. находил бы базики, играл бы снапа в респонс на луну и пробовал контрить ее чармом) пришел к выводу, что скорее всего всё равно бы проиграл - уж больно идеальный набор карт Дмитрий имел против моей конкретно взятой руки во второй игре. За сим откланяюсь, и так много буков, я, наверное, столько со времен диплома в университете не писал. Кто осилил - тот молодец, а кто не справился - тому все спеллы поконтрят P.P.S. Огромный респект организаторам турнира и всем к нему причастным!
Продам Возможна передача в СПб через Pair of Dice (бывший Spell Market) +50р или отправка по России почтой (+130р к покупке) Стандартное время отправки - в течение 3 рабочих дней. В случае задержек сообщу отдельно. В связи с большим количеством заказов, вводится временное ограничение на минималькую сумму Стоимость заказа - от 1000руб (время ожидание отправки - до 5 рабочих дней) (для СПб возможно быстрее в случае передачи через Pair Of Dice (бывший Spell Market)) Стоимость "приоритетных" заказов - от 1500руб (время ожидание отправки - стандартное, 1-3 рабочих дня) ----Последние поступления---- 2 Barrowgoyf (Extended) - 2100 2 Slickshot Show-Off (Foil, Extended) - 1800 2 Mox Amber - 3600 1 Mox Amber (Foil, Retro Frame, BRR) - 9000 2 Reya Dawnbringer (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1682) - 750 4 Werefox Bodyguard (Foil, Extended) - 425 4 Ingenious Smith (Foil) - 125 4 Blood Fountain (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Chandra, Hope's Beacon (Foil) - 750 4 Reckless Impulse (Foil) - 250 4 Lavinia, Azorius Renegade (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1685) - 450 3 Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1700) - 1200 4 Third Path Iconoclast (Foil) - 250 4 Underground River (Ripple Foil) - 700 4 Branchloft Pathway (Foil, Borderless) - 550 1 Banner of Kinship (Extended) - 900 1 Defense Grid (Schematic) - 450 3 Grafdigger's Cage (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 4 Dispatch (PIP #159) - 200 4 Overlord of the Balemurk (Foil, Extended) - 4000 2 Overlord of the Balemurk (Foil) - 3500 2 Rev, Tithe Extractor (Anime, J25 #0045) - 5750 1 Unearth (Borderless, 2x2) - 225 1 Omniscience (Borderless, FDN #312) - 1000 2 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Borderless) - 6250 1 Tamiyo, Inquisitive Student (Foil, Borderless) - 7500 3 Back to Basics (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 4 Curie, Emergent Intelligence - 250 2 Curie, Emergent Intelligence (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Standstill (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk - 175 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk (Foil, Extended, FDN #479) - 550 1 Elenda, Saint of Dusk (Foil, Borderless, FDN #346) - 950 4 Meltdown (Foil) - 125 4 Meltdown (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Meltdown (Foil, Retro Frame) - 200 4 Collective Resistance (Foil) - 225 4 Underworld Breach (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 1400 4 Turn Inside Out (Foil) - 75 1 Ancient Den (Retro Frame) - 700 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Schematic) - 200 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Foil, Schematic) - 200 4 Soul-Guide Lantern (Schematic) - 75 3 Grinding Station (Future Sight, MB2) - 2750 4 Wrath of the Skies (Borderless) - 700 2 Wrath of the Skies (Retro Frame) - 650 2 Wrath of the Skies (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 4 Wrath of the Skies (Foil, Retro) - 1350 1 Vengevine (SP) - 650 4 Scythecat Cub - 3500 2 Strangleroot Geist (Gameday Promo) - 300 4 Indomitable Creativity - 575 4 Indomitable Creativity (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 1000 4 Indomitable Creativity (Showcase OTP) - 450 4 Artist's Talent (Foil) - 1100 2 Demilich - 550 (Ru) 2 Demilich (Foil) - 750 3 Demilich (Extended) - 750 4 Demilich (Foil, Extended) - 1000 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Borderless DMR) - 1450 3 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2200 1 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Borderless Profile) - 1500 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Textured Foil, Borderless Profile) - 4200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Borderless DMR) - 2200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4200 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Urza, Lord High Artificer (Textured Foil, Borderless Profile) - 3750 1 Daze (White Border) - 350 4 Ponder (DSC #0073) - 400, 1500 комплект 3 Persist (Borderless, SPG) - 850 4 Persist (Ethced Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 1 Persist (Retro Frame) - 275 4 Archon of Cruelty (Showcase) - 1200 4 Archon of Cruelty (Ripple Foil, M3C #197) - 1750 4 Archon of Cruelty (Foil, Showcase Poster, DSC #371) - 2400 4 Bitter Triumph - 300 2 Bitter Triumph (Foil) - 550 4 Faerie Macabre (White Border, MB2) - 450 1 Faerie Macabre - 400 4 Flame of Anor (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Flame of Anor (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 1200 4 Flame of Anor (Foil) - 650 4 Flame of Anor - 600 4 Flame of Anor (Showcase Scrolls) - 900 4 Flame of Anor (Borderless) - 700 4 Clockwork Percussionist (Foil) - 75 4 Faithless Looting (Retro Frame, BRC) - 650 4 Faithless Looting (White Border, Mystery Booster 2) - 600 4 Faithless Looting (Etched Foil, Japanese, Strixhaven Mystical Archives STA) - 3000 4 Faithless Looting (Foil, Japanese, Strixhaven Mystical Archives STA) - 4250 4 Faithless Looting (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Yggdrasil, Rebirth Engine (Foil, Borderless) - 3000 2 Yggdrasil, Rebirth Engine (Foil) - 1900 1 Sol Ring (Foil, Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1604) - 2000 4 Invasion of Gobakhan (Foil) - 700 4 Path to Exile (Foil, MagicFest Promo, PRM #001) - 1000 3 Acererak the Archlich (Foil, SLD #1784) - 1100 1 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Foil) - 825 2 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 1 Diabolic Tutor (Foil, Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1592) - 550 4 Cut Down (Foil) - 725 4 Heartless Act (Foil) - 150 4 Duress (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 750 4 Duress (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Duress (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 450 комплект 1 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Showcase, Japanese) - 3300 3 Orvar, the All-Form (Foil, Borderless, SLD # 1683) - 850 2 Orvar, the All-Form (Foil Showcase) - 1250 1 Proft's Eidetic Memory (Foil, Extended) - 625 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Fear of Missing Out (Foil) - 1150 4 Fear of Missing Out (Foil, Showcase) - 1400 4 Fear of Missing Out - 950 4 Fear of Missing Out (Showcase) - 1100, 4000 комплект 2 Venerated Rotpriest (Foil, Extneded) - 950 4 Sakura-Tribe Elder (Foil, Texteless WPN Promo) - 650 2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1702) - 1500 3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Foil, Showcase) - 3750 3 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Oil Slick Raised Foil) - 8500 1 Atraxa, Grand Unifier (Showcase) - 3200 3 Enigmatic Incarnation (Foil) - 150 1 Enigmatic Incarnation (Foil, Extended) - 325 1 Castle Locthwain (Foil) - 900 4 Clearwater Pathway (Foil, Borderless) - 775 4 Clearwater Pathway (Borderless) - 625 2 Elegant Parlor (Foil, Borderless) - 3750 3 Elegant Parlor (Foil) - 1650 1 Forsaken Monument (Ripple Foil) - 800 1 Coveted Jewel (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Witch's Oven (Foil, SLD #1762) - 1000 1 Collector's Cage (Foil) - 625 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Foil, Phyrexian) - 3250 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Showcase, Step-and-Compleat Foil, ONE #420) - 4300 1 Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines (Step-and-Compleat Foil, Borderless, Concept Praetor, ONE #421) - 5500 4 Skyclave Apparition (Game Day & Store Championship Promos) - 1000 4 Skyclave Apparition (Ripple Foil) - 325 4 Skyclave Apparition (Foil, Extended) - 500, 1850 комплект 2 Eldrazi Displacer (Ripple Foil) - 900 2 Eldrazi Displacer (Foil) - 750 2 Pre-War Formalwear - 650 1 Pre-War Formalwear (Foil) - 1150 1 Pre-War Formalwear (Surge Foil, Extended) - 2700 3 Helping Hand (Foil) - 175 4 Helping Hand - 75 3 Raffine's Informant (Foil) - 100 4 Blade of the Oni (Foil) - 300 4 Blade of the Oni (Foil, Extended) - 450 4 Blade of the Oni (Showcase) - 400 2 Blade of the Oni (Extended) - 325 1 Blade of the Oni (Foil, Showcase, NEO #377) - 650 4 Cauldron Familiar (Foil, SLD # 1759) - 1250, 4500 комплект 4 Invoke Despair (Foil, Showcase) - 200 4 Invoke Despair (Extended) - 175 4 Invoke Despair (Foil, Extended) - 250 1 Vaultborn Tyrant (Foil, Showcase) - 10000 1 Vivien Reid (Foil, Borderless, FDN) - 750 1 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Borderless, SLD #409) - 1500 2 Ramunap Excavator (Ripple Foil) - 700 2 Subtlety (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2100 2 Subtlety (Borderless, MH2) - 1350 4 Subtlety (Retro Frame, H2R) - 1200 2 Subtlety (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1850 1 Azure Beastbinder (Foil, Showcase) - 325 4 Azure Beastbinder - 75 4 Azure Beastbinder (Foil) - 100 4 Azure Beastbinder (Showcase) - 150 4 Dress Down (Foil, Retro Frame) - 925 4 Dress Down (Retro Frame) - 350 2 Dress Down (Foil, Sketch) - 500 2 Cryptic Coat (Foil, Extended) - 850 4 Picklock Prankster (Foil) - 400, 1500 комплект 3 Seasoned Pyromancer (Foil, Borderless) - 2250 1 Port Razer (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1600 1 Chandra, Flameshaper (Foil, Borderless) - 825 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, Borderless, 2x2 # 361) - 425 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, Showcase CLB #401) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Lightning Bolt (Showcase CLB #401) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Lightning Bolt (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 3000 4 Magebane Lizard (Foil) - 350 1 Felix Five-Boots (Foil, Extended) - 450 3 Kaito, Bane of Nightmares (Foil, Borderless) - 4750 1 Sunken Citadel (Foil) - 365 2 Sunken Citadel (Extended) - 400 4 Sunken Citadel (Foil, Extended) - 650, 2300 комплект 3 Godless Shrine (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 4000 2 Unclaimed Territory (Ripple Foil) - 475 3 Secluded Courtyard (Ripple Foil) - 600 2 Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 475 4 Brazen Borrower (ELD) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Brazen Borrower (Borderless, SPG) - 1050, 4000 комплект 4 Commandeer (CMM) - 275 4 Commandeer (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 425 4 Commandeer (Etched Foil, CMM) - 900 4 Commandeer (Showcase OTP) - 250 4 Cryptic Coat (Extended) - 275 4 Kappa Cannoneer - 325, 1100 комлект 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Extended, NEC) - 700 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1250 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Retro Frame) - 400 4 Kappa Cannoneer (Foil, MH3) - 375 1 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Borderless) - 900 2 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 3 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Extended) - 550 2 Kiora, the Rising Tide (Foil, Extended) - 850 3 Proft's Eidetic Memory (Extended) - 425 4 Picklock Prankster - 175, 650 комплект 4 Agatha's Soul Cauldron - 4400 2 Agatha's Soul Cauldron (Foil) - 6000 2 Agatha's Soul Cauldron (Foil, Extended) - 8500 1 Sol Ring (Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1604) - 1200 4 Ichor Wellspring (Retro Frame) - 75 1 Vivien Reid (Borderless, FDN #361) - 450 2 Chord of Calling (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1595) - 800 2 Unholy Heat (Borderless, SPG) - 300 3 Unholy Heat (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 800 4 Unholy Heat (Promo RCQ, SLP) - 250 4 Unholy Heat (Retro Frame) - 50, 175 комплект 4 Unholy Heat (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 2 Colossal Dreadmask (Foil) - 25 4 Arclight Phoenix (Retro Frame) - 700 4 Arclight Phoenix (Borderless Anime, RVR) - 550 2 Arclight Phoenix (30th Anniversary SLD) - 1000 4 Arclight Phoenix (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1000, 3800 комплект 3 Iona, Shield of Emeria (White Border) - 650 1 Enduring Innocence - 875 4 Kutzil's Flanker - 100 4 Swords to Plowshares (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 750, 2750 комплект 4 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, Retro Frame, DMR) - 900 4 Swords to Plowshares (DMR, Retro Frame) - 325, 1200 комплект 4 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 3500 1 Swords to Plowshares (Etched Foil, Eng, STA) - 600 4 Swords to Plowshares (Ripple Foil) - 475 3 Swords to Plowshares (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 3500 4 Swords to Plowshares (Borderless, Secret Lair Promo, SLP #0020) - 600 1 Gisa, the Hellraiser (Showcase) - 950 1 Demonic Consultation (Future Sight, Mystery Booster 2) - 2000 2 Diabolic Tutor (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Eng, SLD #1592) - 700 1 Diabolic Tutor (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1592) - 300 4 Toxic Deluge (Retro Frame) - 900 3 Toxic Deluge (Foil) - 950 4 Toxic Deluge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1400 4 Long Goodbye - 75 1 Child of Alara (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1599) - 800 4 Hidetsugu Consumes All (Foil, Showcase) - 775 3 Quintorius Kand (Borderless #352) - 450 4 Quintorius Kand (Borderless #307) - 300 2 Quintorius Kand (Foil, Borderless #352) - 750 1 Quintorius Kand - 350 3 Quintorius Kand (Foil, Borderless #307) - 425 2 Vraska, Golgari Queen (Borderless, SLD #1702) - 1400 4 Enigmatic Incarnation - 75 4 Enigmatic Incarnation (Extended) - 175 2 Song of Creation (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Eng, SLD #1603) - 825 2 Song of Creation (Hatsune Miku Secret Lair, Japanese, SLD #1603) - 450 4 No More Lies - 150, 550 комплект 4 No More Lies (Promo Pack Frame) - 350 4 No More Lies (Foil, Promo Pack) - 750, 2800 комплект 4 No More Lies (Foil) - 200, 700 комплект 4 Vinereap Mentor - 40 1 Basilisk Collar (Extended, CLB) - 325 2 Tormod's Crypt (DMR, Retro Frame) - 125 1 Tormod's Crypt (Foil, Retro Frame) - 600 4 Tormod's Crypt (Future Sight, MB2) - 425 1 Arcane Signet (Borderless, CMM) - 575 2 Gourmand's Talent - 950 4 Cache Grab - 40 2 Emeria's Call (Extended Art) - 800 4 Get Lost - 950 4 Get Lost (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Get Lost (Borderless) - 950 1 Monologue Tax - 250 4 Ondu Spiritdancer - 400 2 Sheltered by Ghosts - 600 4 Nethergoyf (Extended) - 3250 4 Nethergoyf (Foil, Extended) - 3500 1 Nethergoyf (Foil) - 2750 1 Liliana of the Veil (Borderless) - 1700 2 Liliana of the Veil (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 2200 2 Liliana of the Veil (Foil) - 1800 1 Harvester of Misery (Showcase) - 2000 1 Path of Peril (Extended) - 350 2 Caustic Bronco (Extended) - 525 4 Reanimate (DSC) - 825 4 Reanimate (Showcase, OTJ) - 1000 4 Reanimate (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 1500 4 Reanimate (MKC) - 1550, 6000 комплект 4 Reanimate (JMP) - 1500 4 Nowhere to Run - 200 4 Nowhere to run (Foil) - 275 1 Spellseeker (Borderless) - 1750 1 Spellseeker (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 2000 1 Ponder (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit, SLC #2007) - 1450 3 Harbinger of the Seas - 750 3 Harbinger of the Seas (Foil) - 1200 4 Harbinger of the Seas (Extended) - 1100 1 Harbinger of the Seas (Foil, Extended) - 1600 2 Fortune Teller's Talent - 650 1 Chaos Warp (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 1550 1 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Multiverse Legends) - 2900 4 Detective's Phoenix (Extended) - 650 3 Zur, Eternal Schemer (Showcase) - 1350 1 Leovold, Emissary of Trest - 775 2 Talion, the Kindly Lord (Borderless) - 675 1 Spell Queller (Borderless, SLD) - 675 1 Glissa Sunslayer (Showcase) - 800 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Showcase) - 275, 1000 комплект 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Extended) - 225, 800 комплект 2 Fisher's Talent - 350 4 Leyline of the Guildpact - 900 1 Assassin's Trophy (Extended) - 325 4 Witherbloom Command (Extended) - 375 1 Command Tower (SLD #806, Japanese) - 750 4 Darkslick Shores (Borderless, ONE) - 775, 3000 комплект 4 Darkslick Shores (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 1150 4 Darkslick Shores (Foil, ONE) - 800, 2900 комплект 1 Darkslick Shores (ONE) - 450 2 Darkslick Shores (Foil, ZNE) - 1650 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (Showcase, Dungeon Module) - 350 1 Reliquary Tower (Full Art, MagicFest Cards MFP ORM #0001) - 575 2 Talon Gates of Madara (Extended) - 2200 2 Thespian's Stage (SLD Hatsune Miku, ENG, SLD #1607) - 900 1 Thespian's Stage (SLD Hatsune Miku, Japanese, SLD #1607) - 600 4 Thespian's Stage (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 4 Thespian's Stage (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 700 3 Thespian's Stage (White Border) - 350 4 Thespian's Stage (Ripple Foil) - 400 4 Thespian's Stage (Foil, Retro) - 700 4 Thespians's Stage (Foil, Borderless, Japanese, SLD #1607 Hatsune Miku) - 1000 4 Urza's Workshop (Extended, BRC) - 1600, 6000 комплект 1 Bojuka Bog (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Bojuka Bog (White Border, MB2) - 300 1 Enduring Innocence (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3000 1 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3750 1 Overlord of the Floodpits (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2400 1 Overlord of the Floodpits (Foil) - 900 2 Enduring Tenacity (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2500 2 Enduring Courage (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 1800 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 2000 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil, Showcase, JP) - 1250 1 Overlord of the Boilerbilges (Foil) - 450 1 Enduring Vitality (Foil, Showcase, JP) - 2200 1 Enduring Curiosity (Fractured Foil, Showcase, JP) - 12000 3 The Wandering Rescuer (Showcase Double Exposure) - 375 1 The Wandering Rescuer (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 2 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Showcase Double Exposure) - 2200 4 Tyvar, the Pummeler (Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 4 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 3 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 100 4 The Mindskinner (Showcase Double Exposure) - 225 4 The Mindskinner (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 550 4 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Showcase Double Exposure) - 325 2 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 475 4 The Jolly Balloon Man (Showcase Double Exposure) - 125 4 Marina Vendrell (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 1 Marina Vendrell (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 1 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 125 4 Rip, Spawn Hunter (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 4 The Swarmweaver (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 4 Victor, Valgavoth's Seneschal (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 3 Victor, Valgavoth's Seneschal (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 3 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Zimone, All-Questioning (Showcase Double Exposure) - 50 2 Zimone, All-Questioning (Foil, Showcase Double Exposure) - 75 4 Marvin, Murderous Mimic (Showcase Double Exposure) - 275 4 Enduring Innocence (Extended) - 875 4 Leyline of Hope (Extended) - 100 4 Enduring Curiosity (Extended) - 1000 2 Enduring Curiosity (Foil, Extended) - 1150 4 Leyline of Transformation (Extended) - 100 4 Leyline of Transformation (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Enduring Tenacity (Extended) - 475 2 Enduring Tenacity (Foil, Extended) - 600 4 Grievous Wound (Extended) - 75 3 Grievous Wound (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Leyline of the Void (Foil, Extended, DSK) - 375 4 Leyline of the Void (Borderless, Enchanted Tales WOT) - 200, 700 комплект 4 Leyline of the Void (Foil, Borderless, Enchanted Tales WOT) - 550 4 Leyline of the Void (White Border, MB2) - 225 4 Enduring Courage (Extended) - 225 3 Enduring Courage (Foil, Extended) - 375 4 Leyline of Resonance (Foil, Extended) - 375 4 Leyline of Resonance (Extended) - 275 4 Enduring Vitality (Extended) - 1000 2 Enduring Vitality (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Leyline of Mutation (Extended) - 75 3 Leyline of Mutation (Foil, Extended) - 125 2 Overlord of the Hauntwoods (Extended) - 2650 3 Overlord of the Hauntwoods (Foil, Extended) - 3250 4 Twitching Doll (Foil, Extended) - 425 4 Dissection Tools (Extended) - 50 3 Dissection Tools (Foil, Extended) - 125 4 Ghostly Dancers (Showcase) - 100 4 Reluctant Role Model (Showcase) - 50 4 Reluctant Role Model (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Split Up (Showcase) - 300 4 Unidentified Hovership (Showcase) - 60 4 Unidentified Hovership (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Entity Tracker (Showcase) - 225 4 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Showcase) - 50 3 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Come Back Wrong (Showcase) - 100 3 Come Back Wrong (Foil, Showcase) - 225 2 Demonic Counsel (Foil, Showcase) - 500 4 Demonic Counsel (Foil) - 425 2 Meathook Massacre II (Showcase) - 550 1 Meathook Massacre II (Foil, Showcase) - 1000 4 Chainsaw (Showcase) - 50 3 Chainsaw (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Cursed Recording (Showcase) - 50 2 Cursed Recording (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 The Rollercrusher Ride (Showcase) - 125 4 Waltz of Rage (Showcase) - 50 1 Waltz of Rage (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Balustrade Wurm (Showcase) - 50 2 Balustrade Wurm (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Hedge Shredder (Showcase) - 225 2 Hedge Shredder (Foil, Showcase) - 350 4 Omnivorous Flytrap (Showcase) - 125 4 Omnivorous Flytrap (Foil, Showcase) - 175 4 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Showcase) - 50 2 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Peer Past the Veil (Showcase) - 50 3 Peer Past the Veil (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Ghost Vacuum (Showcase) - 750 4 Valgavoth's Lair (Showcase) - 250 3 Blazemire Verge (Borderless) - 1000 4 Blazemire Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1650 2 Blazemire Verge (Foil) - 925 2 Floodfarm Verge (Borderless) - 1200 4 Floodfarm Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Gloomlake Verge (Borderless) - 1500 4 Gloomlake Verge (Foil) - 1450 2 Hushwood Verge (Borderless) - 850 2 Hushwood Verge (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Thornspire Verge (Borderless) - 800 3 Thornspire Verge (Foil) - 900 2 Abhorrent Oculus (Borderless) - 4500 4 Silent Hallcreeper (Borderless) - 275 2 Silent Hallcreeper (Foil, Borderless) - 500 4 Doomsday Excruciator (Borderless) - 150 3 Razorkin Needlehead (Borderless) - 725 1 Razorkin Needlehead (Foil, Borderless) - 900 2 Screaming Nemesis (Borderless) - 2750 3 Hauntwoods Shrieker (Borderless) - 325 4 Undead Sprinter (Borderless) - 50 2 Undead Sprinter (Foil, Borderless) - 75 2 Enduring Innocence (Foil) - 950 3 Ethereal Armor (Foil) - 75 3 Ghostly Dancers (Foil) - 75 2 Leyline of Hope (Foil) - 50 1 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Foil) - 1100 2 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Extended) - 1150 1 Overlord of the Mistmoors (Foil, Showcase, ENG) - 3250 2 Reluctant Role Model (Foil) - 50 2 Shardmage's Rescue (Foil) - 100 3 Sheltered by Ghosts (Foil) - 750 2 Split Up (Foil) - 400 2 Toby, Beastie Befriender (Foil) - 50 2 Unidentified Hovership (Foil) - 70 1 The Wandering Rescuer (Foil) - 450 3 Enduring Curiosity (Foil) - 775 4 Entity Tracker (Foil) - 175 3 Leyline of Transformation (Foil) - 75 2 Marina Vendrell's Grimoire (Foil) - 50 2 The Mindskinner (Foil) - 225 2 Silent Hallcreeper (Foil) - 300 1 The Tale of Tamiyo (Foil) - 75 2 Come Back Wrong (Foil) - 60 3 Doomsday Excruciator (Foil) - 150 3 Enduring Tenacity (Foil) - 525 4 Fanatic of the Harrowing (Foil) - 25 3 Grievous Wound (Foil) - 60 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Foil) - 800 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Foil, Showcase) - 1000 4 Unstoppable Slasher (Showcase) - 600 1 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Foil) - 2200 2 Chainsaw (Foil) - 100 2 Cursed Recording (Foil) - 50 3 Enduring Courage (Foil) - 275 3 Razorkin Needlehead (Foil) - 650 4 The Rollercrusher Ride (Foil) - 225 2 Waltz of Rage (Foil) - 50 3 Balustrade Wurm (Foil) - 50 2 Enduring Vitality (Foil) - 900 1 Hauntwoods Shrieker (Foil) - 375 2 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil) - 300 3 Leyline of Mutation (Foil) - 50 2 Omnivorous Flytrap (Foil) - 75 1 Tyvar, the Pummeler (Foil) - 750 1 Valgavoth's Onslaught (Foil) - 75 1 The Jolly Balloon Man (Foil) - 150 1 Marina Vendrell (Foil) - 50 2 Midnight Mayhem (Foil) - 25 2 Nashi, Searcher in the Dark (Foil) - 50 1 Niko, Light of Hope (Foil) - 175 4 Peer Past the Veil (Foil) - 50 2 Rip, Spawn Hunter (Foil) - 40 3 The Swarmweaver (Foil) - 50 2 Undead Sprinter (Foil) - 50 3 Winter, Misanthropic Guide (Foil) - 50 4 Zimone, All-Questioning (Foil) - 50 4 Dissection Tools (Foil) - 75 4 Marvin, Murderous Mimic (Foil) - 375 1 Valgavoth's Lair (Foil) - 250 3 Reluctant Role Model (Foil #289) - 50 2 Come Back Wrong (Foil #292) - 60 3 Cursed Recording (Foil #296) - 50 4 Kona, Rescue Beastie (Foil #299) - 300 3 The Swarmweaver (Foil #301) - 50 2 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Foil) - 225 3 Dollmaker's Shop // Porcelain Gallery (Foil) - 700 4 Grand Entryway // Elegant Rotunda (Foil) - 25 4 Surgical Suite // Hospital Room (Foil) - 25 4 Bottomless Pool // Locker Room (Foil) - 25 3 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Foil) - 75 4 Meat Locker // Drowned Diner (Foil) - 25 4 Underwater Tunnel // Slimy Aquarium (Foil) - 25 4 Derelict Attic // Widow's Walk (Foil) - 25 2 Charred Foyer // Warped Space (Foil) - 250 4 Glassworks // Shattered Yard (Foil) - 25 4 Painter's Studio // Defaced Gallery (Foil) - 25 4 Ticket Booth // Tunnel of Hate (Foil) - 25 4 Greenhouse // Rickety Gazebo (Foil) - 25 4 Moldering Gym // Weight Room (Foil) - 25 1 Walk-In Closet // Forgotten Cellar (Foil) - 900 2 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Foil) - 50 4 Smoky Lounge // Misty Salon (Foil) - 50 4 Grand Entryway // Elegant Rotunda (Foil #287) - 25 4 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Borderless) - 225 1 Dazzling Theater // Prop Room (Foil, Borderless) - 475 4 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Borderless) - 75 3 Central Elevator // Promising Stairs (Foil, Borderless) - 100 2 Mirror Room // Fractured Realm (Borderless) - 600 4 Funeral Room // Awakening Hall (Borderless) - 750 3 Funeral Room // Awakening Hall (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Charred Foyer // Warped Space (Borderless) - 325 4 Walk-In Closet // Forgotten Cellar (Borderless) - 700 4 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Borderless) - 75 3 Restricted Office // Lecture Hall (Foil, Borderless) - 100 4 Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna (Borderless) - 150 1 Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna (Foil, Borderless) - 325 2 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, Surge Foil) - 5250 1 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, LTC) - 3200 4 Wasteland (Valley of Gorgoroth, Foil, LTC) - 3750 3 Wasteland (Foil, PIP Fallout Universes Beyoud) - 3200 4 Wasteland (ZNE, Foil) - 4500 2 Watery Grave (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 5000 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil, Extended) - 3650 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil) - 2750 1 Otawara, Soaring City (Extended) - 2850 2 Otawara, Soaring City (Borderless) - 3500 1 Otawara, Soaring City (Foil, Borderless) - 5700 4 Overgrown Tomb (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 3250 3 Brushland (Foil, Borderless, BRO) - 1100 2 Raucous Theater (Foil) - 1750 3 Raucous Theater (Borderless) - 2000 2 Dark Depths (Ripple Foil) - 525 4 Demolition Field (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Cloudpost (Ripple Foil) - 350 4 Urza's Tower (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Urza's Mine (Ripple Foil) - 550 4 Urza's Power Plant (Ripple Foil) - 550 3 Castle Vantress (Ripple Foil) - 175 4 Aether Hub (Foil, Ripple Foil) - 625 1 Sunken Palace (Ripple Foil, Extended Art) - 600 2 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Ripple Foil) - 1350 1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Retro Frame, Foil) - 2200 1 Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth (Extended Art, MH3) - 1400 2 Mystic Gate (Ripple Foil) - 750 4 Simic Growth Chamber (Ripple Foil) - 175 4 Ghost Vacuum (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 2 Archivist of Oghma (Foil, SLD #874) - 2000 4 Archon of Emeria (Foil, Extended) - 625 2 Witch Enchanter (Foil) - 900 1 Valgavoth, Terror Eater (Foil, Showcase) - 3250 4 Unholy Annex (Borderless) - 900 4 Unholy Annex (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 2 Flare of Malice (Foil, Retro) - 900 3 Flare of Malice (Foil) - 325 4 Flare of Malice (Borderless) - 600 2 Flare of Malice (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 4 Flare of Malice (Retro) - 400 4 Emperor of Bones (Foil, Extended) - 1350 2 Emperor of Bones (Foil) - 650 1 Heartfire Hero (Foil) - 500 1 Force of Will (Foil, Borderless, DMR) - 10000 1 Force of Will (Retro Frame Foil, DMR) - 12000 4 Stifle (Foil, SLD #1787, Beholder's Sleep Ray) - 1750 1 Shark Typhoon (Foil, Extended) - 1850 1 Shark Typhoon (Extended) - 850 4 Shark Typhoon - 350 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Borderless, SLD #409) - 1500 1 The Master of Keys (Foil, Borderless) - 425 2 Tamiyo, Field Researcher (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 4 Omnath, Locus of Creation (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1686) - 1350 4 Witherbloom Command (Foil, Extended) - 700 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Foil, Extended) - 400, 1400 комплект 3 Phyrexian Tower (Foil) - 2750 1 Arena of Glory (Foil) - 1700 1 Yavimaya Coast (Foil, DMU) - 200 4 Adarkar Wastes (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 850 4 Adarkar Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 425 2 Restless Reef (Foil, Borderless) - 750 2 Pieces of the Puzzle (Foil) - 350 3 Plaza of Heroes (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Frogmite (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 850 1 Sol Ring (Foil, Borderless, PIP) - 3200 1 Lotus Ring (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 1000 4 Mystic Forge (Ripple Foil) - 400 2 Mystic Forge (Foil, Schematic, Retro Frame Artifacts) - 1750 4 Oblivion Stone (Ripple Foil) - 250 1 Talisman of Indulgence (Surge Foil, 40k #257) - 1000 1 Talisman of Hierarchy (Surge Foil, 40k #256) - 700 1 Mind Stone (Surge Foil, WHO #835) - 750 4 Talisman of Creativity (Ripple Foil) - 600 4 Talisman of Curiosity (Ripple Foil) - 450 4 Talisman of Conviction (Ripple Foil) - 450 1 Talisman of Conviction (Surge Foil, PIP #771) - 900 4 Talisman of Progress (Ripple Foil) - 850 2 Damping Sphere (Foil, Retro Frame, DMR) - 1500 4 Damping Sphere (Retro Frame) - 375 4 Expedition Map (Ripple Foil) - 425 4 Expedition Map (Foil, Borderless, 2x2 Box Topper) - 2100 1 Emiel the Blessed (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Rest in Peace (Foil, Showcase, BIG) - 850 1 Rest in Peace (Foil, SLD #096 с собачкой :3) - 1900 4 Rest in Peace (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 350 3 Rest in Peace (Retro Frame) - 200 4 Rest in Peace (WOT) - 175 3 Rest in Peace (Future Sight) - 400 2 Grand Abolisher (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1400 1 Destroy Evil (Foil) - 250 2 Path of Peril (Foil, Extended) - 550 1 Dismember (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1350 4 Dismember (Foil, Phyrexian, PRM) - 900 1 Lethal Scheme (Surge Foil, PIP #713) - 750 4 Stitcher's Supplier (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1098) - 2400 4 Stitcher's Supplier (White Border) - 175 4 Stitcher's Supplier (Ripple Foil) - 450 2 Pyrogoyf (Extended) - 1500 4 Bonecrusher Giant (Foil, Showcase) - 450 1 Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 3000 3 Jace, the Mind Sculptor (Foil, Borderless, 2xm) - 3250 2 Cemetery Illuminator (Foil, Extended) - 400 4 Ledger Shredder (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 3000 4 Ledger Shredder (Borderless, SPG) - 2250 4 Ledger Shredder (Foil, Extended) - 1600 4 Ledger Shredder (Extended) - 1250, 4700 комплект 4 Treasure Cruise (Ripple Foil) - 425 1 Faerie Mastermind (Foil) - 2700 4 Sink Into Stupor (Foil) - 1200 3 Mausoleum Wanderer (Foil) - 725 1 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Foil) - 700 4 Sowing Mycospawn - 525, 1900 комплект 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Borderless) - 600 4 Sowing Mycospawn (Foil, Borderless) - 1250 4 Ignoble Hierarch (Ripple Foil) - 600 4 Ignoble Hierarch (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Sylvan Scrying (Ripple Foil) - 350 4 Spelunking (Foil) - 425 1 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (Foil, Mythic Edition) - 4500 3 Dragonlord Dromoka (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 2400 2 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Foil Borderless, MH2) - 2200 4 Grist, the Hunger Tide (Borderless, MH2) - 850 3 Hydroid Krasis (Ripple Foil) - 325 3 Spell Queller (Foil, Borderless, SLD) - 950 4 Kolaghan's Command (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Grisly Salvage (Ripple Foil) - 150 2 Copperline Gorge (Foil, ONE) - 425 4 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger (Borderless) - 2500, 9500 комплект 4 Ajani, Nacatl Pariah // Ajani, Nacatl Avenger (Foil, Borderless) - 3600 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Borderless, BLC) - 350 1 Serra Paragon (Extended) - 750 4 Serra Paragon (Foil) - 700 2 Serra Paragon (Foil, Extended) - 1200 4 Serra Paragon - 500 1 The Wandering Emperor (Foil) - 1600 2 The Battle of Bywater (Extended) - 250 1 Leyline Binding (Extended, DMU) - 675 4 Leyline Binding (Showcase, OTP) - 575 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 650, 2400 комплект 4 Leyline Binding (DMU) - 550 (2000 комплект) 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, DMU) - 675, 2500 комплект 4 Leyline Binding (Foil, Extended) - 1000, 3500 комплект 1 Hostile Investigator (Extended) - 1100 3 Hostile Investigator (Foil) - 1100 2 Hostile Investigator (Foil, Extended) - 1500 2 Hostile Investigator (Foil, Showcase) - 2250 4 Archfiend of the Dross - 225 4 Archfiend of the Dross (Showcase) - 275 3 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil, Showcase) - 350 1 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil, Showcase, Step and Compleat Foil) - 900 2 Archfiend of the Dross (Foil) - 325 4 Scavenger's Talent - 350 4 Scavenger's Talent (Foil) - 550 4 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Phyrexian) - 1050 3 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Phyrexian) - 1250 4 Mausoleum Wanderer - 100 1 Birthing Ritual (Borderless) - 950 4 Archdruid's Charm (Extended) - 1000 4 Archdruid's Charm - 825 4 Archdruid's Charm (Foil, Extended) - 1500 4 Archdruid's Charm (Foil) - 950 2 Blood Moon (Anime Borderless) - 1650 2 Blood Moon (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 4000 2 Blood Moon (Foil Etched, Gold, SLD) - 2750 2 Blood Moon (Foil, WOE) - 1600 1 Fury (Borderless, SPG) - 800 4 Fury (Foil, Borderless SPG) - 1100 4 Fury (Borderless, MH2) - 850 2 Fury (Textured Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1800 2 Fury (Foil, Borderless, MH2) - 1500 2 Fury (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Headliner Scarlett (Borderless, CLU) - 450 4 Sneak Attack (Borderless, Anime WOT) - 900 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan - 75 1 Huatli, Radiant Champion (Borderless, SLD #1699) - 750 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Borderless) - 3250 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury - 2650 4 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Etched Foil) - 3250 2 Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury (Foil) - 3100 1 The Ur-Dragon (Etched Foil, CMM) - 3600 2 Gev, Scaled Scorch - 175 2 Gev, Scaled Scorch (Foil) - 250 4 Prismatic Vista (Borderless, SPG) - 3800 4 Adarkar Wastes (Borderless, DMU) - 550 1 Shivan Reef (Borderless) - 350 4 Thundering Falls - 1450 3 Thundering Falls (Foil) - 1500 2 Thundering Falls (Foil, Borderless) - 2850 2 Thundering Falls (Borderless) - 1600 1 Storm-Kiln Artist (Borderless) - 150 2 Norwood Priestess (Future Sight, MB2) - 1750 3 Basalt Monolith (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Black Vise (Future Sight, MB2) - 225 1 Erratic Portal (Future Sight, MB2) - 150 4 Engineered Explosives (Future Sight, MB2) - 650 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Future Sight, MB2) - 450 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Foil, Schematic) - 225 4 Goblin Charbelcher (Schematic) - 100 1 Krark-Clan Ironworks (Future Sight, MB2) - 1900 1 Lightning Greaves (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 2 Lotus Petal (Future Sight, MB2) - 3000 1 Memnite (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 1 Meekstone (Future Sight, MB2) - 800 3 Proteus Staff (Future Sight, MB2) - 250 1 Power Matrix (Future Sight, MB2) - 275 1 The Rack (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 1 Urza's Bauble (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 2 Walking Ballista (Future Sight, MB2) - 1750 2 Walking Ballista (Assaultron Invader, Showcase, PIP, Foil) - 2200 2 Crackdown (Future Sight, MB2) - 500 1 Giver of Runes (Future Sight, MB2) - 1200 2 Kataki, War's Wage (Future Sight, MB2) - 425 2 Serenity (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 4 Brainstorm (Future Sight, MB2) - 1700, 6500 комплект 3 Brainstorm (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 1750 4 Brainstorm (Surge Foil, 40K) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Counterspell (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100, 4000 комплект 3 Counterspell (Borderless, CMM) - 175 2 Counterspell (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 250 2 Counterspell (Etched Foil, JP, STA) - 2100 4 Counterspell (Foil, JP, STA) - 4200 4 Counterspell (Retro Frame, DMR) - 175, 600 комплект 4 Counterspell (Foil, Retro Frame DMR) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Counterspell (Foil, Retro Frame Launch Party & Release Event Promos) - 1000, 3800 комплект 1 Echo of Eons (Future Sight, MB2) - 1600 4 Flusterstorm (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100 3 Flusterstorm (Foil, Retro Frame, MH3, ENG) - 1350 1 Hoodwink (Future Sight, MB2) - 125 4 Hydroblast (Future Sight, MB2) - 800 1 Mindbreak Trap (Future Sight, MB2) - 2200 1 Reset (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 4 Stifle (Future Sight, MB2) - 1600 2 Tinker (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 2 Thassa's Oracle (Future Sight, MB2) - 2400 2 Contagion (Future Sight, MB2) - 250 4 Dark Ritual (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 1 Dark Ritual (JP Alternate Art, STA) - 2500 4 Dark Ritual (Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 4750 1 Dakmor Sorceress (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 3 Zombie Master (Future Sight, MB2) - 1000 2 Goblin King (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 1 Goblin Gang Leader (Future Sight, MB2) - 550 1 Final Fortune (Future Sight, MB2) - 1500 2 Mana Flare (Future Sight, MB2) - 175 1 Maddening Hex (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Relentless Assault (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 1 Velukan Dragon (Future Sight, MB2) - 450 1 Winds of Change (Future Sight, MB2) - 850 3 Crashing Footfalls (Future Sight, MB2) - 350 4 Collected Company (Future Sight, MB2) - 1100 2 Collected Company (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1250 4 Collected Company (Foil, Store Championship Promo) - 1250 1 Greater Good (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 1 Erhnam Djinn (Future Sight, MB2) - 125 2 Elvish Reclaimer (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 2 Forest Bear (Future Sight, MB2) - 350 2 Hunting Cheetah (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 2 Manabond (Future Sight, MB2) - 700 2 Natural Order (Future Sight, MB2) - 1800 1 Oath of Druids (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 1 Spike Weaver (Future Sight, MB2) - 400 3 Tinder Wall (Future Sight, MB2) - 900 1 Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis (Future Sight, MB2) - 500 1 Hostage Taker (Future Sight, MB2) - 300 1 City of Brass (Future Sight, MB2) - 2200 1 Ash Barrens (White Border) - 100 1 Basilisk Gate (White Border) - 125 1 Darksteel Citadel (White Border) - 175 1 Ghost Quarter (White Border) - 175 1 Reliquary Tower (White Border) - 225 1 Urza's Saga (White Border) - 4500 3 Environmental Sciences (White Border) - 50 1 Hollow One (White Border) - 200 2 Isochron Scepter (White Border) - 1100 1 Sword of the Meek (White Border) - 125 2 Thornbite Staff (White Border) - 1100 1 Umbral Mantle (White Border) - 750 1 Abrupt Decay (White Border) - 250 2 Abrupt Decay (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 450 2 Expressive Iteration (White Border) - 175 3 Expressive Iteration (Retro Frame, BRC) 250 2 Keruga, the Macrosage (White Border) - 75 4 Kitchen Finks (White Border) - 75 2 Sphinx of the Steel Wind (White Border) - 100 2 Thopter Foundry (White Border) - 100 4 Street Wraith (White Border) - 100 1 Wishclaw Talisman (White Border) - 450 4 Blazing Rootwalla (White Border) - 75 1 Chain Lightning (White Border) - 100 1 Rite of Flame (White Border) - 350 1 Throes of Chaos (White Border) - 50 1 Wish (White Border) - 200 1 Basking Rootwalla (White Border) - 50 1 Colossal Dreadmaw (White Border) - 100 4 Elvish Spirit Guide (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 1 Once Upon a Time (White Border) - 150 1 Sakura-Tribe Elder (White Border) - 200 3 Summoner's Pact (White Border) - 475 1 Veteran Explorer (White Border) - 50 2 Bolas's Citadel (White Border) - 600 1 Dead Ringers (White Border) - 50 1 King's Assassin (White Border) - 175 1 Mutilate (White Border) - 150 1 Pitiless Plunderer (White Border) - 500 1 Daze (White Border) - 250 2 Gitaxian Probe (White Border) - 550 1 Jace Beleren (White Border) - 200 2 Mental Misstep (White Border) - 750 2 Ponder (White Border) - 750 2 Unnatural Selection (White Border) - 75 2 Archon of Emeria (White Border) - 275 2 Cathars' Crusade (White Border) - 850 1 Containment Priest (White Border) - 150 3 Day of Judgment (White Border) - 175 1 Ethersworn Canonist (White Border) - 450 4 Leyline of Sanctity (White Border) - 175 4 Prismatic Ending (White Border) - 125 4 Prismatic Ending (Borderless, SPG) - 650 4 Prismatic Ending (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1000 2 Soul of Theros (White Border) - 50 1 Nexus of Becoming (Foil, Showcase BIG) - 2500 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Borderless, BLC) - 1000 4 Karn, the Great Creator (Foil, RVR) - 900 2 Karn, the Great Creator (White Border, MB2) - 750 1 Reality Smasher (Foil, SLD #1153) - 2000 4 Glaring Fleshraker (Foil) - 550 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 750 4 Wedding Announcement (Foil, Extended) - 425 1 Wedding Announcement (Extended) - 350 2 Temporary Lockdown (Foil, Extended) - 1250 4 Parting Gust (Foil) - 75 4 Dewdrop Cure (Foil) - 50 2 Discontinuity (Foil, Extended) - 1000 4 Long River's Pull (Foil) - 75 2 Vein Ripper (Foil, Showcase INK Foil) - 2200 4 Snuff Out (Foil, WHO) - 1850 3 Knight of Dusk's Shadow (Foil) - 150 4 Bandit's Talent (Foil) - 100 2 Goblin Rabblemaster (Foil, SLD) - 1350 3 Amped Raptor (Ripple Foil) - 1750 4 World Breaker (Ripple Foil) - 1000, 3600 комплект 1 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil, Showcase) - 2700 1 Sylvan Library (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3750 1 Sylvan Library (Borderless, DRM) - 3200 4 Scrapshooter (Foil, Showcase) - 175 2 Scrapshooter (Showcase) - 100 4 Hunter's Talent (Foil) - 50 4 Into the Flood Maw (Foil) - 650 4 Feed the Cycle (Foil) - 100 4 Bonecache Overseer (Foil) - 75 4 Vinereap Mentor (Foil) - 100 4 Carrot Cake (Foil) - 75 1 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (Rainbow Foil, SLD) - 3500 2 Hazel of the Rootbloom (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 1 Ajani, Sleeper Agent (Foil, Borderless 375) - 750 2 Zinnia, Valley's Voice (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 225 1 Kykar, Wind's Fury (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 750 2 Bello, Bard of the Brambles (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 550 2 Ms. Bumbleflower (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 350 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Foil, Showcase) - 450 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Foil) - 300 2 Camellia, the Seedmiser - 175 3 Camellia, the Seedmiser (Showcase) - 300 4 Drown in the Loch (Foil, Retro Frame) - 300, 1100 комплект 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, Borderless OTJ) - 800 4 Inspiring Vantage (Borderless, OTJ) - 450 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, SLD 1375) - 1400, 5500 комплект 4 Inspiring Vantage (Foil, OTJ) - 475 4 Sulfurous Springs (Ripple Foil) - 675 4 Sulfurous Springs (Foil, Borderless) - 900 1 Songbirds' Blessing (Extended) - 750 1 Kindred Discovery (Anime Borderless) - 1250 1 Forced Fruition (Enchanted Tails) - 100 1 Moonshaker Cavalry (Foil) - 1600 1 Lord Skitter, Sewer King (Extended) - 500 1 Tangled Colony (Foil) - 150 2 Kellan, the Fae-Blooded (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 1 The Apprentice's Folly (Foil) - 100 1 Likeness Looter (Extended) - 250 4 Cache Grab (Foil) - 75 3 Patchwork Banner (Foil) - 450 4 Witherbloom Command (Foil) - 350 2 Mana Drain (Showcase, OTP) - 3200 4 Long River's Pull - 40 1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Borderless #0288) - 700 1 Endurance (Borderless, SPG) - 1600 2 Endurance (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2250 2 Endurance (Foil, Borderless, MH2) - 3000 3 Endurance (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2550 2 Endurance (Textured Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 3500 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Showcase) - 1750 4 Hunter's Talent - 40 4 Necrodominance - 950, 3500 комплект 2 Teyo, Geometric Tactician - 275 4 Parting Gust - 50 4 Abrade (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Retro Frame) - 3900 2 Alchemist's Talent - 2500 3 Aminatou, the Fateshifter (Secret Lair Lil Walkers) - 1200 4 Supreme Verdict (Pro Tour Promos, PTP) - 1100 4 Silverbluff Bridge (Retro Frame) - 100 2 Starfall Invocation (Foil) - 125 3 Starfall Invocation (Foil, Showcase) - 200 2 Starfall Invocation (Showcase) - 150 1 Beza, the Bounding Spring (Foil, Borderless) - 2600 1 Beza, the Bounding Spring (Borderless) - 2100 4 Caretaker's Talent (Foil) - 1550 2 Caretaker's Talent - 1350 3 Jackdaw Savior (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Jackdaw Savior (Showcase) - 50 3 Jackdaw Savior (Foil) - 50 2 Salvation Swan (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Salvation Swan (Foil) - 50 4 Salvation Swan (Showcase) - 50 1 Warren Warleader (Foil, Showcase) - 700 2 Warren Warleader (Showcase) - 475 1 Valley Questcaller (Foil) - 200 2 Valley Questcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Valley Questcaller (Showcase) - 150 4 Whiskervale Forerunner (Foil) - 50 2 Whiskervale Forerunner (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Whiskervale Forerunner (Showcase) - 50 2 Dour Port-Mage (Foil) - 275 2 Dour Port-Mage (Showcase) - 225 2 Dour Port-Mage (Foil, Showcase) - 325 2 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Foil) - 500 1 Eluge, the Shoreless Sea (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 Kitnap (Foil) - 50 3 Kitnap (Extended) - 75 4 Mockingbird (Foil) - 850 4 Mockingbird (Showcase) - 850 4 Mockingbird (Foil, Showcase) - 1650 4 Portent of Calamity (Foil, Showcase)- 175 4 Portent of Calamity (Showcase) - 125 2 Portent of Calamity (Foil) - 100 2 Wishing Well (Foil, Extended) - 75 4 Wishing Well (Extended) - 50 2 Darkstar Augur (Foil) - 125 2 Darkstar Augur (Foil, Showcase) - 225 4 Darkstar Augur (Showcase) - 125 3 Osteomancer Adept (Foil) - 75 2 Osteomancer Adept (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Osteomancer Adept (Showcase) - 100 2 Season of Loss (Foil, Borderless) - 700 3 Season of Loss (Borderless) - 550 3 Valley Rotcaller (Foil) - 250 4 Valley Rotcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 350 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Borderless) - 1450 2 Rottenmouth Viper (Foil) - 1250 3 Coiling Rebirth (Foil, Showcase) - 125 3 Coiling Rebirth (Showcase) - 75 1 Cruelclaw's Heist (Foil, Showcase) - 250 2 Cruelclaw's Heist (Foil) - 175 4 Cruelclaw's Heist (Showcase) - 150 2 Wick, the Whorled Mind (Foil, Showcase) - 75 2 Wick, the Whorled Mind (Showcase) - 75 4 Iridescent Vinelasher (Foil, Extended) - 650 1 Iridescent Vinelasher (Extended) - 450 2 Byway Barterer (Foil) - 50 4 Byway Barterer (Extended) - 50 3 Festival of Embers (Foil) - 50 1 Festival of Embers (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Festival of Embers (Showcase) - 50 4 Hearthborn Battler (Foil) - 50 1 Hearthborn Battler (Foil, Extended) - 75 4 Hearthborn Battler (Extended) - 50 4 Hired Claw (Foil) - 225 3 Hired Claw (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Hired Claw (Showcase) - 175 3 Stormsplitter (Foil) - 500 1 Stormsplitter (Foil, Showcase) - 850 4 Valley Flamecaller (Foil) - 50 2 Valley Flamecaller (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 Valley Flamecaller (Showcase) - 75 3 Sunspine Lynx (Borderless Foil) - 500 2 Manifold Mouse (Foil, Showcase) - 750 3 Season of the Bold (Foil, Borderless) - 400 3 Season of the Bold (Borderless) - 225 1 Lumra, Bellow of the Woods (Foil) - 1850 2 For the Common Good (Foil) - 125 3 For the Common Good (Showcase) - 100 4 Mistbreath Elder (Foil) - 75 3 Mistbreath Elder (Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Mistbreath Elder (Showcase) - 100 1 Pawpatch Recruit (Foil) - 250 4 Pawpatch Recruit (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Tender Wildguide (Foil, Showcase) - 125 3 Valley Mightcaller (Foil, Showcase) - 275 4 Valley Mightcaller (Foil) - 175 4 Valley Mightcaller (Showcase) - 200 2 Thornvault Forager (Foil, Extended) - 275 4 Thornvault Forager (Extended) - 175 2 Thornvault Forager (Foil) - 200 1 Season of Gathering (Borderless) - 850 2 Baylen, the Haymaker (Foil) - 175 2 Finneas, Ace Archer (Foil) - 75 3 Finneas, Ace Archer (Foil, Showcase) - 100 4 Finneas, Ace Archer (Showcase) - 75 2 Vren, the Relentless (Foil) - 125 4 Kastral, the Windcrested (Foil) - 50 3 Kastral, the Windcrested (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Kastral, the Windcrested (Showcase) - 50 4 Lunar Convocation (Foil) - 100 2 Lunar Convocation (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Lunar Convocation (Extended) - 100 3 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Foil) - 75 4 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Foil, Showcase) - 200 3 Mabel, Heir to Cragflame (Showcase) - 175 1 Muerra, Trash Tactician (Foil) - 75 2 Alania, Divergent Storm (Foil) - 50 1 Alania, Divergent Storm (Foil, Showcase) - 100 4 Alania, Divergent Storm (Showcase) - 75 3 Clement, the Worrywort (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Clement, the Worrywort (Showcase) - 75 1 Ral, Crackling Wit (Foil) - 1000 2 Maha, Its Feathers Night (Borderless) - 1900 2 Season of the Burrow (Borderless) - 350 1 Season of the Burrow (Foil) - 425 2 Dawn's Truce (Showcase) - 800 2 Dawn's Truce (Foil) - 850 4 Essence Channeler (Extended) - 75 2 Essence Channeler (Foil) - 100 2 Essence Channeler (Foil, Extended) - 200 3 Season of Weaving (Borderless) - 675 4 Valley Floodcaller (Showcase) - 700 4 Keen-Eyed Curator (Showcase) - 225 4 Keen-Eyed Curator (Foil, Showcase) - 325 4 Fecund Greenshell (Extended) - 125 2 Fecund Greenshell (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Dragonhawk, Fate's Tempest (Borderless) - 800 3 Glarb, Calamity's Augur (Showcase) - 475 2 Helga, Skittish Seer (Showcase) - 500 4 Ygra, Eater of All (Borderless) - 2300 3 Ygra, Eater of All (Foil) - 2100 4 Ygra, Eater of All - 1550 3 Ygra, Eater of All (Foil, Borderless) - 1700 4 The Infamous Cruelclaw (Showcase) - 650 1 Fountainport (Foil, Extended) - 1600 1 Fountainport (Extended) - 1350 4 Fabled Passage (Foil, Extended, BLB) - 850 4 Fabled Passage (Foil, SLD Post Malone) - 1800, 7000 комплект 2 Three Tree City (Borderless, BLB #337, Spring) - 2700 1 The Gitrog Monster (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1450 1 Kwain, Itinerant Meddler (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 150 1 Luminous Broodmoth (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 1250 3 Ant Queen (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 125 3 Squirrel Mob (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 275 1 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 650 2 Baleful Strix (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 800 3 Gilded Goose (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 500 2 Nissa, Who Shakes the World (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Domri, Anarch of Bolas (Borderless, BLC) - 200 2 Tamiyo, Field Researcher (Borderless, BLC) - 325 1 Liliana of the Dark Realms (Borderless, BLC) - 2000 2 Squirrel Mob (Borderless, BLC) - 225 1 Bello, Bard of the Brambles (Borderless, BLC) - 400 1 Hazel of the Rootbloom (Borderless, BLC) - 850 1 Ms. Bumbleflower (Borderless, BLC) - 150 2 Zinnia, Valley's Voice (Borderless, BLC) - 125 2 Arthur, Marigold Knight (Extended, BLC) - 125 1 The Odd Acorn Gang (Extended, BLC) - 250 3 Wildsear, Scouring Maw (Extended, BLC) - 300 3 Octomancer (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Rapid Augmenter (Extended, BLC) - 50 4 Baleful Strix (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Derevi, Empyrial Tactician (Borderless, BLC) - 300 1 The Gitrog Monster (Borderless, BLC) - 800 1 Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker (Borderless, BLC) - 400 2 Kwain, Itinerant Meddler (Borderless, BLC) - 75 2 Kykar, Wind's Fury (Borderless, BLC) - 250 3 Sword of the Squeak (Extended, BLC) - 150 3 Rolling Hamsphere (Extended, BLC) - 75 4 Jacked Rabbit (Extended, BLC) - 425 3 Murmuration (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Perch Protection (Extended, BLC) - 275 2 Steelburr Champion (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Tempt with Bunnies (Extended, BLC) - 425 2 Luminous Broodmoth (Borderless, BLC) - 625 2 Pollywog Prodigy (Extended, BLC) - 2500 3 Twenty-Toed Toad (Extended, BLC) - 325 2 Insatiable Frugivore (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Moonstone Eulogist (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Swarmyard Massacre (Extended, BLC) - 550 2 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni (Borderless, BLC) - 425 2 Marrow-Gnawer (Borderless, BLC) - 500 1 Agate Instigator (Extended, BLC) - 1750 2 Calamity of Cinders (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Echoing Assault (Extended, BLC) - 275 1 Prosperous Bandit (Extended, BLC) - 100 2 Pyreswipe Hawk (Extended, BLC) - 50 2 Bloodroot Apothecary (Extended, BLC) - 875 2 Brightcap Badger (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Communal Brewing (Extended, BLC) - 200 2 Evercoat Ursine (Extended, BLC) - 75 2 Rootcast Apprenticeship (Extended, BLC) - 100 1 Scurry of Squirrels (Extended, BLC) - 375 2 Thickest in the Thicket (Extended, BLC) - 325 2 Trailtracker Scout (Extended, BLC) - 125 2 Ant Queen (Borderless, BLC) - 50 4 Birds of Paradise (Borderless, BLC) - 600 2 Chatterfang, Squirrel General (Borderless, BLC) - 1100 3 Gilded Goose (Borderless, BLC) - 250 3 Karn, Scion of Urza (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1419) - 750 2 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2200 1 Lotus Ring (Foil, Showcase, BIG) - 2000 2 All is Dust (Ripple Foil) - 1650 1 Eldrazi Confluence (Ripple Foil) - 1500 4 Glaring Fleshraker (Ripple Foil) - 2750 2 Warping Wail (Ripple Foil) - 525 4 Talisman of Impulse (Ripple Foil) - 375 4 Talisman of Resilience (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Wastescape Battlemage (Ripple Foil) - 800 4 Wastescape Battlemage (Foil) - 75 3 Collector's Cage (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 750 2 Kutzil's Flanker (Foil, Extended) - 275 3 Skrelv, Defector Mite (Foil, Showcase) - 550 4 Thraben Charm (Foil) - 100 1 Stoneforge Mystic (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 4000 1 Stoneforge Mystic (Borderless, 2x2) 4000 1 Ondu Spiritdancer (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 1550 4 Elite Spellbinder (Foil, Extended) - 175 3 Urabrask's Forge (Foil) - 1000 1 Caustic Bronco (Foil) - 450 4 Caustic Bronco (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Necromentia (Foil, Extended) - 550 1 Fatal Push (Foil, SLD #122) - 1650 4 Deep-Cavern Bat (Foil, Promo Pack) - 1000 4 Forsaken Miner (Foil) - 100 1 Agadeem's Awakening (Foil, Extended) - 3750 4 Necrodominance (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3750 2 Bolas's Citadel (Foil, Retro Frame, WPN Promo) - 900 2 Mutated Cultist (Ripple Foil) - 1500 1 Cover of Darkness (Foil, Extended, ACR) - 1200 1 Black Market Connections (Foil, Borderless, ACR) - 1750 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1141 Chibis) - 3000 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (White Border) - 275 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (WAR, Japanese Alt Art) - 1300 2 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, WAR, Japanese Alt Art) - 35000 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Borderless, BLC) - 450 4 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Borderless, BLC) - 750 1 Narset, Parter of Veils (Foil, Stained Glass) - 2300 4 Tolarian Terror (Foil) - 225, 850 комплект 2 Chandra, Flame's Catalyst (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1420) - 1250 1 Great Train Heist (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Textured Foil) - 2750 4 Kozilek's Return (Ripple Foil) - 1100 2 Jaspera Sentinel (Foil, Extended) - 200 4 Mosswood Dreadknight (Foil, Showcase) - 425 4 Freestrider Lookout (Foil, Extended) - 400 3 Freestrider Lookout (Foil) - 275 1 Freestrider Lookout (Extended) - 250 2 Gilded Goose (Foil, Extended, ELD) - 1500 4 Arboreal Grazer (Foil, Retro) - 600 4 Ancient Stirrings (Ripple Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Ancient Stirrings (Future Sight, MB2) - 600 1 Pillage the Bog (Foil) - 300 2 Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast (Foil, Borderless, SLD #1422 Lil Walkers) - 1200 2 Bedevil (Foil, Showcase OTJ) - 100 2 Roxanne, Starfall Savant (Foil, Extended) - 900 3 Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath (Ripple Foil) - 925 2 Samut, Vizier of Naktamun (Foil, Showcase) - 850 1 Breeding Pool (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4500 2 Fomori Vault (Foil, Extended) - 3000 3 Hedge Maze (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 3 Hedge Maze (Borderless) - 1750 2 Shadowy Backstreet (Foil, Borderless) - 3000 4 Shadowy Backstreet (Borderless) - 2150 2 Flagstones of Trokair (Foil, UMA) - 1750 2 Urza's Saga (Foil, Showcase Sketch) - 8500 2 Undercity Sewers (Foil, Borderless) - 6000 1 Undercity Sewers (Foil) - 3500 4 Eldrazi Temple (Ripple Foil) - 2500 4 Caves of Koilos (Ripple Foil) - 350 2 Llanowar Wastes (Ripple Foil) - 500 4 Karplusan Forest (Ripple Foil) - 750 2 Cascading Cataracts (Ripple Foil) - 450 4 Battlefield Forge (Ripple Foil) - 250 1 Lotus Ring (Showcase, BIG) - 1000 1 Rise of the Eldrazi (Extended) - 1300 2 Leyline Dowser (Extended) - 750 4 Glaring Fleshraker - 100 4 Wastescape Battlemage - 50 1 Collector's Cage (Extended, BIG) - 850 1 Peacekeeper (Eng, NM) - 1500 4 Thraben Charm - 75 2 Black Market Connections (Extended) - 1250 1 Entomb (Retro Frame) - 1250 4 Forsaken Miner - 50 1 Ancient Cornucopia - 1250 2 Allosaurus Shepherd - 2650 3 Brazen Borrower (Showcase, ELD) - 1400 3 Day's Undoing (Etched Foil) - 650 4 Ugin's Binding (Borderless) - 450 2 Ugin's Binding (Foil, Borderless) - 1150 2 Ugin's Binding (Foil) - 500 2 Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might // Temple of Power (Showcase) - 1350 2 Chandra, Flame's Catalyst (Borderless, SLD #1420) - 1000 4 Galvanic Discharge - 100 4 Glimpse the Impossible - 50 4 Glimpse the Impossible (Foil) - 75 4 Ghostfire Slice - 50 3 Surrak Dragonclaw - 175 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Extended) - 1000 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Foil, Extended) - 2200 1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger (Halo Foil, MUL) 2300 2 Bring to Light (Etched Foil, 2x2 #480) - 1100 4 Slick Sequence - 50 4 Manor Gate - 100 4 Black Dragon Gate - 100 2 Woodland Cemetery (LTC #0346) - 250 2 Blast Zone (Extended) - 200 2 Blast Zone (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Castle Locthwain (Extended) - 1900 3 Hall of Storm Giants (Showcase Dungeon Module) - 325 2 Hall of Storm Giants (Foil, Showcase) - 475 3 Hall of Storm Giants - 225 3 Hall of Storm Giants (Foil) - 375 1 Scalding Tarn (ZNE Expedition) - 4000 1 Scalding Tarn (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 4200 3 Scalding Tarn (Extended) - 2700 3 Marsh Flats (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 3000 3 Verdant Catacombs (Etched Foil, Retro Frame) - 3250 1 Stormcarved Coast (Borderless, VOW) - 800 4 Planar Nexus (Extended) - 1250, 4800 комплект 2 Planar Nexus (Ripple Foil, Extended) - 4250 4 Malevolent Rumble (Foil) - 250 4 Devourer of Destiny (Foil) - 650, 2500 комплект 4 Devourer of Destiny - 350, 1300 комплект 4 Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord - 750 2 Eye of Ugin (WWK, Ru) - 5600 3 Eye of Ugin (MM3, Eng) - 5300 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil) - 375 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 White Orchid Phantom (Retro Frame) - 425 4 White Orchid Phantom (Foil, Retro Frame) - 700 4 White Orchid Phantom - 275, 1000 комплект 4 White Orchid Phantom (Borderless) - 550 4 Kozilek's Command (Foil) - 1650 4 Kozilek's Command - 1350, 5200 комплект 2 Profane Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 2 Profane Tutor (Foil, Extended) - 750 2 Kindred Dominance (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1000 2 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Foil, Borderless) - 2250 2 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Borderless) - 2400 1 Legolas's Quick Reflexes (Surge Foil, Borderless) - 4500 4 Birthing Ritual (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 4 Up the Beanstalk (Foil) - 500, 1800 комплект 4 Bring to Light (Foil, Launch Party & Release Event Promos) - 500 3 Psychic Frog (Foil, Borderless) - 4250 4 Psychic Frog - 1250 4 Psychic Frog (Foil) - 1550 4 Springheart Nantuko (Borderless) - 850 4 Thermokarst (SP) - 750, 2700 комплект 4 Solitude (Borderless, SPG) - 2700 4 Solitude (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 3250 4 Solitude (Retro Frame) - 2600 4 Solitude (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3000 4 Kenku Artificer - 125 4 Ruby Medallion (Borderless) - 1200, 4500 комплект 4 Ruby Medallion (Foil) - 1250 4 Ruby Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1850, 7000 комплект 4 Razortide Bridge (PIP) - 100 1 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Foil) - 475 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Foil, Borderless Manga, #344) - 400 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Borderless Manga, #344) - 300 4 Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler (Step and Compleat Foil, Borderless Manga, #476) - 725 2 The Stone Brain (Foil, Extended) - 700 1 The Stone Brain (Extended) - 500 3 Lavaspur Boots (Foil) - 350 2 Elspeth, Sun's Champion (Foil, Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 900 3 Deafening Silence (Foil, SLD) - 2800 2 Archivist of Oghma (Foil, Extended) - 1350 1 Archangel of Tithes (Foil, Extended) - 450 1 Lion Sash (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Extraction Specialist (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Sunfall (Foil, Extended) - 1100 3 Sneak Attack (Foil, Anime Borderless, WOT) - 2400 2 Magda, the Hoardmaster (Foil, Extended) - 325 4 Experimental Synthesizer (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Foil, Retro Frame) - 225 2 Life from the Loam (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 2000 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, Retro) - 400 1 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Borderless, Step and Compleat Foil) - 1750 2 Jace, the Perfected Mind (Foil, Oil Slick Raised Foil) - 2500 1 Jace Reawakened (Foil, Borderless) - 1250 1 Jace Reawakened (Borderless) - 700 1 Jace Reawakened - 450 3 Three Steps Ahead (Foil, Extended) - 1600 4 Duelist of the Mind (Foil, Extended) - 175 4 Kenku Artificer (Foil) - 250 4 Ponder (Foil, WHO) - 1250 4 Thoughtseize (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 1500 4 Thoughtseize (Foil, Borderless, 2xm) - 2750 4 Thoughtseize (OTP, Breaking News) - 1200, 4500 комплект 1 Assimilation Aegis (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Assimilation Aegis (Foil) - 225 2 Assimilation Aegis (Extended) - 250 1 Kaheera, the Orphanguard (Foil, Extended) - 600 2 Kaheera, the Orphanguard (Extended) - 250 4 Shardless Agent (Foil, Borderless) - 450 4 Amalia Benavides Aguirre (Foil, Showcase) - 400 4 Amalia Benavides Aguirre (Showcase) - 275 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator - 450 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Showcase) - 450 2 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Foil) - 450 4 Satoru, the Infiltrator (Foil, Showcase) - 700 3 Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot (Extended) - 150 3 Lilah, Undefeated Slickshot (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Pillage the Bog (Extended) - 275 4 Pillage the Bog (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 Hive of the Eye Tyrant (Foil, Showcase) - 750 4 Den of the Bugbear (Foil, Showcase) - 850 1 Glacial Fortress (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 550 1 Clifftop Retreat (Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 1 Woodland Cemetery (Foil, Extended, PIP) - 450 3 Stormcarved Coast (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 850 4 Stormcarved Coast (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 700 2 Caves of Koilos (Foil, Borderless, DMU) - 750 1 Commercial District (Foil) - 1300 2 Commercial District (Foil, Borderless) - 2650 3 Commercial District (Borderless) - 1750 4 Concealed Courtyard (Foil, OTJ) - 275 4 Blooming Marsh (Foil, OTJ) - 550 1 Blooming Marsh (OTJ) - 500 4 Blooming Marsh (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 850, 3200 комплект 4 Blooming Marsh (Borderless, OTJ) - 600 4 Razortide Bridge (Foil, MH2) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Duelist of the Mind (Extended) - 175 4 Archive Trap (Showcase, OTP) - 350 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 325 2 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (Etched Foil) - 1250 3 Emry, Lurker of the Loch (MUL, Showcase) - 550 4 Preordain (WHO) - 250 4 Preordain (White Border) - 550 4 Great Furnace (Retro Frame) - 950, 3500 комплект 4 Vault of Whispers (Retro) - 350, 1300 комплект 2 Emrakul, the Promised End - 4000 1 Sun Titan (Secret Lair: 30th Anniversary Countdown Kit) - 950 4 Doorkeeper Thrull - 200, 750 комплект 2 Doorkeeper Thrull (Foil, Showcase) - 500 4 Doorkeeper Thrull (Foil) - 450 4 Extraction Specialist (Extended) - 185 1 Divine Visitation (Anime Borderless, RVR) - 1500 2 Archivist of Oghma (Extended) - 1250 2 Force of Vigor (Showcase, Breaking News) - 1050 2 Force of Vigor (Foil, Showcase, Breaking News) - 1750 2 Force of Vigor - 950 4 Sneak Attack (Anime Borderless, WOT) - 1100 2 Magda, the Hoardmaster (Extended) - 225 1 Palantir of Orthanc (Extended) - 1650 1 Calamity of the Titans (Extended) - 1150 4 Grindstone (Showcase, OTP) - 450 2 Torpor Orb (Extended, BIG) - 650 3 Torpor Orb (Foil, Extended, BIG) - 900 4 Chalice of the Void (Retro Frame) - 3750 1 Chalice of the Void (Mirrodin) - 3250 1 Chalice of the Void (Modern Masters) - 3250 4 Chalice of the Void (Borderless, LCC #105) - 4500 3 Pithing Needle (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 425 4 Pithing Needle (Borderless, 2x2) - 275 1 Pithing Needle (Retro) - 250 2 Pithing Needle (Foil, Retro Frame) - 500 1 Pithing Needle (Foil, Kaladesh Masterpiece) - 11000 3 Kaervek, the Punisher (Showcase) - 150 2 Kaervek, the Punisher (Foil) - 200 2 Kaervek, the Punisher (Foil, Showcase) - 350 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Showcase) - 225 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil) - 250 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 March of Wretched Sorrow (Foil, Showcase) - 600 2 March of Wretched Sorrow (Extended) - 250 4 Sheoldred's Edict - 225 4 Sheoldred's Edict (Foil) - 375 2 Harvester of Misery (Foil, Showcase) - 2750 1 Bitterblossom (Foil, Anime Borderless, WOT) - 3000 4 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, SLD #1151) - 2250 2 Crashing Footfalls (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1750 2 Tireless Tracker (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 2800 2 Murktide Regent (Foil) - 3600 1 Murktide Regent (Foil, Sketch) - 3000 4 Skullcrack (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 150, 500 комплект 4 Voldaren Epicure (Foil, Showcase) - 150, 550 комплект 1 Annie Flash, the Veteran (Foil, Showcase) - 200 1 Lord Windgrace (Foil, Borderless, SPG) - 1000 1 Supreme Verdict (Foil, Borderless, 2x2) - 750 1 Teferi, Hero of Dominaria (Foil, Mythic Edition) - 9500 1 Duskana, the Rage Mother (Foil, Extended) - 600 1 Jetmir, Nexus of Revels (Foil, SLD Raining Cats & Dogs #1509) - 2750 1 Jetmir, Nexus of Revels (Foil, Showcase, SNC #312) - 1000 1 Crime // Punishment (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 250 4 Vanishing Verse - (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 175, 600 комплект 4 Vanishing Verse (Showcase, OTP) - 100 1 Blood Crypt (Foil, Borderless, RVR) - 3100 1 Overgrown Tomb (Foil, Borderless, RVR) - 3000 1 Restless Fortress (Foil, Borderless) - 300 1 Werewolf Pack Leader - 175 1 The Locust God - 350 2 Beseech the Mirror - 2700 3 Beseech the Mirror (Extended) - 3400 2 Virtue of Persistence (Foil, Showcase) - 2000 2 Kambal, Consul of Allocation - 350 1 Valki, God of Lies (Borderless) - 1150 4 Currency Converter - 800 2 Currency Converter (Extended) - 1250 4 Deep Gnome Terramancer (Extended) - 750 2 Flesh Duplicate - 1700 4 Relic of Progenitus (EMA) - 650 4 Relic of Progenitus (Future Sight, MB2) - 750 4 Relic of Progenitus (Retro Frame) - 800, 3000 комплект 4 Relic of Progenitus (Foil, ALA, SP) - 1500 1 Sorin the Mirthless (Borderless) - 850 4 Botanical Sanctum (Borderless, OTJ) - 425 4 Concealed Courtyard (Borderless, OTJ) - 550 2 Crime // Punishment (Showcase, OTP) - 125 4 Journey to Nowhere (Showcase, OTP) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Showcase, OTP) - 50 4 Skullcrack (Showcase, OTP) - 60 4 Ponder (Doctor WHO) - 300 1 Preacher of the Schism (Extended) - 450 4 Reckless Lackey - 60 4 Reckless Lackey (Foil) - 125 (450 комплект) 4 Waste Not (Showcase, WOT) - 450, 1600 комплект 4 Waste Not (Foil, Showcase, WOT) - 675 1 Underground Mortuary (Borderless) - 2200 1 Underground Mortuary (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 4 Lord Xander, the Collector - 275 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil) - 50 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Borderless, #0309) - 150 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil, Borderless, #0309) - 175 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Retro) - 125 4 Snow-Covered Wastes (Foil, Retro) - 150 3 Deserted Temple (Foil) - 200 4 Archway of Innovation (Foil) - 125 4 Archway of Innovation (Borderless) - 150 3 Archway of Innovation (Borderless) - 450 2 Arena of Glory (Borderless) - 1500 4 Bloodstained Mire (Borderless) - 2650 2 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Borderless) - 5000 4 Bloodstained Mire (Foil) - 1750 4 Bloodstained Mire (Extended) - 1650 1 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Extended) - 2350 4 Bloodstained Mire (Retro Frame) - 2100 4 Bloodstained Mire (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5200 3 Monumental Henge (Foil) - 150 4 Monumental Henge (Borderless) - 150 3 Monumental Henge (Foil, Borderless) - 300 3 Phyrexian Tower (Borderless) - 2750 2 Phyrexian Tower (Foil, Borderless) - 6200 2 Shifting Woodland (Foil) - 1100 3 Shifting Woodland (Borderless) - 1300 2 Shifting Woodland (Foil, Borderless) - 2300 2 Spymaster's Vault (Foil) - 250 4 Spymaster's Vault (Borderless) - 275 2 Spymaster's Vault (Foil, Borderless) - 500 4 Ugin's Labyrinth (Borderless) - 3400 4 Windswept Heath (Borderless) - 2000 2 Windswept Heath (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 2 Windswept Heath (Retro) - 1800 4 Windswept Heath (Extended) - 1500 4 Windswept Heath (Foil, Extended) - 2000 4 Windswept Heath (Foil) - 1500 2 Windswept Heath (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5000 4 Wooded Foothills (Borderless) - 2250 2 Wooded Foothills (Foil, Borderless) - 3500 4 Wooded Foothills (Foil) - 1450 4 Wooded Foothills (Extended) - 2000 4 Wooded Foothills (Foil, Extended) - 2150 3 Wooded Foothills (Retro Frame) - 2300 4 Flooded Strand (Extended) - 1600 4 Flooded Strand (Foil, Extended) - 2000 4 Flooded Strand (Borderless) - 2550 4 Flooded Strand (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 4 Flooded Strand (Foil) - 1800 4 Flooded Strand (Retro Frame) - 2150 3 Flooded Strand (Foil, Retro Frame) - 6600 3 Polluted Delta (Extended) - 2250 4 Polluted Delta (Retro Frame) - 2300 4 Polluted Delta (Borderless) - 2500 3 Polluted Delta (Foil, Extended) - 2550 2 Polluted Delta (Foil, Borderless) - 5250 1 Polluted Delta (Foil) - 2250 4 Flare of Fortitude (Borderless) - 1000 1 Flare of Fortitude (Foil, Borderless) - 2700 3 Flare of Fortitude (Retro Frame) - 550 2 Flare of Fortitude (Foil, Retro Frame) - 875 4 Flare of Fortitude (Foil) - 625 4 Orim's Chant (Borderless) - 650 4 Orim's Chant (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Flare of Denial (Borderless) - 2000 3 Flare of Denial (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2500 1 Flare of Denial (Foil, Borderless) - 4400 2 Flare of Denial - 1050 4 Flare of Denial (Retro Frame) - 2000 4 Flare of Denial (Foil) - 1400 4 Strix Serenade (Borderless) - 350 2 Strix Serenade (Foil, Borderless) - 900 2 Strix Serenade (Foil) - 425 3 Volatile Stormdrake (Borderless) - 700 1 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil, Borderless) - 1900 3 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil) - 250 4 Volatile Stormdrake (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Volatile Stormdrake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 3 Warren Soultrader (Retro Frame) - 1450 1 Warren Soultrader (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Warren Soultrader (Foil) - 1250 3 Warren Soultrader (Borderless) - 1250 2 Warren Soultrader (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 4 Flare of Duplication (Foil) - 300 2 Flare of Duplication (Retro Frame) - 250 2 Flare of Duplication (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Flare of Duplication (Borderless) - 750 1 Flare of Duplication (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 2 Party Thrasher (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Party Thrasher (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Party Thrasher (Borderless) - 200 2 Party Thrasher (Foil, Borderless) - 375 3 Party Thrasher (Foil) - 125 2 Powerbalance (Foil) - 125 4 Powerbalance (Borderless) - 100 2 Powerbalance (Foil, Borderless) - 225 4 Wheel of Potential (Borderless) - 100 1 Wheel of Potential (Foil, Borderless) - 300 4 Wheel of Potential (Foil) - 30 4 Wheel of Potential (Retro Frame) - 30 2 Wheel of Potential (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Flare of Cultivation (Retro Frame) - 300 1 Flare of Cultivation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 550 3 Flare of Cultivation (Foil) - 300 4 Flare of Cultivation (Borderless) - 750 4 Primal Prayers (Foil) - 75 4 Primal Prayers (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Primal Prayers (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Primal Prayers (Borderless) - 150 2 Primal Prayers (Foil, Borderless) - 250 4 Eldrazi Linebreaker (Foil) - 325 3 Abstruse Appropriation (Foil) - 75 4 Abstruse Appropriation (Borderless) - 125 1 Abstruse Appropriation (Foil, Borderless) - 300 4 Emerald Medallion (Foil) - 325 1 Emerald Medallion (Foil, CMM) - 400 4 Emerald Medallion (Borderless) - 650 4 Emerald Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 4 Jet Medallion (Foil) - 750 4 Jet Medallion (Borderless) - 1250 3 Jet Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 2000 4 Pearl Medallion (Foil) - 400 4 Pearl Medallion (Borderless) - 700 3 Pearl Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1350 4 Sapphire Medallion (Foil) - 550 4 Sapphire Medallion (Borderless) - 750 3 Sapphire Medallion (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 4 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Borderless) - 225 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Foil, Borderless) - 550 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Foil) - 225 2 Herigast, Erupting Nullkite (Etched Foil) - 450 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Borderless) - 100 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Foil, Borderless) - 225 4 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Foil) - 100 3 Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor (Etched Foil) - 300 3 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Foil) - 125 4 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Borderless Profile) - 100 4 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 175 3 K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth (Etched Foil) - 325 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Borderless Profile) - 50 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 100 3 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Etched Foil) - 350 4 Shilgengar, Sire of Famine (Foil) - 50 2 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Foil) - 375 2 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Retro Frame) - 500 3 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Borderless Profile) - 650 1 Ashling, Flame Dancer (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 1500 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Foil) - 125 3 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Etched Foil) - 175 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Borderless Profile) - 125 4 Laelia, the Blade Reforged (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 275 4 Six (Borderless Profile) - 1000 1 Six (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2400 1 Six (Retro Frame) - 650 2 Six (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1150 4 Six (Etched Foil) - 750 3 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Borderless Profile) - 125 1 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 450 1 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Foil) - 125 2 Arna Kennerüd, Skycaptain (Etched Foil) - 425 4 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Borderless Profile) - 200 3 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 425 2 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Foil) - 100 2 Breya, Etherium Shaper (Etched Foil) - 375 4 Genku, Future Shaper (Borderless Profile) - 50 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 75 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Etched Foil) - 75 3 Genku, Future Shaper (Foil) - 50 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Etched Foil) - 125 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil) - 75 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Retro Frame) - 50 2 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Imskir Iron-Eater (Borderless Profile) - 125 2 Imskir Iron-Eater (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 300 2 Kaalia of the Vast (Borderless Profile) - 1000 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2000 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Foil) - 475 1 Kaalia of the Vast (Etched Foil) - 750 2 Kaalia of the Vast (#343 Borderless, MH3) - 2700 1 Kaalia of the Vast (#343 Foil Borderless, MH3) - 8000 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Retro Frame) - 50 1 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Borderless Profile) - 75 1 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 175 2 Kudo, King Among Bears (Foil) - 75 4 Kudo, King Among Bears (Etched Foil) - 200 2 Nadu, Winged Wisdom (Borderless Profile) - 250 1 Nadu, Winged Wisdom (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 500 2 The Necrobloom (Etched Foil) - 325 2 The Necrobloom (Foil) - 75 4 The Necrobloom (Borderless) - 175 2 The Necrobloom (Foil, Borderless) - 675 4 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Borderless) - 25 1 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil, Borderless) - 50 2 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Etched Foil) - 40 4 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Retro Frame) - 25 1 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 3 Rosheen, Roaring Prophet (Foil) - 25 1 Ulamog, the Defiler (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 7500 1 Ulamog, the Defiler (Foil, Borderless Concept Praetor) - 12500 2 Ulamog, the Defiler (Foil, Retro Frame) - 5600 4 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (Borderless) - 1400 3 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate (Foil, Borderless) - 2350 4 Sorin of House Markov (Foil) - 1250 1 Sorin of House Markov (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 4250 1 Sorin of House Markov // Sorin, Ravenous Neonate - 925 1 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Borderless) - 1450 3 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 4 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Borderless) - 700 2 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Foil) - 500 1 Grist, Voracious Larva // Grist, the Plague Swarm (Textured Foil, Borderless) - 1600 4 Argent Dais (Extended) - 25 4 Argent Dais (Foil) - 25 3 Argent Dais (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Guide of Souls (Extended) - 800 3 Guide of Souls (Foil, Extended) - 1100 4 Amphibian Downpour (Foil) - 125 4 Amphibian Downpour (Extended) - 125 2 Amphibian Downpour (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Dreamtide Whale (Foil) - 150 4 Dreamtide Whale (Extended) - 200 4 Dreamtide Whale (Foil, Extended) - 300 4 Crabomination (Foil) - 50 4 Crabomination (Extended) - 75 4 Crabomination (Foil, Extended) - 125 4 Ripples of Undeath (Extended) - 300 4 Ripples of Undeath (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Ripples of Undeath (Foil) - 250 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Foil) - 600 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Extended) - 600 4 Fanatic of Rhonas (Foil, Extended) - 900 4 Invert Polarity (Extended) - 250 3 Invert Polarity (Foil, Extended) - 375 1 Wight of the Reliquary - 275 4 Wight of the Reliquary (Extended) - 350 2 Wight of the Reliquary (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Disruptor Flute (Extended) - 275 4 Disruptor Flute (Foil, Extended) - 475 4 Disruptor Flute (Foil) - 275 4 Winter Moon (Extended) - 175 2 Winter Moon (Foil, Extended) - 425 2 Winter Moon (Foil) - 225 3 Echoes of Eternity (Foil) - 350 4 Echoes of Eternity (Borderless) - 250 2 Echoes of Eternity (Foil, Borderless) - 500 1 Emrakul, the World Anew (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 2800 1 Emrakul, the World Anew (Foil, Borderless Concept Praetor) - 7200 2 Emrakul, the World Anew (Etched Foil) - 1500 2 Emrakul, the World Anew (Retro Frame) - 1500 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Etched Foil) - 1300 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Retro Frame) - 900 1 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1500 1 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Borderless Concept Praetor) - 1650 2 Kozilek, the Broken Reality (Foil) - 750 2 Guide of Souls (Foil) - 750 4 Necrodominance (Foil) - 1450, 5600 комплект 4 Aether Revolt (Foil) - 75 4 Aether Revolt (Extended) - 50 4 Aether Revolt (Foil, Extended) - 100 3 Thief of Existence (Foil) - 125 2 Ral, Monsoon Mage // Ral, Leyline Prodigy (Foil) - 1250 4 Recruiter of the Guard (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3500 3 Sevinne's Reclamation (Foil) - 150 3 Estrid's Invocation (Foil) - 75 3 Ophiomancer (Foil) - 175 4 Cursed Mirror (Foil) - 75 4 Branching Evolution (Foil) - 250 3 Sylvan Safekeeper (Foil) - 400 2 Urza's Incubator (Foil) - 1500 2 Goldspan Dragon - 1000 2 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Borderless) - 400 1 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Foil, Borderless) - 1200 3 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Borderless) - 100 1 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Foil, Borderless) - 200 3 Coram, the Undertaker (Borderless) - 175 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Foil, Borderless) - 350 3 Disa the Restless (Borderless) - 100 3 Disa the Restless (Foil, Borderless) - 200 1 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Borderless) - 125 2 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Foil, Borderless) - 250 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Borderless) - 250 1 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Foil, Borderless) - 450 3 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Borderless) - 100 2 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Foil, Borderless) - 225 2 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Borderless) - 550 1 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Foil, Borderless) - 1800 1 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Etched Foil) - 450 1 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Etched Foil) - 175 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Etched Foil) - 250 1 Disa the Restless (Etched Foil) - 200 3 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Etched Foil) - 125 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Etched Foil) - 250 1 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Etched Foil) - 200 2 Ulalek, Fused Atrocity (Etched Foil) - 1100 3 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Extended) - 250 2 Azlask, the Swelling Scourge (Foil, Extended) - 450 2 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Extended) - 75 2 Cayth, Famed Mechanist (Foil, Extended) - 225 2 Coram, the Undertaker (Extended) - 100 1 Coram, the Undertaker (Foil, Extended) - 200 4 Disa the Restless (Extended) - 75 2 Disa the Restless (Foil, Extended) - 200 3 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Extended) - 75 2 Jyoti, Moag Ancient (Foil, Extended) - 150 3 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Extended) - 250 2 Omo, Queen of Vesuva (Foil, Extended) - 550 3 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Extended) - 75 2 Satya, Aetherflux Genius (Foil, Extended) - 150 4 Eldrazi Confluence - 450 3 Eldritch Immunity - 900 4 Inversion Behemoth - 100 4 Selective Obliteration - 150 2 Spawnbed Protector - 475 4 Twins of Discord - 100 4 Ulamog's Dreadsire - 250 4 Angelic Aberration - 100 4 Hourglass of the Lost (Extended) - 100 4 Localized Destruction (Extended) - 100 4 Razorfield Ripper (Extended) - 100 4 Salvation Colossus (Extended) - 150 4 Silverquill Lecturer (Extended) - 225 4 Aurora Shifter (Extended) - 125 4 Benthic Anomaly - 100 4 Copy Land (Extended) - 325 4 March from Velis Vel (Extended) - 125 4 Wonderscape Sage (Extended) - 100 4 Bismuth Mindrender - 100 3 Final Act (Extended) - 425 4 Mutated Cultist - 375 2 Aether Refinery (Extended) - 100 4 Blaster Hulk (Extended) - 100 4 Filigree Racer (Extended) - 75 4 Hideous Taskmaster - 250 4 Overclocked Electromancer (Extended) - 100 4 Sawhorn Nemesis (Extended) - 425 4 Siege-Gang Lieutenant (Extended) - 275 4 Tempt with Mayhem (Extended) - 250 4 Chittering Dispatcher - 125 4 Desert Warfare (Extended) - 250 4 Polygoyf (Extended) - 150 4 Rampant Frogantua (Extended) - 300 4 Sage of the Maze (Extended) - 125 4 Tarmogoyf Nest (Extended) - 350 4 Aggressive Biomancy (Extended) - 125 4 Bloodbraid Challenger (Extended) - 150 4 Broodmate Tyrant (Extended) - 75 4 Exterminator Magmarch (Extended) - 100 4 Gluttonous Hellkite (Extended) - 125 4 Infested Thrinax (Extended) - 100 4 Sphinx of the Revelation (Extended) - 100 4 Conversion Apparatus (Extended) - 125 4 Stone Idol Generator (Extended) - 100 4 Horizon of Progress (Extended) - 900 4 Lazotep Quarry (Extended) - 550 3 Sunken Palace (Extended) - 200 4 Trenchpost (Extended) - 225 4 Refurbished Familiar (Foil) - 125 4 Refurbished Familiar - 100 4 Sneaky Snacker (Foil) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Sneaky Snacker - 75 4 Nulldrifter (Retro Frame) - 425 4 Nulldrifter - 375 4 Nulldrifter (Foil) - 550 4 Nulldrifter (Foil, Retro Frame) - 850 3 Shadow of the Second Sun (Retro Frame) - 200 2 Shadow of the Second Sun (Foil, Retro Frame) - 400 2 Shadow of the Second Sun (Foil) - 250 3 Chthonian Nightmare (Retro Frame) - 350 4 Chthonian Nightmare (Foil) - 250 4 Chthonian Nightmare (Borderless) - 600 1 Chthonian Nightmare (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Necrodominance (Retro Frame) - 2000 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Borderless Profile) - 1150 1 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Foil, Borderless Profile) - 2000 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Etched Foil) - 1450 2 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Retro Frame) - 1250 1 Eladamri, Korvecdal (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2100 4 Null Elemental Blast (Retro Frame) - 75 4 Null Elemental Blast (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Null Elemental Blast (Foil) - 100 4 Charitable Levy (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Charitable Levy (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Charitable Levy (Foil) - 25 4 Jolted Awake (Retro Frame) - 35 4 Jolted Awake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Jolted Awake (Foil) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Foil) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Retro Frame) - 35 4 Metastatic Evangel (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Aether Spike (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Aether Spike (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 4 Aether Spike (Foil) - 25 4 Brainsurge (Foil) - 75 4 Brainsurge (Retro Frame) - 125 4 Brainsurge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 225 4 Tune the Narrative (Foil) - 50 4 Tune the Narrative (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Tune the Narrative (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Accursed Marauder (Foil) - 50 4 Accursed Marauder (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Accursed Marauder (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Consuming Corruption (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Consuming Corruption (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Consuming Corruption (Foil) - 25 4 Grim Servant (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Grim Servant (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Marionette Apprentice (Foil) - 225 4 Marionette Apprentice (Retro Frame) - 225 4 Marionette Apprentice (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325 4 Victimize (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Victimize (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Victimize (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75 4 Galvanic Discharge (Retro Frame) - 200 4 Galvanic Discharge (Foil, Retro Frame) - 275 4 Skoa, Embermage (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Skoa, Embermage (Foil, Retro Frame) - 40 4 Unstable Amulet (Retro Frame) - 50 4 Unstable Amulet (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Unstable Amulet (Foil) - 50 2 Unstable Amulet (Ripple Foil) - 250 4 Evolution Witness (Foil) - 50 4 Evolution Witness (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Evolution Witness (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Lion Umbra (Foil) - 50 4 Lion Umbra (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Lion Umbra (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Retro Frame) - 50, 150 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Foil, Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Monstrous Vortex (Foil) - 50 4 Priest of Titania (Foil, MH3) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Priest of Titania (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Priest of Titania (Foil, Retro Frame) - 175 4 Abiding Grace (Retro Frame) - 40, 125 комплект 4 Abiding Grace (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50, 175 комплект 4 Hard Evidence (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Hard Evidence (Foil, Retro Frame) - 35, 120 комплект 4 Sling-Gang Lieutenant (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Sling-Gang Lieutenant (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 3 Dragon's Rage Channeler (Retro Frame) - 450 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750, 2700 комплект 4 Dragon's Rage Channeler (White Border) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Strike It Rich (Retro Frame) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Strike It Rich (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 425 комплект 4 Tireless Provisioner (Retro Frame) - 125, 400 комплект 4 Tireless Provisioner (Foil, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Munitions Expert (Retro Frame) - 30 4 Munitions Expert (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Esper Sentinel (Retro Frame) - 1750, 6200 комплект 2 Esper Sentinel (Foil, Retro Frame) - 2750 1 Grief (Retro Frame) - 1000 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 4850 4 Bountiful Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Contaminated Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Deceptive Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Foreboding Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Perilous Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Seething Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Shattered Landscape (Foil) - 50 4 Sheltering Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Tranquil Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Twisted Landscape (Foil) - 75 4 Decree of Justice (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Distinguished Conjurer (Foil, MH3) - 40 4 Deep Analysis (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Buried Alive (Foil, MH3) - 225 4 Wirewood Symbiote (Foil, MH3) - 125, 450 комплект 2 Worn Powerstone (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Barbarian Ring (Foil, MH3) - 50 4 Cephalid Coliseum (MH3) - 50 4 Cephalid Coliseum (Foil, MH3) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Nesting Grounds (Foil, MH3) - 25 4 Nesting Grounds (Foil, Retro Frame) - 50 4 Nesting Grounds (Retro Frame) - 25 4 Urza's Cave (Foil) - 450 4 Hydroelectric Specimen (Foil) - 375 4 Boggart Trawler (Foil) - 400 4 Fell the Profane (Foil) - 600 4 Pinnacle Monk (Foil) - 125 4 Sundering Eruption (Foil) - 400 4 Bridgeworks Battle (Foil) - 100 4 Disciple of Freyalise (Foil) - 300 4 Bloodsoaked Insight (Foil) - 50 4 Drowner of Truth (Foil) - 50 4 Legion Leadership (Foil) - 75 4 Revitalizing Repast (Foil) - 175 4 Rush of Inspiration (Foil) - 50 4 Strength of the Harvest (Foil) - 100 4 Stump Stomp (Foil) - 150 4 Waterlogged Teachings (Foil) - 275 4 Planar Genesis (Foil) - 350 4 Dog Umbra (Foil) - 25 4 Hexgold Slith (Foil) - 50 4 Mandibular Kite (Foil) - 50 4 Copycrook (Foil) - 50 4 Hope-Ender Coatl (Foil) - 30 4 Kozilek's Unsealing (Foil) - 225 4 Serum Visionary (Foil) - 25 4 Triton Wavebreaker (Foil) - 25 4 Unfathomable Truths (Foil) - 25 4 Utter Insignificance (Foil) - 25 4 The Creation of Avacyn (Foil) - 50 4 Grim Servant (Foil) - 50 4 Quest for the Necropolis (Foil) - 25 4 Frogmyr Enforcer (Foil) - 50 4 Ghostfire Slice (Foil) - 100 4 Mogg Mob (Foil) - 50 4 Skittering Precursor (Foil) - 50 4 Spawn-Gang Commander (Foil) - 25 4 Fangs of Kalonia (Foil) - 25 4 Gift of the Viper (Foil) - 25 4 Horrific Assault (Foil) - 25 4 Path of Annihilation (Foil) - 50 4 Territory Culler (Foil) - 50 2 Breaker of Creation (Foil) - 75 4 It That Heralds the End (Foil) - 175 4 It That Heralds the End (Retro Frame) - 90, 300 комплект 4 It That Heralds the End (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100, 350 комплект 4 Solar Transformer (Foil) - 50 4 Vexing Bauble (Foil) - 450 4 Vexing Bauble - 200 4 Warped Tusker (Foil) - 50 4 Drownyard Lurker (Foil) - 50 4 Karplusan Forest (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Simulacrum Synthesizer - 3750 4 High Noon (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Journey to Nowhere (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Fatal Push (Foil, Borderless, 2XM) - 2500, 9500 комплект 4 Preacher of the Schism (Foil, Extended) - 650 4 Creeping Chill (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 200, 750 комплект 4 Thought-Knot Seer (Foil, SLD 1151) - 2700 4 Hardened Scales (Surge Foil, Extended, PIP) - 600 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil, Extended) - 1800 2 Ancient Cornucopia (Foil) - 1500 4 Llanowar Elves (Foil, Retro Frame, MEDIA Promo) - 500, 1800 комплект 4 Avenging Hunter (Foil) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Avenging Hunter- 150 3 Displacer Kitten (Foil, Extended) - 2700 4 Archive Trap (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 500, 1750 комплект 4 Skewer the Critics (Foil, OTP Showcase Breaking News) - 150, 550 комплект 2 Aminatou, the Fateshifter (Rainbow Foil, Secret Lair) - 1400 4 Deathrite Shaman (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1350 2 Deathrite Shaman (Retro Frame) - 550 1 Jetmir's Garden (Foil, Showcase) - 2500 1 Fomori Vault (Foil, Extended) - 3000 2 Xander's Lounge (Foil, Showcase) - 1750 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 1250, 4600 комплект 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, OTJ) - 600 4 Spirebluff Canal (Foil, Borderless, SLD WHO) - 2500 4 Spirebluff Canal (Borderless, OTJ) - 800 4 Botanical Sanctum (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 700, 2500 комплект 4 Concealed Courtyard (Foil, Borderless, OTJ) - 700, 2500 комплект 4 Caves of Chaos Adventurer (Foil) - 250 4 Caves of Chaos Adventurer (Foil, Extended) - 350 4 Kumano Faces Kakkazan (Foil) - 150, 550 комплект 2 Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God (Foil, RVR) - 650 2 Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 600 2 Commodore Guff (Foil) - 700 3 Eris, Roar of the Storm (Foil, Extended) - 575 4 Selesnya Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Gruul Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Rakdos Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Azorius Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Golgari Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Boros Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Izzet Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Dimir Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Orzhov Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Simic Guildgate (Foil, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Questing Druid - 450 4 Questing Druid (Showcase) - 475 4 Questing Druid (Foil) - 600 4 Questing Druid (Foil, Showcase) - 675 4 Lembas (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 300 4 Lembas (Showcase Scrolls) - 200 4 Lembas (Foil) - 200 3 Unlicensed Hearse - 350 (Foil, SNC) 4 Unlicensed Hearse (SNC) - 275 4 Unlicensed Hearse (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Unlicensed Hearse (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 375 3 Unlicensed Hearse (Extended) - 350 4 Archmage's Charm (Etched Foil) - 500 4 Archmage's Charm (Foil, Retro Frame) - 750 4 Surgical Extraction (Borderless) - 750 4 Surgical Extraction (Foil, Borderless) - 950 4 Surgical Extraction (OTP, Breaking News) - 325 4 Surgical Extraction (Foil, OTP, Breaking News) - 600 1 Liliana, the Last Hope (Borderless) - 800 4 Infernal Tutor (Retro Frame) - 250 4 Brotherhood's End - 625 2 Yoshimaru, Ever Faithful (Extended) - 1500 1 Sevinne's Reclamation (Retro Frame) - 250 1 Losheel, Clockwork Scholar (Extended) - 250 4 Skrelv, Defector Mite (Showcase) - 425 3 Eris, Roar of the Storm (Extended) - 300 4 Absorb (Foil, Borderless) - 150 1 Galadriel, Light of Valinor (Borderless) - 1400 4 Supreme Verdict (Retro Frame) - 450 4 Darksteel Citadel (Retro) - 700 1 Double Down (Foil, Extended) - 650 2 Archmage's Newt (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Pitiless Carnage (Foil, Extended) - 200 1 Hellspur Posse Boss (Foil, Extended) - 100 2 Calamity, Galloping Inferno (Foil, Extended) - 175 2 Hell to Pay (Foil, Extended) - 275 1 Smuggler's Surprise (Foil, Extended) - 650 1 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Foil, Extended) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Foil, Extended) - 100 2 Kambal, Profiteering Mayor (Foil, Extended) - 700 2 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Ghired, Mirror of the Wilds (Foil, Extended) - 900 1 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 Tinybones, the Pickpocket (Foil) - 1250 1 Insatiable Avarice (Foil, Extended) - 850 4 Shifting Grift (Foil) - 50 4 Tumbleweed Rising (Foil) - 25 4 Fleeting Reflection (Foil) - 50 4 Trash the Town (Foil) - 50 4 Geyser Drake (Foil) - 25 3 Return the Favor (Foil) - 300 4 Spinewoods Armadillo (Foil) - 75 4 Holy Cow (Foil) - 75 3 Getaway Glamer (Foil) - 50 3 Vial Smasher, Gleeful Grenadier (Foil) - 100 4 Arid Archway (Foil) - 125 3 Honest Rutstein (Foil) - 100 4 Slick Sequence (Foil) - 75 4 Make Your Own Luck (Foil) - 75 4 Forlorn Flats (Foil) - 50 4 Creosote Heath (Foil) - 50 2 Bristling Backwoods (Foil) - 50 4 Eroded Canyon (Foil) - 75 3 Festering Gulch (Foil) - 75 4 Lush Oasis (Foil) - 50 4 Lonely Arroyo (Foil) - 50 2 Pitiless Carnage (Extended) - 125 2 Rush of Dread (Extended) - 250 2 Rush of Dread (Foil, Extended) - 500 2 Tinybones Joins Up (Extended) - 150 2 Step Between Worlds (Extended) - 75 2 Stoic Sphinx (Extended) - 100 1 Double Down (Extended) - 450 2 Fblthp, Lost on the Range (Extended) - 100 1 Final Showdown (Extended) - 2700 1 Another Round (Extended) - 75 1 Claim Jumper (Extended) - 250 2 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Extended) - 75 2 One Last Job (Extended) - 75 3 Dust Animus (Extended) - 100 2 Stingerback Terror (Extended) - 100 1 Hell to Pay (Extended) - 200 1 Hellspur Posse Boss (Extended) -75 1 Calamity, Galloping Inferno (Extended) - 125 1 Ornery Tumblewagg (Extended) - 75 2 Colossal Rattlewurm (Extended) - 125 2 Smuggler's Surprise (Extended) - 450 2 Railway Brawler (Extended) - 1300 1 Rakdow, the Muscle (Showcase) - 750 1 Oko, the Ringleader (Showcase) - 550 1 Oko, the Ringleader (Borderless) - 550 1 Akul the Unrepentant (Extended) - 100 3 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Extended) - 75 1 Wylie Duke, Atiin Hero (Extended) - 50 1 Graywater's Fixer (Extended) - 50 1 Obeka, Splitter of Seconds (Extended) - 200 1 Marchesa, Dealer of Death (Extended) - 100 1 Marchesa, Dealer of Death (Foil) - 100 1 Kellan Joins Up (Extended) - 100 2 Seraphic Steed (Extended) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Extended) - 100 2 Roxanne, Starfall Savant (Extended) - 350 2 Pitiless Carnage (Foil) - 100 3 Hell to Pay (Foil) - 125 1 Terror of the Peaks (OTJ, Foil) - 1800 2 Terror of the Peaks (Extended, OTJ) - 2000 2 Smuggler's Surprise (Foil) - 350 1 Ornery Tumblewagg (Foil) - 75 2 Colossal Rattlewurm (Foil) - 125 2 Another Round (Foil) - 75 1 Fortune, Loyal Steed (Foil) - 50 1 Final Showdown (Foil) - 1200 1 Final Showdown (Extended) - 1200 2 Step Between Worlds (Foil) - 50 2 Fblthp, Lost on the Range (Foil) - 100 4 Duelist of the Mind (Foil) - 125 (400 комплект) 1 Kellan Joins Up (Foil) - 75 2 Riku of Many Paths (Foil) - 50 1 Vraska, the Silencer (Foil) - 425 2 Eriette, the Beguiler (Foil) - 75 1 Eriette, the Beguiler (Showcase) - 50 1 Eriette, the Beguiler (Foil, Showcase) - 75 1 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Showcase) - 50 1 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Foil, Showcaseil) - 75 1 Selvala, Eager Trailblazer (Extended) - 75 2 Akul the Unrepentant (Foil) - 75 1 Bonny Pall, Clearcutter (Foil) - 300 1 Obeka, Splitter of Seconds (Foil) - 125 2 Breeches, the Blastmaker (Foil) - 50 2 Bruse Tarl, Roving Rancher (Foil) - 50 1 Annie Flash, the Veteran (Foil) - 150 3 Deadly Cover-Up (Foil) - 250 2 Deadly Cover-Up (Foil, Extended) - 550 4 Deadly Cover-Up (Extended) - 200 4 Infernal Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 450 4 Goblin Rabblemaster (Foil, Retro, 30 Years Anniversary) - 350 4 Steamcore Scholar (Foil) - 100 4 Steamcore Scholar (Foil, Extended) - 300 4 Dovin's Veto (Foil, 30 Years Anniversary) - 650, 2300 комплект 2 Mount Doom (Foil, Borderless) - 1600 1 Mount Doom (Borderless) - 1100 1 Mount Doom (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 3000 4 Black Dragon Gate (Foil) - 175 4 Razorverge Thicket (Foil, ONE) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Razorverge Thicket (ONE, Borderless) - 375, 1400 комплект 4 Razorverge Thicket (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 500, 1900 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Foil, ONE) - 600, 2300 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Borderless) - 450, 1700 комплект 1 Blackcleave Cliffs (ZNE, Foil) - 2100 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (Foil, Borderless, ONE) - 750, 2800 комплект 4 Blackcleave Cliffs (OTC) - 350 4 Seachrome Coast (Foil, Borderless) - 650 4 Seachrome Coast (Borderless) - 550, 1900 комплект 4 Seachrome Coast (Foil, ZNE) - 1600 2 Apothecary White (Borderless) - 450 2 Commander Mustard (Borderless) - 300 2 Emissary Green (Borderless) - 300 2 Mastermind Plum (Borderless) - 450 2 Senator Peacock (Borderless) - 300 4 Infernal Tutor (Retro Frame, RVR) - 300, 1100 комплект 4 Stern Scolding - 150 4 Stern Scolding (Foil) - 325 4 Steamcore Scholar (Extended) - 100 4 Steamcore Scholar - 50 4 Triumph of Saint Katherine - 1000, 3800 комплект 1 Farewell (Showcase) - 1200 2 Farewell (Ripple Foil) - 1150 1 Farewell (Extended) - 1200 1 Farewell - 750 4 Novice Inspector - 75, 250 комплект 2 Knight-Errant of Eos (Extended) - 325 4 Knight-Errant of Eos (Foil) - 275 4 Knight-Errant of Eos (Foil, Extended) - 375 1 Lyra Dawnbringer (Foil, Retro Frame) - 800 4 Loran of the Third Path - 475 4 Explore (Borderless, LTC) - 100 4 Sentinel of the Nameless City (Extended) - 350 4 Bonecrusher Giant - 75 3 Reckoner Bankbuster (Showcase) - 350 2 Ramos, Dragon Engine (Retro Frame, Schematic) - 400 3 Forth Eorlingas! (Showcase Scrolls) - 2000 4 Forth Eorlingas! - 1750, 6800 комплект 3 Forth Eorlingas! (Extended) - 2000 4 Tainted Indulgence - 50 4 Bloodtithe Harvester - 50 1 Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph - 1500 1 Sacred Foundry (Borderless, Unfinity) - 2700 4 Basilisk Gate - 100 4 Razortide Bridge (Retro Frame) - 300 4 Glacial Fortress (WHO) - 125 4 Stormcarved Coast (WHO) - 375 2 Lush Portico (Borderless) - 1400 1 Haunted Ridge (Extended, WHO) - 750 1 Rejuvenating Springs (Extended, CMR) - 1000 1 Rockfall Vale (Innistrad Double Feature) - 500 1 Dark Depths (Borderless, DMR) - 900 2 Caves of Koilos (Borderless) - 400 3 Sulfurous Springs (Borderless) - 500 2 Grindstone (Foil, Judge Promo, SP) - 4700 2 Wurmcoil Engine (Foil, Schematic) - 2400 2 Sundering TItan (Foil, Retro Frame) - 250 2 Sundering TItan (Foil, Schematic) - 450 1 Swiftfoot Boots (Foil, Schematic) - 450 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Foil, Retro Frame) - 350 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Foil, Schematic) - 350 2 Brotherhood's End (Foil, Extended) - 1250 3 Brotherhood's End (Foil) - 775 1 Birds of Paradise (Foil, Retro Frame, DRM) - 1800 1 Birds of Paradise (Foil, Retro Frame, RVR) - 1500 4 Utopia Sprawl (Foil, WOT) - 225, 800 комплект 3 Entomb (Foil, Borderless) - 1900 1 Entomb (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1750 4 Not Dead After All (Foil) - 200 4 Case of the Stashed Skeleton (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Case of the Stashed Skeleton - 150 2 Ashiok, Dream Render (Foil, SL Lil-Walkers, Borderless) - 2400 1 Ashiok, Dream Render (JP Alternate Art, WAR) - 400 4 Crackling Drake (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325 --------------------------------------- 4 Lumbering Megasloth - 350 2 Lion Sash (Showcase) - 375 4 Cauldron Familiar (Gameday Promo Store Championship) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Spinning Darkness (SP) - 500 2 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Foil, Extended) - 800 2 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Foil, Borderless) - 1000 3 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Extended) - 450 3 Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance (Borderless) - 725 4 Retrofitter Foundry - 1500 4 Chromatic Star (Retro Frame) - 40 4 Chromatic Star (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Chromatic Star (Retro Foil) - 150 4 Chromatic Star (Foil, Schematic) - 175, 600 за комплект 4 Chromatic Star (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125, 400 за комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Retro Frame) - 175, 650 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (White Border) - 425 4 Mishra's Bauble (Foil, Retro Frame) - 325, 1200 комплект 4 Mishra's Bauble (Foil, Schematic) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Ornithopter (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Ornithopter (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Ornithopter (Foil, Schematic) - 200, 700 комплект 2 Perilous Vault (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 100 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Retro Frame) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Thorn of Amethyst (Schematic, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Oblivion Stone (Retro Frame) - 200, 750 комплект -------------Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty--------------- 1 Mirror Box (Foil, Extended) - 275 1 Mirror Box (Showcase) - 200 2 Eater of Virtue (Showcase) - 50 1 Eater of Virtue (Extended) - 50 1 Mechtitan Core (Foil, Extended) - 100 1 Mechtitan Core (Extended) - 50 4 Surgehacker Mech (Showcase) - 40 1 Surgehacker Mech (Extended) - 40 1 Reckoner Bankbuster (Foil, Showcase) - 425 2 Network Terminal (Foil) - 40 2 March of Otherworldly Light (Foil, Showcase) - 475 1 Kyodai, Soul of Kamigawa (Borderless) - 100 1 Invoke Justice (Showcase) - 40 1 Invoke Justice (Foil) - 50 2 Cloudsteel Kirin (Showcase) - 40 1 Brilliant Restoration (Foil, Extended) - 400 1 The Restoration of Eiganjo (Foil) - 150 4 Michiko's Reign of Truth (Foil) - 75 2 Junji, the Midnight Sky (Borderless #409) - 1100 1 Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Hidetsugu, Devouring Chaos (Foil) - 50 2 Soul Transfer (Extended) - 40 1 Tatsunari, Toad Rider (Extended) - 50 1 Biting-Palm Ninja (Foil) - 150 1 Biting-Palm Ninja (Extended) - 50 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Foil, Showcase) - 50 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Showcase) - 40 1 Mukotai Soulripper (Foil) - 40 2 Tribute to Horobi (Foil, Extended) - 75 2 Tribute to Horobi (Extended) - 50 3 Okiba Reckoner Raid (Foil) - 50 1 Explosive Singularity (Etched Foil, Showcase) - 850 2 Goro-Goro, Disciple of Ryusei (Extended) - 125 2 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky (Extended) - 750 2 Atsushi, the Blazing Sky (Borderless) - 950 2 Ogre-Head Helm (Extended) - 40 2 Ogre-Head Helm (Showcase) - 40 1 Ogre-Head Helm (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Invoke Calamity (Extended) - 50 2 Thundering Raiju (Extended) - 75 1 Thundering Raiju (Foil, Showcase) - 300 2 Thundering Raiju (Showcase) - 75 1 Scrap Welder (Foil, Extended) - 50 2 Scrap Welder (Showcase) - 40 2 Scrap Welder (Foil) - 40 2 March of Reckless Joy (Extended) - 50 1 March of Reckless Joy (Foil) - 50 1 Kura, the Boundless Sky (Extended) - 400 2 The Dragon-Kami Reborn (Showcase) - 40 2 The Dragon-Kami Reborn (Foil, Showcase) - 50 4 Teachings of the Kirin (Showcase) - 50 1 Invoke the Ancients (Foil) - 50 1 Invoke the Ancients (Extended) - 40 1 Invoke the Ancients (Foil, Showcase) - 50 1 Kami of Transience (Extended) - 50 1 Kami of Transience (Showcase) - 75 1 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Extended) - 40 2 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Showcase) - 40 1 Spring-Leaf Avenger (Foil) - 50 1 March of Burgeoning Life (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 March of Burgeoning Life (Showcase) - 50 1 Weaver of Harmony (Foil) - 250 2 Weaver of Harmony (Showcase) - 150 3 Generous Visitor (Foil) - 75 1 Inventive Iteration (Showcase) - 40 1 Inventive Iteration (Foil) - 50 1 Invoke the Winds (Showcase) - 75 2 Invoke the Winds (Extended) - 50 1 Mindlink Mech (Foil) - 40 1 Mindlink Mech (Extended) - 40 4 Moon-Circuit Hacker (Showcase) - 75 1 Hinata, Dawn-Crowned (Showcase) - 75 1 Spirit-Sister's Call (Foil) - 50 1 Isshin, Two Heavens as One (Extended) - 500 2 Risona, Asari Commander (Extended) - 40 2 Raiyuu, Storm's Edge (Showcase) - 200 1 Raiyuu, Storm's Edge (Extended) - 50 3 Satsuki, the Living Lore (Extended) - 50 1 Satsuki, the Living Lore (Foil) - 50 2 Kotose, the Silent Spider (Showcase) - 50 1 Kotose, the Silent Spider (Foil, Extended) - 50 4 Greasefang, Okiba Boss (Foil, Showcase) - 650 2 Eiganjo Uprising (Foil) - 40 4 Oni-Cult Anvil (Foil) - 100 1 Oni-Cult Anvil (Retro Frame, BRC) - 50 2 Colossal Skyturtle (Foil) - 450 2 Silver-Fur Master (Foil) - 50 4 Silver-Fur Master (Foil, Showcase) - 75 3 Silver-Fur Master (Showcase) - 50 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Foil, Extended) - 1100 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Borderless) - 1000 1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire (Foil, Borderless) - 1850 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Foil) - 4500 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Foil, Borderless) - 9000 1 Boseiju, Who Endures (Extended) - 4800 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Foil, Extended) - 2000 3 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Extended) - 1450 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire (Borderless) - 1900 1 Mech Hangar (Foil) - 50 --------------------------------------------------------------- ----Kamigawa, Neon Dynasty - Commander---- 1 Aerial Surveyor (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Drumbellower (Extended, NEC) - 600 2 Myojin of Blooming Dawn (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Katsumasa, the Animator (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Myojin of Cryptic Dreams (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Myojin of Grim Betrayal (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Collision of Realms (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Kami of Celebration (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Myojin of Roaring Blades (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Smoke Spirits' Aid (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Ascendant Acolyte (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Concord with the Kami (Extended, NEC) - 50 2 Kosei, Penitent Warlord (Extended, NEC) - 50 1 Myojin of Towering Might (Extended, NEC) - 50 3 Silkguard (Extended, NEC) - 450 1 Chishiro, the Shattered Blade (Extended, NEC) - 175 2 Kotori, Pilot Prodigy (Extended, NEC) - 125 1 Morophon, the Boundless (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 1250 1 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM) - 2800 1 Vault of Champions (Etched Foil, CMM) - 1000 1 Sun Quan, Lord of Wu (Etched Foil, CMM) - 850 1 Undergrowth Stadium (Borderless, CMM) - 800 1 Deflecting Swat (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 7200 1 Smothering Tithe (Borderless) - 3000 1 Spectator Seating (Borderless, CMM) - 1000 1 Thran Dynamo (Borderless, CMM) - 275 1 Boompile (Etched Foil, CMM) - 100 1 Commander's Sphere (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 1 Arcane Signet (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 750 1 Sublime Exhalation (Etched Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Righteous Confluence (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Jazal Goldmane (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Grand Abolisher (Borderless, CMM) - 1100 1 Kemba, Kha Regent (Borderless Profile, CMM) - 50 1 Darksteel Mutation (Borderless, CMM) - 375 1 Return to Dust (Borderless) - 50 4 All That Glitters (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 4 All That Glitters (Borderless, CMM) - 40 2 Thraben Inspector (Foil, CMM) - 75 1 Imp's Mischief (Etched Foil, CMM) - 1000 1 Demon of Fate's Design (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 650 1 Vindictive Lich (Etched Foil, CMM) - 275 1 Exsanguinate (Borderless, CMM) - 500 1 Dread Return (Foil, CMM) - 75 1 Dread Return (Borderless, CMM) - 75 1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Taunting Sliver (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 225 1 Azami, Lady of Scrolls (Foil, Borderless Profile, CMM, SP) - 50 1 Fact or Fiction (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 100 1 Fact or Fiction (Borderless, CMM) - 50 3 Fact or Fiction (Retro Frame, BRC) 30 1 Talrand, Sky Summoner (Borderless Profile, CMM) - 100 1 Reality Shift (Borderless, CMM) - 75 2 Treasure Nabber (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 225 1 Descendants' Fury (Foil, Extended, CMM) - 250 1 Magus of the Wheel (Borderless, CMM) - 125 1 Vandalblast (Borderless, CMM) - 250 1 Wayward Swordtooth (Etched Foil, CMM) - 800 2 Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury (Etched Foil) - 850 1 Doubling Season (Etched Foil, CMM) - 4500 1 Omnath, Locus of Mana (Etched Foil, CMM) - 400 1 Bloodspore Thrinax (Etched Foil, CMM) - 150 1 Verdant Confluence (Etched Foil, CMM) - 75 2 Nyxborn Behemoth (Extended) - 75 1 Nyxborn Behemoth (Foil, Extended) - 175 2 Obscuring Haze (Borderless, CMM) - 350 1 Verdant Confluence (Foil, CMM) - 50 1 Kodama's Reach (Borderless, CMM) - 175 1 Elvish Mystic (Borderless, CMM) - 100 4 Elvish Mystic (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Maelstrom Wanderer (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Leori, Sparktouched Hunter (Extended, CMM) - 150 1 Meren of Clan Nel Toth (Foil, CMM) - 625 1 Experiment Kraj (Foil) - 50 1 Training Center (Borderless, CMM) - 1000 2 Path of Ancestry (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 50 2 Myriad Landscape (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Myriad Landscape (Borderless, CMM) - 75 1 Command Tower (Borderless, CMM) - 150 1 Reliquary Tower (Borderless, CMM) - 300 2 Deadly Rollick (Borderless, CMM) - 3200 1 Deadly Rollick (Foil, Borderless) - 4200 1 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun (Foil, Showcase) - 475 4 Analyze the Pollen (Showcase) - 125 2 Koma, Cosmos Serpent - 400 4 Smuggler's Share - 350 2 Smuggler's Share (Extended) - 875 1 Cavern of Souls (Borderless, Neon Yellow, IXA) - 7000 2 Leyline of the Guildpact (Foil) - 1150 4 Leyline of the Guildpact (Foil, Extended) - 1750 1 Imperial Seal (Foil, Borderless) - 11000 3 Nissa, Resurgent Animist (Foil, Retro Frame) - 3700 4 Novice Inspector (Foil) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Reenact the Crime (Foil, Showcase) - 700 2 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Void Rend (Foil, Showcase) - 425 2 Void Rend - (Foil, Showcase OTP) - 200 4 Void Rend (Showcase, OTJ) - 75 4 Analyze the Pollen (Foil, Showcase) - 250 2 Meticulous Archive (Foil, Borderlss) - 4500 3 Meticulous Archive (Foil) - 2700 4 Mutavault (Foil, GP Promo) - 1500, 5500 комплект 4 Mutavault (CLB) - 1250 4 Arcane Proxy (Extended) - 300 4 Arcane Proxy - 225, 800 комплект 3 Natural Order (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 2200 1 Allosaurus Shepherd (Borderless) - 3200 1 Allosaurus Shepherd (Etched Foil) - 3800 3 Nissa, Resurgent Animist (Etched Foil) - 2850 4 Analyze the Pollen (Showcase) - 100 1 Demonic Tutor (Etched Foil, JP Alternate Art, STA) - 17000 4 Brotherhood's End (Extended) - 725 4 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Extended) - 125 4 Demand Answers (Showcase) - 75, 250 комплект 4 Change the Equation - 50 4 Chain Lightning (Foil, Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 1 Rise of the Eldrazi (Extended, Foil) - 2000 2 Sorcerous Spyglass (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Patchwork Automaton (Foil) - 400, 1500 комплект 4 Chrome Host Seedshark (Foil, Extended) - 500 4 Lórien Revealed (Foil) - 600, 2200 комплект 2 Lórien Revealed (Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 1200 4 Lórien Revealed - 325, 1200 комплект 3 Krenko's Buzzcrusher (Extended) - 250 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker - 1700 4 Fable of the Mirror-Breaker (Showcase) - 1900 4 Demand Answers (Foil, Showcase) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Esika's Chariot (Foil, Showcase) - 600, 2200 комплект 4 Pick Your Poison (Foil) - 250 4 Assassin's Trophy (Foil, Extended, MKM) - 550, 2000 комплект 2 Prismari Command (Foil) - 450 2 Lotus Field (SLC 2023, Foil) - 2500 1 Kaldra Compleat (Foil) - 1350 2 Loran of the Third Path (Foil, Extended) - 2000 2 Diabolic Intent (Extended Art, Foil) 1400 2 Haywire Mite (Foil) - 675 2 Inti, Seneschal of the Sun (Foil) - 400 4 Goblin Tomb Raider (Foil) - 150 (500 комплект) 4 Cast into the Fire (Foil) - 150 (550 комплект) 4 Cast into the Fire (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 275 4 Cast into the Fire - 100 (350 комплект) 2 Personal Tutor (Foil, Borderless, CMM) - 1000 4 Deeproot Pilgrimage (Foil, Extended) - 400 4 Deduce (Foil) - 50 4 Deduce (Foil, Showcase) - 75 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Foil, RVR) - 750 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Borderless, BLC) - 800, 3000 комплект 4 Teferi, Time Raveler (Foil, Borderless BLC) - 1500 1 Teferi, Time Raveler (Retro Frame, SLD #252) - 1700 4 Hengegate Pathway (Foil, Borderless, KHM) - 1200 4 Sea Gate (Foil) - 200 4 Force of Negation (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) - 7500, 28000 комплект 4 Force of Negation (Foil, Borderless) - 7250 2 Force of Negation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 10500 4 Sea Gate (CLB) - 125 4 Aether Vial (Foil, Borderless) - 1500 4 Wrenn and Six (Foil, Borderless) - 4000 4 Wrenn and Six (Borderless) - 3250 4 Wrenn and Six - 2650, 10000 комплект 4 Pick Your Poison - 100, 350 комплект 4 Broadside Bombardiers (Extended) - 1900 4 Broadside Bombardiers - 1700 4 Troll of Khazad-dûm - 175 4 Deduce - 40 4 Deduce (Showcase) - 50 1 Massacre Girl (Anime Borderless) - 800 1 Massacre Girl (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 1350 4 Cauldron Familiar (Store Championship Promo) - 350 2 Power Word Kill (Store Championship Promo) - 150 4 Seat of the Synod (Retro Frame) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Leyline of Sanctity (WOT) - 275, 1000 комплект 4 Seasoned Dungeoneer (Extended) - 550, 1900 комплект 4 Standard Bearer - 350 1 Stomping Ground (Borderless, UNF) - 2700 3 Hallowed Fountain (Borderless, RVR) - 1900 4 Hallowed Fountain (Foil, Borderless, Unfinity) - 3600 2 Hallowed Fountain (Foil, RVR) - 1700 4 Skewer the Critics (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Pyroblast (Anime Borderless) - 1000 4 Pyroblast (Future Sight) - 650 4 Ice Out (Store Championship Promo) - 200 4 Mystical Dispute (Promo) - 325 (1200 комплект) 2 Mystical Dispute (White Border) - 200 4 Quicken (Retro Frame) - 100 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Anime Borderless) - 800 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Foil, Anime Borderless) - 1700 1 Karlov of the Ghost Council (Foil, Retro Frame) - 850 2 Weather the Storm (JP STA, Etched Foil) - 750 2 Weather the Storm (Foil, Showcase JP STA) - 1250 3 Golgari Grave-Troll (Retro Frame, RVR) - 150 1 Protean Hulk (Anime Borderless) - 1000 1 Cultivator Colossus (Extended) - 1800 4 Growth Spiral (JP STA, Etched Foil) - 900 4 Farseek (Retro Frame) - 350 4 Arboreal Grazer (Retro Frame) - 125 4 Life from the Loam (Anime Borderless) - 750 2 Life from the Loam (Foil, Retro) - 1600 1 Supreme Verdict (Retro Frame) - 500 4 Cindervines (Retro Frame) - 100 3 Crackling Drake (Retro Frame) - 175 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (Anime Borderless) - 700 2 Niv-Mizzet, Parun (Retro Frame) - 250 2 Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer (Borderless, Foil, MH2) 7500 2 Sevinne's Reclamation (Foil, Retro Frame) - 950 4 Experiment One (Foil, Retro) - 150 4 Experiment One (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Legion Warboss (Foil, Retro) - 125 4 Legion Warboss (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Light up the Stage (Foil, Retro) - 175 1 Mystical Tutor (Foil, Retro Frame) - 1200 4 Drift of Phantasms (Foil, Retro) - 150 3 Niv-Mizzet Reborn (Foil, Retro) - 350 3 Kaya, Orzhov Usurper (Foil) - 250 4 Coiling Oracle (Foil, Retro) - 125 4 Coiling Oracle (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Goblin Electromancer (Foil, Retro) - 150 4 Goblin Electromancer (Retro Frame) - 100 4 Wrenn's Resolve (Foil) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Wrenn's Resolve - 200, 750 комплект 4 The Huntsman's Redemption - 150, 550 комплект 4 The Huntsman's Redemption (Foil) - 175 4 Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival (Etched Foil) - 200 4 Pia Nalaar, Consul of Revival (Foil, Showcase) - 225 2 Restless Vents (Borderless) - 150 2 Restless Ridgeline (Borderless) - 150 3 Restless Anchorage (Foil, Borderless) - 500 2 Cityscape Leveler (Foil) - 1450 4 Springleaf Drum (Foil, Schematic, Retro Frame) - 150 4 Springleaf Drum (Foil, Retro Frame) - 125 4 Warden of the Inner Sky (Foil, Extended) - 225, 800 комплект 4 Warden of the Inner Sky (Extended) - 200 1 Insidious Roots - 300 4 Insidious Roots (Foil) - 350 4 Insidious Roots (Foil, Showcase) - 425 1 Welcome to . . . - 1550 1 Don't Move (Borderless) - 600 1 Owen Grady, Raptor Trainer - 300 1 Ripples of Potential (Extended) - 1200 1 Bygone Marvels (Extended) - 50 1 Scion of Calamity (Extended) - 450 1 Sunfrill Imitator (Extended) - 175 1 Xolatoyac, the Smiling Flood (Extended) - 550 1 Tetzin, Gnome Champion (Extended) - 100 1 Wayta, Trainer Prodigy (Extended) - 100 1 The Millennium Calendar (Foil) - 300 1 Tarrian's Soulcleaver (Extended) - 150 1 Tarrian's Soulcleaver (Extended, Foil) - 275 1 Threefold Thunderhulk (Foil, Extended) - 50 1 Thousand Moons Smithy (Foil) - 200 1 Thousand Moons Smithy (Extended) - 200 1 Unstable Glyphbridge (Foil, Extended) - 100 1 Dusk Rose Reliquary - 40 1 Dusk Rose Reliquary (Foil) - 50 1 Queen's Bay Paladin (Extended) - 50 1 Queen's Bay Paladin (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Tarrian's Journal (Extended) - 100 2 Tarrian's Journal (Foil, Extended) - 200 1 Corpses of the Lost (Extended) - 50 1 Corpses of the Lost (Foil, Extended) - 75 1 Magmatic Galleon (Extended) - 50 1 Poetic Ingenuity (Extended) - 50 1 Ojer Pakpatiq, Deepest Epoch (Showcase) - 350 1 Akal Pakal, First Among Equals (Showcase) - 50 1 Hulking Raptor (Foil, Borderless) - 250 1 Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant (Borderless) - 1300 1 Sovereign Okinec Ahau (Foil) - 375 1 Squirming Emergence (Foil, Extended) - 350 1 Deepfathom Echo (Foil, Extended) - 50 4 Wail of the Forgotten (Foil, Borderless) - 50 3 Restless Prairie (Borderless) - 150 1 Restless Prairie (Foil, Borderless) - 200 2 Restless Prairie (Borderless) - 150 1 Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar (Foil, Showcase) - 150 4 Cenote Scout (Foil) - 75 4 Change the Equation (Foil) - 150, 550 комплект 4 Fiery Islet (WHO, Foil Extended) - 350 4 Fiery Islet (WHO) - 200 4 Generous Ent (Foil) - 250 4 Generous Ent - 100 4 Generous Ent (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 900 3 Izzet Charm (Retro Foil) - 200 4 Lotus Petal (Etched Foil, 30 Years Anniversary) - 2200 4 Mayhem Devil (Foil, RVR) - 125 3 Mayhem Devil (Foil, Retro Frame) - 550 4 Mayhem Devil (Retro Frame) - 150 4 Molten Collapse - 225 4 Molten Collapse (Borderless) - 225 4 Molten Collapse (Foil) - 250 4 Molten Collapse (Foil, Borderless) - 275 4 Return to the Ranks - 300 1 Rishadan Port (Future Sight, MB2) - 1500 4 Rishadan Port (Foil, Judge Promo) - 1650 4 River of Tears (WHO, Foil Extended) - 125 4 River of Tears (WHO, Surge Foil Extended) - 200 4 Souls of the Lost (Foil, Extended) - 125 1 Stalactite Stalker - 100 4 Stalactite Stalker (Extended) - 150 2 Trumpeting Carnosaur (Foil) - 550 4 Trumpeting Carnosaur (Borderless) - 400, 1400 комплект 2 Welcoming Vampire (Foil) - 275 4 Welcoming Vampire - 125 3 Tishana's Tidebinder (Foil) - 875 4 Tishana's Tidebinder - 650 4 Tishana's Tidebinder (Borderless) - 650 4 Tishana's Tidebinder (Foil, Borderless) - 900 4 See Double (Foil, Extended) - 250 2 Carpet of Flowers (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1250 2 Carpet of Flowers (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 900 4 Carpet of Flowers (WHO) - 650 3 Carpet of Flowers (Extended, WHO) - 750 4 Sunbaked Canyon (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1100 2 Sunbaked Canyon (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 900 4 Deserted Beach (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 750 4 Deserted Beach (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 600 4 Sundown Pass (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 4 Overgrown Farmland (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 550 4 Dreamroot Cascade (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 4 Dreamroot Cascade (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 500 2 Horizon Canopy (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 1 Horizon Canopy (Foil, ZNE) - 1150 1 Horizon Canopy (Foil, WHO) - 600 4 Horizon Canopy (WHO) - 275 2 Waterlogged Grove (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 750 2 Waterlogged Grove (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 650 4 Waterlogged Grove (WHO, Extended) - 400 4 Waterlogged Grove (WHO) - 225 3 Shipwreck Marsh (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 1000 4 Irrigated Farmland (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 150 1 Irrigated Farmland (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 200 4 Irrigated Farmland (Foil, WHO) - 125 4 Sunken Hollow (Surge Foil, Extended, WHO) - 300 4 Sunken Hollow (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 150 2 Sunken Hollow (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Celestial Colonnade (Foil, Extended, WHO) - 200 1 The Ancient One - 350 2 Arwen, Mortal Queen (Showcase Scrolls) - 250 3 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Showcase) - 1300 2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Etched Foil, Showcase) - 1800 2 Ob Nixilis, the Adversary (Foil, Borderless, SNC #284) - 2000 2 Lightning Helix (Eng, STA) - 200 4 Lightning Helix (Etched Foil, JP, STA) - 1000 4 Lightning Helix (Retro Frame, RVR) - 125, 450 комплект 4 Herald of Anguish (Retro Frame) - 75 2 Twilight Prophet (Etched Foil) - 750 2 Azusa, Lost but Seeking (Etched Foil) - 850 4 Eldritch Evolution (SLP, RCQ Promo) - 850 4 Torrential Gearhulk (Etched Foil) - 700 2 Vronos, Masked Inquisitor - 350 4 Thoughtcast (Retro Frame) - 350 3 Kayla's Reconstruction (Foil, Extended) - 250 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (MUL) - 125 4 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben (Foil, Multiverse Legends) - 200, 700 комплект 1 Boromir, Warden of the Tower (Surge Foil Showcase) - 1750 4 Swift Reconfiguration (Extended) - 375 4 Rosie Cotton of South Lane (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 125, 400 комплект 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 125, 400 комплект 1 Samwise the Stouthearted (Foil Showcase) - 100 4 Samwise the Stouthearted (Foil Borderless) - 100 4 Citadel Gate - 100 4 Citadel Gate (Foil) - 250, 900 комплект 4 Samwise Gamgee (Showcase Foil) - 325 4 Samwise Gamgee (Showcase Scrolls) - 500 3 Samwise Gamgee (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 900 2 Stone of Erech (Foil) - 200 4 Stone of Erech (Showcase Scrolls) - 175 4 Stone of Erech (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 250 2 Forge Anew (Foil) - 450 2 Elven Chorus (Foil) - 500 2 Elven Chorus (Showcase Scrolls) - 450 2 Elven Chorus (Surge Foil, Extended) - 600 2 Elven Chorus (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 650 4 Sauron's Ransom (Foil) - 175 4 Sauron's Ransom (Surge Foil, Extended) - 200, 750 комплект 4 Sauron's Ransom (Extended) -175, 600 комплект 4 Sauron's Ransom (Showcase Scrolls) - 250 4 Sauron's Ransom (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 400 1 Reprieve (Silver Foil, Showcase Scrolls) - 650 1 Reprieve (Showcase Scrolls) - 350 4 Peregrin Took (Surge Foil, Showcase) - 125 4 Peregrin Took (Showcase Scrolls) - 50 2 Maze of Ith (Foil, Borderless) - 1100 3 Mirrex (Foil, Extended) - 850 2 Spara's Headquarters (Foil, Borderless) - 4400 2 Raffine's Tower (Foil, Borderless) - 4000 2 Ziatora's Proving Ground (Foil, Borderless) - 3200 1 Ziatora's Proving Ground (Foil, Showcase) - 1250 2 Creeping Tar Pit (Foil, ZNE) - 1100 1 Hall of Heliod's Generosity (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) - 1000 1 Hall of Heliod's Generosity (Refro Frame, Foil) - 1300 2 Raugrin Triome (RU) - 1000 2 Indatha Triome (RU) - 1300 1 Archangel Elspeth (Foil, Showcase) - 1100 4 The Mycosynth Gardens (Extended) 550 2 The Mycosynth Gardens (Foil, Borderless) - 850 2 Guardian of Faith (Foil, Extended) - 750 2 Melira, the Living Cure (Step and Compleat Foil) - 300 3 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Foil, Borderless) - 2600 2 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Borderless) - 1250 1 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 1150 (Korean) 4 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 850 (Eng) 2 Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes (Foil) - 1250 4 Thing in the Ice (Pro Tour Promo, Foil) - 1500 4 Thing in the Ice (Pro Tour Promo) - 750 4 Delighted Halfling (Surge Foil, Extended) - 2200 1 Delighted Halfling (Foil, Borderless, LTR #402) - 2000 3 Spell Pierce (Store Championship Promo) - 300 3 Fulminator Mage (Foil, Borderless UMA Topper) - 1500 2 Minor Misstep (Foil) - 200 1 Virtue of Knowledge - 475 1 Skysovereign, Consul Flagship (Foil, Secret Lair, Da Vulcha) - 2250 1 As Foretold (Etched Foil) - 900 1 Mercurial Spelldancer (Foil, Borderless) - 250 1 Endless Detour (Gilded Foil) 400 1 Mavinda, Students' Advocate (Borderless) 150 1 Mavinda, Students' Advocate (Borderless Foil) 250 1 Velomachus Lorehold (Foil) 400 2 Pestilent Cauldron (Borderless) 100 2 Pestilent Cauldron (Foil) 50 1 Sedgemoor Witch (Extended) 250 1 Harness Infinity (Foil) 200 1 Solve the Equation (Foil) 200 1 Wandering Archaic (Borderless) 450 1 Wandering Archaic (Borderless Foil) 800 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Foil) 100 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Borderless) 150 1 Blex, Vexing Pest (Borderless Foil) 400 1 Blot out the sky (Borderless) 150 1 Jadzi, Oracle of Arcavios (Borderless) 150 1 Body of Research (Borderless) 150 1 Beledros Witherbloom (Foil) 700 1 Beledros Witherbloom (Borderless) 800 4 Yawgmoth, Thran Physician (TSR RUS Timeshifted) 2500 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon (Showcase, Korean) 3200 4 Mishra's Research Desk (Foil) 100 4 Obliterating Bolt 50 2 White Plume Adventurer (Foil, Extended Art) 500 3 Behold the Beyond (Korean) 150 4 Vivien on the Hunt 250 1 Cabal Coffers (Borderless, Extended Art) 2000 1 Прорицательница сумерек 500 1 Massacre Wurm (Foil, M21) 350 4 Vraska's Contempt 50 4 Dauthi Voidwalker 1200 (Extended, Eng) 1 Profane Tutor (Retro Frame Etched Foil) 550 1 Mirari's Wake (Borderless) 600 1 Ice-Fang Coatl (Retro Frame, Foil Etched) 400 1 Mirari's Wake (Etched Foil) 300 1 Sword of Fire and Ice (Showcase, Foil, 2xm VIP) 6000 1 Sword of Truth and Justice (Retro Frame, Foil) 2000 1 Sword of Hearth and Home (Retro Frame, Etched Foil) 750 1 Sword of Hearth and Home (Retro Frame, Foil) 1100 1 Thalia's Lieutenant 300 (Korean) 1 Gala Greeters (Korean, #457, Foil) 8000 3 Lithoform Engine 350 2 Curiosity Crafter (Extended) 400 1 Paradox Zone (Extended) 125 1 Perplexing Test (Extended) 250 1 Cunning Rhetoric (Extended) 600 1 Angel of the Ruins (Extended) 150 1 Esix, Fractal Bloom (Extended) 250 3 Disciple of Caelus Nin (Extended) 50 2 Castle Ardenvale (Foil, Extended) 2650 2 Castle Ardenvale - 75 2 Arcane Proxy (Foil, Extended Art) 550 2 Sphinx's Revelation (Retro Frame, BRC) 125 4 Terramorphic Expanse (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 4 Thought Monitor (Retro Frame, BRC) 150 3 Smoldering Marsh (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 2 Solemn Simulacrum (Retro Frame, BRC) 125 4 Sai, Master Thopterist (Retro Frame, BRC) 175 4 Master of Etherium (Retro Frame, BRC) 75 3 Unbreakable Formation (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Temple of Deceit (Retro Frame, BRC) 25 3 Despark (Retro Frame, BRC) 50 3 Bedevil (Retro Frame, BRC) 100 4 Goldmire Bridge (Retro Frame, BRC) - 50 2 Nahiri, the Unforgiving (Phrexian, #329) 550 3 Nahiri, the Unforgiving (Showcase Manga, #343) 700 2 Lukka, Bound to Ruin (Phrexian, #328) 400 3 The Eternal Wanderer (Foil, Showcase Manga, #335) 350 ----Duskmourn Commander---- 2 Aminatou, Veil Piercer (Borderless, DSC) - 125 2 Kianne, Corrupted Memory (Borderless, DSC) - 125 1 Kianne, Corrupted Memory (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 175 1 The Lord of Pain (Borderless, DSC) - 625 1 The Master of Keys (Borderless, DSC) - 175 2 Rendmaw, Creaking Nest (Borderless, DSC) - 100 1 Rendmaw, Creaking Nest (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 150 2 Valgavoth, Harrower of Souls (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 1250 2 Winter, Cynical Opportunist (Borderless, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone, Mystery Unraveler (Borderless, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone, Mystery Unraveler (Foil, Borderless, DSC) - 125 3 Redress Fate (Extended, DSC) - 150 2 Soaring Lightbringer (Extended, DSC) - 125 3 Fear of Sleep Paralysis (Extended, DSC) - 125 2 Glitch Interpreter (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 They Came from the Pipes (Extended, DSC) - 75 2 Zimone's Hypothesis (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 Ancient Cellarspawn (Extended, DSC) - 750 3 Deluge of Doom (Extended, DSC) - 50 2 Demonic Covenant (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Into the Pit (Extended, DSC) - 350 3 Metamorphosis Fanatic (Extended, DSC) - 1750 3 Persistent Constrictor (Extended, DSC) - 125 4 Sadistic Shell Game (Extended, DSC) - 50 4 Suspended Sentence (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Barbflare Gremlin (Extended, DSC) - 75 3 Gleeful Arsonist (Extended, DSC) - 300 4 Star Athlete (Extended, DSC) - 125 3 Curator Beastie (Extended, DSC) - 50 2 Demolisher Spawn (Extended, DSC) - 50 4 Disorienting Choice (Extended, DSC) - 75 4 Formless Genesis (Extended, DSC) - 150 3 Shriekwood Devourer (Extended, DSC) - 100 4 Ursine Monstrosity (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Convert to Slime (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Phenomenon Investigators (Extended, DSC) - 50 3 Giggling Skitterspike (Extended, DSC) - 575 4 Séance Board (Extended, DSC) - 350 ----Mystery Booster 2 Playtest Cards---- 1 Pinchy McStingbutt - 50 2 Common Black Removal - 75 1 Cleaver Blow - 50 1 Call from the Grave - 50 2 Toofer, Keeper of the Full Grip - 75 1 You Compleat Me - 75 1 Lich's Duel Mastery - 75 1 Lifening Elemental - 50 2 TL;DR - 50 2 Magus of the Chains - 125 2 Map to Lorthos's Temple - 75 2 Search Elemental - 75 2 Catch of the Day - 50 2 Alberix, the Trade Planet - 100 2 No-Regrets Egret - 75 2 Two by Four - 100 1 Heart of a Duelist - 100 2 Night of the Flying Merfolk - 75 2 There (split card) - 75 1 Can't Quite Recall - 200 1 Duelists' Convocation International - 50 2 Subgoyf - 75 2 All-Star Kicker - 50 2 Boulder Jockey - 100 2 Vuzzle Spaceship - 75 1 Flanking Licid - 50 2 Planeswalkerificate - 75 2 Pyromancy 101 - 50 2 Wormhole Warp - 50 1 Immersturm Battlefield - 50 1 Snap Judgment - 50 2 Zone of Flame - 50 1 The Colossal Dreadmaw - 200 2 Plant a Sapling - 50 2 Meandered Towershell - 75 1 Questing Cosplayer - 50 2 Teferi, Druid of Argoth - 75 1 Naturalize 2 - 125 1 Glade of the Pump Spells - 175 1 Dairy Cow - 300 1 Built Bear - 50 2 Spuzzem Strategist - 25 1 Penumbra Umbra - 50 2 Phyrexian Seedling - 75 2 Werewhat - 150 2 Plain Walker - 175 1 Tax Taker - 75 1 Abbot of the Sacred Meeple - 50 2 Intangible Vibes - 100 1 Muraganda Eldrazi - 175 2 Defender of the Queue - 50 1 Essence of Ajani - 50 2 Friarball - 100 2 Brigid, Who's Seen Some Stuff - 125 2 Noble Ox - 50 1 Champion of the Hareish - 75 2 Narod, the Beige Flower - 100 1 Chea, Friend to Maybe Too Many - 325 1 Fludge, Gunk Guardian - 50 1 Wowzer, the Aspirational - 200 2 Don't Worry About It - 50 2 Chatzuk, Mighty Guitarist - 100 2 Anax and Cymede & Kynaios and Tiro - 75 2 Terry Pin, Turboturtle - 125 2 Pokey, the Scallywagg - 150 2 Jund 'Em Out - 300 2 Glimpse, the Unthinkable - 75 2 Indicate - 200 1 Marchesa's Surprise Party - 50 1 Runed Terror - 75 2 Microscope - 50 1 Luxior, Ignited - 200 1 Who's That Praetor? - 100 2 Omenpath to Naya - 75 2 The Heron Moon - 325 1 Madlands - 150 2 Slumbering Waterways - 100